Academic Expert Program

Psychiatric Health Care and Nursing



Psychiatric Health Care and Nursing

At a glance

The academic expert program Psychiatric Health Care and Nursing enables nurses in the higher service to provide nursing care to neurologically, psychologically and mentally impaired people of all ages and in different life situations. In addition to their understanding of their professional role and their own mental hygiene, graduates reflect on closeness and distance and are thus able to differentiate themselves in the professional setting of psychiatric health and nursing care. They also contribute to the destigmatization of psychiatric illness in society, both on an individual and societal level. All nurses in the higher service for health care and nursing who work in the specialist area of psychiatric health care and nursing or aspire to do so must complete this specialization in accordance with GuKG §17. In addition, this study program in continuing education offers the opportunity to expand and substantiate nursing science knowledge with reference to the special field of psychiatric health care and nursing.

Study program in continuing education in cooperation with the Wiener Gesundheitsverbund

Applied Nursing Science
Quality of life


  • Participation of part-time employees with 30 hours per week possible

  • Using the recovery approach to address mental illness through enablement and empowerment

  • Part-time study

  • Our study programs in continuing education comply with the guidelines of the trademark Österreichischer Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeverband Pflegefortbildungspunkte (ÖGKV PFP®), which was launched in 2019 by the Austrian Healthcare and Nursing Association (ÖGKV) to support the selection of continuing education for certified healthcare and nursing staff (DGKP).



    Final degree

    Akademische*r Expert*in psychiatrischer Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege

    Duration of course
    3 Semesters
    Organisational form


    € 10.033,92 exkl. USt.1

    + ÖH Beitrag

    75 ECTS
    Language of instruction

    Application Wintersemester 2025/26

    01. January 2025 - 30. May 2025

    Study places



    FH Campus Wien

    1Für Mitarbeiter*innen des WIGEV: Absolvierung im Dienstverhältnis des WIGEV, Kostenübernahme der entsendenden Dienststelle erforderlich. Nach Maßgabe freier Plätze können Mitarbeiter*innen externer Träger oder Selbstzahler*innen aufgenommen werden. Alle Details zum Studienbeitrag in der allgemeinen Beitragsordnung.
    2Die Gesamtanzahl von 75 ETS verteilt sich auf Fachtheorie – 42 ECTS und Berufspraktikum – 33 ECTS. Das Berufspraktikum wird von/m Teilnehmer*in selbst organisiert. Ein beurteiltes, fachspezifisches Praktikum im Ausmaß von 200 Stunden kann angerechnet werden.

    Before the studies

    Why you should study with us

    360° practical training

    You will be learning in real-life situations right from the start: either with our cooperation partners or in our well-equipped functional rooms.

    Research in applied nursing

    You will gain experience and learn from others in interdisciplinary research projects.

    Study with a future

    Continue your basic education with unique continuing education opportunities for new career fields.

    Relevant admission requirement

    For admission you need 

    • a completed Bachelor's degree with a professional authorization for health care and nursing or
    • a diploma for the higher service for health care and nursing.

    In case of submitting a diploma you will also need either

    • a general university entrance qualification, proven by a
      • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
      • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
      • equivalent foreign certificate
    • or relevant additional examinations in English B2 and German B2
      • the assignment from the diploma program is recognized as equivalent for the additional examination in German. In this case, this must be submitted to the head of the study program.

    If you would like to complete the training in an employment relationship, the coverage of costs by your employer is a prerequisite for participation. Self-payers should upload their own statement of self-payer status during the application process instead of the confirmation from their employer.

    Language requirements for admission

    The required language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is at least

    • German - level B2 and
    • English - level B2

    Legalization of foreign documents

    Applicants may require legalization of documents from countries other than Austria in order for them to have the evidential value of domestic public documents. Information on the required legalizations can be found here in PDF format.

    Translation of your documents

    For documents that are neither in German nor English, a translation by a sworn and court-certified interpreter is required. Your original documents should have all the necessary legalization stamps before translation so that the stamps are also translated. The translation must be firmly attached to the original document or a legalized copy.

    Online application - uploading documents

    As part of your online application, upload scans of your original documents including all required legalization stamps. For documents not issued in German or English, scans of the corresponding translations must also be uploaded. The head of the study program decides on the equivalence of international (higher) education qualifications. Therefore, your documents can only be checked as part of the ongoing application process.

    Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the application phase has not yet started.

    Documents for your online application

    1. Proof of identity
      • passport or
      • identity card or
      • Austrian driving license (proof of citizenship required) or
      • residence permit (proof of citizenship required)
    2. Proof of change of name, if applicable (e.g. marriage certificate)
    3. Proof of fulfillment of the relevant admission requirement
      • Bachelor's degree certificate or
      • diploma incl. detailed certificates and
        • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
        • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
        • equivalent foreign certificate or
        • proof of successful completion of the additional examinations in English B1 and German B2 (or German assignment)
    4. Proof of German level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following apply as proof:
      • secondary school leaving certificate from a German-language school
      • completion of at least three years of studies in German
      • supplementary examination pre-study course - German B2
      • German certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g:
        • Austrian German Language Diploma: ÖSD Certificate B2
        • Goethe Institute: Goethe Certificate B2
        • telc: German B2
        • German language test for university admission for foreign applicants: DSH-2
        • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany: DSD II
        • Test of German as a foreign language (Test DaF): Level TDN 4 in all parts
        • Language Center of the University of Vienna: Course and successfully passed exam at level B2
        • Proof of a higher language level is also valid.
    5. Proof of English language proficiency of at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required. The following applies as proof:
      • secondary school leaving certificate with successfully passed secondary school leaving examination in English (level B2 must be evident)
      • secondary school leaving certificate from an English-speaking school
      • university entrance qualification certificate from an Austrian university with a successfully passed examination in the subject English
      • Transcript of Records/Diploma Supplement from a recognized post-secondary educational institution with proof of successfully completed English-language courses amounting to at least 6 ECTS credits or 150 hours
      • IB Diploma according to the regulations of the International Baccalaureate Organization with English as a school subject
      • supplementary examination pre-study course - English B2
      • English certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g.:
        • FH Campus Wien: Oxford Test of English Level B2 (score range = 111-140)
        • TOEFL: 72-94 points
        • IELTS Academic: Overall Band Score = 5.5-6.5
        • Cambridge: Overall score level B2 (minimum scale score = 160 in B2 First (FCE) or C1 Advanced (Certificate in Advanced English CAE))
        • proof of language competence from a university language center at level B2
      • Proof of a higher language level is also valid.
    6. Curriculum vitae in tabular form in German
    7. Letter of motivation in German
    8. Proof of registration in the register for professionals, if applicable
    9. Letter on the coverage of costs from the nursing management
    10. Legalizations and translations, if applicable (see tab “Foreign documents and degrees”)

    Your application is valid once you have completely uploaded the required documents. If you do not have all the documents at the time of your online application, please submit them to the secretary's office by email as soon as you receive them.

    After completing your online application, you will receive an email confirmation with information on the next steps.

    After submitting all the necessary documents, the admission procedure includes an admission interview in which we want to find out more about your career motives, objectives and personality.

    Before the start of the first semester, you have the opportunity to catch up on knowledge from the areas of nursing science and research as part of a preparatory course in order to fulfill the admission requirements for the degree program or to simply refresh your knowledge.

    To the preparatory course (in German)

    During the studies

    You are interested in deepening your nursing expertise with scientific skills in the specialized field of psychiatric health care and nursing with a special focus on the recovery model. In addition, your goal is to sharpen your role in the interdisciplinary team as part of the nursing process and become an expert in psychiatric health care and nursing. Furthermore, you want to become an expert in professional communication and relationship management, recognize crises at an early stage and help prevent psychiatric illness. You see it as your task to support families in influencing health-related decision-making processes in a self-determined way. It is also important to you to contribute to destigmatizing mental illness.

    All lecturers have many years of experience in structures relevant to the profession and proven expertise and recognition in the specialized professional field of psychiatric health care and nursing. They are also characterized by a high level of formal, scientific and nursing pedagogical skills. As a participant in the study program in continuing education, you will acquire all the necessary skills in acute crisis management and de-escalation. With the support of our lecturers and their many years of professional expertise, we give you the opportunity to expand your professional opportunities in an extremely important area of the care sector with the prospect of a degree that can be followed up, such as Master's degree programs or the psychotherapeutic preparatory course.

    • You will learn to implement the care process for neurologically and mentally ill people of all ages and to critically reflect on it with reference to nursing science findings. 
    • You will learn to apply your knowledge of nursing science to the professional field of psychiatric health care and nursing.
    • You will learn to reflect on your role in an inter- and multi-professional team against the background of an ethical and moral attitude.
    • You will advise, train and guide people of all ages and their relatives in everyday, crisis and transition situations. 
    • You will learn how to promote the health skills of people with psychiatric illnesses and their relatives on an individual, systemic, institutional and social level.


    Module Principles of psychosocial health in professional practice
    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Psychiatry and society | ILV

    Psychiatry and society | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Historical development in the care and support of mentally ill people and its impact on today's conditions, lessons from history
    • Normal vs. abnormal
    • Self-assessment vs. external assessment
    • Experiences with mental illness (in oneself, in the family, in the environment, in society)
    • Society's treatment of people with mental illness, problem of stigma, stigma prevention
    • Representation of people with mental illness in film, television, social media and press

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, work assignments with feedback, group exercises


    Final exam: Individual examination, presentation


    • Armbruster, J., Dieterich, A., Hahn, D. & Ratzke, K. (Hrsg.) (2015). 40 Jahre Psychiatrie-Enquete. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Brückner, B. (2014). Geschichte der Psychiatrie (2. Aufl.). Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Dörner, K., Plog, U., Bock, T., Brieger, P., Heinz, A. & Wendt, F. (2019). Irren ist menschlich - Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (25. Aufl.). Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Finzen, A. (2013). Stigma psychische Krankheit - Zum Umgang mit Vorurteilen, Schuldzuweisungen und Diskriminierungen. Köln:  Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Finzen, A. (2018). Normalität - Die ungezähmte Kategorie in Psychiatrie und Gesellschaft. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Hammer, M. & Plößl, I. (2019). Irre verständlich - Menschen mit psychischer Erkrankung wirksam unterstützen. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Hinshaw, S. P. (2019). Eine andere Art von Wahnsinn - Vom langen Schweigen und Hoffen einer Familie (2. Aufl.). Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Schädle-Deininger, H. (2020). Grundlagen psychiatrischer Pflege (3. Aufl.). Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Schädle-Deininger, H. (2021). Der Geschichte eine Zukunft geben - Psychiatrische Pflege 1960 bis 1990; Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Schoßmaier, G. (2019). Psychosoziale Pflege Grundlagen – Modelle – Interventionen. Wien: Facultas.
    • Wielant, M. (2013). Migration, Kultur und psychische Gesundheit – Dem Fremden begegnen. Kohlhammer Verlag; 2013

