FH-Prof. Barbara Kraus, MSc
Head of Program Sonography; Academic Staff
+43 1 606 68 77-4812
+43 1 606 68 77-4809
Room: D.3.28
Favoritenstraße 226
1100 Wien
Health Sciences
Vollzeit, WS2024/25 more
Bachelorprojekt: Planung und Methodik SE
Lector: Reza Agha Mohammadi Sareshgi, MSc, Christopher Deutsch, BSc MA, Sarit Djouraev, BSc MSc, FH-Prof. DI (FH) Godoberto Guevara Rojas, PhD, Mag.a Nina Huber, BSc, Christoph Kamp, BSc MSc, Dávid Kanalas, BSc MSc, Barbara Karlhuber, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Georg Mach, BSc, Klemens Messner, BSc MSc, Uros Miljkovic, BSc MSc, Xenia Oekonomidis, MSc, Sandra Pichler, MSc, Melanie Pressler, BSc MSc, Alexander Raith, BSc MSc, FH-Prof.in Dr.in Gabriele Salomonowitz, MAS MBA, Christian Schneckenleitner, MSc MSc, FH-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Gabriele Schwarzmüller-Erber, MBA, Mag.a Ulrike Sommer, Brigitte Stanek, MBA, Mag.a Maria Starkbaum, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc, FH-Prof. Mag. Gerold Unterhumer
Lecture contents
Konzepterstellung für die Bachelorarbeit in Verbindung zu dem gewählten Fachbereiches (des Berufspraktikums lt. FH-MTD-AV Anlage 9, 12; spezieller klinischer Bereich, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in der Medizin, multiprofessioneller Bereich) Formulierung von Forschungsfragen und Hypothesen; Forschungsmethoden im Überblick; Recherche; Literaturrecherche;
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
Aktivierende Form (Präsentation, Feedback)
Vollzeit, SS2025 more
Bachelorprojekt: Planung und Methodik SE
Lector: Reza Agha Mohammadi Sareshgi, MSc, Christopher Deutsch, BSc MA, Sarit Djouraev, BSc MSc, FH-Prof. DI (FH) Godoberto Guevara Rojas, PhD, Mag.a Nina Huber, BSc, Christoph Kamp, BSc MSc, Dávid Kanalas, BSc MSc, Barbara Karlhuber, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Vera Lutz, MSc MBA, Georg Mach, BSc, Klemens Messner, BSc MSc, Uros Miljkovic, BSc MSc, Xenia Oekonomidis, MSc, Sandra Pichler, MSc, Melanie Pressler, BSc MSc, Alexander Raith, BSc MSc, FH-Prof.in Dr.in Gabriele Salomonowitz, MAS MBA, Christian Schneckenleitner, MSc MSc, FH-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Gabriele Schwarzmüller-Erber, MBA, Mag.a Ulrike Sommer, Brigitte Stanek, MBA, Mag.a Maria Starkbaum, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc, FH-Prof. Mag. Gerold Unterhumer
Lecture contents
Konzepterstellung für die Bachelorarbeit in Verbindung zu dem gewählten Fachbereiches (des Berufspraktikums lt. FH-MTD-AV Anlage 9, 12; spezieller klinischer Bereich, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in der Medizin, multiprofessioneller Bereich) Formulierung von Forschungsfragen und Hypothesen; Forschungsmethoden im Überblick; Recherche; Literaturrecherche;
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
Aktivierende Form (Präsentation, Feedback)
Vollzeit, SS2025 more
Sonographie MODUL
Lector: Christopher Deutsch, BSc MA, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Vollzeit, SS2025 more
Sonographie: Skills Lab UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
- Training in Kleingruppen unter Anleitung der/des Lehrenden aneinander
- Ausgewählte Untersuchungen/Interventionen definierter Organbereiche
- Standarddokumentation Abdomen lt. ÖGUM
- FAST Protokoll,
- Doppler- und Duplexsonographie
- Standarddokumentation Echokardiographie
- Muskuloskelettale Sonographie
Assessment methods
Teilleistungsprüfungen, mind. je 20 Untersuchungen in den Organbereichen Abdomen, Small Parts, Gefäße und Herz (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
aktivierend: *) erarbeitende Methode angeleitete Übungsaufgaben, Problembasiertes Lernen, angeleitetes Selbststudium, Gruppenarbeit *) Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen
Vollzeit, WS2024/25 more
Sonographie: Skills Lab UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
- Training in Kleingruppen unter Anleitung der/des Lehrenden aneinander
- Ausgewählte Untersuchungen/Interventionen definierter Organbereiche
- Standarddokumentation Abdomen lt. ÖGUM
- FAST Protokoll,
- Doppler- und Duplexsonographie
- Standarddokumentation Echokardiographie
- Muskuloskelettale Sonographie
Assessment methods
Teilleistungsprüfungen, mind. je 20 Untersuchungen in den Organbereichen Abdomen, Small Parts, Gefäße und Herz (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
aktivierend: *) erarbeitende Methode angeleitete Übungsaufgaben, Problembasiertes Lernen, angeleitetes Selbststudium, Gruppenarbeit *) Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen
Vollzeit, WS2024/25 more
Sonographie: Technische und physikalische Grundlagen VO
Lector: Ass. Prof. Dr. techn. Christian Kollmann, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
Physikalische Grundlagen der Sonographie, Technische Komponenten, CEUS Grundlagen und Anwendungsgebiete
Assessment methods
