Public Management
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Public Management is a degree program that is tailored to modern administration and the public sector and trains you in a needs-based, interdisciplinary and practical manner. Use the associated opportunity to help shape public structures and services for the common good. The degree program creates a sound basis for efficient business with social responsibility. The public sector is a labor market with a future. It includes around 8,000 public companies as well as federal, state, municipal and European institutions and international organizations.
Bachelor of Arts in Business (BA)
Tuition fee per semester
€ 363,361
+ ÖH premium
Application winter semester 2025/26
16. December 2024 - 27. April 2025
1 Tuition fees for students from third countries € 727,- per semester. Details on tuition fees can be found in the general fee regulations.
You are interested in federal and legal framework conditions at a national and international level and have a basic understanding of business. Social benefits are important to you in your work and you strive to reconcile economic needs with social values. You value creative space, think analytically, networked and service-oriented. You are open, communicative and place an emphasis on common interests. If you are already working in the public sector, you see the bachelor’s degree program as an opportunity to combine your professional experience with theoretical know-how and new solution tools to further develop yourself professionally.
You will build a sustainable network from day one of your studies.
We invite you to join us in linking topics and thinking in a completely new way.
Decision-makers and experts in their field will teach you at our university.
You need a general university entrance qualification, proven by
or a relevant professional qualification with additional examinations.
Limited higher education entrance qualification
The following compulsory subjects of limited higher education entrance qualifications for university degree programs are relevant admission requirements for this degree program (according to §64a UG 2002):
Limited higher education entrance qualifications for the following university degree programs are recognized as relevant admission requirement:
Relevant professional qualification with additional examinations
Apprenticeship groups
Required additional exams: German, English 1, history 2
Schools for Intermediate Vocational Education
Required additional exams: English 1, history 2
The required language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is at least
Graduates of the basic training course of the federal administration (A2/v2 equivalent) or, in terms of scope and content, comparable training in public administration/executive service (e.g. E2a) can enter the 3rd semester under the following conditions:
Graduates of various basic training courses of the City of Vienna can enter the 3rd semester under the following conditions:
After positive crediting of the corresponding (service) basic training by the study programs, you must provide proof of learning outcomes in the form of substitute examinations for lectures in the 1st and 2nd semesters for which no adequate training can be credited. The procedure is as follows:
Applicants may require legalization of documents from countries other than Austria in order for them to have the evidential value of domestic public documents. Information on the required legalizations can be found here in PDF format.
For documents that are neither in German nor English, a translation by a sworn and court-certified interpreter is required. Your original documents should have all the necessary legalization stamps before translation so that the stamps are also translated. The translation must be firmly attached to the original document or a legalized copy.
As part of your online application, upload scans of your original documents including all required legalization stamps. For documents not issued in German or English, scans of the corresponding translations must also be uploaded. The head of the study program decides on the equivalence of international (higher) education qualifications. Therefore, your documents can only be checked as part of the ongoing application process.
Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the application phase has not yet started.
Your application is valid once you have completely uploaded all the required documents. Please bring the documents with you to your admission interview. If you are unable to provide proof of your relevant admission requirements at the start of your studies (e.g. due to a repeat examination), you have the option of submitting this proof by the annual BIS registration deadline in the winter semester. Without proof by this deadline, it is not possible to continue studying.
After completing your online application, you will receive an email confirmation with information on the next steps.
The admission procedure includes a written test and an interview with the admission committee.
The written admission procedures will be held online on March 01st, April 12th and May 24th 2025. It is not possible to select a date.
Dates for admissions interviews:
You will receive a written invitation via e-mail with your personal appointment date.
Do you still have questions about the study?
Make an appointment with Nicole Frei and Sonja Schneider for a a personal consultation via Zoom:
FH Campus Wien has built up extensive expertise and a large network in the public sector, for example with ministries, the City of Vienna and public companies such as Wien Holding and Wiener Stadtwerke. The degree program was developed together with the Federal Chancellery and other representatives of the public sector. Through our strong network, we gain excellent lecturers from the public sector as well as universities, whose know-how and experience flow into their teaching. This gives you the chance during your studies to find practical access to problems and to make valuable contacts for your professional future. Current research topics arise from the regular exchange with experts in the public sector. For example, we deal with public good balance sheets and the criteria according to which they are drawn up. Practical relevance is also guaranteed at our Campus Lectures, public lecture evenings with prominent experts, where the trends and future issues in the public sector are explored and discussed.
Public Management is a versatile degree program for modern administration and the public sector. In both areas you pursue the goal of creating social benefits. The common good acts as the engine that drives your professional activity. What makes it special is that, compared to university degree programs such as law or economics, the program is interdisciplinary and practice-oriented. An individual focus on digitalization and quantification of the world, sustainability and social transformation in administration, participation and empowerment or knowledge management makes it possible to design your studies individually and to deepen yourself in future topics of the public sector. In addition to the content, the FH Campus Wien degree program provides numerous other advantages: The organizational framework allows the degree to be completed part-time and within the standard period of study. You learn in small groups and benefit in your education and in your professional career from the strong FH Campus Wien network with the public sector.
In the bachelor's degree program you acquire extensive knowledge as well as management skills and the competence needed to face the challenges of an innovative public sector. The guideline for action emphasizes public value.
You will acquire knowledge about law, the federal government and administration in an international context, economy and budget, organization and management, the common good and society. As part of the Campus Lectures, you will regularly exchange ideas with specialists and managers from the public sector.
In addition, you can design your studies individually by setting a personal focus and choosing one of these topics: Digitization and Quantification of the World, Sustainability and Social Transformation in Administration, Participation and Empowerment, and Knowledge Management.
Reading (guided) of given scientific texts and other materials (citation guidelines); teacher input with discussion; learning videos; individual work assignments with feedback; group exercises
Continuous assessment: Two online multiple-choice tests (Moodle); two individual seminar papers (conducting a literature search, writing a literature review)
Biegelbauer, P., Konrath, C., & Speer, B. (2014). Die wissenschaftliche (Nicht-) Beschäftigung mit der Verwaltung und ihrem Verhältnis zur Politik in Österreich. Österreichische Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft, (4), 349.
Ebster, C./Stalzer, L. (2013): Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler. 4. Auflage. UTB.
Kornmeier, M. (2013): Wissenschaftlich schreiben leicht gemacht. 6. Auflage. UTB.
Franck, N. (1998): Fit fürs Studium: Erfolgreich lesen, schreiben, reden. 10. Auflage. dtv.
Pollitt, C. (2016). Advanced introduction to public management and administration. Edward Elgar Publishing. Kapitel 1 (S. 1–25).
Smaller lecture units, group exercises with emphasis on the application of different methods, case solutions, discussions, work assignments, partly online elements in the Flipped Classroom, work assignments in the online teaching on Moodle (question-answer forum).
Continuous assessment: Assessment of performance through a reflection assignment as well as individual distance learning exercises and participation in working groups.
Covey, Stephen R. (2018): Der 8. Weg: Mit Effektivität zu wahrer Größe. Gabal. Offenbach
Luhmann, Niklas (2015): Soziale Systeme. Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie. Suhrkamp. Frankfurt am Main
Schultz von Thun, Friedmann (2013): Störungen und Klärungen. Allgemeine Psychologie der Kommunikation. Rowohlt. Hamburg
Seibert-Fohr, Anja (Hg.) (2020): Entgrenzte Verantwortung: Zur Reichweite und Regulierung von Verantwortung. Springer. Berlin
Introduction: Lecture/presentation (discussion, feedback)
Consolidation: work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions
Continuous assessment: Presentation, written work, case handling
Bartonitz, M., Lévesque V., Michl T., Steinbrecher, Vonhof C., Wagner L. (2018): Agile Verwaltung: Wie der Öffentliche Dienst aus der Gegenwart die Zukunft entwickeln kann (Deutsch), 1. Auflage, Springer-Gabler, Heidelberg.
Dahm, Markus H. (2019): Strategie und Transformation im digitalen Zeitalter - Inspirationen für Management und Leadership, 1. Auflage, Springer-Gabler, Heidelberg.
Stember, J., Eixelsberger, W., Spichiger, A., Neuroni, A., Habbel, F.-R., Wundara, M. (Hrsg.) (2019): Handbuch E-Government, 1. Auflage, Springer-Gabler, Heidelberg.
Steinbrecher, Wolf (2019): Agile Einführung der E-Akte mit Scrum, 1. Auflage, Springer-Gabler, Heidelberg.
Streicher, Hans Werner (2020): Digitale Transformation in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. 1. Auflage, Springer-Gabler, Heidelberg.
Lecture with activating methods, group work, discussion, work assignments with feedback, peer feedback, reading tasks and the answering of deeper reflection questions
Continuous assessment: The learning progress and performance assessment within the course is based on three pillars. Active participation and group work in the classroom units (25 %), reading tasks (30 %), elaboration of reflection questions for practical application of the seminar contents (45 %).
Beckert, J. (2009): The great transformation of embeddedness: Karl Polanyi and the new economic sociology. Beckert Jens, 38-55.
Bohmann, G., Hofbauer, J., & Schülein, J. A. (Eds.) (2014). Sozioökonomische Perspektiven: Texte zum Verhältnis von Gesellschaft und Ökonomie. Facultas Verlags-und Buchhandels AG.
Hedtke, R. (2015): Was ist und wozu Sozioökonomie?. In Hedtke, R.: Was ist und wozu Sozioökonomie? 19-69. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Hodgson, G. M. (2020): On the limits of markets. Journal of Institutional Economics, 1-18.
Kindleberger, C. P. (1974): The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi. Daedalus, 45-52.
Sandel, M. J. (2000): What money can't buy: the moral limits of markets. Tanner Lectures on Human Values, 21, 87-122.
Sandel, M. J. (2013). Market reasoning as moral reasoning: why economists should re-engage with political philosophy. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(4), 121-40.
The Integrated Course is based on (1) lectures with discussion, (2) discussions in small groups in the classroom units on the application of ethical positions for the reflection of action dilemmas, and (3) individual and general feedback on the distance learning exercise.
Continuous assessment: The determination of the benefit is based on three aspects:
- Distance learning exercise (15 %) for the guided independent consolidation and written elaboration of a classical ethical basic position and its application to an ethical dilemma developed by the student
- Written final examination (50 %) on the contents of the course, which consists of knowledge questions to be answered briefly and comprehension questions to be answered in essay style
- Seminar paper (35%) on a fictitious administrative reform to be conceptualized under guidance along a concrete example to be worked out independently, which is to be presented against the background of the theory of administrative models and justified ethically in its meaning for the common good
BKA (2011): Handbuch Wirkungsorientierte Steuerung. Unser Handeln erzeugt Wirkung. Wien.
BKA (2013): Handbuch Wirkungsorientierte Folgenabschätzung. Wien.
Brodocz, André / Schaal, Gary S. (Hg.) (2016): Politische Theorien der Gegenwart, 3 Bde., 4. erw. u. akt. Aufl. Opladen: UTB/Barbara Budrich.
Celikates, Robin / Gosepath, Stefan (2013): Politische Philosophie. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Düwell, Marcus / Hübenthal, Christoph / Werner, Micha H. (Hg.) (2011): Handbuch Ethik. 3. akt. Aufl. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Ebert, Thomas (2015): Soziale Gerechtigkeit. Ideen – Geschichte – Kontroversen, 2. Aufl. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
Franz, Thorsten (2013): Einführung in die Verwaltungswissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Goppel, Anna / Mieth, Corinna / Neuhäuser, Christian (Hg.) (2016): Handbuch Gerechtigkeit. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Hartmann, Martin / Offe, Claus (Hg.) (2011): Politische Theorie und Politische Philosophie. Ein Handbuch. München: C.H.Beck.
Heidenreich, Felix (2011): Theorien der Gerechtigkeit. Eine Einführung. Opladen: Budrich.
Isensee, Josef (2014): Gemeinwohl und öffentliches Amt. Vordemokratische Fundament des Verfassungsstaates. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Kegelmann, Jürgen (2007): New Public Management. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Neuen Steuerungsmodells. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Meynhardt, Timo (2008): Public Value – oder: was heißt Wertschöpfung zum Gemeinwohl? In: dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management Heft 1/2008; 457-468.
Moore, Mark (1995): Creating Public Value. Strategic Management in Government. Cambridge/MA: Harvard University Press.
