Bachelor's Degree Program



As with ophthalmologists, orthoptists are concerned with our eyes. Vision disorders, strabismus, amblyopia or ocular palsies are common. The spectrum is still much wider: visual impairment, nystagmus or eye-related abnormal head postures, headaches and reading disorders. The eyes are not always the cause. Also, brain damage or neurological and internal diseases affect vision and require expertise in an interdisciplinary interface. In the degree program you will learn everything about the complex visual system as well as the eye as a sensory organ and possible connections to eye diseases and vision disorders.

Health Sciences
Quality of life


  • Focus on functional eye conditions

  • In addition to diagnostics and therapy, increased prevention, visual rehabilitation and specialization

  • Extensive practical learning phases



    Final degree

    Bachelor of Science in Health Studies (BSc) incl. professional qualifications

    Duration of course
    6 Semesters
    Organisational form

    Tuition fee pro semester

    € 363,361

    + ÖH premium + contribution2

    180 ECTS
    Language of instruction

    Currently no application possible

    Study places


    1 Tuition fees for students from third countries € 727,- per semester. Details on tuition fees can be found in the general fee regulations.
    2 for additional study expenses (currently up to € 83,- depending on degree program and year)

    Before the studies

    When you "look people in the eyes", you do so with a strong interest in medicine and science. Your excellent powers of observation allow you to recognize details. You want to help people of all ages with vision disorders. You take the time to provide extensive counseling and provide patients with clear and convincing information about possible therapies. You want to apply your strong communicative and social skills in your constant interaction with people and enjoy working in a team. You want to profit from the latest findings from science and research in your work.

    Why you should study with us

    Practical training on campus

    Thanks to the state-of-the-art infrastructure, you will gain valuable practical experience during your classes.

    Let's go international!

    A practical learning phase abroad offers the opportunity to broaden your horizons and gain new impressions.

    Active exchange

    Numerous disciplines at one location: participate in research projects and learn from others.

    Take advantage of the "FIT for a health profession?!" self-assessment test to see what a profession in health care requires and if you have the right qualities.

    FIT for a health profession?! (in German only)

    Relevant admission requirement

    You need a general university entrance qualification, proven by

    • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
    • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
    • equivalent foreign certificate or
    • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution,

    or a relevant professional qualification with additional examinations.

    Further details

    Limited higher education entrance qualification

    Limited higher education entrance qualifications for

    • medical studies or
    • natural science studies 2

    are recognized. Proof of English 2 is required.

    Further information on the limited higher education entrance qualification can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

    Relevant professional qualification with additional examination

    The following qualifications are defined as relevant professional qualifications:

    • optician
      • additional exams: German essay, biology and environmental studies, English 2
    • school for the medical-technical specialist service
    • School for general health care and nursing
      • Additional exam: English 2

    Language requirements for admission

    The required language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is at least

    • German - level B2.

    Other admission requirement

    Once a place has been offered, additional proof of suitability is required:

    • first aid knowledge: course with at least 16 units (not older than 2 years)
    • proof of no criminal record
    • proof of health suitability

    Legalization of foreign documents

    Applicants may require legalization of documents from countries other than Austria in order for them to have the evidential value of domestic public documents. Information on the required legalizations can be found here in PDF format.

    Translation of your documents

    For documents that are neither in German nor English, a translation by a sworn and court-certified interpreter is required. Your original documents should have all the necessary legalization stamps before translation so that the stamps are also translated. The translation must be firmly attached to the original document or a legalized copy.

    Online application - uploading documents

    As part of your online application, upload scans of your original documents including all required legalization stamps. For documents not issued in German or English, scans of the corresponding translations must also be uploaded. The head of the study program decides on the equivalence of international (higher) education qualifications. Therefore, your documents can only be checked as part of the ongoing application process.

    Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the application phase has not yet started.

    Documents for your online application

    1. Proof of identity
      • passport or
      • identity card or
      • Austrian driving license (proof of citizenship required) or
      • residence permit (proof of citizenship required)
    2. Proof of change of name, if applicable (e.g. marriage certificate)
    3. Proof of fulfillment of the relevant admission requirement
      • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
      • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
      • equivalent foreign certificate or
      • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution or
      • proof of relevant professional qualification
      • If you do not yet have your certificate at the time of application, please upload your complete certificate (all pages) from the last completed school level.
    4. Proof of German level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following apply as proof:
      • secondary school leaving certificate from a German-language school
      • completion of at least three years of studies in German
      • supplementary examination pre-study course - German B2
      • German certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g.:
        • Austrian German Language Diploma: ÖSD Certificate B2
        • Goethe Institute: Goethe Certificate B2
        • telc: German B2
        • German language test for university admission for foreign applicants: DSH-2
        • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany: DSD II
        • Test of German as a foreign language (Test DaF): Level TDN 4 in all parts
        • Language Center of the University of Vienna: Course and successfully passed exam at level B2
        • Proof of a higher language level is also valid.
    5. Curriculum vitae in tabular form in German
    6. Letter of motivation in German
    7. Legalizations and translations, if applicable (see tab “Foreign documents and degrees”)

    Your application is valid once you have completely uploaded the required documents. If you do not have all the documents at the time of your online application, please submit them to the secretary's office by email as soon as you receive them.

    After completing your online application, you will receive an email confirmation with information on the next steps.

    Documents for the start of your studies

    Once you have been accepted, you must also provide the following proof of suitability:

    1. first aid course of at least 16 hours required (not older than two years)
    2. proof of no criminal record
    3. proof of health suitability

    The admission procedure consists of a written test and an interview with members of the admission committee. In addition, you will be invited to participate in an orthoptic exam to test your vision and binocular vision. The results of the eye test must be positive, if necessary even with glasses or contact lenses, in order to be accepted to the degree program.

    • Aim
      The aim is to ensure places are offered to those persons who complete the multi-level admission procedure with the best results. The tests are designed to assess the skills needed for an applicant's chosen profession.
    • Procedure
      The written admission test includes a series of test requirements to assess if you fulfill the basic intellectual and social-emotional performance requirements. Applicants who have achieved the minimum level on the test will then take part in the second stage of the admission procedure. The admission interview provides a first impression of the applicant's personal suitability. This includes professional motivation, professional understanding, performance, problem-solving skills and a capacity for careful consideration. Points are assigned to each section of the test.
    • Criteria
      The criteria for acceptance are based solely on performance.
      The geographical origin of the applicant has no influence on the admission decision.
      The admission requirements must be met in all cases.
      All the required documents must be provided in time.

      Applicants are evaluated according to the following weighting system:
      > Admission test (60%)
      > Admission interview (40%)

      The admission committee (which comprises, among others, the head of the academic section and representatives of the teaching staff) awards places to the applicants who score highest in the tests. If necessary, student representatives and further experts may be consulted. The process as a whole and all test and assessment results from the admission procedure are documented in a transparent and verifiable manner.

    Do you still have questions about the study?

    Make an appointment with the secretariat at for a a personal consultation via Zoom.

    The written entrance test will be held on Saturday, 29th March 2025.

    During the studies

    FH Campus Wien is characterised by extensive expertise and a large network. At our attractive main location you will benefit from our modern infrastructure and have the opportunity to join a professional community across disciplines. The FH Campus Wien is the only university of applied sciences in Austria to train all seven legally regulated upper-level medical-therapeutic-diagnostic professions as well as midwifery. An important partner in the areas of education, research and development is the Vienna Healthcare Association. There is also close cooperation with the Berufsverband Orthoptik Austria - for example, the annual symposium has already taken place several times at our university. A great potential lies in research projects at the crossroads of health and technology and practical relevance is guaranteed when we organize our freely accessible lecture evenings with top-class experts as part of our Campus Lectures.

    In addition to the classic orthoptic diagnosis and therapy, the profession is developing more and more towards prevention, visual rehabilitation and specialization. As a specialist, you focus on certain functional eye diseases: Like how can you help people when for example they suddenly suffer from vision disorders after accidents, strokes or tumors in the brain? Ideally, our eyes rely on instructions that are controlled by the brain. At this interdisciplinary intersection, orthoptics work together with ophthalmologists, neurologists and other health care professionals, to jointly develop strategies for therapy and rehabilitation.
    In prevention as well, the need for education is still high, for example for parents. Currently, every third child between the ages of two and six are suspected of suffering from a vision disorder or eye disease. Often it is not clear that permanent damage can only be avoided if eye diseases are detected and treated in time.

    You will acquire profound medical knowledge about the eye. In the degree program you will learn about the causes visual disorders, how orthoptic diagnostics work and what therapies are possible and how they are performed. All the steps together result in the orthoptic process.

    • You will acquire basic medical knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pathology, ophthalmology and pediatrics.
    • Practice-related fields such as orthoptics and pleoptics, strabology, neuroophthalmology and visual rehabilitation make up a further focus of your education.
    • To prepare you for your counseling responsibilities you will develop your communication skills and learn more about psychology, health economics and law.
    • Furthermore, you will acquire extensive practical experience in 28 weeks of internships.

    Module General Medical Basics 1
    6 SWS
    6 ECTS
    General Anatomy | VO

    General Anatomy | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Introduction and basic concepts; cell and tissue; musculoskeletal system and skull; cardiovascular system; respiratory system; digestive system; genitourinary system; endocrine organs; skin and sensory organs; nervous system.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, anatomical models


    Final exam


    Drake, R. L., Vogl, W., Mitchell, A. W. M. & Horn, A. (2020). Gray's anatomy for students (Fourth edition). Elsevier.

    Drenckhahn, D. & Waschke J. (Hrsg.). (2014). Taschenbuch Anatomie (2. Aufl.). Elsevier, Urban et Fischer.

    Drenckhahn, D. (Hrsg.). (2004). Herz-Kreislauf-System, lymphatisches System, endokrines System, Nervensystem, Sinnesorgane, Haut (Anatomie, Bd. 2, 16., völlig neu bearb. Aufl.). Urban & Schwarzenberg.

    Faller, A. & Schünke, M. (Hrsg.). (2020). Der Körper des Menschen. Einführung in Bau und Funktion (18., unveränderte Auflage). Thieme.

    Walker, R. (2008). Guide to the human body (Rev. ed.). Firefly Books.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    General Physiology | VO

    General Physiology | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Introduction and basic concepts; general cell physiology; general neurophysiology; muscle physiology; sensory organs; central nervous processing of sensory information; central nervous system (structure, function and sensorimotor function); endogenous rhythms (e.g. sleep, wake rhythm); learning, memory; vegetative nervous system; energy metabolism, nutrition, digestion, metabolism; heat balance; respiration; blood; circulation and vascular system; humoral regulation of vegetative functions; excretory systems.

    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Pape, H., Kurtz, A., Silbernagl, S. (2019). Physiologie. (9., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage) Thieme.

