
Library and Media Center

Our opening hours in the summer 1st July to 28th July Opening hours: Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday, Friday, Saturday will be closed.  From 29th July to 25th August   

Focus on Teaching

What makes the teaching and university didactics at FH Campus Wien stand out As a higher education establishment, our aim is to provide students with a professional environment in which they can stud  

Language Center

If you are looking for a fancy word in a dictionary, it is probably the wrong word. Our team of highly qualified, experienced English trainers offers tailor-made English courses for all degree prog  

Information about Corona virus

Please adhere to the measures ordered by the responsible authorities in the respective country. We recommend increased hygiene measures such as take advantage of the free Covid-19 vaccination off  

Code of Conduct

The conduct of everyone working, teaching, researching or studying at FH Campus Wien and its subsidiaries is guided by the standards we have defined.  

Study programs

The FH Campus Wien offers Bachelor's and and Master's degree programs as well as programs in continuing education and academic expert programs in the departments Applied Nursing Science, Applied Life  

Open Courses

Would you like to get to know contents of other disciplines during your studies? Do you want to exchange ideas with students from other fields of study? FH Campus Wien trains students for many dif  

Schedule of the academic year

General semester an vacation times Summer semester 2024 12th February to 14th July 2024 Easter holidays: 25th March to 1st April 2024 Summer break: 15th July to 25th August 2024 Section Bioen  

FiT pre-qualification

FiT (Women into Technology) - Technical pre-qualification and eligible bachelor degree programs Since 2010, FH Campus Wien has been offering an annual technical pre-qualification course from March to