Bachelor's Degree Program



Dieticians are responsible for the nutritional management of healthy and sick persons, as well as in institutions and companies. As a legally recognized health professional and the only occupational group active in the field of nutrition, dieticians are the only experts besides doctors who may plan, implement and evaluate nutrition therapies. Counseling expertise and knowledge of the course of diseases therefore play a major role in the degree program in Dietetics. The practically oriented education provides you with the knowledge of medicine, nutrition, health communication and project management in health promotion necessary for a diversified professional future.

Health Sciences
Quality of life


  • Know-how about the development and course and treatment/therapy of illnesses

  • Varied workshops and projects

  • Extensive internships



    Final degree

    Bachelor of Science in Health Studies (BSc) incl. professional qualifications

    Duration of course
    6 Semesters
    Organisational form

    Tuition fee pro semester

    € 363,361

    + ÖH premium + contribution2

    180 ECTS
    Language of instruction

    Currently no application possible

    Study places


    1 Tuition fees for students from third countries € 727,- per semester. Details on tuition fees can be found in the general fee regulations.
    2 for additional study expenses (currently up to € 83,- depending on degree program and year)

    Before the studies

    You enjoy working with people and are committed to life-long learning in order to provide the best nutrition therapy possible for patients and clients. In everyday life you combine the enjoyment of food with health consciousness. You have good knowledge of the natural sciences and food preparation. You possess strong people and communication skills.

    Why you should study with us

    Practical training on campus

    Thanks to the state-of-the-art infrastructure, you will gain valuable practical experience during your classes.

    Let's go international!

    A practical learning phase abroad offers the opportunity to broaden your horizons and gain new impressions.

    Active exchange

    Numerous disciplines at one location: participate in research projects and learn from others.

    Take advantage of the "FIT for a health profession?!" self-assessment test to see what a profession in health care requires and if you have the right qualities.

    FIT for a health profession?! (in German only)

    Relevant admission requirement

    You need a general university entrance qualification, proven by

    • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
    • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
    • equivalent foreign certificate or
    • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution,

    or a relevant professional qualification with additional examinations


    Further details

    Limited higher education entrance qualification

    A limited higher education entrance qualification is recognized for:

    • medicine,
    • dentistry,
    • veterinary medicine or
    • pharmacy
    • various natural science studies

    Information on the limited higher education entrance qualification can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

    Relevant professional qualification with additional examination

    The following qualifications are defined as relevant professional qualifications:

    • School for Intermediate Vocational Education with additional examinations
      • vocational school for economic professions
      • vocational school for hotel management
      • vocational school for tourism
      • vocational school for the hospitality industry
      • business school
    • Special forms of secondary agricultural and forestry schools
      • agriculture and food industry
      • general agriculture
      • Agriculture in the Alps
    • Training for healthcare professions
      • school for general health care and nursing
      • school for child and adolescent care
      • school for psychiatric health care and nursing
      • school for medical-technical specialist services
    • Apprenticeship groups with additional examinations
      • cook
      • gastronomy specialist
    • Proof of English language proficiency at level 2 must be provided by the start of the degree program.

    Language requirements for admission

    The required language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is at least

    • German - level B2.

    Other admission requirements

    Once a place has been confirmed, additional proof of suitability is required:

    • first aid course of at least 16 hours (not older than two years)
    • proof of no criminal record
    • proof of health suitability
    Vaccination recommendations
    pdf, 78 KB

    Legalization of foreign documents

    Applicants may require legalization of documents from countries other than Austria in order for them to have the evidential value of domestic public documents. Information on the required legalizations can be found here in PDF format.

    Translation of your documents

    For documents that are neither in German nor English, a translation by a sworn and court-certified interpreter is required. Your original documents should have all the necessary legalization stamps before translation so that the stamps are also translated. The translation must be firmly attached to the original document or a legalized copy.

    Online application - uploading documents

    As part of your online application, upload scans of your original documents including all required legalization stamps. For documents not issued in German or English, scans of the corresponding translations must also be uploaded. The head of the study program decides on the equivalence of international (higher) education qualifications. Therefore, your documents can only be checked as part of the ongoing application process.

    Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the application phase has not yet started.

    The ratio of study places to applicants in the Bachelor's degree program in Dietetics is currently around 1:20.5.

    Documents for your online application

    1. Proof of identity
      • passport or
      • identity card or
      • Austrian driving license (proof of citizenship required) or
      • residence permit (proof of citizenship required)
    2. Proof of change of name, if applicable (e.g. marriage certificate)
    3. Proof of fulfillment of the relevant admission requirement
      • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
      • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
      • equivalent foreign certificate or
      • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution or
      • proof of relevant professional qualification
      • If you do not currently have a certificate, please upload your complete certificate from the last completed school level.
    4. Proof of German level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following apply as proof:
      • secondary school leaving certificate from a German-language school
      • completion of at least three years of studies in German
      • supplementary examination pre-study course - German B2
      • German certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g.:
        • Austrian German Language Diploma: ÖSD Certificate B2
        • Goethe Institute: Goethe Certificate B2
        • telc: German B2
        • German language test for university admission for foreign applicants: DSH-2
        • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany: DSD II
        • Test of German as a foreign language (Test DaF): Level TDN 4 in all parts
        • Language Center of the University of Vienna: Course and successfully passed exam at level B2
        • Proof of a higher language level is also valid.
    5. Curriculum vitae in tabular form in German
    6. Letter of motivation in German
    7. Legalizations and translations, if applicable (see tab “Foreign documents and degrees”)

    Your application is valid once you have completely uploaded the required documents. If you do not have all the documents at the time of your online application, please submit them to the secretary's office by email as soon as you receive them.

