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16.00 p.m. to 17.00 p.m. Short presentation and round of questions Register Meeting-ID: 87436290640 All info about the program Fall 2023 video recording: All info about the program  

Nursing Education

The admission procedure consists of an interview in which we want to find out more about your motives, skills and knowledge. You will need the following documents for your application: birth  

Application and Admission

Admission requirements The following admission requirements must be met before a prospective student may apply to study at FH Campus Wien: Higher education entrance qualification School  

Language Center

If you are looking for a fancy word in a dictionary, it is probably the wrong word. Our team of highly qualified, experienced English trainers offers tailor-made English courses for all degree  

Accessible studying and teaching

Questions about accessibility in the admissions process and studies? If you have any questions regarding accessibility or if you have a specific need in the admission procedure due to an  

Future Hero Award

The Future Hero Award honours FH Campus Wien graduates who stand out for their special commitment and make a contribution to a future worth living.  

Multilingual Technologies*

Admission procedure: the admission procedure includes an interview with members of the admission committee (representatives of the University of Vienna and FH Campus Wien). This interview will take  

Health Care and Nursing

… an additional examination must be taken in English language (at high-school diploma niveau, B2). Online-infosessions via Zoom for Diplomierte Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegepersonen Presenation and device:…  

LISTEN! Peer Counseling

Having difficulties with your studies? Are you facing private challenges? Our peer counselling is an offer from students for students to provide support in everyday life. Register now for your free