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Concepts on the development of mental illnesses  | ILV

    Concepts on the development of mental illnesses  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Self-concept vs. other-concept,
    • explanatory approaches to the development of mental illness (medical-biological-chemical approaches, psychological approaches, spiritual-religious approaches, cultural approaches, approaches from neurobiology, stress-adaptation model)
    • The Bio-Psycho-Social Model as an aid to understanding mental illness
    • Development and disturbance of one's own personal identity (e.g. feelings, needs, expectations, values)
    • Concept of self-efficacy, self-worth and self-concept of positive psychology
    • Medical classification systems (ICD 11, DSM5)

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, work assignments with feedback, group exercises


    Continuous assessment: Immanent performance review


    • Baker, P., Buchanan-Barker, P., Herrmann, M. (2020). Das Gezeiten- Modell: der Kompass für recovery-orientierte, psychiatrische Pflege. Bern: Hogrefe.
    • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman. 
    • Frey, D. (2016). Psychologie der Werte - Von Achtsamkeit bis Zivilcourage – Basiswissen aus Psychologie und Philosophie. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Leiß, O. (2020). Konzepte und Modelle integrierter Medizin: Zur Aktualität Thure von Uexkülls (1908-2004) (Medical Humanities, Bd. 8). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
    • Rogers, C. R. (2018). Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit: Psychotherapie aus der Sicht eines Therapeuten (Konzepte der Humanwissenschaften) (22. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
    • Roth, G. & Heinz, A. (2020). Psychoneurowissenschaften. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Schoßmaier, G. (2019). Psychosoziale Pflege: Grundlagen – Modelle – Interventionen. Wien: Facultas.
    • Toth, G. & Stüber, N. (2018). Wie das Gehirn die Seele mach. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Handling and support of mentally ill people including culturally sensitive models | ILV

    Handling and support of mentally ill people including culturally sensitive models | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Self-perception and perception of others, transference - counter-transference, own share in the encounter
    • Allowing idiosyncrasies while weighing up care vs. autonomy
    • Appreciation as a basic attitude
    • Importance of closeness and distance in the encounter with people with mental impairments
    • Resource orientation as a basic professional attitude
    • Impact of different cultural aspects on the process of shaping relationships in the encounter with people with mental illnesses
    • Religion, spirituality, spiritual distress
    • Ethnocentrism and cultural expectations in relation to mental illness
    • Ethnopharmacology
    • culturally sensitive care
    • Culture-Bound Syndromes
    • Selected Cultural Implications of Psychotropic Agents
    • Migration
    • Social environment, family, friends and peer groups

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, work assignments with feedback, group exercises


    Final exam


    • Knuf, A. (2020). Recovery und Empowerment. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Mönter, N. (Hrsg.) (2020). Religionssensible Psychotherapie und Psychiatrie: Basiswissen und Praxis-Erfahrungen. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
    • Lo Faso, M., Amrein, N. (2021). Manuela Grieser: Genesungsprozesse ganzheitlich begleiten - Professionelle Unterstützung zur Selbsthilfe. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Schneck, U. (2017). Psychosoziale Beratung und therapeutische Begleitung von traumatisierten Flüchtlingen. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Wielant, M. (2013). Migration, Kultur und psychische Gesundheit – Dem Fremden begegnen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    • Zinkler; M., Mahlke, C. & Marschner, R. (Hrsg.) (2019). Selbstbestimmung und Solidarität - Unterstützte Entscheidungsfindung in der psychiatrischen Praxis. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Person-centered models | ILV

    Person-centered models | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Basics of person-centered work according to Carl Rogers
    • Psychodynamic care based on the nursing model of Hildegard Peplau
    • Congruent relationship care according to Rüdiger Bauer
    • Basics of the tidal model by Phil Barker and Poppy Buchanan-Barker
    • Nonviolent communication (GFK) according to Marshall Rosenberg as an essential instrument for the communicative implementation of person-centered care activities
    • Self-empathy and authentic expression of I-messages
    • Self-reflection - one's own part in the encounter with the "Other
    • Empathy in the sense of GFK towards other people - translating judgements/assessments into feelings and needs
    • acting as an advocate in the context of the treatment, care and support process on the basis of ethical reflection and understanding of mental illness, safeguarding the interests of people with mental impairments

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, case studies, role plays, self-reflection exercises, small group work, partner exercises


    Continuous assessment


    • Barker, P. & Buchanan-Barker, P. (2020). Das Gezeitenmodell; Der Kompass für eine recovery-orientierte psychiatrische Pflege (2. überab. U. erw. Aufl.). Bern: Hogrefe.
    • Bauer, R. (2018). Beziehungspflege: Kongruente Beziehungsarbeit für Pflege-, Sozial- und Gesundheitsberufe (3. Vollst. Überarb. u. erw. Aufl.). Bern: Hogrefe.
    • Geiger, S. & Baumgartner, S. (Hrsg.) (2015). Empathie als Schlüssel: Gewaltfreie Kommunikation in psychologischen Berufen. Anwendung in Psychotherapie, Beratung und im sozialen Bereich. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz.
    • Holler, I. (2016). Trainingsbuch Gewaltfreie Kommunikation: Abwechslungsreiche Übungen für Selbststudium und Seminare. Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Peplau H. (1995). Interpersonale Beziehungen in der Pflege: Ein konzeptueller Bezugsrahmen für eine psychodynamische Pflege. Kassel: Recom.
    • Rosenberg M. (2016). Gewaltfreie Kommunikation: Eine Sprache des Lebens. Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Saers, M. (2012). Gewaltfreie Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen: Eine Kultur des Mitgefühls schaffen. Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Weinberger, S. (2013). Klientenzentrierte Gesprächsführung: Lern- und Praxisanleitung für psychosoziale Berufe (14. Überarb. Aufl.).  Weinheim und Basel: Beltz-Juventa.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Applied Nursing Science
    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Scientific work  | ILV

    Scientific work  | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Criteria for scientific work
    • Correct citation according to the guidelines of the Department of Applied Nursing Science
    • Topic identification and concretization
    • Literature research and procurement
    • Structure of scientific publications with the EMED format and research process
    • Standardized evaluation tools for the quality of scientific publications
    • Planning of a scientific paper and preparation of an exposé

    Teaching method

    Mainly activating methods


    Module exam


    • Eco, U. (2010). Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibt. Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (13th ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.
    • Döring, N. & Bortz, J. (2016). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften (5th ed.). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 
    • Kleibel, V. & Mayer, H. (2011). Literaturrecherche für Gesundheitsberufe (2nd ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.
    • Mayer, H. (2019). Pflegeforschung anwenden: Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (5th ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.
    • Panfil, E.-M. (2017). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Pflege. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Pflegende (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Quantitative methods und statistics | ILV

    Quantitative methods und statistics | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Basics of quantitative research and planning of research projects
    • Quality criteria of quantitative research
    • Concepts of sample selection
    • Basics of questionnaire construction
    • Overview of quantitative research designs in nursing science (experimental designs such as RCT or quasi-experiment; non-experimental designs such as correlation studies or meta-analyses)
    • Basics of descriptive statistics (statistical parameters and measures of dispersion)
    • Basics of inferential statistics (significance, correlation, hypothesis testing, frequency and cross-tabulations)
    • Introduction to software programs for quantitative data analysis (SPSS® and Microsoft® Exel®)
    • Research ethics


    Teaching method

    Mainly activating methods


    Module exam


    • Döring, N. & Bortz, J. (2016). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften (5th ed.). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 
    • LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J. (2005). Pflegeforschung. Methoden, Bewertung, Anwendung (2nd ed.). München: Urban & Fischer
    • Mayer, H. (2019). Pflegeforschung anwenden: Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (5th ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Qualitative methods | ILV

    Qualitative methods | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Basics of qualitative research
    • Quality criteria of qualitative research
    • Overview of qualitative research methods in nursing science (focus groups, narrative interview, episodic interview, observation)
    • Overview of selected qualitative evaluation methods in nursing science (grounded theory, content analysis, topic analysis)
    • Exemplary evaluation of interview excerpts with content analysis methods
    • Presentation of software programs for qualitative data analysis (MAXQDA®, ATLAS.ti®)
    • Planning and procedure of the qualitative research process
    • Research ethics


    Teaching method

    Mainly activating methods


    Module exam


    • Döring, N. & Bortz, J. (2016). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften (5th ed.). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 
    • LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J. (2005). Pflegeforschung. Methoden, Bewertung, Anwendung (2nd ed.). München: Urban & Fischer
    • Mayer, H. (2019). Pflegeforschung anwenden: Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (5th ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Related fields of study 1
    5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Medicine 1 | VO

    Medicine 1 | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS




    • Vulnerability-stress model in the development of psychopathology
    • psychiatric diagnostics and treatment options
    • psychopathology status: consciousness, ego disorders, orientation, thinking and formal thought disorders, delusion, hallucination/illusion, affectivity and affectability
    • Psychotropic drugs and areas of application, effects - undesirable effects

    Diagnosis and therapy of disorders mainly of early to middle adulthood:

    • F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders (e.g., paranoid schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia).
    • F30-F39 Affective disorders (e.g., bipolar affective disorder, recurrent depressive disorder)
    • F40-F48 Neurotic, stress, and somatoform disorders (e.g., phobic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder)
    • F60-F69 Personality and behavior disorders (e.g., emotionally unstable personality disorder, gender identity disorder)
    • F10-F19 Psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances (e.g. dependence syndromes, acute intoxications, withdrawal syndromes)

    Tasks of psychiatry in the "person with disabilities" setting

    • Definition and symptoms of hereditary metabolic disorders, developmental brain disorders, chromosomal disorders and exogenous damage, as well as therapeutic and preventive options.

