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Austrian Packaging Day 2024

10 October 2024, 10 am to 7 pm, Ceremonial Hall, FH Campus Vienna University of Applied Sciences, Favoritenstrasse 226  

Nursing Education

In the Online Infosessions, head of program Sabine Schweiger presents the academic expert program Nursing Education and the continuing education Master's programs (CE) Advanced Nursing and answers yo  

Health Assisting Engineering

The admission procedure consists of a written admission test and an admission interview with members of the degree program (duration: approx. 20 minutes). You will receive your dates for this persona  

Tax Management

The admission procedure consists of a written test and an interview with the admission committee. Aim The aim is to ensure places are offered to those persons who complete the multi-level admis  


Im Masterstudium Bioinformatik werden Algorithmen und Programme entwickelt, mit denen biochemische Prozesse simuliert und molekularbiologische Daten analysiert werden.  

Research Center IT-Security

What does user-friendly, tap-proof and tamper-proof data transfer look like? This question is the focus of teaching, research and development projects of the Competence Center for IT-Security.  

Drink Smart

Drink smart – Entwicklung eines intelligenten Trinksystems zur Prävention von Dehydratation im Alter