Cornelia Feichtinger, BSc, BSc, MSc
Head of Center for Applied Nursing Research
+43 1 606 68 77-4281
The Center for Applied Nursing Research conducts high-quality research in accordance with good scientific practice using all common qualitative and quantitative research methods for evidence-based research and the promotion of quality assurance in in-patient, day-care and mobile health and nursing care. The aim is to make a substantial contribution to practical care and nursing in the working fields and areas of responsibility of healthcare and nursing.
All of our researchers are healthcare and nursing professionals with many years of practical experience in various fields and a wide range of additional qualifications.
We conduct research to promote the professionalization and further development of healthcare and nursing, to do justice to the complexity of nursing and to share evidence-based knowledge. We do this both mono- and interdisciplinary.
A central research area in which several departments at FH Campus Wien are involved relates to the development of technical solutions in the care of (older) people in different areas of life. The development and refinement of assistive technologies is being worked on using interdisciplinary approaches in a multi-professional manner. In addition to assistive solutions, research is also being conducted in interdisciplinary teams on tele-health solutions for all healthcare professions.
The findings of scientific research form the basis for the evidence-based nursing process of professional care. This includes the derivation of nursing measures as well as the development of nursing and care concepts. On the one hand, the Center for Applied Nursing Research carries out research work in a variety of ways; on the other hand, it directly involves the various fields of practice when examining factors such as quality of care and effectiveness. The resulting guidelines give nursing staff the confidence to act in accordance with the latest research findings when practicing their profession. In addition, the aim is to make it easier for nursing staff to access the latest research findings and to promote their further education and training. The research results also ensure that the transfer of theory into practice continues to progress.
Health and nursing care always considers both poles: maintaining and promoting health as well as containing and alleviating illness. This research area examines ways of strengthening health literacy, making the right health-related decisions and leading a self-determined life from the perspective of health and nursing care. For example, it evaluates which measures enable inclusion and participation at different levels and thus contribute to maintaining health.
Evaluation research focuses primarily on the effectiveness and sustainability of health promotion services and provides certainty when rolling out measures. This involves both the target group that is to be reached with a particular offer and various stakeholders. Scientific support also plays a formative role in the further development of the professional field - for example in the establishment of community health nursing.
Head of Center for Applied Nursing Research
+43 1 606 68 77-4281
Academic Staff
Junior Researcher
The research center uses the infrastructure of FH Campus Wien, including
Head of project: Cornelia Feichtinger
Head of project: Eveline Prochaska, BSc MSc
Head of project: Carina Hauser Bakk. rer. soc. oec. MA
Head of project: Bernard Taufner
Head of project: Cornelia Feichtinger, BSc, BSc, MSc
Head of project: Cornelia Feichtinger, BSc, BSc, MSc
Head of project: Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Franz Werner
Head of project: Mag.a Elisabeth Haslinger-Baumann, Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Franz Werner
Head of project: Mag.a Elisabeth Haslinger-Baumann, DGKS
Head of project: Carina Hauser, Bakk.rer.soc.oec. MA
Head of project: Verena Kollmann, BScN MSc
Head of project: Elisabeth Kupka-Klepsch, MSc
Head of project: FH-Prof. Mag. Peter Stepanek
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