    Tasks of psychiatry in the setting "Forensic psychiatry


    Teaching method

    Lectures/lectures, group discussions, group work, case studies


    Final exam


    • Aigner, M., Paulitsch, K., Berg, D. & , Lenz, G. (2020). Psychopathologie: Anleitung zur psychiatrischen Exploration (2. vollst. überarb. U. ergänzte Aufl.). Wien: Facultas.
    • Dietmaier, O.,  Schmidt S. & Laux, G. (2020). Pflegewissen Psychopharmaka. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Mattle, H. & Fischer, U. (2021). Kurzlehrbuch Neurologie (5. Überarb. Aufl.). Berlin: Thieme.
    • Paulitsch, K. & Karwautz, A. (2019). Grundlagen der Psychiatrie (2. aktual. u. überarb. Aufl.). Wien: Facultas.
    • Zettl , U. K & Sieb, J. P. (Hrsg.) (2020). Diagnostik und Therapie neurologischer Erkrankungen: State oft the Art 2021 (3. Aufl.). Jena und München: Elsevier Urban u. Fischer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Pschology, paedagogics, sociology 1 | VO

    Pschology, paedagogics, sociology 1 | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Neurobiological, neuropsychological foundations of human development,
    • development of the individual and the importance of interpersonal relationships
    • Influences of digitalization on the cognitive, emotional and social development of people
    • Learning processes in the brain and the influence of relationships on learning
    • Loneliness - a major factor in psychological suffering, search for social connection
    • Experiencing and experiencing illness up to crisis and trauma
    • Suicide as an extreme form of a crisis, models of the phasic course, recognition, prevention, correct action
    • Psychodynamics, social factors and traumatisation as causes of depressive disorders
    • Treatment concepts for crisis and trauma
    • Treatment concepts for affective disorders
    • Treatment concepts for schizophrenic disorders


    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions


    Continuous assessment


    • Bauer, J. (2016). Warum ich fühle, was du fühlst: Intuitive Kommunikation und das Geheimnis der Spiegelneurone (23. Aktual. Aufl.). München: Wilhelm Heyne.
    • Bauer, J. (2019). Wie wir werden, wer wir sind: Die Entstehung des menschlichen Selbst durch Resonanz. München: Karl Blessing.
    • Crone, E. (2011). Das pubertierende Gehirn; Wie Kinder erwachsen werden. München: Droemer.
    • Holodynski, M., Hermann, S. & Kromm , H. (2013). Entwicklungspsychologische Grundlagen der Emotionsregulation, In: Psychologische Rundschau 64(4), S 196-207. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
    • Hüther, G. (2018). Würde; Was uns stark macht - als Einzelne und als Gesellschaft (5. Aufl.). München: Knaus.
    • Hüther, G., Heinrich, M. & Senf, M. (2020). #Education For Future: Bildung für ein gelingendes Leben. München: Wilhelm Goldmann.
    • Rosa, H. (2019). Resonanz: Eine Soziologie der Weltbeziehung (5. Aufl.). Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    • Rosa, H. & Endres, W. (2016). Resonanzpädagogik; Wenn es im Klassenzimmer knistert (2. Aufl.). Weinheim und Basel: Beltz.
    • Spitzer, M. (2018). Einsamkeit - die unerkannte Krankheit: schmerzhaft, ansteckend, tödlich (4. Aufl.). München: Droemer.
    • Will, H. et al. (2019). Depression – Psychodynamik und Therapie (4. Überarb. Aufl.). Stuutgart: Kohlhammer.
    • Wolfersdorf, M. & Etzersdorfer, E. (2011). Suizid und Suizidprävention. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Profession-specific legal basis  | VO

    Profession-specific legal basis  | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Interference with personal rights
    • Fundamental, liberty and personal rights
    • Patients' rights, living wills, patient advocacy in psychiatry
    • UBG, home residence law
    • Treatment, compensation
    • Legal aspects in relation to children, adolescents
    • Criminal, civil and administrative law issues in connection with violence in the family
    • Rehabilitation, integration and reintegration
    • Legal basis for the rehabilitation, integration and reintegration of disabled persons
    • Legal bases of the adult protection law

    Teaching method

    Mainly activating methods


    Final exam


    • Barth, P. & Ganner, M. (Hrsg.) (2019). Handbuch des Erwachsenenschutzrechts. Schriftenreihe der interdisziplinären Zeitschrift für Familienrecht (iFamZ) Band 1 (3. Aufl.). Wien: Linde.
    • BM f. Verfassung, Reformen, Deregulierung und Justiz (Hrsg.) (2019). Das Heimaufenthaltsgesetz; Erweiterung des Geltungsbereichs auf Einrichtungen zur Pflege und Erziehung Minderjähriger unter:, Download am 12.08.2021
    • Bundesgesetz vom 1. März 1990 über die Unterbringung psychisch Kranker in Krankenanstalten (Unterbringungsgesetz - UbG), BGBl. Nr. 155/1990, Novelle: BGBl. I Nr. 12/1997, BGBl. I Nr. 18/2010, BGBl. 59/2017, BGBl.131/2017, unter:, Download am 12.08.2021
    • Rappert, B. & Gschaider, A. (2020). Auswirkung der Abschaffung der Netzbetten in der Wiener Psychiatrie, In:  ÖZPR 4-2020, 114-117. Wien: Manz.
    • Schlaffer, P. (Hrsg.) (2020). Heimaufenthaltsgesetz; Information über das Recht auf Bewegungsfreiheit in Alten- und Pflegeheimen, Einrichtungen der Behindertenhilfe, Einrichtungen zur Pflege und Erziehung Minderjähriger, Sonderschulen und Krankenanstalten, Auf:, Download am 12.08.2021
    • Schoßmaier, G. (2019). Freiheitsbeschränkungen in der Psychiatrie – Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesetz und Organisationskultur, In: Psychiatrische Pflege, Jahrgang 4/Heft 3, S 21-26. Bern: Hogrefe.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Internship 1
    2 SWS
    10 ECTS
    3rd learning venue: Focus de-escalation and safety management  | PR

    3rd learning venue: Focus de-escalation and safety management  | PR

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Theory: Aggression and violence (definition, emergence,...), conflict emergence and management, safety management and prevention, ethics and law, assessment tools.
    • Practice: Communication-based physical interventions: Liberation techniques (clothing, hand, clasping, choking), team techniques, application of fixation systems.
    • Reflection

    Teaching method

    Blocked course in seminar form with theory/practice mix

    Theory: group work followed by discussion, lecture/lecture, discussion, reflection on experience

    Practice: Demonstration, practical exercises with coaching, independent practice; self-awareness; case-oriented communication exercises


    Continuous assessment


    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (Hrsg.)(2018). S3-Leitlinie „Verhinderung von Zwang: Prävention und Therapie aggressiven Verhaltens bei Erwachsenen“. AWMF online: Url:
    • Wahl, K. (2009). Aggression und Gewalt. Ein biologischer, psychologischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Überblick. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
    • Walter, G., Nau, J. & Oud, N. (Hrsg.)(2019). Aggression, Gewalt und Aggressionsmanagement. Lehr- und Praxishandbuch für Pflege-, Gesundheits- und Sozialberufe. Bern: Hogrefe.
    • Winter, C. (2019). Emotionale Herausforderungen Auszubildender während der Pflegeausbildung. Empirische Grundlegung eines persönlichkeitsstärkenden Praxisbegleitungskonzepts. Dissertation. Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leiniz Universität. Url: https:(//

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    3rd learning venue: Supervision - practice of self-empathy | PR

    3rd learning venue: Supervision - practice of self-empathy | PR

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Key distinctions according to GfK: observation vs. evaluation, feelings vs. thoughts, need vs. strategy, request/suggestion vs. request, self-empathy vs. "wallowing in feelings", trigger of feelings vs. cause of feelings.
    • Working with the 4-step tool of GfK for self-empathy
    • Reflection on experiences/conflicts in practical training using the GfK model
    • 4-Ears model of GfK
    • Exercises on the perception of feelings and needs
    • Exercises with the "inner team" according to Schulz v. Thun

    Teaching method

    Group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, practical exercises, individual reflections.

    Worksheets, "giraffe dance floor", role plays, work with the "inner team".


    Continuous assessment


    • Belgrave, B. & Lawrie, G. (2020). NVC-Dance-Floors. Einleitung und Bodenanker,  unter: , Download: 20.10.2020
    • Fritsch, G. R. (2012). Der Gefühl- und Bedürfnisnavigator; Gefühle und Bedürfnisse Wahrnehmen (2. Aufl.). Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Fritsch, G. R. (2012). Praktische Selbst-Empathie; Herausfinden was man fühlt und braucht (4. Aufl.).Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Larsson, L. & Hoffmann, K. (2013). 42 Schlüsselunterscheidungen in der GFK; Für ein tieferes Verständnis der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation. Paderborn:Junfermann.
    • Rosenberg, M. B. (2016). Gewaltfreie Kommunikation eine Sprache des Lebens (überarb. U. erw. Neuaufl.). Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Schoßmaier, G. (2018). Lehrpersonen als Unterstützer, Begleiter und Partner, Nähe und Distanz aus pflegepädagogischer Sicht, in: Psychiatrische Pflege (2018), 3 (6), 15–19.
    • Schoßmaier, G. (2019). Bedürfniswahrnehmung in der Pflegeausbildung durch Selbstempathie, in: Pflege Professionell – Das Fachmagazin 2019/27, 33-40.
    • Schulz von Thun, F. (2016). Miteinander Reden: 3, Das „Innere Team“ und situationsgerechte Kommunikation (24. Aufl.). Rheinbeck bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch.
    • Sears, M. (2012). Gewaltfreie Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Zemann, E., Gundacker, C. & Schoßmaier, G. et al. (2017). Affektresonanztraining ART© in der speziellen Grundausbildung in der psychiatrischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege am Otto-Wagner-Spital der Stadt Wien, in: ÖPZ 1/2017, 26-28.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Internship 1 including reflection and supervision  | PR

    Internship 1 including reflection and supervision  | PR

    0 SWS   8 ECTS


    The participants will be guided to:

    Implementation of the theoretical course content (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence:

    (1) Nursing in psychiatric and psychosocial areas such as nursing in the specialist area of inpatient psychiatric basic care, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and facilities for addicted people as well as in inpatient long-term areas (e.g. dementia care areas).

    (2) Nursing in semi-inpatient areas of psychiatric and psychosocial care (e.g. day clinics, day centres)

    (3) Nursing in psychiatric and psychosocial rehabilitation areas (e.g. "burn-out" clinics, area for medium- and long-term addiction treatment, psychosomatics)

    (4) Nursing in extramural areas of psychiatric care (e.g. outpatient clinics, outreach care, primary care centres) and residential communities as well as socio-therapeutic facilities (e.g. therapy workshops) in psychosocial care for people of all ages and stages of development.

    Optionally and complementarily, in areas such as freelance nursing, public health services, ordinaries and communities of practice, and other care settings related to mental health nursing.

    • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and setting accident/illness prevention measures.
    • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide for all placement training.
    • Encouraging personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas, as well as reflecting on the experience gained in the relevant vocational field.
    • Application and consolidation of the skills acquired during the Bobath training.

