Master's Degree Program

Architecture – Green Building



Architecture – Green Building

This master's degree program offers a practically oriented and interdisciplinary architectural education with a focus on sustainability throughout the entire life cycle of a building. Building upon the bachelor's degree programs in Architecture - Green Building or Architecture, you will expand and deepen your skills in design, construction and project management and gain detailed insight into integrated design. The future-oriented topic BIM, Building Information Modeling, will play a central role in your education. This compact and complete degree program in architecture offers excellent career prospects in responsible and project management positions in engineering and architectural firms, as well as in the planning departments of construction companies, property developers and public authorities.

Building and Design


  • Compact and complete architectural degree program

  • Practically oriented education: skills for design, integrated planning, construction and project management

  • Sustainability requirements, from planning to disposal



    Final degree

    DI (comparable with Master of Science)

    Duration of course
    4 Semesters
    Organisational form

    Tuition fee per semester

    € 363,361

    + ÖH premium + contribution2,3

    120 ECTS
    Language of instruction

    Currently no application possible

    Study places


    1 Tuition fees for students from third countries € 727,- per semester. More on this in the general fee regulations.

    2 for additional study expenses (currently up to € 83,- depending on degree program and year)

    3 One time package of norms ca. € 320 - 350,- for students who have not completed their bachelor's degree at FH Campus Wien.

    Before the studies

    You have already completed an undergraduate architectural degree program and are therefore able to apply methods of scientific work. You are ready to further develop your creative potential and prefer a specially structured and solution-oriented approach. In project-related work you are able to draw upon personal qualities such as the ability to work well under pressure, make decisions and risk awareness as well as your fundamental understanding of business administration. In your work you value efficiency and quality and are willing to take on responsibility. You have the ability to approach people openly and to work productively in a team.

    Why you should study with us

    First-class training and education

    Leading companies in the industry trust our training and education quality and may finance your very place at university.

    Support programs

    You will benefit from mentoring and scholarship programs and lay the foundation for your career early on.

    Architecture with construction technology

    Understanding each other better and learning from each other. A unique combination that you will only find with us.

    Admission requirements

    • Bachelor degree Architecture - Green Building or equivalent similar qualification from an institute of higher education with a total of 180 ECTS credits in the subject of architecture In exceptional cases the program director, or in individual cases the University Council, will decide.
    • Equivalent certification from abroad
      • Equivalence is determined by international agreements, validation or in individual cases a decision by the head of the academic section. In specific cases the head of the program may formally recognize a qualification.

    INFO: You can apply for the degree program and take part in the admission procedure before completing your Bachelor's degree. In this case, please submit a copy of your final documents by the start of the degree program.

    The first step for your application is the online application. You will then receive an automated confirmation e-mail with your application form attached. This must be signed by hand and sent by post with the copied documents below (closing date for receipt of applications: 21st Juni 2024):

    • Fully completed and signed application form
    • Birth certificate
    • Passport or personal ID
    • Bachelor's certificate or diploma certificate or equivalent foreign certificate
    • Non-German speaking applicants: Proof of German language skills; minimum level C1
    • Proff of the academic achievement of the 1st to 5th semester of relevant Bachelor's degree (e.g. Transcript of Records, proof of academic achievement, etc. - please note: only up to the 5th semester) - all pages!
      • The calculated grade point average has to be indicated, if it is not indicated in the document!
        Calculation formula:
        Sum of grades / number of courses = grade average
    • Please send the above-mentioned documents by mail in paper form to the following address:
      FH Campus Wien
      Master course Architecture – Green Building
      Favoritenstraße 226, P.1.05
      1100 Vienna

    In addition, a portfolio folder (max. 10 MB) must be created in advance, which contains three personal designs in addition to a letter of motivation. This portfolio folder must be uploaded during the online application.


    Please note:
    It is not possible to save the online application temporarily. You must complete your application in one go. After completing the online application, you will automatically receive a confirmation e-mail to your e-mail address. If you have not received this within 1 hour, please contact the secretary's office of the Department of Building and Design at or +43 1 606 68 77-2230.

