Bachelor's Degree Program

High Tech Manufacturing

High Tech Manufacturing



High Tech Manufacturing

Modern manufacturing processes are becoming increasingly complex and keeping pace with this trend demands corresponding multidisciplinary skill. The core elements of this degree program are therefore know-how about the latest production and manufacturing technologies, about mechanical engineering, automation and robotics and also about management and economics. The very broad education qualifies you for many positions dealing with product lifecycle in the technical industry.



  • Focus on manufacturing technology, mechanical engineering, automation, mechatronics, natural sciences plus business and management skills

  • Top infrastructure: from the Phoenix Contact automation lab to the Additive Manufacturing Science and Education Lab (AMSEL)

  • Join one of the student teams, Os.Car Racing, Res.QBots and Cosmic Coaster for national and international competitions



    Final degree

    Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc)

    Duration of course
    6 Semesters
    Organisational form

    Tuition fee pro semester

    € 363,361

    + ÖH premium + contribution2

    180 ECTS
    Language of instruction

    Application winter semester 2025/26

    16. August 2024 - 15. June 2025

    Study places


    1 Tuition fees for students from third countries € 727,- per semester. Details on tuition fees can be found in the general fee regulations.
    2 for additional study expenses (currently up to € 83,- depending on degree program and year)

    Before the studies

    You have a pronounced passion for technology, construction and technical processes. You are interested in a product's progress along the manufacturing chain and in developing your own concepts towards further automating or optimizing production. Your way of working - thinking ideas through to the end - are to your advantage here. You are keen to be part of the quest for alternatives to materials, since you take sustainability and preservation of resources seriously. You consider knowledge of economics as a good supplement to the technical degree programs.

    Why you should study with us

    Participate in interdisciplinary student or research projects

    This way, fun and experience are guaranteed!

    Practical training on campus

    Modern laboratory equipment and high-tech research facilities enable practice-oriented teaching.

    Unique job opportunities

    Obtain additional certificates while still studying and increase your market value.

    Relevant admission requirement

    You need a general university entrance qualification, proven by

    • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
    • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
    • equivalent foreign certificate or
    • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution,

    or a relevant professional qualification with additional examinations.


    Further details on the limited higher education entrance qualification

    Further information on the limited higher education entrance qualification can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

    Language requirements for admission

    The required language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is at least

    • German - level B2.

    Legalization of foreign documents

    Applicants may require legalization of documents from countries other than Austria in order for them to have the evidential value of domestic public documents. Information on the required legalizations can be found here in PDF format.

    Translation of your documents

    For documents that are neither in German nor English, a translation by a sworn and court-certified interpreter is required. Your original documents should have all the necessary legalization stamps before translation so that the stamps are also translated. The translation must be firmly attached to the original document or a legalized copy.

    Online application - uploading documents

    As part of your online application, upload scans of your original documents including all required legalization stamps. For documents not issued in German or English, scans of the corresponding translations must also be uploaded. The head of the study program decides on the equivalence of international (higher) education qualifications. Therefore, your documents can only be checked as part of the ongoing application process.

    Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the application phase has not yet started.

    Documents for your online application

    1. Proof of identity
      • passport or
      • identity card or
      • Austrian driving license (proof of citizenship required) or
      • residence permit (proof of citizenship required)
    2. Proof of change of name, if applicable (e.g. marriage certificate)
    3. Proof of fulfillment of the relevant admission requirement
      • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
      • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
      • equivalent foreign certificate or
      • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution or
      • proof of relevant professional qualification
      • If you do not currently have a certificate, please upload your complete certificate from the last completed school level.
    4. Proof of German level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following apply as proof:
      • secondary school leaving certificate from a German-language school
      • completion of at least three years of studies in German
      • supplementary examination pre-study course - German B2
      • German certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g.:
        • Austrian German Language Diploma: ÖSD Certificate B2
        • Goethe Institute: Goethe Certificate B2
        • telc: German B2
        • German language test for university admission for foreign applicants: DSH-2
        • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany: DSD II
        • Test of German as a foreign language (Test DaF): Level TDN 4 in all parts
        • Language Center of the University of Vienna: Course and successfully passed exam at level B2
        • Proof of a higher language level is also valid.
    5. Curriculum vitae in tabular form in German
    6. Letter of motivation in German
    7. Proof for entering the 3rd semester, if applicable
      • proof (e.g. Transcript of Records, proof of academic success) of the studies you have already completed
    8. Legalizations and translations, if applicable (see tab “Foreign documents and degrees”)

    Your application is valid once you have completely uploaded the required documents. If you do not have all the documents at the time of your online application, please submit them to the secretary's office by email as soon as you receive them.

    After completing your online application, you will receive an email confirmation with information on the next steps.

    The admissions process includes a written test and an interview with the admissions committee.

    • Goal
      The goal is to offer a study place to those persons who complete the multi-stage admission procedure with the best results. The test procedures are based on the skills required for the intended profession.
    • Procedure
      The written admission test includes a series of test requirements and tests your logical thinking skills and basic scientific knowledge. (Duration of written test: approx. 60 minutes)
      Afterwards, all applicants will have an oral interview in which you will receive feedback on the results of the written test. In addition, you will answer questions about yourself and explain your motivation for choosing this course of study. (Duration of the interview per candidate: approx. 15 minutes).
      If you have not yet reached the required entry level for the study program, you will receive recommendations after admission on how to best prepare yourself subject-specifically.
    • Criteria
      Admission criteria are based solely on performance. You will receive points for your written test scores and oral interview. This results in the ranking of the candidates*.
      Geographical assignments of the applicants have no influence on the admission.
      The admission requirements must be met.
      The entire process as well as all test results and evaluations of the admission procedure are documented and archived in a traceable manner.

    Do you still have questions about the study?

    Make an appointment with the Secretary's office for a a personal consultation via Zoom.

    During the studies

    We cooperate closely with renowned companies in commerce and industry. You may benefit from this in many ways: Our state-of-the-art research and development laboratories were set up by Phoenix Contact, an internationally operating company in the field of electrical engineering and automation. This guarantees a wide spectrum of teaching and learning in automation. A range of interesting companies and cooperation partners are also represented at our "Firmentag Technik" (Company day Technology) at the main FH Campus Vienna. You may utilize your time between courses to establish contacts for your professional career and enter into discussions with potential employers.

    We will support you towards realizing your ideas for exciting projects and offer you a stage: We showcase the best projects to a wide audience in our Campus Innovation Lab at the Open House or at the BeSt trade fair. You may, furthermore, participate in R&D projects and in developing the dialog between practice and science.

    The project-oriented and strong practical orientation of this study course is a major advantage. Taking into account the full life cycle of a product from design to implementation is a priority of ours. Students may, for instance, design a racing car, be responsible for its manufacture and race it themselves - as with the international Formula Student construction competition of the Society of Automotive Engineers, for instance.

    The possibilities and potentials of 3D printing are a salient High Tech Manufacturing topic. A project combining computer tomography with 3D printing is currently running in the Radiology section. A special program scans parts of the body and the three dimensional data are then analyzed, for producing plastic models on the 3D printer for mouth, jaw and facial surgery.

    This includes following trends in material research and integrating these in the study course. These currently comprise bioplastics, increasingly considered as materials for construction.

    Within the framework of their studies, we can also offer students of the High Tech Manufacturing Bachelor's degree program certifications in demand in industry, such as the LabView certificate and PMA Project management Austria Level D.

    The Bachelor's degree program in this form is unique in Austria.

    The focus is mainly on the four major fields of competency in contemporary industrial engineering degree programs: Technological basics, automation, economy and leadership and management competency.

    • The basic degree program imparts scientific engineering skills in mathematics, mechanics, manufacturing technology, electronics and IT. Semesters three and four focus on pertinent basics such as planning and control of manufacturing processes, high-tech production procedures, logistical processes, business administration fundamentals, leadership and management.
    • The fifth semester is all about your internship.
    • In the sixth semester, you will increasingly deal with modern communication and control systems, structuring of automated manufacturing systems, application of IT systems in process control and monitoring, also future innovative developments in the field of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.


    Module Manufacturing basics
    4 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Basic machining methods in production engineering | ILV

    Basic machining methods in production engineering | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Introduction to engineering fundamentals and key manufacturing processes: Moulds and surfaces: Measuring methods. Gauges. Engineering surfaces (geometric shapes, appearance, roughness characteristics). Processes: Primary forming, joining (welding) forming (bending, deep drawing); metal cutting forming (turning, milling, drilling). Plastics processing ; tools. Machines.

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Continuous assessment: LV final exam



    • B. Awiszus , J. Bast, H. Dürr: Grundlagen der Fertigungstechnik
    • Hanser, 2007; Springer Verlag "Dubbel, Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau"

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Mechanical workshop | UE

    Mechanical workshop | UE

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Students are divided into groups WITH and WITHOUT "prior mechanical knowledge". Students without prior knowledge receive an introduction to the basic machining processes (turning, milling, grinding, drilling, etc.) in theory and practice and produce a workpiece. The remaining students work on a small project task.

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment: course - permanent evaluation



    • B. Awiszus , J. Bast, H. Dürr: Grundlagen der Fertigungstechnik
    • Hanser, 2007; Springer Verlag "Dubbel, Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau"

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Mathematics and electrical engineering
    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Higher mathematics for engineers | ILV

    Higher mathematics for engineers | ILV

    3 SWS   4 ECTS


    Linear dynamic systems, recursion, vector calculus, matrix calculus, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, systems of linear equations, polynomial functions, exponential functions.