    Teaching method

    Clinical internship


    Continuous assessment: Assessment by practice supervisors


    • Müller, C. (2017). Vom Entfremdungsdreieck zum Resonanzraum; Auszubildende in der psychiatrischen Pflege könnten Neues erleben, In: PADUA (2017), 12 (5), S 321–324. Bern: Hogrefe. 
    • Nick, C & Helmbold, A., Lattek Ä.-D. & Reuschenbach, B. (2020). Qualitätskriterien für hochschulisches Praxislernen in der Pflege - Ergebnisse eines Delphi-Verfahrens, In: Z. Evid. Fortbild. Qual. Gesundh. wesen (ZEFQ), S 111-118. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
    • Scheydt, S. & Holzke, M. (2018). Erweiterte psychiatrische Pflegepraxis; Entwicklung und Diskussion eines heuristischen Rahmenmodells der pflegerischen Expertise in der Psychiatrie, In: Pflegewissenschaft 3/4-2018 / 20. Jahrgang, 146-154. Nidda: HPS-Media.
    • Weißflog, S. & Lademann, J. (Hrsg.) (2021). Verstehen in der psychiatrischen Pflege; Beiträge für erweiterte pflegewissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    Teaching language


    8 ECTS
    Module Principles of Mental Health Caring in professional practice
    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Mental Health Caring | ILV

    Mental Health Caring | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Concept of Mental Health Caring in the German-speaking world
    • Teamwork, multiprofessional team, therapeutic community in psychiatric care
    • Health competence and knowledge management in the setting of psychiatry
    • Stressful situations in the family system caused by e.g. care and support of relatives with mental impairments, support possibilities by caregivers, stress management;
    • Recovery as a basic attitude in psychiatry, elements of recovery in nursing action; adherence concept, transtheoretical model in action competence

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, discussion, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, casuistry analysis, problem-based learning....


    Continuous assessment


    • Baker, P., Buchanan-Barker, P. & Herrmann, M. (2020). Das Gezeiten- Modell: der Kompass für recovery-orientierte, psychiatrische Pflege. Bern: Hogrefe.
    • Chambers, M. (2017). Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The craft of caring (3. Aufl.). London: Apple Academic Press Inc. 
    • DGPPN: Kurzfassung der S3-Leitlinie Psychosoziale Therapien bei schweren psychischen Erkrankungen, 2018, abgerufen am 20.07.2021:
    • Hammer, M. (2020). SBT: Stressbewältigungstraining für psychisch kranke Menschen. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Knuf, A. (2013).  Die Entdeckung der Achtsamkeit. (Hrsg) Mathias Hammer. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Knuf, A. (2020). Recovery und Empowerment. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Knuf, A. (2020). Umgang mit Befühlen in der psychiatrischen Arbeit. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Plassmann, R. (2019). Psychotherapie der Emotionen: Die Bedeutung von Emotionen für die Entstehung und Behandlung von Krankheiten (Therapie & Beratung).  Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
    • Sebastian von Peter, A. W. & Gervink, A. (2019). Recoveryorientierte Gruppenarbeit für Menschen mit Psychoseerfahrungen: Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • WHO: The European Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020, 2015; abgerufen am 15.07.2021:
    • WHO: Fact sheets on sustainable development goals: health targets – Mental Health, 2018; abgerufen am 16.07.2021:

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Human beings in a psychosocial crisis  | ILV

    Human beings in a psychosocial crisis  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Crisis, types of crisis, crisis intervention and de-escalation, self-protection in crisis situations
    • Factors that can contribute to the development of a psychosocial crisis: Vulnerability; lack of coping strategies, pathological thinking patterns, excessive demands, social withdrawal and loneliness; isolation; neglect, helplessness, abuse,
    • Course of a psychosocial crisis (models)
    • Possibilities of crisis intervention: principles for crisis intervention, immediate measures, psychiatric emergency, scope of action for those affected, helpful interventions, steps to prevent crises
    • Cultural factors in connection with emergence and intervention
    • Negative reactions in the environment: workplace, social network, stigma, lack of understanding
    • Psychotraumatology (dealing with trauma, recognition of attachment patterns)
    • Relatives in crisis situations: Experience and behaviour, involvement, instruction, counselling
    • Care facilities in psychosocial crises
    • Selected crisis situations from the perspective of the caregiver: restriction of freedom, suicidal behaviour, aggressive behaviour, self-harming behaviour, withdrawal and isolation, fear and panic

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises


    Continuous assessment


    • Fischer G., Riedesser P. (2020). Lehrbuch der Psychotraumatologie (5. Aufl.). Stuttgart: utb GmbH.
    • Frey, M. & Fischer, C. (2020). Praxishandbuch Psychiatrische Krisenintervention: Erste Hilfe bei Krisen aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. Jena: Urban & Fischer /Elsevier GmbH.
    • Rupp, M. (2018). Psychiatrische Krisenintervention. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Rupp, M. (2017). Notfall Seele: Ambulante Notfall- und Krisenintervention in der Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Berlin: ‎Thieme.
    • Shives,L. R. (2012). Basic Concepts of Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing. Ludwigsburg: Wolters Kluwer. 
    • Teismann, T., Forkmann, T. & Glaesmer, H. (Hrsg.) (2021). Suizidales Erleben und Verhalten. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Weinmann, S., Bechdolf, A. & Greve, N. (Hrsg.) (2021). Psychiatrische Krisenintervention zu Hause. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Target group and setting-specific communication techniques  | ILV

    Target group and setting-specific communication techniques  | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Non-violent communication according to M. Rosenberg for building relationships with people who have experienced psychological shocks
    • Needs-oriented language and its de-escalating effect
    • Adherence vs. compliance, motivation to change and approach-avoidance conflict, influence of motivational interviewing according to Miller and Rollnick on the course of therapy
    • The Witten tools of counselling and the significance for mental health
    • Non-directive conversation concepts and their impact on healthy mental development of children and adolescents
    • Introduction to the theory of affect regulation, mentalization and the development of the self

    Teaching method

    Mainly activating methods


    Final exam


    • Fonagy, P., György, G., Jurist, E. L. & Target, M. (2019). Affektregulierung, Mentalisierung und die Entwicklung des Selbst (7. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
    • Kocks, A. & Segmüller, T. (2012). „Wittener Werkzeuge“; Ein Double Care Beratungsansatz für die Pflege, In: PADUA, 7 (2), 60 – 62, Bern: Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG.
    • Miller, W.R., Rollnick, S. (2015). Motivierende Gesprächsführung: Motivational Interviewing (3. Aufl.). Freiburg im Breisgau: Lambertus.
    • Naar-King, S. & Suarez, M. (Hrsg.) (2012). Motivierende Gesprächsführung mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Weinheim-Basel: Beltz. 
    • Saers, M. (2012). Gewaltfreie Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen: Eine Kultur des Mitgefühls schaffen, Junfermann Paderborn
    • Schoßmaier Gerhard (20219): Freiheitsbeschränkungen in der Psychiatrie; Ein Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesetz und Organisationskultur; In: Psychiatrische Pflege (2019), 4 (3), 21-26, Bern: Hogrefe.
    • Steinberger, J. (2012). Empathie als Kompetenz: Ein intersubjektives, mentalisierungsgestütztes Pädagogikkonzept. Wien: Psychosozial-Verlag.
    • Taubner, S., Fonagy, P. & Bateman, A. W. (2019). Mentalisierungsbasierte Therapie. Bern: Hogrefe.
    • Weinberger, S. (2013). Klientenzentrierte Gesprächsführung; Lern- und Praxisanleitung für psychosoziale Berufe (14. Vollst. Überarb.Aufl.). Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Module Internship 2
    7 ECTS
    Internship 2 including reflection and supervision  | PR

    Internship 2 including reflection and supervision  | PR

    0 SWS   7 ECTS


    The participants will be guided to:

    Implementation of the theoretical course content (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence:

    (1) Nursing in psychiatric and psychosocial areas such as nursing in the specialist area of inpatient psychiatric basic care, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and facilities for addicted people as well as in inpatient long-term areas (e.g. dementia care areas).

    (2) Nursing in semi-inpatient areas of psychiatric and psychosocial care (e.g. day clinics, day centres)

    (3) Nursing in psychiatric and psychosocial rehabilitation areas (e.g. "burn-out" clinics, area for medium- and long-term addiction treatment, psychosomatics)

    (4) Nursing in extramural areas of psychiatric care (e.g. outpatient clinics, outreach care, primary care centres) and residential communities as well as socio-therapeutic facilities (e.g. therapy workshops) in psychosocial care for people of all ages and stages of development.

    Optionally and complementarily, in areas such as freelance nursing, public health services, ordinaries and communities of practice, and other care settings related to mental health nursing.

    • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and setting accident/illness prevention measures.
    • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide for all placement training.
    • Encouraging personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas, as well as reflecting on the experience gained in the relevant vocational field.
    • Application and consolidation of the skills acquired during the Bobath training.

    Teaching method

    Clinical internship


    Continuous assessment: Assessment by practice supervisors


    • Müller, C. (2017). Vom Entfremdungsdreieck zum Resonanzraum; Auszubildende in der psychiatrischen Pflege könnten Neues erleben, In: PADUA (2017), 12 (5), S 321–324. Bern: Hogrefe. 
    • Nick, C & Helmbold, A., Lattek Ä.-D. & Reuschenbach, B. (2020). Qualitätskriterien für hochschulisches Praxislernen in der Pflege - Ergebnisse eines Delphi-Verfahrens, In: Z. Evid. Fortbild. Qual. Gesundh. wesen (ZEFQ), S 111-118. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
    • Scheydt, S. & Holzke, M. (2018). Erweiterte psychiatrische Pflegepraxis; Entwicklung und Diskussion eines heuristischen Rahmenmodells der pflegerischen Expertise in der Psychiatrie, In: Pflegewissenschaft 3/4-2018 / 20. Jahrgang, 146-154. Nidda: HPS-Media.
    • Weißflog, S. & Lademann, J. (Hrsg.) (2021). Verstehen in der psychiatrischen Pflege; Beiträge für erweiterte pflegewissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    Teaching language


    7 ECTS
    Module Mental Health Caring in different care settings
    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Nursing assessment and nursing process – specialization  | ILV

    Nursing assessment and nursing process – specialization  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Nursing assessments, diagnostics, interventions and evaluations for people with mental disorders, selected nursing interventions and their evidence.
    • Assessment tools to correctly identify nursing-related problems that occur with mental disorders. They are familiar with nursing interventions to meaningfully address these problems and can meaningfully evaluate their success:
    • Reflection on the nursing therapeutic process - Techniques for evaluating the accuracy of your assessments and the benefits of your interventions.

