Georg Hochfellner, BSc MSc
Head of Academic Institutional Development
Academic Institutional Development stands for state-of-the-art curricula and a feasible system of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
We perceive ourselves as facilitators. As such, we transparently communicate standards and communications, provide tailor-made advice and accompany the study programs/educational offers on their path to a future-oriented curriculum.
Head of Academic Institutional Development
Study Programs and Institutional Development
Market Analyses and Study Programs (Parental Leave)
Administration and Organization
Study Programs and Institutional Development
Study Programs and Institutional Development
Innovative Education Formats
Study Programs and Institutional Development
Reports and Planning
Study Programs and Institutional Development
Study Programs and Institutional Development
Study Programs and Institutional Development (Parental Leave)
Construction Client Management is responsible for monitoring and controlling all activities during the development, planning and execution phases of the site expansion to Science City at Altes Landgut.
Head of Construction Client Management
Technical Administration and Organization
As a contact point for media inquiries, Corporate Communications provides information about news and events and establishes contact with FH Campus Wien experts for interviews or cooperations.
We rely on a diverse selection of communication measures such as various social media platforms, our magazine, information materials and communication with schools, prospective students as well as graduates.
Head of Corporate Communications
Video Content
Digital Marketing
Corporate Design
Event Management (Parental Leave)
Team Leader Public Relations
Social Media
Digital Media
Digital Media
Team Leader Content Creation
Administration and Organization
Digital Media
Online Marketing
Content Creation
Science PR
Public Relations
Marketing (Parental Leave)
Organization and Translation
The Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Career Center (EICC) supports and accompanies students and graduates interested in starting a business on their way to self-employment. It offers a broad portfolio of workshops, creative spaces for project development for all students and graduates of FH Campus Wien as well as access to national and international networks. The Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Career Center supports the development and implementation of internal innovations improving the study operation. Furthermore, it accompanies employees on their way to a doctorate or post-doctorate and provides various funding opportunities.
Academic Director; Rector
Doctoral Support Services
Coordination EU Projects
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
In Financial Accounting, we systematically document, monitor and control all incoming and outgoing flows of money and services. In this way, we create the basis for our balance sheet, which we prepare once a year. In Controlling, we are responsible for budgeting, as well as for the number-based management and control of all areas of the company.
Head of Finance & Controlling
Administration and Controlling
Administration and Accounting; Confindant for Disabled Persons
Financial Accounting
Team Leader Controlling (Parental Leave)
Financial Accounting
Administration and Accounting
Personnel Controlling
Financial Accounting
Administration und Accounting
Financial Accounting
Administration and Accounting
Equal opportunities and freedom from discrimination are core values at FH Campus Wien. In 2011, FH Campus Wien was the first university of applied sciences in Austria to sign the Diversity Charter.
Activities in the areas of equality, gender issues, the advancement of women and diversity management contribute to equal opportunities for all people.
Head of Gender & Diversity Management; Works Council
Team Social Work at University
Team Social Work at University; Project #Nurses4Vienna
Equal Opportunity Matters (Parental Leave)
Project Coordination - FiT - Frauen in die Technik (Women into Technology)
Equal Opportunity Matters
Assistance to the Accessibility Officer and the Head of Unit
Equal Opportunity Matters
Project Manager FiT - Frauen in die Technik (Women into Technology)
Equal Opportunity Matters
Team Leader Social Work #Nurses4Vienna; Team Leader Social Work at University
Our main focus in Human Resources Management is on advising and supporting managers and employees.
FH Campus Wien offers its employees attractive benefits and a supportive working environment.
The Workplace Health Management "Campus Vital" aims to create working conditions promoting health and it is the point of contact for all health-related issues.
Do you want to become part of our future-oriented organization?
You will always find the latest job offers in our job exchange.
Head of Human Resource Management
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development and Recruiting
Human Resource Development (Educational Leave)
Personnel Accounting and Time Recording
Team Leader Human Resource Development and Recruiting
Personnel Accounting and Time Recording
Human Resource Development and Recruiting
Personnel Accounting and Time Recording
Employment Law and Organization
Personnel Accounting and Time Recording
Administration Human Resources Development and Recruiting
Employment Law and Organization
Occupational Therapist; Academic Staff; Team Leader Workplace Health Management Campus Vital
Personnel Administration
Administration and Organization
Team Leader Personnel Accounting and Time Recording
Workplace Health Management Campus Vital
Personnel Accounting and Time Recording
Personnel Accounting and Time Recording
Employment Law and Organization
Infrastructure Management at FH Campus Wien is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the property. We are the interface to the external facility management and to all lecturers, employees and students at FH Campus Wien.
Manager; Head of Infrastructure Management
(Teamleitung Doris Helfert-Föderler)
Extension: 6640
Room: B.2.02
(Teamleitung Robert Kritinar)
Extension: 6630
Room: B.2.06
(Teamleitung Georg Ziegler)
Extension: 6581
Room: B.2.38
Extension: 6671
Room: B.2.35
Extension: 6600
Room: F.E.05
Extension: 6650
Room: C.Z.08b
Room: B.2.33
Room: B.2.23
At FH Campus Wien, internationalization is an integral part of our educational mission. We see it as a cross-sectional task that is anchored at all levels and has a lasting effect on all fields of action of the university (studying, teaching, research, administration).
