Master's Program (Continuing Education)

Advanced Nursing Practice – focus on nursing management



Advanced Nursing Practice – focus on nursing management

The change in the demographics and financial environment of the health system require new approaches and concepts in order to cope with future challenges. The certificate Master program for further education in Advanced Nursing Practice will qualify you for a position in nursing management: You will expand your professional and scientific expertise for complex nursing situations and acquire extensive management skills. This program, as well as the other advanced nursing certificate Master programs for further education, all focus on advanced clinical nursing skills combined with evidence-based care, nursing science and research.

Program in accordance with § 17 GuKG

Applied Nursing Science
Quality of life


  • Nursing management

  • Advanced clinical nursing competency linked to evidence-based nursing, nursing science and research

  • Certificate Master programs for further educations in management, teaching, and counseling foster a network that spans the entire health care and nursing profession



    Final degree

    Master of Science (Continuing Education) MSc (CE)

    Duration of course
    4 Semesters
    Organisational form

    Tuition fee

    once payment € 13.127,-1

    + ÖH premium  per semester

    120 ECTS
    Language of instruction

    Application winter semester 2025/26

    01. October 2024 - 15. September 2025

    1 Alternative model for installments can be found under "Costs". Details on tuition fees can be found in the general fee regulations.

    Before the studies

    You want to make a change in health care and nursing and contribute to further developing your profession. You have a professional picture of health care and nursing that incorporates proven methods and is oriented towards further development. For this reason, you want to strengthen and round out your previous nursing experience with science and research. You see evidence-based care as an opportunity to improve care. With this approach, you want to play a leading role in designing innovative concepts for the organization and implementing evidence-based nursing into practice. You look forward to facing the challenge of combining your technical expertise with management responsibilities. You will benefit from your personal strength that enables you to recognize the interrelations between personnel, economic and systemic management.

    Why you should study with us

    360° practical training

    You will be learning in real-life situations right from the start: either with our cooperation partners or in our well-equipped functional rooms.

    Research in applied nursing

    You will gain experience and learn from others in interdisciplinary research projects.

    Study with a future

    Continue your basic education with unique continuing education opportunities for new career fields.

    Relevant admission requirement

    The relevant admission requirement according to §9 para. 7 FHG is

    • a completed relevant Bachelor's degree from a university of applied sciences with at least 180 ECTS credits including professional authorization in the higher service for health care and nursing or
    • a completion of another relevant degree program with 180 ECTS credits of at least the same higher education level (e.g.: nursing science, social science, cultural studies, etc.) at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution including professional authorization in the higher service for health care and nursing

    and at least two years of professional experience in healthcare and nursing (practical relevance).

    Language requirements for admission

    The required language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is at least

    • German - level B2.

    Legalization of foreign documents

    Applicants may require legalization of documents from countries other than Austria in order for them to have the evidential value of domestic public documents. Information on the required legalizations can be found here in PDF format.

    Translation of your documents

    For documents that are neither in German nor English, a translation by a sworn and court-certified interpreter is required. Your original documents should have all the necessary legalization stamps before translation so that the stamps are also translated. The translation must be firmly attached to the original document or a legalized copy.

    Online application - uploading documents

    As part of your online application, upload scans of your original documents including all required legalization stamps. For documents not issued in German or English, scans of the corresponding translations must also be uploaded. The head of the study program decides on the equivalence of international (higher) education qualifications. Therefore, your documents can only be checked as part of the ongoing application process.

    Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the application phase has not yet started.

    Documents for your online application

    1. Proof of identity
      • passport or
      • identity card or
      • Austrian driving license (proof of citizenship required) or
      • residence permit (proof of citizenship required)
    2. Proof of change of name, if applicable (e.g. marriage certificate)
    3. Proof of fulfillment of the relevant admission requirement
      • Bachelor's certificate including professional authorization in the higher service for health care and nursing (e.g. Health Care and Nursing, Child and Adolescent Nursing, Psychiatric Health Care and Nursing) or
      • proof of another relevant degree of at least the same level of higher education (e.g. nursing science, social science, cultural studies, etc.) from a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution including professional authorization in the higher service for health care and nursing
      • If you have not yet completed your studies, please upload proof of all courses completed to date as part of the relevant degree program, including ECTS credits.
    4. Proof of German level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following apply as proof
      • secondary school leaving certificate from a German-language school
      • completion of at least three years of studies in German
      • supplementary examination pre-study course - German B2
      • German certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g:
        • Austrian German Language Diploma: ÖSD Certificate B2
        • Goethe Institute: Goethe Certificate B2
        • telc: German B2
        • German language test for university admission for foreign applicants: DSH-2
        • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany: DSD II
        • Test of German as a foreign language (Test DaF): Level TDN 4 in all parts
        • Language Center of the University of Vienna: Course and successfully passed exam at level B2
        • Proof of a higher language level is also valid.
    5. Curriculum vitae in tabular form in German
    6. Letter of motivation in German
    7. Legalizations and translations, if applicable (see tab “Foreign documents and degrees”)

    Your application is valid once you have completely uploaded the required documents. If you do not have all the documents at the time of your online application, please submit them to the secretary's office by email as soon as you receive them.

    After completing your online application, you will receive an email confirmation with information on the next steps.

    The admission procedure consists of an admission interview, in which we would like to learn more about your motives, skills and knowledge.

    Do you still have questions about the program?

    Make an appointment with our office at and arrange a personal consultation with programme director Sabine Schweiger via Zoom.

    The program managers also provide information and advice in regular (online) info sessions and at live events.

    Available info sessions (online and/or live) until summer 2025

    • Wed, November 13th 2024, 16.30 Uhr, Online-Infosession: Zoom-Link
    • Fri, November 15th 2024, Master & More, Austria Center, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, December 20 Wien
    • Fri, November 22th 2024, Open House FH Campus Wien, Favoritenstraße 222-232, 1100 Wien
    • Tue, December 10th 2024, 16.30 Uhr, live info session, FH Campus Wien, Favoritenstraße 222, Raum E.1.14
      We kindly ask you to register in advance at
    • Thu, January 16th 2025, 16:30 Uhr, online info session: Zoom-Link
    • Wed, February 19th 2025, 16.30 Uhr, online info session: Zoom-Link
    • Thu, March 06th - 09th 2025, BeSt³ Messe Wien, Messe Wien
    • Fri, March 14th 2025, Open House FH Campus Wien, Favoritenstraße 222-232, 1100 Wien
    • Wed, April 09th 2025, 16.30 Uhr, online info session: Zoom-Link
    • Thu, May 15th 2025, 16.30 Uhr, live info session, FH Campus Wien, Favoritenstraße 222, Raum E.1.12
      We kindly ask you to register in advance at
    • Wed, June 25th 2025, 16.30 Uhr, online info session: Zoom-Link

    Link for all online sessions via Zoom: (Meeting-ID: 965 7184 9262)

    If you have any questions regarding the online info sessions, please contact


    The tuition fee is determined according to the actual costs. In addition to the tuition fee, you will also have to pay the ÖH student union fee each semester. There is a 10 % discount on payment options A, B and C for graduates of FH Campus Wien Health Care and Nursing. You can choose between three models with different payment options:

    Variant A

    Variant A assumes that you will complete and pay for the entire program. In this model, you will pay the entire fee prior to the start of the program in a single payment of € 13.127,-.

    Single payment: € 13.127,-
    (Due approximately four weeks before the start of the first semester.)

    Variant B

    This model offers you the possibility to pay the tuition fee in four installments of € 3.445,75. If you decide to leave the program early, you will still have to pay the entire fee.

    Installment per semester: € 3.445,75
    (Each due approximately four weeks before the semester begins.)

    Total amount: € 13.783,-

    Variant C

    This model takes into account the possibility of leaving the program after each semester and is ideal for those who want to keep the option open to leave the program early.

    First, second, third semester: each € 4.226,-
    Fourth semester: € 2.415,20
    (Each due approximately four weeks before the semester begins.)