    • Aim
      • The aim of the admission procedure is to offer a place to those persons who complete the multi-stage admission procedure with the best results. It leads to a ranking of the applicants.
    • Procedure
      The admission procedure is carried out in a three-stage process:
      • Stage 1: Achievement of a relevant Bachelor's degree
        • Presentation of the academic success of the 1st to 5th semester of relevant Bachelor's studies (e.g. Transcript of Records, proof of academic success, etc. - please note: only up to the 5th semester)
        • Calculated grade point average must be indicated if not indicated in the document! (Please use only the submitted document for the grade point average!)
          Calculation formula:
          Sum of grades / Number of courses = grade point average (specify two decimalplaces)
      • Stage 2: Portfolio folder
      • Stage 3:  Admission interview by video call (Zoom)
        • 20-minute interview, this consists of: Motivation, qualification, acquired relevant knowledge.
        • An official photo ID must be presented at the beginning of the conversation.

    Each of these three stages is awarded points. The final ranking results from the total number of these points.

    • Criteria
      The criteria leading to admission are exclusively performance-related. Geographical assignments of applicants have no influence on admission. The admission requirements must be fulfilled.

    The Admissions Committee, which also includes the Head of Studies and the Lecturers' Association, allocates the study places based on the ranking series. The overall process as well as all evaluations of the admission procedure are documented in a comprehensible manner. You will be notified at the end of July 2023 whether we are able to offer you a place in the degree program, whether you have been placed on the waiting list or whether you have not passed the admission procedure.

    You will receive an invitation to the admissions procedure after positive examination of all relevant documents. You will receive the schedule for the admission interviews approximately one week before the allocated interview date. Depending on the number of applicants, additional admission dates may be added.

    • Thursday, 11th May 2023
    • Thursday, 22nd June 2023
    • Thursday, 13th July 2023
    • Thursday, 24th August 2023

    The admission interviews take place as video calls (Zoom), please do not come to the FH for this.

    During the studies

    FH Campus Wien has more than fifteen years of experience running civil engineering degree programs, and today has extensive expertise and a large network at its disposal. You will benefit from this during your studies, for example in interdisciplinary and inter-departmental project work, and in the course of your professional career. This network includes architectural and planning offices such as the civil engineering offices of FCP Fritsch and Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH, as well as contractors such as STRABAG SE, which cooperate with FH Campus Wien not only in the context of training for their employees. In addition to well-founded theory, practical experience is our top priority. Therefore, you will have the opportunity as part of your course work to engage in practical learning based on actual groundbreaking large-scale projects such as the expansion of our main campus in the new district "Verteilerkreis". In addition, we regularly invite you to further your education in the seminar series "Selected Chapters from Construction Practice". Practical relevance is also guaranteed at our Campus Lectures, public lecture evenings with prominent experts, that FH Campus Wien regularly invites you to join.

    What makes this degree program stand out is that it provides a full architectural education in a compact form. The degree program provides detailed know-how in design, planning and project management and provides deep insight into integrated planning including BIM, Building Information Modeling, from design to detailed planning. In practically oriented courses you will have the opportunity to participate in Austrian architectural competitions or explore modular building design and demountable systems in structural design for example. Thus you will be able to take the entire lifecycle of a building into consideration during the planning, all the way to proper disposal and recycling. In addition to the focus on sustainable construction, as well as the good career opportunities it brings, this degree program offers numerous other advantages: You will learn in small groups, always within the framework of interdisciplinary projects together with structural engineering students and will benefit from the excellent FH Campus Wien network with companies such as STRABAG SE, PORR, ÖBB or FCB. Alone the excellent reputation the Department Building and Design enjoys in the construction industry is a useful building block for your career.

    The master’s degree program is designed to be interdisciplinary and practically oriented and combines the topics of sustainable construction, design and strategic design. In sustainable construction you will expand your knowledge of innovative building materials and modular building design, environment and construction, architectural and cultural history as well as communication and presentation. The essential fundamentals for design are the integrated planning and know-how about architectural rendering, design and construction in existing structures, architectural typologies and spatial design.

