Elisabeth Kupka-Klepsch, MSc
+43 1 606 68 77-4285
Evidence-based guidelines for nursing and care are an important element of high-quality health and nursing care in long-term care. Updating the guidelines with the latest results from current nursing research ensures that new findings are incorporated into the day-to-day reality of nursing. The Guidelines for Long-Term Care were revised for the first time in 2016 and 2017. After five years, a further revision will now take place in 2022.
The Competence Center for Applied Nursing Research at FH Campus Wien is revising the current Guidelines on behalf of the Dachverband Wiener Sozialeinrichtungen, incorporating the latest scientific findings. These focus on the topics of skin integrity, continence, nutrition and fluid management as well as mobility and fall management.
In addition, research is carried out into thematically relevant quality indicators that have already been published, which can provide guidance on the extent to which specific quality objectives have been achieved as part of company-related care quality management. During consensus conferences, the practicability and ease of implementation of the results are reflected and brought together in constructive discourse with the requirements of practice. Meetings with an established steering group finished off this process.
Vice Rector for Research and Development
+43 1 606 68 77-1531
Academic Staff
+43 1 606 68 77-4023
Junior Researcher
+43 1 606 68 77-4282