    Total amount: € 15.095,-

    Can I afford the degree program?

    Financial aid is available for academic courses, master courses and for courses and seminars.

    You can find information about funding agencies under grants and scholarships.

    During the studies

    FH Campus Wien is now the largest university of applied sciences for health in Austria. Since being the first university of applied arts in Austria to establish a bachelor's degree program in nursing already in 2008, we now possess extensive expertise and a large network of partners. This includes the University of Vienna, with whom we have a teaching network. Visiting professors support us in teaching topics of advanced nursing practice. Important partners from the industry include the Vienna Healthcare Group, with whom we work closely to organize our extensive internships for the bachelor's degree program, and the Vinzenz Group. In addition to teaching, we are also involved in research and development. R&D projects in the field of health care and nursing offer you the opportunity to participate in application-oriented practical research and to make valuable contacts for your future career. Based on evaluation studies, we further develop the contents of the program or examine issues such as what do "simulation patients" offer as a third place of learning. There is great potential in multi-site research projects. Practical relevance is also guaranteed at our Campus Lecture evenings, which are open to all and feature contributions from prominent experts.

    FH Campus Wien is the only university to cover a wide range of highly skilled health and nursing professions with a bachelor's degree program and master's degree programs in Advanced Nursing Counseling (health and nursing counseling), Advanced Nursing Practice (management) and Advanced Nursing Education (teaching). Students and teachers have the opportunity to exchange ideas and information and build a strong network across all the disciplines and locations in Vienna.

    Your specialist discipline is nursing management. Quality and project management, change and knowledge management as well as personnel management and scheduling are key tools in optimally fulfilling the social mandate to provide professional and affordable care in the health care sector.

    The certificate master degree program in Advanced Nursing Practice combines the following three core areas:

    • Science and research: Based on research questions from daily life, you analyze, examine and explain research findings. You learn to implement evidence-based research findings in nursing practice and to incorporate research sustainably into practice.
    • Advanced Nursing Practice: you acquire advanced nursing science skills along with deepening your basic training and expertise acquired from practical experience. In addition, you learn to integrate advanced assessment-based plans of action into nursing practice. The focus of Advanced Nursing Practice comprises selected clinical conditions, such as chronic diseases, including dementia disorders, oncological diseases as well as preventive and health promotion topics.
    • Management: A third of your education is dedicated to management responsibilities in nursing. These include, for example, personnel management and resource planning as well as the fulfillment of the mandate to provide appropriate and affordable health care. You will be trained in quality and project management responsibilities as well as change and knowledge management in nursing.


    Module Advanced Practice Nursing
    4 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Applied Advanced Nursing Practice | ILV

    Applied Advanced Nursing Practice | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    Basics of APN:
    > Definition of APN
    > History and development of APN
    > Characteristics of an ANP, role of an APN
    > Fields of work and core competencies of an APN
    > Roles and practice development of an APN
    > Opportunities, needs and implementation of APN


    Implementation of ANP services and APN roles in an international context:


    • Analyzing the roles, tasks and challenges of APNs in different countries and healthcare systems
    • In-depth study of specific APN roles and interventions
      • Using the example of APNs in psychiatric care
    • Leadership role of the APN
      • Development and application of leadership skills in the clinical context
    • Education role of the APN:
      • Importance of the APN as an educator and mentor in imparting knowledge to patients, families and professionals
    • Application of theory in practice:
    • Use of case studies and practice examples to illustrate theoretical concepts and promote practice-based learning

    Teaching method

    lecture, presentation, discussion, PBL, group work


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Bryant-Lukosius, D.; Dicenso, A. (2004). A framework for the introduction and evaluation of advanced practice nursing roles. 5th ed. J, 48(5). Adv Nurs.

    > Bryant-Lukosius, D.; Carter, N.; Kilpatrick, K.; Martin-Misener, R.; Donald, F.; Kaasalainen, S.(2010). The clinical nurse specialist role in Canada. Nursing leadership. ;( 23 Spec p.140-66).

    > Bryant-Lukosius, D.; Spichiger, E.; Martin, J.; Stoll, H.; Kellerhals, S.D.; Fliedner, M. (2016) Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Advanced Practice Nursing Roles. J Nurs Scholarsh. (48(2) p.201-9).

    > Butts, J.B.; Rich, K. (2011). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

    > DiCenso, A.; Bryant-Lukosius, D.; Martin-Misener, R.; Donald, F.; Abelson, J.; Bourgeault, I. (2010). Factors enabling advanced practice nursing role integration in Canada. Nursing leadership. (23 Spec No p 211-38).

    > Fawcett, J. (2005). Contemporary nursing knowledge: analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

    >Schlunegger, M. C., Aeschlimann, S., Palm, R., & Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2023). Competencies of nurse practitioners in family practices: A scoping review. J Clin Nurs, 32(11-12), 2521-2532. doi:10.1111/jocn.16382

    >Schlunegger, M. C., Palm, R., & Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2023). [The contribution of advanced practice nurses in Swiss family practices: Multiple case study design]. Pflege, 36(1), 40-47. doi:10.1024/1012-5302/a000890

    >Tracy, M. F., & O'Grady, E. T. (2022). Hamric and Hanson's Advanced practice nursing : an integrative approach (7th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier.

    > Schober M.; Affara F.A. (2006). International Council of Nurses. International Council of Nurses: advanced nursing practice. (p.xxi-223). Oxford:MA.Blackwell. > Schober, M.; Fadwa, A. (2008). Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP). Bern: Huber Verlag.

    > Tschudin, V. (2003). Approaches to ethics: nursing beyond boundaries. Edinburgh: Butterworth-Heinemann.

    > Tschudin, V. (2003). Ethics in nursing: the caring relationship Edinburgh.3rd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann.

    >Aghaizu, C. C., Barton, M., Herzog, M., Scholswohl, P., Schönfelder, B., Sünbold, B., Nagl-Cupal, M., & Mayer, H. (2020). Advanced Nursing Practice in Österreich: Eine quantitative deskriptive Querschnittsstudie zur Analyse bereits existierender Tätigkeitsbereiche. Pflegekongress Österreich.Österreich.pdf

    >Dach, Ch. & Mayer, H. (2023). Personenzentrierte Pflegepraxis. Grundlagen für Praxisentwicklung, Forschung und Lehre. Bern. Hogrefe.

    >Maier, C. B., Aiken, L. H., & Busse, R. (2017). "Nurses in advanced roles in primary care: Policy levers for implementation." (OECD Health Working Papers, No. 98.). OECD Publishing.

    >Joel, L. A. (2013). Advanced Practice Nursing. Philadelphia: Davis Company.

    >Hamric, A. B., Hanson, Ch. M., Tracy M. F. & O`Grady E. T.l. (2014). Advanced Practice Nursing. An Integrative Approach. (5.Aufl.). St. Louis: Elsevier Sounders.

    >Hassmiller, S. B., & Pulcini, J. (2020). Advanced Practice Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective. Cham: Springer.

    >International Council of Nurses (2020). Guidelines on Advanced Practice Nursing 2020.

    >Jansen, M. P. & Zwygart-Stauffacher, M. (2010). Advanced Practice Nursing. Core Concepts for Professional Role Development. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

    >Stanley, J.M. (2011). Advanced Practice Nursing. Emphasizing Common Roles. Philadelphia. F.A. Devis Company.

