The Driving Force of Curiosity

Researchers from our own ranks: The Department Building and Design motivates students to engage in research and benefits from the fresh spirit of young researchers.

It is undisputed that teaching and research are an inseparable duo. The Department Building and Design also maintains a close connection by offering talented students the opportunity to gain research experience by working on research projects at the Research Center Building and Design after completing their Bachelor's degree. A benefit that both sides appreciate. The result of new, creative ideas meeting accumulated experience: mutual inspiration for innovative solutions to research questions.

Driving Forces: A Thirst for Knowledge and a Love for Experimenting

For the research staff from the degree programs Civil Engineering and Construction Management and Architecture - Green Building, the motivation is very clear. Developing new ideas, looking at complex issues from various, sometimes interdisciplinary angles, provides invaluable experience and generates problem-solving skills. Other drivers are the practical relevance of the research projects and the uplifting feeling of being actively involved in finding solutions to urgent future issues, such as sustainability in the construction industry.

Achieving Sustainability

A large number of research projects at the Research Center Building and Design are dedicated to climate-neutral construction, circular thinking and life cycle assessment. The research staff contribute valuable research results to the FFG-funded CRUFI project, for example, which aims to improve the reuse of demolished concrete in the context of concrete and building material recycling.

The C3PO project, funded by the City of Vienna - Economy, Labor and Statistics, requires practical, experimental research: on the one hand, a 3D printing system with a robot is being developed and, on the other, concrete formulas are being tested that enable the printing of streamlined, resource-saving precast concrete parts for building construction and civil engineering.

Interdisciplinary cooperation was the focus of Administration 4.0. In this MA 23 project, FH Campus Wien supported the City of Vienna in digitalizing the asset management of transport infrastructure. Among other things, research staff pioneered the development of a software tool with building models. This is used on mobile devices directly for on-site inspections of infrastructure construction sites such as bridges.

Starting Signal for a Career in Science

Marc-Patrick Pfleger, who has been working as a researcher for six years, has made a great leap forward. The Master's graduate in Civil Engineering and Construction Management focuses on bridge renovation and sustainability optimization in concrete construction. The start of his doctoral studies at BOKU Vienna in spring 2023 marks a milestone in his career. As part of the PhD program, he is now devoting himself to research on the accelerated carbonation of concrete in terms of the use of existing CO storage potential.

“Science thrives on young talent. We are very lucky to see so many high potentials among our students who contribute to shaping our future," says Markus Vill Head of Research Center Building and Design, Head of Programs Technical Building Equipment.

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