    Teaching method

    Integrated Course


    Continuous assessment: continual assessment plus final exam


    • P. Stingl: Mathematik für Fachhochschulen, Hanser, 2003

    • I. Bronstein, K. Semendjajew: Taschenbuch der Mathematik, Harri Deutsch, 2008

    • Mathematische Formeln; Springer

    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Module Mechatronics
    9 SWS
    12 ECTS
    Introduction to computer science | ILV

    Introduction to computer science | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Historical overview of the development of computer science (from the beginnings to modern times); basics of computer architecture (structure and functioning);
    Computing with binary numbers (Boolean algebra, combinatorial logic);
    Structure and functioning of processor and memory;
    Number representation (How do "modern" computers manage stored data);
    Structure and functioning of "modern" calculators;
    Operating system (structure, differences and how it works).

    Teaching method

    Integrated Lecture


    Final exam: Written exam



    • C. Märtin: Rechnerarchitekturen, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2001
    • J. Blieberger/J. Klasek/A. Redlein: Informatik, Springer Verlag, 2001
    • G. Buchholz/B. Grimm/G. Häberle/W. Philipp/W. Schleer/B. Schiemann/D. Schmid/A. Schönknecht: Fachkunde Industrieelektronik und Informationstechnik, Europa-Lehrmittel Verlag, 2006
    • U. Schneider/D. Werner: Taschenbuch Informatik, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2007
    • D. Möller: Rechnerstrukturen, Grundlagen der Informatik, Springer Verlag, 2002
    • W. Stallings: Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles, Prentice Hall, 7th Edition


    • • C't / Heise-Verlag

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Fundamentals of Electronics and Electrical Engineering I | ILV

    Fundamentals of Electronics and Electrical Engineering I | ILV

    3 SWS   4 ECTS


    Basic electrical properties of active components (semiconductor; diode, structure and operating principles, types of diodes, rectifier circuits, bipolar and fieldeffect-transistors, structure and operating principles) and passive components (resistor, coil/inductor and capacitors).

    Introduction, fundamental terms and definitions; electrical charge, currents, voltages and power; electrical resistance, Ohm's law; electrical circuits, Kirchhoff's circuit laws, electric circuits elements, resistor networks, network analysis, electrical field, electrical properties of materials, capacitor, magnetic field, magnetic properties of materials, inductance, coil, transformer;
    Structure and properties of real resistors, capacitors, coils, transformers;
    Main properties of electromagnetical fields

    Accompanying to the theoretical nature of the lectures, practical examples are shown in the exercises

    Teaching method

    Lecture with laptop and beamer, additional explanations on the whiteboard, calculation exercises


    Final exam: Final written exam



    • A. Prechtl: Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, Band 1 und Band 2, Springer Verlag Wien/New York, 1995
    • Führer/K. Heidemann/W. Nerreter: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik, Band 1: Stationäre Vorgänge / Band 2: Zeitabhängige Vorgänge, Hanser Verlag München/Wien, 2006
    • K. Bystron/J. Borgmeyer: Grundlagen der Technischen Elektronik, Hanser Verlag München/Wien, 1990
    • U. Tietze/Ch. Schenk: Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag, 1999
    • G. Fasching: Werkstoffe für die Elektrotechnik, Springer Verlag Wien New York, 2004
    • Altmann, Siegfried; Schlayer, Detlef: Lehr- und Übungsbuch Elektrotechnik, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2008
    • Zastrow, Dieter.: Elektrotechnik: Ein Grundlagenlehrbuch, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2009
    • Vömel, Martin; Zastrow, Dieter: Aufgabensammlung Elektrotechnik1, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2010
    • Böhmer, Erwin; Erhardt, Dietmar; Oberschelp Wolfgang: Elemente der angewandten Elektronik, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2009
    • Cordes, Karl-Hermann; Waag, Andreas; Heuck, Nicolas: Integrierte Schaltungen, Pearson Studium, 2011
    • Albach, Manfred: Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik 1 und 2, Pearson Studium, 2008


    • Elektronik

    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Mechanics | ILV

    Mechanics | ILV

    4 SWS   5 ECTS


    THEORY: Equilibrium conditions in statics; force systems; support reactions in beams; determination of the centre of gravity in lines and surfaces; statics of plane trusses; friction; internal forces in beams; fundamentals of stress calculation.

    Introduction to the fundamentals and laws of kinematics and kinetics, the theory of motion (translation and rotation) of rigid bodies and masses, oscillations and vibration behaviour of dynamic systems.

    CALCULATIONS: Equilibrium conditions in statics; force systems; support reactions in beams; determination of the centre of gravity in lines and surfaces; statics of plane trusses; friction; internal forces in beams; fundamentals of stress calculation Introduction to the fundamentals and laws of kinematics and kinetics, the theory of motion (translation and rotation) of rigid bodies and masses, oscillations and vibration behaviour of dynamic systems. Within the framework of integrative exercises, the mathematical calculation methods are learned and deepened using examples.

    Teaching method

    Lecture and calculation exercise


    Final exam: Final end test


    Bücher zur Vorlesung: 

    • A. Böge, W. Böge; "Technische Mechanik - Statik, Reibung, Dynamik, Festigkeitslehre, Fluidmechanik"; Springer-Vieweg Verlag 31. Auflage 2015. ISBN 978-3-658-09154-5

    Bücher zu den Rechenübungen:

    • A. Böge, W. Böge; "Technische Mechanik - Statik, Reibung, Dynamik, Festigkeitslehre, Fluidmechanik"; Springer-Vieweg Verlag 31. Auflage 2015. ISBN 978-3-658-09154-5
    • A. Böge, G. Böge, W. Böge; "Aufgabensammlung Technische Mechanik"; Springer-Vieweg Verlag. 23. Auflage 2017. ISBN 978-3-658-13717-5
    • A. Böge, W. Böge; "Lösungen zur Aufgabensammlung Technische Mechanik"; Springer-Vieweg Verlag. 18. Auflage 2016. ISBN 978-3-658-13845-5

    Teaching language


    4 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Module Materials and construction
    6 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Materials chemistry | VO

    Materials chemistry | VO

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basics of chemistry, atomic structure, periodic table

    Chemical bonds, crystals, structural defects, multiphase substances

    Basics of chemical reaction, chemical equilibrium and its influenceability as well as thermochemistry (exothermic and endothermic reactions).

    Introduction to inorganic and organic chemistry, their uses and properties.

    Basics of material physics (crystal structures, models of aggregate states, band models).

    Teaching method

    Distance learning with seminar assignment


    Final exam: LV final exam


    • Charlses E. Mortimer / Ulrich Müller: Das Bisiswissen der Chmie, 12. Auflage
    • Wawra, Edgar / Dolznig, Helmut / Müllner, Ernst: Chemie verstehen, Allgemeine Chemie 5.Auflage - Wien, Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG
    • Horst Briehl: Chemie der Werkstoffe, 2. Auflage

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Introduction to the geometry of constructions | ILV

    Introduction to the geometry of constructions | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basic Knowledge of drawings and constructions in 2D and 3D. Drawing without Tools. Detail drawings.

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Continuous assessment: Checks of knowledge are always possibe

    Exam at the end



    • Ulrich Viebahn: "Technisches Freihandzeichnen", 8. Auflage, Springer Vieweg Verlag

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Introduction to automotive engineering | VO

    Introduction to automotive engineering | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS



    Internal Combustion Engine, Electric Engines


    Disc Brake Systems, Drum Brake Systems

    Electronic Assists (ABS, ESP etc)


    Basics, function, construction, tuning

    Frame and Body

    Technologies, setting, tuning


    Teaching method




    Continuous assessment


    Trzesniowski M., Handbuch Rennwagentechnik, Springer Verlag 2020.

    Stockmar J., Das große Buch der Allradtechnik, Motor Buch Verlag 2004.

    Reif K., Kraftfahrtechnisches Handbuch, Robert Bosch GmbH, 2018

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Fundamentals of materials science, specifications, properties, areas of application | VO

    Fundamentals of materials science, specifications, properties, areas of application | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Material properties: mechanical-technological, physical, chemical, manufacturing properties as well as environmental compatibility and recycling management; Metallic materials: systematics and labelling, pure metals and their application, metal alloys and their application, extraction of metallic materials (metallurgical processes), steel and iron materials, their production, classification, application and heat treatment Non-ferrous metals (heavy and light metals) - heat treatment of metallic materials; Polymer materials: Classification and identification Thermoplastic, thermoset and elastomeric materials; Glass and ceramic materials: classification and identification; Oxide ceramic materials, composite materials: classification and identification Fibre reinforced materials, hard metals, polymer composites ; Natural and alternative materials: Wood and paper materials.

    Teaching method



    Final exam: LV final exam



    • WERKSTOFFTECHNIK, Werkstoffe – Eigenschaften, Prüfung – Anwendung. Wolfgang W. Seidl, Frank Hahn, 10. Auflage, Carl Hanser Verlag München. ISBN 978-3-446-44142-2. E-Book-ISBN 978-3-446-44099-9
    • FACHKUNDE METALL, Mechanische Technologie. Josef Dillinger, Hans-Dieter Dobler, etc., 55. Auflage, Verlag EUROPA LEHRMITTEL
    • WERKSTOFFE, Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Keramik-, Metall-, Polymer- und Verbundwerkstoffen. E. Hornbogen, G. Eggeler, E. Werner, 12., aktualisierte Auflage, 2019, Springer Vieweg. ISBN 978-3-662-58846-8
    • WERKSTOFFKUNDE für Praktiker. Catrin Kammer, Ulrich Kammer, 9., überarbeitete Auflage, 2021, Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel - Nourney, Vollmer GmbH & Co. KG. ISBN 978-3-7585-1208-7

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Social Competence I | SE

    Social Competence I | SE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Cooperation in a diverse, globalised, highly technical and fast-moving society requires, in addition to subject and methodological competences, distinctive social and personal competences. This course therefore aims to make an explicit contribution to the development and promotion of the students' social and personal competences on the one hand and to contribute to good, effective, efficient, appreciative and respectful cooperation in the year group on the other. Topics include team building, communication, systemic thinking, diversity management, etc.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, exercises, outdoor exercises, videos, Moodle platform, video conference platform via Zoom or ms-teams


    Final exam


    Appiano-Kugler Iris; Kogoj Traude (Hrsg.innen) (2008), Going gender and diversity, Facultas.WUV, Wien

    Regine Bendl , Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger , Roswitha Hofmann, (2012) Diversität und Diversitätsmanagement, Facultas.WUV

    Kauffeld Simone (2006): Kompetenzen messen, bewerten, entwickeln: ein prozessanalytischer Ansatz für Gruppen, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag

    Langmaack Barbara;  Braune-Krickau Michael, (2010) Wie die Gruppe laufen lernt. Anregungen zum Planen und Leiten von Gruppen. Ein praktisches Lehrbuch, Beltz Verlag

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Module Manufacturing basics
    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    High Tech Manufacturing Process | VO

    High Tech Manufacturing Process | VO

    3 SWS   4 ECTS


    Classical manufacturing methods such as primary forming, forming, etc. Latest developments in the field of manufacturing technology. Practical examples from various production areas. Cost awareness.