Neisser, Heinrich / Hammerschmid, Gerhard (Hg.) (1998): Die innovative Verwaltung. Perspektiven des New Public Management in Österreich. Wien: Signum.
Pauer-Studer, Herlinde (2013): Einführung in die Ethik, 2. Aufl. Wien: facultas.
Proeller, Isabella / Schedler, Kuno (2011): New Public Management, 5. Aufl. Stuttgart: UTB/Haupt.
Rawls, John (2003/2001): Gerechtigkeit als Fairness. Ein Neuentwurf. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp.
Reese-Schäfer, Walter (2001): Kommunitarismus. Frankfurt/M.: Campus.
Schmitt-Egner, Peter (2015): Gemeinwohl: Konzeptionelle Grundlinien zur Legitimität und Zielsetzung von Politik im 21. Jahrhundert. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Flipped classroom and lecture with activating methods for teaching the material, case solutions, group work, and discussion, as well as problem-based learning for deepening and applying the material.
Continuous assessment: The course concludes with a written (open book) final examination, which includes small case studies on constitutional law, EU law and fundamental rights. A mid-term test asks for definitions of terms and "legal vocabulary". One or two distance learning tasks on case solutions complement the performance evaluation.
Berka, W./Binder, C./Kneihs, B. (2019): Die Grundrechte. Grund- und Menschenrechte in Österreich. 2. Auflage. Wien: Verlag Österreich
Öhlinger, T./Eberhard, H. (2019): Verfassungsrecht. 12. Auflage. Wien: facultas.
Ranacher, C./Staudigl, F (2015): Einführung in das EU-Recht. 3. Auflage. Wien: facultas.
Lecture/presentation, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises
Continuous assessment: The assessment consists of presentations, case studies, homework, quizzes and a written final exam.
Kasper, H. / Loisch, U. / Mühlbacher, J. / Müller, B. (2009). Organisationskultur und lernende Organisation, in: Kasper, H. / Mayrhofer, W. (Hg): Personalmanagement Führung Organisation, Wien: Linde Verlag: S. 309–361.
Schreyögg, G. (2012). Grundlagen der Organisation: Basiswissen für Studium und Praxis, Springer Gabler Verlag.
Schreyögg, G. / Koch, J. (2010). Grundlagen des Managements. Basiswissen für Studium und Praxis, Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
Vahs, D. (2012). Organisation. Ein Lehr- und Managementbuch, Stuttgart: Schäfer-Poeschel Verlag.
State and administration
Fundamentals and principles of management
The administrative organization in Austria
Institutions of the European Union and their points of contact with national sovereign acts
Lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, distance learning (concrete tasks for the application of the presented material, whereby these are to be worked out in writing and also presented in the course), intensive work through selected scientific essays
Final exam: Final examination in writing, partial performances (short presentations on questions of the home modules, continuous assessment of the oral participation, short assignment)
Holzinger/Oberndorfer/Raschauer (Hg.): Österreichische Verwaltungslehre, Wien 2013.
Ucakar/Gschiegl: Das politische System Österreichs und die EU, Wien 2014.
The course consists of lectures with discussion. Based on a reader, text-supported group discussions also take place.
Final exam: The course is concluded with a written final examination, which consists of knowledge questions to be answered briefly and comprehension questions to be answered in essay style.
Anderson, Perry (1979): Die Entstehung des absolutistischen Staates. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp.
Anter, Andreas (1995): Max Webers Theorie des modernen Staates. Herkunft, Struktur und Bedeutung. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
Brodocz, André / Schaal, Gary S. (Hg.) (2016): Politische Theorien der Gegenwart, 3 Bde., 4. erw. u. akt. Aufl. Opladen: UTB/Barbara Budrich.
Brand, Ulrich (2014): Internationalisierung des Staates; in: Wullweber, Joscha et al. (Hg.): Theorien der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie; Wiesbaden: Springer; 299-313.
Crouch, Colin (2008): Postdemokratie. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp.
Deppe, Frank (2013/1987): Niccolò Machiavelli. Zur Kritik der reinen Politik. Köln: Papyrossa.
Deppe, Frank (2015): Der Staat. Köln: Papyrossa.
Dryzek, John S. (Hg.) (2009): Theories of the democratic state. Basingstole: Palgrave.
Dvořák, Johann (2014): Über Theorien des Politischen in der europäischen Neuzeit. Wien: facultas.
Dvořák, Johann (2015): Geschichte – Politik – Wissenschaft. Wien: facultas.
Foucault, Michel (2005): Analytik der Macht. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp.
Foucault, Michel (2010): Kritik des Regierens. Schriften zur Politik. Frankfurt/M.: Berlin.
Hay, Colin / Michael Lister / David Marsh (Hg.) (2006): The State. Theories and Issues. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Jessop, Bob (2016): The State. Past, Present, Future. Cambridge: Polity.
Kelsen, Hans (1960/1934): Reine Rechtslehre. Wien: Deuticke.
Klenk, Tanja / Nullmeier, Frank / Wewer, Göttrik (Hg.) (2019): Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Locke, John (2003/1690): Über die Regierung. The Second Treatise of Government. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Mazzucato, Mariana (2013): The Entrepreneurial State. London: Anthem Press.
Müller, Hans-Peter (2007): Max Weber. Eine Einführung. Köln: Böhlau.
Pierre, Jon / Peters, Guy B. (2000): Governance, Politics and the State. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Skinner, Quentin (2008/1981): Machiavelli zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius.
Sonnenfels, Joseph von (1787): Gesammelte Schriften. Wien.
Streeck, Wolfgang (2013): Gekaufte Zeit. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Weber-Fas, Rudolf (Hg.) (2003): Staatsdenker der Moderne. Klassikertexte von Machiavelli bis Max Weber. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Wood, Ellen Meiksins (2012): Liberty and Property. A Social History of Western Political Thought from Renaissance to Enlightenment. London: Verso.
Basic knowledge of economics, which is necessary to be able to form a picture of central problems in the overall economy (unemployment, national debt, financial instability) and to be able to take an independent position.
This content is to be achieved in two ways. First, by working through 15 fundamental chapters of the textbook "Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre" by Peter Bofinger (Pearson Studium, 5th edition, Munich 2019) and second, by applying what has been learned using the example of the main economic problems in the industrialised countries as well as in the world economy and a synopsis based on economic history since the 1920s, which leads to an attempt to define the current position.
Lecture/lecture with discussion, distance learning
Final exam: Final examination consisting of a test on basic theoretical knowledge (compulsory reading from Bofinger) and a short essay on main empirical problems.
Bofinger, Peter (2019): Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre, Pearson Studium, 5. Auflage, München (Pflichtlektüre: Kapitel 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 25, 11 bis 20).
Zur Empirie der ökonomischen Hauptprobleme (keine Pflichtlektüre, aber für Fernlehre und Kurzaufsatz der Abschlussklausur nützlich – Download: – außer „Der Weg zur Prosperität“)
Schulmeister, Stephan (2002): Realkapitalismus, Finanzkapitalismus und Beschäftigungsdynamik, Mimeo.
Schulmeister, Stephan (1996): Zinssatz, Investitionsdynamik, Wachstumsrate und Staatsverschuldung, WIFO-Monatsberichte 11/1996.
Schulmeister, Stephan (2000): Globalization without global money: the double role of the dollar as national currency and world currency, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 22(3), 365-395.
Schulmeister, Stephan (2014): European Governance – Do we need a new navigation map? Izmir Review of Social Sciences, 2014, 1 (2).
Schulmeister, Stephan (2018): Der Weg zur Prosperität. Salzburg: ecowin-Verlag.
Lecture with activating methods, group work during the presence phase, discussion, individual work and group work as homework, feedback
Continuous assessment: Group work, written examination and consideration of participation
Bundesministerium für Finanzen: Budgetdokumente und Unterlagen zum Budget:
Saliterer I./Meszarits V./Pilz P. (2020): VRV 2015. Veranschlagung und Rechnungslegung für Länder und Gemeinden. Manz-Verlag.
Schedler, Proeller (2011): New Public Management, 5. Auflage, UTB Verlag, 2011.
Skriptum öffentliches Haushaltswesen (wird von der Lehrveranstaltungsleiterin elektronisch zur Verfügung gestellt).
Steger (Hg) (2005): Öffentliche Haushalte in Österreich. 3. Auflage. Verlag Österreich.
Zimmermann/Henke/Broer (2017): Finanzwissenschaft. Verlag Vahlen.
Main features of the Staff Regulations for Officials and contract staff (with emphasis on rights and obligations)
Main features of the remuneration of officials and contract staff
Main features of the service procedure
Basic principles of the law on staff representation
Lecture/presentation, group work, discussion, case solutions
Continuous assessment: Final examination oral (50 %) and immanent performance assessment (presentation of a case in a small group) (50 %)
Pleyer, Van Husen, Horvat, Ritter (2010): Beamten-Dienstrechtsgesetz: Kommentar. 1. Auflage. Linde-Verlag.
Ziehensack (2018): Vertragsbedienstetengesetz - Praxiskommentar (Loseblatt). 29. Lfg. LexisNexis
Gewerkschaft öffentlicher Dienst (2019): Bundes-Personalvertretungsgesetz. GÖD.
Depending on the internship position
Reflection in the Training for Professional Practice courses 1 and 2
Continuous assessment: Interview with internship supervisor/information by internship supervisor
Lecture/presentation, independent preparation & research, group work, discussion, presentation
Final exam: Active preparation and corresponding participation in the course, homework, test and group work including presentation
Barthel, T. (2018): Öffentliche Betriebswirtschaftslehre. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart.
Dincher, R./Müller-Godeffroy, H./Scharpf, M./Schuppan, T. (2017): Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre für die Verwaltung. 4. Auflage. Neuhofen/Pf.
Schauer, R. (2019): Öffentliche Betriebswirtschaftslehre – Public Management. 4. Auflage. Wien.
Lecture and discussion, group work, work assignments with feedback, peer feedback, distance learning
Continuous assessment: Immanent assessment of performance through partial performance in the form of written work orders for various types of text
Frank, A./Haacke, S./Lahm, S. (2013): Schlüsselkompetenzen. Schreiben in Studium und Beruf. 2., aktual. und erw. Auflage. Stuttgart, Weimar: J.B. Metzler.
Kruse, Otto (2015): Lesen und Schreiben. Der richtige Umgang mit Texten im Studium. 2., überarb. Auflage. Konstanz, München: UVK.
Lange, Ulrike (2013): Fachtexte. Lesen – verstehen – wiedergeben. Paderborn: Schöningh.
Reading (guided) individual chapters from Allison/Zelikow (1999); teacher's inputs; group puzzles for reading and group work for research planning (step-by-step guided); short presentations by students; problem-based learning
Continuous assessment: Immanent performance assessment: MC tests; reading tasks; short presentations with corresponding documents (group work); development of research plan (group work)
Allison, G./Zelikow, P. (1999): Essence of Decision. Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis. New York et al: Longman.
Kruse, O. (2010): Lesen und Schreiben. Der richtige Umgang mit Texten im Studium. Konstanz: UVK.
Compact inputs create an overview and stimulate new thoughts. Specific exercises and ongoing feedback encourage continuous learning. The work on specific use cases creates integration into your own practice.
Continuous assessment: Carrying out a "creativity exercise" in your own area using the tools you have learned. This includes asking the right questions, using the tools correctly and presenting the results. The reflection afterwards should be a structured report. This includes a report and reflection on the personal experiences with the application of the tools.
If someone does not have the possibility to do a customer journey, there is the possibility to do a literature research as compensation. This includes a short summary, possibly a presentation (due to time constraints, not everyone will be able to do this) as well as a personal statement on what has been read. This will not lead to any disadvantages in the grading.
Catmull, Ed (2014): Die Kreativitäts-AG, Hanser Literaturverlage.
Thaler, Richard H., Sunstein, Cass R. (2010): Nudge: Wie man kluge Entscheidungen anstößt, Ullstein Taschenbuchverlag.
Kahneman, Daniel (2016): Schnelles Denken, langsames Denken, Penguin Verlag.
Pricken, Mario (2007): Kribbeln im Kopf, Hermann Schmidt Mainz.