    After completing your online application, you will receive an email confirmation with information on the next steps.

    Dokumente für Ihren Studienstart

    Once a place has been confirmed, additional proof of suitability is required:

    • first aid course of at least 16 hours (not older than two years)
    • proof of no criminal record
    • proof of health suitability

    The admissions procedure includes a written test, a practical aptitude test, and an interview.


    The objective of the admissions procedure is to offer study places to individuals who achieve the best results in the multi-stage admissions process. The testing methods are designed to assess skills required for the desired profession.


    The approximately three-hour written test takes place at FH Campus Wien and includes a variety of test tasks. In addition to assessing basic intellectual abilities (e.g., numerical series, word analogies, matrices, spatial reasoning, language comprehension), general knowledge in the natural and human sciences (see literature recommendations) is tested. Furthermore, knowledge of health professions and profession-relevant personality traits is evaluated.

    Information about the written entrance test (information only available in German, PDF 289 KB)

    Applicants who meet the required level proceed to the second part of the admissions process, which involves a practical aptitude test conducted in the Dietetics program's teaching kitchen and an interview.

    Practical Aptitude Test

    The practical test evaluates skills and abilities such as:

    • Identifying and naming food items
    • Estimating food quantities
    • Using and handling standard kitchen utensils


    During the interview, personal aptitude is assessed through guiding questions about the profession and study program. Topics include professional understanding and motivation, personal approach to nutrition, individual learning behavior, and willingness to perform. Additionally, social and communicative skills, such as verbal expression, self-presentation, and reflective abilities in the conversation, are evaluated.

    The practical aptitude test and the interview take place on the same day, at a personally selected date, at FH Campus Wien in the Dietetics program.

    The written entrance test will be held on Saturday, 29th March 2025.

    Schedule for the written entrance test

    Schedule of entrance test
    pdf, 66 KB

    Campus Map

    Campus Map
    jpeg, 296 KB

    During the studies

    The FH Campus Wien is characterised by extensive expertise and a large network. FH Campus Wien is the only university of applied sciences in Austria to train all seven legally regulated upper-level medical-therapeutic-diagnostic professions as well as midwifery. An important partner in the areas of education, research and development is the Vienna Healthcare Association. At our attractive main location, you also benefit from our modern infrastructure, which includes test kitchens. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to join a professional community across disciplines. There is great potential in research projects at the interface between health and technology and practical relevance is guaranteed when we organise one of our freely accessible lecture evenings with top-class experts as part of the Campus Lectures.

    The practically oriented degree program combines medicine, natural, social and human sciences. Communication, counseling expertise and knowledge of the development and course of diseases play a major role. Internships that can be completed abroad make up approximately 25% of the bachelor's degree program. Workshops and projects provide varied teaching and learning processes. In practice the profession is more and more concerned with advising people on nutrition and providing training, for example in order to prevent diet-related lifestyle diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Health promotion begins in kindergartens and schools, and this is also where the degree program in Dietetics is also active. As part of the course "Project Management", a prevention project is designed and implemented in practice. This is done in cooperation with a school in the 10th district, where dietetics students introduce school children to the importance of eating a healthy diet. The students and school children cook together in the teaching kitchen at FH Campus Wien to show everyone that healthy food can be very tasty.

    With the event "Pimp your food", dietetics students at the main campus of FH Campus Wien recently encouraged visitors to include more fruits and vegetables in their daily diet and thus implemented project ideas and concepts from courses in practice. Their ideas included delicious smoothies in the entrance hall, practical tips in the form of recipes via Facebook, a photo contest and much more. Another successful class project is the "Dietetics-WiKi", which was designed and implemented as part of an e-learning best practice project and is an integral part of the teaching. This media WiKi tool supports competence-oriented, student-centered, interdisciplinary and networked learning and teaching.

    You acquire a broad theoretical education and complete internships relevant to the dietician profession.

    • The program focuses on the core areas of medicine, nutrition and communication. Using your skills and knowledge in these areas you will practice and learn to give nutritional advice and therapy to healthy and sick people.
    • Small classes, modern teaching methods, workshops, projects and e-learning provide varied teaching and learning processes.
    • Internships that can be completed abroad make up approximately 25% of the bachelor's degree program. In the wide variety of available internships you can expect intensive professional support on site.


    Module Dietology in the context of health care
    3 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Professional Studies | ILV

    Professional Studies | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Historical development of dietetics and the profession; development of dietetic schools, academies and today's Universities of Applied Sciences - dietetics; development of the professional law and the professional title; legal foundations MTD law, job description, registration of health professions; national and international professional associations;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work tasks, presentations, discussions


    Continuous assessment


    Schönbauer, D., Dibold, H. Die Diätassistentin. Verlag Göschl Wien, 1978
    Bundsgesetz über die Regelung der gehobenen medizinisch-technischen Dienste (MTD-Gesetz), BGBl. Nr. 460/1992 idgF
    Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Gesundheit und Frauen über Fachhochschul-Bakkalaureatsstudiengänge für die Ausbildung in den gehobenen medizinisch-technischen Diensten (FH-MTD-Ausbildungsverordnung – FH-MTD-AV) StF: BGBl. II Nr. 2/2006 H-MTD Ausbildungsverordnung