    Teaching method



    Final exam: LV final exam



    • WERKSTOFFTECHNIK, Werkstoffe – Eigenschaften, Prüfung – Anwendung. Wolfgang W. Seidl, Frank Hahn, 10. Auflage, Carl Hanser Verlag München. ISBN 978-3-446-44142-2. E-Book-ISBN 978-3-446-44099-9
    • FACHKUNDE METALL, Mechanische Technologie. Josef Dillinger, Hans-Dieter Dobler, etc., 55. Auflage, Verlag EUROPA LEHRMITTEL

    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Module Mechanical Engineering
    4 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Applied Physics | ILV

    Applied Physics | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS



    • SI System
    • Significance


    • one-dimensional motion
    • Uniformly accelerated motion
    • Limes calculus, differentiation, integration
    • vector calculus (incl. scalar product, vector product)
    • 2-dim. motion, throwing motion
    • circular motion, application of vector calculus


    • forces, momentum
    • Newton's laws
    • Frictional forces
    • conservation of momentum
    • Application of Newton's laws

    Work, energy

    • Kinetic energy
    • Potential energy
    • Conservation of energy, mech. total energy
    • Effect of frictional forces
    • Spring forces

    Rotary motion

    • Angular velocity, angular acceleration
    • Rotating motion, rolling motion
    • Moment of inertia, torque
    • Rotational energy


    In the accompanying exercise phases, simple and model-like applications and problems from technical practice are calculated and solved by means of derivations.

    Teaching method

    Integrated LV with calculation exercises


    Final exam: course with examinations in written form


    • Douglas C. Giancoli: Physik; Pearson
    • Tipler, Paul A.: Physik / Spektrum Akad. Vlg.
    • Stöcker, Horst: Taschenbuch der Physik, Verlag Harri Deutsch

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Basics machine elements | ILV

    Basics machine elements | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Introduction to machine elements, such as shaft-hub connections, roller bearings, plain bearings, springs, seals, belt drives, etc.
    Introduction to mechanical drive and transmission elements (design and mode of action), such as couplings, gear drives, power and form-locking active drives, etc.
    Mechanical engineering calculations.

    Teaching method

    integrated course


    Final exam: exam at the end of semester


    • Decker: Maschinenelemente - Funktion, Gestaltung, Berechnung. 18. Auflage, Hanser Verlag. ISBN 978-3-446-42608-5
    • Roloff/Matek: Maschinenelemente - Normung, Berechnung, Gestaltung. 22. Auflage, Springer-Vieweg. ISBN 978-3-658-09081-4

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Mathematics and electrical engineering
    7 SWS
    11 ECTS
    Applied differential and integral calculus | ILV

    Applied differential and integral calculus | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Basic concepts of differential and integral calculus in one variable: Convergence, continuity, derivative, definite and indefinite integral, differentiation and integration in practice (e.g. in signal processing). Basic principles of differential and integral calculus in several variables. Applications in science, technology and economics. Practical treatment of the course contents in the exercise.

    Teaching method

    Integrated lectures and exercises


    Final exam: Exercises have to be prepared during the semester, a written exam at the end of the semester will serve as the assessment of choice.


    • P. Stingl: Mathematik für Fachhochschulen, Hanser, 2009

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Electronics Lab | UE

    Electronics Lab | UE

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    The theoretical knowledge regarding Basics of Electrical Engineering and Electronics gained in the preceding lectures is applied in a practical way. Students solve exercises involving the construction and measuring of basic circuits while documenting the measurements and insights in the shape of lab protocols.

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment



    • A. Prechtl: Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, Band 1 und Band 2, Springer Verlag Wien/New York, 1995
    • Führer/K. Heidemann/W. Nerreter: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik, Band 1: Stationäre Vorgänge / Band 2: Zeitabhängige Vorgänge, Hanser Verlag München/Wien, 2006
    • E. Böhmer: Elemente der angewandten Elektronik, Vieweg Verlag, 2007
    • K. Bystron/J. Borgmeyer: Grundlagen der Technischen Elektronik, Hanser Verlag München/Wien, 1990
    • U. Tietze/Ch. Schenk: Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag, 1999
    • G. Fasching: Werkstoffe für die Elektrotechnik, Springer Verlag Wien New York, 2004
    • G.W. Schanz: Sensoren – Fühler der Meßtechnik, Hüthig Verlag, 2004
    • E. Schiessle:  Sensortechnik und Meßwertaufnahme, Vogel Buchverlag, 1992


    • Elektronik

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Basics Electronics and Electrical Engineering II | ILV

    Basics Electronics and Electrical Engineering II | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Continuation and consolidation of the contents of Fundamentals of Electronics and Electrical Engineering I

    Teaching method

    Frontal lecture in combination with e-learning elements


    Continuous assessment



    • A. Prechtl: Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, Band 1 und Band 2, Springer Verlag Wien/New York, 1995
    • Führer/K. Heidemann/W. Nerreter: Grundgebiete der Elektrotechnik, Band 1: Stationäre Vorgänge / Band 2: Zeitabhängige Vorgänge, Hanser Verlag München/Wien, 2006
    • K. Bystron/J. Borgmeyer: Grundlagen der Technischen Elektronik, Hanser Verlag München/Wien, 1990
    • U. Tietze/Ch. Schenk: Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer Verlag, 1999
    • G. Fasching: Werkstoffe für die Elektrotechnik, Springer Verlag Wien New York, 2004
    • Altmann, Siegfried; Schlayer, Detlef: Lehr- und Übungsbuch Elektrotechnik, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2008
    • Zastrow, Dieter.: Elektrotechnik: Ein Grundlagenlehrbuch, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2009
    • Vömel, Martin; Zastrow, Dieter: Aufgabensammlung Elektrotechnik1, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2010
    • Böhmer, Erwin; Erhardt, Dietmar; Oberschelp Wolfgang: Elemente der angewandten Elektronik, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2009
    • Cordes, Karl-Hermann; Waag, Andreas; Heuck, Nicolas: Integrierte Schaltungen, Pearson Studium, 2011
    • Albach, Manfred: Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik 1 und 2, Pearson Studium, 2008


    • Elektronik

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Sensors and actuators | VO

    Sensors and actuators | VO

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Measurement quantities and their units; application principles of the conversion of non-electrical quantities of various kinds such as mechanical, thermal, optical, chemical, and biological quantities into electrical quantities (and vice versa) as well as other electrical/magnetic quantities.

    Teaching method

    Lecture with Laptop, Beamer and additional explanations on whiteboard.
    Parts of the lectures' contents have to be acquired by the students on their own by means of e-learning.


    Continuous assessment



    • Hesse, Stefan / Schnell, Gerhard: Sensoren für die Prozess- und Fabrikautomation Vieweg+Teubner Verlag 2008
    • Schanz, Günther: Sensoren - Fühler der Meßtechnik, Hüthig Verlag, 2004
    • Thiel, R.: Elektrisches Messen nichtelektrischer Größen, Teubner Studienskripten, 1990
    • Schiessle, E.: Sensortechnik und Meßwertaufnahme, Vogel Buchverlag, 1992
    • Acarnely, P.: Stepping Motors: A Guide to Theory and Practice, IEE Control Engineering Series 63, 2002

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Mechatronics
    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Introduction Microcontroller Programming | ILV

    Introduction Microcontroller Programming | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    With the networking of even the smallest micro-computer systems, the Internet of Things, the use of this special form of embedded systems has gained in importance. The basis for this are simple microcontrollers which are in contact with the environment through electronic actuators and sensors. In this course, programs with basic functions are to read and process sensor data and control actuators.
    The course covers in particular the following contents:

    • Simple microcontroller programming based on ARM-mbed (or Arduino)
    • Digital input/output (LEDs, buttons)
    • DC voltage, ohmic resistor, pull-up/down, level adjustment
    • Analog Input/Output (AD/DA)
    • Peripheral functions
    • System-on-a-Chip
    • Basic concepts of applied computer science (program, algorithm, programming)
    • Introduction to programming (in C)
    • Evaluation and implementation of algorithms

    Teaching method

    Integrated Lecture


    Continuous assessment: Final exam + distance learning



    • D. Serpanos/M. Wolf: Internet-of-Things (IoT) Systems, 2018
    • B. W. Kernighan/D. M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language, Prentice-Hall, 1988
    • D. E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Addison-Wesley, 1968
    • M. Banahan/D. Brady/M. Doran: The C Book, frei verfügbar unter:
    • J. Blieberger/J. Klasek/A. Redlein: Informatik, Springer Verlag, 2001
    • U. Schneider/D. Werner: Taschenbuch Informatik, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2007
    • D. Möller: Rechnerstrukturen, Grundlagen der Informatik, Springer Verlag, 2002


    • C't / Heise-Verlag

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Materials and construction
    7 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Design exercises | ILV

    Design exercises | ILV

    4 SWS   4 ECTS


    Contents of the course

    • Introduction to SolidWorks
    • Application of basic features, depending on the progress also further deepening features can be discussed
    • Creation of drawing derivations
    • Technical documentation of a construction project
    • Specifically, this course is about connecting design and reality. Students should not only theoretically calculate motors, but also be able to realistically select motors with their drive for a project.