    >Stanley, J.M. (2011). Advanced Practice Nursing. Emphasizing Common Roles. Philadelphia. F.A. Devis Company.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    nursing ethics | ILV

    nursing ethics | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > General ethics: Clarification of essential ethical concepts and positions that play an important role in the professional context
    > Introduction to the basic positions of ethical judgement and argumentation
    > Applied ethics: Values and conflicts of values in health care, professional codes and areas of responsibility
    > Organizational ethics: Organization of communicative self-reflection
    > Ethics consulting, Clinical Ethics Committee (CEC)
    > Ethical decision-making processes: Methods and models
    > Case discussions to build and strengthen the ability to reflect, judge and argue in internal and interdisciplinary dialogue

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Hiemetzberger, M. (2020): Ethik in der Pflege. 3. überarbeitete Auflage. Wien: Facultas Verlag.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Nursing and chronic diseases | ILV

    Nursing and chronic diseases | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    > models of chronic diseases (f.e. Grypdonck,...)
    > process and coping with chronic disease- model Corbin, Strauss
    > life with chronic diseases
    > significance of chronic disease for patients, family
    > quality of life and chronic disease
    > chronic disease and experience of the disease HIV/AIDS
    > chronic disease and the burden of the disease HIV/AIDS
    > coping with the symptoms-management of symptoms

    Teaching method

    team work, presentation


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Corbin, J. M., Strauss, A. L. & Hildenbrand, A. (2010). Weiterleben lernen. Verlauf und Bewältigung chronischer Krankheit. Bern: Hans Huber.
    > Lubkin, I. M.  (2002). Chronisch Kranksein. Implikationen und Interventionen für Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe. Bern: Hans Huber.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module finance
    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Controlling | VO

    Controlling | VO

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Basics, tasks and objectives of strategic and operational controlling

    > Controlling instruments

    > Planning process in controlling

    > Key figure systems in controlling

    > Cost management

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work


    Final exam: LV- final written examination


    > Britzelmaier, B. (2017). Controlling: Grundlagen, Praxis, Handlungsfelder (2. aktual. Aufl.). London: Pearson.


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Finance, accountancy | VO

    Finance, accountancy | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basics of external management consulting (financial accounting)

    > central terms, legal bases, addressees of this information system
    > accounting obligation (double-entry bookkeeping, income-expenditure accounting, small business regulation, etc.)
    > the system of double-entry bookkeeping (double profit calculation)
    > chart of accounts (the Austrian standard chart of accounts EKR)
    > balance sheet (balance sheet items)
    > profit and loss account (structure, total cost method, etc.)
    > Principles for determining value added tax
    > Accounting for simple current business transactions
    > Valuation in the context of the annual financial statements (accounting)
    > From the opening balance sheet to the closing balance sheet
    > Analysis of real business reports

    Basics of internal company accounting (cost and performance accounting)

    > Key terms, addressees of this information system
    > Transfer of operations (from financial accounting to CoRe)
    > Calculation method without differentiating between direct and overhead costs (divisional costing, equivalence number costing, co-product costing)
    > Cost Center Accounting (differentiated overhead costing)
    > Internal activity allocation
    > Cost Object Controlling (calculation of cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold)
    > Period income statement at full and partial costs (contribution margin accounting, total versus cost of sales method)
    > Break-even analysis

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work


    Final exam: LV- final written examination


    > Bogensberger, S., Messner, S., Zihr, M. & Zihr, G. (2012). Kostenrechnung, eine praxis- und beispielorientierte Einführung (6. Aufl.). Wien: Grelldenk.

    > Bogensberger, S., Höfler, B. & Zihr, G. (2014). Übungsbeispiele zur Kostenrechnung (2. Aufl.). Wien: Grelldenk.

    > Schneider, W., Dobrovits, I., Schneider, D. & Grohmann-Steiger, C. (2016). Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (21. Aufl.). Wien: Facultas.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module basics Management
    3.5 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Principles of management and organisation | ILV

    Principles of management and organisation | ILV

    2.5 SWS   5 ECTS


    > Meaning and delimitation of the terms leadership, (agile) leadership, management and clinical leadership in healthcare
    > Nursing leadership as part of clinicial leadership
    > Power basis and willingness to follow with regard to leadership and management; Leader-Follower* and Leader*-Leader* approaches
    > Different leadership models, styles and leadership behaviour
    > The hospital as an (expert) organisation - characteristics of different organisational forms in the health care system and their practical effects on leadership
    > Organisational images of people and understanding of leadership
    > Employee leadership: Characteristics of leading, managing, directing or
    > Motivation and leadership - current neurobiological principles (neuroleadership)
    > Basic organisational structures and processes and dynamics in healthcare (from traditional to agile)
    > Organisational and personnel development in healthcare organisations - professional approaches and instruments from a manager's perspective

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > LV-Unterlagen (Textskripten LV 1, LV 2, Handoutskriptum) von Garnitschnig, K./Gruner, H.- Fassungen 2021/2022

    Teaching language


    2.5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Human resource management | VO

    Human resource management | VO

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Basics of personnel management
    > Determination of personnel requirements
    > Coverage of personnel requirements through recruitment and/or
    > Personnel development
    > Employee motivation and incentive systems
    > Personnel controlling

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination



    > Achleitner, A.-K. & Thommen, J.-P. (2009). Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre (6. Aufl.). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

    > Becker, M. (2011). Systematische Personalentwicklung. Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle im Funktionszyklus (2. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

    > Berthel, J. & Becker, F. G. (2010). Personal-Management. Grundzüge für Konzeptionen betrieblicher Personalarbeit (9. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

    > Bröckermann, R. (2007). Personalwirtschaft. Lehr- und Übungsbuch für Human Resource Management (4. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

    > Kasper, H. & Mayrhofer, W. (Hg.) (2009). Personalmanagement, Führung, Organisation (4. Aufl.). Wien: Linde.

    > Kressler, H. W. (2001). Leistungsbeurteilung und Anreizsysteme. Motivation, Vergütung, Incentives. Wien: Ueberreuter.

    > Lindner-Lohmann, D., Lohmann, F. & Schirmer, U. (2008). Personalmanagement. Heidelberg: Physica.

    > Scholz, Christian (2011): Grundzüge des Personalmanagements. München: Vahlen.

    > Schust, G. H. (2000). Human performance management. Wie sie Mitarbeiter zur Wertschöpfung führen. Leonberg: Rosenberger.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module basics of nursing science
    4 SWS
    9 ECTS
    English specialist literature work and Professional English | ILV

    English specialist literature work and Professional English | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    >Language and skills in English needed for Nurse 
    >Counceling including
    >Patient communication
    >Empathetic communication
    >Suggesting/Giving advice
    >Breaking bad news

    Teaching method

    group work, input


    Continuous assessment: Continuous assessment & final presentation & discussion of a medical research article


    > Ford, Y. (2017). Nursing English Essentials (3. überarb. Aufl.). Bern: Hogrefe.
    > Jibidar, A. (2016). Grundwortschatz Englisch für Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe (2.Aufl.). Wien: Facultas.
    > Skern, T. (2019). Writing Scientific English. A Workbook (3.Aufl.). Wien: Facultas.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Advanced nursing science | ILV

    Advanced nursing science | ILV

    2 SWS   5 ECTS


    >Practical consolidation of the nursing science basics, especially of quantitative and qualitative research
    >Recognition of problems relevant to nursing practice and systematic development of scientifically based solution options
    >Evidence - Based Nursing
    >The EBN Process - Focus: Systematic literature research and critical evaluation of studies and professional articles using checklists, synthesis of scientific literature

    Teaching method

    self-organised working


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Behrens, J.; Langer, G. (Hg.) (2010). Handbuch Evidence-based Nursing. Bern: Hans Huber
    > Behrens, J.; Langer, G. (Hrsg.) (2016). Evidence based Nursing and Caring. 
    Methoden und Ethik der Pflegepraxis und Versorgungsforschung - Vertrauensbildende Entzauberung der „Wissenschaft“. 4. Auflage.Bern: Hans Huber.
    > LoBiondo-Wood, G.; Haber, J. (2005). Pflegeforschung. Methoden, Bewertung, Anwendung. 2. Auflage.München, Jena: Urban & Fischer.> Mayer, H. (2019). Pflegeforschung anwenden.3. Auflage. Wien: Facultas Verlag.
    > Meyer, G.; Balzer, K.; Köpke, S. (2014). Nicht fakultativ, sondern obligat! Von der Notwendigkeit einer evidenzbasierten Praxis in der Pflege und Gesundheitsversorgung. In: PADUA, 9, 4, p. 195-200.
    > Smoliner, A. (2011). Patientenorientierung im Konzept Evidence-based Nursing?... und es funktioniert doch! In: Pflege, 24, 4, p. 225-227.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Academic writing | ILV