    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises


    Continuous assessment


    • Morgan, K. I. & Townsend , M. C. (2020). Pocket Guide to Psychiatric Nursing. Philadelphia: F A DAVIS CO.
    • Stefan, H. et al. (2021). POP - PraxisOrientierte Pflegediagnostik: Pflegediagnosen, Ziele und Maßnahmen nach der Version POP2 (3. Aufl.). Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Ulatowski, H. (2016). Pflegeplanung in der Psychiatrie: Eine Praxisanleitung mit Formulierungshilfen. Heidelberg: Springer.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Computer science and social media in healthcare  | ILV

    Computer science and social media in healthcare  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Use of digital technologies and assistance systems in nursing care
    • Psychological online counselling
    • Complementary online treatment in psychiatric home care
    • Online platforms for self-help groups, information on clinical pictures etc.
    • Development in (digital) health care - past, present, visions, ethical problems
    • Virtual reality for social phobia, relaxation training, etc.
    • Social media - participation in digital form
    • Apps to promote memory, use of games
    • Data protection
    • General conditions such as availability (and affordability) of technical equipment, Internet, knowledge, training, etc.

    Teaching method

    Lecture with activating methods, group work, discussion, feedback, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, practical exercises


    Continuous assessment


    • Buttner, P. (Hrsg) (2021). Digitalisierung in der Pflege: mehr als Robben und Roboter: Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit. Freuburg im Freisgau: Lambertus.
    • Gurtner, C., Wisler, M., Sanchez, T. & Hahn, S. (2012). Digitale Plattform für den Dialog. In: Psychiatrische Pflege, 6 (3), 16–22; abgerufen am 2.08.2021:
    • Heinecke, J. & Riepenhausen, C. (2021). Ergänzende Online-Behandlung in der psychiatrischen häuslichen Krankenpflege. Psych. Pflege Heute 2021; 27: 40–43 | Stuttgart: Thieme.
    • Meißner, A. & Kunze, C. (2020). Neue Technologien in der Pflege: Wissen, Verstehen, Handeln. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
    • Richter, D., Zürcher, S. (2020). Psychiatrische Versorgung während der COVID-19-Pandemie. In: Psychiatr Praxis, 47(04): 173-175; Berlin: Thieme.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Care settings for people with mental illnesses  | ILV

    Care settings for people with mental illnesses  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Tasks of nursing in case and care management in the psychiatric setting
    • Promotion and development of life skills, resilience
    • Maintaining or restoring quality of life
    • Central themes: Phenomena such as anxiety, hopelessness, delusions, hearing voices, poisoning ideas, aggression and violence, craving, etc.
    • Interaction and relationship processes within the patient community and its impact on the relationship formation in the patient group
    • Counselling and training in the family system
    • Therapeutic individual setting using the example of individual psychoeducation
    • Therapeutic group setting: group phases, group dynamics, group processes, formation of groups, group preparation, example of group education


    Teaching method

    Lecture, case discussions after case study, role plays, action learning, group work


    Final exam


    • Abderhalden, C., Needham, I. , Sauter, D. & Wolff, S. (Hrsg.) (2011). Lehrbuch Psychiatrische Pflege (2. Aufl.). Bern: Hans Huber.
    • Amberger, S., & Roll, S. (2010). Psychiatriepflege und Psychotherapie. Stuttgart: Thieme.
    • Hammer, M. & Plößl, I. (2015). Irre verständlich. Menschen mit psychischer Erkrankung wirksam unterstützen (3. Aufl.). Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Krumm, S., Killian, R. & Löwenstein, H. (2019). Qualitative Forschung in der Sozialpsychiatrie. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Reynolds, D. (2012). Der bipolare Spagat. Manisch-depressive Menschen verstehen. Stuttgart: Trias.
    • Schmiedgen, S. et al. (2014). Psychiatrie. Pflege fallorientiert lernen und lehren. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
    • Thiel, H., Traxler, S. & Niegot, F. (2020). Psychiatrie für Pflege-sozial – und Heilberufe. Stuttgart: Elsevier.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Creativity and sociotherapy  | ILV

    Creativity and sociotherapy  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Importance and influencing factors of employment, sociotherapeutic attitude, unemployment and poverty
    • motivation and basic human needs, transtheoretical model, resilience training
    • Therapy and care interventions (perceptual, physical - mindfulness training, Qi Gong....)
    • Activities in a play pedagogical context (attitude, planning, action)
    • Recovery, empowerment
    • Social skills training, memory training, cognitive training
    • preparation of groups, group phases and group dynamic processes, disturbances in groups, leading groups
    • perceptual and body-related and concepts/methods


    Teaching method

    Lecture with activating methods


    Final exam


    • Abderhalden, C., Needham, I., Sauter, D. & Wolff, S. (Hrsg.). (2011). Lehrbuch Psychiatrische Pflege (2. Aufl.). Bern: Hans Huber.
    • Aernout , J. (2008). Arbeitstherapie in der Ergotherapie. Eine praxisorientierte Einführung (8. Aufl.). Basel: Beltz.
    • Dörner, K & Plog, U. (2019). Irren ist menschlich. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie/Psychotherapie (25. Aufl.). Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
    • Frieboes, R. (2005). Grundlagen und Praxis der Soziotherapie. Richtlinien, Begutachtung, Behandlungskonzepte, Fallbeispiele, Antragsformulare. Stuttgart:W. Kohlhammer.
    • Knuf A., Osterfeld, M. & Seibert, U. (2007). Selbstbefähigung fördern, Empowerment und psychiatrische Arbeit (5. Überarb. Aufl.). Bonn: Psychiatrie- Verlag.
    • Knuf, A. & Hammer, M. (2013). Die Entdeckung der Achtsamkeit,. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Kremer, G. & Schulz, M. (2012). Motivierende Gesprächsführung in der Psychiatrie. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Krumm, S., Killian, R. & Löwenstein, H. (2019). Qualitative Forschung in der Sozialpsychiatrie. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Lanzenberger, R. (2009). Pflegetherapeutische Gruppen in der Psychiatrie. Planen - durchführen - dokumentieren - bewerten (2. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.
    • Rechtschaffen, D. (2016). Die Achtsame Schule. Freiburg: Arbor Verlag.
    • Stich, M. (2013). Patientengruppen [sic] erfolgreich leiten. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Related fields of study 2
    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Medicine 2 | VO

    Medicine 2 | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Meeting neurologically ill people (1 ECTS)

    essential diagnostic measures for neurologically ill persons

    • neurological examination - general - clinical
    • EEG, EMG, NLG, EVP
    • cerebrospinal fluid puncture
    • contrast medium examinations
    • angiography, myelography, CT and MRT, Doppler sonography

    Causes, symptoms, diagnostic and therapeutic (conservative and neurosurgical) options for

    • G 35 Multiple sclerosis
    • G 40 Epilepsy
    • G62 Polyneuropathies (e.g. alcohol-induced polyneuropathy, drug-induced polyneuropathy)
    • G80-G82 Cerebral palsies (e.g. infantile cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia)
    • headache and facial pain
    • infectious and inflammatory diseases in the central nervous system
    • problem of intracranial pressure increase
    • central nervous system tumors
    • injuries of the central nervous system
    • muscular diseases


    Encounter with young people in psychosocial distress (0,5 ECTS)

    Diagnosis and therapy of disorders mainly in childhood and adolescence:

    • F 50 Eating disorders (e.g. anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa).
    • F 80-F89 Developmental disorders (e.g. reading and spelling disorder, early childhood autism, early childhood psychosis)
    • F 90-F98 Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset in childhood and adolescence (e.g., hyperkinetic disorder, social behavior disorder with depressive disorder, emotional disorder with separation anxiety)


    Gerontopsychiatry (0.5 ECTS)

    Diagnosis and therapy of mental disorders mainly of older age:

    • F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic mental disorders (e.g. dementia forms, delirium).
    • G30-G32 Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system (e.g. Alzheimer's disease)
    • G20-G26 Extrapyramidal diseases and movement disorders (e.g. Parkinson's syndrome)
    • Differentiation delirium - dementia - depression
    • Specific effect/interaction especially of psychotropic drugs in old age


    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions


    Module exam


    • Dilling, H. & Freyberger, H. J. (Hrsg.)(2019). Taschenführer zur ICD-10-Klassifikation psychischer Störungen (9. Überarb. Aufl.). Bern: Hogrefe.
    • Girsberger, T. (2020). Die vielen Farben des Autismus; Spektrum, Ursachen, Diagnose, Therapie und Beratung (5. Aktual. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    • Herpertz, S. et al. (Hrsg.) (2018). S3-Leitlinie Diagnostik und Behandlung der Essstörungen, Auf:, Download am 20.08.2021
    • Klingelhöfer, J. & Berthele, A. (Hrsg.) (2021). Klinikleitfaden Neurologie (7. Aufl.) München: Urban u. Fischer Verlag/Elsevier.
    • Klöppl, S. &, Jessen, F. (Hrsg.) (2018). Praxishandbuch Gerontopsychiatrie und –psychotherapie; Diagnostik und Therapie im höheren Lebensalter. München Urban u. Fischer /Elsevier.
    • Kölch, M., Rassenhofer, M. & Fegert, J. M. (Hrsg.) (2020). Klinikmanual Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und –psychotherapie (3. Aufl. Berlin: Springer.
    • Lieb, K. & Frauenknecht, S. (Hrsg.) (2019). Intensivkurs Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Urban u. Fischer Verlag/Elsevier, München
    • Steinhausen Hans-Christoph et al. (Hrsg) (2020): Handbuch ADHS; Grundlagen, Klinik, Therapie und Verlauf der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (2. Erw. u. überarb. Aufl.). Stuttgart; Kohlhammer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Pschology, paedagogics, sociology 2 | VO

    Pschology, paedagogics, sociology 2 | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Overview of the recognised psychotherapeutic schools and their primary indications.
    • Aspects and possible applications of behavioural therapy findings in the nursing process, e.g. DBT according to Marsha Linehan (skills training), metacognitive training, etc.
    • Reflection, self-image - external image, JOHARI window, feedback as a pedagogical instrument
    • Basics of psychoeducation, group dynamics, group leadership
    • Mentalization-based therapy according to Peter Fonagy, nursing usability in the context of the relationship process
    • Sociological aspects of mental health and mental suffering: family, peer group, employment, housing situation, tenure, stigmatization, illness gain
    • socio-historical and individual influences on the life history and life situation of elderly people, biography
    • importance of a stable relationship between children or adolescents and their caregivers
    • developmental phases according to Erikson and particular susceptibilities to disorders in the individual phases
    • Topic "Violence in the family" and its effects on the lives of children and adolescents.
    • Acts of aggression by children and adolescents as an expression of great emotional distress