    Teaching method

    Exercise, use of software for CAD.


    Final exam: Testing on the PC (by means of software)


    Wickens, C. (2000): Engineering Psychology. New York: HarperCollins
    Braun, H, u.a.: Fachkunde Metall, FS Fachbuch Klein, Einführung in die DIN-Normen, Teubner Verlag
    Roloff/Matek: Maschinenelemente, Vieweg Verlag DUBBEL, Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau, Springer Verlag

    Teaching language


    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Social Competence II | SE

    Social Competence II | SE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Cooperation in a diverse, globalised, highly technical and fast-moving society requires, in addition to technical and methodological skills, distinctive social and personal skills. In this course, the contents of the course "Social Competence I" will be expanded and deepened. The focus is on the topics of communication, conflict and leadership.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, exercises, videos, Moodle platform, video conference platform via Zoom or ms-teams


    Final exam


    Glasersfeld, E. von (1997). Radikaler Konstruktivismus. Ideen, Ergebnisse, Probleme. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.

    Glasl, Friedrich: Konfliktmanagement. Ein Handbuch für Führungskräfte, Beraterinnen und Berater, Haupt-Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart 2002

    Watzlawick Paul, u.a. (2013): Menschliche Kommunikation: Formen, Störungen, Paradoxien. Hogrefe Verlag

    Schulz von Thun, Friedemann (2013), Miteinander reden Bd.1-3, rowohlt Verlag

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Materials Testing Procedure | ILV

    Materials Testing Procedure | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Overview of all applied methods of destructive and non-destructive materials testing, in-depth treatment of tensile and compression tests, metallography/crystallography, hardness testing methods, X-ray and ultrasonic testing, surface testing methods.

    Teaching method

    integrated course


    Final exam: exam at the end of semester


    • Wolfgang W. Seidl/Frank Hahn: Werkstofftechnik - Werkstoffe, Eigenschaften, Prüfung, Anwendung. 10. Auflage, Hanser Verlag. ISBN 978-3-446-44142-2
    • Burkhard Heine: Werkstoffprüfung - Ermittlung der Eigenschaften metallischer Werkstoffe. 3. Auflage. Hanser Verlag. ISBN 978-3-446-44455-3

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Module Design of components

    Design of components

    4 SWS   5 ECTS


    : Written part of the exam: theoretical questions and analytical calculations

    Practical part of the exam: performing a finite element calculation with Simcenter.

    Both parts of the examination must be positive independently of each other!

    4 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Strength of materials and finite element methods | VO

    Strength of materials and finite element methods | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    The theoretical basics of strength theory and the finite element method and the practical application with Simcenter and NX Nastran are taught. Contents are internal forces, tension, elastostatics, strains, finite elements, dimensioning.

    Teaching method

    Theory lecture, analytical calculations on the whiteboard, practical FEA on PC


    Module exam


    • Hibbeler, C., Technische Mechanik 2 Festigkeitslehre
    • Bathe K.J.: Finite Elemente Methoden
    • Nasdala L.: FEM- Formelsammlung Statik und Dynamik

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Exercise for Strength of materials | UE

    Exercise for Strength of materials | UE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    The theoretical basics of strength theory and the finite element method and the practical application with Simcenter and NX Nastran are taught. Contents are internal forces, stress, elastostatics, loads, finite elements, dimensioning.

    Teaching method



    Module exam


    • Hibbeler, C., Technische Mechanik 2 Festigkeitslehre
    • Bathe K.J.: Finite Elemente Methoden
    • Nasdala L.: FEM- Formelsammlung Statik und Dynamik

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Business Administration and Logistics
    4.5 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Introduction to logistics | ILV

    Introduction to logistics | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basics of logistics and the supply chain, logistics terms and concepts

    Basics and concepts of logistics

    History and trends in logistics

    Storage systems and conveyor technology

    Picking & Pick-by-X systems

    Supply chain management, ABC analysis

    Modern transport systems, driverless transport systems

    Robotics and Cobots

    ERP, SCM systems

    Digital logistics planning

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Continuous assessment: Practice-oriented group work (presentation, discussion) & submission of an innovation concept


    Gudehus T. (2012): Logistik 1. Grundlagen, Verfahren und Strategien. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Gudehus T. (2012): Logistik 2. Netzwerke, Systeme und Lieferketten. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Bretzke, W.-R. (2014): Nachhaltige Logistik. Zukunftsfähige Netzwerk und Prozessmodelle. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Becker T. (2018): Prozesse in Produktion und Supply Chain optimieren. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Hinckeldeyn J. (2019): Blockchain-Technologie in der Supply Chain. Einführung und Anwendungsbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Springer-Vieweg

    Ullrich G., Albrecht T. (2019): Fahrerlose Transportsysteme. Eine Fibel mit Praxisanwendungen zur Technik für die Planung. Wiesbaden: Springer-Vieweg

    Wehking K-H (2020): Technisches Handbuch Logistik 1. Berlin: Springer-Vieweg

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Ethics and sustainability | SE

    Ethics and sustainability | SE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    * Basic ethical definitions and contexts

    * Basic ethical positions in general and applied ethics

    * Ethical reflection and argumentation

    * Technology and technologies and their ethical implications.

    * Technology and its impact on (improved) living conditions, sustainability and the well-being of people and the environment.

    * New development trends and their ethical relevance: artificial intelligence and its opportunities/limitations; automated decision-making processes and their challenges; autonomous mobility (vehicles).

    * MEESTAR model and its implementation in ethically relevant decision-making processes in dealing with technology.

    Teaching method

    Lectures with discussion of case studies

    Example applications by work order


    Final exam


    * Ekardt, Felix (22016): Theorie der Nachhaltigkeit: Ethische, rechtliche, politische und transformative Zugänge – am Beispiel von Klimawandel, Ressourcenknappheit und Welthandel, Baden-Baden.

    * Fenner, Dagmar (22020): Ethik: Wie soll ich handeln?, UTB Basics 283, Tübingen / Stuttgart.

    * Fenner, Dagmar (2010): Einführung in die Angewandte Ethik, UTB 3364, Tübingen.

    * Henning, Tim (2019): Allgemeine Ethik, UTB 5240, Stuttgart / Paderborn.

    * Hubig, Christoph (22023): Technikethik, in: Neuhäuser, Christian / Raters, Marie-Luise / Stoecker, Ralf (Hg.): Handbuch Angewandte Ethik, Stuttgart, 297-304.

    * Jonas, Hans (2003): Das Prinzip Verantwortung. Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation (11979), Frankfurt a.M.

    * Knoepffler, Nikolaus (2009): Angewandte Ethik. Ein systematischer Leitfaden, UTB 3293, Stuttgart / Köln u.a.

    * Krebs, Angelika (1993): Haben wir moralische Pflichten gegenüber Tieren? Das pathozentrische Argument in der Naturethik, DZPh 41, 995-1008. DOI:

    * Kundu, Shohini (2019): Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Scientific American Blog Network 2019-07-03 (

    * Ropohl, Günter (32009): Allgemeine Technologie: eine Systemtheorie der Technik, Karlsruhe.

    * Russell, Stuart (2020): Human Compatible: Künstliche Intelligenz und wie der Mensch die Kontrolle über superintelligente Maschinen behält, Frechen.

    * Tetens, Holm (22023): Argumentationsstrukturen in der Angewandten Ethik, in: Neuhäuser, Christian / Raters, Marie-Luise / Stoecker, Ralf (Hg.): Handbuch Angewandte Ethik, Stuttgart, 25-31.

    * Unabhängige, Hochrangige Expertengruppe für Künstliche Intelligenz (2019): Ethik-Leitlinien für eine vertrauenswürdige KI (abrufbar unter:; zuletzt abgerufen: 29.10.2024), Brüssel.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Fundamentals of business administration | VO

    Fundamentals of business administration | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Perspecitives of business administration:

    • Entrepreneural perspective
    • Financial perspective
    • Strategic perspective
    • Customer perspective
    • Production- and process perspective
    • Employee perspective

    Teaching method



    Final exam: final exam


    • Lechner, Karl / Egger, Anton / Schauer, Reinbert: Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 25., überarb. Aufl., 2010, Linde, Wien
    • Mugler, Josef: Grundlagen der BWL der Klein- und Mittelbetriebe. Wien, 2008
    • Schierenbeck, Heiner: Grundzüge der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, München 16. Auflage
    • Schultz, Volker: Basiswissen Betriebswirtschaft, 4. Aufl., München 2011

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Factory planning and control systems
    6 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Production planning CAD/CAM | ILV

    Production planning CAD/CAM | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Students gain insight into the basics of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), as well as methods for cost management in product development with a focus on CAD/CAM.

    Furthermore, students gain a basic understanding of the tasks in production planning or project management and in work preparation with special consideration of CAM and LW3D, as well as an understanding of sustainable product development.