    Academic writing | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Writing and research process
    > Steps for writing scientific papers
    > Formal guidelines for text design, structure, language
    > Structure of exposé, abstract, excerpt, seminar paper, master thesis
    > Nursing science topics/ The research question
    > Types of (scientific) sources
    > Introduction to literature management programs
    > Activating writing exercises
    > Citation - APA Style
    > Ways of disseminating research results

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, presentation


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > American Psychological Association (2017). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).
    > Brandenburg, H., Panfil, E.M. & Mayer, H. (2007). Pflegewissenschaft. 2. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch zur Einführung in die Pflegeforschung. Bern: Hans Huber.
    > Ertl-Schmuck, R., Unger, A., Mibs & M., Lang, C. (2015). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in Gesundheit und Pflege. München: UVK Verlag.
    > Karmasin, M & Ribig, R. (2019). Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Wien: Facultas.
    > Kornmeier, M. (2018). Wissenschaftlich schreiben leicht gemacht. Für Bachelor, Master und Dissertation. Stuttgart: UTB.
    > Kleibel, V., Mayer, H. (2011). Literaturrecherche für Gesundheitsberufe (2. Aufl.). Wien: Facultas.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Elective Nursing Expertise (2 ECTS of your choice)
    Module Elective Subject Nursing Expertise
    3 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Evidence based Care for Adults | VO

    Evidence based Care for Adults | VO

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) to frame the nursing task profile in the care of adults of all ages

    > supportive use of digital technologies and e-health in the care of adults of all ages

    > selected care concepts/ care phenomena such as confusion, hope, compliance/ concordance of medication and loneliness/ social isolation for theoretical framing

    > Person-centering to promote wholeness and well-being and as a preventive approach

    > Nursing and care of adults at all ages with regard to

    > cardiovascular/internal clinical pictures (e.g. apoplectic insult, acute myocardial infarction or diabetes mellitus)

    > psychogeriatric clinical pictures (e.g. delirium, dementia or suicidal tendencies)

    > Infectious diseases (e.g. tuberculosis or Covid-19)

    Teaching method

    Case based learning, group work, lecture


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Brooker, C., & Nicol, M. (2011). Alexander´s Nursing Practice (4th ed.). Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.

    > Haring, R. (2019). Gesundheit digital. Perspektiven zur Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

    > Käppeli, S. (1997). Pflegekonzepte. Phänomene im Erleben von Krankheit und Umfeld Band 1. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.

    > Käppeli, S. (2004) Pflegekonzepte. Phänomene im Erleben von Krankheit und Umfeld Band 3. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.

    > McCormack, B., & McCance, T. (2017). Person-Centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care. Theory and Practice. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

    > Schober, M., & Affara, F. (2008). Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Evidence based Care for children and younger people | VO

    Evidence based Care for children and younger people | VO

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    "accompany the child with the decompensating heart"

    > Decision criteria for the qualification of transplantation

    > Possibilities of extracorporeal life support

    > nursing care according to HTX

    > Pain and delirium management in pediatric patients

    "Accompany the former premature baby and his family during the discharge process"

    > Recognizing the needs of children (children

    > Training and instructional content for clinical discharge preparation of families with premature infants

    > Aftercare of former premature babies

    > Early support opportunities for former premature babies

    "Accompany the autistic child with evidence of neglect due to malnutrition"

    > Classification, diagnostic process, symptoms and care approaches for autism

    > Signs of neglect and domestic violence

    > clinical procedure for the detection of domestic violence

    > Communication in autism

    Teaching method

    Case based learning, group work, lecture


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    Literatur in der LV

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Public Health | VO

    Public Health | VO

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Basic concepts of public health and health promotion

    > Interdisciplinarity of public health, core disciplines of public health and different focuses

    > Health in all Policies - determinants of health at the individual, social and community level, level of living and working conditions and overall policy

    > Health and social inequality

    > Behavioural and relational prevention and health promotion

    > Target groups and settings of health promotion

    Teaching method

    lecture, presentation, discussion, group work


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Hurrelmann, K., Klotz, T., Haisch, J. (Hrsg.). (2014). Lehrbuch Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. 4., vollst. überarb. Aufl. Bern: Huber.

    > Hurrelmann, K. & Razum, O. (Hrsg.). (2016). Handbuch Gesundheitswissenschaften. 6. Aufl. Weinheim u. München: Beltz Juventa.

    > Schwartz, F.W. (Hrsg.). (2003). Das Public-Health-Buch: Gesundheit und Gesundheitswesen. 2., vollst. neu bearb. u. erw. Aufl. München: Urban & Fischer.

    > Weltgesundheitsorganisation (2004). Soziale Determinanten von Gesundheit. Die Fakten. Zweite Ausgabe. International Centre for Health and Society.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Module applied management
    4 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Leadership Simulation | UE

    Leadership Simulation | UE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    >Basics of leadership and leadership styles
    >Simulation of leadership situations from different perspectives
    >Feedback talks

    Teaching method

    lecture, presentation, reflection


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    >Heimerl, P. & Loisel, O. (2005). Lernen mit Fallstudien in der Organisations- und Personalentwicklung (1. Aufl.). Wien: Linde.

    >Tewes, R. (2015). Führungskompetenz ist lernbar. Praxiswissen für Führungskräfte in Gesundheitsberufen (3. Aufl.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

    >Poser M. (2012). Lehrbuch Stationsleitung: Pflegemanagement für die mittlere Führungsebene im Krankenhaus. Bern: Hans Huber.

    >Warren, B. & Goldsmith, J. (2010). Learning to lead: A workbook on becoming a leader. New York: Basic Books.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Negotiations, delegation and subdelegation | ILV

    Negotiations, delegation and subdelegation | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Advantages and disadvantages / suitability of delegation
    > Planning, steering and analysis of negotiations
    > Negotiation styles, possibilities and traps
    > Communication in negotiation situations
    > Principles of the "Harvard Concept

    Teaching method

    lecture, reflection, group work


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Blanchard, K., Oncken, W., Burrows, H. & Mietzner, L. (2002). Der Minuten-Manager und der Klammer-Affe: Wie man lernt, sich nicht zu viel aufzuhalsen (18. Aufl.). Hamburg: Rowohlt.

    > Fisher, R., Ury, W. & Patton, B. (2013). Das Harvard-Konzept - der Klassiker der Verhandlungstechnik (24. überarb. Aufl.). Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

    > Haller, R. (2012). Delegieren. Freiburg: Haufe.

    > Marzinzik, K. (Hrsg.) (2010). Kompetenz und Kooperation im Gesundheits- und Sozialbereich. Münster: Lit.

    > Mnookin, R.H. & Neubauer, J. (2012). Verhandeln mit dem Teufel - das Harvard-Konzept für die fiesen Fälle. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

    > Schott, B, & Troczynski, P. (2012) Verhandeln. Freiburg: Haufe.

    > Schranner, M. (2001). Verhandeln im Grenzbereich, Strategien und Taktiken für schwierige Fälle (15.Aufl.). Berlin: Econ.

    > Schranner, M. (2018). Der Verhandlungsführer - Taktiken die zum Erfolg führen (4.Aufl.). Wals: Ecowin.

    > Topf, C. (2007). Delegieren für Frauen: Mehr bewegen - in weniger Zeit - mit weniger Stress. München: Redline.