    In the module “Strategic Design” you will be prepared for project-related work. This will include construction contract law and construction and planning law, as well as detailed knowledge of construction management including calling for tender, awarding contracts, performance and quality control and the methods of settlement. In addition, you will refine your techniques for project management and gain a comprehensive overview of the current software.


    Architectural and art history VO

    Architectural and art history VO

    Lector: Mag. Alexander Potucek

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    This course offers an overview of global art and architecture history. Definitions of architecture, of architecture
    as an art form or as spatial art, and the concepts of the author, style and category will be discussed as
    classification systems of architectural and art history, through the use of selected examples. One focus, which
    places an emphasis on Austrian art and architecture, thus depends on the period of the early modern period
    to the present day. Particular emphasis is placed on historical and sociological foundations and the idea of
    architectural discourse.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Aspects of participation in the planning process VO

    Aspects of participation in the planning process VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Acquisition of the theoretical basics of participation processes (phases, goals, responsibility, scope for design and decision-making, intensity of participation, decision-makers, entitlement matrix), presentation of built examples, excursion and exercises in small groups (decision-making, communication).

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final exam

    Teaching methods

    Lecture with exercise examples and application



    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Design|Build Studio UE

    Design|Build Studio UE

    2 SWS   4 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Design tasks are set that are consistently based on bio-based building materials (primarily wood, clay, straw) and are geared towards feasibility from the outset. The design development process focuses on aesthetic and design qualities, functionality and feasibility in terms of construction and economy. Proposals are discussed in participatory processes, synergies are analyzed and collective solutions for a joint design implementation are developed.

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment

    Teaching methods

    Litter management



    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Design 1 UE

    Design 1 UE

    Lector: DI Philipp Löffler, DI Peter Nageler, Hildegard Sint

    3 SWS   10 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The building-culturally appropriate handling of the inventory as well as the handling of the historical
    building fabric and its contemporary expansion is taught. By means of examples, the application
    of contents of monument preservation, soil mechanics as well as historical building construction and -
    equipment, the procedures for evaluating the actual condition and economic measures for
    energetic refurbishment (building envelope, systems engineering) are also illustrated.
    The exercise Design 1 brings together learned basic knowledge in a complex architectural design
    From the point of view of a creative examination of a holistic architectural
    solution approach, all relevant aspects must be considered, developed and
    implemented down to the last detail.
    The exercise Design1 has the goal of sounding out differentiated positions and developing architecture in all its
    possible and different effects. Representation is by means of scaled
    plans, models, perspective sketches, renderings and descriptions.
    Based on the plans and model, a public presentation of the participating partners is mandatory.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    3 SWS
    10 ECTS
    Building Design VO

    Building Design VO

    Lector: Hildegard Sint

    2 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Building typology or design is the systematic framework for scientific research and development of the
    building concept and for translating research into the teaching environment. The main objective here is to
    expand the hitherto linear relationship between program of use and architecture into a complex reference
    field, in which new factors incorporate.
    Within this expanded research and analysis framework the focus is on design, thus developing skills for using
    the typologies as a method.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final inspection

    Teaching methods

    Performing and activating methods



    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Innovative Building Materials ILV

    Innovative Building Materials ILV

    Lector: Henriette Fischer, BSc

    1 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    In this course, innovative building materials and construction methods are presented or introduced by the
    students and analyzed according to various criteria. Students learn innovative approaches to building
    materials in terms of sustainability well as their capacity to improve resource efficiency and recyclability,
    minimize environmental impact, implement social aspects and improve functional performance. The
    approaches vary between innovative materials and raw materials (e.g. biogenic plastics), technologies,
    construction and processes (e.g. reverse logistics for construction waste). The technical demands of
    innovative construction materials are discussed and analyzed.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods

    The course consists of a lecture part and an elaboration part.



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Building with Earth ILV

    Building with Earth ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course consists of a theoretical and a practical part. It is based on an examination of earth building traditions and earth building techniques worldwide. Furthermore, the current trends in earth building in the areas of excavation utilization, standardization and regulations and new manufacturing processes are conveyed and areas of application in construction are explored in which earth can replace conventional, energy-intensive building materials. The physical building properties (diffusion openness, heat storage, sound insulation, fire protection) and their influence on the indoor climate are discussed.
    In the practical part, the specific material properties of earth building materials will be investigated experimentally in a hands-on workshop. This includes testing the quality of clay, producing suitable clay mixtures and experimenting with various clay building techniques such as rammed earth, clay bricks, corrugated clay and clay plaster.