    Teaching method

    Integrated course

    Lecture, practical exercise on DFM, MBD, PMI, CAD/CAM, sustainability


    Final exam: Final inspection, standard (LV final inspection) Recognition of problem areas on components in relation to manufacturing, creation of a G-code and post-processor code on an example with SolidWorks CAM




    • DUBBEL
      Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau

    26., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage
    Band 2, Teil VIII und IX (Fertigungsverfahren / Montage-Demontage)
    Herausgegeben von Beate Bender und Dietmar Göhrlich

    • Klaus Ehrlenspiel · Alfons Kiewert ·
      Udo Lindemann · Markus Mörtl
      Kostengünstig Entwickeln und Konstruieren
      Springer 2020
    • Hiroshi Toriya . Marc Jablonski
      3D Manufacturing Evolution
      © Hiroshi Toriya 2017
    • The Sayings of Shigeo Shingo Key Strategies for Plant Improvement by
      Shigeo Shingo
      English translation copyright © 1987 by Productivity Press, a division of Productivity, Inc.
    •  The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer 2nd edition
      Copyright © 2021 by Jeffrey K. Liker
      McGraw-Hill Education eBooks


    Online Ressourcen:

    Studyflix Produktion & Logistik

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Production Management | ILV

    Production Management | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Fundamentals and historical development of production, production systems and industrial manufacturing
    • State of the Art production systems / Lean Production, Integrated PPS, industry 4.0 in production Process, material and information flow design in production, Elemination of waste in production
    • Product Development Procedures PEP (VDA, ISO), Process Management, Quality Management, Maintenance Concepts
    • Standards and KPIs in production
    • Assembly as core element of production, primary-secondary analysis
    • Work Science, Ergonomics and Human factors
    • The human factor in production today and in the future
    • Assistance systems and robots in the area of production
    • Visions and strategic concepts for production systems Use of software and digital tools in production management
    • Energy management

    Teaching method

    Integrated course,
    Practice-oriented teamwork (concept development, elevator pitch, mind maps, usage of tools)
    final exam


    Final exam: Practice-oriented teamwork and final exam


    • Dombrowski U., Mielke T. (Hrsg.) (2015). Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme. Aktueller Stand und zukünftige Entwicklungen. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag
    • Westkämper E., Löffler C. (2016). Strategien der Produktion. Technologien, Konzepte und Wege in die Praxis. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag
    • Erlach K. (2010). Wertstromdesign. Der Weg zur schlanken Fabrik. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
    • Lotter B., Deuse J., Lotter E., (2016). Die Primäre Produktion. Ein praktischer Leitfaden zur verlustfreien Wertschöpfung. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag
    • Lotter B., Wiendahl H.-P. (2012). Montage in der industriellen Produktion. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag
    • Vogel-Heuser B., Bauernhansl T., ten Hompel M. (2016). Handbuch Industrie 4.0. Produktion - Band 1. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag
    • Vogel-Heuser B., Bauernhansl T., ten Hompel M. (2016). Handbuch Industrie 4.0. Automatisierung - Band 2. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Control systems | ILV

    Control systems | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Concept of a programmable logic controller, creating programs, diagnosing hardware faults (replacing modules), targeted troubleshooting, adapting machine/system to new conditions, rapid localisation of faults (emergency operation), efficient programming, shortening the engineering phase, outlook on operation and monitoring, basis of decentralised peripherals, operation and monitoring (locally and via the Internet), soft PLC, real-time behaviour, safety controllers, exercises: PLC programming, maintenance diagnostics

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character



    • G. Wellenreuther, D. Zastrow: Automatisieren mit SPS; Vieweg, 2005
    • H.-J. Gevatter: Automatisierungstechnik 2; Springer, 2000
    • O. Föllinger: Regelungstechnik; Hüthig Verlag, 2005
    • M. Reuter/S. Zacher: Regelungstechnik für Ingenieure. Analyse,  Simulation und Entwurf von Regelkreisen; Vieweg Verlag, 2004
    • W.Weber: Industrieroboter; Hanser, 2007

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Construction project
    5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Construction project | SE

    Construction project | SE

    5 SWS   5 ECTS


    In the design project, large designs are generated and documented in group projects. The design is broken down into sub-areas and completed by students in independent individual work. Special emphasis is placed on the interconnection of the sub-projects, the formation of interfaces and the documentation of the respective progress. Project management methods are to be incorporated into the practice-oriented training.

    Teaching method


    Students work in independent groups and present their interim results at regular intervals.


    Continuous assessment: Project submission



    • M. Karmasin/R. Ribing: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, Wuv Verlag, 2002
    • U. Eco: Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibt. Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, UTB Uni-Taschenbücher Verlag, 2002
    • Bortz J., Döring N.: Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler, Berlin: Springer
    • Bünting K-D, Bitterlich A., Pospiech U.: Schreiben im Studium mit Erfolg: ein Leitfaden, Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor
    • Esselborn-Krumbiegel H.: Von der Idee zum Text. Eine Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben, Paderborn: Schöningh (UTB)
    • Perterßen W.: Wissenschaftliche(s) Arbeiten. Eine Einführung für Schule und Studium, München: Oldenburg
    •  Schulz von Thun, F. (2003).Klarkommen mit sich selbst und anderen: Kommunikation und soziale Kompetenz. Reden, Aufsätze, Dialoge. Reinbeck: Rowohlt.
    • Goleman, Daniel: Soziale Intelligenz: Wer auf andere zugehen kann, hat mehr vom Leben. Droemer, 2006

    Teaching language


    5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Module Science and technology
    4.5 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Application of higher mathematics | ILV

    Application of higher mathematics | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    (1) Introduction to the general theory of differential equations (DEs), first- and second order linear differential equations, qualitative methods for non-linear differential equations, application of differential equations; 
    (2) Fourieranalysis

    Teaching method

    Integrated Lecture


    Final exam: Lecture (VO): final exam, Exercises (UE): intrinsic exam type


    Siehe Bibliographie des Skriptums
    Papula, Lothar: Mathematik für Ingenieure, Band 2

    Edith Berane, Henry Knorr: Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung, Übungsprogramm

    Edith Berane, Henry Knorr: Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen höherer Ordnung, Übungsprogramm - Programm für Mathematikerinnen, Naturwissenschaftlerinnen und Technikerinnen ab 1. Semester

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Machine, tool and fixture construction | ILV

    Machine, tool and fixture construction | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Machine tools: basic structure, mechanical properties, areas of application, accuracy and tolerances in tool making; multi-machine systems and machining centres; tool systems and chip removal devices; position measuring systems and control devices; introduction to CNC technology; manufacturing processes for injection moulding tools; movement sequences in fixture construction. Current trends and technical developments.

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Final exam: LV final exam



    • Dubbel. Handbuch für den Maschinenbau, Springer, 2017
    • Hirsch, Andreas: Vorrichtungsbau. Vieweg, 2018
    • Tönshoff, Hans Kurt: Werkzeugmaschinen. Springer, 2017
    • Weck, Manfred: Werkzeugmaschinen Band 1-5. VDI-Springer, 2018

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Statistics and probability | ILV

    Statistics and probability | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Introduction to descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and
    hypothesis testing. Probability theory, probability distributions. 
    Introduction to a software environment for statistical computing.
    Application of the lecture content.

    Teaching method

    Integrated lecture


    Final exam: Lecture (VO): final exam, Exercises (UE): intrinsic exam type


    Bibliographie des Skriptums.
    Papula, Lothar: Mathematik für Ingenieure, Band 3

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Module Business Administration and Logistics
    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Cost accounting and controlling | ILV

    Cost accounting and controlling | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Basics of accounting, derivation of costs from accounting (cost element accounting), allocation of costs to internal service areas (cost centre accounting), determination of cost-covering prices (cost unit accounting), determination of cost unit and period success, corporate processes, the controlling principle (the control loop of controlling), tasks and instruments of controlling, self-controlling of employees, projects, departments
    Strategic controlling: Portfolio management; scenario technique; ABC analysis
    Operational controlling: key figures / benchmarking, weak point analyses, variance analyses
    Budgeting / Reporting

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Final exam: LV-final examination, partial examinations



    • C. Grohmann-Steiger: Einführung in die Buchhaltung; Service Fachverlag, 
    • Wöhe/H. Kaiser/U. Döring: Übungsbuch zur Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre; Vahlen Verlag, 
    • W. Kemmetmüller/S. Bogenberger: Übungsbeispiele zur Kostenrechnung (Band 1 und Band 2); Facultas Universitätsverlag, 
    • P. Kralicek: Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft;  Ueberreuter Verlag Wien, 
    • M. Mihalic: ABC der Betriebswirtschaftslehre; Linde Verlag Wien


    • Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft Verlag Gabler

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Logistics in the High Tech Industry | ILV

    Logistics in the High Tech Industry | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Basics of logistics and the supply chain, logistics terms and concepts
    • Basics and concepts of logistics
    • History and trends in logistics
    • Storage systems and conveyor technology
    • Picking & Pick-by-X systems
    • Supply chain management, ABC analysis
    • Modern transport systems, driverless transport systems
    • Robotics and Cobots
    • ERP, SCM systems
    • Digital logistics planning

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Continuous assessment: Practice-oriented group work (presentation, discussion) & submission of an innovation concept


    Gudehus T. (2012): Logistik 1. Grundlagen, Verfahren und Strategien. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Gudehus T. (2012): Logistik 2. Netzwerke, Systeme und Lieferketten. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Bretzke, W.-R. (2014): Nachhaltige Logistik. Zukunftsfähige Netzwerk und Prozessmodelle. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Becker T. (2018): Prozesse in Produktion und Supply Chain optimieren. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

    Hinckeldeyn J. (2019): Blockchain-Technologie in der Supply Chain. Einführung und Anwendungsbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Springer-Vieweg

    Ullrich G., Albrecht T. (2019): Fahrerlose Transportsysteme. Eine Fibel mit Praxisanwendungen zur Technik für die Planung. Wiesbaden: Springer-Vieweg

    Wehking K-H (2020): Technisches Handbuch Logistik 1. Berlin: Springer-Vieweg

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Factory planning and control systems
    6 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Factory simulation | ILV

    Factory simulation | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Methods and laws of factory planning
    • Analytical methods, process simulation
    • "Optimal" utilization of a production process
    • Stabilization of production processes: Influence of set-up, quality and maintenance
    • Basics of simulation and application of simulation based on case studies

    Teaching method

    integrated class


    Final exam: homework, written exam, project work


    • Cachon. G / Terwiesch C (2019): Matching Supply with Demand – 4th edition , Boston [u.a.], McGrawHill
    • Hopp, W / Spearman, ML (2011): Factory Physics – 3rd edition, Waveland Pr Inc
    • Kelton, WD / Sadowski, RP / Sturrock, DT (2007): Simulation with Arena – 4th edition, New York, McGraw-Hill
    • Kummer, S / Grün, O / Jammernegg, W (2019): Grundzüge der Beschaffung, Produktion und Logistik – 4. Auflage, München [u.a.], Pearson Studium

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Measurement and control technology | ILV

    Measurement and control technology | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Measurement technology Basic terms, digital storage oscilloscopes, PC measurement technology.
    Basic terms and definitions; representation of signals in the time and frequency domain; Fourier transform
    modulation methods, multiple access; time response of linear systems; impulse response, step response, stability; sampling and reconstruction; frequency response of linear systems, transfer function, Laplace transform Introduction and basic terms, classification of controlled systems, modelling, P, PI and PID controllers, stability criteria.

