27. June 2024

Virtual Teaching in Focus: Impressions from the INUAS COIL Days


The recent two-day INUAS COIL Days at FH Campus Wien focused on the theme "Expanding Perspectives: Virtual Exchange and COIL International Teaching and Learning".

Eine große Gruppe von Menschen steht vor einer Wand und posiert für ein Foto. Auf der Wand ist FH Campus Wien zu lesen

During the INUAS COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Days, international participants and speakers gathered—either in person or via Zoom—at FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences to share insights and connect on virtual teaching. The event was organized by the International Office as part of the INUAS network, a collaboration involving FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM), and Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW).

Universities Showcase Innovative COIL Projects

The collaboration among these institutions enabled a diverse program featuring keynotes from Patrick Studer, ZHAW/Swiss Global Competence Lab, and Claudia Diers-Lienke, The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). In addition to presenting several specific COIL projects from Germany, the USA, and South Africa, faculty members from FH Campus Wien also showcased their good practice projects. Mary Wallis (Faculty and Researcher in the Department of Applied Life Sciences) and Natalia Hartmann (Faculty and Researcher in Public Management Programs) offer the "Gear Up! Virtual Exchange Project," which provides students from different countries and disciplines the opportunity to enhance their intercultural and digital skills. The project is conducted in collaboration with universities from Spain, France, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. Anna Tritscher, Bachelor’s Program Dietetics, highlighted the challenges and enrichments of COIL through her project "International Case Studies," which is conducted in collaboration with institutions in Brussels and Greece.

From Practical Insights to Implementation Strategies and Casual Exchanges

Participants could choose from four workshops led by international COIL experts, focusing on various COIL formats and approaches. A visit to a traditional Viennese wine tavern, or Buschenschank, where participants could experience local culture and engage in relaxed conversations, rounded off the COIL Days in Vienna.

"The event underscores once again that cooperation within the INUAS network contributes to jointly addressing and advancing key themes of internationalization," summarized the INUAS coordinators who led the program development: Hannah Klepeis (FH Campus Wien), Corinna Fröhling (HM), and Christine Benson (ZHAW).

About the INUAS Network

INUAS  (International Network of Universities of Applied Sciences) was founded in 2011 by FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, and Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The network is dedicated to vibrant exchange, close cooperation, and innovation. Regular workshops and meetings for expertise and exchange ensure continuous knowledge transfer among the three Central European universities.

FH Highlights