    Silbernagl, S., Despopoulos, A. & Draguhn, A. (2018). Taschenatlas Physiologie (9., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage). Thieme

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Principles of Pharmacology | VO

    Principles of Pharmacology | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction and basics; general pharmacology; pharmacodynamics; pharmacokinetics, pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system; antiphlogistics, analgesics, antipyretics; allergy; antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal therapy / therapy of infectious diseases; hormones (systemic influence and effect on the eye); psychopharmaceuticals, neuroleptics, psychotropic substances; interactions of drugs on the eye and its functions;

    Relevant drugs in ophthalmology / strabology, effects, side effects; prescriptions.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case studies


    Final exam


    Ellegast, J. (2015). Basics klinische Pharmakologie (Basics, 3. Aufl.). Elsevier, Urban & Fischer.

    Erb, C. & Schlote, T. (Hrsg.). (2016). Medikamentöse Augentherapie (6., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage). Thieme.

    Kampik, A. & Grehn, F. (2002). Augenärztliche Therapie. Thieme.

    Schlote, T. & Kellner, U. (2011). Unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen in der Augenheilkunde. Thieme

     Seifert, R. (2018). Basiswissen Pharmakologie (Springer-Lehrbuch). Springer.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Hygiene | VO

    Hygiene | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS



    General and special microbiology


    General measures of infection control

    Hygiene in orthoptic therapy

    Nosocomial infections and hospital hygiene for the orthoptic working environment



    Teaching method

    Lecture with active participation


    Final exam: multiple choice


    Bergen, P. (2014). Basiswissen Krankenhaushygiene: Hygienegrundlagen Für Gesundheitsberufe. Aktuelles Basiswissen. Maßnahmen & Umsetzung. Für Ausbildung & Praxis: Schluetersche.

    Gebel, J., Exner, M., French, G., Chartier, Y., Christiansen, B., Gemein, S. et al. (2013). The role of surface disinfection in infection prevention. GMS Hygiene and Infection Control; 8(1):Doc10; ISSN 2196-5226 / GMS Hygiene and Infection Control; 8(1):Doc10; ISSN 2196-5226.

    Hof, H. & Schlüter, D. (Hrsg.). (2019). Medizinische Mikrobiologie (Duale Reihe, 7., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage). Thieme.

    Jassoy, C. & Schwarzkopf, A. (2018). Hygiene, Infektiologie, Mikrobiologie (3. Auflage). Thieme.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module General medical basics 2
    4 SWS
    6 ECTS
    General pathology and organ pathology | VO

    General pathology and organ pathology | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Introduction and basic terms; possible courses of diseases, causes of diseases; pathological changes in cells and tissues; inflammations and signs of inflammation; dementia; pathological changes in the blood, blood-forming organs, circulation, respiratory organs and respiration; general metabolic diseases; Diabetes mellitus; pathological changes in the digestive organs and digestion, the urinary and urine-diverting organs, the locomotor and supporting apparatus, the skin and its appendages, the sensory organs, the sex organs; pregnancy; life-threatening conditions and corresponding first aid measures.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, examples


    Final exam


    Haider-Strutz, I. (2018). Allgemeine Pathologie. Ein Lehrbuch für Pflege- und andere Gesundheitsberufe (2., überarbeitete Auflage). Facultas.

    Riede, U.-N. & Werner, M. (Hrsg.). (2017). Allgemeine und Spezielle Pathologie. Springer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    neurology | VO

    neurology | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Introduction and basic terms; clinical-neurological examination; instrumental and laboratory diagnostics; important neurological syndromes (e.g. cranial nerve lesions, motor and sensory disorders); vascular diseases (e.g. ischaemic cerebral infarction,); tumour diseases; diseases of a seizure-like character (e.g. epilepsy; headaches and facial neuralgia; inflammation

    (e.g. ischemic cerebral infarction); tumor diseases; diseases with seizure-like character (e.g. epilepsy); headaches and facial neuralgia; inflammations of the nervous system (e.g. meningitis, multiple sclerosis); movement disorders (e.g. Parkinson's disease, dementia); neurological disorders (e.g. neurological disorders). Parkinson's disease); dementia; traumatic damage to the central nervous system and its sheaths; metabolic and toxic damage to the central nervous system; diseases of the peripheral nervous system and musculature (e.g., myositis); developmental disorders and malformations of the central nervous system (e.g., hydrocephalus, early brain damage).

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case studies


    Final exam


    Bähr, M., Bechmann, I. (2021). Neurologisch-topische Diagnostik (11. Auflage). Thieme.

    Berlit, P. (Hrsg.). (2020). Klinische Neurologie. Springer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Principles of orthoptics
    3.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Introduction to Orthoptics, Pleoptics and Strabology  | VO

    Introduction to Orthoptics, Pleoptics and Strabology  | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Terminology and basic concepts in orthoptics, pleoptics and strabology; introduction to binocular vision disorders, eye movements, development of monocular and binocular vision; overview of binocular vision disorders and eye movement disorders; orthoptic process; anamnesis and inspection of patients.

    Teaching method

    Lecture with activating methods


    Module exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Rowe, F. (2012). Clinical orthoptics (3rd ed.): John Wiley.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Physiological and Pathological Binocular Vision | VO

    Physiological and Pathological Binocular Vision | VO

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basics of sensory perception (spatial values of the retina; prerequisites and degrees of binocular vision; horopter; Panumian space; dominance; competition; retinal correspondence; physiological double images); confusion, diplopia, suppression; central scotoma, fixation point scotoma; accommodation, convergence, eye muscle functions;
    abnormal retinal correspondence (classification, etiology;examination of retinal correspondence, assignment of tests; change of correspondence by examination procedure, by visual conditions); postoperative double vision; subnormal binocular vision, horror fusionis.

    Teaching method



    Module exam


    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus. Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie (5. Aufl.). Huber.

    Rowe, F. (2012). Clinical orthoptics (3rd ed.): John Wiley.

    Scheiman, M. & Wick, B. (2020). Clinical management of binocular vision. Heterophoric, accommodative, and eye movement disorders (Fifth edition). Wolters Kluwer Health.

    Steffen, H. & Kaufmann, H. (Hrsg.). (2020). Strabismus (5.Aufl.). Thieme.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Orthoptic Methodology: Physiological and pathological binocular vision | UE

    Orthoptic Methodology: Physiological and pathological binocular vision | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Different examination methods of binocular vision, their performance, documentation and interpretation of the examination results.

    Teaching method

    Exercise in groups, practical activities, practicing on each other


    Module exam


    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus. Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie (5. Aufl.). Huber.

    Rowe, F. (2012). Clinical orthoptics (3rd ed.). John Wiley.

    Scheiman, M. & Wick, B. (2020). Clinical management of binocular vision. Heterophoric, accommodative, and eye movement disorders (Fifth edition). Wolters Kluwer Health.

    Steffen, H. & Kaufmann, H. (Hrsg.). (2020). Strabismus (5. Aufl.) Thieme.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Principles of Ophthalmology 1
    4.5 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Anatomy of the eye and neuroanatomy | VO

    Anatomy of the eye and neuroanatomy | VO

    2.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    Overview of the eye and its auxiliary apparatus. Basic features of development, structure of the bulb (wall structure and contents), nervous optical apparatus, external eye muscles and gaze control, structure of the lacrimal apparatus, eyelid and orbita with suspension apparatus of the eyeball. Neuroanatomy (central, peripheral nervous system, visual/gaze centers).

    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Drenckhahn, D. (Hrsg.). (2004). Herz-Kreislauf-System, lymphatisches System, endokrines System, Nervensystem, Sinnesorgane, Haut (Anatomie, Bd. 2, 16., völlig neu bearb. Aufl.). Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.

    Faller, A. & Schünke, M. (Hrsg.). (2020). Der Körper des Menschen. Einführung in Bau und Funktion (18., unveränderte Auflage). Thieme.

    Firbas, W., Gruber, H., Mayr, R. & Tschabitscher, M. (2002). Neuroanatomie (3. Aufl.). Maudrich.

    Lang, G. K. (Hrsg.). (2019). Augenheilkunde (6. Aufl.). Thieme.

    Trepel, M. (2017). Neuroanatomie. Struktur und Funktion (7. Aufl). Elsevier.


    Teaching language


    2.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Physiology of the eye | VO

    Physiology of the eye | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Physiology of vision (sense of light, color, form); neurophysiological foundations of visual perception (e. g. receptive fields, signal processing, projection of the retina into the central nervous system, contrast vision, depth perception); physiology of the envelopes of the eye and the refractive media; accommodation; physiology of the optic nerve, the visual pathway and the pupil; Basic physiology of adnexa ( such as lacrimal system, lids, bulb motor system, oculomotor, sensory, autonomic nervous system); physiology of oculomotor system (saccadic system, following movements, optokinetics, vestibulo-ocular reflex, vergence movements, fixation).

    Teaching method



    Final exam


     Lang, G.K. (2019). Augenheilkunde. Thieme.

    Schmidt, R., & Schaible, H.-G. (2006). Neuro-und Sinnesphysiologie. Springer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Orthoptic Methodology 1
    4 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Equipment and its Maintenance and Orthoptic Methodology 1 | VO

    Equipment and its Maintenance and Orthoptic Methodology 1 | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Devices and methods for establishing a general orthoptic status: visual acuity and visual equivalent testing; testing of fixation and eye position (cover test), motility testing, convergence testing; simple measurements of the squint angle (e.g. PCT, Hirschberg, synoptophore), testing of binocular vision and stereo vision; determination of accommodation and fusion width; documentation of results.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, demonstration of equipment and methods


    Module exam


    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber


    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Orthoptic Methodology 1 | UE

    Orthoptic Methodology 1 | UE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Teaching, practice and reflection of knowledge and skills concerning the contents of the course "Equipment and orthoptic methodology 1".

    Teaching method

    Practical exercises with each other and, if possible, with probands


    Final exam: Module exam


    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Studies and Occupation
    2.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Introduction to literature research and citation rules | ILV

    Introduction to literature research and citation rules | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Different types of literature; principles of literature research, overview of relevant international databases, systematic literature search in relevant databases, language bias; basics of quality and evaluation criteria of literature; scientific citation; platinum regulation

    Teaching method

    Lecture, research, group work, work assignments


    Continuous assessment


    Kleibel, V., & Mayer, H. (2011). Literaturrecherche für Gesundheitsberufe (2. Ausg.). Facultas.

    American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7.Edition). American Psychological Association.

    Ritschl, V., Weigl, R., & Stamm,T. (Hrsg.). (2016), Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Springer.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Introduction to Studying and Career | VO

    Introduction to Studying and Career | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Curriculum and its structure, theoretical and practical training

    Insight into international training

    Legal study regulations and examination regulations

    Introduction to the legal basis (MTD-, and health professional register law)

    Job description and historical development of the profession

    Professional associations

    Teaching method



    Final exam: "Participated with success"


    Orthoptik austria. (2020). Das Berufsbild der Orthoptistin/des

    IOA. (2020). Professional Role of the Orthoptist.   

    Schandl, E. (2014). Von der Sehschule zur Neuro-Orthoptik und visuellen Rehabilitation. In MTD-Austria. MTD-Report 2014. Eigenverlag.

