Accessible studying and teaching

Questions about accessibility in the admissions process and studies?

If you have any questions regarding accessibility or if you have a specific need in the admission procedure due to an impairment, please contact Ursula Weilenmann for organizational reasons as early as possible at

Since we try to take into account individual needs due to disabilities when conducting the written admission test, we ask you to indicate in your online application to Weilenmann in which form you require support.

Your contact person in the department Gender & Diversity Management
Mag.a Ursula Weilenmann


Detailed study information for sound decisions

We are happy to inform you about our different study programs at the FH Campus Wien so you can make a sound study decision that suits you best.

Please also note the information offered at the Digital Info Week and the Open House - the Gender & Diversity Management department is also represented at these events. Dates etc. here:

Digitale Infowoche

Open House


Mag.a Ursula Weilenmann

Gender & Diversity Management
Favoritenstraße 226, 1100 Vienna
+ 43 1 606 68 77-6142