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Introduction to Healthcare and Health Economics | VO

    Introduction to Healthcare and Health Economics | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    History of the development of modern social and health systems (markets and non-markets);

    Types of health systems ("Health in all policies" and the dissolution of traditional system boundaries);

    The role and functioning of health economics;

    Structures and indicators in health systems;

    Healthcare reform: goals, measures and status quo;

    Medical sociology - sociology of the professions (the role of the liberal professions in the conflict area between state and market);

    The Austrian Healthcare System - fundamentals and definitions of business administration in hospitals;

    Organization and resources in hospital operations;

    The hospital as an expert organization;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, presentations, discussions


    Continuous assessment


    Hofmacher, M.: Österreich - Gesundheitssysteme im Wandel. [aktuellste Auflage] Siegrist, J.: Medizinische Soziologie. [aktuellste Auflage] Illich, I.: Die Nemesis der Medizin. [aktuellste Auflage] Rupp, B.: (2018): ppt-Unterlage und Skriptum nach Bedarf: Gesundheitsreform-Materialien (Gesetzestexte, politische Vereinbarungen)

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Project Management | ILV

    Project Management | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basic concepts of project management, project management processes and methods; planning of a project and documentation by means of a project manual on the basis of a concrete task within the scope of group work.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercises and group work tasks

    Moodle course (self assessment)


    Continuous assessment


    pma base line 3.0
    pma basic syllabus 1.0.1

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Communal and Individual Catering
    3.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Energy and Nutrient Calculation/IT | ILV

    Energy and Nutrient Calculation/IT | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction to the energy and nutrient calculation of recipes with corresponding tables and IT-supported.

    Implementation of the energy and nutrient calculation in daily plans in the area of whole food and light whole food.

    Teaching method

    Guided exercises, individual work and small group work



    Continuous assessment


    Elmadfa, I., Aign, W., Muskat, E. & Fritzsche, D. Die große GU Nährwert Kalorien Tabelle.Mit über 20.000
    Nährwerten, alle wichtigen Vitamine und Mineralstoffe, zahlreiche Sondertabellen für eine gesundheitsbewusste
    Ernährung. München: GU Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Nutritional-Software: Online im WWW unter:,
    [akutellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Nutritional Management in Prevention 1 | ILV

    Nutritional Management in Prevention 1 | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    A wholesome diet for healthy people; practice-oriented implementation of scientific criteria in everyday life.

    Menu design for communal catering taking into account regional, seasonal and intercultural eating habits as well as institutional framework conditions.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, individual work, small group work, presentation, self-organized learning


    Continuous assessment


    Cremer, M. & Rademacher, C. Die dreidimensionale Lebensmittelpyramide. Fachinformationen. Bonn: DGE [aktuellste Auflage].
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung. D-A-CH Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr. 1. Ergänzungslieferung [Neustadt an der Weinstrasse]: Neuer Umschau Buchverlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Dickau, K. Die Nährstoffe. Bausteine für Ihre Gesundheit. Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Rösch, R. & Jungvogel, A. Vollwertig essen und trinken nach den 10 Regeln der DGE. Bonn: DGE [aktuellste Auflage].
    Schlieper, C. A. Grundfragen der Ernährung. Lehrbuch. Hamburg: Verlag Handwerk und Technik [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Practical Application of Food Supply 1 | UE

    Practical Application of Food Supply 1 | UE

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Hygiene regulations for canteen kitchens, health care kitchens and comparable communal catering establishments, including personal hygiene and occupational health and safety and their practical implementation; cooking procedures in theory and practice; organization of operating procedures and catering systems; basic recipes of Austrian cuisine, in particular dough and masses, and their practical implementation; guidelines for purchasing, storage and preparation of foodstuffs, waste disposal, including practical implementation; kitchen machines, appliances and utensils in theory and practice

    Teaching method

    guided exercises, individual work, group work, lecture


    Continuous assessment: final cooking examination


    Auinger-Pfund, E.: Lehrbuch der Konditorei, Trauner Verlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Bundesministerium für Frauen Gesundheit: Hygiene-Leitlinie. für Großküchen, Küchen des Gesundheitswesens und vergleichbare Einrichtungen der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung [aktuellste Auflage].
    Fischer, P.: Küche in Theorie und Praxis, Theorie. Inkl. DVD mit Arbeitstechniken, Trauner Verlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Fischer, P.: Küche in Theorie und Praxis. Rezepte, Trauner Verlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Mösenlechner, P., Hauder, G. & Lachinger, C.: Küche, Service und Betriebsorganisation - EWF / ZWF (Bildung), Trauner Verlag [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Basics of Nutrition Science
    6 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Biochemistry | VO

    Biochemistry | VO

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Thermodynamic basics of metabolism, basic sections of metabolism, basic molecules, chemical structure of nutrients, biological oxidation, interaction mechanisms in metabolism, basics of molecular biology: DNA, RNA, PCR, transcription, translation

    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Koolmann, J., Röhm, K.-H.; Taschenatlas der Biochemie [aktuelleste Auflage].
    Alberts, B., et al: Lehrbuch der Molekularen Zellbiologie, John Wiley and Sons, [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Chemistry | VO

    Chemistry | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basics of anorganic chemistry; periodic table

    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Wawra, E. et al: Chemie verstehen, UTB Facultas [aktuellste Auflage]
    Wawra, E., et al: Chemie erleben, UTB Facultas [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Nutritional Science 1 | VO