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für MTD-Gesetz

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Gesundheitsberuferegister-Gesetz

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Fachhochschulgesetz

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für FH-MTD-Ausbildungsverordnung

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Learning and Working Techniques | ILV

    Learning and Working Techniques | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Concentration, motivation, memory, attention and emotion, learning strategies (e.g. mnemonics, visualisation, creativity enhancing techniques), learning types, procrastination, exam preparation, exam anxiety;

    Time management: mission statement, Pareto principle, Eisenhower principle, ABC analysis, ALPEN method, work-life balance model; relaxation techniques.

    Teaching method

    Exercise with theoretical input phases, group and individual work as well as self-study


    Continuous assessment: "Participated with success"


    Spitzer, M. (2007). Lernen: Gehirnforschung und die Schule des Lebens. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

    Seiwert, L. (2016). Noch mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche. Ariston.

    Birkenbihl, V.F. (2013). Stroh im Kopf? Vom Gehirn-Besitzer zum Gehirn-Benuzter. (55.Aufl.). MVG.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Module Concomitant Strabismus and Nystagmus
    6.25 SWS
    8 ECTS
    Amblyopia und Pleoptics | VO

    Amblyopia und Pleoptics | VO

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Definition; social significance; classification; aetiology and pathogenesis; suppression; clinical manifestations; fixation and its disorders; diagnosis of amblyopia (e.g. visual acuity, crowding, accommodation, covertest, motility, pupillary response); binocular interaction; differential diagnosis; risk factors, prevention and prophylaxis, education and counselling; treatment of amblyopia and eccentric fixation (e.g. spectacles, occlusion, penalisation, pleoptics); new therapeutic approaches and developments (e.g. shutter glasses, therapy programmes for PC,...); different therapeutic approaches.e.g. glasses, occlusion, penalization, pleoptics); new therapeutic approaches and developments (e.g. shutter glasses, therapy programs for the PC,...); different therapeutic approaches in different countries.

    Teaching method

    Theoretical teaching combined with practical application


    Module exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Hertle, R. W., & Dell´Osso, L. F. (2003). Nystagmus in Infancy and Childhood. Oxford.

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Concomitant Strabismus  | VO

    Concomitant Strabismus  | VO

    4 SWS   5 ECTS


    Concomitant strabismus (sensory and motor characteristics, examination procedure, therapy, course and prognosis)

    Different nomenclatures and views internationally

    Education and counselling, documentation and reporting of findings; new developments

    Teaching method

    Theoretical teaching combined with practical application


    Module exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J.(2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Jain, S. (2019). Simplifying Strabismus: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Management.  Springer.

    Teaching language


    4 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Nystagmus | VO

    Nystagmus | VO

    0.75 SWS   1 ECTS


    Classification, aetiology and pathogenesis, sensory and motor characteristics, anamnesis, diagnostics and examination procedure, special examination methods, differential diagnosis, therapy, course and prognosis in nystagmus: education and consultation, documentation and preparation of reports.

    Students will be able to compare national and international perspectives on the therapy of nystagmus.



    Teaching method

    Theoretical teaching combined with practical application


    Module exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J.(2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen. Dtld.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Hertle, R. W., & Dell´Osso, L. F. (2003). Nystagmus in Infancy and Childhood. Oxford.

    Teaching language


    0.75 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Principles of Ophthalmology 2
    5.5 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Paediatric Ophthalmology | VO

    Paediatric Ophthalmology | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Special features of eye diseases in childhood, disorders of normal visual development, congenital eye malformations, hereditary eye diseases, general diseases and eye involvement in childhood (e.g. eye changes as a leading symptom in syndromes).

    Surgical methods and therapeutic measures in selected (for orthoptics relevant) paediatric ophthalmological clinical pictures.



    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Ehrt, O. (2013). Kinderophthalmologie. Springer.

    Lang, G. K., Lang, G. E., & Esser, J. (2015). Kinderophthalmologie. Thieme.




    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Ophthalmology | VO

    Ophthalmology | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Aetiology, symptoms and main features of therapy including medicinal eye therapy of diseases of the bulb, eyelids, lacrimal organs, orbita, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, lens, iris, pupil, choroid, vitreous body, retina; optic disc and optic nerve, blindness and visual impairment; anterior chamber and glaucoma; colour vision disorders, eye and general diseases (e.g. HIV, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis), emergencies in ophthalmology, social ophthalmology (e.g. blindness, ergophthalmology, eye and roadworthiness). e.g. HIV, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis), ophthalmology emergencies, social ophthalmology (e.g. blindness, ergophthalmology, eye and roadworthiness).

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, presentation, active participation


    Final exam



    Lang, G.K. (2019). Augenheilkunde. Thieme.
    Grehn, F. (2019). Augenheilkunde. Springer.
    Sachsenweger, M.(2003). Augenheilkunde. Thieme.

    Kanski, J. J.; Bowling, B. (2012). Klinische Ophthalmologie. Urban & Fischer.

    Kroll, P.; Küchle, M.; Küchle H.J. (2018). Augenärztliche Untersuchungsmethoden. Thieme.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Ophtalmologic Examination Methods  | ILV

    Ophtalmologic Examination Methods  | ILV

    2.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    Slit lamp examinations; chamber angle glass, ophthalmometry, tonometry (e.g. Goldmann applanation tonometer, noncontact tonometer); keratometry; exophthalmometry; Schirmer test, corneal and infraorbital nerve sensitivity testing; pupil assessment;

    Three-mirror contact lens, biconvex lenses; direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy; visual field and visual field testing (confrontation, Goldmann, computer perimetry);retinometer,

    dark adaptation testing, color vision testing (e.g., pseudoisochromatic panels, color arrangement tests, anomaloscope); electrophysiological examination methods (e.g., electrooculogram, electroretinogram, visual evoked potentials, electronystagmography);

    Imaging methods in ophthalmology e.g. keratograph, OCT, fluorescence angiography, echography, X-ray, computer tomography, single photon emission CT (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET);

    Documentation of results, exemplary interpretation of results of examination methods e.g. OCT; current technical developments (e.g. artificial intelligence in ophthalmology).

    Teaching method

    Theoretical teaching combined with practical application


    Final exam


    Straub, W. (2008). Augenärztliche Untersuchungsmethoden. Thieme.

    Yoshimura, N., Hangai, M. (2016). OCT Atlas. Springer.

    Fittinger, C. (2014). Technische Diagnostik in der Augenheilkunde. Hogrefe.

    Dietze, H. (2015. Die optometrische Untersuchung. Thieme.

    Teaching language


    2.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Optic and Optometrie
    2.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Eye Optics  | ILV

    Eye Optics  | ILV

    2.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    Introduction and basic concepts; physical optics: light properties, geometrical optics (e.g. imaging, aberrations and their correction, optical instruments and their application (e.g. magnifying glasses, telescopes, prisms, vertex refractometer, TABO scheme);

    Physiological optics: eye as an optical system, refractive states of the eyes (e.g. spherical, astigmatic, spectacle lenses for correction, factors influencing corrective lenses); spectacle theory (e.g. seeing with spectacles, types of spectacles and frames, children's spectacles, spectacle prescription).

    Teaching method

    Theoretical instruction combined with practical application


    Final exam


    Dietze, H. (2015). Die optometrische Untersuchung. Thieme.
    Diepes, H.(2004). Refraktionsbestimmung. DOZ.

    Lachenmayr, B.; Friedburg, D.; Hartmann, E. (2005). Auge-Brille-Refraktion. Schober-Kurs: verstehen-lernen-anwenden. Thieme.
    Berke, A.(2009). Optometrisches Screening. DOZ.
    Hoppe, O.; Kuhn, D.; Schwarz, S. (2010). Galifa Handbuch der Kontaktlinsenanpassung. Biermann.

    Methling, D. (2012) Bestimmen von Sehhilfen. Thieme.

    Teaching language


    2.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Orthoptic Methodology 1
    3.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Equipment and its Maintenance and Orthoptic Methodology 2 | VO

    Equipment and its Maintenance and Orthoptic Methodology 2 | VO

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Devices and methods for establishing an extended orthoptic status: testing of contrast vision; aniseikonia measurement; testing of retinal correspondence; measurement of IPD; diagnostic and therapeutic application of prisms; testing of the double image field with red glass, color sense testing (e.g.. Ishihara, Farnsworth, Lea test), coordimetry; special squint angle measurements (e.g.: in the nine directions of gaze, with DVD, on the Maddox cross); documentation; devices for orthoptic and pleoptic training (e.g. cheiroskop, reading desk, cam vision stimulator, localizer) with special consideration of fusion and binocular training;

    current technical developments and new methods.

    Teaching method

    Theoretical teaching combined with practical application


    Module exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002). Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Dietze, H. (2015). Die optometrische Untersuchung. Thieme.

    Scheimann, M., Wick, B. (2020). Clinical Management of Binocular Vision. Wolters Kluwer

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Heterophoria und Asthenopia | VO

    Heterophoria und Asthenopia | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Concept and frequency, classification, etiology and pathophysiology of heterophoria and asthenopia; clinical manifestations, basic diagnostics and special examination procedure, complaints, differential diagnosis, therapy, prisms in asthenopia;

    Fusion and binocular training (e.g. methods to eliminate suppression processes, to improve convergence ability; to normalize the convergence and accommodation ratio, to stabilize the fusion and to increase the fusion width) in different clinical pictures; eye mobility exercises; telemedicine

    Education and consultation, documentation and reporting of findings; new developments.

    Teaching method

    Theoretical teaching combined with practical application


    Module exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J.(2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002). Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Scheimann, M., Wick, B. (2020). Clinical Management of Binocular Vision. Wolters Kluwer.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Orthoptic Methodology 2 | UE

    Orthoptic Methodology 2 | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Teaching, practice and reflection of practical knowledge and skills related to the contents of the course "Equipment and Orthoptic Methodology 2".

    Teaching method

    Practical exercises on each other and, if possible, also with probands


    Module exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002). Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Dietze, H. (2015). Die optometrische Untersuchung. Thieme.

    Scheimann, M., Wick, B. (2020). Clinical Management of Binocular Vision. Wolters Kluwer

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Practical deepening
    1 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Placement 1 | PL

    Placement 1 | PL

    0 SWS   5 ECTS


    Introduction to tasks and professional fields of activity of orthoptists, exploration of professional fields.

    Performance of a general orthoptic status, documentation of the results under professional guidance and supervision.

    Implementation of theoretically and practically acquired knowledge in professional practice.



    Teaching method

    Guided practice


    Continuous assessment


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.


    Teaching language


    5 ECTS
    Guidance during Studies and Placement, Reflection 1  | ILV

    Guidance during Studies and Placement, Reflection 1  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Preparation for the internship, introduction to patient documentation and training protocol, discussion of the tasks for the internship, exchange about the course of the internship and feedback, dealing with difficult situations, presentation and analysis of patient documentation and discussion, reflection on one's own professional-methodical as well as social-communicative skills, experiences and insights.