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment
    Final exam

    Teaching methods

    Lectures, teaching tests, experimental implementation



    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Low-high tech design VO

    Low-high tech design VO

    Lector: DI Dr. Karin Katharina Tielsch

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The lecture introduces theories and examples showcasing the role of technology in architecture. Starting from
    theories, which present style as a product of technology, the role of building technology and that of
    architectural design strategies is critically reflected upon with reference to historical and contemporary low-,
    high- and hybrid design solutions. One part of the lecture discusses development architecture as the
    precursor if low-tech design strategies as well as the role of the low-high tech debate for the current
    architectural discourse.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Multi-storey timber construction + modular construction methods VO

    Multi-storey timber construction + modular construction methods VO

    3 SWS   3 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    As part of the lecture, students learn how to deal with multi-storey timber construction. The limits, legal framework conditions, basic superstructures, exterior design options with regard to sustainability and durability are demonstrated and discussed using examples and project analyses.
    The lecture also covers the following modular systems in detail: solid construction system - skeleton construction, building envelope and perforated façade system, finishing system and the building technology system. Using exemplary innovative construction methods, students will learn and understand in detail how to think architecturally and conceptually against the background of material and structural form relationships. One focus of the course is on independent innovative detail development with a focus on the use and disposal (dismantling) of ecologically sustainable materials and the avoidance of throwaway technology.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods

    Lecture and research work as an exercise.



    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Design and Construction in Stock VO

    Design and Construction in Stock VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The architecturally appropriate treatment of existing as well as of historic structures and their contemporary
    refurbishment and additions is mediated. Using examples, the course illustrates the application of topics such
    as protection of buildings and monuments, soil mechanics, reconstruction of historical structures and
    equipment as well as how to evaluate the state of the building and the economic measures for energyefficient
    refurbishment (building envelope, systems engineering)

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Space, Light and Color ILV

    Space, Light and Color ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Lecture: Based on the five senses (haptics, phonetics, taste, visuality and phonetics), architectural concepts from different eras are presented and taught with special consideration of interior concepts in order to be able to take them into account in the integrative planning of future living spaces.
    Exercise: Based on the five senses (haptics, phonetics, taste, visuality and phonetics), students are asked to reflect on and analyze interiors and spatial situations at given locations in Vienna
    On the one hand, the lecture conveys theoretical principles of the inextricably linked phenomena of light and color as well as human perception. Topics covered include color theories, color systems, visual ergonomics and color psychology. On the other hand, sample analyses train the eye for and handling of color.
    During the course, students develop an awareness of color as an integral part of building structures. After successfully completing the course, they will have an understanding of the issues that can arise in the color design of rooms and will be able to deal with them responsibly.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final inspection

    Teaching methods

    Lecture with examples of application and analysis. Training in self-reflective perception using the classical dialectical method (thesis antithesis synthesis).



    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Sociology and social space VO

    Sociology and social space VO

    Lector: Dipl. Ing. Anirban Banerjee

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    This course focuses on the most important social transformations that characterize today's cities. In particular,
    he deals with the interaction between the residents and with the built environment.
    Semester schedule (please check the FHCW portal for updating)
    - Introduction to Sociology / Architectural Sociology / excursion (Moodle)
    - Excursion (place will be announced separately)
    - Scientific writing / Preliminary discussion Final presentation or submission document
    - Final Presentation (exam)

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment
    Your final grade bases on the assignment and breaks down as follows:
    Moodle course and submission of tasks in the course 20%
    Final Presentation 40%
    Final Paper 40% (PDF file by email and FHCW platform)

    Teaching methods

    The students work in groups structured according to the empirical order of architectural sociology in six levels. First, these six levels are theoretically discussed. On the basis of a specific Viennese housing project, these levels are analyzed and documented in the course of an excursion by the students. The investigations will be presented and discussed. Finally, the students write a paper about their examinations and analyzes (5 pages per group/level as a combination of text, sketches, photos). The course is held in German.



