Global Social Dialog – Internship Program for Students of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences

Project Duration: February 1st, 2024 to January 31st, 2027

The internship program GLOBAL SOCIAL DIALOG enables students of Austrian universities of applied sciences to do a vocational internship in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Through transcultural and transdisciplinary learning, a conscious and power-critical approach to the challenges of globalization should be strengthened. The internship includes an intensive preparation and follow-up phase.

Global Social Dialog (GSD, formerly EZA Internship Program) is a program that has been growing since 2003, initially as a dedicated pilot project at the FH Campus Wien. Today, the internship program unites the interests of nine Austrian universities of applied sciences. Joint cooperation and intensive collaboration enable vocational internships in the context of international and transcultural social work with the goal of raising awareness of global responsibility.

The GSD Internship Program is supported by a network of universities of applied sciences, the program team, participating organizations in Austria and their project partners in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The program is run by the International Office of the FH Campus Wien. For more information please visit Global Social Dialog

Project Objectives

  • Analyzing connections between local and global social realities
  • Becoming aware of and reflecting on personal and professional values and orientation systems
  • Understanding that such orientation systems are politically, economically, socially, and culturally influenced – in order to gain a conscious approach to transcultural social work challenges
  • Developing anti-racist and decolonial perspectives and integrate them into professional attitudes
  • Recognizing and naming global social inequality structures in order to identify starting points for transformation
  • Encouraging awareness of global responsibility


The program is sponsored by the Austrian Development Agency

Cooperation Partners

  • International Office FH Campus Wien (project lead)
  • FH Campus Wien
  • FH Burgenland
  • FH Joanneum Graz
  • FH Kärnten
  • Management Center Innsbruck
  • FH Oberösterreich Campus Linz
  • FH Salzburg
  • FH St. Pölten
  • FH Vorarlberg
  • Dreikönigsaktion – Hilfswerk der katholischen Jungschar
  • INTERSOL – Verein zur Förderung INTERnationaler SOLidarität
  • Loro Trips

Project Manager

Project Team

Mag.a Laura Magenau

Participating study programs


Social Work



Social Work