    Teaching method

    Information, active participation, discussion, internship report


    Continuous assessment: The assessment comprises active participation, discussion and internship report.


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Studies and Occupation
    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Medical English 1 | ILV

    Medical English 1 | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basic concepts of human medicine; professional vocabulary and terminology; communication, terms and phrases in patient dialogue in the orthoptic process; reading and writing English texts.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, pair and group work, presentation


    Continuous assessment


    Glendinning, E. H., Howard, R. (2007). Professional English in Use. Medicine. Cambridge University Press.

    IOA (2014). Strabismus Terminology. International Orthoptic Association.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Module Incomitant Strabismus
    4.5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Incomitant Strabismus | ILV

    Incomitant Strabismus | ILV

    3 SWS   3 ECTS


    Classification, etiology and pathogenesis, sensory and motor characteristics, anamnesis, diagnosis and examination procedure, differential diagnosis, therapy, course and prognosis of congenital and acquired ocular motility disorders: Congenital forms (e.g. strabismus sursoadductorius, Stilling-Türk-Duane retraction syndrome, Jaensch-Brown syndrome), acquired forms (such as neurogenic paresis, abducens, trochlearis and oculomotor paresis, myopathies); derivation of orthoptic diagnosis; education and consultation, documentation and report of findings.

    Teaching method

    Presentations of the different clinical pictures using Power-Point
    Video examples
    Group work
    Learning games/repetition games


    Continuous assessment: Accompanying performance assessment and written examination


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L., Lieb, B., Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby.

    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Practical: Incomitant Strabismus | UE

    Practical: Incomitant Strabismus | UE

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Teaching, practising and reflecting on practical knowledge and skills related to the contents of the course "Incomitant strabismus" and case analyses.

    Practical application of the examination methods for the contents of the course "Incomitant strabismus" and case analyses.

    Teaching method

    Practical practice

    Practicing on each other


    Continuous assessment: Accompanying performance assessment, written examination at the end of the course.



    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L., Lieb, B., Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Neuroophthalmology and Neuroorthoptics
    6 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Neuroophthalmology | VO

    Neuroophthalmology | VO

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Introduction and clarification of terms; aetiology, symptoms, examination methods, differential diagnosis and its results, therapy, course and prognosis for the following clinical pictures: Diseases of the visual pathway and optic nerve (e.g., visual field defects) and visual cortex (e.g., optic agnosia, central color vision disorders), psychogenic visual disorders; disorders of pupillary motor function and accommodation; disorders of peripheral oculomotor function (complementary to strabology; e.g. e.g. myasthenia gravis, myopathies, ophthalmoplegias); disorders of eyelid motor function, facial nerve, trigeminal nerve (e.g. ptosis, blepharospasm, lagophthalmos); unclear visual deterioration; headache and facial pain with ocular manifestations; selected syndromes.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case studies


    Final exam



    Burde R.M., Savino, P.J:, Trobe J.D.(1989). Neuroophthalmologie. Kohlhammer.

    Schiefer U., Zrenner, W.H.,Burk A.(2004). Praktische Neuroophthalmologie. Kaden.

    Smith, S.V., Lee, A.G., Brazis P.W. (2019). Clinical Pathways in Neuro-Ophthalmology: An Evidence-Based Approach. Thieme.


    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Neuroorthoptics | ILV

    Neuroorthoptics | ILV

    3 SWS   3 ECTS


    Etiology, symptoms, examination procedure, special examination methods and their results, differential diagnosis, therapy, course and prognosis for the following clinical pictures: disorders of the supranuclear oculomotor system (disorders of the conjugate and disjugate gaze motor system concerning saccades, slow following movements, vestibulo-ocular reflex, optokinetic nystagmus and fixation, e. g. horizontal and vertical gaze paresis, convergence and divergence paresis, INO, skew deviation, ocular tilt reaction, 1 ½ syndrome); subjective visual vertical; acquired nystagmus and related ocular oscillations (e.g. E.g., gaze paretic or gaze directional nystagmus, convergence retraction nystagmus, see-saw nystagmus, nystagmus-like disorders of ocular motor function); Derivation of orthoptic diagnosis; Therapeutic interventions, telereha.., education and counselling; documentation and reporting of findings.

    Teaching method

    Theoretical teaching combined with practical application

    Case studies


    Continuous assessment



    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Schiefer U., Wilhelm H., Zrenner, E.,Burk A.(2004). Praktische Neuroophthalmologie. Kaden.

    Thömke, F. (2016). Augenbewegungsstörungen. Hippocampus.

    Smith, S.V., Lee, A.G., Brazis P.W. (2019). Clinical Pathways in Neuro-Ophthalmology: An Evidence-Based Approach. Thieme.


    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Practical: Neuroorthoptics | UE

    Practical: Neuroorthoptics | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Teaching, practice and reflection of practical knowledge and skills related to the contents of the course "Neuroorthoptics" and the course "Neuroophthalmology" and case analyses.

    Teaching method

    Guided practice on each other


    Continuous assessment


    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Kidd, D.P. (2017). Neuroophthalmology. Springer.

    Schiefer U., Wilhelm H., Zrenner., Burk A. (2004). Praktische Neuroophthalmologie. Kaden.

    Thömke, F. (2016). Augenbewegungsstörungen. Hippocampus.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Optic and Optometrie
    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Principles of Contact Lens Adjustment  | ILV

    Principles of Contact Lens Adjustment  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction and basics; contact lenses vs. glasses (e.g. advantages and disadvantages, optical differences, contact lenses in strabismus and in pediatric ophthalmology); indications and contraindications; rigid and soft lenses ( e.g. types, areas of application, properties); hygiene measures and care products; fitting (anamnesis, preliminary examinations, measurements, calculations, evaluation of the trial lens); handling of contact lenses by patients and instructions; intolerance, risks and side effects of contact lenses or care products; pathological changes; documentation; rules and regulations relevant to the profession.

    Teaching method


    practical application



    Continuous assessment


    Roth, H.W. (2002). Kontaktlinsenkomplikationen. Thieme.

    Hoppe, O., Kuhn, D., Schwarz, S. (2010). Galifa Handbuch der Kontaktlinsenanpassung. Biermann Medizin.

    Dahlmann, C. (2020). Sicca-Syndrom. Springer

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Practical: Refraction Determination | UE

    Practical: Refraction Determination | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Teaching, practice and reflection of practical knowledge and skills for the determination of the need for correction under consideration of binocularity.


    Teaching method

    Guided practical exercises of subjective and objective methods of refraction determination on each other and, if possible, on test persons.


    Final exam


    Cagnolati,W. & Berke,A. (2010). Kinderoptometrie. DOZ.

    Diepes, H. (2004). Refraktionsbestimmung (3. Ausg.). DOZ.

    Dietze,H. (2015). Die optometrische Untersuchung (2. Ausg.). Thieme.

    Hornig, M., & Harms, K.-R. (2011). Die Praxis der Skiaskopie. DOZ .

    Kroll P., Küchle M., Küchle H.J. (Hrsg.) (2008). Augenärztliche Untersuchungsmethoden. Thieme.
    Lachenmayr, B., Friedburg, D., Buser, A. (2016). Auge-Brille-Refraktion, Schober-Kurs: verstehen-lernen-anwenden. Thieme.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Refraction Determination  | ILV

    Refraction Determination  | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Refraction (basics, refractive anomalies and correction); subjective refraction - determining the need for correction: Aids, methods (e.g., for spherical refractive errors, Donders method, fog methods, monocular fine adjustment; for astigmatic refractive errors, cross-cylinder method, testing for refractive balance in binocular adjustment, correction of anisometropia, determination of near correction); Application, performance, documentation;

    Objective refractive testing (static and dynamic skiascopy, autorefraction); application, performance, documentation; basics and methods of refractive surgery.

    Teaching method


    Practical application


    Final exam


    Cagnolati,W. & Berke,A. (2010). Kinderoptometrie. DOZ.

    Diepes, H. (2004). Refraktionsbestimmung (3. Ausg.). DOZ.

    Dietze,H. (2015). Die optometrische Untersuchung (2. Ausg.). Thieme.

    Hornig, M., & Harms, K.-R. (2011). Die Praxis der Skiaskopie. DOZ .

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Basics of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Paediatrics
    6 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Basics of Psychology and Soziology | ILV

    Basics of Psychology and Soziology | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Health and illness (approaches of health and medical sociology); basic aspects of sociology, (e.g. individual and society, image of man, values and norms, socialisation, interculturality); role(s) of orthoptist and patient in the social context.

    Basics and definitions of psychology; dealing with emotions (e.g. when reflecting on work processes, frustration tolerance); areas of application of clinical psychology (e.g. psychosomatics, pain and chronic illnesses, stress management, anxiety disorders, depression); dealing with difficult situations (e.g. burn-out, mobbing, conflicts); professional dealing with the elderly, demented, confused and disoriented people and the blind; personality development and social skills in everyday professional life;

    Selected areas of application

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion of application examples, group discussion, films


    Continuous assessment


    Davison ,G.C., Neale, J.M., Hautzinger M. (2007). Klinische Psychologie. Beltz.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Paediatrics | VO

    Paediatrics | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction and basic concepts; growth and development of the healthy child; physical examination of the child with consideration of the child's psyche; preventive medicine in pediatrics; common methods of examination in pediatrics (e.g., x-ray, ultrasound); common childhood diseases (e.g., infectious diseases, genetic changes, organ-specific diseases such as heart defects); multidisciplinary care/therapy concepts for the handicapped child; child maltreatment and abuse.

    Teaching method

    Lecture with seminar character


    Final exam


    Lang, G. K., Lang, G. E., & Esser, J. (2015). Kinderophthalmologie. Thieme.

    Koletzko,B. (2013). Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Springer.
    Kaiser, H.J., Flammer, J. (1999). Kinderophthalmologie: Auge und Allgemeinerkrankungen. Hans Huber.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Child Psychology  | VO

    Child Psychology  | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction to the field of child psychology and developmental psychology of childhood and adolescence; basic knowledge of psychological development according to life stages in childhood and adolescence. Knowledge of psychological, biological, social and cultural factors that promote or inhibit the developmental process - developmental delays and neuropsychological disorders, prevention, methods and practical examples.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion of application examples, group discussion, films


    Final exam


    Petermann, F. (2013). Lehrbuch der klinischen Kinderpsychologie. Hogrefe.

    Berk, L.E. (2019). Entwicklungspsychologie. Pearson.

    Ahnert, L. (2014). Theorien in der Entwicklungspsychologie. Springer.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Communication and Negotiation  | ILV

    Communication and Negotiation  | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Promotion of social communication skills; basic rules of communication and interaction; communication models (e.g. Schulz von Thun, Rogers, Watzlawick), non-verbal communication; conversation techniques: in the team, in conflicts, with patients; basics of moderation, feedback rules; self-reflection: comparison of self-image and external image in communication (iceberg model, Joharifenster);

    professionally relevant problems, information and counselling interviews; supervision and coaching.