    Nutritional Science 1 | VO

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basics of dietetics, definition of terms; energy/energy requirements; amino acids, protein requirements; lipids, fat requirements; carbohydrates and requirements, dietary fibers and requirements; national and international reference values;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, self-organized learning


    Final exam: Final examination


    Biesalski, H.-K., Grimm, P. & Nowitzki-Grimm, S.. Taschenatlas Ernährung. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Grundwerk. Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr. Bonn: Deutsche Ges. f. Ernährung. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Hahn, A. Ernährung. Physiologische Grundlagen, Prävention, Therapie. Stuttgart: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Schek, A. Ernährungslehre kompakt. Kompendium der Ernährungslehre für Studierende der Ernährungswissenschaft, Medizin und Naturwissenschaften und zur Ausbildung von Ernährungsfachkräften; mit 74 Tabellen und neu: über 220 Übungsaufgaben und Original-Klausurfragen (Lösungen als Download im Internet). Sulzbach im Taunus: Umschau-Zeitschr.-Verl. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Schlieper, C. A. Grundfragen der Ernährung. Lehrbuch. Hamburg: Verlag Handwerk und Technik. [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Nutritional Science 2 | ILV

    Nutritional Science 2 | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS



    Water balance;

    Fat-soluble vitamins;

    Water-soluble vitamins;

    Bulk elements;

    Trace elements;

    Secondary plant constituents;

    Anthropometric measurement methods, determination of nutritional status

    Teaching method

    Lecture, practical exercise on anthropometric measurement methods.



    Continuous assessment: Final examination


    Biesalski, H.-K., Grimm, P. & Nowitzki-Grimm, S.. Taschenatlas Ernährung. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Grundwerk. Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr. Bonn: Deutsche Ges. f. Ernährung. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Hahn, A.. Ernährung. Physiologische Grundlagen, Prävention, Therapie. Stuttgart: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Verlages. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Schek, A. Ernährungslehre kompakt. Kompendium der Ernährungslehre für Studierende der Ernährungswissenschaft, Medizin und Naturwissenschaften und zur Ausbildung von Ernährungsfachkräften; mit 74 Tabellen und neu: über 220 Übungsaufgaben und Original-Klausurfragen (Lösungen als Download im Internet). Sulzbach im Taunus: Umschau-Zeitschr.-Verl. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Schlieper, C. A. Grundfragen der Ernährung. Lehrbuch. Hamburg: Verlag Handwerk und Technik. [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Basics of Food Science
    4.5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Hygiene and Microbiology | VO

    Hygiene and Microbiology | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basics of infection science and epidemiology; basic concepts and tasks of infection, hospital, food, environmental and water hygiene; measures of infection prevention and control;

    Basics of microbiology; overview of the most important pathogens of food- and water-induced infections; nosocomial infections

    Teaching method

    lecture, film


    Final exam: final examination



    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Food Knowledge/Technology | ILV

    Food Knowledge/Technology | ILV

    2.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    Commodity knowledge of plant and animal foodstuffs in accordance with the Austrian Food Codex; basic principles for the process technology of food production; introduction, definitions of terms, tasks and objectives of food technology, reasons and possibilities for the processing of food; explanation of the technology of various foodstuffs and the associated chemical, physical or microbiological changes; Addressing topics such as risk treatment, quality assurance and ecology.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, media-supported lecture, presentation, group work

    Product analyses and comparison and tasting of selected food groups

    Self-organized learning


    Final exam: Final examination and term paper on a selected food item


    BMGF: Österreichisches Lebensmittelbuch. Online im WWW unter:, [aktuellste Auflage].

    Baltes, W. Lebensmittelchemie. Berlin: Springer. [aktuellste Auflage]

    Ebermann, R. & Elmadfa, I. Lehrbuch Lebensmittelchemie und Ernährung. Wien, New York, NY: Springer.[aktuellste Auflage]

    Hamatschek, J. Lebensmitteltechnologie. Die industrielle Herstellung von Lebensmitteln aus landwirtschaftlichen Rohstoffen (UTB Lebensmittel-, Ernährungs-, Agrarwissenschaften, Verfahrenstechnik). Stuttgart: Verlag Eugen Ulmer.[aktuellste Auflage]

    Rimbach, G., Nagursky, J. & Erbersdobler, H. F. Lebensmittel-Warenkunde für Einsteiger. Berlin: Springer Spektrum.[aktuellste Auflage]

    Schlieper, C. A. & Holtmeier, H.‑J. Grundfragen der Ernährung. Hamburg: Büchner Handwerk und Technik.[aktuellste Auflage]

    Vreden, N., Schenker, D., Sturm, W., Josst, G., Blachnik, C. & Vollmer, G. Lebensmittelführer. Inhalte, Zusätze, Rückstände.Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. [aktuellste Auflage]


    Teaching language


    2.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Food Law | VO

    Food Law | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    General principles and concepts of food law at European level (e.g. EC Basic Regulation, 178/2002/EC) and in Austria (va LMSVG);

    Obligations of food business operators, control possibilities of the authorities as well as possible sanctions and measures;

    Labelling law, general labelling provisions, with special regard to the EC Food Information Regulation; special labelling provisions,

    Special rules on individual foodstuffs, in particular GMOs

    Hygiene regulations as well as the ÖLMB and the worldwide codex 

    Teaching method



    Final exam: Final examination


    Natterer A.: Lebensmittelrecht, Manz, Wien, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Basics of Scientific Work
    2.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Literature Search, Citing and Scientific Writing | ILV

