Smart real-time feedback assisted training therapy - SETT

Project duration: January 03rd, 2022 to December 20st, 2024

The steady increase in physical inactivity is a driving factor for degenerative symptoms of the musculoskeletal system and metabolic diseases. In addition, being overweight and obese particularly affects joint complaints in the knee, hip, and lumbar spine.

A knee or hip replacement is often necessary as a result. However, during the rehabilitative phase, which can last up to one year, instruction and support by qualified professionals cannot always be provided due to constraints in resources. Tele-rehab approaches already available on the market are mostly limited to online communication and static homepage content.

The SETT project aims to extend this offer with a smart digital system. The system would support patients by the use of selected devices available in the home (tablets, notebooks, HD-TV), once the initial personal exercise instruction by therapeutic professionals, in independent and sustainable training has taken place.

The exercises are to be accompanied by instructions, the quality of which is to be displayed with real-time feedback, and training data is to be recorded. With such a supportive, intuitive solution, the effect of the training can be improved in terms of sustainability, adherence, motivation, quality, and documentation.

Research objectives

  • Determination of the most suitable exercises with body weight and simple training tools as well as valid outcome parameters for stabilization of leg axis, pelvis, and spine.
  • User-centered development of the user interface, feedback, and system connectivity to the professionals.
  • Development of data processing and visualization for exercise instruction, exercise correction and presentation of real-time feedback based on quality-assured data in a reference database.
  • Evaluation of the prototype (TRL 5-6) regarding validity and effectiveness in use by patients after hip replacement.


Stadt Wien / Economic Affairs, Labour and Statistics / Call 30 "Research at the Viennese Universities of Applied Sciences"

UN Sustainable developement goals

Project lead

Project team

Study programs involved


Health Assisting Engineering




extended part-time