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character



    • G. Wellenreuther, D. Zastrow: Automatisieren mit SPS; Vieweg, 2005
    • H.-J. Gevatter: Automatisierungstechnik 2; Springer, 2000
    • O. Föllinger: Regelungstechnik; Hüthig Verlag, 2005
    • M. Reuter/S. Zacher: Regelungstechnik für Ingenieure. Analyse,  Simulation und Entwurf von Regelkreisen; Vieweg Verlag, 2004
    • W.Weber: Industrieroboter; Hanser, 2007

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Robots and handling technology | ILV

    Robots and handling technology | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Design and application of industrial robots; Kinematic types and coordinate systems; Basic programming knowledge of ABB industrial robots in the program language RAPID; Control and path planning; Possibilities and limitations of today's simulation technology; Grip types and their usability; Safety and its use around industrial robots in automated systems; Trends and latest developments in the field of robotics

    Teaching method

    Lecture and Exercises


    Final exam: Written final exam for lecture and exercise


    • W. Weber: Industrieroboter; Hanser, 2007
    • M. Haun: Handbuch Robotik; Springer, 2007
    • S. Hesse: Greifertechnik – Effektoren für Roboter und Automaten; Carl Hanser, 2011
    • S. Hesse und V. Malisa: Robotik, Montage, Handhabung; Carl Hanser, 2010
    • ABB AG: Roboterdokumentation; Version RW 6.02.01 rev D, 2016

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module -
    6.5 SWS
    10 ECTS
    Introduction to interdisciplinary Projects | ILV

    Introduction to interdisciplinary Projects | ILV

    1 SWS   4 ECTS


    Development of a project according to the specifications of the supervisor. Independent work with the tools already learned.

    Teaching method

    Individual supervision and support of the students in the execution of their project work. Individual discussion appointments, presentation of the project progress to the plenum.


    Continuous assessment: Seminar paper


    * Nachtigall, Werner: Bionik: Grundlagen und Beispiele für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler. Springer Verlag, 2002

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Introduction to scientific work for selected research questions | SE

    Introduction to scientific work for selected research questions | SE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Explanation of the requirements for and the implementation of the process of scientific work. Explanation of the structure of scientific reports, citation methods, literature search, analysis of articles, style in scientific reports.

    • Formulation of the research question
    • Presentation and reflection of the concept for the bachelor thesis.
    • Accompaniment, support and encouragement of the students in questions of scientific theory, research practice and formal aspects of their work, scientific theories and methods.
    • Preparation of the bachelor thesis (topic selection from the fields of technology development and work organisation, automation technology and factory planning)
    • Presentation of the bachelor thesis

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character



    • M. Karmasin/R. Ribing: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, Wuv Verlag, 2002
    • U. Eco: Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibt. Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, UTB Uni-Taschenbücher Verlag, 2002
    • Bortz J., Döring N.: Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler, Berlin: Springer
    • Bünting K-D, Bitterlich A., Pospiech U.: Schreiben im Studium mit Erfolg: ein Leitfaden, Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor
    • Esselborn-Krumbiegel H.: Von der Idee zum Text. Eine Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben, Paderborn: Schöningh (UTB)
    • Perterßen W.: Wissenschaftliche(s) Arbeiten. Eine Einführung für Schule und Studium, München: Oldenburg 
    • Schulz von Thun, F. (2003).Klarkommen mit sich selbst und anderen: Kommunikation und soziale Kompetenz. Reden, Aufsätze, Dialoge. Reinbeck: Rowohlt. 
    • Goleman, Daniel: Soziale Intelligenz: Wer auf andere zugehen kann, hat mehr vom Leben. Droemer, 2006

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Project management in interdisciplinary Projects | SE

    Project management in interdisciplinary Projects | SE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Application of Project Management theories.
    • Each Student designs a Project handbook.
    • Most important methods, Tools and instruments are trained.

    Teaching method

    Workshops, presentations and discussions


    Final exam: Project Handbook / Presentation



    • Gerold Patzak: "Projektmanagement"
    • C. Sterrer/G. Winkler: Let your Projects fly. Projektmanagement, Methoden, Prozesse, Hilfsmittel; Goldegg Verlag, 2006

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Processes in product development | VO

    Processes in product development | VO

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Product and development lifecycle and their sub-processes;

    • management processes: Management, Project Management, Quality Management, Risk Management
    • engineering processes: Requirements Engineering, Analysis and Design, Implementation, Integration, Verification, Testing, Maintenance
    • Support processes: Documentation, configuration management, verification and validation, joint review, audit
    • Customer processes: Acquisition, supplier selection and monitoring, customer support
    • System integration processes: Manufacturing Preparation, Trail Run, Final Assembly, Customer Release and Approval
    • Process maturity models and process evaluation

    Teaching method



    Final exam: LV final exam



    • Karl W. Wagner:  PQM – Prozessorientiertes Qualitäts Management, Hanser Verlag, 2006
    • R. Gareis / M. Stummer: Prozesse und Projekte, Manz Verlag, 2006
    • C. Sterrer/G. Winkler: Let your Projects fly. Projektmanagement, Methoden, Prozesse, Hilfsmittel; Goldegg Verlag, 2006
    • R. Gareis/M. Stummer: Prozesse und Projekte; Manz Verlag, 2006
    • R. Gareis: Happy Projects; Manz Verlag, 2005
    • R. Gareis: Projektmanagement im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Manz Verlag, 1991
    • W. Briner/M. Gedde/C. Hastings: Projekt-Leadership, Gower,  Vermont Verlag, 1990


    • IPMA News
    • PMI News

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Science and technology
    7 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Introduction Additive Manufacturing Technologies | ILV

    Introduction Additive Manufacturing Technologies | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Introduction to additive manufacturing technologies - as used in the High Tech Manufacturing program (basics and application). From design to part, slicing methods, printing simple designs as a model or ready-to-use prototypes. Design of simple components taking into account customary limits (components and machines).

    Teaching method



    Final exam: small project work, written exam



    • Gebhardt, Andreas: Generative Fertigungsverfahren. Additive Manufacturing und 3D Drucken für Prototyping - Tooling - Produktion. Carl Hanser Verlag, 2013
    • Hopkinson, Neil / Hague, Richard J.M. / Dickens, Philip: Rapid Manufacturing. An industrial revolution for the digital age. Wiley Verlag, 2005
    • Breuninger, Jannis / Becker, Ralf / Wolf, Andreas / Rommel, Steve / Verl, Alexander: Generative Fertigung mit Kunststoffen. Konzeption und Konstruktion für selektives Lasersintern. Springer Verlag, 2013
    • Bertsche, Bernd / Bullinger, Hans Jörg: Entwicklung und Erprobung innovativer Produkte-Rapid Prototyping. Grundlagen, Rahmenbedingungen und Realisierung. Springer Verlag, 2007


    • Rapid X
    • Rapid Prototyping (RP),
    • RTeJournal
    • open-access

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Recycling technologies | ILV

    Recycling technologies | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Basics of the recycling economy
    • Stages of the recycling chain
    • Basics of metal recycling
    • Basics of plastics recycling
    • Basics of paper recycling
    • Recycling of glass and ceramics
    • Overview of the recycling of mineral building materials, slags and ashes
    • Recycling of liquid and gaseous substances

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, distance learning with assignments


    Final exam


    Hans Martens, Daniel Goldmann: Recyclingtechnik, Fachbuch für Lehre und Praxis, 2.Auflage, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Thermodynamics | ILV

    Thermodynamics | ILV

    3 SWS   3 ECTS


    The ILV Thermodynamics combines theoretical principles and practical applications of thermodynamics. It deals with:

    • Basic thermodynamic concepts, thermal equilibrium and empirical temperature
    • State variables and equations of state of the ideal gas
    • Energy and first law for closed systems
    • Conservation laws for open systems
    • Entropy and thermodynamic potentials
    • Second law and changes of state
    • Exergy and anergy
    • Circular processes for heat engines, chillers and heat pumps
    • Fundamentals of combustion

    The theoretical content is supplemented by practical calculation exercises in which students deepen their knowledge of the calculation and analysis of thermodynamic systems using practical examples.

    Teaching method

    Lecture and exercise


    Continuous assessment: The grade is made up of an immanent performance assessment and a final examination. Students are randomly selected to solve and present tasks on the blackboard as part of the immanent performance assessment.