    Literature Search, Citing and Scientific Writing | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Research in databases, introduction to literature management programs and their application; guidelines of good scientific practice; writing an abstract

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercise


    Continuous assessment: Seminar


    Balzert H, Schröder M, Schäfer C: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, W3L AG, Dortmund, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Benesch M, Raab-Steiner E: Klinische Studien lesen und verstehen, Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG, Wien, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Karmasin M, Ribing R: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten,Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG, Wien, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Kleibel V, Mayer H: Literaturrecherche für Gesundheitsberufe, Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG, Wien, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Scientific Evidence through Literature Survey | SE

    Scientific Evidence through Literature Survey | SE

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Systematic search in databases, narrative reviews, scoping reviews and systematic reviews; PRISMA statement; evidence classification

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, research tasks


    Continuous assessment


    Higgins JPT, Green S. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0 [updated March 2011]. The Cochrane Collaboration, 2011. Available from
    Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J. & Altman, D. G. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. PLoS medicine, 6 (7), e1000097.
    Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine. (March 2009). Levels of Evidence. Verfügbar unter
    Peters, M. D. J., Godfrey, C. M., Khalil, H., McInerney, P., Parker, D. & Soares, C. B. (2015). Guidance for conducting systematic scoping reviews. International journal of evidence-based healthcare, 13 (3), 141–146.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Medical Basics
    4.5 SWS
    6 ECTS
    General Anatomy | VO

    General Anatomy | VO

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basic terminology, direction and position descriptions, general definition of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems, structure, morphology.

    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Schünke: Der Körper des Menschen.Thieme [aktuellste Auflage]
    Abrahams P.Craven J. Lumley J.:Illustrated clinical anatomy. Hodder Arnold [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    General Physiology | VO

    General Physiology | VO

    3 SWS   4 ECTS


    Cell physiology, compartments and transport, neurophysiological basics, sensors, synapses, reflexes, smell, taste, muscle physiology, vegetative nervous system, thermoregulation, cardiovascular physiology, respiratory physiology, energy turnover, gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, kidney; water and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, endocrinology, hematology; genetics

    Teaching method



    Final exam: LV final examination


    Silbernagl, St.: Taschenatlas der Physiologie, Thieme Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Silbernagl, St., et al.: Physiologie, Thieme Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Widmaier, E.P.: Vander’s Human Physiology, Verlag Mc Graw-Hill [aktuellste Auflage]
    Fox, St. I.: Stuart Human Physiology, Verlag McGraw-Hill, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    4 ECTS

    Module Interdisciplinary Key Issues
    8 SWS
    8 ECTS
    English for Dietitians | UE

    English for Dietitians | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Grammar: speaking hypothetically, comparisons
    Skills: speaking about character traits; discussing career prospects
    What we eat; text comprehension; using words / phrases relating to food products; writing a formal report; using appropriate linking words; understanding and documenting film materials; critical analysis of eating habits and fast food products
    The body : Parts of the body, Functions of the body , The gastrointestinal system, Talking about your physical condition; medical terminology
    Patient communication
    Food and nutrients
    Illnesses and digestive disorders

    Teaching method

    lecture, discussions, pair work, group work, presentations, writing tasks, film material, role plays


    Continuous assessment


    Bilingual dictionary
    Recommended reading for further information:
    Allum, Virginia / McGarr, Patricia. Cambridge English for Nursing. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
    Glendinning, Eric H. / Howard, Ron: Professional English in Use. Medicine., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
    Holford, Patrick. The Optimum Nutrition Bible. London: Piatkus, 2009.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Practice | UE

    Practice | UE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Practical implementation of the theoretical teaching and learning content from the course "Fundamentals of Nutrition Education/Pedagogy".

    Application of digital and analog pedagogical-didactical methods in nutrition education.

    Implement health literacy nutrition initiatives linked to SDGs and Austrian health goals in a guided way.






    Teaching method

    Researching, presenting, visualizing, documenting

    Collaborative and participatory teaching/learning methods.


    Continuous assessment


    Arnold, R. Lebendiges Lernen (Grundlagen der Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung, Bd. 5). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Gudjons, H. & Traub, S. Pädagogisches Grundwissen. Überblick - Kompendium - Studienbuch . Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Nitschke, P. Trainings planen und gestalten. Professionelle Konzepte entwickeln, Inhalte kreativ visualisieren, Lernziele wirksam umsetzen Bonn: ManagerSeminare-Verl.-GmbH. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Stein, M. Allgemeine Pädagogik. Stuttgart: UTB GmbH; Reinhardt. [aktuellste Auflage] .
    Zirfas, J. Pädagogik und Anthropologie. Eine Einführung (Grundriss der Pädagogik, Erziehungswissenschaft, Bd. 21). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Nutrition Education | ILV

    Nutrition Education | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Definition of the four pillars of pedagogy as a foundation for client and patient education.

    Transparent presentation of the national and international education sector with focus on nomenclatures like ISCED, ECVT, ECTS in EQF and NQF.

    World education situation and nutrition education in the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Health Literacy in the context of SDGs and the Austrian Health Goals.


