
Information for concerned researchers/scientists

JESH Ukraine fellowship of Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Target group: Applications are invited from Ukrainian citizens who have completed their doctorate/PhD studies, who would like to work  

Further education

Whether you want to deepen your knowledge in a master's degree program or course, or are looking for seminars and certificate programs for further education: FH Campus Wien and the Campus Wien  

Booster for a young science

We all benefit from applied nursing research. The relatively young science provides research results that promote health care and nursing on an evidence-based basis and thus raise and ensure the  


Im Masterstudium Bioinformatik werden Algorithmen und Programme entwickelt, mit denen biochemische Prozesse simuliert und molekularbiologische Daten analysiert werden.  

Multilingual Technologies*

Admission procedure: the admission procedure includes an interview with members of the admission committee (representatives of the University of Vienna and FH Campus Wien). This interview will take