    1 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Architechture International UE

    Architechture International UE

    Lector: DIin(FH) Mag.a Andrea Bódvay, Hildegard Sint

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The data collected during an architectural documentation is evaluated, processed methodically and presented.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Architechture International Excursion UE

    Architechture International Excursion UE

    Lector: DIin(FH) Mag.a Andrea Bódvay, Hildegard Sint

    2 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Featured are architectural documentations (electronic display), building research and material and failure
    analysis, as well as planning approaches practiced in order to historically preserve structures. The exercise
    includes tasks of historic preservation of monuments and places as well as tasks regarding design and style.
    In the context of historical architecture and engineering, the course presents and examines details of
    revitalization projects.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    BIM-based building modeling - Visualization UE

    BIM-based building modeling - Visualization UE

    Lector: Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Resch

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The topic of Building Information Modeling is introduced comprehensively, including its advantages and challenges as a planning tool. The second part of the exercise teaches different visualization techniques for creating realistic computer images. The focus is on the realistic representation of different architectural scenarios.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Design|Build hands-on UE

    Design|Build hands-on UE

    2 SWS   4 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Hands-on experiences enable a practical approach to regenerative building materials. The teaching of basic manual skills includes the operation of tools and equipment as well as dealing with the material-specific and haptic properties of the respective building materials. This is accompanied by all the project management processes required to complete Design|Build projects - from sponsorship applications and material procurement to cost calculation and invoicing. In participatory processes, as many stakeholders as possible are involved in the construction process, the discourse between the university and the population is strengthened and more awareness of sustainable construction is created in the sense of "action architecture".

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment

    Teaching methods

    Experimenting with the material, teaching manual skills, building practice



    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Design 2 (Citydesign) UE

    Design 2 (Citydesign) UE

    Lector: Matthias Bresseleers, MArch., Dipl.-Ing. Korbinian Lechner

    2 SWS   6 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The studio blends basic knowledge into a complex urban design.
    From the perspective of creative engagement with a holistic architectural approach the task is to observe all
    relevant points of view, to develop and implement all the way into the detail stages of the design.
    The studio aims to explore differentiated positions and develop urban planning and architecture in all its
    possible and different effects. It is prepared using scale plans, models, perspective sketches, renderings and
    Based on the plans and the model, a public presentation of the participating partners is required.

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment

    Teaching methods




    2 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Open Space Planning ILV

    Open Space Planning ILV

    Lector: Annalisa Mauri

    1 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The topics of contemporary landscape architecture are discussed in the field of tension of ecological, functional, technical, social and design issues, on the one hand in the sense of urban planning on a macro level and in the field of object planning on a micro level. Building on the previous knowledge of typology and landscape architectural design (space formation, design elements), concrete, specialized areas of open space planning are developed, but always in a holistic, interdisciplinary sense and included in the integral planning.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Building Physics VO

    Building Physics VO

    Lector: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Sieh

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The basic principles of building simulation methods are taught in order to deepen students' understanding of
    building physics.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Integral Planning 1 UE

    Integral Planning 1 UE

    2 SWS   4 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course engages with construction in existing contexts. An existing building material undergoes a structural and functional analysis, the potential for an upgrade of the inventory with a functional expansion and the expansion of the inventory in compliance with the general conditions in the building laws is examined, and a specific, individual space allocation is developed.
    On this basis, the creation of a preliminary draft with an individually adapted construction system made of wooden structure takes place parallel to an interdisciplinary approach. Here the focus lies on prefabrication and life-cycle oriented construction with sustainable materials in general.
    The project is designed in the subjects of architecture, construction, building physics and economic efficiency interdisciplinarily, thus students of the course “Green Building” are responsible for the architectural progress, whereas those studying civil engineering for the subject-specific processing;
    the amalgamation of the preliminary draft concepts to a holistic project serves as the fundamental essence of the integral course.