    > Voeth, M. & Herbst, U. (2015). Verhandlungsmanagement - Planung, Steuerung und Analyse. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Knowledge- and change management | ILV

    Knowledge- and change management | ILV

    2.5 SWS   5 ECTS


    > Basics, basic elements and goals of modern knowledge management
    > Signs, data, information, knowledge; knowledge dimensions; the knowledge-capability staircase
    > Models, barriers and obstacles of knowledge management
    > Interrelationships: process management - quality management - knowledge management
    > Special challenges of knowledge management in expert organisations
    > Organisational learning and learning organisations in health care
    > Knowledge management and the Graves Model or the Spiral Dynamics approach
    > Basics, basic elements and goals of modern change management
    > Framework conditions, basic principles and phases of successful change management
    > Images of people, organizational models
    > Corporate cultures or commitment in change processes
    > Operational and strategic corporate management in change processes/the steering group
    > Vision, mission and the organizational goals or strategy for successful change processes

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, reflection


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > LV-Unterlagen (Textskripten) von Garnitschnig, K./Gruner, H.- Fassung 2019/20

    Teaching language


    2.5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Module management practice
    2.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    basics in communication in management | ILV

    basics in communication in management | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    > Constructive dialogue with patients, clients, relatives and colleagues at all organisational levels
    > Techniques of active listening
    > Routines in management and nursing practice, rituals and ritualised exchange in management settings
    > Communication in management (in the context of: motivation, instruction, training)
    > Disturbances, conflicts and challenges in nursing management
    > Communication possibilities with digital media in the field of e-management

    Teaching method

    Group work, discussion


    Final exam: LV final oral and written final examination


    > Elzer, M. & Sciborski, C. (2007). Kommunikative Kompetenzen in der Pflege. Theorie und Praxis der verbalen und nonverbalen Interaktion. Bern: Hans Huber.

    > Fröse, S. (2017). Was Sie über Pflegeberatung wissen sollten: Grundlagen, Kompetenzen und professionelle Dokumentation (2. aktual. Aufl.) Hannover: Schlütersche.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    management practice and reflexion | PR

    management practice and reflexion | PR

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Observation in nursing management
    > Accompaniment by mentor/ instructor from nursing practice

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, presentation


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    je nach Hospitation und Lehrveranstaltung

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    rhetorics | UE

    rhetorics | UE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    > presentation technique and teaching of topics and content
    > verbal and non-verbal presentations
    > language, voice, speech techniques
    > facial expressions, posture and gestures
    > advantages and disadvantages of different media in the use of presentations
    > tips and tricks for preparing and designing presentations
    > selected information on body language
    > on the why and how of visualisations and other creative methods
    > basics of learning processes and learning or character types, motivation to learn
    > applied and literary rhetoric

    Teaching method

    lecture, presentation


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Becher, F. (2020). Rhetorik im Job. Der Baukasten für erfolgreiche Reden und Gespräche. Freiburg: Haufe.
    > Hermann-Ruess, A. (2010). Wirkungsvoll präsentieren. Das Buch voller Ideen (1. Aufl.). Göttingen: BusinessVillage.
    > Holzheu, H. (2002). Natürliche Rhetorik. Düsseldorf, Berlin: Econ.
    > Schopenhauer, A. (2017). Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten. Ditzingen: Reclam.
    > Schulz von Thun, F. (2013). Miteinander reden: 3. Das „Innere Team“ und situationsgerechte Kommunikation. Kommunikation, Person, Situation (24. Aufl.). Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch.
    > Thiele, A. (2015). Argumentieren unter Stress: wie man unfaire Angriffe erfolgreich abwehrt (12. aktual. und erw. Aufl.). München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module nursing research
    4 SWS
    8 ECTS
    applied nursing research | ILV

    applied nursing research | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Writing an exposé for the MA thesis

    Teaching method

    group work, lecture


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > American Psychological Association: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). APA, 2017.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Qualitative research methods | ILV

    Qualitative research methods | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    > Deepening of qualitative nursing research
    > Planning and execution of qualitative research strategies
    > Survey methods (focus on qualitative interview and observation)
    > Evaluation methods (focus on content analysis) and presentation of the results of the collected data

    Teaching method

    lecture, project


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Flick,U., Von Kardorff, E., Steinke, I. (2015). Qualitative Forschung. Ein Handbuch.11. Auflage. Reinbeck bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
    > Flick, U. (2016). Qualitative Sozialforschung. Eine Einführung. Reinbeck bei Hamburg. 7. Auflage.Reinbeck bei Hamburg:Rowohlt.
    > Przyborski, A., Wohlrab-Sahr, M. (2010). Qualitative Sozialforschung. Ein Arbeitsbuch. München. 1. Auflage.Oldenburg Verlag
    > Kruse, J. (2015). Qualitative Interviewforschung. Ein integrativer Ansatz.2. Auflage. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa,
    > Kuckartz, U. (2016). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung.3.Auflage. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.
    > Mayring, P. (2015). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken.12. Auflage. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Quantitative research methods | ILV

    Quantitative research methods | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    > Deepening quantitative empirical nursing research

    > Construction of a questionnaire

    > Research designs

    > Samples

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, exercises


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Atteslander, P. (2010). Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    > Bortz, J.; Döring, N. (2006). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
    > Diekmann, A. (2011). Empirische Sozialforschung. Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen. Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.
    > Mayer, H. (2019). Pflegeforschung anwenden. Elemente und Basiswissen für das Studium. 5. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Wien: Facultas.
    > Raab-Steiner, E.; Benesch, M. (2012). Der Fragebogen. Von der Forschungsidee zur SPSS-Auswertung. Wien: Facultas WUV.
    > Schnell, R; Hill, P.; Esser, E. (2011). Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. 9., aktualisierte Auflage. München: Oldenburg Verlag.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Care Management
    5 SWS
    10 ECTS
    Applied nursing Management | ILV

    Applied nursing Management | ILV

    2.5 SWS   5 ECTS


    > Care quality assurance and development
    > Goals, instruments and dimensions of quality management
    > Calculation of personnel requirements
    > Goals, phases, design levels, strategic analyses, strategic controls, strategic management

    > inter- and intragenerational equity
    > economic and social objectives of human resources management
    > performance and framework conditions of human resources management
    > types of personnel recruitment (internal and external), instruments of personnel selection
    > incentive systems
    > human resources development - systems and instruments
    > tasks and objectives of personnel controlling

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, discussions


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination



    > Conzen, C., Freund, J. & Overlander, G. (2013). Pflegemanagement heute, Ökonomie, Personal, Qualität: verantworten und organisieren (1. Aufl.). München: Elsevier & Fischer.

    > Conzen, C., Freund, J. & Overlander, G. (2016). Pflegemanagement heute, Ökonomie, Personal, Qualität: verantworten und organisieren (2. Aufl.). München: Elsevier GmbH & Urban & Fischer.

    > Heimerl, P. & Loisel, O. (2005). Lernen mit Fallstudien in der Organisations- und Personalentwicklung. 1. Aufl., Wien: Linde.

    > Hungeberg, H. & Wulf, T.(2015). Grundlagen der Unternehmensführung (5. aktual. Aufl.). Berlin: Springer.

    > Leuzinger, A. & Luterbacher, T. (2000). Mitarbeiterführung im Krankenhaus. Spital, Klinik und Heim (3. unveränd. Aufl.). Berlin: Hans Huber.

    > Lieb, N. (2010). Pflegemanagement als Beruf: Anforderungen und Aufgaben leitender Pflegekräfte im Krankenhaus (3.Aufl.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    > Loffing, C. & Geise, S. (2005). Personalentwicklung in der Pflege. Bern: Hans Huber.

    > Poser M. (2012). Lehrbuch Stationsleitung: Pflegemanagement für die mittlere Führungsebene im Krankenhaus. Bern: Hans Huber.

    > Reinspach, R. (2011). Strategisches Management von Gesundheitsbetrieben. Grundlagen und Instrumente einer entwicklungsorientierten Unternehmensführung. Berlin: De Gruyter.

    > Thom, N. et al. (2007). Fälle zu Organisation und Personal: Didaktik – Fallstudien – Lösungen – Theoriebausteine. Bern: Haupt.

    > Thommen, J.P. & Achleitner, A.-K. (2017). Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre; Umfassende Einführung aus managementorientierter Sicht (8. Aufl). Wiesbaden: Gabler.


