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Health in the spotlight

"There are thousands of diseases, but only one health." So said the German journalist Ludwig Börne in the 18th century. Knowledge about health contributes to care and prevention. New professions in h  

callogs appcheck

Eine fachliche Beurteilung und Validierung einer bestehenden Smartphone App zur Kontrolle der Kalorienzufuhr.  

Prospective Students

Whether Bachelor or Master – in more than 60 degree programs in seven departments, everyone can find their vocation. Learn more now.  

Study flexibly

You can choose from over 60 degree programs and courses from seven departments. In order to give as many people as possible access to an academic education, FH Campus Wien offers various forms of org  

EIT-Health-Austria: Academia-2-Entrepreneurs (A2E)

The goal of the "EIT-Health-Austria: Academia-2-Entrepreneur (A2E)" project is to motivate students and young researchers from the health sciences and medicine to look into the possibility of setting