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Integrated Design UE

    Integrated Design UE

    3 SWS   4 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The aim of the exercise "Integrated Design" is to develop an aesthetically pleasing and technically feasible project in a relatively short period of time and to prepare the results in such a way that specialist planners from the fields of structural analysis, building physics and the building industry can easily continue to work with them.
    From the point of view of an intensive, creative examination of an architectural design, which serves as preparation for "Integral Planning 1", relevant aspects for the respective problem must be considered, developed and implemented in planning.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final exam

    Teaching methods

    Problem Based Learning



    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Project Development VO

    Project Development VO

    Lector: Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Altmann, MSc

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course provides an overview of all aspects of real estate development using examples. The necessity for
    a solid project development analysis and evaluation methods are explained in theory and practice and
    practiced interactively with concrete projects. Apart from the legal aspects, the participants of project
    development and their tasks are discussed.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Spatial Planning VO

    Spatial Planning VO

    Lector: ZT DI Roland Krebs, MBA

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course provides an overview of the various tasks of spatial planning as well as a theoretical and
    methodological pool of possibilities for the analysis of spaces. Using examples, alternative solutions are
    presented and discussed for previously analyzed problems.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Urban Development VO

    Urban Development VO

    Lector: Matthias Bresseleers, MArch.

    2 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course advances the ability to theoretically discuss current urban topics with regard to design tasks.
    Theoretical aspects are taught using practical examples of urban planning and development. Knowledge of
    the diverse implications in artistic and architectural, ecological and social terms, and the development of
    creative solutions are at the center.

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment

    Teaching methods




    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Urban Energy Systems VO

    Urban Energy Systems VO

    Lector: DI Stefan Geier

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Basics in urban energy requirements; energy mix, thermal and electrical energy needs Energy system in urban environments; energy efficiency in buildings; integration of renewable energy systems Energy infrastructure requirements; building to grid; electrical and thermal networks; load management; emobility Modelling and energy concepts development; basics in data analysis

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final written paper

    Teaching methods

    Lecture supported by single- and group exercises



    1 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Architechture, Research and Development ILV

    Architechture, Research and Development ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The integrated course "Architecture, Research and Development" teaches students which current research areas there are in architecture, how research projects are handled and in which form results are published. In particular, the current R&D projects of the Competence Center for Building and Design are used and the students are involved in the research projects.
    The students receive good knowledge in the field of scientific work and thus a practical preparation for the Master Thesis through targeted use in theoretical and applied research.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods

    Lecture and participation in research projects



    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Building Biology VO

    Building Biology VO

    Lector: DI Dr. Bernhard Lipp

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Building biology is a collective term for the comprehensive science of the interactions between people and
    their built environment. At the center of the considerations are the effects of buildings on human health and
    well-being. The environmental friendliness of the buildings also plays a certain role.
    The lecture on building biology has the following main topics:
    - Building biology and science
    - Thermal comfort
    - Indoor air quality and humidity
    - Electromagnetic fields and health
    - Acoustic comfort
    - Light, colors and health

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Written exam

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Building Contracts and Law VO

    Building Contracts and Law VO

    Lector: Mag. Gerald Fuchs

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    With the inclusion of current case law and practical case studies, students are given
    insights into construction contract law and special legal constellations of the construction industry and
    construction operations, such as the implementation of construction contracts, including the handling of contract deviations
    and possibilities of dispute resolution are discussed.
    Building on the constitutional foundations, the lecture is devoted to special
    security aspects of construction and planning law. Likewise, an understanding of the ancillary laws of the
    building code as well as commercial, environmental and nature conservation law topics is promoted. Using
    case studies, the application or implementation of the legislation is demonstrated.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Bauvertragswesen VO

    Bauvertragswesen VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    - Conclusion of contract
    - Representation on the construction site
    - Contract interpretation
    - Securing
    - Unit price contract
    - Cost estimate
    - Lump sum price contract
    - Invoicing
    - Default
    - Acceptance
    - Warranty
    - Obligation to check and warn
    - Compensation
    - Contractual penalty

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Written exams

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Design 3 UE

    Design 3 UE

    4 SWS   10 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The exercise "Design 3" represents the last design project in the master's program and thus maps all the skills learned in the master's program as well as acquired knowledge that are necessary for the creation of a complex architectural design.
    In particular, "Design 3" refers to the architectural and urban planning quality, the quality of structural design and building physics, as well as the quality of environmental sustainability with special attention to the life cycle of the building.