    Teaching method

    Lecture, individual work, group work, discussion, reflection, presentations


    Continuous assessment


    Arnold, R. Lebendiges Lernen (Grundlagen der Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung, Bd. 5). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Gudjons, H. & Traub, S. Pädagogisches Grundwissen. Überblick - Kompendium - Studienbuch . Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Nitschke, P. Trainings planen und gestalten. Professionelle Konzepte entwickeln, Inhalte kreativ visualisieren, Lernziele wirksam umsetzen Bonn: ManagerSeminare-Verl.-GmbH. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Stein, M. Allgemeine Pädagogik. Stuttgart: UTB GmbH; Reinhardt. [aktuellste Auflage] .
    Zirfas, J. Pädagogik und Anthropologie. Eine Einführung (Grundriss der Pädagogik, Erziehungswissenschaft, Bd. 21). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Food Hygiene | VO

    Food Hygiene | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Growth curve; microorganisms and food; internal and external growth factors; food spoilage;

    Selected food poisoners: enteritis-causing Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus;

    Kitchen technology and kitchen hygiene in communal catering: workplace allocation; preparation of food (washing, crushing, mixing); preparation of food (seasoning, acidification, garnishing, heating, portioning and slicing); intermediate storage of food (keeping hot, cooling); serving food (keeping hot, cooling down); storage of raw products (refrigeration, deep-freezing); cleaning and disinfection; personal hygiene

    HACCP in the canteen kitchen

    Teaching method

    Media-supported lecture


    Final exam: Final examination


    Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen: Leitlinie für Großküchen, Küchen des Gesundheitswesens und vergleichbare Einrichtungen der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung. (
    Krämer, J.: Lebensmittel-Mikrobiologie, Verlag Ulmer (UTB), [aktuellste Auflage]
    Weber H.: (Hrsg.): Mikrobiologie der Lebensmittel – Grundlagen, BEHR’s Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Sinell, H-J.:: Einführung in die Lebensmittelhygiene, 4. Auflage, 2003, 296 S., Pareys Studientexte Bd. 21

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Psychology/Nutrition Psychology | ILV

    Psychology/Nutrition Psychology | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Introduction to psychology, general definition; general psychology, learning, memory, motivation; developmental psychology; clinical psychology, mental disorders; health psychology and stress; eating disorders; nutritional psychology and eating behavior;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, presentation


    Continuous assessment


    Zimbardo, P.G. & Gerrig, R.J.: Psychologie. München: Pearson, [aktuellste Auflage].
    Pudel, V. & Westenhöfer, J.: Ernährungspsychologie. Eine Einführung. Göttingen: Hogrefe, [aktuellste Auflage].
    Klotter, C.:Einführung Ernährungspsychologie. München: utb, [aktuellste Auflage].
    Renneberg, B. & Hammelstein, P. (Hrsg.) Gesundheitspsychologie. Heidelberg: Springer, [aktuellste Auflage].
    Knoll, Scholz, Rieckmann: Einführung Gesundheitspsychologie, [aktuellste Auflage].
    Oerter, R. & Montada, L. (Hrsg.) Entwicklungspsychologie. Weinheim: Beltz, [aktuellste Auflage].
    Comer, R. J.: Klinische Psychologie. Heidelberg: Spektrum, [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Sociology/Nutrition Sociology | ILV

    Sociology/Nutrition Sociology | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Fundamentals of the sociology of nutrition and eating; life styles; civilization and eating behavior; social-structural conditions of eating. 

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion 


    Continuous assessment


    Barlösius, E., Soziologie des Essens, Eine sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Einführung in die Ernährungsforschung, München: Juventa Verlag [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Subject-specific Medical Basics 1
    4 SWS
    5 ECTS
    General Pathology | VO

    General Pathology | VO

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basic pathological terms, pathology of diseases of individual organs and systems under consideration of nutrition-associated illnesses. 

    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Böcker, W., et al.: Pathologie, Elsevier, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Nutritional Physiology | VO

    Nutritional Physiology | VO

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Basics of nutrient assimilation, hunger-saturation, assimilation of macronutrients, minerals, vitamins, essential trace elements

    Teaching method



    Final exam: final examination


    Elmadfa, I., Leitzmann, C.: Ernährung des Menschen. Verlag Ullmer, Stuttgart, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Bässler, K.-H., Golly, I., Loew, D., Pietrzik, K. : Vitamin Lexikon. Urban & Fischer, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Ekmekcioglu, C., Marktl, W.: Essentielle Spurenelemente, Klinik und Ernährungsmedizin. Springer Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Specialist Anatomy | VO

    Specialist Anatomy | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Anatomy and function of organ systems

    Teaching method



    Final exam


    Faller, A.: Der menschliche Körper. Thieme, Stuttgart, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Communal and Individual Catering
    3.5 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Prevention in Nutritional Management 2, alternative forms of nutrition, trend diets | ILV

    Prevention in Nutritional Management 2, alternative forms of nutrition, trend diets | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Wholefood nutrition of healthy persons - Part 2; practice-oriented implementation of scientific demands in everyday life; critical examination of articles on specific nutritional issues in general and in particular with topics in the context of racist food designations as well as nutrition ecology.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, individual work, small group work, presentation 


    Continuous assessment


    Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr. Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung [aktuellste Auflage].
    Dickau, K. Die Nährstoffe. Bausteine für Ihre Gesundheit. Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Hahn, A. Ernährung. Physiologische Grundlagen, Prävention, Therapie. Stuttgart: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft [aktuellste Auflage].
    Rösch, R. & Jungvogel, A. Vollwertig essen und trinken nach den 10 Regeln der DGE. Bonn: DGE [aktuellste Auflage].
    Schlieper, C. A. Grundfragen der Ernährung. Lehrbuch. Hamburg: Verlag Handwerk und Technik [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    International/Professional cooking | UE

    International/Professional cooking | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Preparation of international dishes

    Professional cooking and food styling

    Teaching method

    Guided exercises


    Continuous assessment


    Kochbücher, Fachbücher, Eigene Rezepturen

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Work Shadowing | PL

    Work Shadowing | PL

    0 SWS   2 ECTS


    Familiarization with dietology as a field of action. Introduction into data protection law and data protection declaration. 

