Eco3 – Sustainability Management and Green Controlling in the Social Economy

Project Duration: 1st September 2020 until 31st August 2023

Since the UN has introduced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the EU is promoting the European Green Deal much more attention is drawn to sustainability management. To ensure quality of life on earth, a contribution of every economic sector will be required. The Social Economy is an uprising European sector which provides social services. It consists mostly of non-profit organisations, which are lacking skills related to sustainability management. 

Social enterprises need staff with specific competences in sustainability management to implement sustainability goals, to set measures to reach them and to design a specific green management control system with regard to the Social Economy's parameters, limitations and specific approaches. 

In order to provide students with the opportunities to develop these necessary skills, a future-oriented curriculum for Social Economy or Social Management study programs is needed. The eco3 project will create and design a new sustainability educational package for these study programs. The students will be encouraged to be aware of the impact of their behaviour in regard to managing resources, products and investment goods, as well as the impact of their management behaviour to meet ecological and social goals of their organisation.

The educational package consists of two courses and one workshop simulation game and comprises a total of 15 ECTS. Therefor severeal learning and teaching materials will be developed like a lecture guide, Power Point Slides, a list of recommended literature, a guidance for group work and discussion groups, a script for every course, video and podcast episodes for sustainability management in social enterprises to repeat or to prepare for a flipped classroom concept. 

For more information please visit:

Project Objectives

  • Development of a common, transnational understanding about Social Economy, Sustainability Management and Green Controlling
  • To create a teaching framework with two courses (sustainability management & green controlling) and a workshop simulation game, as well as teaching and learning materials for the courses.
  • To create an online teaching tool and business cases, which will be used in the workshop for a simulation game.
  • To produce video and podcast episodes, like pocket lectures for students to repeat some topics from a lecture or to prepare for the case of a flipped classroom concept.
  • Raise awareness for sustainability within the social sectors and its stakeholders. 

Funded by

Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for higher education


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Agreement Number: 2020-1-AT01-KA203-078028

Co-operation Partners

  • FH Campus Wien (AT) – Department Social Work (Project Coordination)
    • Person in Charge: FH-Prof. Mag. Peter Stepanek
  • University of Ostrava (CZ) – Faculty of Social Studies
    • Person in Charge: Šárka Dořičáková, Ph.D.
  • University of Babes-Bolyai (RO) – Faculty of Sociology and Social Work
    • Person in Charge: Adina Rebeleanu, Ph.D.
  • Catholic-University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (DE) – Faculty of Social Work
    • Person in Charge: Dr. Bernd Halfar
  • akaryon GmbH (AT)
    • Person in Charge: Vera Besse
  • xit GmbH (DE)
    • Person in Charge: Lisa Distler

Project Manager FH Campus Wien

Marianne Skopal, MSc

Junior Researcher Social Work and Social Economy

Degree program