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment

    Teaching methods

    Lecture with exercise examples and application



    4 SWS
    10 ECTS
    Ethics for Architects VO

    Ethics for Architects VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The basics of responsible behavior for all categories of those involved in planning and construction, allinclusive
    architectural concepts and basic ethical values are conveyed.
    The objective is to train the judgment in order to develop solutions in the development of sustainable
    architecture, taking into account ethical aspects.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Facility Management VO

    Facility Management VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course provides a basic understanding of the tasks, possibilities and areas of Facility Management, its
    different tasks and roles whereby facility management is explained in the sense of EN 15221 as a
    management strategy.

    Assessment methods

    Module exam

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Contemporary Architecture VO

    Contemporary Architecture VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Presentation of actual examples of sustainable, contemporary architecture in form of guest lectures.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test summarizing the presentations (individual work)

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    History of sustainable construction VO

    History of sustainable construction VO

    Lector: Dipl.-Ing. Martin Aichholzer

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course offers an overview of the spectrum of architectural history with a focus on "sustainability".
    Sustainable, holistic concepts from various regions in the historical timeline (for example ventilation concepts,
    use of solar energy) will be taught with reference to the respective society.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Integral Planning 2 UE

    Integral Planning 2 UE

    2 SWS   5 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course engages with construction in existing contexts. An existing building material undergoes a structural and functional analysis, the potential for an upgrade of the inventory with a functional expansion and the expansion of the inventory in compliance with the general conditions in the building laws is examined, and a specific, individual space allocation is developed.
    On this basis, the creation of a detailed realization project with an individually adapted construction system made of wooden structure takes place parallel to an interdisciplinary approach. Here the focus lies on prefabrication and life-cycle oriented construction with sustainable materials in general.
    The project is tackled in the departments of architecture, construction, building physics and economic efficiency interdisciplinarily, thus students of the course “Green Building” are responsible for the architectural progress, whereas those studying civil engineering for the subject-specific processing;
    the amalgamation of the preliminary draft concepts to a holistic project serves as the fundamental essence of the integral course.
    The students are capable of working a project up to the point of the application design, the site plan used in construction, and the detailed planning.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    2 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Life Cycle Management ILV

    Life Cycle Management ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Students are trained to design the planning process through real estate-related life cycle management in such a way that buildings are understood as dynamic products that must be planned and constructed integrally, energy-efficiently and flexibly. The main focus of the course is the presentation
    of different aspects, methods, principles and rules of life cycle management and the resulting problems of life cycle oriented building optimization.
    LCM philosophy - implementation of sustainability in project developments / success factors project management
    Building optimization in terms of LCM - task definition / goals
    >> ongoing processing & reflection in all teaching units
    Organization, structure and planning process - the integral planning
    Project structure for the life cycle / Increased focus on schedule management
    Life cycle costs - cost management / steps in cost planning / standard costing - cost forecasting incl. dealing with valorization and risk costs
    Life Cycle Costing: The Big Picture / Yield & Value Perspective / Life Cycle /
    Forecasting Scenarios for LCC / Financing - Interest / Operating Costs / Utilization Costs - Repair & Maintenance / Subsequent Costs - Demolition & Reuse.
    Investment appraisal > compounding and discounting / calculation of life cycle costs according to ÖN series B 1801 Building life cycle models
    case studies
    Cost control / cost tracking / design to cost / project optimization / cost optimization
    LCM - Presentation / Reflection / Interpretation / Examination

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment

    Teaching methods

    Conveyance of the current fundamentals on the topics in the form of impulse lectures
    Life Cycle Management / Integral Planning / Flexibility / Project Structure / Project Organization / Life Cycle Costs / Cost Control > Project Optimization
    Development of examples for concrete applications of life cycle management and life cycle cost calculations >> Building optimization - sustainable project development / life cycle cost optimization / presentation of results by the students > Critical reflection and interpretation of results



    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Site Supervision ILV

    Site Supervision ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The students learn and understand the essence, function and tasks of on-site construction supervision. The
    lecture conveys the legal bases and the actions associated with the power of representation. The topics
    include: the coordination of individual companies on the construction site, the control of contractual
    employment, production work as well as the time, cost and quality control.

