
CryptoCurrencies: Vorbei mit dem Goldrausch?

Kryptowährungen, Mining 2.0 und Blockchain – bei den Campus Lectures IT-Security an der FH Campus Wien gaben drei Experten aus der Branche Einblick in die aktuellen Trends.  

"Qualified for the digital transformation"

As a result of digitization, our society is facing profound changes. At an unprecedented rate, new technologies are entering and defining our areas of life. Thus, transformation processes have come  

Doing what makes your heart race!

Barbara Bittner has had a diverse professional career working as a social worker, lawyer, teacher, mediator, Head of Department and Vice-Rector. In November 2015 she became the first female Rector of  

More than just not being ill

The health system in Austria is changing. People are getting older. Medicine and technology are constantly evolving. This greatly increases the chances of a long and healthy life. But it also  

Good Architecture

As in fashion, today “everything is possible” in architecture. Many roads here and there lead to the destination. Architect Andrea Bódvay finds this diversity exciting, but also