
About sustainability in social economy

It is not only playing an increasingly important role in private life, sustainability is also becoming increasingly important in professional life. Companies from all sectors are trying to optimize a  

New scholarship for social issues

In June 2020, Volkshilfe awarded the first annual Erika Stubenvoll scholarship for graduates of the master’s degree programs in the Department Social Work. The only prerequisite: the thesis must deal  

Typisch für meinen Job mit Markus Hoffmann

Ing. Markus Hoffmann BSc MA, absolvierte die Studiengänge Integriertes Sicherheitsmanagement (Bachelor) und Risk Management and Corporate Security (Master). Schon während des Studiums arbeitete er fü  

3 Fragen 3 Antworten

Guido Strunk zu Komplexität in der Wirtschaft Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Guido Strunk lehrt im Masterstudium Integriertes Risikomanagement an der FH Campus Wien. Der habilitierte Wirtschaftswisse