Dark Horse Innovation (2018): New Workspace Playbook: Das unverzichtbare Praxisbuch für neues Arbeiten in neuen Räumen, Murmann Publishers
Lecture, flipped classroom, group work
Continuous assessment: Several multiple choice tests
Lecture, discussions and group work with presentations
Continuous assessment: 20 % active cooperation
40 % oral presentation
40 % reflection report
Hanzl, Martin (2020): Handbuch Blockchain und Smart Contracts, 1. Auflage, Wien.
Hanzl, Martin/Pelzmann, Helen/Schragl Markus (Hg): Handbuch Digitalisierung, 1. Auflage (im Erscheinen); Kapitel zu Grundlagen der KI relevant;
Anderl (Hg) (2020): Blockchain in der Rechtspraxis, LexisNexis (2020), 1. Auflage Wien
The combination of different teaching methods - lecture and distance learning, self-study, practical exercises based on individual and group work, discussion, written reflection as well as feedback from peers and teachers - allows for a diverse transfer of knowledge and skills on the one hand and takes into account different learning types among students on the other. By means of practical applications, students are challenged in this exercise to acquire new competences and to reflect on them in connection with the contents of other courses. The selected working materials and research examples provide a reference to the central topics of the course as well as current focal points such as SDGs and digitization.
Continuous assessment: The acquisition of the above-mentioned competences is checked within the framework of the immanent performance assessment on the basis of the following partial performances:
-research of examples of public welfare-oriented action
-editing, presentation and discussion of reading
-written reflection
-seminar paper
Benington, J., & Moore, M. H. (2010): Public Value: Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Bozeman, B. (2019): Public values: Citizens’ perspective. Public Management Review, 21(6), 817–838.
Bryson, J. M., Crosby, B. C., & Bloomberg, L. (Hrsg.). (2015): Public Value and Public Administration. Georgetown University Press.
Moore, M. (2012): Recognizing Public Value, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Lecture/presentation, self-study using the given literature, group work, discussion, work assignments with feedback, case solutions, practical exercises, problem-based learning.
Final exam: Written examination at the end of the course on specific questions and preparation of a decision on a given issue
KODEX Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetze (AVG) 2019/20, 55. Auflage; Verlag LexisNexis
Kolonovits, Dieter; Muzak, Gerhard; Stöger, Karl (2019): Grundriss des österreichischen Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts; 11. Auflage, Manz Verlag
Schittengruber, Alois (2020): Allgemeines Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht (Skriptum)
Main features of quality thinking and quality management (QM):
Holistic QM:
QM models and their application in public administration:
Success factors of QM:
Lecture with activating methods, discussion, group exercises, practical exercises, distance learning
Continuous assessment: Immanent performance assessment: written work, presentation, written test
Stein, A. (2016): Qualitätsmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Chance für ein prozess- und qualitätsorientiertes Management im öffentlichen Sektor. Wiesbaden.
Herrmann, J./Fritz, H. (2011): Qualitätsmanagement. Lehrbuch für Studium und Praxis. München.
Bauer, H./Biwald, P./Dearing, E. (Hg.) (2011): Gutes Regieren. Konzepte Realisierungen Perspektiven. Wien.
Fehlinger, U. (2012): Besseres Service durch Kundenbefragungen. in: Prorok, T./Krabina, B. (Hg.): Offene Stadt. Wie BürgerInnenbeteiligung, BürgerInnenservice und Soziale Medien Politik und Verwaltung verändern. Wien. S. 217 – 229.
Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, practical exercises, distance learning
Continuous assessment: Cooperation, distance learning exercises, presentations
Bauer, H., Biwald, P., Mitterer, K. (Hrsg.) (2019): Governance-Perspektiven in Österreichs Föderalismus. Herausforderungen und Optionen. Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Wien, Graz.
Benz, A., Lütz, S., Schimank, U., Simonis, G. (Hrsg.) (2007): Handbuch Governance. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Anwendungsfelder. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden.
Blum, S., Schubert, K. (2018): Politikfeldanalyse. Eine Einführung. 3. Auflage. Springer VS: Wiesbaden.
OECD (2018): Draft Policy Framework on Sound Public Governance.
Schneider, V., Janning, F. (2006): Politikfeldanalyse. Akteure, Diskurse und Netzwerke in der öffentlichen Politik. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden.
As the basis of a sustainable state, digitization, data science and algorithmic decision-making systems hold the promise of transparency, objectivity and efficiency in public administration. Algorithms should function as ideology-free, fair instruments of order and control in a digital society. However, the decision-making processes behind them are always embedded in a socio-cultural system - whose assumptions and stereotypes are incorporated into the construction of algorithms.
Especially in the public sector, algorithmic decision systems usually have a monopoly position with a high risk potential. Therefore, it is all the more essential for female public managers in decision-making bodies to know about the ethical, ideological, political and social fields of tension that can be reflected and even intensified in supposedly neutral algorithms.
Using case studies from the public sector, students are familiarized with the ethical and socio-political fields of tension.
The contents of this course include:
The teaching and learning methods comprise a lecture part with activating methods, discussion, group exercises, case studies, and a group work with final presentation. Special attention is paid to problem-based learning.
Continuous assessment: Immanent course, which is divided into the following parts: group work with presentation (40%), individual seminar paper (40%) and active participation (20%)
Awad, E., et al. (2018): The Moral Machine experiment. In: Nature 563 (7729), 59–64.
Diakopoulos, N. (2015): Algorithmic Accountability. In: Digital Journalism 3 (3), 398–415.
Fenner, D. (2010): Einführung in die Angewandte Ethik. Francke: Tübingen.
Krafft, T., Zweig, K. (2019): Transparenz und Nachvollziehbarkeit algorithmenbasierter Entscheidungsprozesse. Ein Regulierungsvorschlag aus sozioinformatischer Perspektive. Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband: Berlin.
Mohabbat-Kar, R., Thapa, B. E.P., Parycek, P. (Hg.) (2018): (Un)berechenbar? Algorithmen und Automatisierung in Staat und Gesellschaft. Kompetenzzentrum Öffentliche IT: Berlin.
Nida-Rümelin, J., Weidenfeld, N. (2018): Digitaler Humanismus. Eine Ethik für das Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz. Piper: München.
Pauer-Studer, H. (2020): Einführung in die Ethik. Facultas: Wien.
Seaver, N. (2017): Algorithms as culture: Some tactics for the ethnography of algorithmic systems. In: Big Data & Society 4 (2), 205395171773810.
Seaver, N. (2018): What Should an Anthropology of Algorithms Do? In: Cultural Anthropology 33 (3), 375–385.
Simanowski, R. (2020): Todesalgorithmus. Das Dilemma der künstlichen Intelligenz. Passagen Verlag: Wien.
Williams, B., Köhler, W. R. (1979): Kritik des Utilitarismus. Klostermann: Frankfurt a.M.
Lecture/presentation, group work, discussion, case solutions
Continuous assessment: Immanent performance review, final inspection in writing (50 %) and immanent assessment (presentation of a case in small groups - 50 %)
Brodil/Risak (2019): Arbeitsrecht in Grundzügen, 10. Auflage
Kietaibl (2017): Arbeitsrecht I, 10. Auflage
Windisch-Graetz (2017): Arbeitsrecht II, 10. Auflage
Flipped classroom, group work, case solution, discussions, peer feedback, problem based learning, moot court
Final exam: Oral participation in the Moot Court at the end of the course and written preparation for it. An mid-term test on concepts of private law, distance learning tasks on case solutions, and presentations.
Bydlinski, Peter (2017): Grundzüge des Privatrechts. 10. Auflage, Manz Verlag
Kodex Bürgerliches Recht, aktuelle Auflage, Verlag Lexis Nexis ARD Orac GmBH & CoKG, Skriptum
Lecture and active participation of students in the course with the opportunity for discussion
Final exam: Ongoing participation and a written course examination at the end of the semester
Possard, M. (2024): Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens: Einführung in die Buchhaltung. Buchführung, Bilanzierung und Bilanzanalyse. (9., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage). Norderstedt: BoD Verlag
Possard, M. (2024): Buchhaltung von A-Z: Fachlexikon für Studium, Reifeprüfung und Ausbildung. (6., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage). Norderstedt: BoD Verlag
Possard, M. (Hrsg.) (2023): Berufsrecht kompakt: Sammlung relevanter Bestimmungen für Buchhalter:innen, Bilanzbuchhalter:innen und Personalverrechner:innen. Rechtliches Basiswissen für die Berufsausübung und für die Praxis. (2., überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage). Norderstedt: BoD Verlag
Wichtiger Hinweis: In der Lehrveranstaltung wird mit verpflichtender Literatur gearbeitet. Es wird ausdrücklich empfohlen, die verpflichtende Literatur bereits vor Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung anzuschaffen. Die Literatur findet sich zudem in der FH-Bibliothek. Die Pflichtliteratur bildet neben der Mitschrift in der LV die Basis für die abschließende schriftliche Endprüfung.
Empfohlene Literatur für das Selbststudium:
Grbenic, S.; Zunk, B. (2021): Buchhaltung Grundlagen. Buchhaltung und Bilanzierung (I). (2. Auflage). Wien: Linde Verlag
Hilber, K. (2023): Rechnungslegung und Rechnungswesen für Betriebswirte, Juristen und Techniker. (2., neu bearbeitete Auflage). Wien: LexisNexis Verlag
Schauer, R. (2020): Rechnungswesen in öffentlichen Verwaltungen. (4. Auflage). Wien: Linde Verlag
Schneider, W.; Dobrovits, I.; Schneider, D. (2022): Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium. (24., aktualisierte und ergänzte Auflage). Wien: Facultas Verlag
Lecture/presentation, group work, discussion, feedback, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises, problem-based learning, distance learning
Continuous assessment: Immanent performance assessment based on group and homework after each course and as distance learning in preparation for the federal section
Discussion of the legal basis after preparation by the students
Presentation of group work and discussion of the results (based on the script and slides with the relevant content)
The overall grade is calculated from the sub-grades distance learning and group work in the attendance part
Mayr, A (2015): Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung, Band II in: Eisl, C. / Losbichler, H. (Hrsg.): Grundlagen der finanziellen Unternehmensführung, 3. Aufl. Wien: Linde
Messner, S. / Bogensberger, S. (2007): Kostenrechnung und Controlling, in: Messner, S. / Kreidl, C. / Wala, T. (Hrsg.): Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Wien: LexisNexis
Preißler, P. (2008): Betriebswirtschaftliche Kennzahlen, München: Oldenburg
Seicht, G. (1999): Moderne Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung, 10. Aufl. Wien: Linde
Wala, T. / Haslehner, F. / Hirsch, M. (2016): Kostenrechnung, Budgetierung und Kostenmanagement, 2. Aufl. Wien: Linde
The combination of different teaching methods - lecture and distance learning, practical exercises based on individual and group work, discussion as well as feedback from peers and teachers - enables a diverse transfer of knowledge and skills on the one hand and takes into account different learning types among students on the other. By means of practical applications, students are challenged in this exercise to acquire new competences and to reflect on them in connection with the contents of other courses. The selected working materials and research examples provide a reference to the central topics of the course as well as current focal points such as SDGs and digitization.
Continuous assessment: The acquisition of the above-mentioned competences will be assessed on the basis of partial performances within the framework of the immanent performance assessment:
(1)Written teamwork: reading and critical discussion of a given scientific text according to previously defined criteria
(2)Individual work: execution of a participant observation and writing an observation protocol
(3)Group exercise on quantitative research: construction of a questionnaire and planning of the research process
Lecture, pair & group assignments in class, discussions & feedback, research-based learning, online tasks, practical exercises
Continuous assessment: Continuous assessment: classroom participation, discussions, pair work and group work; written assignments, online tasks
Emmerson, Paul: The Business English Handbook Advanced. Oxford: Macmillan Publisher, 2008
Dignen, Rob. Fifty ways to improve your Presentation Skills in English. Oxford, Summertown Publishing Ltd., 2007
Emmerson, Paul: Essential Business Vocabulary Builders. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers, 2011
Materials as issued by lecturer
Relevant websites & journals
Input/lecture by the teachers; exercises for individual reflection in the classroom units; group discussions and exercises; plenary discussions; feedback on reflection papers; materials for self-study (Moodle)
Continuous assessment: Writing three written reflection papers on the thematic focus of the individual attendance units in individual or team work.