    Teaching method

    Impulse lecture
    Group discussion
    Role plays
    POL (problem-based learning)


    Continuous assessment


    Schulz von Thun, F. (2019). Miteinander reden 1-4. Rowohlt.

    Kutscher, P.P., Seßler, H. (2017) Kommunikation - Erfolgsfaktor in der Medizin

    Teamführung, Patientengespräch, Networking & Selbstmarketing. Springer.

    Forster, A. (2017). Visite! Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe im interdisziplinären Team. Springer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Education Science | ILV

    Education Science | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basic pedagogical concepts: Education, upbringing and educational styles, didactics and methodology, pedagogical implication/aspects of orthoptic thinking and acting;

    Focus on curative education and inclusive education: special consideration of education for the visually impaired and blind,
    acceptance and coping strategies in the case of visual impairment and acquired blindness, reflection on prejudices and stigmatisation in dealing with disabled people.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, self-reflection


    Continuous assessment


    Glofke-Schulz, E.M. (2007). Löwin im Dschungel. Blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen zwischen Stigma und Selbstwerdung. Psychosozial.

    Biewer, G. (2017). Grundlagen der Heilpädagogik und Inklusiven Pädagogik. Utb.

    Gruber, H., Hammer, A. (2000). Ich sehe anders. Medizinische, psychologische und pädagogische Grundlagen der Blindheit und Sehbehinderung bei Kindern. edition bentheim.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Practical deepening 2
    1 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Placement 2 | PL

    Placement 2 | PL

    0 SWS   6 ECTS


    Implementation of theoretically and practically acquired knowledge in professional practice under professional guidance and supervision.

    Carrying out an extended orthoptic status according to the state of knowledge, derivation of the orthoptic diagnosis, preparation and implementation of the therapy plan, performance of relevant ophthalmological examination methods, documentation of the results.

    Formation of a professional relationship with patients and colleagues.

    Teaching method

    Guided practice


    Continuous assessment


    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Thömke, F. (2016). Augenbewegungsstörungen. Hippocampus.

    Diepes, H. (2004). Refraktionsbestimmung (3. Ausg.). DOZ.

    Hornig, M., & Harms, K.-R. (2011). Die Praxis der Skiaskopie. DOZ.

    Teaching language


    6 ECTS
    Guidance During Studies and Placement, Reflection 2  | ILV

    Guidance During Studies and Placement, Reflection 2  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Preparation for the internship, reflection on one's own abilities and experiences in the internship and studies; dealing with difficult situations (e.g. excessive demands, need for support); feedback, intervision, supervision; presentation of the internship reports.

    Teaching method

    Information, active participation, discussion, internship report, reflection discussions


    Continuous assessment: Assessment of case reports, analyzed case studies, presentation and practical report


    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Thömke, F. (2016). Augenbewegungsstörungen. Hippocampus.

    Diepes, H. (2004). Refraktionsbestimmung (3. Ausg.). DOZ.

    Hornig, M., & Harms, K.-R. (2011). Die Praxis der Skiaskopie. DOZ .

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module scientific work 1
    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Introduction to Scientific Work  | ILV

    Introduction to Scientific Work  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction to scientific work, research, concept development, outline scheme of scientific work

    Teaching method

    Lecture, work assignments, research, reading and evaluating scientific texts.


    Continuous assessment


    Brezina, H., & Grillenberger, A. (2008). Schritt für Schritt zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeit in Gesundheitsberufen (2. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Karmasin, M., & Ribing, R. (2016). Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (10. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Ritschl, V., Weigl, R., & Stamm, T. (2016). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Springer.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Module Practical deepening
    5 SWS
    10 ECTS
    Vocational Studies and Professional Ethics  | ILV

    Vocational Studies and Professional Ethics  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    History and development of the profession

    Legal foundations and regulations relevant to the profession (MTD Act, obligation to undergo further training, Health Professional Register Act)

    Medical and research ethics, professional ethics, prevention of corruption

    National and international professional associations

    Training and professional profile in international comparison

    Active error prevention in medicine with special consideration of orthoptics

    Current topics and professional political developments

    Introduction to Evidence based Practice and Assessments

    Introduction to the WHO Family of international Classification (ICD, ICF,...)


    Teaching method

    Lecture, case studies, group and individual work


    Continuous assessment


    Kleibel, V., & Mayer, H. (2011). Literaturrecherche für Gesundheitsberufe (2. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Mangold, S. (2013). Evidenzbasiertes Arbeiten in der Physio- und Ergotherapie (2. Ausg.). Springer.

    Ritschl, V.; Weigl, R.; & Stamm, T. (Hrsg.). (2016), Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Springer.

    BMASGK. (2019). ICD -10 BMGF 2020; Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme 10. Revision-BMGF 2020. Wien: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit.

    Bundeskanzkeramt. (23. November 2018 a). Gesundheitsberuferegister-Gesetz. Abgerufen am 23. November 2018 von

    Bundeskanzleramt. (27. November 2018 b). Gesundheitsqualitätsgesetz. Abgerufen am 27. November 2018 von Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes:

    Bundeskanzleramt Österreich. (2012). Die VerANTWORTung liegt bei mir: Verhaltenkodex zur Korruptionspärvention (2. Ausg.). Wien: Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Sektion III.

    DIMDI. (2005). Internationale Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit. (D. Deutsches Insitut für medizinische Dokumentation und Information, Hrsg.) Genf: Weltgesundeheitsorganisation WHO.

    mtd-austria. (2018). Ethische Richtlinien der MTD-Berufe. Abgerufen am 17. November 2018 von Ethische Richtlinien der MTD-Berufe:

    Schönborn, E. (2020). Korruption im Gesundheitswesen. Strafrechtiliche Beurteilung korruptiven Verhaltens im Medizinsektor. Wien: Linde.

    WHO. (2018). ICHI International Classification of Health Interventions. Abgerufen am 29. Oktober 2018 von World Health Organisation :

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Special Communication | ILV

    Special Communication | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basic knowledge of Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS), meaning of gestures, facial expressions and body expressions in ÖGS, exercises on finger alphabet, incorporators and classifiers.

    Technique of "sighted guide" (sighted guide technique), accompanying and guiding highly visually impaired and blind people including special communication.

    Reasons for communication problems with people with dementia. Verbal and non-verbal communication possibilities with demented people.

    The rules of "easy language".

    Teaching method

    Lecture, practical exercises, role plays, simulation


    Continuous assessment: Application of the learned different ways of communication


    Haberstroh, J., Neumeyer, K., & Pantel, J. (2016). Kommunikation bei Demenz: Ein Ratgaber für Angehörige und Pflegende. Springer.

    Jacobi, P. (2021). Barrierefreie Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. Springer.

    Maritzen, A., & Kamps, N. (2016). Rehabilitation bei Sehbehinderung und Blindheit. Springer.

    Österreichischer Gehörlosenbund. Grundvokabular der österreichischen Gebärdensprache.

    Österreichischer Gehörlosenbund. Medizinisches Handbuch österreichischer Gebärdensprache.

    Resch, R., & Sprung, P. (2017). Sehende Begleitung: Blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen professionell unterstützen. orthoptik austria.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Orthoptic Case Studies 1 | ILV

    Orthoptic Case Studies 1 | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Using case studies or problems, demonstrate, interpret and argue steps in the orthoptic process; draw clinical conclusions; derive orthoptic diagnosis and develop appropriate treatment plan.

    Teaching method

    Information, active participation, discussion, case description in a national and international context


    Continuous assessment



    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L., Lieb, B., Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby.


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Placement 3 | PL

    Placement 3 | PL

    0 SWS   5 ECTS


    Implementation of theoretically and practically acquired knowledge in professional practice under guidance and supervision.

    Carrying out an extended orthoptic status in accordance with the state of knowledge, drawing up and implementing a therapy plan, carrying out relevant ophthalmological examination methods, documenting the results.

    Working in a multiprofessional and interprofessional team.

    Professional Reasoning

    Teaching method

    Guided practice


    Continuous assessment


    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L., Lieb, B., Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby.

    Teaching language


    5 ECTS
    Guidance During Studies and Placement, Reflection 3 | ILV

    Guidance During Studies and Placement, Reflection 3 | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Preparation for the internship, deepening of relevant topics and questions, discussion of the tasks for the internship, exchange about the course of the internship and feedback, dealing with difficult situations, communication aspects in the professional field, presentation and analysis of patient documentation and discussion, reflection on one's own professional-methodical as well as social-communicative skills, experiences and knowledge.

    Teaching method

    Information, active participation, discussion, case description


    Continuous assessment: Assessment of case reports, analyzed case studies, presentation and practical report


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L., Lieb, B., Paul, C. (2002). Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Special Fields in Orthoptics
    4.5 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Digital Health Literacy | ILV

    Digital Health Literacy | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Health apps, Internet of Things, health sites, quality and risk, health data protection and security, role of Google and social media in relation to health.

    Teaching method

    Lecture with activating methods, work assignments, individual and group work


    Continuous assessment


    Trill, R. (2018). Praxisbuch eHealth: Von der Idee zur Umsetzung. W. Kohlhammer.

    Jorzig, A., Serangi, F. (2020) Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen: Ein kompakter Streifzug durch Recht, Technik und Ethik. Springer.


    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Prevention and Health Promotion, Occupational Health/VDU Work | ILV

    Prevention and Health Promotion, Occupational Health/VDU Work | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basics of prevention and health promotion; orthoptic processes in the context of prevention and health promotion (e.g. with regard to different stages of life and disorders of monocular and binocular vision);

    basics of occupational medicine; special features of VDU work: ergonomics at the (VDU) workplace, workplace assessment, prevention of diseases, VDU glasses, VDU activity and complaints (e.g. asthenopia);

    measures to promote development and maintain health; advice and education; legal basis, relevant regulations.

    Design of the own orthoptic workplace

    Teaching method

    Power Point presentations, case studies, information, discussion, self-awareness


    Continuous assessment



    Steffen, H., Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002). Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell.

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby.

    Österreichische Akademie für Arbeitsmedizin und Prävention (Hrsg.). (2021). Basiswissen Arbeitsmedizin. AAMP.


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Strabismus surgery | ILV

    Strabismus surgery | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Surgical therapy, indication and contraindication of eye muscle surgery and surgical methods for different forms of strabismus as well as for nystagmus. Different international views and approaches.

    Teaching method

    Power Point presentations, case studies, information, discussion


    Final exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme.

    Ludwig, I.H. (2021). Strabismus Surgery: Innovative and Classic Approaches. Thieme.

    Lambert, S. R. und Hutchinson, A. K. (2012), „Strabismus surgery“, in Spaeth, G., Danesh-Meyer, H.V., Goldberg, I. und Kampik, A. (Hg.), Ophthalmic surgery: Principles and practice, 4., revised ed., Elsevier Saunders, Edinburgh.

