Research & Development

Our contribution to a better future

Our strength lies in application-oriented research and development. As Austria's largest University of Applied Sciences, our diversity of courses gives us powerful leverage when implementing cross-disciplinary projects. This sets us apart from other universities, and makes us a pioneer in forging networks between the disciplines and their subject-specific competencies in research and development.

We are happy to make this capability, paired with many years of experience, available in our many collaborations with other universities, the public sector, the social and health sector, and companies - from SMEs to industry - as well as in specialist national and international networks.

We are open to our all partners’ questions on finding viable solutions for a sustainable future with our research and development services.

We do more with our research

We carry out research and development in all of our disciplines. Over the years, we have increasingly focused on interdisciplinary cooperation between our departments and grouped them together in five interdisciplinary research areas:

Projects and activities

Our projects (content only available in German) reflect a representative selection of our work and the diversity of our study and research offerings.


An overview of our scientific publications can be found in the publications database.

Our competencies at the center

We currently have ten research centers for research and development, in which we strengthen and promote specific capabilities, bundle competencies and network them together. Of major interest here is our orientation towards long-term developments and future issues - the ‘mega-trends’, which involve all sections of society such as economy, politics, science, technology and culture.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, 17 globally applicable goals that concern economic, social and ecological considerations in a balanced way, are effectively integrated into our research.

Ethical research

In 2014, FH Campus Wien established an ethics commission for research projects in the health sciences courses, which was expanded to include all seven departments in 2017. In 2020, FH Campus Wien took a decisive step further and became the first University of Applied Sciences in Austria to establish its own ethics commission.

More information can be found at “values of the FH Campus Wien

Research-led teaching

Our research results flow directly back into teaching and ensure that our educational programs are always forward-looking and trend-setting. We see this, alongside many other components, as a vital part of practical training.

Modern infrastructure for high-quality research

The highlights at our main location include, for example, a physiotherapeutic virtual reality laboratory for analyzing everyday movements, a research operating room with intensive care unit, and the Phoenix Contact Technology Competence Centre, two laboratories for Industry 4.0 applications in teaching and research, set up by a global company as part of a cooperation agreement.

The InDi-Lab is a creative space that, while not originally intended for research, is perfectly suited to developing ideas and allowing them to mature in its slightly different setting.

The High Tech Campus Wien location has a smart factory for rapid prototyping. Part of this location is also dedicated to the Start-up Corner. Students, alumni, and employees of FH Campus Wien who wish to start a business can use office space and an infrastructure for smart production via a free one-year funding scheme.

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See what we do for yourself

Third mission activities are part of our socio-political responsibility, which we are very happy to take on.

Many additional activities take place at FH Campus Wien and we are involved in several large events such as the Long Night of Research, the Children's University of Applied Sciences, the Vienna Children's University, the European Researcher's Night, the Science Slams and the Future Talks.

Research thrives on exchange

This is why we regularly organize our R&D café as a platform for exchanging news from the world of funding and research, for lectures by colleagues and external guests, for networking and exchange.

Funders and partners

The financing of our research projects and thus the transfer of knowledge between teaching and companies is ensured by excellent cooperation with companies and sponsors such as the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, the Science Fund FWF, the Vienna Business Agency, and the MA 23 - Vienna University of Applied Sciences Funding.

Further, FH Campus Wien works together with INiTS dem Universitäres Gründerservice Wien for events and services.

FH Campus Wien is a member of the Centre for Technology & Society (CTS) for the promotion of inter- and transdisciplinary research in Vienna.

Cooperations - achieving more together

We offer many points of contact for joint R&D activities with companies, the public sector, and the non-profit sector. You can find more about this on the Cooperations page.

Data protection in research

FH Campus Wien carries out all processing of data in the field of scientific research on the legal basis of Section 2d (2) Z1 Research Organization Act.

FH Campus Wien’s data protection declaration can be found here.

Our research in numbers

Distribution of R&D projects by contractor in the fiscal year 2022/23

Promoting research and development

We promote research and development in a variety of ways, and support our employees and students with several tailored service facilities. We are always happy to help their ideas break through.

The Research and Project Coordination Office offers all the University of Applied Sciences’ employees a wide range of support when applying for third-party funding, setting up and implementing projects in the areas of research and development, training and further education, and organizational and HR development, as well as other questions related to R&D Activities. It also functions as FH Campus Wien’s project management office.

Doctoral service for full-time lecturers/researchers and academic staff who are interested in studying for a doctorate/PhD.

In addition to the R&D Strategy 2025, FH Campus Wien has defined the promotion of patents and other property rights as well as the handling of protected research results towards commercial exploitation in more detail as part of its own property rights and exploitation strategy.

The Invention Service ( offers advice on all questions relating to service inventions, property rights and the exploitation of research results.

Start-up Service for students, alumni and staff members.

What makes our research and development stand out

As one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Austria with a wide variety of departments, it is important for us to offer research-oriented teaching, to establish research and development at the intersection of the disciplines and to further expand this position in the future.

To do so, we focus on the following aspects:

  • Application-oriented research and development with partners from the industry and the public sector
  • Ensuring quality through research-oriented teaching
  • Establishment of multidisciplinary research teams

Each department at FH Campus Wien has defined three main fields of research.

The research field of Active and Assisted Living (AAL) is a transdisciplinary field of research in which a total of four departments are involved.

Research infrastructure

With our own funds, and thanks in particular to the excellent cooperation with companies in the industry, we have been able to greatly expand the FH Campus Wien research infrastructure and make many things possible: Through our close cooperation with the Campus Vienna Biocenter, BOKU Vienna and the Institute of Biotechnology (VIBT), students and researchers at our Applied Life Sciences locations have access to state-of-the-art laboratories and an on-site industrial pilot plant. The highlights at our main campus include, for example, a physiotherapy movement laboratory and a laser sintering system for the field of rapid prototyping. With the opening of the Phoenix Contact Technology Competence Center in spring 2014, we have expanded our infrastructure in the research field of "Manufacturing and Automation". As part of a cooperation agreement, the globally active group equipped two laboratories for industry 4.0 applications in teaching and research.


F&E Broschure