    Teaching language


    2.5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Case- and care management | ILV

    Case- and care management | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    > Basics in case and care management (basic terms, functions, roles, principles, competence profile, phase model, levels of action and control)
    > Case management at case level (prerequisites, criteria, problem and resource analysis, assessment instruments)
    > Case management at system level (system concept, concept development, networking, cooperation management)
    > Evaluation and documentation in case management

    Teaching method

    lecture, case-based learning, group work, discussions, presentation


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Ewers, M. & Schaeffer, D. (Hrsg.) (2005). Case Management in Theorie und Praxis (2.Aufl.). Bern: Huber.
    > Löcherbach, P. (2009) Casemanagement. Fall- und Systemsteuerung in der Sozialen Arbeit (4. Aufl.). München: Reinhardt.
    > Wendt, W.R. (2010) Case Management im Sozial-und Gesundheitswesen. Eine Einführung (5. Aufl.). Freiburg: Lambertus.


    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    personnel development | ILV

    personnel development | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Basic principles of human resources development
    > Concepts and methods of further education
    > Methods of promoting female employees
    > Introducing new female employees
    > Organisational and team development

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, discussion


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Becker, M. (2011). Systematische Personalentwicklung. Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle im Funktionszyklus (2. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

    > Hilb, M. (2007). Integriertes Personalmanagement: Ziele, Strategien, Instrumente (16. aktual. Aufl.). Berlin: Hermann Luchterhand.

    > Kressler, H. W. (2001). Leistungsbeurteilung und Anreizsysteme. Motivation, Vergütung, Incentives. Wien: Ueberreuter.

    > Loffing, C. & Geise, S. (2005): Personalentwicklung in der Pflege. Bern: Hans Huber.

    > Müller-Vorbrüggen, M. & Radel, J. (2016). Handbuch Personalentwicklung: Die Praxis der Personalbildung, Personalförderung und Arbeitsstrukturierung (4.überarb. und erw. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

    > Schust, G. H. (2000). Human performance management. Wie sie Mitarbeiter zur Wertschöpfung führen. Leonberg: Rosenberger.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Module Evidence Based Nursing
    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Research-based nursing practice | ILV

    Research-based nursing practice | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > presentation of terms research application in nursing practice
    > inhibiting, promoting factors of research application
    > selected implementation models and their focus
    > exemplary implementation plan based on processed research results

    Teaching method

    lecture, discussion, group work, presentation


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Brandenburg, H. (2005). Wie gelangt neues Wissen in die Praxis der Pflege? In: PrInternet, 09, p. 464 - 471.
    > Breimaier, H.; Halfens, R.; Lohrmann, C.: (2011): Nurses´ wishes, knowledge, attitudes and perceived barriers on implementing research findings into practice among graduate nurses in Austria. In: Journal of Clinical Nursing, p. 1 – 13.
    > Haslinger-Baumann, E., Müller, G.; Them, C. (2014). "Vom Putzen bis zur Wissenschaft" Die Herausforderung, wissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse in der täglichen Pflegepraxis anzuwenden. In: Pflegewissenschaft, 11, p. 621 - 630.
    > Haslinger-Baumann, E.; Jukic-Puntigam, M.; Steininger, A.; Burns, E.: (2011). Theorie – Praxistransfer am Beispiel einer evidence-basierten Praxisleitlinie zum Thema Hautpflege bei Harn- und/oder Stuhlinkontinenz für Spitäler und Langzeitpflegeeinrichtungen. In: Pflegewissenschaft, 03, p.182 - 188.
    > Haslinger-Baumann, E.: (2009). Evidence-based Nursing – Ein Brückenschlag zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. In: Mayer H. (Hg): Pflegewissenschaft – Von der Ausnahme zur Normalität. Facultas Verlag, Sp. 197 – 218.
    > Stetler, C.; Damschroder, L.; Helfrich C.; Hagedorn, H.: (2011). A Guide for applying a revised version of the PARIHS framework for implementation. In: Implementation Science, open access.
    > Roes, M (2014). Implementierung von Studienergebnissen. In: PADUA, 9, 4, p. 201 - 204.
    > Titler, M., Steelman V.; Budreau G.; Buckwalter K.; Goode C.: (2001). The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Quality Care. In: Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 13, 4, p. 497-509.
    > Titler, M; Mentes, J.; Rakel, B.; Abbott, L.; Baumler, S.: (1999). From Book to Bedside: Putting Evidence to Use in the Care of the Elderly. In: Journal of Quality Improvement, 25, 10, p. 545 – 556.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Statistics | ILV

    Statistics | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Repetition of basic statistical concepts (data levels, data management)
    > Fundamentals and application of descriptive statistics (frequencies, crosstabs, statistical ratios, measures of correlation)
    > Fundamentals and application of inferential statistics (concept of significance, Chi-square test, group comparison tests (T-test, U-test, ANOVA, etc.), correlation)

    Teaching method

    lecure, group work, discussion


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Hatzinger, R.; Nagel, H. (2013). Statistik mit SPSS. Fallbeispiele und Methoden. Hallbergmoos: Pearson
    > Koller, M.M. (2014). Statistik für Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe. Wien: Facultas.
    > Krämer, W. (2011). So lügt man mit Statistik. München: Piper.
    > Raab-Steiner, E. (2015). Der Fragebogen. Von der Forschungsidee zur SPSS-Auswertung. Wien: Facultas.
    > Stetler, C.;  Damschroder, L.; Helfrich, C.; Hagedorn, H. (2011). 
    A Guide for applying a revised version of the PARIHS framework for implementation. In: Implementation Science, open access, 

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module health communication
    4 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Health promotion and prevention | ILV

    Health promotion and prevention | ILV

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    >Health promotion in different settings
    >Health promotion in a European comparison
    >Health literacy
    >Concrete implementation of health promotion measures
    >Epidemiological measures in the context of health promotion
    >Risk factors and resources
    >Preventive measures in the setting of health and nursing
    >Austrian health care
    >Public Health - clarification and implementation

    Teaching method

    lecture, discussion, group work, presentation


    Final exam: written exam


    > Hurrelmann, K.; Klotz T.; Haisch, J. (Hrsg.) (2014). Lehrbuch Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. 4. Auflage. Bern: Hans Huber.
    > Wulfhorst, B.; Hurrelmann, K. (Hrsg.) (2009). Handbuch Gesundheitserziehung. Bern: Hans Huber.
    > Sørensen, K.; Van den Broucke, S.; Fullam, J.; Doyle, G.; Pelikan, J.; Slonska, Z.; Brand, H. (2012). Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models. In: BMC Public Health, 12,

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Personal education, counseling and communication | ILV

    Personal education, counseling and communication | ILV

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    > verbal and non-verbal presentations
    > learning motivation from a pedagogical point of view
    > methods of training and counselling
    > cooperative and collegial counselling (idea of man, basic attitudes, techniques)
    > basics of different counselling concepts (client-centred, systemic, cooperative, collegial, ...)
    > Techniques and possible applications of counselling concepts
    > Comparison of different images of humanity and related basic attitudes
    > Role of experts, counsellors and people seeking advice
    > Requirements and building blocks for successful discussions
    > Diversity as a parameter against the background of the occupational field
    > Fields of communication in the occupational context, counselling settings
    > Individuality as a focus

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, discussion, case-based learning