    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, problem-based learning


    Module exam


    • Bäuml, J., Behrendt, B., Henningsen, P. & Pitschel-Walz, G. (2016). Handbuch der Psychoedukation für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und psychosomatische Medizin. Stuttgart: Schattauer.
    • Bohus, M. & Wolf-Arehult, M. (2013). Interaktive Skillstraining für Borderline-Patienten; Das Therapeutenmanual (2. Aktual. U. erw. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Schattauer.
    • Euler, S.& Walter, M. (2020).  Mentalisierungsbasierte Psychotherapie (MBT) (2. Aktual. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    • Gingelmaier, S., Taubner, S. & Ramberg, A. (Hrsg.) (2018). Handbuch mentalisierungsbasierte Pädagogik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck u. Rupprecht.
    • Heard, H. L. & Swales, M.A. (2017). Verhaltensänderung in der Dialektisch-Behavioralen Therapie; DBT-Techniken und Problemlösungsstrategien erfolgreich anwenden. Stuttgart: Schattauer.
    • Helle, M. (2019). Psychotherapie. Berlin: Springer.
    • Kaiser, A., Kaiser R., Lambert, A. & Hohenstein, K. (2018). Metakognition: Die Neue Didaktik; Metakognitiv fundiertes Lehren und Lernen ist Grundbildung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck u. Rupprecht.
    • Kulbe, A. (2017). Grundwissen Psychologie, Soziologie und Pädagogik: Lehrbuch für Pflegeberufe (3. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    • Moritz, S., Krieger, E., Bohn, F. & Veckenstedt, R. (2017). MKT+; Individualisiertes Metakognitives Trainingsprogramm für Menschen mit Psychose (2. Aufl.) Berlin: Springer.Schiepek. G. (Hrsg.)(2018). Neurobiologie der Psychotherapie (2. Vollst. neu bearb. U. erw. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Schattauer.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Mental Health Caring with specific target groups 1
    6 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Adults with mental illnesses incl. addiction and forensics  | ILV

    Adults with mental illnesses incl. addiction and forensics  | ILV

    3 SWS   3 ECTS


    Nursing concepts and interventions

    • The nursing process in the psychiatric setting
    • Professional nursing communication
    • Individual and group care therapy settings
    • Work with relatives and friends
    • The therapeutic community
    • Crisis intervention
    • Measures restricting freedom, sedation
    • Conspicuous behaviour - the difficult patient
    • Ethical challenges, especially care vs. autonomy
    • Legal issues: Responsibility, consent to treatment, UbG, adult protection law.
    • Training of social competences
    • Self-esteem training
    • Violence and aggression management
    • Suicide prevention
    • Behavioural therapy approaches
    • Approaches from cognitive therapy
    • Affect regulation according to the mentalization concept
    • The Recovery Model


    Care of people (concepts, differential diagnosis, risk factors, types, etiology, symptoms, nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions) with a disorder in psychosocial adjustment including participation in diagnosis and therapy in the context of the following psychiatric disorders:

    • Neurocognitive disorders
    • Dependency disorders
    • Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
    • Depressive disorders
    • Bipolar disorders
    • Anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders
    • Trauma disorders
    • Dissociative disorders
    • Sexual disorders
    • Eating disorders
    • Personality disorders
    • Special features of the forensic psychiatry setting


    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, work assignments with feedback


    Continuous assessment

    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    People with disabilities  | ILV

    People with disabilities  | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Basic attitudes towards people with disabilities
    • Ethics
    • Developmental psychology approach
    • Human development in different stages of life
    • Medical explanatory models and the development of disability
    • Therapeutic approaches and prevention possibilities, areas of support
    • Regional and supraregional facilities
    • Measures for inclusion, supported communication
    • Work with relatives and lay people
    • Counselling sessions
    • Normalisation principle


    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises, blended learning


    Continuous assessment

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    People with neurological disorders  | ILV

    People with neurological disorders  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Overview of common conditions in the setting of people with neurological conditions and their treatment, diagnosis and implications for nursing care.
    • Effects of neurological diseases on the self-care of those affected
    • Psychosocial changes such as depression, anxiety, addiction, suicidality, powerlessness, hopelessness, loss of self-esteem, loss of role, lack of motivation, ...
    • Nursing concepts in the setting of people with neurological disorders: Bobath, NDT, ...
    • Possibility of health promotion,
    • counselling and training of the affected persons or their relatives and friends
    • Specific assessment and evaluation tools for the care of people with neurological impairments.
    • Focus areas: Waking coma, mobility, communication (aphasia), nutrition, psyche, rehabilitation.
    • Neuroscience Nursing approach (holistic assessment of the complexity of neurological nursing care situations, deriving individualised nursing measures and promoting interprofessional cooperation)
    • Concepts in nursing action: Bobath, kinaesthetics, cognitive stimulation and training, activity building, aroma care, everyday life training, mobilisation, gait training, ...


    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises


    Final exam

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Mental Health Caring with specific target groups 2
    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Children and adolescents with mental illnesses  | ILV

    Children and adolescents with mental illnesses  | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS



    • Historical aspects of personality development during childhood and adolescence
    • Development of child and adolescent psychiatry and its position between psychiatry, child and adolescent medicine, pedagogy and youth welfare services
    • Position and core competencies of the nursing profession in the interdisciplinary context of child and adolescent psychiatry

    Development of children and adolescents

    • Neurobiological background of learning and development with special emphasis on adolescence

    Communication and relationship work

    • Special features of relationship work with children and adolescents, taking into account the care models of Hildegard Peplau and Rüdiger Bauer
    • Non-violent communication in the accompaniment of children and adolescents in the context of the nursing process

    Nursing process and nursing concepts

    • Special nursing diagnostics taking into account age and personality development
    • Care-therapeutic approaches taking into account age and development: therapeutic milieu, learning from the model, learning through feedback, social competence training, psychoeducation, adherence therapy, daily structure, play, etc., approaches of mentalization-based pedagogy for adolescents (MBT-A)
    • Recovery orientation on the basis of the tidal model - promotion of autonomy in an age- and developmentally appropriate form
    • Traumatization of children and adolescents (emotional - physical - sexual violence, bullying at school, cyberbullying), impact of violence in education, criminal and forensic aspects
    • Special nursing aspects and nursing process in adolescents with eating disorders with special emphasis on anorexia nervosa
    • Special nursing aspects and nursing process for children and adolescents with specific anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, everyday life training based on the findings of cognitive behavioural therapy.
    • Parental work in the sense of the child's well-being, systemic and person-centred perspectives, family-related nursing diagnoses
    • Suicidal, self-injurious and other self-harming behaviour in adolescence, approaches of DBT-A
    • Nursing care of children with ADHD, support and coaching of families within the nursing process, the Multimodal Therapy of Children with ADHD


    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case work, e-learning


    Final exam


    • Dörner, K. et al (2004). Irren ist menschlich Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Köln: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
    • Graap, H.  et al. (2005). Die Belastungen und Bedürfnisse Angehöriger anorektischer und bulimischer Patientinnen, in Neuropsychiatrie. 19/4., 155-161. Oberhaching bei München: Dustri-Verlag.
    • Liechti, J. & Liechti-Darbellay, M. (2020). Anorexia nervosa – Verzehrende Suche nach Sicherheit: Wege zur Veränderung im Kontext naher Beziehungen. Heidelberg: Carl Auer Verlag. 
    • Lohaus, A. & Vierhaus, M. (2019). Entwicklungspsychologie des Kinders- und Jugendalters für Bachelor (4. Aufl.). Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Peplau, H. E. (1995). Interpersonale Beziehungen in der Pflege. Basel:  RECOM.
    • Petermann, F. & Petermann, U. (2016). Training mit Jugendlichen; Aufbau von Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten (9. überarb. u. erw. Aufl.). Göttingen-Bern: Hogrefe Verlag. 
    • Preuß, U. & Stümpfig, S. (2010). Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie: Für Pflege- und Sozialberufe. München: Urban und Fischer. 
    • Rakel, T. & Lanzenberger, A. (2001). Pflegetherapeutische Gruppen in der Psychiatrie. Planen, durchführen, dokumentieren, bewerten. Berlin: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
    • Reichel, A. M. (2019). Traumasensible psychiatrische Pflege. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Rosenberg, M. B. (2007). Gewaltfreie Kommunikation - Eine Sprache des Lebens (7. Aufl.). Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Rosenberg, M. B. (2015). Kinder einfühlend ins Leben begleiten. Paderborn: Junfermann.
    • Schmidt, H.R. (Hrsg.) (2018). Modekrankheit ADS - Eine kritische Aufsatzsammlung. Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse-Verlag, .
    • Sears. M. (2012). Gewaltfreie Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. Paderborn: Junfermann. 
    • Stefan H. et al. (2013). POP® PraxisOrientierte Pflegediagnostik (2. Aufl. ). Wien, New York: Springer.
    • Steinhausen H.-C. (2006) Leitlinien für den Umgang mit Kindern nach traumatisierenden Erlebnisse unter
    • Steinhausen H. C. (2019). Psychische Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Lehrbuch der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und –psychotherapie (9. Aufl.). Münchebn: Urban & Fischer.
    • Steinhausen H. C.  et al. (Hrsg.)(2020). Handbuch ADHS; Grundlagen, Klinik, Therapie und Verlauf der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- Hyperaktivitätsstörung (2. erw. u. überarb.Aufl.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    • Storch, M. & Riedener, A. )2005). Ich packs! - Selbstmanagement für Jugendliche. Bern: Huber.
    • Taubner, S. & Volkert, J. (2017). Mentalisierungsbasierte Therapie für Adoleszente (MBT-A). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck u. Rupprecht. 
    • Thun-Hohenstein, L. (2008). Folgen von Gewalt am Kind, In: Monatsschr. Kinderheilkd 2008-156: S 635-643. Berlin: Springer Medizin.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Psycho-geriatric care  | ILV

    Psycho-geriatric care  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Care structures and framework conditions for older people in Austria

    • Psychosocial care structure and care models for people suffering from dementia nationally and internationally
    • Psychogeriatric care, palliative care


    • Assessment: life history and life situation of elderly people, biography work and biography sheet
    • Dementia Care Mapping
    • Dementia, depression, delirium and differential diagnoses
    • Anxiety, delusion, addiction, disorientation, "confusion".