Teilleistung LV-abschließende Prüfung: Schriftlich (online unterstützte Prüfung) (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
Darbietend (Vortrag, Demonstration, Video), aktivierend (Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen)
Vollzeit, SS2025 more
Sonographie: Technische und physikalische Grundlagen VO
Lector: Ass. Prof. Dr. techn. Christian Kollmann, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
Physikalische Grundlagen der Sonographie, Technische Komponenten, CEUS Grundlagen und Anwendungsgebiete
Assessment methods
Teilleistung LV-abschließende Prüfung: Schriftlich (online unterstützte Prüfung) (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
Darbietend (Vortrag, Demonstration, Video), aktivierend (Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen)
Vollzeit, SS2025 more
Sonographie: Untersuchungen und Interventionen ILV
Lector: Christopher Deutsch, BSc MA, Ass. Prof. Dr. techn. Christian Kollmann, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
- CEUS Einsatz von Kontrastmittel in der Sonographie - Grundlagen und Anwendungsgebiete
- Indikationen/Standard-schnitte/Bildanalyse
- Kasuistik lt. aktueller Standards/aktuellem Stand der Technik
- Training in Kleingruppen unter Anleitung der/des Lehrenden aneinander
- Ausgewählte Untersuchungen/Interventionen definierter Organbereiche
- Standarddokumentation Abdomen lt. ÖGUM
- FAST Protokoll,
- Doppler- und Duplexsonographie
- Standarddokumentation Echokardiographie
- Muskuloskelettale Sonographie
Assessment methods
Teilleistung LV-abschließende Prüfung: Immanent + Schriftlich (online unterstützte Prüfung) (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
Darbietende und Aktivierende Form (VO 60%, UE 40%) Darbietende (Vortrag, Demonstration, Video), Aktivierende (erarbeitende Methoden, angeleitete Übungsaufgaben, Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen)
Vollzeit, WS2024/25 more
Sonographie: Untersuchungen und Interventionen ILV
Lector: Christopher Deutsch, BSc MA, Ass. Prof. Dr. techn. Christian Kollmann, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
- CEUS Einsatz von Kontrastmittel in der Sonographie - Grundlagen und Anwendungsgebiete
- Indikationen/Standard-schnitte/Bildanalyse
- Kasuistik lt. aktueller Standards/aktuellem Stand der Technik
- Training in Kleingruppen unter Anleitung der/des Lehrenden aneinander
- Ausgewählte Untersuchungen/Interventionen definierter Organbereiche
- Standarddokumentation Abdomen lt. ÖGUM
- FAST Protokoll,
- Doppler- und Duplexsonographie
- Standarddokumentation Echokardiographie
- Muskuloskelettale Sonographie
Assessment methods
Teilleistung LV-abschließende Prüfung: Immanent + Schriftlich (online unterstützte Prüfung) (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
Darbietende und Aktivierende Form (VO 60%, UE 40%) Darbietende (Vortrag, Demonstration, Video), Aktivierende (erarbeitende Methoden, angeleitete Übungsaufgaben, Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen)
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Abdominal Pathologies, Clinical presentations and Reporting ILV
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Pathology of the abdominal region, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis
* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including CEUS, doppler techniques and FAST for abdominal examination
* Creating a and working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Abdominal Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing abdominal ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques and FAST
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Abdominal Ultrasound VO
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Malene Roland Pedersen, PhD, Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Overview normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures of abdominal cavity
* Ultrasound techniques for abdominal examination including FAST
* Clinical application of Sonography in abdominal region based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks include CEUS (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with abdominal region
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Vascular Ultrasound VO
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Arterial/venous vascular system of head, upper and lower extremities
* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in vascular ultrasound examination
* Ultrasound techniques for vascular ultrasound examination
* Clinical application of Sonography in vascular ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with vascular ultrasound
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Obstetric Ultrasound VO
Lector: Mag. Dr. Sabine-Beatrix Bauer, Univ.Doz. Dr. Elisabeth Krampl-Bettelheim, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Overview normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in obstetrics ultrasound examination