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Bachmaier, S. (2011). Beraten will gelernt sein. Ein praktisches Lehrbuch für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. 10. Auflage.Basel: Beltz Verlag.
    > Bamberger, G. G. (2001). Lösungsorientierte Beratung. Basel: Beltz Verlag.
    > Büttner, C.; Quindel, R. (2005). Gesprächsführung und Beratung. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
    > Mitschka, R. (2000). Sich auseinander setzen – miteinander reden: ein Lern- und Übungsbuch zur professionellen Gesprächsführung für LehrerInnen, SozialarbeiterInnen und BeraterInnen. Linz: Veritas Verlag.
    > Mutzeck, W. (2008). Kooperative Beratung: Grundlagen, Methocen, Training, Effektivität. 6. Auflage.Basel: Beltz Verlag.
    > Radatz, S. (2009). Beratung ohne Ratschlag. Systemisches Coaching für Führungskräfte und BeraterInnen. 6. Auflage. Wien: Verlag Systemisches Management.
    > Schulz von Thun, F. (2010). Miteinander reden. Teil 1: Störungen und Klärungen. Teil 2: Stile, Werte und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. 48. Auflage.Reinbek: Rowohlt Verlag.
    > Stefanoni, S.; Alig, B. (2009). Pflegekommunikation. Gespräche im Pflegeprozess. Bern: Hans Huber Verlag.
    > Tietze, K.-O. / Schulz von Thun, F. (2003). Kollegiale Beratung: Problemlösungen gemeinsam entwickeln. Miteinander reden: Praxis. Reinbek: Rowohlt Verlag.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Module Internationalisation
    4 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Internationalisation of management and leadership | SE

    Internationalisation of management and leadership | SE

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    > Definition of terms of national and international developments

    > Importance and goals of internationalization in management

    > Introduction and implementation of internationalisation concepts

    > Effects on national developments in vocational and educational law in the health care and nursing sector (e.g. challenge in establishing Advanced Nursing Practice, ...)

    > Regulations, legal frameworks and economic considerations in health care institutions

    > Strategies for involving different stakeholders in the context of management

    > Developments in diversity-sensitive qualifications and requirements for the roles of the various occupational groups

    > Concepts for migration-sensitive management styles

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, discussion


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Ludwig I., Kelly-Heidenthal, P. & Marthaler, M. (2008). Pflege delegieren. Bern: Huber



    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Project- and quality management | SE

    Project- and quality management | SE

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    Quality Management

    > Basics of quality management

    > Quality methods and tools

    > Quality management systems and models

    > Quality indicators

    > Continuous improvement process

    Project Management
    > Project Management Basics
    > Project Management Sub-processes
    > Phase-oriented application of selected project management methods
    > Project definition and project environment analysis
    > Project planning and project organization
    > Communication in projects
    > Introduction to project controlling
    > Project conclusion
    > Project plan preparation

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, presentation


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Baartmans, P.; Geng, V. (2006). Qualität nach Maß. Entwicklung und Einführung von Qualitätsstandards im Gesundheitswesen. Bern: Hans Huber.
    > Gareis, R. (2016). Happy Projekts! Wien: Manz.
    > Gebert, A. J.; Kneubühler, H.-U. (2003). Qualitätsbeurteilung und Evaluation der Qualitätssicherung in Pflegeheimen: Plädoyer für ein gemeinsames Lernen. Bern: Hans Huber.
    > Giebing, H.; Francois-Kettner, H.; Roes, M.; Marr, H. (1999). Pflegerische Qualitätssicherung. Konzept, Methode, Praxis. Bern: Hans Huber.
    > Patzak, G.; Rattay G. (2009). Projektmanagement. Wien: Linde.
    > Schiemann, D.; Moers, M.; Büscher, A. (2014). Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege. Konzepte, Methoden und Instrumente. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
    > Uhl, A. (2008). Qualitätsentwicklung sozialer und gesundheitlicher Dienste für Menschen mit Pflege- und Betreuungsbedarf. Delphi-Konsensusprozess zur Entwicklung eines Qualitätsprofils der ambulanten pflegerischen Versorgung. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
    > Zollondz, H.-D. (2011). Grundlagen Qualitätsmanagement. Einführung in Geschichte, Begriffe, Systeme und Konzepte. München: Oldenburg.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Module Professionalisation
    5 SWS
    10 ECTS
    crisis- and riskmanagement | ILV

    crisis- and riskmanagement | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    Crisis Management

    > Phases of the crisis management process (e.g. conflict diagnosis, dynamics, escalation stages, etc.)

    >Various crisis management and mediative communication approaches (Rogers, Rosenberg model, TA, modified Trinergy model,...)

    > Methodical use of mediation, techniques and methods of discussion control

    > Modern neurobiological findings and their relation to crisis management and mediation

    > Diagnosis and typologies of intra- and interorganizational conflicts and crises in organizations and institutions

    > Cooperative conflict management through negotiation (e.g. according to the Harvard concept for the prevention of conflicts and crises in management situations, ...)
    > Techniques of corporate conflict consulting and the use of targeted mediation techniques
    > Overview of types, levels, phases and aetiology of mobbing, staffing, bossing, dealing with whistleblowing
    > Practice-oriented concepts and strategies for the successful management of conflicts in management situations and corporate crisis situations

    > Crises and conflicts in the team (e.g. team structure, different phases of team building, ...)


    Risk Management

    > Steps of the risk management process (identification of risks, description of their nature, causes and effects, etc.)

    >Analysis of the identified risks with regard to their probability of occurrence and possible effects

    > Risk assessment (e.g. from standards and norms)

    > Risk management/risk control through measures that reduce hazards and/or the probability of occurrence or make the consequences controllable

    >Risk monitoring using parameters that provide information about current risks (risk indicators)

    > Risk records to document all processes that take place in connection with risk analysis and assessment

    Teaching method

    lecture, presentation, discussion, group work


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Achouri, C. (2015). Human Resources Management. Eine praxisbasierte Einführung (2.Aufl.). Wiesbaden: Springer.
    > Behrmann, M. (2013). Verhandeln und Überzeugen. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
    > Blackburn V. & Blackburn A. (2008).Taking a history in aesthetic surgery: SAGA – the surgeonʼs tool for patient selection. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery, 61, 723–729
    >Böhm, R. (2005). Macht. Aggression. Gewalt. Konflikt – Phänomene menschlicher Kommunikation – Bewusst machen. verstehen. analysieren. bewältigen. managen. Unveröffentlichtes Manu-skript. Wien/Retz
    > Crisand, E. (2004). Methodik der Konfliktlösung. Frankfurt am Main: Recht und Wirtschaft.
    > Fisher, R. & Ury, W. & Patton, M. (2018). Das Harvard Konzept: Die unschlagbare Methode für beste Verhandlungsergebnisse. Frankfurt: DVA.
    > Elzer, M. & Sciborski, C. (2007). Kommunikative Kompetenzen in der Pflege. Bern: Hans Huber.
    > Glasl, F. (Hrsg.). (2017). Konfliktmanagement: Ein Handbuch für Führungskräfte, Beraterinnen und Berater (11. überarb. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Freies Geistesleben.
    > Glasl, F. (2007). Selbsthilfe in Konflikten. Konzepte, Übungen, Praktische Methoden. Stuttgart: Freies Geistes-leben.
    > Glasl, F. & Lievegoed, C.J. (2004). Dynamische Unternehmensentwicklung: Grundlagen für nachhaltiges Change Management by Friedrich Glasl. Bern: Haupt.
    > Goldstein, E.B. (2014). Wahrnehmungspsychologie: Der Grundkurs (9. Auflage). Berlin & Heidelberg: Springer.
    > Jäggi, S. & Züger, R-M. (2011). Kommunikation und Information – Leadership – Basiskompetenz (3. Aufl.) Zürich: Compendio.
    > Kolodej, C. (2016). Strukturaufstellungen für Konflikte, Mobbing und Mediation. Wiesbaden: Springer.
    > Kolinski, G. (Hrsg.) (2011). Tarnen. Täuschen. Lügen. Zwischen Lust und Last. Tübingen: Attempto.
    > Mahlmann, R. (2016). Konflikte souverän managen: Konzepte, Maßnahmen, Voraussetzungen. Weinheim: Beltz.
    > Regnet, E. (2007). Konflikt und Kooperation. Konflikthandhabung in Führungs- und Teamsituationen. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
    > Schwarz, G. (2013). Konfliktmanagement: Konflikte erkennen, analysieren, lösen (9. Aufl.). Wiesbaden: Springer.
    > Simon, W. (2011). Grundlagen der Kommunikation. Offenbach: Gabler.
    > Strauss, A. (1978). Negotiations, contexts, processes, and social orders: var. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
    > Watzlawick, P. & Beavin, H. & Jackson, D. (2011).  Menschliche Kommunikation (12. Aufl.). Bern: Hans Huber.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    professionalisation management | ILV

    professionalisation management | ILV

    2 SWS   4 ECTS



    > Leadership competencies and leadership styles

    > Methods of team leadership

    > Organisational management and organisational cultures

    > socio-economic aspects of care management

    > Coping with work-related stress (e.g. burnout and burnout prevention, boreout, etc.)

