FH Campus Wien is a continuously growing university and offers exciting jobs in various areas: We are looking for specialists in teaching and research as well as in administration and are always interested in people who can contribute know-how, commitment, team spirit and creativity.
Attractive and modern location
Easily accessible in five minutes from the "Altes Landgut" underground station or via the Favoriten cycling highway. There are also garage parking spaces including e-charging stations available for rent.
Flexible working hours and working from home
Depending on your area of work, you can choose your own working hours and make working from home arrangements with your superior.
Further education opportunities, parental leave models and sabbaticals
Education is of course very important to us. We therefore support our employees with internal and external programs for training and further education. For lecturers and researchers, there is the attractive development opportunity to become an associate FH professor.
Part of the Sustainable Universities Cooperative
As stated in our Code of Conduct, FH Campus Wien is committed to pursuing sustainability as a central goal in its strategy. One of our guidelines for this is the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Certified as a family-friendly university (Audit hochschuleundfamilie)
Through flexible working hours, flexitime arrangements and childcare services, we aim to adapt your working life to your private responsibilities as best as possible.
Workplace health management
With our Campus Vital program, we enable employees to attend courses to improve their mental and physical well-being - even during working hours! But soft skills such as self-management, assertiveness and mediation are also important to us and are promoted by us.
Mensa, cafeteria and restaurant
Our mensa, cafeteria and the new restaurant "Das Zehn" provide the right food.
How we want to treat each other at FH Campus Wien has been jointly set out by employees, managers and students in the Code of Conduct.
Learn more in the video.
Unsere Werthaltungen für ein verantwortungsvolles Miteinander – German Version (YouTube)
You can find our current vacancies under Job Vacancies. You are welcome to send us your detailed application via our online application portal. Once we have received your application, you will receive a confirmation email. Your application will of course be treated confidentially.
You can find the vacancies at FH Campus Wien in our job postings. In the respective job posting you will also find all the information on required documents and certificates. After receiving your application, we will contact you and arrange an appointment for a personal interview. Depending on the position, there may be a second round of interviews.
At a hearing before an academic recruitment committee, we ask all applicants to give a self-presentation and to work on a specific task, e.g. the development of a teaching concept. You will be invited by telephone at least one week before the appointment. On the basis of objective assessment criteria, the committee will rank all applicants at the end of all hearings and inform them promptly.
External teaching assignments for part-time lecturers are assigned by the individual degree programs themselves. You can apply for advertised teaching positions or submit an unsolicited application via our online application portal.
Our diverse working environment is designed to promote your well-being and integration right from the start. An onboarding plan will make it easier for you to settle into your new role. Regular feedback meetings accompany your development process, while the Welcome Day offers you the opportunity to network with other teams at FH Campus Wien.
Welcome to FH Campus Wien!
Would you like to help shape the future of Austria's largest university of applied sciences? There is currently no suitable position for you at FH Campus Wien?
Please send us your unsolicited application via our online application portal.
Your application should include the following documents and proof:
FH Campus Wien is a lifelong education partner - also for its employees.
The internal further education program is diverse and ensures that all employees have the skills they need for their professional success and beyond.
In addition to deepening knowledge, our training courses focus on sharing experiences and providing new input. The learning format of all further education measures is tailored to the respective learning content, meaning that the events can take place in a face-to-face, blended learning or online format.
Of course, in addition to the internal offer, there are also external qualification measures that can be attended in consultation with the direct manager. This includes, for example, participation in meetings and conferences or seminars from external providers.
The internal offer includes:
Our high degree of flexibility, creative and implementation power is also based on an appreciative approach to all employees and students as well as a participative management style. Managers therefore receive tailor-made support from the management curriculum at FH Campus Wien, which is designed to help them convince with natural authority, clarity and relationship orientation and to deal constructively with resistance.
FH Campus Wien has an international network and is an employer for people from different backgrounds. That is why we support the language skills of our employees. The offer is based on the individual language level and promotes grammar, speaking and writing in the foreign language.
In the area of teaching & didactics, full-time and part-time lecturers receive valuable information on university didactic issues such as the use of teaching and learning platforms like Moodle and Mahara. Writing coaching and in-depth courses on gender and intersectionality skills are also available.
Degree programs and the Vice Rectorate for Research and Development design new extracurricular offers across departments as part of the open lectures or open up existing regular lectures to other disciplines. In this way, open lectures make the multidisciplinarity of our university accessible to our students and employees.
Open and respectful communication is part of the culture at FH Campus Wien. Our communication courses help you to find the right words in certain conversational situations and to get your counterpart on board.
Microsoft Office has become an integral part of everyday working life. In compact training sequences in the seminar room, you have the opportunity to deepen your IT skills in the programs of the MS Office package. In each module, you acquire practical, job-relevant knowledge in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook.
Internationalization involves all university stakeholders and broadens horizons. In continuing education, we focus on tailor-made continuing education programs to support lecturers in the internationalization of curricula and teaching as well as university employees in acquiring personal and professional skills.
In the area of health, the Campus Vital team makes an important contribution to improving the health potential of employees and increasing well-being at work.
In addition to a high level of professional competence, the conduct and attitude of our employees make a significant contribution to the success of FH Campus Wien. In the area of personal development, we support our employees in mastering their day-to-day work in a more stress-free, organized, motivated and successful way.
Would you like to get in touch with us personally?
Please contact our colleagues in the HR team or use the contact form below for your inquiry.