
Knock on Wood

Biomedical Science researches the antimicrobial effects of larch wood Wood has germ-reducing properties, stimulates the human immune system and has a positive effect on the psyche. This has now been  

Interview mit Judith Purkarthofer

Der vielsprachige Kindergarten ist ein Gewinn Die Soziolinguistin Judith Purkarthofer ist Postdoctoral research fellow im Center for Multilingualism across the lifespan (MultiLing) an der  

Doing what makes your heart race!

Barbara Bittner has had a diverse professional career working as a social worker, lawyer, teacher, mediator, Head of Department and Vice-Rector. In November 2015 she became the first female Rector of  

About sustainability in social economy

It is not only playing an increasingly important role in private life, sustainability is also becoming increasingly important in professional life. Companies from all sectors are trying to optimize  

How good is governance?

Participation, rule of law and transparency are what make up the so-called “good governance” understanding of political and administrative systems. Alfred Hödl, Head of the Master Degree Program  

More than just not being ill

The health system in Austria is changing. People are getting older. Medicine and technology are constantly evolving. This greatly increases the chances of a long and healthy life. But it also  

Digitalisierung durch gedruckte Elektronik

Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Forschung im Schwerpunkt gedruckte Elektronik voranzutreiben und die bestehenden Labore der FH Campus Wien in diesem Schwerpunkt auszubauen, Studierende werden mit