    Wright, K. W. (2015), Color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery: Strategies and Techniques, 4th ed., Springer New York, New York, NY.

    Bradbury, J. A. und Pilling, R. F. (2016), „Strabismus surgery complications and how to avoid them“, in Lambert, S. R. (Hg.), Taylor and Hoyt's Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 5th ed., Elsevier Health Sciences UK, Philadelphia, S. 913–920.

    Coats, D. K. (2007), Strabismus Surgery and its Complications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

    Lambert, S. R. und Hutchinson, A. K. (2012), „Strabismus surgery“, in Spaeth, G., Danesh-Meyer, H.V., Goldberg, I. und Kampik, A. (Hg.), Ophthalmic surgery: Principles and practice, 4., revised ed., Elsevier Saunders, Edinburgh.

    Rosenbaum, A. L. und Santiago, A. P. (Hg.) (1999), Clinical strabismus management: Principles and surgical techniques, Saunders, Philadelphia, Pa.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Special Fields in Orthoptics | ILV

    Special Fields in Orthoptics | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Geriatrics, gerontology, dementia, vision in old age, gender and diversity, special features of orthoptic status in the elderly;

    Visual requirements of different sports as a new field of activity for orthoptists, orthoptic training of different visual functions to improve athletic performance, computer-based testing and training programs;

    New developments in the profession


    Teaching method

    Lecture, case studies, simulation


    Continuous assessment


    Böhmer, F., Füsgen, I. (2008). Geriatrie. Böhlau.

    Köhler, U., Straub, W. (1989).  Handbuch der Gerontologie, Band 3 Augenheilkunde. Gustav Fischer.

    Hollweg, H. (2007). Sportoptik. DOZ

    Kanski, J. J.; Bowling, B. (2012). Klinische Ophthalmologie. Urban & Fischer.

    Kroll, P.; Küchle, M.; Küchle H.J. (2018). Augenärztliche Untersuchungsmethoden. Thieme.

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.


    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Visual
    6 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Low Vision Rehabilitation and Magnifying Visual Aids  | ILV

    Low Vision Rehabilitation and Magnifying Visual Aids  | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Introduction and definitions; meaning of disability (e.g. levels according to WHO); visual impairment (e.g. definitions, legal framework, causes, symptomatology, effects relevant to everyday life); low-vision diagnostics and rehabilitation; dealing with visually impaired people; coping aids (e.g. opportunities for visually impaired people for vocational and school integration, orientation and mobility training, practical life skills, replacement strategies, institutions, organisations, self-help groups); interface management;

    Magnifying vision aids: non-magnifying vision aids and aids; optical and electronic magnifying vision aids; fitting of magnifying vision aids (special anamnesis, examination procedure, selection, practical fitting, instruction, testing, prescription, documentation), counselling and education, recipient-oriented report of findings.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, videos, case studies, simulation, self-awareness


    Final exam


    Zihl, J., Priglinger, S. (2002). Sehstörungen bei Kindern, Diagnostik und Frühförderung. Springer.
    Gruber, H., Hammer A. (2000). Ich sehe anders. Medizinische, psychologische und pädagogische Grundlagen der Blindheit und Sehbehinderung bei Kindern. edition bentheim.

    Huismans, H. (1993). Vergrößernde Sehhilfen für Sehgeschädigte. Kaden.

    Schaufler, A. (2012). Low Vision. DOZ.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Neurorehabilitation | VO

    Neurorehabilitation | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction and definitions; occupationally relevant basics of neurorehabilitation, rehabilitation team and interdisciplinary cooperation, rehabilitation of specific neurological diseases (e.g. strokes, craniocerebral trauma);neuropsychological disorders (e.g. neuropsychological disorders (e.g. aphasia, apraxia, neglect, agnosia, amnesia, cognitive disorders), spatial perception disorders and basic knowledge of therapy from a neuropsychological perspective; occupationally relevant aspects in dealing with patients with disabilities, with communicative disorders, with neuropsychological, emotional and neuropsychiatric disorders.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case studies


    Final exam


    Frommelt, P., Grötzbach H. (1999). Neurorehabilitation, Grundlagen, Praxis, Dokumentation. Blackwell.
    Goldenberg, G. (2002). Neuropsychologie. Grundlagen, Klinik, Rehabilitation, 3.Aufl. Gustav Fischer.
    Kerkhoff, G. (2004). Neglect und assoziierte Störungen. Hogrefe.


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Orthoptic Rehabilitation for Central Vision Disorders | ILV

    Orthoptic Rehabilitation for Central Vision Disorders | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basics of neurovisual rehabilitation in disorders of visual acuity, contrast vision, adaptation, colour vision, fusion, accommodation, stereo vision; visually induced reading disorders; visual field defects, visual neglect; possibilities of recognition and differentiation between homonymous hemianopsia and neglect; disorders of visual spatial perception, disorders of complex visual performance (e.g. object, face perception); anamnesis, special methods of examination and treatment, instructions for therapy, information and counselling, documentation and preparation of reports on findings; preparation of case material. anamnesis, special examination and treatment methods, instructions for therapy, education and counselling, documentation and preparation of reports; preparation of therapy material; case discussions.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, films, case discussions


    Final exam


    Niedeggen, M., Jörgens, S. (2005). Visuelle Wahrnehmungsstörungen. Hogrefe.

    Karnath, H.O., Thier, P. (2012.). Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. Springer.

    Maritzen, A., Kamps, N. (2012). Rehabilitation bei Sehbehinderung und Blindheit. Springer.

    Frommelt, P., Grötzbach H. (1999). Neurorehabilitation, Grundlagen, Praxis, Dokumentation. Blackwell.
    Goldenberg, G. (2002). Neuropsychologie. Grundlagen, Klinik, Rehabilitation, 3.Aufl. Gustav Fischer.
    Kerkhoff, G. (2004). Neglect und assoziierte Störungen. Hogrefe.

    Huismans, H. (1993). Vergrößernde Sehhilfen für Sehgeschädigte. Kaden.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Visual Impairment and Support during Childhood | ILV

    Visual Impairment and Support during Childhood | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction and definitions; normal visual development and consequences of impaired visual development; special features in the general development of visually impaired and blind children; multiple handicapped children with visual impairment (e.g. problems of multiple handicap, altered communication between parents and child); tasks of the orthoptist in the context of diagnostics and therapy for children with impaired visual development (e.g. examination of visual qualities and visual functions, observation of visual behaviour, documentation, clarification, counselling, preparation of a receiver-oriented report of findings); essential tasks and concepts of visual early intervention; coping with visual impairment. (e.g. examination of visual qualities and visual functions, observation of visual behaviour, documentation, education and counselling, preparation of a receiver-oriented report of findings); essential tasks and concepts of early visual support; coping aids (e.g. organisations, institutions).

    Teaching method

    Lecture, films, case analyses


    Final exam


    Einführung und Begriffsbestimmungen; normale Sehentwicklung und Folgen einer gestörten Sehentwicklung; Besonderheiten in der allgemeinen Entwicklung von sehbehinderten und blinden Kindern; mehrfach behinderte Kinder mit Sehbehinderung (z. B. Problematik der Mehrfachbehinderung, veränderte Kommunikation zwischen Eltern und Kind); Aufgaben der Orthoptist*in bei Kindern mit gestörter Sehentwicklung (z. B. Überprüfung der Sehqualitäten und Sehfunktionen, Beobachtung des visuellen Verhaltens, Dokumentation, Aufklärung und Beratung, Erstellen eines empfängerinnen-/empfängerorientierten Befundberichtes); wesentliche Aufgaben und Konzepte der visuellen Frühförderung; Bewältigungshilfen (z. B. Organisationen, Institutionen)

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Visual Perceptive Disorders | ILV

    Visual Perceptive Disorders | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Different areas of perception and partial performance; dyslexia as a specific partial performance, perception and processing disorder; ocular reading disorder; orthoptic clarification diagnostics; ocular stress test (with special consideration of visual perception); therapeutic measures; visual application in case of partial performance disorder; interdisciplinary cooperation, coping aids (e.g. supporting institutions, organisations), counselling and education.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, case studies


    Continuous assessment


    Unterberger, L. (2015).Kindliche zerebrale Sehstörungen.Utz.

    Zihl, J., Mendius, K., Schuett, S., Priglinger, S.(2011). Sehstörungen bei Kindern. Springer.

    Karnath, O., Thier, P. (2006). Neuropsychologie. Springer.

    Das Kind mit Cerebralen Visuellen Informationsverarbeitungsstörungen CVI (BM für Bildung und Frauen 2015) 

    Kinderaugen & Lernen: Lernschwäche durch Fehlfunktionen der Augen
    Broschüre für Schulärztinnen und Schulärzte;


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module scientific work 1
    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Introduction to Statistics | ILV

    Introduction to Statistics | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Data collection, data preparation (coding), descriptive statistics (graphs, measures), formulation of hypotheses, application of bivariate hypothesis tests (inferential statistics), application of a statistical computing program, interpretation of results.

    Teaching method


    Individual, partner and group work


    Continuous assessment


    Bortz, J., Döring, N. (2013). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler (5. Aufl.). Springer.

    Finze, F.-R. Partzsch, l. (2017): Grundlagen der Statistik: Für Soziologen, Pädagogen, Psychologen und Mediziner (7. Aufl.). Europa-Lehrmittel.
    Friedrichs, J. (1990): Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung (14. Aufl.). Westdt. Verlag.

    Bortz, J., Schuster, C. (2016). Statistik für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler (7. Aufl.). Springer

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Theory, Practice and Methods in Scientific Work | ILV

    Theory, Practice and Methods in Scientific Work | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Criteria for scientific work; work steps (e.g. topic identification, problem formulation and research question, literature research); critical reading of scientific texts, scientific writing, qualitative and quantitative research methods; presentation of scientific work;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, work assignments, presentation


    Continuous assessment


    Brezina, H., & Grillenberger, A. (2008). Schritt für Schritt zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeit in Gesundheitsberufen (2. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Karmasin, M., & Ribing, R. (2012). Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (7. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Ritschl, V., Weigl, R., & Stamm, T. (2016). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Springer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module scientific work 2
    2.5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Introduction to Project Management | ILV

    Introduction to Project Management | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Project management basics;

    Pre-project phase, project assignment, project organization,

    team building, environment analysis(social skills, leadership)

    Methods project start (moderation);

    Methods project coordination, project controlling (feedback, reflection);

    Methods project marketing;

    Methods project crises, project conclusion, connection of the methods (conflict management, presentation methods);

    Presentations of the project ideas by the students, discussion of the elaborations of the projects.

    Teaching method

    Alternating plenary and group work. Elaboration of own examples and project plans, reflection, presentation.


    Continuous assessment


    Gareis, R. (2006). Happy Projects!. Manz.

