Professional advice from social work at university

Finding and maintaining balance in everyday life is not always easy. Challenges and stressful situations during the studies as well as in private life sometimes demand a lot of strength. At FH Campus Wien, social work at university offers advice and support in times when things are not going so smoothly.

... is voluntary,
... is confidential and subject to a duty of confidentiality,
... is free of charge.

Activating resources and relieving stress

Social work at university is designed to provide professional support for difficult situations at the interface between studies and private life. Perhaps you need more information in a stressful situation, additional input - or a sympathetic ear to help you organize your thoughts? The aim is to activate resources, identify new possibilities and develop solutions through counseling.

Social work at university will be starting in the winter semester 2024/25 with free open consultation hours for students of the Bachelor's degree program in Health Care and Nursing in buildings F and E (Favoritenstraße 222) at FH Campus Wien. Social worker Sarah Wolf provides one-off advice or - depending on the resources available - support over a longer period of time. The cooperation is confidential and subject to a duty of confidentiality.

In these situations, the advisory service supports, for example

  • crises
  • worries and fears
  • pressure to perform
  • stress
  • fear of exams
  • excessive demands
  • problems with time management
  • group dynamic issues (e.g. exclusion, bullying, contact difficulties)
  • mental health issues
  • material issues (housing, scholarships, etc.)
  • conflicts
  • difficult decisions
  • all other study-related and personal concerns

Social work at university offers

  • professional help in problem situations
  • information on study-related and personal issues
  • support in times of crisis
  • relief if you want to discuss and sort out stressful issues in a safe and protected environment
  • empowerment through the activation of resources
  • orientation when solutions are developed together
  • targeted referral to suitable counseling and support services within and outside the university

Contact person

Sarah Wolf, BA

Team Coordination Social Work in the Program #Nurses4Vienna;
+43 676 840348-616

„Counseling on personal and study-related concerns, questions and problems is intended to point out solutions and provide relief. There are no taboo subjects.“

Sarah Wolf is a social worker (BA) as well as a qualified trauma counselor and trauma educator. As a member of the Gender & Diversity Management unit at FH Campus Wien, she contributes her experience and professional expertise to projects such as miteinander.Bildung.leben ( Thanks to her many years of experience, she is very familiar with the challenges of the university environment and the structures of FH Campus Wien. The social worker at university stands for appreciative exchange, reliability and resource orientation.



Easily accessible and uncomplicated: open consultation hours

Every second Tuesday, 3:30 - 6:00 pm
Consultation hours in the winter semester 2024/25:

September 17th
October 10th
October 15th
October 29th
November 12th
November 26th
December 10th
January 7th
January 21st

Die Beratung ist persönlich und telefonisch möglich. Terminvereinbarungen via Mail oder Telefon sind erwünscht, jedoch ist auch ein Besuch ohne Anmeldung möglich. Bitte rechnen Sie in diesem Fall womöglich mit Wartezeiten.

Über die offenen Sprechstunden hinaus sind (je nach Ressourcen) Termine nach Vereinbarungen per Mail möglich, und zwar jeweils dienstags 15.30–18.00 Uhr.


  • Vor Ort zu den Sprechstundenzeiten im Raum: InDi-Lab, Pavillon, P.E.10
  • per Telefon zu den Sprechstundenzeiten unter: +43 676 840348-616