    Psychosocial challenges

    • Challenging behaviors in encounters with the elderly, especially those with dementia
    • Psychosocial changes such as depression, anxiety, addiction, suicidality, delusion, psychosis, impoverishment, confusion and neglect
    • Loneliness, loss of social ties
    • Social and financial distress
    • Ethical discourse on dignity and autonomy in old age
    • Special challenges for the elderly, due to (war) trauma, uprooting and migration

    Care, accompaniment and support of elderly people with psychogeriatric impairments

    • communication/social interaction
    • Basic idea and goals of Validation, phases of reappraisal according to Naomi Feil, Validation techniques
    • Maintaining relationships and building social contacts oriented to the needs of older people
    • Exemplary care models (e.g.: Eden concept)
    • Preservation and promotion of resources
    • Palliative care
    • Everyday life design and care, shaping the environment
    • Spiritual care
    • Involvement and "co-care" of relatives


    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises


    Final exam


    • Kastner, U. (2018). Handbuch Demenz (4. Aufl.). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier.
    • Kitwood. T. (2019). Demenz: Der person–zentrierte Ansatz im Umgang mit verwirrten Menschen (8. erg. Aufl.). Bern: Hogrefe. 
    • Maier W. & Jessen, F. (2019). Alzheimer & Demenzen verstehen: Diagnose, Behandlung, Alltag, Betreuung (3. Aufl.). Stuttgart: TRIAS.
    • Klöppel, S. & Jessen, F. (2020). Praxishandbuch Gerontopsychiatrie und -psychotherapie: Diagnostik und Therapie im höheren Lebensalter (2. Aufl.). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier.
    • Noelle, R. (2015). Grundlagen und Praxis gerontopsychiatrischer Pflege (better care). Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Schneider, F. (2017). Facharztwissen Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie (2. Aufl.).Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Veil, N. (2020). Validation in Anwendung und Beispielen: Der Umgang mit verwirrten alten Menschen (8. aktualis. Aufl.). München – Basel: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Compulsory elective subject (1 ECTS of your choice)
    People in psychosocial rehabilitation including psychosomatics (compulsory elective subject) | ILV

    People in psychosocial rehabilitation including psychosomatics (compulsory elective subject) | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS



    Setting psychosomatic medicine and psych. rehabilitation

    • Special features of the setting compared to other psychiatric settings
    • Types of prevention
    • Importance of the salutogenetic approach
    • Role as "co-therapist", differentiation from other therapeutic professions
    • Significance of somatic illnesses in interaction with the psyche using the example of the effects of physical illnesses (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, ...) on the human psyche; resilience and stressors
    • Situation of the clients in the specific setting


    Use of psychotherapeutic methods in nursing care

    • Possibilities, tasks and limits of selected psychotherapeutic techniques in the nursing context in the setting of psychosomatics
    • Participation in psychotherapeutic settings, nursing-therapeutic individual and group discussions


    Relationship work in rehabilitative nursing

    • Relationship design taking into account various concepts such as: "self-worth and self-efficacy", "powerlessness", "hopelessness", "self-concept" and "well-being", "coaching"
    • interaction and relationship processes within the patient community
    • active professional relationship building within the patient group (recognizing and managing dynamics)
    • discharge, crisis intervention and de-escalation talks

    Patient-centred care and treatment approaches in psychosomatic settings

    • Concepts for promoting and developing life and health skills (e.g.: Developing self-confidence and autonomy through assertiveness training, resilience training, health promotion and prevention through progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, MBSR mindfulness training, running, Qi Gong, occupation and leisure, ...).
    • Methods to strengthen and build up concrete everyday life and action skills
    • Strengthening patients' self-efficacy, i.e. supporting and empowering them in dealing with chronic conditions such as pain, anxiety and panic, sleep or eating disorders



    • To promote their own resilience. Self-awareness with mindfulness training, relaxation training etc.
    • Define their profession-specific contribution in the context of multimodal therapy care
    • Use strategies and methods to reflect on their own professional behaviour as professionals.


    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises


    Continuous assessment


    • Egle, U. T. (2020). Psychosomatik - neurobiologisch fundiert und evidenzbasiert: Ein Lehr- und Handbuch. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer .
    • Fonagy, P. (2019). Affektregulierung, Mentalisierung und die Entwicklung des Selbst (7. Druckaufl.). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
    • Fröhlich-Gildhoff, K. & Rönnau-Böse, M. (2019). Resilienz; (5., aktual. Aufl.). Stuttgart: utb GmbH. 
    • Hoffmann, N. (2020). Selbstfürsorge für Therapeuten und Berater: Grundlagen und Anwendung (3. Aufl.). Weinheim: Beltz.
    • Kabat-Zinn, J. (2019). Gesund durch Meditation: Das große Buch der Selbstheilung mit MBSR (3. Aufl.). München: Knaur MensSana TB.
    • Köhle, K. (2018). Uexküll, Psychosomatische Medizin: Theoretische Modelle und klinische Praxis (8. Aufl.). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier.
    • Mentzos, S. (2015). Lehrbuch der Psychodynamik: Die Funktion der Dysfunktionalität psychischer Störungen (7. Aufl.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • Pigorsch, B. (2019). Der innere Kritiker von Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten: Selbstabwertung und übertriebene Zweifel entmachten. Weinheim: Beltz.
    • Rief, W. & Schramm , E. (2021). Psychotherapie: Ein kompetenzorientiertes Lehrbuch. München: Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier.
    • Rohwetterr, A. (2019). Wege aus der Mitgefühlsmüdigkeit: Erschöpfung vorbeugen in Psychotherapie und Beratung. Weinheim: Beltz.
    • Schwarze, T., Steinauer, R. & Beeri, S. (2019). Somatische Pflege in der psychiatrischen Arbeit. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Schoffelegger, G. (2020). Der resiliente Mensch: Trainiere deine Resilienz. Den Gefühle sind keine Krankheiten: Hier finden Sie das Geheimnis der Psyche um Ihren Kopf neu zu Starten und das Erlernen von einer starken Seele.... Independently published.
    • Taubner, S. & Fonagy, P. (2019). Mentalisierungsbasierte Therapie (Fortschritte der Psychotherapie). Bern:  Hogrefe.
    • Wolf-Arehult, M. (2018). Achtsamkeitstraining: Ein Trainingsmanual für psychiatrische Patienten (Störungsspezifische Psychotherapie) (2. Aktualisiert. Aufl.). Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Outpatient psychiatric care (compulsory elective subject) | ILV

    Outpatient psychiatric care (compulsory elective subject) | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS



    • Concepts and models of community psychiatry
    • Social insurance benefits, social benefits, ...
    • legal issues, networks, personal protection law, ...
    • Connection of care documentation and accounting with the health insurance fund



    • Systematic assessment of the treatment needs of clients - from this, students specifically create an individual care plan that allows health insurance companies to track and recognize their care actions.
    • Assessment and monitoring of patients' mental health,
    • Compliance, knowledge about their own illness, copings


    Case management

    • Case management and cooperation with other professions and services, principles of interdisciplinary working
    • In dialogue with the client


    Counselling and training of patients and their relatives and friends

    • Medication management, adherence
    • Prevention of episodes of illness and hospitalisation, psychoeducation, counselling, training, coaching, health promotion
    • Involvement of relatives and friends


    Psychological and somatic crises

    • Management of acute psychological and/or somatic crises (e.g. anxiety and stress situations)
    • Initiation of further medical treatment
    • Is of particular importance because mentally ill people often also have one or more physical illnesses.
    • Protection and self-protection, de-escalation management


    Teaching method

    Lecture/lecture, group work, discussion, feedback, lecture with activating methods, work assignments with feedback, group exercises, case solutions, practical exercises


    Continuous assessment


    • Görres, B. & Zechert, C. (2009). Der dritte Sozialraum als Handlungsort gemeindepsychiatrischer Organisationen: Good Practice Modelle aus Europa. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Greve, N. (2017). Home Treatment in Deutschland – Konzepte und Modelle der Gemeindepsychiatrie. Bonn: Dachverband Gemeindepsychiatrie e. V.
    • Hemdenkreis, B. (2014). Ambulante Psychiatrische Pflege. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Kuntz, A. & Vater, I. (2021). Assertive Community Treatment: moderne Versorgungsformen und neue Rollenprofile für die psychiatrische Pflege. Psych Pflege Heute, 27(02): 88-92.
    •  Obert, K., Pogadl-Bakan, K. (2019). Aufsuchende psychiatrische Arbeit. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Steinhart. I. & Wienberg. G. (2017). Rundum ambulant: Funktionales Basismodell psychiatrischer Versorgung in der Gemeinde. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Weinmann, S. (2017). Psychiatrische Krisenintervention zu Hause: Das Praxisbuch zu StäB & Co. Köln:  Psychiatrie Verlag. 

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Module Thesis and final examination by committee
    7 ECTS
    Written thesis | SE

    Written thesis | SE

    0 SWS   5 ECTS


    • Discussion of basic literature
    • Elaboration of an exposé
    • Preparation of a thesis


    Final exam


    • Döring, N. & Bortz, J. (2016). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften (5th ed.). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 
    • Kleibel, V. & Mayer, H. (2011). Literaturrecherche für Gesundheitsberufe (2nd ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.
    • Mayer, H. (2019). Pflegeforschung anwenden: Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (5th ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.
    • Panfil, E.-M. (2017). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Pflege. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Pflegende (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.

    Teaching language


    5 ECTS
    Final examination by committee  | AP

    Final examination by committee  | AP

    0 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Presentation of the key points of the thesis
    • Examination discussion and proof of in-depth knowledge of a related topic relevant to the final thesis
    • Cross connections to the care of people with psychiatric and neurological clinical pictures
    • Cross-connections to the care of people in the context of gerontology, geriatrics and gerontopsychiatry
    • Cross-references to the care of elderly people in the context of psychosocial emergencies and palliative care


    Final exam: Commission final examination


    • Dörner, K., Plog, U., Bock, T., Brieger, P., Heinz, A. & Wendt, F. (2019). Irren ist menschlich - Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (25. Aufl.). Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Gol, K. & Schlegel, Y. (Hrsg) (2018). Pflege konkret Neurologie Psychiatrie (6. Aufl.). München: Urban & Fischer
    • Klöppl, S. & Jessen, F. (Hrsg.) (2018). Praxishandbuch Gerontopsychiatrie und –psychotherapie; Diagnostik und Therapie im höheren Lebensalter. München: Urban u. Fischer Verlag/Elsevier.
    • Schädle-Deininger, H. (2020): Grundlagen psychiatrischer Pflege (3. Aufl.). Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
    • Schoßmaier, G. (2019). Psychosoziale Pflege Grundlagen – Modelle – Interventionen. Wien: Facultas.