    Patzak, G. , Rattay, G. (2009). Projektmanagement. Linde international.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Workshop Scientific Writing | SE

    Workshop Scientific Writing | SE

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    Initial information on writing a bachelor's thesis;

    Finding a topic and developing a relevant research question, conducting and documenting a literature search

    Analysis of a scientific text in relation to the research question and preparation of an excerpt

    Structure and content of a concept

    Writing an extended concept according to the requirements of a scientific text

    Teaching method

    Lecture, pair and group work, presentation, writing of an expanded concept


    Final exam: Note of the extended concept


    Brezina, H., & Grillenberger, A. (2008). Schritt für Schritt zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeit in Gesundheitsberufen (2. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Karmasin, M., & Ribing, R. (2016). Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (10. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Ritschl, V., Weigl, R., & Stamm, T. (2016). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Springer.


    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS

    Module Placement
    1 SWS
    24 ECTS
    Placement 4 | PL

    Placement 4 | PL

    0 SWS   23 ECTS


    Largely independent work under supervision and, if necessary, with guidance.

    Implementation and consolidation of theoretically and practically acquired knowledge and skills in professional practice.

    Performance of the entire orthoptic process in the compulsory areas of practical training.

    Applied evidence based practice and professional reasoning.

    Work in multi- and interprofessional teams

    Establishment of a professional relationship with patients and relatives.

    Teaching method

    Guided practice


    Continuous assessment: Module exam


    je nach Praxisstelle

    Teaching language


    23 ECTS
    Guidance During Studies and Placement, Reflection 4 | ILV

    Guidance During Studies and Placement, Reflection 4 | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Preparation for the internship, deepening of relevant topics and questions, discussion of the tasks for the internship, exchange about the course of the internship and feedback, dealing with difficult situations, communication aspects in the professional field, presentation and analysis of patient documentation and discussion, reflection on one's own professional-methodical as well as social-communicative skills, experiences and knowledge.

    Teaching method

    According to the level of knowledge independent work under instruction


    Continuous assessment: Assessment of case reports, analyzed case studies, presentation and practical report


    Je nach Praxisstelle

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Practical deepening 4
    4 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Coping strategies for challenging situations: Interprofessional and international contexts SE | SE

    Coping strategies for challenging situations: Interprofessional and international contexts SE | SE

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Profession, interprofessionality, multiprofessionality in an international context.

    Paradigms of the different professional groups involved in international comparison.

    Selected methods for coping with challenging situations.


    Analysis and processing of selected challenging situations from everyday therapeutic life (in interprofessional and international student teams).

    Teaching method

    presenting, elaborating, explorative


    in interprofessional and ingernational group settings


    Final exam


    Day, J. (2013). Interprofessionial working: An essential guide for health- and socialcare professionals (2. Aufl.). Cengange Learning.

    Kurtz, S., Sivlerman, J. & Draper, J. (2016). Teaching and Learning Cpmmunicaton Skills in Medicine. (2. Aufl.). CRC Press.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Interdisciplinary Teamwork | ILV

    Interdisciplinary Teamwork | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Aspects of interdisciplinarity and multiprofessionality in the professional field of orthoptists, interfaces with related professions (e.g. physicians, members of other medical-technical professions, opticians, optometrists); position and tasks of the orthoptist in the interdisciplinary team, special features and challenges within the orthoptic process.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group discussion, case analysis


    Continuous assessment


    Büscher, A., Alscher, D., Dielmann, G., Hopfeld, M., Höppner, H., Igl, G., . . . Satrapa-Schill, A. (2011). Kooperation der Gesundheitsberufe. Pflegepraxis(11), S. 654-656.

    Ewers, M. (2012). Interprofessionalität als Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Public Health Forum(77), S. 10.e1-10.e3.

    Forster, A. (2017). Visite! Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe im interdisziplinären Team. Springer.

    Frommelt, P., & Lösslein, H. (2010). Neuro-Rehabilitation. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer.

    Köckeis, C. (2008). Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit. Österreichische Pflegezeitschrift(06/07), S. 22-25.

    Mahler, C., Karstens, S., Roos, M., & Szencsenyi, J. (2012). Interprofessionelle Ausbildung für eine patientenzentrierte Versorgung der Zukunft. Science Direct(106), S. 523-532.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Orthoptic Case Studies 2 | ILV

    Orthoptic Case Studies 2 | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    Using case studies or problems, demonstrate, interpret and argue steps in the orthoptic process; draw clinical conclusions; derive orthoptic diagnosis and develop appropriate treatment plan.

    Teaching method

    Information, active participation, discussion, case description


    Final exam


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme

    Lang, J.(2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber

    Hettrich, L., Lieb, B., Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS

    Module Professional Management
    4.5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Self-employment and Business Fundamentals | ILV

    Self-employment and Business Fundamentals | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Freelance work as a variant of the possibilities of practising a profession: chances and limits; orthoptist/orthoptist as (freelance) entrepreneur; economic considerations, marketing, orthoptist and advertising; differentiation from opticians and other health professions; business management basics of freelancing

    Teaching method

    Lecture, literature study, case analysis, group work


    Continuous assessment


    Fenz, L. (2017). 3 Stufen zur Freiberuflichkeit. orthoptik austria.

    Kotler Ph., Keller, K.L., Bliemel F. (2017). Marketing Management – Strategien für wertschaffendes Handeln. (15.Ausg.). Pearson Studium.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Fundamentals of the Health Care System and Health Economics  | VO

    Fundamentals of the Health Care System and Health Economics  | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Health care in Austria (history, system, alternatives, weaknesses and strengths, outlook on the current health care reform);

    Fields of action and limitations of health policy between health, illness and infirmity;

    Health care providers between science and art (professional sociological considerations of the characteristics of "freelance work" and their effects on quality systems, the future of professions in medicine - opportunities and threats);

    Hospitals as expert organizations (basics of the hospital system, organizational-theoretical peculiarities of the interaction of health professionals and "laypersons");

    Incentive systems and financing in health care (history, basics, images of man - homo oeconomicus as an acceptable figure?, forms of financing (from fee for service to flat rates per case and per capita, national LKF system);

    The role of patients in the "health industry" (from object to co-producer; compliance, adherence, health literacy);

    Fundamentals of health economics (basics, cost-benefit evaluation models, problems of outcome and quality of life measurement [QALY, efficiency frontier model]);

    Teaching method

    Lecture elements, group discussion, case-study analysis


    Final exam


    Hofmarcher MM Gesundheitssysteme im Wandel: Österreich. Kopenhagen, WHO Regionalbüro für Europa im Auftrag des Europäischen Observatoriums für Gesundheitssysteme und Gesundheitspolitik, 2013

    WHO World Health Report 2000, Chapter 2 (free avaliable pdf file)

    Ahrens (2006): Gesundheitsökonomie und Public Health ; Busse, R (2006): Gesundheitsökonomie,  pdf-Version wird vorab übermittelt (=> (free avaliable pdf file)

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Quality Managment | VO

    Quality Managment | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Quality in health care (history, terms, definitions and national legal bases for hospitals and the extramural sector);

    Autonomy of the liberal professions and their understanding of quality (implicit vs. explicit understanding of quality);

    macro-, meso- and micro-level elements of quality (from access to the care system to anti-counterfeiting of medicines);

    Basics of patient safety systems (basics, reporting systems(CIRS, measures);

    The basic elements of quality assurance and management systems (self-assessment, external assessment, peers or "laypersons", good enough standards to search for excellence) and the fields of application of internationally used systems [ISO, EFQM, KTQ, JCI, A-IQI] in Austria, the tasks and roles of managers and staff);

    Teaching method

    Lecture elements, group discussions, case discussions.


    Final exam


    Rupp B, Skiptum (2009): Qualitätsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen (wird von Rupp als pdf-file zur Verfügung gestellt)

    Hensen, P. (2019). Qualitätsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen: Grundlagen für Studium und Praxis(2.Ausg.). Springer

    Leal, W. (2019). Qualitätsmanagement in der Gesundheitsversorgung. Springer

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Legal Basics for Health Care Professions  | VO

    Legal Basics for Health Care Professions  | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction and basic terms; data protection in the health care system (laws, regulations, practices, application), patients' rights; basics of civil and criminal law; medical law (e.g. structure of authorities, MTD Act, Medicines and Medical Devices Act; labour law (e.g. employment relationship, rights and duties, working hours, employee protection); social insurance law (social insurance institutions, financing, benefits); prevention of corruption, prohibition of commissions.

    Teaching method

    Lecture and study of the teaching aid


    Final exam


    Sladeček, E., Marzi, L.M., Meißl-Riedl, M. (2018). Recht für Gesundheitsberufe:Mit allen wichtigen Berufsgesetzen. LexisNexis ARD ORAC

    Krepler R., Hackl J., Marzi L.(2002): Recht im Krankenhausalltag. LexisNexis ARD Orac
    Schwamberger, H. (2006): MTD-Gesetz, Textausgabe mit Anmerkungen. Verlag Österreich

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Practical deepening 5
    4 SWS
    10 ECTS
    Orthoptic Case Studies 3 | ILV

    Orthoptic Case Studies 3 | ILV

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    To show, interpret and argue steps in the orthoptic process on the basis of case studies or problems; to draw clinical conclusions; to derive an orthoptic diagnosis and to draw up an appropriate therapy plan, to work out interdisciplinary aspects.

    Teaching method

    Information, active participation, discussion, case description and analysis


    Continuous assessment


    Steffen, H.; Kaufmann, H. (2020). Strabismus. Thieme

    Lang, J. (2003). Strabismus: Diagnostik, Schielformen, Therapie. Hans Huber

    Hettrich, L.; Lieb, B.; Paul, C. (2002): Indikationskatalog "Orthoptik". Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands.

    Rowe, F. J. (2012). Clinical Orthoptics. Wiley-blackwell

    Von Noorden, G. (1996). Binocular vision and ocular motility. Mosby

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Placement 5 | PL

    Placement 5 | PL

    0 SWS   3 ECTS


    Largely independent work on patients under supervision, guidance as required

    Deepening of the entire orthoptic process according to individual emphasis

    Teaching method

    Guided practice


    Continuous assessment


    je nach Praktikumsstelle

    Teaching language


    3 ECTS
    Refraction Determination 2 | ILV

    Refraction Determination 2 | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Building on the basics of refraction 1, refraction determination in selected ophthalmological clinical pictures, in systemic diseases (e.g. diabetes) as well as pregnancy.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case studies, practical exercises


    Continuous assessment


    Cagnolati,W. & Berke,A. (2010). Kinderoptometrie. DOZ.

    Diepes, H. (2004). Refraktionsbestimmung (3. Ausg.). DOZ.

    Dietze,H. (2015). Die optometrische Untersuchung (2. Ausg.). Thieme.

    Hornig, M., & Harms, K.-R. (2011). Die Praxis der Skiaskopie. DOZ .