Appiano-Kugler, I./Kogoj, T. (Hg.) (2008): Going Gender and Diversity. Wien: Facultas
Bührmann, A. (2020): Reflexive Diversitätsforschung. Eine Einführung anhand eines Fallbeispiels. Stuttgart: UTB
Czollek, L. C./Perko, G. (2008): Eine Formel bleibt eine Formel... Gender- und diversitygerechte Didaktik an Hochschulen: ein intersektionaler Ansatz. Wien: FH Campus Wien.
Doblhofer, D./Küng, Z. (2008): Gender Mainstreaming - Gleichstellungsmanagement als Erfolgsfaktor - das Praxisbuch. Heidelberg/Berlin: Springer
Internetportal Intersektionalität:
Stadt Wien (2019): Gender Mainstreaming – Leicht gemacht. Praxistipps. Wien.
Süß, S. (2009): Die Institutionalisierung von Managementkonzepten: Diversity-Management in Deutschland. München/Merin: Rainer Hampp Verlag
Traunsteiner, B. (2015): Eine Sprache für alle! Leitfaden für geschlechter- und diversityfairen Sprachgebrauch an der FH Campus Wien mit Tipps für Vorträge, die englische Sprache und Bildgestaltung. Wien: FH Campus Wien.
Theory inputs, individual and group work, exercises and role-plays (with emphasis on the application of different methods) with feedback, technology-supported courses, work and observation tasks with collegial feedback, structured group exercises, independent acquisition of knowledge and competence through case work on one's own and exemplary group and conflict situations, dialogue and discussion in the plenary and in the question-answer forum.
Continuous assessment: Immanent assessment of performance through case work and discussion using theoretical principles (from distance learning), (distance learning) reflection tasks, (distance learning) small group work, participation in attendance time as well as a term paper to integrate and deepen the teaching content.
Franken, Swetlana. (2019): Verhaltensorientierte Führung. Handeln, Lernen und Diversity in Unternehmen. 4. Auflage. Wiesbaden. Springer Gabler.
Herrmann, Antonia (2019): Wie funktioniert Gruppendynamik? Das rangdynamische Positionsmodell nach Raoul Schindler. Norderstedt. Grin.
König, Oliver/Schattenhofer, Karl (2020): Einführung in die Gruppendynamik. 10. Auflage. Heidelberg. Carl-Auer.
Proksch, Stephan (2013): Konfliktmanagement im Unternehmen: Mediation und andere Methoden für Konflikt- und Kooperationsmanagement am Arbeitsplatz. Heidelberg. Springer.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (2012): Konflikte lösen durch Gewaltfreie Kommunikation. 15. Auflage. Freiburg. Herder.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (2016): Gewaltfreie Kommunikation: Eine Sprache des Lebens. Paderborn. Junfermann.
Lecture, discussion, feedback, group work, case solutions, practical exercises, linking theory to students' work experience and knowledge
Continuous assessment: Performance behaviour: observed in the active participation during the lecture units (20 %) and in the implementation of the course content in the context of group work within the last lecture unit (30 %)
Performance result: judged by the results of the own learning transfer. Written examination on the contents taught in the last teaching unit (50%).
After a short flipped classroom session, each unit begins with a detailed lecture part, which presents the statistics as far as possible without formulas, and ends with a group exercise part. This ensures that what has been learned is always subliminated in the students' perceptual process.
Continuous assessment: After each unit, the current status of an ongoing group work should be uploaded to Moodle. In the last unit there will also be a final presentation.
Bruce, P., Bruce, A., & Gedeck, P. (2020). Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python. O'Reilly Media.
Quatember, A. (2011). Statistik ohne Angst vor Formeln: Das Studienbuch für Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaftler. Pearson Deutschland GmbH.
Generally, each unit starts with a flipped classroom session. After a lecture in which new content is taught, the group projects are discussed and developed further together. For each unit, the work of one or two groups is discussed in the auditorium.
Continuous assessment: From the beginning, cases are processed as group tasks with the help of the R programming language. In addition, there is a short multiple choice test every second unit of the course to consolidate the statistical concepts. Furthermore, the group presentations (creation of a supervised learning model for concrete problem solving) are added to the final grade.
Bruce, A., Bruce, P. & Gedeck, P. (2020): Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Tan, P., Steinbach, M., Karpatne, A. & Kumar, V. (2019): Introduction to Data Mining. Pearson.
Flipped classroom, group work, case solution, discussions, peer feedback, problem based learning
Continuous assessment: Seminar paper, multiple choice intermediate test
Beck, U., (1997): Was ist Globalisierung? Irrtümer des Globalismus – Antworten auf Globalisierung. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp
Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C.: (2003). Navigating Social Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Blazejczak, J. & Edler, D. (2004): Nachhaltigkeitskriterien aus ökologischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Perspektive – Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz. In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 73, p. 10-30.
BMFLUW (2002): Die österreichische Strategie zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung: Eine Initiative der Bundesregierung.
Brand, F., (2009). Critical natural capital revisited: Ecological resilience and sustainable development. Ecological economics (68), 605-612.
Crompton T., Brewer J., Chilton P., Kasser T. (2010): Common Cause - The Case for Working with our Cultural Values. WWF- UK.
Felber, C. (2010): Gemeinwohlökonomie – Das Wirtschaftsmodell der Zukunft. Wien: Deuticke.
Hirsch Hadorn, G.; Bradley, D.; Pohl, C.; Rist, S.; Wiesmann, U. (2006): Implications of transdisciplinarity for sustainability research. In: Ecological Economics 60, p. 119-128.
Leonard, A. (2010): The Story of Stuff: Wie wir unsere Erde zumüllen. Econ, Berlin.
Luks, F. (2002): Nachhaltigkeit. Sabine Groenewold Verlage, Hamburg.
Mazzucato, M. (2014): Das Kapital des Staates. Eine andere Geschichte von Innovation und Wachstum. Verlag Antje Kunstmann, München.
Meadows, D.; Meadows, D.; Zahn, E. (1972): Die Grenzen des Wachstums. Bericht des Club of Rome zur Lage der Menschheit. Deutsche Verlags Anstalt, München.
Meadows, D.; Randers, J.; Meadows, D. (2007): Grenzen des Wachstums – Das 30-Jahre-Update. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart.
Ott, K., Döring R. (2008): Theorie und Praxis starker Nachhaltigkeit. Metropolis-Verlag. Marburg.
Scholz, R.W., Lang, D. J., Wiek, A., Walter A. I., Stauffacher, M., (2006): Transdisciplinary case studies as a means of sustainability learning. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (7) 3, 226-251.
Schneider, A.; Schmidpeter, R. (Hrsg.) (2012): Corporate Social Responsibilty. Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung in Theorie und Praxis. Springer Gabler, Berlin Heidelberg.
Vester, F. (2002): Die Kunst, vernetzt zu denken. Ideen und Werkzeuge für einen neuen Umgang mit Komplexität. Stuttgart: DTV
Wackernagel, M. & Beyers, B. (2010): Der Ecological Footprint – Die Welt neu vermessen. Europäische Verlagsanstalt GmbH, Hamburg.
Welzer, H., Wiegand, K. (2011): Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Wie sieht die Welt im Jahr 2050 aus?. Fischer Taschenbuch. Frankfurt/Main.
Lecture with discussion, group work assignments with feedback, peer feedback, case solutions, flipped classroom
Continuous assessment: Short presentations, seminar paper
Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C.: (2003). Navigating Social Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Blazejczak, J. & Edler, D. (2004): Nachhaltigkeitskriterien aus ökologischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Perspektive – Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz. In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 73, p. 10-30.
BMFLUW (2002): Die österreichische Strategie zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung: Eine Initiative der Bundesregierung.
Brand, F., (2009). Critical natural capital revisited: Ecological resilience and sustainable development. Ecological economics (68), 605-612.
Crompton T., Brewer J., Chilton P., Kasser T. (2010): Common Cause - The Case for Working with our Cultural Values. WWF- UK.
Felber, C. (2010): Gemeinwohlökonomie – Das Wirtschaftsmodell der Zukunft. Wien: Deuticke.
Hirsch Hadorn, G.; Bradley, D.; Pohl, C.; Rist, S.; Wiesmann, U. (2006): Implications of transdisciplinarity for sustainability research. In: Ecological Economics 60, p. 119-128.
Luks, F. (2002): Nachhaltigkeit. Sabine Groenewold Verlage, Hamburg.
Mazzucato, M. (2014): Das Kapital des Staates. Eine andere Geschichte von Innovation und Wachstum. Verlag Antje Kunstmann, München.
Meadows, D.; Meadows, D.; Zahn, E. (1972): Die Grenzen des Wachstums. Bericht des Club of Rome zur Lage der Menschheit. Deutsche Verlags Anstalt, München.
Meadows, D.; Randers, J.; Meadows, D. (2007): Grenzen des Wachstums – Das 30-Jahre-Update. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart.
Ott, K., Döring R. (2008): Theorie und Praxis starker Nachhaltigkeit. Metropolis-Verlag. Marburg.
Scholz, R.W., Lang, D. J., Wiek, A., Walter A. I., Stauffacher, M., (2006): Transdisciplinary case studies as a means of sustainability learning. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (7) 3, 226-251.
Schneider, A.; Schmidpeter, R. (Hrsg.) (2012): Corporate Social Responsibilty. Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung in Theorie und Praxis. Springer Gabler, Berlin Heidelberg.
Vester, F. (2002): Die Kunst, vernetzt zu denken. Ideen und Werkzeuge für einen neuen Umgang mit Komplexität. Stuttgart: DTV
Wackernagel, M. & Beyers, B. (2010): Der Ecological Footprint – Die Welt neu vermessen. Europäische Verlagsanstalt GmbH, Hamburg.
Welzer, H., Wiegand, K. (2011): Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Wie sieht die Welt im Jahr 2050 aus?. Fischer Taschenbuch. Frankfurt/Main.
Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, peer feedback, practical exercises, problem-based learning
Continuous assessment: Immanent performance assessment: quality of the cooperation, the presentation and the written work
Bürgerbeteiligung in der Praxis. Ein Methodenhandbuch. Stiftung Mitarbeit & ÖGUT (Hg.) (2018). Bonn.
Handler, Martina; Walter, Florian (2014): Demokratie in der "Knirschzone" - Beteiligungskultur in Österreich, in: Stiftung Mitarbeit (Hg.): Teilhaben und Mitgestalten. Beteiligungskulturen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Bonn, 31-57.
Klages, Helmuth; Walter, Angelika (2013): Bürgerbeteiligung auf kommunaler Ebene. Perspektiven für eine systematische und verstetigte Gestaltung, Berlin.
Standards der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung (2008; vom Ministerrat beschlossen am 2. Juli 2008),
Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft und Bundeskanzleramt (Hg.), Arbter, Kerstin (2011): Praxisleitfaden zu den Standards der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung, Wien.
Using various methods such as group moderation, participatory procedures, and business games, the basics of democracy and participation are discussed in small and large groups with the help of texts, current topics are discussed and participation procedures with peer feedback are tested. In the course of the semester, small groups are formed to examine a practical case with regard to participation that is actually lived.
Continuous assessment: Immanent achievement determination by the following elements: short presentation of a text with 3-5 core statements on PowerPoint (15% of the note), active co-operation during the lecture (30%), house work (55%).
Dahl, Robert (1998): On Democracy. New Haven, Yale University Press.
Vorländer, Hans (2017): Demokratie. Information zur politischen Bildung 332. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Bonn.
Zittel, Thomas (2012): Wie viel und welche Partizipation braucht die Demokratie? Vorgänge 51(3): 4-14.
Flipped classroom, group presentations/lectures with peer feedback, discussion, case vignettes
Continuous assessment: Group presentation/presentation of a knowledge management approach, group seminar work in the form of a literature search
BMÖDS (2019). Wissensmanagement: Leitfaden und Toolbox zur Wissenssicherung bei Personaländerungen. Wien.
Lehner, F. (2019). Wissensmanagement: Grundlagen, Methoden und technische Unterstützung. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG.
Luen, T. W., & Al-Hawamdeh, S. (2001). Knowledge management in the public sector: principles and practices in police work. Journal of information Science, 27(5), 311-318.
Massaro, M., Dumay, J., & Garlatti, A. (2015). Public sector knowledge management: a structured literature review. Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 530-558.
McNabb, D. E. (2006). Knowledge management in the public sector: A blueprint for innovation in government. ME Sharpe.