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment



    Teaching language


    2 ECTS
    Reflection on Work Shadowing | SE

    Reflection on Work Shadowing | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Instruction, work shadowing and information on data protection

    Model of subjective relevance

    Reflection on work shadowing

    Teaching method

    Lecture, elearning: Moodle

    Individual work - writing a training diary

    Group work - reflection according to the model of subjective relevance


    Continuous assessment


    Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Spann, H. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht. Unterrichtsentwicklung und Unterrichtsevaluation durch Aktionsforschung (5. grundlegend überarbeitete Auflage). Bad Heilbrunn: UTB; Julius Klinkhardt [aktuellste Auflage].
    Heyse, V., Giger, M. & Abele-Brehm, A. E. Erfolgreich in die Zukunft. Schlüsselkompetenzen in Gesundheitsberufen; Konzepte und Praxismodelle für die Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (Gesundheitsmarkt in der Praxis). Heidelberg: medhochzwei-Verl. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Hüttner, B. Handlungskompetenzsteigerung durch das Modell der subjektiven Relevanz. Evaluationsstudie im Rahmen von Praxisreflexionen mit Studierenden des Fachhochschul-Bakkalaureatsstudiengangs Diätologie (1. Aufl.). Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Seyfried, C. (2002). Das Modell der Subjektiven Relevanz für reflexive Arbeit in der Schule. Schulpraktische Studien, 39–52.
    Seyfried, C. & Seel, A. (2005). Subjektive Bedeutungszuschreibungen als Ausgangspunkt schulpraktischer Reflexion. journal für lerhrerInnenbildung, 5. (1), 17–24. Lernprozesse in Praktika.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Practical Application of Food Supply 2 | UE

    Practical Application of Food Supply 2 | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Preparation of meals for persons at different stages of life, light whole foods; portioning of meals, quality control and evaluation according to specified criteria, evaluation of energy and nutritional content; reflection of prepared meals with regard to their nutritional composition and acceptance.

    Teaching method

    Guided practical exercises, individual and small group work, excursion, lecture


    Continuous assessment


    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Qualitätsstandard für die Verpflegung in Krankenhäusern., [aktuellste Fassung].
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Qualitätsstandard für die Schulverpflegung., [aktuellste Fassung].


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Basics of Scientific Work
    4 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Introduction Diaetological Process and Clinical Reasoning | ILV

    Introduction Diaetological Process and Clinical Reasoning | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Students will learn about the historical development of the Diatological Process model. Students will be able to describe the individual process steps of the DP. Students will know the Bio-Psycho-Social model of ICF /ICF dietetics . Students will learn Evidence Based Practice as it relates to the Diatological Process Model. Students will learn Clinical Reasoning in the context of the Diateological Process Model.

    Teaching method

    Self-organized learning, lecture, discussion


    Continuous assessment


    Gäbler G., Hofbauer A (Hrsg.). Der Diaetologische Prozess. Qualitätsstandard für die diaetolgoische Praxis. 1. Auflage. Wien. Verband der Diaetologen Österreichs; 2020. Higgs, J.: Clinical reasoning in the health professions (3. ed., repr). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, BH; 2008. Hoffmann, T., Bennett, S. & Del Mar, C.: Evidence-based practice across the health professions (2nd ed.); 2013.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Empirical Work and Biostatistics | ILV

    Empirical Work and Biostatistics | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Scaling level of data, introduction to SPSS; familiarization with descriptive central measures; prerequisites for application of univariate and bivariate test statistics; quantitative test procedures; calculating and interpreting epidemiological effect sizes

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercises using SPSS


    Continuous assessment


    Cochrane Collaboration. Cochrane-Glossar. Verfügbar unter
    Field, A. (2015). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics. And sex and drugs and rock'n'roll (4th edition). Los Angeles, Calif.: SAGE.
    Janssen, J. & Laatz, W. (2013). Statistische Datenanalyse mit SPSS. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung in das Basissystem und das Modul Exakte Tests (8. Aufl. 2013). Berlin: Springer.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Qualitative Research Methods | ILV

    Qualitative Research Methods | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Introduction to qualitative methods; application of qualitative methods MAXQDA12, content analysis, computer-aided evaluation of a qualitative exemplary demonstration project; exemplary demonstration project with mixed method

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercises


    Continuous assessment


    Bortz, J., Bortz-Döring & Döring, N. Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation. Für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler ; mit 87 Tabellen. Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verl. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Flick, U. Handbuch qualitative Sozialforschung. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen. Weinheim: Beltz. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Lamnek, S. Qualitative Sozialforschung. Mit Online-Materialien. Weinheim: Beltz. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Mayring, P. Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken. Weinheim, Bergstr: Beltz, J. [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Target-oriented Nutrition
    6 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Nutrition - Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Infant, Toodler | ILV

    Nutrition - Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Infant, Toodler | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Nutrition for pregnant and breastfeeding women, nutrition for healthy infants and children up to the age of 18

    Teaching method

    Lecture, small and very small group work, self-organized learning


    Continuous assessment


    Alexy, U., Hilbig, A. & Lang, F. Ernährungspraxis Säuglinge, Kinder und Jugendliche. Beratungswissen kompakt (aktuellste Auflage). Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Bruckmüller, M., Dieminger, B. [Birgit], Fröschl, N., Kiefer, I. & Zwiauer, K. [Karl] (AGES - Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH, Hrsg.). (2014). Ernährungsempfehlungen für ein- bis dreijährige Kinder.