    > Motivation and mental hygiene (e.g. strengths, resources, mental exercises, ...)

    > Applying solution-oriented strategies in difficult situations


    Teaching method

    lecture, presentation, discussion, group work


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    > Fisher, R., Ury, W. & Patton, B. (2009). Das Harvard Konzept. Sachgerecht verhandeln – erfolgreich verhandeln (23.Aufl.). Frankfurt: Campus.

    > Glasl, F. (2004). Selbsthilfe in Konflikten. Konzepte, Übungen, Praktische Methoden. Stuttgart: Verlag Freies Geistesleben.

    > Radatz, S. (2013). Beratung ohne Ratschlag: Systemisches Coaching für Führungskräfte und BeraterInnen. Wien: Verlag systemisches Management.

    > Schein, E. (2010). Prozessberatung für die Organisation der Zukunft: Der Aufbau einer helfenden Beziehung (EHPOrganisation). Köln: EHP-Verlag.

    > Wehner, L., Brinek, T. & Herdlitzka, M. (2010). Kreatives Konfliktmanagement im Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegebereich. Wien: Springer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Public relations and marketing | ILV

    Public relations and marketing | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    > The changing health care system - The current situation of health care facilities in Austria as a starting point for marketing activities - stocktaking and future prospects
    > The meaning, definition and interrelationships of the terms marketing, advertising, public relations, PR - in general and in the context of the health care system
    > Hospital marketing (e.g. inpatient and outpatient marketing, nursing care marketing,...)
    > Basics of marketing goals (focus on the patient as a customer,...)
    > Strategic marketing (e.g. market analyses, marketing strategies, marketing planning, modern marketing mix, 4P rule of marketing, communication instruments,...)
    > Advertising (meaning, form and target groups of advertising, advertising instruments,...)
    > Public relations in the hospital (internal public, specialist political public, core public, media public,...)

    > Advertising in the social networks incl. social media marketing
    > Corporate identity
    > Brand management (e.g. visual positioning, brand introduction,...)

    >Crisis communication in hospitals

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, presentation, reflection


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > LV-Unterlagen (1 PPT-Text-Skriptum(Kombi)/1 Reader) von Garnitschnig, K./Gruner, H.- Fassung 2019/202

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS

    Module master thesis
    0.5 SWS
    22 ECTS
    Master Thesis | MT

    Master Thesis | MT

    0 SWS   18 ECTS


    > Independent work on a relevant topic based on the subject areas ANE, ANC or ANP under the supervision of a supervisor
    > Design of the MA thesis

    Teaching method

    Independent work supported by coaching


    Final exam: Approval of the Master thesis


    Abhängig von der gewählten Literatur

    Teaching language


    18 ECTS
    Master Thesis rolling seminar | SE

    Master Thesis rolling seminar | SE

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Coaching of small groups to accompany the preparation of the MA thesis
    > Presentation of the MA thesis in the small group
    > Presentation and discussion of Master theses, with regard to their content and methodological design in accordance with the criteria of the FH Campus Wien and the Department of Applied Nursing Science

    Teaching method

    discussion, presentation


    Continuous assessment: Immanent


    > Karmasin, M.; Ribnig, R. (2019). Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Wien: Facultas.
    > Leitfaden Masterthesis FH-Campus Wien
    > Mayer, H. (2019). Pflegeforschung anwenden. Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung. Wien: Facultas.
    >Online: Sprachleitfaden FH- Campus Wien -
    > Panfil, E.M. (Hrsg.) (2017). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Pflege. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Pflegende. 2. Auflage. Bern: Huber Verlag. 

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Masterthesis Examination | AP

    Masterthesis Examination | AP

    0 SWS   2 ECTS


    > The final Master's examination is an oral comprehensive examination before a board of examiners and is designed to assess academic competence and the relevant professional fields (it consists of three parts, each of which must be assessed positively).
    > Presentation and discussion of the MA thesis
    > Expert discussion

    Teaching method

    presentation, defence


    Final exam: overall commission examination


    > Je nach Thema der Abschlussarbeit, bzw. vorgegebener Literatur für den Fachteil

    Teaching language


    2 ECTS
    Module Organisation and management in health care
    4 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Health economics | ILV

    Health economics | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Description of the Austrian health care system

    >Financing of the Austrian health system

    > Aspects of bookkeeping, budgeting, presentation of a balance sheet and a profit and loss account, health controlling and IBLV in health care facilities

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, discussion


    Final exam: LV-concluding written final examination


    Pöttler, G. (2019). Gesundheitswesen in Österreich (3. Aufl.). Wien: Goldegg.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Forms of organisation in the health and social systems | ILV

    Forms of organisation in the health and social systems | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    > Health systems: Goals, participants, financing models, health service social insurance model, private insurance model, outpatient care, inpatient care, supply of pharmaceuticals
    > The Austrian health care system in international comparison
    > The Austrian health care system (figures - data - facts)
    > Current reforms and developments in health policy (e-Health - ELGA)
    > Care provision and its current challenges
    > Comparisons of health care systems and international benchmarks
    > Current developments in Austrian health and care management

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercises, discussion, processing of learning tasks


    Continuous assessment: immanent


    > Deutmeyer M. & Thiekötter, A. (Hrsg.)(2007). Aktuelle Entwicklungen im österreichischen Gesundheits- und Pflegemanagement.Probleme-Analysen-Perspektiven. Wien: Facultas.

    > Hofmarcher, M. M. (2013). Das österreichische Gesundheitssystem, Akteure, Daten, Analysen. Internetversion für das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. Berlin: MWV.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    legal basics in nursing professions | UE

    legal basics in nursing professions | UE

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    >Professional and health law
    >Labour and social law
    >Civil law
    >Criminal law
    >Administrative law

    > legal case work

    > Legal structures in the health care system

    Teaching method

    lecture, group work, discussion


    Final exam: LV-concluding oral final examination


    > Andreaus, F. & Eichinger, C. (2017). Rechtsgrundlagen für Gesundheitsberufe (3. Aufl.). Wien: Facultas.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    4 ECTS

    One or two times per month in blocks on Thursday afternoons or all day Friday and Saturday

    Academic year schedule AN-27 (PDF 112 KB, content only available in German)

    Number of teaching weeks
    14 per semester

    After graduation

    As a graduate of this program, a wide range of occupational fields and career opportunities are open to you. Find out here where your path can take you.

    In addition to management responsibilities in nursing, you will further develop the nursing profession or be active in research projects. In the future you will work in the following areas:

    • Hospitals

    • Nursing facilities

    • Out-patient centers

    • Rehabilitation centers

      • Social security institutions

      • Non-profit organizations

      • Health centers

      • Research institutions

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        We closely cooperate with the Vienna Healthcare Group, the Vinzentinum Vienna, the Barmherzige Brüder Vienna, the University of Vienna, the Professional Association and other health care institutions. Our cooperations ensure that you have points of contact for your career or your participation in research and development activities. You will find many of our cooperations in the Campusnetzwerk. A look at them is always worthwhile and may lead you to a new job or to an interesting event of our cooperation partners!


        Head of Program

        Secretary's office

        Joanne Li, BA
        Marion Schaufler

        Application management
        Favoritenstraße 222, F.1.16
        1100 Vienna
        +43 1 606 68 77-4040
        +43 1 606 68 77-4009

        Office hours
        Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
        Tuesday: 8.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
        Thursday: 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

        Teaching staff and research staff


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