Roumois, U. (2010). Studienbuch Wissensmanagement. Zürich 2010.
Ergänzende Literatur:
Erpenbeck, J., & Sauter, W. (2013). So werden wir lernen!. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
McAdam, R., & Reid, R. (2000). A comparison of public and private sector perceptions and use of knowledge management. Journal of European Industrial Training. Vol. 24 No. 6, pp. 317-329.
Sauter, W., & Scholz, C. (2015). Kompetenzorientiertes Wissensmanagement: Gesteigerte Performance mit dem Erfahrungswissen aller Mitarbeiter. Springer-Verlag.
Lecture with discussion and activating methods, group work on case studies, literature-based presentations (flipped classroom)
Final exam: Literature-based presentation and/or seminar paper (group)
Bohnsack, R. (2017). Praxeologische Wissenssoziologie. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Brown, M. M., & Brudney, J. L. (2003). Learning organizations in the public sector? A study of police agencies employing information and technology to advance knowledge. Public administration review, 63(1), 30-43.
Eglene, O., Dawes, S. S., & Schneider, C. A. (2007). Authority and leadership patterns in public sector knowledge networks. The American Review of Public Administration, 37(1), 91-113.
Lam, A. (2000). Tacit knowledge, organizational learning and societal institutions: An integrated framework. Organization studies, 21(3), 487-513.
Maasen, S. (2009). Wissenssoziologie. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Ergänzende Literatur:
Biegelbauer, P. (2013). Wie lernt die Politik?: Lernen aus Erfahrung in Politik und Verwaltung. Springer-Verlag.
Davies, H., Nutley, S. M. and Smith, P. C. (2000). Introducing evidence-based policy and practice in public services. In: H. Davies, S. M. Nutley and P.C. Smith (Eds.), What Works? Evidence-Based Policy and Practice in Public Services (pp. 1–12), Bristol: The Policy Press.
Hoppe, R. (2005). Rethinking the science-policy nexus: from knowledge utilization and science technology studies to types of boundary arrangements. Poiesis & Praxis 3(3): 199–215.
Meyer, M. (2010). The rise of the knowledge broker. Science Communication 32(1): 118–127.
Meyer, M. and Molyneux-Hodgson, S. (2010). Introduction: the dynamics of epistemic communities. Sociological Research Online 15(2): 14.
Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lecture/presentation, group work, discussion, feedback
Continuous assessment: Multiple choice test and graded exercises
Fraunhofer-Institut für Software und Systemtechnik ISST / iw Consult (2019): Readiness Data Economy. Bereitschaft der deutschen Unternehmen für die Teilhabe an der Datenwirtschaft. iw, Köln.
Masak, Dieter: Digital Ökosysteme. Springer Verlag
Parker, Geoffrey G.; Van Alstyne, Marshall W. & Choudary, Sangeet Paul (2016): Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy, New York.
Ramge, T. & Mayer-Schönberger, V. (2017): Das Digital: Markt, Wertschöpfung und Gerechtigkeit im Datenkapitalismus. Berlin.
Tiwana, A. (2013): Platform Ecosystems: Aligning Architecture, Governance, and Strategy, Waltham, Massachusetts.
Lecture/presentation, self-study on the basis of the given literature, discussion, work assignments on practical cases with feedback
Final exam: Written examination at the end of the course on specific questions
Eberhard, Harald et al (2018): Europäisches und öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht I, Verlag Österreich, 12. Auflage
Riegler, Lorenz E.; Koizar, Wolfgang (2019): NÖ BauO Niederösterreichische Bauordnung 2014, Manz Verlag Österreich, 4. Auflage
Fuchs, Claudia (2020): Einführung in das Umweltrecht, Verlag Österreich
Schittengruber, Alois (2020): Öffentliches Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsrecht (Skriptum)
Interactive lecture with activating elements, group discussions and exercises, reading tasks of specialist literature (Peer Reviewed Journal Articles) and their evaluation, discussion, elaboration of problem-centred case studies on specific topics of public investment activity in groups, elaboration of self-developed reflection questions on the individual reading tasks, feedback on the individual sub-services.
Continuous assessment: The learning progress and performance assessment within the course is based on four pillars. Active participation in classroom units (10 %), reading tasks (25 %), quizzes on the seminar content (15 %) and a case study in groups of four (50 %). A total of 100 points can be achieved in the seminar.
Bauer, Peter Biwald, Karoline Mitterer (KDZ), Johann Bröthaler, Michael Getzner (TU Wien), Margit Schratzenstaller (WIFO) (2012): Transferbeziehungen im Bundesstaat – Status und Reformperspektiven WIFO-Monatsberichte. 85(12), S.943-955
Boyce, J.K. (2007), "Is inequality bad for the environment?", Wilkinson, R.C. and Freudenburg, W.R. (Ed.) Equity and the Environment (Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, Vol. 15), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 267-288.
Boyce, J. K., & Riddle, M. (2007): Cap and dividend: how to curb global warming while protecting the incomes of American families. PERI Working Paper Series 150
Bröthaler Johann, Michael Getzner, Margit Schratzenstaller, Peter Biwald, Helfried Bauer (2012): Optionen und Strategien einer grundlegenden Reform des österreichischen Finanzausgleichs. WIFO Monatsberichte,85(12), S.905-918
Guger, Alois; et al. (2009): Umverteilung durch den Staat in Österreich. WIFO.
Kunkel, C. M., & Kammen, D. M. (2011): Design and implementation of carbon cap and dividend policies. Energy Policy, 39(1), 477-486.
Mazzucato, M. et al. (2015). Which industrial policy does Europe need? Intereconomics 50.3: 120-155.
Mazzucato, M. (2015). Building the entrepreneurial state: A new framework for envisioning and evaluating a mission-oriented public sector. Working Paper No. 824. Levy Economics Institute.
Mazzucato, M., & Perez, C. (2014). Innovation as growth policy: the challenge for Europe. SPRU Working Paper Series. SWPS 2014 D13.
Rosner (2010): Diskussion der Umverteilungsstudie des Österreichischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung. Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft. 36: 95-99.
Wirth, K. (2011): Strukturreformen bei Gemeinden. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 4, 717-728.
Wirth, K. (2010): Fusion oder Kooperation? Grundlagen für Politik und Verwaltung. Forum Public Management 2/2010: 16-19.
Zwickl, K., & Moser, M. (2014): Informal environmental regulation of industrial air pollution: Does neighborhood inequality matter? IEE WP Series. 1/2015.
After a short flipped classroom session, each unit begins with a detailed lecture part, which presents the statistics as far as possible without formulas, and ends with a group exercise part. This ensures that what has been learned is always subliminated in the students' perceptual process.
Continuous assessment: After each unit, the current status of the group work must be uploaded into the e-learning system. In the last unit, the final presentation will also take place.
Bruce, P., Bruce, A., & Gedeck, P. (2020). Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python. O'Reilly Media.
Quatember, A. (2011). Statistik ohne Angst vor Formeln: Das Studienbuch für Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaftler. Pearson Deutschland GmbH.
Reading (instructed) of given scientific texts; teacher input with discussion; individual work assignment with feedback; group exercises (evaluation of the interview transcripts provided, evaluation of prepared qualitative and quantitative data material with the aim of forming theoretical conclusions)
Continuous assessment: Two group works (text analysis/analytical memo, theory-based qualitative and quantitative data evaluation); individual quick outline
Baur, N., Blasius, J. (Hg.) (2014): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden.
Bogner, A., Littig, B., Menz, W. (Hg.) (2014): Interviews mit Experten. Eine praxisorientierte Einführung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, Kapitel 6, S.71-86.
Flick, U. (2009): Sozialforschung. Methoden und Anwendungen: ein Überblick für die BA-Studiengänge. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag: Reinbek bei Hamburg, Abschnitt „Fallanalyse und Typen-bildung“, S. 184–187.
Mayring, P., Fenzl, T. (2014): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. In: N. Baur, J. Blasius (Hg.): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 543-556.
Przyborski, A., Wohlrab-Sahr, M. (2014): Forschungsdesigns für die qualitative Sozialforschung. In: N. Baur, J. Blasius (Hg.): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 117-134.
Reichertz, J. (2000): Zur Gültigkeit von Qualitativer Sozialforschung. In: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 1 (2), Art. 32,
Stein, P.(2014): Forschungsdesigns für die quantitative Sozialforschung. In: N. Baur, J. Blasius (Hg.): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 135-151.
Lecture, pair & group assignments in class, discussions & feedback, research-based learning, online tasks, practical exercises
Continuous assessment: Continuous assessment: classroom participation, discussions & debates, pair work and group work; written assignments, online tasks
Dignen, Rob. Fifty ways to improve your Presentation Skills in English. Oxford, Summertown Publishing Ltd., 2007
Emmerson, Paul: The Business English Handbook Advanced. Oxford: Macmillan Publisher, 2008
Emmerson, Paul: Essential Business Vocabulary Builders. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers, 2011
Materials as issued by lecturer
Relevant websites & journals
Lecture or presentation, group work, discussion, feedback, peer feedback, case solutions, practical exercises
Continuous assessment: Written final examination using multiple choice test and case processing - can also be taken as "pm basic Certification" on a voluntary basis.
Gareis, R./Gareis, L. (2017): Projekt. Programm. Change.: Lehr- und Handbuch für Intrapreneure projektorientierter Organisationen. 1. Auflage. Wien.
Schaden, B. (2013): pm basic – syllabus. Version 1.0.1. Wien.
Sterrer, C./Winkler, G. (2009): Setting Milestones - Projektmanagement Methoden, Prozesse, Hilfsmittel. 1. Auflage. Wien.
Subject-specific basic knowledge in form of an initial lecture, in the further course teaching of the event-driven process chain method for the visualization of business processes, practicing the method by means of practical examples, learning a digital tool for the visualisation and data-technical multidimensional mapping of business processes, deepening the practical application in form of regular homework (distance learning tasks), identifying, collecting and modeling a complex business case from public administration in small groups, analyzing business processes according to different criteria and mapping an optimized business process.
Continuous assessment: The performance assessment is carried out in the form of accompanying practical exercises with the BPM software "lucidchart", which finally lead to a concluding assignment. The goal of this concluding assignment is the collection and methodically correct mapping of a concrete business process from the area of public administration, the execution of different analyses and the transfer of the gained knowledge into a reformed target business process. A written performance review at the end of the course serves to deepen the theoretical construct of business process management.
>Gadatsch, A. (2020). Grundkurs Geschäftsprozess-Management: Analyse, Modellierung, Optimierung und Controlling von Prozessen. Springer-Verlag.
>Rücker, B. & Freund, J. (2019). Praxishandbuch BPMN: Mit Einführung in DMN. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG.
>Schmelzer, H. J. & Sesselmann, W. (2020). Geschäftsprozessmanagement in der Praxis: Kunden zufrieden stellen - Produktivität steigern - Wert erhöhen. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG.
>Da Costa, N. F. (2023). Prozessmodernisierung in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. In Springer eBooks.
>Organisationshandbuch des Bundesministeriums des Inneren und für Heimat, Kapitel zu Prozessen (abgerufen am 26.01.2025)
Theory inputs, individual and group work, exercises and role-plays with feedback, technology-supported courses, work and observation tasks with collegial feedback, structured group exercises, independent acquisition of knowledge and skills through case work on one's own and exemplary team situations, dialogue and discussion in plenary and in the forum.
Continuous assessment: Immanent assessment of performance through case work and discussion using theoretical principles (from distance learning), (distance learning) reflection tasks, (distance learning) small group work, participation in attendance time as well as a term paper to integrate and deepen the teaching content.
Hagehülsmann, Ute (2012): Transaktionsanalyse – wie geht denn das? Transaktionsanalyse in Aktion. 6. Auflage. Paderborn. Junfermann.
Hoop, Richard de (2014): Spitzenteams der Zukunft. So spielen Virtuosen zusammen. Offenbach. Gabal.
Janneck, Monique/Hoppe, Annekatrin Hrsg. (2018): Gestaltungskompetenzen für gesundes Arbeiten. Arbeitsgestaltung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Lübeck, Berlin. Springer.