    Kroll P., Küchle M., Küchle H.J. (Hrsg.) (2008). Augenärztliche Untersuchungsmethoden. Thieme

    Lachenmayr, B. u.a. (2005). Auge-Brille-Refraktion, Schober-Kurs: verstehen-lernen-anwenden. Thieme

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Guidance During Studies and Placement, Reflection 5 | ILV

    Guidance During Studies and Placement, Reflection 5 | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Preparation for the internship with a focus on the entire orthoptic process; deepening of relevant topics and questions, discussion of the tasks for the internship, exchange about the course of the internship and feedback, dealing with difficult situations, communication aspects in the professional field, presentation and analysis of patient documentation and discussion, final reflection on one's own professional-methodical as well as social-communicative skills, experiences and knowledge with regard to future professional practice.

    Teaching method

    Information, active participation, discussion, case description


    Continuous assessment: Assessment of case reports, analyzed case studies, presentation and practical report


    Je nach Schwerpunktsetzung

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module scientific work 3
    3 SWS
    10 ECTS
    Bachelor exam | AP

    Bachelor exam | AP

    0 SWS   1 ECTS

    Teaching method

    Independent preparation for the final exam


    Final exam: Commission examination:

    Presentation of the bachelor thesis;

    Examination discussion about the bachelor thesis and cross connections to relevant reference subject;

    Case analysis with cross-connections to the subjects of the curriculum.


    Teaching language


    1 ECTS
    Medical English 2 | ILV

    Medical English 2 | ILV

    2 SWS   3 ECTS


    Communication, medical vocabulary; reading, translating and excerpting English texts or studies; presentations; writing abstracts;

    Teaching method

    Discussion, role-playing, presentations, films, reading and writing about current medical issues.


    Continuous assessment


    IOA (2014). Strabismus Terminology. International Orthoptic Association.

    Gross, P., Baumgart, D.C. (2019). Sprachkurs Medical English. Thieme

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Seminar for Bachelor Paper | SE

    Seminar for Bachelor Paper | SE

    1 SWS   6 ECTS


    General conditions for the preparation of the Bachelor's thesis; objective, formal criteria and concept development, assistance with topic identification, problem formulation and formulation of the research question(s); exchange and clarification of questions; writing of the Bachelor's thesis.

    Teaching method

    Theoretical input, group work, peer feedback, individual supervision/counselling


    Final exam: Bachelor thesis 2


    Brezina, H., & Grillenberger, A. (2008). Schritt für Schritt zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeit in Gesundheitsberufen (2. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Karmasin, M., & Ribing, R. (2019). Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (10. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Ritschl, V., Weigl, R., & Stamm, T. (2016). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Springer.

    Kleibel, V., & Mayer, H. (2011). Literaturrecherche für Gesundheitsberufe (2. Ausg.). Facultas.

    Mayer, H., Raphaelis, S., Kobleder, A. (2021). Literaturreviews für Gesundheitsberufe: Recherchieren – Bewerten – Erstellen. Facultas

    American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7.Edition). American Psychological Association.


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Elective - Specialisation and Practice (5 ECTS of your choice)
    Module Elective: Contact Lens Adjustment - Specialization
    0.33 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Elective Placement: Contact Lens Adjustment | PL

    Elective Placement: Contact Lens Adjustment | PL

    0 SWS   3 ECTS


    Under guidance and supervision:

    Acquisition of practical knowledge and skills in the field of contact lens fitting (contact lens training, documentation and guidance in the handling and care of contact lenses) under guidance or supervision, cooperation in the multi-professional area.

    Teaching method

    Guided practice


    Continuous assessment


    Lachenmayr, B., Friedburg, D., Buser, A. (2016). Auge – Brille – Refraktion, Schober-Kurs: verstehen – lernen – anwenden. (5 Aufl.). Thieme.

    Roth, H.-W. (2002). Kontaktlinsenkomplikationen. Thieme

    Dahlmann, C. (2020). Sicca-Syndrom. Springer.


    Teaching language


    3 ECTS
    Elective: Contact Lens Adjustment - Specialization | ILV

    Elective: Contact Lens Adjustment - Specialization | ILV

    0.33 SWS   2 ECTS


    Building on the basics of the course "Basics of contact lens fitting", deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case analyses


    Final exam


    Lachenmayr, B., Friedburg, D., Buser, A. (2016). Auge – Brille – Refraktion, Schober-Kurs: verstehen – lernen – anwenden. (5 Aufl.). Thieme.

    Roth, H.-W. (2002). Kontaktlinsenkomplikationen. Thieme

    Dahlmann, C. (2020). Sicca-Syndrom. Springer.

    Teaching language


    0.33 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Elective: Low Vision Rehabilitation – Specialization
    0.33 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Elective Placement: Low Vision Rehabilitation | PL

    Elective Placement: Low Vision Rehabilitation | PL

    0 SWS   3 ECTS


    Carry out the orthoptic process in Low Vision Rehabilitation (fitting of visual aids, documentation of prescriptions and guidance in the handling of visual aids) under guidance and supervision.

    Collaboration in the multiprofessional area.

    Teaching method

    Guided internship


    Continuous assessment


    Gruber, H., Hammer, A. (Hrsg.) (2000). Ich sehe anders. Medizinische, psychologische und pädagogische Grundlagen der Blindheit und Sehbehinderung bei Kindern. edition bentheim.

    Maritzen, A., Kamps, N. (2013). Rehabilitation bei Sehbehinderung und Blindheit. Springer.

    Schaufler, A. (2013). Low Vision. (2.Aufl.). DOZ
    Huismans, H. (1993): Vergrößernde Sehhilfen für Sehgeschädigte. Kaden.

    Teaching language


    3 ECTS
    Elective: Low Vision Rehabilitation – Specialization | ILV

    Elective: Low Vision Rehabilitation – Specialization | ILV

    0.33 SWS   2 ECTS


    Building on the basics of the course "Low Vision Rehabilitation and Magnifying Visual Aids", deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case analyses


    Final exam


    Gruber, H., Hammer, A. (Hrsg.) (2000). Ich sehe anders. Medizinische, psychologische und pädagogische Grundlagen der Blindheit und Sehbehinderung bei Kindern. edition bentheim.

    Maritzen, A., Kamps, N. (2013). Rehabilitation bei Sehbehinderung und Blindheit. Springer.

    Schaufler, A. (2013). Low Vision. (2.Aufl.). DOZ
    Huismans, H. (1993): Vergrößernde Sehhilfen für Sehgeschädigte. Kaden.

    Teaching language


    0.33 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Elective: Orthoptic Rehabilitation for Central Vision Disorders – Specialization ILV
    0.33 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Elective Placement: Orthoptic Rehabilitation for Central Vision Disorders  | PL

    Elective Placement: Orthoptic Rehabilitation for Central Vision Disorders  | PL

    0 SWS   3 ECTS


    Under guidance and supervision:

    Carrying out the orthoptic process in orthoptic rehabilitation for central vision disorders;

    Collaboration in the multiprofessional field.

    Teaching method

    guided practice


    Continuous assessment


    Frommelt, P., Lösslein,H. (2010). Neurorehabilitation. (3.Aufl.). Springer.
    Goldenberg, G. (2016). Neuropsychologie: Grundlagen, Klinik, Rehabilitation. (5.Aufl.). Fischer.
    Kerkhoff, G. (2018): Neglect und assoziierte Störungen. Hogrefe.Neumann, G., Schaadt, A.K., Neu, J., Kerkhoff, G. (2015) Sehstörungen nach Hirnschädigung. Hogrefe

    Teaching language


    3 ECTS
    Elective: Orthoptic Rehabilitation for Central Vision Disorders  | ILV

    Elective: Orthoptic Rehabilitation for Central Vision Disorders  | ILV

    0.33 SWS   2 ECTS


    Building on the basics of the course "Neurorehabilitation" and "Orthoptic rehabilitation in central visual disorders", deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case studies, case analyses


    Continuous assessment


    Frommelt, P., Lösslein,H. (2010). Neurorehabilitation. (3.Aufl.). Springer.
    Goldenberg, G. (2016). Neuropsychologie: Grundlagen, Klinik, Rehabilitation. (5.Aufl.). Fischer.
    Kerkhoff, G. (2018): Neglect und assoziierte Störungen. Hogrefe.Neumann, G., Schaadt, A.K., Neu, J., Kerkhoff, G. (2015) Sehstörungen nach Hirnschädigung. Hogrefe

    Teaching language


    0.33 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Semester dates
    Winter semester: 30th August 2016 to 27th January 2017
    Summer semester: 13th February to 7th July 2017

    Number of teaching weeks
    18 per semester, including 28 weeks of work experience

    Mon. to Fri. all day (in exceptional cases also on Saturdays)

    In order to enable all students to gain the necessary practical experience and thus to complete their studies within the regular period of study, there may be practical learning phases during the summer months if required. Four vacation weeks in July or August are planned in any case. 

    After graduation

    As a graduate of this program, a wide range of occupational fields and career opportunities are open to you. Find out here where your path can take you.

    Orthoptists conduct examinations independently. This includes, for example, examining vision and binocular vision or assessing strabismus deviations and eye movements. Depending on the results, ophthalmologists may be involved in further treatment. In addition, orthoptists decide on therapeutic measures to compensate such disorders as double vision or perform orthoptic exercises and vision training with stroke patients. As a generalist, you have decided to provide routine eye care and are employed at ophthalmic practices or in hospitals. At the latest when people start to work intensively on computer screens, do many have their first contact with orthoptics. In your professional life you will detect and treat vision disorders, strabismus, amblyopia and eye movement disorders such as ocular palsies, nystagmus, or central vision disorders after trauma and illness. In any case, you will work autonomously under the order of a medical doctor and take care of everything eye related. Your area of responsibilities will include orthoptic diagnosis and therapy, visual rehabilitation, health promotion and prevention. Only with this degree program is it possible to practice the profession of orthoptist. The MTD Act is the basis for this degree program.

    You work primarily in ophthalmic routine care, but also as a specialist in specific areas, such as visual rehabilitation, occupational medicine or preventative checkups in kindergartens and schools. Increasingly more often, orthoptists are also active in teaching, science and research. Opportunities will be open for you in the following areas:

    • Clinics, hospitals

    • Outpatient clinics

    • Medical practices of specialists for ophthalmology and optometry

    • Rehabilitation facilities

      • Your own practice

      • University and non-university research institutions

      • Universities of applied sciences

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        Head of Degree Program

        Secretary's office

        Sabrina Morgret
        Ágnes Olah, BSc

        Favoritenstraße 226, D.3.35
        1100 Vienna
        +43 1 606 68 77-4600
        +43 1 606 68 77-4609

        Map main campus Favoriten (Google Maps)

        Office hours during the semester
        Mon to Fri, 8.00 a.m.-12.00 p.m.


        Networking with graduates and organizations

        We work closely with the Vienna Healthcare Group, universities like the Medical University of Vienna, the professional association Orthoptics Austria and other health care facilities. This guarantees you strong contacts for internships, employment or participation in research and development activities. You will complete the extensive internships at, among others, the hospitals of the Vienna Healthcare Group. You can find information about our cooperation activities and much more at Campusnetzwerk. It's well worth visiting the site as it may direct you to a new job or interesting event held by our cooperation partners!


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