FH-Prof. DI Dr. techn. Markus Vill
Head of Programs Technical Building Equipment; Head of Research Center for Building and Design
+43 1 606 68 77-2541
The Research Center Building and Design offers interdisciplinary expertise on tasks in civil engineering and architecture, with a focus on the life cycle and sustainable construction. The spectrum of application- and practice-oriented research covers the requirements of the entire construction industry. The research center focuses on structural engineering, resilient cities and infrastructure, automated construction, sustainable architecture, contextual construction and innovative building materials, designs and construction methods.
Head of Programs Technical Building Equipment; Head of Research Center for Building and Design
+43 1 606 68 77-2541
Research and Project Assistance
Secretary's Office (Parental Leave)
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Junior Researcher
Junior Researcher
Research Staff
Head of Bachelor's Degree Program Architecture - Green Building
Junior Researcher
Head of Master's Degree Program Architecture - Green Building
Junior Researcher (Educational Leave)
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Head of project: Hildegard Sint
Head of project: Dipl.-Ing.in Aída Santana Sosa
Head of project: FH-Prof. DI Dr.techn. Markus Vill
Head of project: Dipl.-Ing. Martin Aichholzer
Head of project: Dipl.-Ing.in Henriette Fischer, BSc
The research center uses the infrastructure of FH Campus Wien for its research projects and
Currently under construction:
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