Evaluation - Young & Old – Active & Healthy

Project Duration: January 2020 to December 2022

The “Wiener Gesundheitsförderung – WiG” is implementing "Klein & Groß – Bewegt & Gesund“ in nine districts of Vienna (3rd; 4th; 7th; 9th; 11th; 12th; 14th; 17th; 23rd). The project is aimed at children between the ages of three and ten and people aged 60 and over, including high-aged people and those in need of care. As part of the health reform, a state health promotion fund was set up by the social security system and the City of Vienna. The project Klein & Groß - Bewegt & Gesund is financed by this fund.

Intergenerational exercise-oriented health promotion

Exercise-oriented health promotion interventions with an intergenerational character are carried out – as far as possible due to the current corona pandemic. The project comprises four steps that focus on the following key areas:

  • Movement-oriented encounters: Movement sessions are organized in selected facilities for children or senior citizens. In addition to the joy of joint activity, young and old should benefit from the relationship opportunities. Learning from each other should be encouraged. In addition, the organizations network with a view to long-term cooperation.
  • Empowerment: Facilities and groups are empowered to develop and implement health-promoting ideas. The process is guided and should contribute to the long-term anchoring of intergenerational health promotion in the facilities.
  • Training and further education offers: In terms of capacity building in relation to intergenerational, movement-oriented work, basic and advanced training courses are offered for employees. These enable intergenerational work in the facilities to continue with qualified staff even after the end of the project. Networking and the exchange of knowledge and experience between the multipliers and facilities is a valuable resource.
  • Raising public awareness: Events in public spaces help to raise awareness among the Viennese population of the importance of good cooperation between young and old and to get all generations moving.

Project goals

  • Formative evaluation of the Young & old – Active & healthy project
  • Summative evaluation of the Young & old – Active & healthy project


General project lead

Mag.a Ursula Hübel (WiG)

Project team (evaluation)

Co-operation partners

The operational implementation is managed by ASKÖ WAT Vienna, with support from the General Sports Association of Austria – Vienna Provincial Association and SPORTUNION Vienna.