Project to support critical infrastructure
Head of project: Mag.a Claudia Körmer, Mag. Wolfgang Tomaschitz
The human environment is shaped by the need for decent living standards and the technology developed for their provision. The area of efficient and secure energy supply, distribution and use in a social context plays a decisive role here. Sustainable mobility and its intelligent implementation are also part of a society and provide the framework for modern passenger and freight transport. To ensure the functioning of urban and rural living spaces, the planning, construction and maintenance of the necessary infrastructure are of crucial importance. This includes both the structures and buildings required as well as the technical systems and infrastructure.
The research area Energy, Mobility and Infrastructure is dedicated to these challenges and scientific questions in a holistic way. This includes both the technological issues and, in terms of sustainability, the economic, ecological and social perspectives of these research areas as well. Due to our wide range of expertise in these fields, FH Campus Wien is able to optimally map and work on this research area in an interdisciplinary manner.
Head of project: Mag.a Claudia Körmer, Mag. Wolfgang Tomaschitz
Head of project: DI Dr. techn. Mugdim Bublin
Head of project: FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Heimo Hirner
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