FH-Prof. Barbara Kraus, MSc
Head of Program Sonography; Academic Staff
+43 1 606 68 77-4812
+43 1 606 68 77-4809
Room: D.3.28
Favoritenstraße 226
1100 Wien
Health Sciences
Vollzeit, WS2024/25 more
Bachelorprojekt: Planung und Methodik SE
Lector: Reza Agha Mohammadi Sareshgi, MSc, Christopher Deutsch, BSc MA, Sarit Djouraev, BSc MSc, Sabine Gabriele Gracic, FH-Prof. DI (FH) Godoberto Guevara Rojas, PhD, Mag.a Nina Huber, BSc, Christoph Kamp, BSc MSc, Dávid Kanalas, BSc MSc, Barbara Karlhuber, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Georg Mach, BSc, Klemens Messner, BSc MSc, Uros Miljkovic, BSc, Xenia Oekonomidis, MSc, Sandra Pichler, MSc, Melanie Pressler, BSc MSc, Alexander Raith, BSc MSc, FH-Prof.in Dr.in Gabriele Salomonowitz, MAS MBA, Christian Schneckenleitner, MSc MSc, FH-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Gabriele Schwarzmüller-Erber, MBA, Mag.a Ulrike Sommer, Brigitte Stanek, MBA, Mag.a Maria Starkbaum, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc, FH-Prof. Mag. Gerold Unterhumer
Lecture contents
Konzepterstellung für die Bachelorarbeit in Verbindung zu dem gewählten Fachbereiches (des Berufspraktikums lt. FH-MTD-AV Anlage 9, 12; spezieller klinischer Bereich, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in der Medizin, multiprofessioneller Bereich) Formulierung von Forschungsfragen und Hypothesen; Forschungsmethoden im Überblick; Recherche; Literaturrecherche;
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
Aktivierende Form (Präsentation, Feedback)
Vollzeit, WS2024/25 more
Sonographie: Skills Lab UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
- Training in Kleingruppen unter Anleitung der/des Lehrenden aneinander
- Ausgewählte Untersuchungen/Interventionen definierter Organbereiche
- Standarddokumentation Abdomen lt. ÖGUM
- FAST Protokoll,
- Doppler- und Duplexsonographie
- Standarddokumentation Echokardiographie
- Muskuloskelettale Sonographie
Assessment methods
Teilleistungsprüfungen, mind. je 20 Untersuchungen in den Organbereichen Abdomen, Small Parts, Gefäße und Herz (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
aktivierend: *) erarbeitende Methode angeleitete Übungsaufgaben, Problembasiertes Lernen, angeleitetes Selbststudium, Gruppenarbeit *) Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen
Vollzeit, WS2024/25 more
Sonographie: Technische und physikalische Grundlagen VO
Lector: Ass. Prof. Dr. techn. Christian Kollmann, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
Physikalische Grundlagen der Sonographie, Technische Komponenten, CEUS Grundlagen und Anwendungsgebiete
Assessment methods
Teilleistung LV-abschließende Prüfung: Schriftlich (online unterstützte Prüfung) (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
Darbietend (Vortrag, Demonstration, Video), aktivierend (Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen)
Vollzeit, WS2024/25 more
Sonographie: Untersuchungen und Interventionen ILV
Lector: Christopher Deutsch, BSc MA, Ass. Prof. Dr. techn. Christian Kollmann, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Daniel Trimmel, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
- CEUS Einsatz von Kontrastmittel in der Sonographie - Grundlagen und Anwendungsgebiete
- Indikationen/Standard-schnitte/Bildanalyse
- Kasuistik lt. aktueller Standards/aktuellem Stand der Technik
- Training in Kleingruppen unter Anleitung der/des Lehrenden aneinander
- Ausgewählte Untersuchungen/Interventionen definierter Organbereiche
- Standarddokumentation Abdomen lt. ÖGUM
- FAST Protokoll,
- Doppler- und Duplexsonographie
- Standarddokumentation Echokardiographie
- Muskuloskelettale Sonographie
Assessment methods
Teilleistung LV-abschließende Prüfung: Immanent + Schriftlich (online unterstützte Prüfung) (Modulprüfung)
Teaching methods
Darbietende und Aktivierende Form (VO 60%, UE 40%) Darbietende (Vortrag, Demonstration, Video), Aktivierende (erarbeitende Methoden, angeleitete Übungsaufgaben, Blended Learning: Verzahnung von Präsenz und Online-Lernen)
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Abdominal Pathologies, Clinical presentations and Reporting ILV
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Pathology of the abdominal region, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis
* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including CEUS, doppler techniques and FAST for abdominal examination
* Creating a and working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Abdominal Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing abdominal ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques and FAST
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Abdominal Ultrasound VO
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Malene Roland Pedersen, PhD, Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Overview normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures of abdominal cavity
* Ultrasound techniques for abdominal examination including FAST
* Clinical application of Sonography in abdominal region based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks include CEUS (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with abdominal region