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment
    Lecture: Seminar + Final Exam; Distance Learning; continuous assessment

    Teaching methods




    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Presentation Techniques SE

    Presentation Techniques SE

    Lector: DIin(FH) Mag.a Andrea Bódvay

    1 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The essential strategic aspects of preparing a presentation are taught by means of specific exercises;
    examples of various presentation options and essential aspects of personal appearance are also practiced.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Certification systems UE

    Certification systems UE

    1 SWS   2 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course includes a detailed examination of market-leading certification systems such as LEED, BREEAM,
    DGNB/ÖGNI and analyses the relevant core criteria, their evidence methodology and the current trends in the
    development of criteria (i.e. Sustainable Development Goals). The application of a certification system is
    worked through with the students based on a practical example.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam

    Teaching methods




    1 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Master‘s Seminar SE

    Master‘s Seminar SE

    3 SWS   3 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    The course oversees the Master Thesis, the interim presentations as well as the students' final presentations.

    Assessment methods

    Continuous assessment
    Continuous assessment

    Teaching methods




    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Master‘s Thesis MT

    Master‘s Thesis MT

    0 SWS   26 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    In the master's thesis students are required to comply with specific research topics of sustainable architecture
    and to take into account economic, efficient, social and possibly historical aspects. Task of the master thesis
    is to demonstrate that the ability exists to handle a complex task and disciplinary methods accordingly.
    The task can be selected by the students in agreement with the qualifications of the program.

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Final Test

    Teaching methods




    0 SWS
    26 ECTS
    Master Examination AP

    Master Examination AP

    0 SWS   1 ECTS

    Lecture contents

    Independent preparation for the Master's examination, consisting of the examination parts:
    - Presentation of the master thesis
    - Justification of the thesis
    - Examination discussion about cross connections of the topic of the master thesis to the relevant subjects of the curriculum
    Examination discussion about other study-relevant contents

    Assessment methods

    Final exam
    Commission Master Examination

    Teaching methods

    Independent work on the topic with individual feedback within the framework of the Master's thesis supervision.



    0 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Number of teaching weeks
    15 per semester

    After graduation

    As a graduate of this program, a wide range of occupational fields and career opportunities are open to you. Find out here where your path can take you.

    The demand for architecture green building experts is rising both for the construction of new buildings and the revitalization of existing buildings. As a graduate you can design energy-efficient buildings and develop building concepts. Your professional activities will include the execution and detailed planning as well as the preparation and editing of calls for tender, the examination of offers and awarding of contracts. Your interdisciplinary education will also prepare you for construction tasks, such as supervision, and facility management during ongoing operation. With the master’s degree program you will be qualified for positions of responsibility, including project or construction management.

    • Engineering and architectural offices

    • Construction industry and building trade

    • Consulting agencies

    • Public and private building contractors

      • Building inspection authorities and administrative bodies in the public sector

      • Real estate related services

      • Construction departments of private clients (chain stores, insurance companies, banks)

        Networking with graduates and organizations

        We closely cooperate with renowned companies in commerce and industry, universities, institutions and schools. This ensures that you have points of contact for professional internships, job opportunities or your participation in research and development activities. Major players in the construction industry such as the PORR Group, STRABAG SE or ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG will support you in various funding programs, provide insights into professional practice, offer the chance of rare part-time jobs or accompany you with professional expertise and collegial advice. You can find many of our cooperations on the website of our Campusnetzwerk. A look at them is always worthwhile and may lead you to a new job or to an interesting event of our cooperation partners!


        Head of Degree Program

        Secretary's office

        Lisa Wegleitner, BEd
        Simone Betke

        Favoritenstraße 226, P.1.07
        1100 Wien
        +43 1 606 68 77-2230
        +43 1 606 68 77-2239

        Map Main Campus Favoriten (Google Maps)

        Office hours during the semester
        By arrangement

        Teaching staff and research staff


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