Impact analysis – EU Projekt COPE

Research period: 3rd February 2020 to 31st January 2022

Community work, Participation and Empowerment (COPE) focuses on the problem of anti-Muslim hatred in Europe and aims at fostering a better understanding and improved dialogue between non-Muslim and Muslim communities in the project regions. The main objectives are increased social cohesion, prevention of and awareness about anti-Muslim hatred, empowerment of victims and groups at risk of anti-Muslim hatred and sustainable learnings about how to raise the level of social cohesion.

Impact analysis

The aim of the impact analysis is to evaluate measurable impact as well as the perceptions of project beneficiaries of both process and outcome. The impact analysis will run concurrently with the project monitoring and evaluation done by the project team.

The University of applied science-FH Campus Wien will perform a formative and summative impact analysis with focus on the perceptions of the beneficiaries. The findings will be assessed at the end of the implementing cycle, with attention to relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability (DAC Criteria).

Data will be collected by participatory fieldwork, supported by structured interviews, focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Additionally to the final impact analysis there will be an interim report after the first year of the project, so that findings can be implemented in the second half of the project.

Qualitative indicators and measurement

  • Public awareness raised for social cohesion: impact analysis, recommendation box at every community activity, ranking scheme with icons on pin board or oral feedback after each community event, questionnaires for podcast participants
  • Benefit by mutual learning and exchange of good practices: standardized evaluation forms for equal activities in project countries, minutes of project team meetings, evaluation forms for final conference
  • Improved understanding and increased empathy: impact analysis, questionnaires with standardized understanding scales at the beginning, middle and end of the project
  • Increased ability to deal constructively with differences and conflict: impact analysis, questionnaires after the conflict guide trainings, oral feedback in intervision for participants of conflict guide trainings, ranking scheme with icons on pin board/oral feedback after each dialogue group


Funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) / Contracting body: Caritas Wien – Missing Link (FH Campus Wien: Subcontractor)

Caritas Wien


  • NOMADA (Poland)
  • MAREENA (Slovakia)
  • MUMOK (Austria)

Research Field

Social Policies & Social Economy

Competence Center

Competence Center for Social Work für Soziale Arbeit (only available in German)

Goals for sustainable development of the UNO

Good Health and Well-being


Reduced Inequalities

Degree program