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Public Management

Do you still have questions about the study? Make an appointment with Nicole Frei and Sonja Schneider for a a personal consultation via Zoom: The admission pr  

Advanced Nursing Counseling

The admission procedure consists of an admission interview, in which we would like to learn more about your motives, skills and knowledge. Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your r  

Advanced Nursing Education

Do you still have questions about the program? Make an appointment with our office at and arrange a personal consultation with programme director Sabine Schweiger via Zoom.  


The interdisciplinary curriculum offers you the opportunity to deepen and strengthen your expertise in sonography with well-known national and international experts.  

Molecular Biotechnology

Das Masterstudium vermittelt Wissen über moderne Molekularbiologie, unternehmerischen Kompetenzen im Bereich der molekularbiologischen und humanorientierten Biotechnologie. Die Schwerpunkte liegen auf  

Open Courses

Would you like to get to know contents of other disciplines during your studies? Do you want to exchange ideas with students from other fields of study? FH Campus Wien trains students for many dif  


Im Masterstudium Bioinformatik werden Algorithmen und Programme entwickelt, mit denen biochemische Prozesse simuliert und molekularbiologische Daten analysiert werden.  

Because It's Easier Together

Promoting the health of students at FH Campus Wien, raising awareness of mental health issues and strengthening social cohesion - these are the goals of the project LISTEN! Times of crisis cannot b  

New Digital Platform for Logopedics Research

In cooperation with Praxis Logopädie Dornstauder, students of Logopedics – Phoniatrics – Audiology publish their research results on essential work fields in speech therapy, including in the form of