The International Office is the central point of contact for internationalization, advising the university management on strategic questions regarding this, coordinating the mobility of students, lecturers and employees, supporting the internationalization of curricula as well as the maintenance, development and coordination of international projects and university cooperations.
Head of International Relations
Mobility Coordination Outgoing
Mobility Coordination
Mobility Coordination Outgoing
Administration and Organization
Mobility Coordination Incoming
International Coordination
International Coordination
Mobility Coordination Incoming (Parental Leave)
IT Application Management deals with the design, implementation and management of IT applications at FH Campus Wien as well as with the optimization of the applications used.
Team Leader IT Application Management; IT Projects
Development Document Management
IT Services is responsible for providing high-quality resources while taking data privacy and data security into account. We ensure compliance with technological standards and implement data protection measures. In addition, we provide technical support, perform regular data backups and ensure the recovery in case of emergency. In this way, we play a central role in ensuring a smooth IT infrastructure at FH Campus Wien.
Head of IT Services
Senior System-Engineer
Organization and Administration
Software Development
Software Development
Network Infrastructure
IT-Security Engineer
Organization and Administration
Team Leader IT Service Desk
Senior System-Engineer
IT-Security Engineer
Our area of responsibility in Legal Affairs covers legal topics primarily in the academic field: Legal Affairs plays an important role in ensuring legal integrity and compliance with legal requirements at FH Campus Wien. Through our activities, we contribute to the smooth and legally compliant implementation of tasks and processes.
Leader of Legal Affairs
Recognition of Foreign Degrees
Recognition of Foreign Degrees
Contract Review and Creation
Recognition of Foreign Degrees
Recognition of Foreign Degrees
International Certificates
Contract Review and Creation (Parental Leave)
International Certificates
Recognition of Foreign Degrees
Recognition of Foreign Degrees
Contract Review and Creation
The library of FH Campus Wien offers access to an extensive range of scientific media. This is available for use on site, for loan as well as online.
Head of Library and Media Center
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Periodicals Administration
E-Media (Parental Leave)
In addition to software and web development, Online Services is also responsible for the development, administration and support of the application and study administration platform (FH-Portal), the Moodle learning platform and for carrying out the BIS notification to AQ Austria. As an interface, we interconnect the systems of the entire university of applied sciences.
In the FH portal, all information relevant to the course of studies is recorded and target group-specific functions are made available for students,full-time and part-time lecturers and the administrative staff.
Head of Online-Services
Deputy Head Online-Services; Software Development
Software Development
Web Development
Team Leader Moodle Services
Moodle Support and Advice
Moodle Support and Advice
Moodle Helpdesk
Moodle Helpdesk
FH Campus Wien places major importance on quality, especially in the performance processes teaching, research and development and further education. The quality management system is certified in accordance with EN ISO 9001.
Thanks in large part to the help of the Quality Management Department, FH Campus Wien has received further awards and certifications regarding our quality culture at various levels.
Head of Quality Management; Data Protection Coordinator
Process Management
Organization and Administration
Document Management
Evaluation Management
Data Protection
As a central service and contact point, Research and Project Coordination advises employees of FH Campus Wien on the planning and implementation of projects. We act as a project management office and first point of contact for cooperation partners from science, research and business on topics such as research funding, contract research, knowledge and technology transfer and third mission. We work closely with the Vice Rectorate for Research and Development on the implementation of the research and development strategy.
Head of Research and Project Coordination; Invention Service
Commercial Project Consulting; Works Council
Coordination and Consulting; Scientific Events
Coordination and Consulting
Coordination and Consulting
Coordination and Consulting
Ethics Committee Support; Coordination and Consulting
Strategic Cooperations is responsible for deepening and expanding cooperations of FH Campus Wien with companies as well as institutions and organizations of the public economy and administration.
Our main task is to promote and maintain strategic partnerships in order to ensure a close connection between FH Campus Wien and its external stakeholders. By constantly expanding the network of cooperation partners and promoting collaboration with them, we contribute to the visibility and reputation of FH Campus Wien.
Head of Strategic Cooperations
Project Management Nurses4Vienna
Deputy Project Manager Nurses4Vienna
Project Management and Organization
Legal Expert
Project Management
Committees and Contracts
As a university, we play a special role in achieving the climate targets. With our extensive know-how and innovations in research and development, we can offer future-oriented solutions and thus make a significant contribution towards achieving the necessary adaptation to climate change.
Our Sustainability Management unit is dedicated to developing, monitoring and evaluating the sustainability strategy for FH Campus Wien. It is the internal interface with the areas of teaching, continuing education, research, communication and university management with the aim of implementing the measures derived from the sustainability strategy.
Sustainability Management
As Teaching Support Center, we support full-time and part-time teachers in planning, designing and implementing classroom and online teaching according to the principles of student-centeredness and competence orientation. Our experts support teachers in the further development of their teaching skills. To this end, we offer a varied program of university and media didactic trainings as well as certificate programs every semester, which all teachers can attend free of charge. In addition, we provide a wide range of individual consulting, coaching, and networking opportunities for teachers on the topic of teaching.
Head of Teaching Support Center
Multimedia Development
Content Development
University Didactic Support
University Didactics Support (Parental Leave)
Office Management and Workshopadministration
Digital Learning Production
Digital Learning Production
University Didactic Support
Academic Staff; Head of Center for Academic Writing
Team Leader University Didactic Projects and Innovations
Educational Video Production
University Didactic Support
Head of Language Center; Works Council