    Teaching language


    2 ECTS
    Module Internship 3
    1 SWS
    8 ECTS
    3rd learning venue: Specialized concepts in neurology  | PR

    3rd learning venue: Specialized concepts in neurology  | PR

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Students will deepen their practical handling of the following main topics through practical exercises:

    Bobath Concept:

    • Components (attitude, competence, technique) of the Bobath Concept.
    • Basic principles and aspects of quality touch, constancy of touch, contact intensity of touch
    • Positioning of neurologically and/or neurosurgically ill patients
    • Activation and support of patients within the framework of the neurological concepts (Bobath, kinaesthetics, basal stimulation; NTD)
    • Bobath concept; neurophysiological basics; basics of normal movement (prerequisites/movement sequences); muscle tone; key points; setting input; general information on handling with insult affected persons/handling with more affected arm, transfers
    • Application, practice and deepening of nursing concepts in the context of mobilisation and reactivation of patients


    Teaching method

    Lecture with activating methods, skills training, group work, work assignments and case solutions, practical exercises


    Continuous assessment


    • Dammshäuser, B. (2012). Bobath-Konzept in der Pflege; Grundlagen, Problemerkennung und Praxis (2.Aufl.). München: Urban& Fischer.
    • Friedhoff, M. & Schieberle, D. (2007). Praxis des Bobath-Konzepts; Grundlagen-Handlings-Fallbeispiele. Berlin: Thieme.
    • Gjelsvik Bassoe, B. & Syre, L. (2017). Die Bobath-Therapie in der Erwachsenenneurologie (3. Aufl.). Berlin: Thieme.
    • Gratz, C. & Müller, D. (2017). Die Therapie des facio-oralen Traktes bei neurologischen Patienten; Zwei Fallbeispiele (3. Aufl.).Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner.
    • Jacobs, G. (2015). Therapeutisch aktivierende Pflege Erwachsener nach erworbenen Hirnschädigungen Bobath-Konzept, BIKA: Persönliche Mitschriften und Unterlagen.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Internship 3 including reflection and supervision  | PR

    Internship 3 including reflection and supervision  | PR

    0 SWS   7 ECTS


    The participants will be guided to:

    Implementation of the theoretical teaching content (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence:

    1. Nursing in inpatient neurological and neurosurgical areas such as neurological facilities, stroke unit, neurosurgical wards incl. IMCU, etc.
    2. Nursing in partly inpatient neurological areas (day clinics, day centres)
    3. Nursing in neurological and neurosurgical rehabilitative areas (rehab facilities)
    4. Outpatient/mobile nursing (e.g. home nursing, outpatient clinics).

    Optionally and complementarily also in areas such as freelance nursing, public health services, ordinaries and group practices and other care settings related to mental health and pediatric nursing.

    • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and setting accident/illness prevention measures.
    • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide for all placement training.
    • Encouraging personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas, as well as reflecting on the experience gained in the relevant vocational field.
    • Application and consolidation of the skills acquired during the Bobath training.


    Teaching method

    Clinical internship


    Continuous assessment: Assessment by practice supervisors


    • Müller, C. (2017). Vom Entfremdungsdreieck zum Resonanzraum; Auszubildende in der psychiatrischen Pflege könnten Neues erleben, In: PADUA (2017), 12 (5), S 321–324. Bern: Hogrefe. 
    • Nick, C & Helmbold, A., Lattek Ä.-D. & Reuschenbach, B. (2020). Qualitätskriterien für hochschulisches Praxislernen in der Pflege - Ergebnisse eines Delphi-Verfahrens, In: Z. Evid. Fortbild. Qual. Gesundh. wesen (ZEFQ), S 111-118. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
    • Scheydt, S. & Holzke, M. (2018). Erweiterte psychiatrische Pflegepraxis; Entwicklung und Diskussion eines heuristischen Rahmenmodells der pflegerischen Expertise in der Psychiatrie, In: Pflegewissenschaft 3/4-2018 / 20. Jahrgang, 146-154. Nidda: HPS-Media.
    • Weißflog, S. & Lademann, J. (Hrsg.) (2021). Verstehen in der psychiatrischen Pflege; Beiträge für erweiterte pflegewissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    Teaching language


    7 ECTS
    Module Internship 4
    1 SWS
    8 ECTS
    3rd learning venue: affect regulation through mentalisation | PR

    3rd learning venue: affect regulation through mentalisation | PR

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Observation of life and interaction situations in the context of the practical activity on the basis of an observation guide.

    Analysis of the written observations in small groups under the guidance of a trainer using the concept of mentalization-based pedagogy according to Fonagy.

    Teaching method

    Exercise parts, observations


    Continuous assessment


    • Allen, G. J., Fonagy, P. & Bateman, W. A. (2011). Mentalisieren in der psychotherapeutischen Praxis. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
    • Ekman, P. (2010). Gefühle lesen, Wie Sie Emotionen erkennen und richtig interpretieren (2. Aufl.).Heidelberg: Spektrum.
    • Fonagy, P., Gergely, G., Jurist, L. E. & Target, M. (2008). Affektregulierung, Mentalisierung und die Entwicklung des Selbst (3. Aufl.). Stuttagart: Klett-Cotta. Verlag
    • Gingelmaier, S., Taubner, S. & Reamberg, A. (Hrsg.) (2018). Handbuch mentalisierungsbasierte Pädagogik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • Rizzolatti, G. (2008). Empathie und Spiegelneurone, Die biologische Basis des Mitgefühls. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    • Steinberger, J. (2021). Empathie als Kompetenz: Ein intersubjektives, mentalisierungsgestütztes Pädagogikkonzept. Wien: Psychoszial-Verlag.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Internship 4 including reflection and supervision | PR

    Internship 4 including reflection and supervision | PR

    0 SWS   7 ECTS


    The participants will be guided to:

    Implementation of the theoretical course content (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence:

    (1) Nursing in psychiatric and psychosocial areas such as nursing in the specialist area of inpatient psychiatric basic care, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and facilities for addicted people as well as in inpatient long-term areas (e.g. dementia care areas).

    (2) Nursing in semi-inpatient areas of psychiatric and psychosocial care (e.g. day clinics, day centres)

    (3) Nursing in psychiatric and psychosocial rehabilitation areas (e.g. "burn-out" clinics, area for medium- and long-term addiction treatment, psychosomatics)

    (4) Nursing in extramural areas of psychiatric care (e.g. outpatient clinics, outreach care, primary care centers) and residential communities as well as sociotherapeutic facilities (e.g. therapy workshops) in psychosocial care for people of all ages and stages of development.

    Optionally and complementarily, in areas such as freelance nursing, public health services, ordinaries and communities of practice, and other care settings related to mental health nursing.

    • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and setting accident/illness prevention measures.
    • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide for all placement training.
    • Encouraging personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas, as well as reflecting on the experience gained in the relevant vocational field.
    • Application and consolidation of the skills acquired during the Bobath training.

    Teaching method

    Clinical internship


    Continuous assessment: Assessment by practice supervisors


    • Müller, C. (2017). Vom Entfremdungsdreieck zum Resonanzraum; Auszubildende in der psychiatrischen Pflege könnten Neues erleben, In: PADUA (2017), 12 (5), S 321–324. Bern: Hogrefe. 
    • Nick, C & Helmbold, A., Lattek Ä.-D. & Reuschenbach, B. (2020). Qualitätskriterien für hochschulisches Praxislernen in der Pflege - Ergebnisse eines Delphi-Verfahrens, In: Z. Evid. Fortbild. Qual. Gesundh. wesen (ZEFQ), S 111-118. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
    • Scheydt, S. & Holzke, M. (2018). Erweiterte psychiatrische Pflegepraxis; Entwicklung und Diskussion eines heuristischen Rahmenmodells der pflegerischen Expertise in der Psychiatrie, In: Pflegewissenschaft 3/4-2018 / 20. Jahrgang, 146-154. Nidda: HPS-Media.
    • Weißflog, S. & Lademann, J. (Hrsg.) (2021). Verstehen in der psychiatrischen Pflege; Beiträge für erweiterte pflegewissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    Teaching language


    7 ECTS

    Semester dates


    Program start: September 9th, 2025
    Program end: January 23rd, 2026

    1. Semester: winter semester 2024/25: week 26 until week 04
    2. Semester: summer semester 2025: week 08 until week 28
    3. Semester: winter semester 2025/26: week 36 until week 04

    Structure of academic year - Start September 2024

    Program start: February 17th, 2025
    Program end: July 3rd, 2026

    1. Semester: summer semester 2025: week 08 until week 28
    2. Semester: winter semester 2025/26: week 36 until week 04
    3. Semester: summer semester 2026: week 08 until week 28

    Structure of academic year - Start February 2025

    Program start: September 3rd, 2025
    Program end: January 29th, 2027

    1. Semester: winter semester 2025/26: week 36 until week 5
    2. Semester: summer semester 2026: week 7 until week 27
    3. Semester: winter semester 2026/27: week 36 until week 4

    Structure of academic year - Start September 2026

    After graduation

    As a graduate of this program, you will have a wide range of professional fields and career opportunities open to you, including at a global level.

    As a graduate, you will contribute your specialist expertise in a variety of settings in the intramural and extramural professional field.

    • outpatient clinics, wards, day clinics and units for psychiatric and neurological health care and nursing

    • outpatient clinics, wards, day clinics and units for child and adolescent psychiatry and psychosomatics

    • institutions for neurological and psychiatric rehabilitation

    • palliative and hospice care for children and adolescents

    • health promotion, preventive activities and counseling in all settings where people with psychiatric illnesses and their relatives can be cared for and looked after

      • disabled facilities for children, adolescents and adults

      • in addition, in the extramural setting: e.g: school nurse, case and care management, or the preparation of care assessments or care allowance classification for people with neurological and/or psychiatric illnesses, mobile psychiatric health care and nursing, primary care centers, health and social care facilities for people of all ages with psychiatric illnesses

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        Head of Program


        Mag.a Susanne Fesl, MSc

        Leiterin Studienbereich 5 Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege
        Leiterin Akademischer Hochschullehrgang Psychiatrische Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege
        Wiener Gesundheitsverbund in Kooperation mit der FH Campus Wien
        Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, Bachelorstudium
        Studienbereich 5

        +43 1 606 68 77-4341


        Jennifer Millner

        43 1 49150-5026

        Office hours
        Monday to Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

        Coordination & qualitymanagement

        FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Simone Grandy

        Academic Staff
        +43 1 606 68 77-4012



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