Drink Smart

Project duration: 3.10.2016 until 30.9.2018

With "Drink Smart", the degree programs Nursing Science, Health Sciences and Engineering in the research field of Active Assisted Living are developing an intelligent drinking system that measures and checks the daily fluid intake, especially of older people. Essential for the success is the cooperation of different disciplines from nursing science, health sciences and engineering as well as cooperating companies from the fields of software, home health care and the production of drinking cups. Together, the smart drinking cup will be programmed, manufactured, and tested. The drinking cup will measure, record and process data and will be networked with digital care documentation - its auxiliary function will range from a reminder to an alarm to the mobile care service. Elderly people or authorized persons have independent access to the data - either by means of an app on a cell phone or a PC. Usability is at least as important as the technical components. Overall, this development will help prevent increasing dehydration in old age, facilitate the management of chronic diseases and enable older people to live independently at home. 

Research goals

  • Development and production of a close-to-market intelligent drinking system with measurement and alarm functions
  • Networked communication with electronic care documentation and stand-alone solution (application on smartphone)
  • Use for the prevention of dehydration in old age and the support in managing chronic diseases
  • High acceptance due to simple and safe operation

Funding bodies

  • IKT der Zukunft: benefit - demografischer Wandel als Chance (ICT of the future: benefit – demographic change as an opportunity)
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) (Austrian Research Promotion Agency)
  • BMVIT (Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology)

Cooperation partners and clients

Research field (until July 31, 2020)

Active and Assisted Living

As of 1 August 2020, five interdisciplinary research areas will have replaced the current research fields.

Project team

Study courses involved


High Tech Manufacturing



Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Management



Health Assisting Engineering


Master’s Program (CE)

Advanced Nursing Counseling


Master’s Program (CE)

Advanced Nursing Education


Master’s Program (CE)

Advanced Nursing Practice



Health Care and Nursing
