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Building makeover

The community of Hausmening has grown together with Amstetten over the years and the need for housing continues to grow. A real problem for prospective architects. The students in the Master’s Degree  

Health Sciences

Office hours Mon to Fri, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. FH Campus Wien is now the largest university of applied sciences for health in Austria. An important partner in the areas of education, research and devel  

Always one step ahead

Using your smartphone while walking: How does this affect our gait and musculoskeletal system? Researchers are Investigating this question in the new Gait Realtime Analysis Interactive Lab (GRAIL). W  

From head to toe

More than 650 muscles, over 200 bones and a huge network of nerves and blood vessels: In health professions, anatomy belongs to essential basic medical knowledge. The virtual dissection table “Anatom  

Can you see me?

The laptop is running, the mat is rolled out, only the therapist is missing. From voice or language exercises with speech therapists to physiotherapy or occupational therapy in your own four walls: T  

All for one - optimal health care

Full speed ahead, digitization in the health professions for the benefit of patients is advancing at a rapid pace. To ensure that all the necessary experts are on board, Eveline Prochaska networks th  

Ethics Committee for Research Activities

The ethics committee of FH Campus Wien is responsible for an ethical discourse on ensuring good scientific practice and advises on research ethics issues as well as on specific legal and data protecti  

Excellent social work

In March 2021, Sabine Maria Scharf and Jonathan Kufner-Eger received the Austrian Science Award for Social Work for their outstanding research. Three months later, the innovative master’s theses by R  

Sustainability in the social economy

Sustainability management is becoming more and more important in companies. In the social economy, the topic has so far been virtually unheard of. FH Campus Wien wants to change that now and anchor s