At a glance



Research Center IT-Security

What does user-friendly, tap-proof and tamper-proof data transfer look like? This question is the focus of teaching, research and development projects of the Research Center IT-Security. In cooperation with companies and research institutes, the employees of the Research Center research and develop innovative solutions for current challenges in IT security. The teaching also benefits from this strong connection to practice.

Organizationally, the Research Center IT-Security is integrated in the Master Degree Program IT-Security as part of the Department Engineering. Interdisciplinary IT security issues are dealt with at the interface with other degree programs, such as Embedded Systems Engineering.



Research areas

Inclusive, Social and Secure Society
Digital Innovation and Transformation

Main focus

  • Development and implementation of security concepts for the Internet of Things

  • Cryptography on constraint devices or Embedded systems

  • Security and usability of cryptographic protocols

    UN Sustainable Development Goals

    The Team of the Reserach Center IT-Security

    Head of the Research Center


    Projects and Activities

    Network technology is undergoing radical change and requires a rethinking of the security strategy. Whereas in the past it was primarily location-based computers with high computing and storage capacity that were permanently connected to each other, the trend today is towards mobile networking of small devices. These are very limited in terms of CPU, RAM and energy resources.

    Our research therefore focuses on efficient, new possibilities for secure and usable networking of a wide range of devices, such as smartphones, sensor nodes and Internet-of-Things components.

    Here you can find the publications of the team members of the Research Center IT-Security.


    Austrian Association for Research in IT

    Since April 2011, the FH Campus Wien Research Center IT-Security has been an associated AARIT member (Austrian Association for Research in IT).

    Fraunhofer-Institut for Cognitive Systems IKS

    Since 2011, a research cooperation has existed with Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS in the field of secure sensor networks. FH Campus Wien also offers topics for bachelor and master theses in cooperation with the Fraunhofer ESK in Munich.

    IT Security & Safety Cluster

    Since June 2009, the Research Center IT-Security has been a member of Bavarian IT Security & Safety Cluster. This cluster is made up of the IT industry and companies using security technologies, as well as colleges, further education institutions and lawyers.

    University of Lxemburg

    In cooperation with the University of Luxemburg – Laboratory of Algorithmics, Cryptology and Security (LACS), the Research Center IT-Security researched efficient encryption algorithms for mobile devices.

    University of Regensburg

    We cooperated with the University of regensburg Faculty of Business, Economicsand Management Information System. Together with Prof. Dr. Lory, the feasibility of secure multi-party computations on sensor nodes was investigated.

    Further cooperations

    Since November 2009, FH Campus Wien has been a CCNA Security Academy.

    The Research Center IT-Security is supported by MA 23 – Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Statistik



    If you are interested in cooperating with the FH Campus Wien, you will find general information on our page for companies and organizations.


    Study courses


    Computer Science and Digital Communications



    Computer Science and Digital Communications