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Vascular Ultrasound VO
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Arterial/venous vascular system of head, upper and lower extremities
* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in vascular ultrasound examination
* Ultrasound techniques for vascular ultrasound examination
* Clinical application of Sonography in vascular ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with vascular ultrasound
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Obstetric Ultrasound VO
Lector: Mag. Dr. Sabine-Beatrix Bauer, Univ.Doz. Dr. Elisabeth Krampl-Bettelheim, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Overview normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in obstetrics ultrasound examination
* Ultrasound techniques for obstetrics ultrasound examination
* Clinical application of Sonography in obstetric ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with obstetrics ultrasound
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of upper & lower musculoskeletal Regions and Nerve Ultrasound VO
Lector: Dr. Suren Jengojan, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of structures in musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination
* Ultrasound techniques for musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination
* Clinical application of musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks (standardized scan techniques)
* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Basics of Innovation and State-of-the-Art Technologies ILV
Lector: Nadia Benmoussa, BSc, MA, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Based on Bachelor´s degree knowledge of physical principles of medical ultrasound in diagnostic and the interaction with human tissues
* Correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo
* Patient-safety, the safe usage of Contrast media in case of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), technical quality management
* State-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
Echocardiographic Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports UE
Lector: Priv. Doz. Dr. Stefan Kastl, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Thomas Reinsperger, BSc, MSc
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing echocardiographic examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
MSK & Nerve Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports UE
Lector: Dr. Suren Jengojan, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Lisa Lechner, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Katrin Willinger
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing musculoskeletal and nerves ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, SS2025 more
Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Robert Steinbach, Dr. Katrin Willinger, Yvonne Wimmer, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing thyroid gland and neck ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Ultrasound Physics and TQM Skills Lab UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Sonja Wildner, MSc
Lecture contents
* The correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo.
* Practical training in technical quality management and state-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Ultrasound Physics, Clinical US Techniques and TQM VO
Lector: Ass. Prof. Dr. techn. Christian Kollmann, FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc
Lecture contents
* Based on Bachelor´s degree knowledge of physical principles of medical ultrasound in diagnostic and the interaction with human tissues
* The correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo
* Patient-safety, the safe usage of Contrast media in case of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CUES), training in technical quality management
* State-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Vascular Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting ILV
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Sabine Simon, Dr. Robert Steinbach
Lecture contents
* Pathology in vascular ultrasound examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis
* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques
* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Lecture and integrated course
berufsbegleitend, WS2024/25 more
Vascular Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case reports UE
Lector: FH-Prof.in Barbara Kraus, MSc, Stephanie Müller, MSc. BSc., Dr. Robert Steinbach, Yvonne Wimmer, BSc MSc
Lecture contents
* Skills lab training in performing vascular ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks
* Influence/Usage of imaging artefacts
* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques
* Fetal Medicine Foundation Certificate: The 11 to 13 weeks scan
* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction
* Case review and discussion
Assessment methods
Teaching methods
* Skills lab training