Schneider-Landolf, Mina/Spielmann, Jochen/Zitterbarth, Walter (2010): Handbuch Themenzentrierte Interaktion (TZI). 2. Auflage. Göttingen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Schulte, Eva-Maria/Gessnitzer, Sina/Kauffeld Simone (2016): Ich-wir-meine Organisation werden das überstehen! Der Fragebogen zur individuellen, Team- und organisationalen Resilienz (FITOR). In Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO). Volume 47. Nummer 2. Seite 139-149. Wiesbaden. Springer.
Wardetzki, Bärbel (2017): Blender im Job. Vom klugen Umgang mit narzisstischen Chefs, Kollegen und Mitarbeitern. München. Dtv.
Theory inputs, individual and group work, exercises and role-plays with feedback, technology-supported courses, work and observation tasks with collegial feedback, structured group exercises, independent acquisition of knowledge and skills through case work on one's own and exemplary team situations, dialog and discussion in plenary and in the forum.
Continuous assessment: Immanent assessment of performance through case work and discussion using theoretical principles (from distance learning), (distance learning) reflection tasks, (distance learning) small group work, participation in attendance time as well as a term paper to integrate and deepen the teaching content.
Fajen, A. (2018): Erfolgreiche Führung multikultureller virtueller Teams. Wie Führungskräfte neuartige Herausforderungen meistern. Bamberg. Springer Gabler.
Katzenbach, J.R., Smith, D.K. (2003): Teams. Der Schlüssel zur Hochleistungsorganisation. München. Red Line Verlag.
Müller, U. (2010): So führen Sie ein Team zum Erfolg. Ein Leitfaden für Prozessbegleiter, Moderatoren und Gruppenleiter. Offenbach. Gabal.
Niermeyer, R. (2016): Teams führen. Freiburg. Haufe-Lexware.
Radatz, S. (2018): Beratung ohne Ratschlag: Systemisches Coaching für Führungskräfte und BeraterInnen. Verlag Systemisches Management, Wien.
Rump, J., Eilers S.; Hrsg. (2017): Auf dem Weg zur Arbeit 4.0. Innovationen in HR. IBE Ludwigshafen. Springer Gabler.
Stahl, E. (2012): Dynamik in Gruppen: Handbuch der Gruppenleitung. 3. Auflage. Weinheim. Beltz.
Lecture/presentation with online elements, practical group work with discussion and feedback by lecturers, individual work assignments with feedback
Continuous assessment: Performance behavior: observed in the active participation during the lecture units (20 %) and in the implementation of the course content in the context of group work (50 %)
Performance result: judged by the results of the own learning transfer. Individual written work within the framework of distance learning (30%).
Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G., & Halligan, J. (2015): Performance management in the public sector. Routledge.
Gorgens, M./ Kusek, J.Z. (2010): Making Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Work: A Capacity Development Toolkit. World Bank.
Kusek, J.Z./Rist, R.C.(2004): Ten Steps to a Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation System: A Handbook for Development Practitioners. World Bank.
Stockmann, R., & Meyer, W. (2014): Evaluation (2. überarb. Aufl.). Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich
Generally, each unit starts with a flipped classroom session. After that, a multiple choice test is held every two weeks. After a theory session, in which new content is taught, the group projects are discussed and developed further together. Each week, the work of one or two groups is discussed concretely in the auditorium.
Continuous assessment: From the beginning, cases are processed as group tasks with the help of the R programming language. In addition, every second unit of the course includes a short multiple choice test to consolidate the concepts of modern database modelling and administration. Furthermore, the group presentations (ERM modelling of a concrete problem) are added to the final grade.
Simsion, G. & Witt, G. (2004): Data Modeling Essentials. Morgan Kaufmann.
Kimball, R. & Ross, M. (2013): The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling. Wiley.
Generally, each unit starts with a flipped classroom session. After that, a multiple choice test is held every two weeks. After a theory session in which new content is taught, the group projects are discussed and developed further together. For each course unit, the work of one or two groups is discussed in the auditorium.
Continuous assessment: From the beginning, cases are processed as group tasks with the help of the R programming language. In addition, there is a short multiple choice test every second week to consolidate the concepts of Operations Research. Furthermore, the group presentations (modelling a concrete problem as a decision optimisation problem) are added to the final grade.
Bertsimas, D. & Freund, R. (2004): Data, Models, and Decisions: The Fundamentals of Management Science. Dynamic Ideas.
Boyd, S. & Vandenberghe, L. (2004): Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press.
Expert input, lectures, group work
Continuous assessment: Presentations, seminar paper (sustainability report of one's own organization)
Beck, U., (1997): Was ist Globalisierung? Irrtümer des Globalismus – Antworten auf Globalisierung. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp
Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C.: (2003). Navigating Social Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Blazejczak, J. & Edler, D. (2004): Nachhaltigkeitskriterien aus ökologischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Perspektive – Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz. In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 73, p. 10-30.
BMFLUW (2002): Die österreichische Strategie zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung: Eine Initiative der Bundesregierung.
Brand, F., (2009). Critical natural capital revisited: Ecological resilience and sustainable development. Ecological economics (68), 605-612.
Crompton T., Brewer J., Chilton P., Kasser T. (2010): Common Cause - The Case for Working with our Cultural Values. WWF- UK.
Felber, C. (2010): Gemeinwohlökonomie – Das Wirtschaftsmodell der Zukunft. Wien: Deuticke.
Hirsch Hadorn, G.; Bradley, D.; Pohl, C.; Rist, S.; Wiesmann, U. (2006): Implications of transdisciplinarity for sustainability research. In: Ecological Economics 60, p. 119-128.
Leonard, A. (2010): The Story of Stuff: Wie wir unsere Erde zumüllen. Econ, Berlin.
Luks, F. (2002): Nachhaltigkeit. Sabine Groenewold Verlage, Hamburg.
Mazzucato, M. (2014): Das Kapital des Staates. Eine andere Geschichte von Innovation und Wachstum. Verlag Antje Kunstmann, München.
Meadows, D.; Meadows, D.; Zahn, E. (1972): Die Grenzen des Wachstums. Bericht des Club of Rome zur Lage der Menschheit. Deutsche Verlags Anstalt, München.
Meadows, D.; Randers, J.; Meadows, D. (2007): Grenzen des Wachstums – Das 30-Jahre-Update. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart.
Ott, K., Döring R. (2008): Theorie und Praxis starker Nachhaltigkeit. Metropolis-Verlag. Marburg.
Scholz, R.W., Lang, D. J., Wiek, A., Walter A. I., Stauffacher, M., (2006): Transdisciplinary case studies as a means of sustainability learning. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (7) 3, 226-251.
Schneider, A.; Schmidpeter, R. (Hrsg.) (2012): Corporate Social Responsibilty. Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung in Theorie und Praxis. Springer Gabler, Berlin Heidelberg.
Vester, F. (2002): Die Kunst, vernetzt zu denken. Ideen und Werkzeuge für einen neuen Umgang mit Komplexität. Stuttgart: DTV
Wackernagel, M. & Beyers, B. (2010): Der Ecological Footprint – Die Welt neu vermessen. Europäische Verlagsanstalt GmbH, Hamburg.
Welzer, H., Wiegand, K. (2011): Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Wie sieht die Welt im Jahr 2050 aus?. Fischer Taschenbuch. Frankfurt/Main.
Lecture, discussion
Continuous assessment: Seminar paper, interim presentations
Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C.: (2003). Navigating Social Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Blazejczak, J. & Edler, D. (2004): Nachhaltigkeitskriterien aus ökologischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Perspektive – Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz. In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 73, p. 10-30.
BMFLUW (2002): Die österreichische Strategie zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung: Eine Initiative der Bundesregierung.
Brand, F., (2009). Critical natural capital revisited: Ecological resilience and sustainable development. Ecological economics (68), 605-612.
Crompton T., Brewer J., Chilton P., Kasser T. (2010): Common Cause - The Case for Working with our Cultural Values. WWF- UK.
Felber, C. (2010): Gemeinwohlökonomie – Das Wirtschaftsmodell der Zukunft. Wien: Deuticke.
Hirsch Hadorn, G.; Bradley, D.; Pohl, C.; Rist, S.; Wiesmann, U. (2006): Implications of transdisciplinarity for sustainability research. In: Ecological Economics 60, p. 119-128.
Luks, F. (2002): Nachhaltigkeit. Sabine Groenewold Verlage, Hamburg.
Mazzucato, M. (2014): Das Kapital des Staates. Eine andere Geschichte von Innovation und Wachstum. Verlag Antje Kunstmann, München.
Meadows, D.; Meadows, D.; Zahn, E. (1972): Die Grenzen des Wachstums. Bericht des Club of Rome zur Lage der Menschheit. Deutsche Verlags Anstalt, München.
Meadows, D.; Randers, J.; Meadows, D. (2007): Grenzen des Wachstums – Das 30-Jahre-Update. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart.
Ott, K., Döring R. (2008): Theorie und Praxis starker Nachhaltigkeit. Metropolis-Verlag. Marburg.
Scholz, R.W., Lang, D. J., Wiek, A., Walter A. I., Stauffacher, M., (2006): Transdisciplinary case studies as a means of sustainability learning. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (7) 3, 226-251.
Schneider, A.; Schmidpeter, R. (Hrsg.) (2012): Corporate Social Responsibilty. Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung in Theorie und Praxis. Springer Gabler, Berlin Heidelberg.
Vester, F. (2002): Die Kunst, vernetzt zu denken. Ideen und Werkzeuge für einen neuen Umgang mit Komplexität. Stuttgart: DTV
Wackernagel, M. & Beyers, B. (2010): Der Ecological Footprint – Die Welt neu vermessen. Europäische Verlagsanstalt GmbH, Hamburg.
Welzer, H., Wiegand, K. (2011): Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Wie sieht die Welt im Jahr 2050 aus?. Fischer Taschenbuch. Frankfurt/Main.
Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, peer feedback, case solutions, practical exercises, problem-based learning
Continuous assessment: Presentation, written documentation of the analysed examples, oral reflection
Standards der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung (2008; vom Ministerrat beschlossen am 2. Juli 2008;
Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft und Bundeskanzleramt (Hrsg.), Arbter, Kerstin (2008): Praxisleitfaden zu den Standards der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung, Wien;
Stadt Wien, Magistratsabteilung 18 – Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung (Hrsg.), Arbter, Kerstin (Autorin) mit Beiträgen von kontext, neu&kühn et al. (2012): Praxisbuch Partizipation – Gemeinsam die Stadt entwickeln, Wien;
Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, role plays, problem-based learning, individual reflection, distance learning
Continuous assessment: Reflection work in three stages (total length 7,000 - 10,000 characters).
Between the teaching dates, guided written reflection units are provided.
Furthermore, the contents are to be deepened through literature work.
The overall grade is calculated by weighting all three grades in the ratio 40% + 30% + 30%
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (2016): Gewaltfreie Kommunikation, Eine Sprache des Lebens; Paderborn: Jungfernmann Verlag.
Proksch, Stephan (2014): Konfliktmanagement in Unternehmen, Mediation und andere Methoden für Konflikt- und Kooperationsmanagement am Arbeitsplatz. Berlin: Springer Gabler.
Lecture with discussion, group work assignments with feedback, peer feedback, case solutions
Final exam: Seminar paper (reflection/evaluation of the knowledge management strategy of your own organisation; knowledge diagnostics and design of a knowledge management strategy - knowledge goals, knowledge management objectives, indicators; planning and implementation of the strategy)
BMÖDS (2019). Wissensmanagement: Leitfaden und Toolbox zur Wissenssicherung bei Personaländerungen. Wien.
Legris, P., Ingham, J., & Collerette, P. (2003). Why do people use information technology? A critical review of the technology acceptance model. Information & management, 40(3), 191-204.
Newell, S., Newell, S., Morton, J., Marabelli, M., & Galliers, R. (2019). Managing Digital Innovation: A Knowledge Perspective. Red Globe Press.
North, K. (2016). Wissensorientierte Unternehmensführung: Wissensmanagement gestalten. Springer-Verlag.
North, K., Brandner, A., & Steininger, T. (2015). Wissensmanagement für Qualitätsmanager: Erfüllung der Anforderungen nach ISO 9001: 2015. Springer-Verlag.
Problem-based learning, flipped Classroom, hands-on case vignettes and seminar papers
Final exam: Seminar paper (evaluation of a real or planned knowledge management measure in the context of the knowledge aspects of the team and its work tasks)
BMÖDS (2019). Wissensmanagement: Leitfaden und Toolbox zur Wissenssicherung bei Personaländerungen. Wien.
