(LISTEN-IN) Social environment-orientated and systemic empowerment for homeless and precariously housed people with an experience of cancer
Head of project: Cornelia Feichtinger
Health is a dynamic process in which people try to find a balance within their environment in order to strengthen their physical, psychological and social well-being. Quality of life means that people can shape their lives as actively as possible, maintain sufficient social contact, and shape their lives according to their needs.
The Health and Quality of Life research area offers numerous points of contact for all seven departments of our University of Applied Sciences. In particular, however, the departments of Health Sciences, Applied Nursing Science and Applied Life Sciences focus on this research, in transdisciplinary collaborations.
Head of project: Cornelia Feichtinger
Head of project: FH-Prof.in Mag.a Claudia Körmer, Mag. Wolfgang Tomaschitz
Head of project: FH-Prof. Mag. Peter Stepanek
Head of project: Ing. DI (FH) Dr. Harald Kühnel, MSc
Head of project: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Clemens Ley, MA
Head of project: Bernard Taufner
Head of project: Cornelia Feichtinger, BSc, BSc, MSc
Head of project: FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Dr.techn. Franz Werner
Head of project: DI Dr. techn. Mugdim Bublin
Head of project: Dr. techn. Bernhard Rainer, MSc
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