    • N. Elsner: Grundlagen der Technischen Thermodynamik, Akademie-Verlag Berlin, 7. Aufl. 1988
    • E. Hahne: Technische Thermodynamik, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (Deutschland) 5. Aufl. 2010
    • H.D. Baehr und S. Kabelac: Thermodynamik Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen, Springer Verlag, 15. Aufl. 2012
    • P. Stephan, K. Schaber, K. Stephan und F. Mayinger: Thermodynamik, Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen Band 1 Einstoffsysteme, Springer Verlag, 19. Aufl. 2013
    • S.I. Sandler: Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, J. Wiley & Sons, Fifth Ed. 2016

    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    3 ECTS

    Module Digitalization
    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Digital twins | ILV

    Digital twins | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Fundamentals of Digitalization - Digital Transformation
    • Basics of the digital twin concept in terms of a comprehensive digital twin approach
    • Design and implementation of digital product twin, digital process twin and digital plant twin
    • Areas of application in industrial manufacturing
    • Change and potential benefits for the company through the introduction of a digital twin

    Teaching method

    Sandwich Principle:

    • Introduction to the topic
    • Input phase through lecture and discussion
    • Discussion and processing phase by means of group exercises
    • Input phase of the results by the students
    • Individual examination of the subject matter by means of individual tasks
    • Written examination forms the exit from the course


    Final exam: 40% Written examination (multiple choice or single choice questions as well as freely answerable questions)

    40% Group work (processing of case studies)

    20% individual work (individual participation)



    • Tuczek, H. (Hrsg.) (2021): Innovationen in einer vernetzten Welt. Technologien und Geschäftsmodelle für Unternehmen im neuen Jahrzehnt. Haufe-Lexware, Freiburg.
    • Tao, F. u.a. (2019): Digital Twin Driven Smart Manufacturing. Academic Press.
    • Reinheimer, S. (Hrsg.) (2017): Industrie 4.0. Herausforderungen, Konzepte und Praxisbeispiele. Springer Vieweg, Nürnberg.
    • Urbach, N. (2018): Digitalization Cases. How Organizations Rethink their Business for the Digital Age. Springer International Publishing, Bayreuth.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality | SE

    Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality | SE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • General overview - different (visualization) technologies

    • Deployments in practice and market depth - an overview in which areas the technology is used and what is the current and predicted market depth

    • What is VR/AR/MR - insight into the technology, what is currently available on the market or in development

    • The differences between the technologies - what are the differences between AR and VR

    • What does the technology offer - How do we benefit from the technology (advantages) and what obstacles do we face (disadvantages).

    • The functionalities or add-ons (HW and SW side) that enhance the technology.

    • What to look out for and what are the potential improvements

    • Concrete deployments in business - real world examples (live demonstrations or presentations), to try out for yourself.

    • Roundtable event with companies that are using technology productively - I think this is a very good introduction and basis for generating ideas and networking (UAS/companies)

      Student research project (group work): working out and presenting the ideas and use cases for the business

    • Student research project: eventual realization of the UseCases on devices (mini application)

    • Study work: UI/UX ideas/concepts - related to presented UseCases

    • Student research project: test and evaluate the predefined devices - the devices will be provided

    • Welducation Challenge

    • ...

    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Timothy Jung, M. Claudia tom Dieck, Philipp A. Rauschnabel "Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Changing Realities in a Dynamic World (Progress in IS)" – Springer Verlag 2020

    Ralf Dörner, Wolfgang Broll, Paul Grimm, Bernhard Jung "Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR): Grundlagen und Methoden der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität – Springer Verlag


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Presentation of results
    2.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    English Presentations for Experts | UE

    English Presentations for Experts | UE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Students will learn to express themselves adequately in English in the following content areas:

    • Presentations (professionalizing and perfecting presentation skills).
    • Abstract Writing (writing a bachelor thesis and the corresponding abstract)
    • CV and Covering Letter (writing a CV and covering letter for the application process)

    Teaching method

    All 4 skills will be trained and enhanced (i.e. reading, listening, writing, speaking).


    Continuous assessment: classroom participation

    written abstract

    oral presentation

    written exam



    • M. Karmasin/R. Ribing: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, Wuv Verlag, 2002
    • U. Eco: Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibt. Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, UTB Uni-Taschenbücher Verlag, 2002
    • Bortz J., Döring N.: Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler, Berlin: Springer
    • Bünting K-D, Bitterlich A., Pospiech U.: Schreiben im Studium mit Erfolg: ein Leitfaden, Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor
    • Esselborn-Krumbiegel H.: Von der Idee zum Text. Eine Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben, Paderborn: Schöningh (UTB)
    • Perterßen W.: Wissenschaftliche(s) Arbeiten. Eine Einführung für Schule und Studium, München: Oldenburg
    • Hartmann, M., Ulbrich, B. und Jacobs-Strack, D. (2004). Gekonnt vortragen und präsentieren (2.). Weinheim: Beltz.
    • Leech, T. (2004). How to Prepare, Stage, and Deliver Winning Presentations (3.). New York: American Management Association.
    • Hartmann, M., Funk, R. und Wittkuhn, K. (2005). Gekonnt moderieren. Teamsitzung, Besprechung und Meeting: zielgerichtet und ergebnisorientiert (3.). Weinheim: Beltz.


    • American Scientist
    • Scientific American
    • Harvard Business Letter
    • etc.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Practice support | SE

    Practice support | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Reflection of practical activities in the implementation of theoretical teaching/learning contents, feedback, cooperation in teams, discussion about activities of professional practice

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment: LV-immanent examination character


    • M. Hibsch: Erfolgreiche Schritte in die Berufspraxis, Springer Verlag, 1996

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module -
    23 ECTS
    Professional internship (575 hours) | PR

    Professional internship (575 hours) | PR

    0 SWS   23 ECTS


    The students complete an internship in a company in the field of manufacturing and production technology. The concrete procedure for carrying out the internship is agreed with the respective company in which the internship takes place. The technical orientation of the work must be in line with the content of the degree programme.

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment: practical/constructive permanent performance control and documentation


    • M. Hibsch: Erfolgreiche Schritte in die Berufspraxis, Springer Verlag, 1996

    Teaching language


    23 ECTS

    Module Automation technology
    5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Automated manufacturing systems | ILV

    Automated manufacturing systems | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Automation in the economic-social field of tension; planning of automated manufacturing systems; information flow and information processing in AFS; process monitoring and process safety; basics of automated machining; automated plastics processing; autonomous production cells, autonomy in decentralized order control, multi-agent systems, IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems)

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Continuous assessment



    • Favre-Bulle, Bernard. Automatisierung komplexer Industrieprozesse. Systeme, Verfahren und Informationsmanagement. Springer, 2004
    • Kief, H. B. & Roschiwal, H. A. NC/CNC Handbuch 2007/2008. Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 2007
    • Pfeifer T.,/Schmitt, R. Autonome Produktionszellen. Komplexe Produktionsprozesse flexibel automatisieren. Springer, 2005
    • Freyberger, F. Leittechnik. Pflaum Verlag 2002
    • Tietze, E. G./Cichowski, R.R. Anlagentechnik für elektrische Verteilungsnetze. Tl 20. Netzleittechnik, 1. Teil: Grundlagen VWEW Energieverlag, 2006
    • Beier, H. H./Schwall, E. Fertigungsleittechnik. Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 1991

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Automation Lab | UE

    Automation Lab | UE

    3 SWS   3 ECTS


    The course is held in the form of laboratory exercises. In these exercises, various special topics on the subject of automation technology are dealt with individually or in groups. Essentially, the topics are analog value processing, HMI (Human Machine Interface), stepper motors, communication (industrial Ethernet, redundant structure, configuration of remote accesses, ASi bus ...), web server and drive technology. The topics are presented as required with theory parts and then practically implemented.

    Teaching method

    Training and lectures


    Continuous assessment


    Valentin Plenk "Grundlagen der Automatisierungstechnik kompakt" - Springer Verlag

    Jan Lunze "Automatisierungstechnik: Methoden für die Überwachung und Steuerung kontinuierlicher und ereignisdiskreter Systeme" - De Gruyter Studium

    Tilo Heimbold "Einführung in die Automatisierungstechnik: Automatisierungssysteme, Komponenten, Projektierung und Planung" - HANSER


    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Digitalization
    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Introduction to AI / Machine Learning | VO

    Introduction to AI / Machine Learning | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basic machine learning concepts, logistic regression, multilayer perceptron (MLP) and basic neural network, model training, and validation methods and optimization. AI concepts, terminology, and application domains. Demonstration of ML and AI in practice.

    Teaching method

    Distance learning


    Final exam



    • A. Geron : „Hands On Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow “, O’Reilly, 2019.

    • Goodfellow et. al: „Deep Learning“, The MIT Press 2017.

    • F. Chollet : „Deep Learning with Python“, Manning, 2017.

    Deep Mind papers:

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Presentation of results
    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Presentation and moderation | UE

    Presentation and moderation | UE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Presentation and Moderationstechniques

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, exercises
    Videos, Moodle platform, Zoom video conferencing platform or ms-teams.

    Settings such as individual group work, blended groups, avalanche, world cafe, etc.


    Continuous assessment: presentation, case study, Online-test


    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Production planning and control
    7.5 SWS
    10 ECTS
    Enterprise Resource Planning Systems | ILV

    Enterprise Resource Planning Systems | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basics of scheduling procedures. In depth the functions and methods for production planning and control in manufacturing companies as well as the interfaces to functions of service logistics.
    Overview of integrated ERP systems and their areas of application (on the benchmark SAP/R3). In-depth study of goods recording and tracing systems in the supply chain. Case study of an integrated ERP system in a manufacturing company.

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Final exam


    • Christof Schulte: Logistik Verlag Vahlen
    • Günther Schuh: Produktionsplanung und -steuerung. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Fundamentals of law, corporate law and environmental law | VO

    Fundamentals of law, corporate law and environmental law | VO

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    The course gives a short overview over the structure of the Austrian legal system: the Constitution, the structure of administration and the court system, the private law and the principles to protect the environment.

    Teaching method

    Lecture and casestudies


    Module exam


    • Welser/Kletecka, Bürgerliches Recht, Band 1, 15.Auflage (Manz)
    • Mayer/Kucsko-Stadelmayer/Stöger, Bundesverfassungsrecht, 11.Auflage (Manz).

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Control technology | VO

    Control technology | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Process communication, requirements to sundry layers of communication, industrial communication systems representatives, fieldbus, process automation, process, process control systems, computer-aided engineering.
    Project planning, testing, alarm-logging, trends, digital archiving.

