Research area - Sustainability and Design

Research area - Sustainability and Design

Sustainability as a principle of action for the careful use of resources and the conservation of the regenerative capacity of systems includes ecological, economic and social aspects. Sustainable economic activity requires joint and reciprocal action in the various areas of activity. In the construction industry in particular, enormous resources are utilized and consumed - a fact that demands vision. We shape the environment, change it and bear the responsibility of advancing development in terms of socio-cultural sustainability.

Packaging has also come in for public criticism. The basis for the design of recyclable and sustainable products and packaging are sustainable criteria that are coordinated along the entire value chain, and must take into account not only ecological and economic criteria but also the social and cultural dimensions.

The research area Sustainability and Design enables the bundling of the diversity of content in FH Campus Wien’s departments into the capability of using different disciplinary expertise in the acquisition and implementation of research projects in the field of ecological, economic and social sustainability.

Projects and activities

Security Architectural Detention Design for Juveniles and Women (SiHaJF)

Head of project: Hildegard Sint


Head of project: Dr. techn. Bernhard Rainer, MSc

Good health and well-being

Quality education

Clean water and sanitation

Decent work and economic growth

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Sustainalbe cities and communities

Responsible consumption and production

Climate action

Partnerships for the goals



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Sustainable Packaging Technology
