Research Center AI, Software and Safety

The Research Center AI, Software and Safety stands for applied research in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), functional safety of AI, Extended Reality (XR), Internet of Things (IoT), and interdisciplinary software projects. It emerged from the Vienna Institute for Safety and Systems Engineering (VISSE) as a result of merging with the Department of Computer Science. The research center is a knowledge hub for innovative solutions in digitalization projects. The exchange between research, teaching and practice is promoted through cooperation with industry and public bodies as well as integration into the study program.



Research Areas

Digital Innovation and Transformation
Energy, Mobility and Infrastructure

Projects of the Research Center AI, Software and Safety

Open-Source Deep Learning Platform

A deep learning platform for embedded hardware


Smart Village Neuhaus

Supply security despite climate change


AI & VR Lab

Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Lab



AI technologies have become an integral part of our lives and are changing the way we work, learn and interact. This development not only offers us new opportunities, but also presents us with exciting challenges. We conduct research in the areas of embedded AI, functional safety of AI, natural language processing and the application of large language models. Our goal is to contribute to solving the challenges of our time through our research, while always putting people at the center.

We are researching technical solutions in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT) for the sustainable security of supply of municipalities in times of climate change. One focus is on the challenges posed by personnel and budgetary constraints faced by small and micro municipalities.

We combine expertise from different specialist areas to develop innovative solutions. With these projects, we face the challenges of digital transformation and utilize their potential for different domains, such as applied nursing research.

The research center explores the potential of extended reality (XR) technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) in various fields of application. One focus is on the development of innovative solutions for teaching in order to make learning more interactive and effective and to develop new didactic concepts.

UN sustainable developement goals

The Team at the Research Center AI, Software and Safety



DI Dr. techn. Mugdim Bublin

Deputy Head of Program Multilingual Technologies Master; City of Vienna Endowed Professorship for Artificial Intelligence

FH-Prof. DI Dr. Igor Miladinovic

Head of Degree Programs Computer Science and Digital Communications, Multilingual Technologies, Software Design and Engineering

Projects and Activities

The publications of the Research Center AI, Software and Safety can be found in our publication database.


If you are interested in cooperating with the FH Campus Wien, you will find general information on our page for companies and organizations.


Study programs involved


Computer Science and Digital Communications



Computer Science and Digital Communications



Software Design and Engineering



Multilingual Technologies
