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Experience has shown that the application process and the commencement of higher education give rise to many questions. For this reason, we offer interested persons and applicants the chance to estab
Information on the legalization of foreign documents can be found here in the PDF.
Fee (Nostrifizierungstaxe) € 150 Tuition fee/semester € 363,36 ÖH (Austrian N
Questions about accessibility in the admissions process and studies?
If you have any questions regarding accessibility or if you have a specific need in the admission procedure due to an impairment,
Hannah Baier is a social worker (BA) and family and online counselor.
As employees of the unit Gender & Diversity Management at FH Campus Wien and through the experience gained in project
The overall aim of the project is to establish a central and sustainable core competence in the field of AI at the FHCW and to facilitate high-quality interdisciplinary research for this field, the re
Wednesday, 22 January 2025 Ceremonial hall Favoritenstrasse 232 1100 Wien
The safety assessment of packaging materials poses an ongoing challenge for the industry. Not only in the food sector, b
You still have questions about your studies?
Contact the secretary's office at to make an appointment for a personal consultation with the head of the academic expert prog
All info about the program
Fall 2023 video recording:
All info about the program
Fall 2023 video recording:
All info about the program
Fall 2022 video recording:
Finding your dream degree
Our contribution to a better future
Our strength lies in application-oriented research and development. As Austria's largest University of Applied Sciences, our diversity of courses gives us powerful
The PsyGes project is developing and evaluating an information and counseling app for parents on the mental health of children and adolescents in order to improve parents' mental health literacy and s