Evaluation of the FSW Customer Council

Projekt duration: Decembre 1st, 2024 – July 31st, 2026

Initial situation: Since 2021, the FSW has had a Customer Council (CC), which was elected directly by FSW customers for a term of five years. The members of the Council are themselves clients of FSW-Behindertenhilfe (Disability Assistance). The main task of the CC is to represent the concerns of customers towards the FSW. The council thus acts as a representative body and an important networking body. Together with the FSW, it is important to the CC to promote participation opportunities for people with disabilities and participation in political and public life, as well as to contribute to greater inclusion.

Objectives and methodology: The role and activities of the CC as well as the cooperation between the CC and FSW are to be evaluated in order to develop possible optimization potential and recommendations for action. Furthermore, the role of the CC within the representative bodies of people with disabilities during its term of office is to be examined and its networking activities highlighted. The findings will be incorporated into the further work of the CC for the next term of office. The evaluation will be implemented using a multi-method and qualitative participatory design based on close cooperation with the participants.

Data collection and analysis methods

  • document analysis of the annual reports and minutes of the CC/democracy center meetings
  • semi-structured and problem-centered interviews with the members of the CC and relevant stakeholders
  • short questionnaire as part of the interviews for demographic data and the collection of data for a network analysis
  • network analysis
  • participating observations at meetings and network meetings of the CC
  • validation workshops and implementation workshop with CC/FSW to identify strategies and recommendations for action based on the evaluation results

Research goals

  • identification of the roles of the Customer Council
  • identification of the activities of the Customer Council
  • presentation of the cooperation of the Customer Council with different stakeholders including the FSW through a network map
  • identification of ideas and objectives of participatory processes in the work of the Customer Council (e.g. within the development of services)
  • identification of possible change measures and optimization potentials
  • identification of successful processes or examples of implementation of CC activities
  • formulation of recommendations for action for the participatory further development of the Customer Council for the next term of office

Funding bodies

UN Sustainable Development Goals

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