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment



    • Favre-Bulle, Bernard.  Automatisierung komplexer Industrieprozesse. Systeme, Verfahren und Informationsmanagement. Springer, 2004
    • Kief, H. B. & Roschiwal, H. A. NC/CNC Handbuch 2007/2008. Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 2007
    • Pfeifer T.,/Schmitt, R. Autonome Produktionszellen. Komplexe Produktionsprozesse flexibel automatisieren. Springer, 2005
    • Freyberger, F. Leittechnik. Pflaum Verlag 2002
    • Tietze, E. G./Cichowski, R.R. Anlagentechnik für elektrische Verteilungsnetze. Tl 20. Netzleittechnik, 1. Teil: Grundlagen VWEW Energieverlag, 2006
    • Beier, H. H./Schwall, E. Fertigungsleittechnik. Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 1991

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Manufacturing Execution Systems | ILV

    Manufacturing Execution Systems | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS



    • Prognosis & forecasting
    • Production planning (PP)
    • Supply network planning (SNP)
    • Lot sizing
    • Inventory management

    Implementation using Excel, GLPK (incl. comparision with SAP APO)

    Teaching method

    Integrated course


    Final exam


    • Günther/Tempelmeier: Produktion & Logistik
    • Tempelmeier: Material-Logistik: Modelle und Algorithmen für die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung in Advanced Planning-Systemen
    • Christof Schulte: Logistik Verlag Vahlen  
    • Günther Schuh: Produktionsplanung und -steuerung. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Quality management | ILV

    Quality management | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Basic knowledge on quality management systems, organisational quality, improvement processes as well as reporting methodology. Introduction of quality tools and execution of quality training.
    • What are the tasks of quality management in an enterprise or organisation.
    • What are the quality tasks throughout the product life cycle in respect to customer service and product.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, Group work


    Continuous assessment



    • Karl W. Wagner. PQM – Prozessorientiertes Qualitäts Management. Hanser Verlag, 2006
    • Roland Gareis / Michael Stummer.  Prozesse & Projekte. Manz Verlag, 2006

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Corporate management
    5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Entrepreneurship | ILV

    Entrepreneurship | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Entrepreneurship basics
    • Current challenges in the start-up sector
    • Idea generation
    • Entrepreneurial Spirit: Building Start-up Teams
    • Elements of founding a company/building a start-up
    • Error culture
    • Pitch preparation

    Teaching method

    Explanation of basic concepts
    Interactive participation of students - Project work in teams

    Final presentation of the project work (pitches)


    Module exam



    • Barringer B., Ireland, R. (2018): Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures. 6. Edition. Pearson Education Limited
    • Ries, E. (2017): The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Currency
    • Catmull, E; Wallace, A. (2014): Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. Random House


    • Etemad, H. (2021): The evolutionary trends of international entrepreneurship in the past two decades: The state of the field in the face of COVID-19’s global crisis. J Int Entrep 19, 149–163/2021.
    • Yoonseock, L.; Young-Hwan, L. (2020): University Start-Ups: The Relationship between Faculty Start-Ups and Student Start-Ups.
    • Moffitt, K; O´Leary, D.E. (2019): Gathering and evaluating innovation ideas using crowdsourcing: Impact of the idea title and the description on the number of votes in each phase of a two-phase crowdsourcing project.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Innovationsmanagement | ILV

    Innovationsmanagement | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Structured innovation process
    • Innovation and innovation management
    • Innovation strategy with market and product reference
    • Measurement of innovation activities

    Teaching method

    • Explanation of basic concepts using examples from professional experience.
    • Interactive participation of the students.
    • Small business cases solved in teams.
    • Opportunity to engage with innovative entrepreneurs.


    Module exam



    • Inspired (Marty Cagan)
    • Elon Musk (Ashlee Vance)
    • The Facebook effect (David Kirkpatrick)
    • Thinking fast and slow (Daniel Kahnemann)
    • Innovators Dilemma (Clayton M. Christiansen)
    • Disrupted (Dan Lyons)
    • The Industries of the Future (Alec Ross)
    • The Upstarts (Brad Stone)


    • Fortune Magazine
    • Business Week


    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Marketing and sales | ILV

    Marketing and sales | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Role of product marketing in the Company. Creation and customization of products and marketing concepts. The product life cycle, portfolio analysis, product diversification, pricing (costing). Concepts and definitions of marketing mix and sales activities
    Representation of success factors and problem areas.Support tools from the field of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Possible structures of the sales organization and sales teams.

    Teaching method

    Explanation of basic concepts using examples taken from profesional experience.
    Constant interactive involvement of the students


    Module exam



    • H. Strebel: Innovations- und Technologiemanagement; Wien Verlag, 2003 
    • J. Hauschildt: Innovationsmanagement; Franz Vahlen Verlag, 1993
    • H. Meffert: Marketing; Gabler Verlag, 2006
    • H. Meffert: Marketing Arbeitsbuch; Gabler Verlag , 2007
    • Philip Kotler und Kevin Lane Keller: Marketing Management; Prentice Hall International, 2011 


    • Harvard Business Manager (Review)
    • International Journal on Technology Management
    • Fortune Magazine

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Scientific work
    1 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Bachelor Thesis | SE

    Bachelor Thesis | SE

    1 SWS   5 ECTS


    • Formulation of the research question
    • Presentation and reflection of the concept for the bachelor thesis
    • Accompaniment, support and encouragement of the students in scientific-theoretical, research-practical and formal questions of their work, scientific theories and methods
    • Preparation of the Bachelor Thesis
    • Presentation of the Bachelor Thesis

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment: LV-immanent examination character



    • Bortz J., Döring N.: Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler, Berlin: Springer
    • Bünting K-D, Bitterlich A., Pospiech U.: Schreiben im Studium mit Erfolg: ein Leitfaden, Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor
    • Esselborn-Krumbiegel H.: Von der Idee zum Text. Eine Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben, Paderborn: Schöningh (UTB)
    • Perterßen W.: Wissenschaftliche(s) Arbeiten. Eine Einführung für Schule und Studium, München: Oldenburg

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Bachelorprüfung | AP

    Bachelorprüfung | AP

    0 SWS   2 ECTS


    This board examination consists of the following examination parts

    1. Examination discussion on the Bachelor's theses carried out as well as
    2. their interconnections with relevant subjects of the curriculum.


    Cf. section 16 sub-section 1 FHStG

    Teaching method

    Oral examination


    Final exam: Oral examination; presentation of the results of the Bachelor thesis by means of PowerPoint slides/posters, questioning by the committee; examiners ask questions about contents from the entire Bachelor course.


    • Bortz J., Döring N.: Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler, Berlin: Springer
    • Bünting K-D, Bitterlich A., Pospiech U.: Schreiben im Studium mit Erfolg: ein Leitfaden, Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor
    • Esselborn-Krumbiegel H.: Von der Idee zum Text. Eine Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben, Paderborn: Schöningh (UTB)
    • Perterßen W.: Wissenschaftliche(s) Arbeiten. Eine Einführung für Schule und Studium, München: Oldenburg

    Teaching language


    2 ECTS

    Number of teaching weeks
    18 per semester

    20 to 25 hours per week

    Selection and participation according to available places. There may be separate selection procedures.

    After graduation

    As a graduate of this program, a wide range of occupational fields and career opportunities are open to you. Find out here where your path can take you.

    Your options cover a wide spectrum. The Vienna region is an attractive and innovative technology location. Highly qualified people who are familiar with state-of-the-art manufacturing methods are and will in future be in demand to drive sustainable and dynamic growth. The degree program will, for instance, qualify you for team management in the fields of construction and manufacture, where product manufacture requires modern and sophisticated processes: in the automotive industry, in machine and plant construction or in environmental and recycling technology. High Tech Manufacturing graduates are in demand here, using their know-how to optimize manufacturing processes and ensure sustainability.

    You future career
    You will be working in project and process management, in quality management, in research and development or in supply chain management. As a graduate, you will be sought after in the following fields:

    • Automotive

    • Transport

    • Machine and plant construction

    • Iron and metal processing

    • Electrical engineering, electronics

      • Paper and packaging

      • Oil and gas

      • Chemicals and plastics

      • Environmental and recycling technology

        Master's degree programs


        Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Management



        Green Mobility


        Studying made easy

        People smiling at each oter
        Try out studying

        Try out your desired study program, content in German

        Two students holding books
        Buddy Network

        Support for getting started in Engineering

        Personen arbeiten gemeinsam am Laptop
        Bridging courses

        Refresh your technical knowledge? More here

        Woman smiling at the camera
        FiT pre-qualification

        Prepares women interested in Engineering

        Funding & Scholarships
        Time abroad
        Open Lectures
        Center for academic writing
        Intensive German course
        queer @ FH Campus Wien

        Networking with graduates and organizations

        We work closely with renowned companies in commerce and industry, with universities, institutions and schools. This guarantees you contacts for internships, employment or participation in research and development. In the course of exciting school cooperations, students may contribute to firing up pupils on topics such as our Bionics Project with the Festo company. You can find information about our cooperation activities and much more at Campusnetzwerk. It's well worth visiting the site as it may direct you to a new job or interesting event held by our cooperation partners!


        Head of Degree Program

        Secretary's office

        Katharina Weigl-Tanner, BA MA

        Favoritenstraße 226, B.3.32
        1100 Wien
         +43 1 606 68 77-2300
         +43 1 606 68 77-2309

        Map Main Campus Favoriten (Google Maps)

        Office hours during the semester
        Mo, 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m., virtual office via Zoom
        Tue, 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
        Wed, 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m., virtual office via Zoom
        Thu, 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
        and by appointment

        Join the Zoom meeting:
        Click here to join the Zoom meeting
        Meeting-ID: 994 3522 8294
        Passwort: 285107

        Teaching staff and Research staff


        You want to know more? We will help you.


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