* Ultrasound techniques for obstetrics ultrasound examination
* Clinical application of Sonography in obstetric ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with obstetrics ultrasound
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of upper & lower musculoskeletal Regions and Nerve Ultrasound VO
Lector: Dr. Suren Jengojan, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of structures in musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination
* Ultrasound techniques for musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination
* Clinical application of musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
Anatomy, Physiology, Clinical Applications of Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound VO
Lector: Gill Harrison, MSc, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in thyroid gland and neck ultrasound examination
* Ultrasound techniques for thyroid gland and neck ultrasound examination
* Clinical application of thyroid gland and neck ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with thyroid gland and neck ultrasound examination
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Basics of Innovation and State-of-the-Art Technologies ILV
Lector: Nadia Benmoussa, BSc, MA, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Based on Bachelor´s degree knowledge of physical principles of medical ultrasound in diagnostic and the interaction with human tissues
* Correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo
* Patient-safety, the safe usage of Contrast media in case of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), technical quality management
* State-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
Echocardiographic Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting ILV
Lector: Christopher Deutsch, BSc MA, Priv. Doz. Dr. Stefan Kastl, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Pathology in echocardiographic examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis
* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques
* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
MSK & Nerve Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting ILV
Lector: Dr. Suren Jengojan, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Mag. Barbara Massatti
Lecture contents
* Pathology in echocardiographic examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis
* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques
* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
MSK & Nerve Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports UE
Lector: Dr. Suren Jengojan, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Mag. Barbara Massatti
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing musculoskeletal and nerves ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
Thyroid Gland & Neck Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting ILV
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Pathology in thyroid gland and neck examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis
* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques
* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Robert Steinbach, Yvonne Wimmer, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing thyroid gland and neck ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Ultrasound Physics and TQM Skills Lab UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Sonja Wildner, MSc
Lecture contents
* The correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo.
* Practical training in technical quality management and state-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Ultrasound Physics, Clinical US Techniques and TQM VO
Lector: Ass. Prof. Dr. techn. Christian Kollmann, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Based on Bachelor´s degree knowledge of physical principles of medical ultrasound in diagnostic and the interaction with human tissues
* The correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo
* Patient-safety, the safe usage of Contrast media in case of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CUES), training in technical quality management
* State-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Vascular Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting ILV
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Pathology in vascular ultrasound examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis
* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques
* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Vascular Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case reports UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Robert Steinbach, Yvonne Wimmer, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing vascular ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques
* Fetal Medicine Foundation Certificate: The 11 to 13 weeks scan
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training