Evaluation of the Community Nursing pilot project in the context of the organization “Diakoniewerk”

Project duration: 09.01.2023 – 30.06.2024

Community nurses are advocates for individuals and families, as well as groups and communities.


Applied Nursing Science

Research area

Health and Quality of Life

Demographic and socio-political developments in Austria are leading to structural challenges for the long-term care and support of older people. Securing and developing professional care services in line with demand as well as measures to support family carers are key objectives for the future development of the care system in Austria.
The goal of developing a community (health) nursing model was defined not only in the expert report of the Care Taskforce, but also in the government programme 2020-2024. The services offered by community nurses in Austria are aimed at community dwelling people with an imminent or existing need for information, counselling, care and/or support, as well as their formal and informal carers.A central element of the programme is the preventive home visit for people aged 75 and over. The aim is to strengthen the health literacy of those affected, improve their well-being and enable them to remain in their own homes, including social participation.
The activities of community nurses promote and protect the health of the population by applying knowledge from the fields of public health, nursing and social science. They work in the community, i.e. directly in people's sensitive living environments. Community nurses are advocates for individuals and families, as well as groups and communities. They advocate for their health concerns and problems, as well as the development and planning of networks. They are also concerned with low-threshold access to care, health and social services.

Research objectives

  • Survey and evaluation of the framework conditions
  • Survey and evaluation of the areas of responsibility
  • Survey and evaluation of preventive measures.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Project team

Study programmes involved


Health Care and Nursing
