21. May 2025
May 21, 2025, 5.30 - 8.30 pm, Favoritenstraße 226, 1100 Vienna, Celebration hall B.E.03
The Bachelor's Degree Program of Social Work invites you to an international evening. Connect with social workers from Greece, India, Indonesia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and Türkiye, all working in different fields . They are this year‘s participants in CIF Austria's International Professional Exchange Program. The goal of this event is to build connections between students and professionals from Vienna and social workers from different countries, promoting international exchange and getting to know more about the social work landscape in those countries.
Welcoming words:
Opening words:
In cooperation with CIF Austria.
Special thanks to the International Office of the FH Campus Wien for their support.
There is no registration required.
Should you require sign language interpreters, technical support for hearing impairments or anything else for accessible participation, please contact Gabriele Kronberger by May 7, 2025 at gabriele.kronberger@fh-campuswien.ac.at.
We will take photos and videos at this event. The recordings will also be published on social media channels and in print media to present our activities.