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Our pride and joy: wood

Hardly any other building material offers so many advantages and yet the knowledge about wood and wood hybrid construction in Austria is still lacking. In the Department Building and Design, teachers  

Health Sciences

Office hours Mon to Fri, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. FH Campus Wien is now the largest university of applied sciences for health in Austria. An important partner in the areas of education, research and devel  

Social Work

New study location As of 12th July 2021, all study programs of the Department of Social Work (Secretary's office, offices, teaching rooms) will be located at Kelsenstraße 2, 1030 Vienna. All teaching  

Ethics Committee for Research Activities

The ethics committee of FH Campus Wien is responsible for an ethical discourse on ensuring good scientific practice and advises on research ethics issues as well as on specific legal and data protecti  

Excellent social work

In March 2021, Sabine Maria Scharf and Jonathan Kufner-Eger received the Austrian Science Award for Social Work for their outstanding research. Three months later, the innovative master’s theses by R  

Applied Nursing Science

For more than 15 years, FH Campus Wien has been meeting the ever-increasing demand for healthcare and nursing services in our society with its practical and research-based degree programs. Good netwo  

callogs appcheck

Eine fachliche Beurteilung und Validierung einer bestehenden Smartphone App zur Kontrolle der Kalorienzufuhr.