Eppler, M. J., & Sukowski, O. (2000). Managing team knowledge: core processes, tools and enabling factors. European Management Journal, 18(3), 334-341.
Lehner, F. (2019). Wissensmanagement: Grundlagen, Methoden und technische Unterstützung. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG.
Politis, J. D. (2003). The connection between trust and knowledge management: what are its implications for team performance. Journal of knowledge management. Vol. 7 No. 5, pp. 55-66.
Xue, Y., Bradley, J., & Liang, H. (2011). Team climate, empowering leadership, and knowledge sharing. Journal of knowledge management. Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 299-312.
Ergänzende Literatur:
Erpenbeck, J., & Sauter, W. (2013). So werden wir lernen!. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Mohamed, M., Stankosky, M., & Murray, A. (2004). Applying knowledge management principles to enhance cross‐functional team performance. Journal of knowledge management. Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 127-142.
Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N. (2012). Effects of team knowledge management on the creativity and financial performance of organizational teams. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 118(1), 4-13.
Lecture/presentation, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises, problem-based learning with current examples, distance learning
Continuous assessment: In the context of the course, students work in groups to prepare both an application for funding and a funding contract. In the course of these practical exercises, the acquisition of professional competence in the legal requirements of the subsidies will be examined. The remaining learning outcomes are subjected to a performance check in the course of the written final examination.
Written final examination, homework as group work as an element of distance learning, group exercise on cases of support within the framework of the course.
Förderungsbericht des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen (jährlich). Wien.
Rechnungshofprüfberichte (diverse). Wien.
Bartosch Andreas (2015): EU-Beihilfenrecht: Art. 106-109 AEUV, De-minimis-Verordnung, DAWI-Paket, Allgemeine Gruppenfreistellungsverordnung sowie Verfahrensverordnung. 2. Auflage. C.H.Beck
Zierer Brigitta (2015): EU-Förderungen für Non-Profit-Organisationen, Die EU-Finanzierungsinstrumente – Förderprogramme – Tipps für Projektanträge. 1. Auflage. Linde Verlag. Wien.
Einschlägige aktuelle Fachartikel
Collegial case consultation
(Phoenix) Kaizen
Group work, role plays, discussion
Continuous assessment: Reflections for both parts of the course, i.e. Kollegiale Fallberatung and Kaizen (50% each)
Bieber, Klaus (2001): Effizientes Office Management mit Kaizen.
Pfeil, Isabel (2009): Kaizen im Büro.
Schön, Donald A.: The reflective practitioner. Basic Books. 1983
Schulz von Thun, Friedemann (2014): Miteinander reden 1-4: Störungen und Klärungen/Stile, Werte und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung/Das innere Team und situationsgerechte Kommunikation/Fragen und Antworten
Tietze, Kim-Oliver (2016): Kollegiale Beratung. Problemlösungen gemeinsam entwickeln. 8. Auflage.
Weick, Karl E.: Sensemaking in Organizations. Sage Publications. 1995
The course consists of introductory overview lectures by the course instructors, group discussions on case studies from practice, group exercises (e.g. evaluation of a funding programme, working on terms of reference) and the reading of short, relevant technical and popular science articles, which are jointly analyzed discursively.
Continuous assessment: The assessment is based on the individual contributions to the case studies and the active participation in the course as well as the evaluation of the written exercise and final paper.
The final grade is made up of the following parts:
-collaboration 30%
-written exercise 30%
-final paper 40%
Stockmann/Meyer (2014): Evaluation. Eine Einführung. 2. Auflage, UTB
Weiterführende Literatur
Zeitschrift für Evaluation. Themenheft 20 Jahre DeGEval. 2017, Waxmann
fteval-Standards (
DeGEval-Standards (
Inputs from teachers; teaching videos; short presentations by students with peer feedback; group work (writing workshop); feedback from supervisors
Final exam: Bachelor thesis 1 (according to evaluation criteria for BA at the course of studies) and partial performances in the course of the course of studies
Baur, N./Blasius, J. (2014) (Hg.): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Springer VS.
Ebster, C./Stalzer, L. (2017): Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler. Wien: Facultas.
Eco, U. (2010): Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlußarbeit schreibt. Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Wien: Facultas WUV.
Siehe außerdem: Kommentierte Literaturliste des ZEWISS zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben:
Activating methods, concise presentations followed by peer-group discussions
Continuous assessment: Oral presentations, written case studies
Cini, Michelle, et. al. (2019). European Union Politics. 6th edition. Oxford.
Nugent, Neill (2017). The Government and Politics of the European Union. 8th edition. Macmillan – Palgrave.
Wallace, Helen, et. al. (2014): Policy-Making in the European Union. 7th edition. Oxford.
The course concerns itself with the following questions:
In answering these questions, the course deals with these specific areas:
Lecture, group work, discussion, lecture with activating methods, problem-based learning, flipped classroom, online lessons
Continuous assessment: Reflection assignments (3 in total) (45%)
Podium / Panel discussion participation (25%)
Group podcasts (30%)
European Commission. (2017). Quality of Public Administration: A Toolbox for Practitioners – 2017 Edition. Online: 8055&type=2&furtherPubs=no
OECD (2017) The Principles of Public Administration – 2017 Edition. Online: Principles-of-Public-Administration-2017-edition-ENG.pdf
Accounting in the public sector:
Accounting in the private sector:
Lecture with activating methods, group work during the presence phase, discussion, individual work and group work as homework, feedback. Based on the contents of the course Fundamentals in Accounting, Bookkeeping and Budgeting, students have the opportunity to apply this knowledge in a practical application.
Continuous assessment: 30% group work in teams of two on topics related to private sector accounting and balance sheet analysis
30% group work balance sheet analysis of two public entities
40% participation
Bertl, Samer, Egger: Der Jahresabschluss nach dem Unternehmensgesetzbuch, Band 2 Der Konzernabschluss unter Einbeziehung der International Accounting Standards bzw. International Financial Reporting Standards
Egger, Bertl : Der Jahresabschluss nach dem Unternehmensgesetzbuch, Band 1 Der Einzelabschluss. Erstellung, Prüfung, Veröffentlichung, Linde Verlag
Kralicek: Bilanzen lesen – Eine Einführung: Keine Angst vor Kennzahlen, Teil 1 und 2.
Meszarits, V. (2017): Finanz-Kennzahlen für Gemeindehaushalte nach VRV 2015. RFG Schriftenreihe, Manz-Verlag.
Saliterer I./Meszarits V./Pilz P. (2020): VRV 2015. Veranschlagung und Rechnungslegung für Länder und Gemeinden. Manz-Verlag.
Wagenhofer A. (2019): Bilanzierung und Bilanzanalyse: Eine Einführung, Linde Verlag
Lecture/presentation, discussion, lecture with activating methods (business game), work assignments with feedback, practical exercises, online quiz APP
Continuous assessment: Immanent performance assessment with presentations, case work in small groups, MC test
Baumüller, Josef / Hartmann, Achim / Kreuzer, Christian (2015): Integrierte Unternehmensplanung: Funktionsweise, Umsetzung und Weiterentwicklung. 1. Auflage. Linde Verlag
Schauer, Reinbert (2015): Öffentliche Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Public Management: Grundzüge betriebswirtschaftlichen Denkens und Handelns in öffentlichen Einrichtungen. 3. Auflage. Linde Verlag.
Statements and impulse presentations, individual work, group work, discussion and dilemma discussions, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, peer feedback, case work, practical exercises, problem-based dialogical learning processes
Continuous assessment: Immanent performance assessment: Permanent learning success control through project participation, active collaboration and co-design. Two written homeworks (reflection of own experience; case work); presentation of results in the course
Bundeskanzleramt (Hrsg): Die Verantwortung liegt bei mir. Verhaltenskodex zur Korruptionsprävention.
Claussen, Jens (2011): Compliance- oder Integrity-Management – Maßnahmen gegen Korruption in Unternehmen. Metropolis Verlag, Marburg.
Garnitschnig, Karl (2003): Moralisch Handeln. Wien.
Karmasin, Matthias (1996): Ethik als Gewinn. Zur ethischen Rekonstruktion der Ökonomie. Konzepte und Perspektiven von Wirtschaftsethik, Unternehmensethik, Führungsethik. Linde.
Spaemann, Robert (2009): Moralische Grundbegriffe. 8. Auflage. C.H. Beck, München.
Singer, Peter (1994): Praktische Ethik. Stuttgart, Reclam.
Stadt Wien (Hrsg): Eine Frage der Ethik. Handbuch zur Korruptionsprävention.
Leitbild der eigenen Organisation
The distance learning supported parts of the lectures are developed in the three attendance half days through discussion, feedback, practical exercises and the teaching of problem-based learning and discussion.
This course is designed to raise awareness of the ethos of the public sector and to provide a solid, practical application of public relations in the public sector. In this context, it will be important that a critical reflection and confrontation about the "perception and image of the public sector" through media but also through "own experiences (professional practice, personal points of contact, etc.)" takes place discursively. Rules, limits, mission statements and fouls/no-goes will be researched, discussed and developed on the basis of examples. With the achievement of the learning outcomes, basic knowledge of the practice of public relations in the public sector will also be imparted.
Continuous assessment: The assessment of performance is based on a point system, which is derived from submitted written assignments and the cooperation of the students.
Bauer, Lucia und Brunauer-Laimer, Tina: Damit wir uns verstehen (VÖGB – Skripten Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, DOWNLOAD)
Jauernig, Paul (2004): Eine Frage der Ethik – Handbuch zur Korruptionsprävention. Stadt Wien,
Mediengesetz (1981, idgF):
Österreichischer Presserat (2019): Ehrenkodex – Grundsätze für die publizistische Arbeit,
Schnabl, Susanne (2018): Wir müssen reden. Brandstätter Verlag, Wien
Schneider, Wolf (1985, zahlreiche Auflagen und Ausgaben): Deutsch für Profis. Wege zum guten Stil
Verhaltenskodex öffentlicher Dienst:
Watzlawick, Paul (1976, zahlreiche Auflagen und Ausgaben): Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit?
Weischedel, Wilhelm (1990): Skeptische Ethik. 5.Auflage Suhrkamp, Frankfurt
Group work, discussion, lecture with activating methods, peer feedback, case solutions, practical exercises, distance learning, use of collaborative tools, Innovation Jam
Continuous assessment: The performance result is judged by the result assurance of the own learning transfer (presentation of a planning or implementation phase of an innovation process): Development of a topic relevant to the course (innovation laboratory)
Quality criteria:
Quality and proof of a theory-based, organization-sensitive and sustainable approach
Hertie School (2017): The Governance Report 2017: Democratic innovations. Oxford University Press.
Hill, Herrmann (2018): Sei innovativ, Verwaltung! Speyerer Arbeitsheft Nr. 230, 2018, S. 3
Technologiestiftung Berlin (2020): Öffentliches Gestalten. Handbuch für innovatives Arbeiten in der Verwaltung.
Lotter Wolf (2018): Innovation. Streitschrift für barrierefreies Denken. München: Edition Körber.
OECD (2019): Embracing Innovation in Government. Global Trends 2019.
BMWFW, BMVIT (o.J.): Open Innovation Strategie der Bundesregierung. Online unter
Lecture/presentation with online elements, practical group work with discussion and feedback by lecturers, individual final assignments with feedback
Final exam: Performance behaviour: observed in active participation during lecture units and in group work (30 %)
Performance result: judged by the results of the own learning transfer. Written elaboration of own impact statements within the framework of impact orientation in the federal budget and an impact-oriented impact assessment (70 %).
Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G., & Halligan, J. (2015): Performance management in the public sector. Routledge.
Schedler K., Proeller I. (2000): New public management. Bern
Hammerschmid G., Grünwald A. (2014): Einführung der wirkungsorientierten Verwaltungssteuerung. Wien.
Hammerschmid G, Hopfgartner V. (2019): Umsetzung der Wirkungsorientierten Verwaltungssteuerung in der Bundesverwaltung. Wien.
