Open House

Experience innovation and education up close at the Open House at FH Campus Wien!

Our Open House provides a decision-making basis for choosing a degree programme and is an opportunity to get to know the variety of FH Campus Wien.

Whether it's information lectures, practical exercises and action points that invite you to join in and try things out, guided tours or taster courses - there's something for everyone here!

Join us and discover your future at FH Campus Wien!

Next open house:


14th March 2025
9.00 am to 7.00 pm

Visit the FH Campus Wien

Eine Person mit T-Shirt der FH Campus Wien an einem Stehtisch im Gespräch mit einer zweite Person, deren Rückseite verschwommen im Vordergrund zu sehen ist.

Seven departments in one place

You can get a comprehensive overview of our 70 degree and university programmes in our festival hall. Just drop by, ask questions and get advice!


Im Zentrum des großen Messesaals befindet sich ein Info-Stand des Oscar Racing Teams und der Rescue Bots der FH Campus Wien inkl. eines Rennautos und Roboters.

Student teams introduced

Whether it's a rescue robot, concrete canoe, rocket or racing car - there are numerous student teams at FH Campus Wien who also take part in international competitions with their projects.


Eine Leinwand zeigt eine Simulation. Davor stehen mit dem Rücken zum Betrachter zwei Personen, die eine VR-Brille tragen und auf die Leinwand blicken.

Discover the practical side

Gain an insight into our laboratories, workshops and the first-class functional and simulation rooms with real technical equipment - including the OP Innovation Centre with intensive care unit, our movement laboratory and the only computer tomography laboratory at an Austrian university of applied sciences.


Ein Lehrender des Scientific Brewhouses der FH Campus Wien erklärt den Brauprozess vor einem großen Braukessel.

One beer, please!

The Scientific Brewhouse of the Department of Bioengineering not only provides new insights into fermentation processes, but also occasionally invites visitors to sample beer.


Eine Studierende berät eine Interessentin am Infostand zum Thema Diversität und Genderqueerness.

INCLUSION is a top priority

Equal opportunities and a zero discrimination policy are core values at FH Campus Wien. Our Gender & Diversity Management department is there to help and advise everyone - and not just during the Open House.


Eine Person steht in einem Labor vor einem Plakat zu Allergien. Vor ihm befinden sich Chemie-Behältnisse und eine Gruppe Interessierter.

A first-hand insight into research

We conduct interdisciplinary and practical research and development. Our students are also involved in research projects. Immerse yourself in the world of science!



What awaits you

Programme directors, lecturers, students, graduates and staff provide insights into the content of the study programs and everyday life at FH Campus Wien. We answer all questions about our nearly 70 degree programmes and university courses, provide support in finding the right degree program and also provide information about entrance examinations, funding opportunities, stays abroad and barrier-free studying.

Our next Open House takes place on 14th March 2025.


Building plan and directions

You can reach us with the U1 (Altes Landgut) or the lines 15A, 16A, 17A, 19A, 67A, 67B. Parking is available at the Verteilerkreis, the Hansson Center and the Park&Ride Neulaa.

Campus map
jpeg, 296 KB

If you need anything specific for your participation, e.g. sign language interpreters or technical support for hearing impaired people, please contact us in good time.

We will be taking photos and films at this event.
The recordings will also be published on social media channels and in print media to publicise our activities. Further information can be found in our privacy policy.

Key information about our degree programmes

Here you will find a compact summary of our department folders with the respective degree programmes and courses. You can find more detailed information on all degree programmes in the overview of degree programmes.

Folder Department Applied Nursing Science
pdf, 1 MB
Folder Department Applied Life Sciences
pdf, 847 KB
Folder Department Building and Design
pdf, 1 MB
Folder Department Health Sciences
pdf, 710 KB
Folder Department Social Work
pdf, 575 KB
Folder Department Engineering
pdf, 1 MB
Folder Department Administration, Economics, Security, Politics
pdf, 555 KB

Would you like to know more? We can help you.