Saliterer I., Korac S. (2017): Externe Evaluierung der Haushaltsrechtsreform des Bundes im Jahr 2017 (Endbericht)
Ausgewählte Handbücher zum Thema „Wirkungsorientierung“ – bereitgestellt unter („Handbuch Wirkungsorientierte Steuerung“; „Handbuch Ziele und Indikatoren“; „Handbuch Wirkungsorientierte Folgenabschätzung“)
Lecture, discussion, group work, exercises
Continuous assessment: Assignment (60%) and presentation of results (40%)
Ernst D./Sailer U. (2020): Nachhaltige Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 2. Auflage. Konstanz
Fröhlich E. (Hrsg.) (2015): CSR und Beschaffung: Theoretische wie praktische Implikationen eines nachhaltigen Beschaffungsprozessmodells (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility), 1. Auflage. Berlin
EU (Hrsg.) (2016): Buying green! A handbook on green public procurement, 3. Auflage,
Deutsches Umweltbundesamt (2018): Umweltfreundliche Beschaffung, Skriptenreihe 1-6,
Kotzbeck/Mathis/Mickel (2020): Skriptum: Der Bund als Träger von Privatrechten: Förderung und öffentliche Auftragsvergabe,
Janik S./Schatz. B. (2008): Implementierung von Wirkungsmessung und Evaluierung. Ein praktischer Zugang für die Verwaltung.
Lecture/presentation, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments, group exercises, peer feedback, case solutions, practical exercises, problem-based learning, distance learning
Continuous assessment: The students analyze in group work national and international judicatures, which make a substantial contribution to the development of law. In the context of these practical exercises, the acquisition of professional competence in the legal requirements of the grants is subject to an examination. The remaining learning outcomes are subjected to a performance check in the course of the written final examination.
Written final examination, homework as group work as an element of distance learning, group exercise on national and international judicial decision within the framework of the course.
Breitenfeld, M./Ertl, R. (2020): Auftraggeber-Handbuch zum BVergG 2018. Weka.
Dillinger, S./Oppel, A. (2018): Das neue BVergG 2018. Praxishandbuch. Manz´sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung. Wien
Gast, Günther (2020): Bundesvergabegesetz inkl. BVergG Konz. 2. Auflage. LexisNexis. Wien
Heid, S./Reisner, H./Deutschmann, D./Hofbauer, B. (2019): BVergG 2018, Kommentar zum Bundesvergabegesetz 2018. Verlag Österreich. Wien
Hofbauer, Berthold: BVergG 2018, Kommentar zur Bundesvergabegesetz 2018. Verlag Österreich. Wien
Streit, Georg: Vergaberecht für die Praxis. Verfahrensarten, Erweiterung von Ausschreibungen und Angeboten, Rechtsschutz. Forum
Final exam: Final examination
The Bachelor's examination is a commission examination before a qualified examination senatet. The board examination consists of the following examination parts
-examination interview incl. academic poster (weighting 70 %) about the Bachelor thesis, incl. presentation of Bachelor thesis 2 and
-their links (weighting 30 %) to relevant subjects in the curriculum.
Both parts result in the overall grading. The grade of the Bachelor thesis and previous achievements in the study programme, grade point average, etc. have no influence on the overall grading of the bachelor's commission examination.
Depending on the internship position
Reflection in the Training for professional practice 1 and 2 courses
Continuous assessment: Interview with internship supervisor/information by internship supervisor
Schön, Donald A.: The reflective practitioner. Basic Books. 1983
Weick, Karl E.: Sensemaking in Organizations. Sage Publications. 1995
Deepening (Phoenix) Kaizen
Communities of Practice
A Community of Practice (CoP) can be described as a non-hierarchical, self-organized group of people who are connected by a common "cause", such as a common (professional) interest, a common (professional) activity or a common (professional) aspiration. The group members are connected by social relationships (e.g. colleagues from one or more companies) and common values. In Communities of Practice the focus is on learning together. Ideas, insights and findings are exchanged. Mutual help and support as well as joint further development are therefore in the foreground. In a Community of Practice (CoP), learning is placed in the context of social relationships. Accordingly, the acquisition of knowledge through participation in and within a community is of importance, in which common knowledge is passed on and constructed. (among others Wenger E., Lave, J. 1991)
Group work, role-plays, discussion, founding a COP with other students in the course
Continuous assessment: Reflections for both parts of the course and consolidation of Kaizen and Communities of Practice - COP (50% each)
Bieber, Klaus (2001): Effizientes Office Management mit Kaizen.
Pfeil, Isabel (2009): Kaizen im Büro.
Schön, Donald A.: The reflective practitioner. Basic Books. 1983
Weick, Karl E.: Sensemaking in Organizations. Sage Publications. 1995
Teacher inputs; teaching videos; short presentations by students with peer feedback; group work; feedback from the supervisors
Final exam: Bachelor thesis 2 (according to assessment criteria for bachelor theses in the program)
Baur, N./Blasius, J. (2014) (Hg.): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Springer VS.
Bogner, A./Littig, B./Menz, W. (2014): Interviews mit Experten. Eine praxisorientierte Einführung. Springer VS.
Hollenberg, S. (2016): Fragebögen. Fundierte Konstruktion, sachgerechte Anwendung und aussagekräftige Auswertung. Springer VS.
Mayring, P. (2015): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken. 12. Auflage. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz
Schöneck, N.M. (2013): Das Forschungsprojekt: Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung einer quantitativen Studie. 2. Aufl. 2013. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien
Siehe außerdem: Kommentierte Literaturliste des ZEWISS zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben:
Group work, discussions, lecture with activating methods, exercises with feedback, group tasks, peer feedback, exercises, online tasks
Continuous assessment: Continuous assessment (research tasks & discussions, presentations, peer feedback, classroom participation)
Jacob, Nina/Kogan, Page (Publishers): Intercultural Management. 2003
Primecz et al: Cross-Cultural Management in Practice: Culture and Negotiated Meanings. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2011
Materials as provided and recommended by lecturer.
Group work, discussions, lecture with activating methods, exercises with feedback, group tasks, peer feedback, exercises, online tasks
Continuous assessment: Continuous assessment (presentations, language fluency exercises, analysis of presentations, peer feedback, classroom participation)
Powell, Mark (2010): Dynamic Presentations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Materials provided by lecturer
Relevant videos and literature recommended by lecturer
Continuous assessment: The performance result is judged by the results of the own learning transfer (controlling process for a main topic): Development of a course-relevant topic
Quality criteria:
Quality and proof of theory-based approach
Integration of the procedure into a controlling cycle (target/effect-oriented procedure)
Transparency and focus of topic setting (probability of implementation) topic - organizational unit - time frame - competencies and responsibility) Literatur und Unterlagen zu Personal (Handbücher, Berichte, Studien)
Kasper, Helmut; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang (Hg., 2002): Personalmanagement - Führung – Organisation. Wien: Linde.
Neuberger, Oswald (Hg., 1997): Personalwesen 1. Basistexte Personalwesen. Stuttgart: Enke.
Neuberger, Oswald; Wimmer, Peter (Hg., 1998): Personalwesen 2. Basistexte Personalwesen. Stuttgart: Enke.
Oelsnitz, Dietrich von der (Hg., 2002): Einführung in die systemische Personalführung. Heidelberg: Carl-Auer Verlag.
Stember, Jürgen; Eixelsberger, Wolfgang (Hg., 2010): Verwaltung im Wandel. Forschungsbeiträge zum Public Management. Wien: Lit.
Conduct of negotiations
Game theory
Conflict management
Impulse lectures, group discussions, case study work, practical exercises.
Continuous assessment: Immanent assessment of performance during the course through short reflections, group work, distance learning exercises and development of one's own case study.
This is done through short reflections, group work and their presentations as well as the development of an own case study from practice.
The distance learning exercises are designed to ensure that the theoretical basics are acquired outside of classroom time.
Particular emphasis is placed on the ability to link theory and practice.
Aronson, E. & Wilson, T.D. & Akert, R.M. (2004): Sozialpsychologie. Pearson Studium. 4. überarbeitete Auflage.
Fischer, R. & Shapiro, D. (2005): Erfolgreicher Verhandeln mit Gefühl und Verstand. Frankfurt/New York. Campus Verlag.
Glasl, F. (2004): Konfliktmanagement: Ein Handbuch für Führungskräfte, Beraterinnen und Berater. Stuttgart. Freies Geistesleben. 8. Auflage.
Happ, C. & Melzer, A. & Steffgen, G. (2016): Trick with treat – Reciprocity increases the willingness to communicate personal data. Computers in Human Behavior Vol.61. S.372-7.
Hüffmeier, J. & Hertel, G. (2013): Erfolgreich verhandeln: Das integrative Phasenmodell der Verhandlungsführung. Psychologisch Rundschau 63(3). S.145-59.
Maturana, H.R & Varela, F.J. (2015): Der Baum der Erkenntnis. Frankfurt am Main. Fischer Taschenbuchverlag. 6. Auflage.
Pease, B. & Pease, A. (2004): The Definitive Book of Body Language. New York.
Schwarz, G. (2010): Konfliktmanagement. Wiesbaden. Springer. 8. Auflage.
Concise inputs create an overview and stimulate new thoughts. Specific exercises and ongoing feedback encourage continuous learning. The work on specific use cases creates integration into one's own practice.
Continuous assessment: Carrying out a "Customer Journey" (CJ) in your own area using the tools you have learned. This includes asking the right questions, using the tool correctly and presenting the results. The reflection afterwards should be a structured report, this includes visualization and reflection on the personal experiences with the application of the tools.
If someone does not have the possibility to do a CJ, there is the possibility to do a literature research as compensation. This includes a short summary, possibly a paper on the subject and a personal statement on what has been read. The choice of task has no effect on the final grade.
Dark Horse Innovation (2016): Digital Innovation Playbook, Murmann Publishers
Erbeldinger, Jürgen; Ramge, Thomas (2013): Durch die Decke, Redline Verlag
Marc Stickdorn, Markus Hormess, Ad am Lawrence, Jakob Schneider (2017): This is Service Design Doing, O'Reilly UK Ltd.
Knapp, Jake (2016): Sprint - how to solve big problems, Bantam Press
Continuous assessment: The performance result is judged by the result assurance of the own learning transfer (presentation of a planning or implementation phase of an innovation process): Development of a topic relevant to the course (innovation laboratory)
Quality criteria:
Quality and proof of a theory-based, organization-sensitive and sustainable approach
Lotter, Wolf (2020): Zusammenhänge. Wie wir lernen, die Welt wieder zu verstehen. KörberStiftung.
Nassehi, Armin (2019): Muster. Theorie der digitalen Gesellschaft. Beck.
Nowak, Martin A. (2011): Supercooperators. Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed. Free Press.
Number of teaching weeks
18 per semester
Selection and participation according to available places. There may be separate selection procedures.
Usually every two weeks, in blocks, Fr. and Sa., 8.00 a.m.-5.30 p.m.
*Subject to changes
* Subject to approval by the relevant bodies.
As a graduate of this program, a wide range of occupational fields and career opportunities are open to you. Find out here where your path can take you.
The public sector is a large job market with a future, including around 8,000 public utilities such as water, energy and transport companies. In the administration or in an international context for example, you will be involved in performing public tasks in local authorities or at the EU level, or you will actively participate in European or international project management. Your know-how will support you in involving citizens or other stakeholders when projects are carried out in the public interest. In finance and budgeting, you will take on budgeting tasks or work on technical and financial processes using key figure systems. You will be able to define social parameters, determine performance and measure their effects. Your professional opportunities include personnel management as well as operational quality management. In public companies you will face comparable challenges. If you already work in the public sector, you will create a very good starting point for your further career with the Public Management degree.
We work closely with the BMKÖS and the BMI, renowned companies in the public sector, universities, institutions and schools, but also municipalities. These partnerships provide you with opportunities for professional internships, job opportunities or cooperation in research and development activities. You can find some of our cooperations on the Campus Network website. It is always worth taking a look and you might find a new job or an interesting event with one of our cooperation partners.
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Head of Bachelor's Degree Program Public Management
+43 1 606 68 77-3810
Favoritenstraße 226, A.2.20
1100 Vienna
+43 1 606 68 77-3800
+43 1 606 68 77-3809
Office hours during the semester
Tue to Thu, 9.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.
Fri, 7.30 a.m.-2.00 p.m.
Sat, 7.30 a.m.-2.00 p.m.
Office hours during holidays
Tue to Fri, 9.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Head of Master's Degree Program Public Management; Head of Research Center for Administrative Sciences
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Academic Staff