    Bruckmüller, M., Dieminger-Schnürch, B. & Hesina, S. (AGES - Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH, Hrsg.). (2017, Oktober). Ernährungsempfehlungen für Kinder im Alter von 4 bis 10 Jahre.

    Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (Hrsg.). (2014, 9. September). Österreichische Stillempfehlungen. Empfehlung der Nationalen Ernährungskommission.

    DGGG, O. u. S. (2019, Juni). Obesity and Pregnancy. Guideline of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (S3-Level, AW MF Registry No. 015/081). Verfügbar unter:

    Greber-Platzer, S., Haiden, N., Hauer, A. C., Lanzersdorfer, R., Pietschnig, B., Schneider, A.‑M. et al. (2023). Österreichische Beikostempfehlungen 2022. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 171(6), 534–541.

    Kersting, M. [Mathilde], Kalhoff, H., Voss, S., Jansen, K. & Lücke, T. (2021). Empfehlungen für die Säuglingsernährung in Deutschland. Der aktualisierte Ernährungsplan für das 1. Lebensjahr. Ernährungs Umschau, (6), 110–116.

    Koletzko, B. [Berthold], Cremer, M. [Monika], Flothkötter, M. [Maria], Graf, C., Hauner, H., Hellmers, C. [Claudia] et al. (2018). Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy - Practical Recommendations of the Germany-wide Healthy Start - Young Family Network. Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, 78(12), 1262–1282.

    Seper, K., Wüst, N. & Dieminger, B. (AGES – Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH, Hrsg.). (2014, Mai). Basisliteraturbericht Ernährung in der Schwangerschaft. Update 2013/14.


    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Nutrition in old age, adapted wholefoods | ILV

    Nutrition in old age, adapted wholefoods | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Nutrition for healthy senior citizens, adapted whole foods

    Teaching method

    Lecture, individual work, small group work, self-organized learning


    Continuous assessment


    Bayer, S. (2022). Ernährung in der Altenbetreuung. Esskultur, Biographie und Religion im Verpflegungsalltag. Berlin, Germany: Springer. Verfügbar unter:

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. (Hrsg.). (2015). DGE-Qualitätsstandard für die Verpflegung in stationären Senioreneinrichtungen (3. Auflage, 1. korrigierter Nachdruck).

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Österreichische (Hrsg.). (2021). D-A-CH-Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr (2. Auflage, 7. aktualisierte Ausgabe). Neustadt an der Weinstraße: Neuer Umschau Buchverl.

    Hauner, H., Beyer-Reiners, E., Bischoff, G., Breidenassel, C., Ferschke, M., Gebhardt, A. [Albrecht] et al. (2019). Leitfaden Ernährungstherapie in Klinik und Praxis (LEKuP). Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin, 44(06), 384–419.

    Roller-Wirnsberger, R. & Lampl, C. (Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz, Hrsg.). (2022). Qualitätsstandard für die Ernährung in Wohn- und Pflegeeinrichtungen für Seniorinnen und Senioren. Hintergrundinformation, Umsetzungsanleitung und Checklisten.

    Smollich, M. (Hrsg.). Ernährungspraxis Senioren. Beratungswissen kompakt : mit 48 Abbildungen und 39 Tabellen (aktuellste Auflage). Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Global Nutrition / SDG | ILV

    Global Nutrition / SDG | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Global Nutrition Report, World Hunger Index, Global News - Austrian Development Agency (ADA) the agency of Austrian Development Cooperation; World Nutrition- World Hunger Relief; Diagnosis – Doctors without Frontiers; Development Aid Association with selected nutrition programs e.g. World Food Program, Sustainable Development Goals,

    Interpret the results of the global nutrition report from a dietician's point of view and derive nutritional measures;

    Undernourishment/ malnutrition/stunting/wasting; school meals in developing countries; nutrition terminology - assessment/screening; Nutrition Product Terms - Specialized Nutritious Foods (Treating Moderate Acute Malnutrition, Preventing Stunting, Preventing Acute Malnutrition)

    World education in the context of world nutrition

    SDG in a nutritional context

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, group work, presentation


    Continuous assessment


    Austrian Development Agency. Weltnachrichten.
    Klotter, C. Fragmente einer Sprache des Essens. Ein Rundgang durch eine essgestörte Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Klotter, C. (2016). Identitätsbildung über Essen. Ein Essay über „normale“ und alternative Esser (essentials). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden; Springer. [aktuellste Auflage] .
    Research Institute ,International Food Policy. (2016). Global Nutrition Report 2016 From Promise to Impact Ending Malnutrition by 2030. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Research Institute ,International Food Policy. (2016). Welthunger-Index 2016 Die Verpflichtung, den Hunger zu beenden. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. [aktuellste Auflage].
    World Food Programme. Nutrition at the World Food ProgrammeProgramming for Nutrition-Specific Interventions.;



    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Intercultural Food | ILV

    Intercultural Food | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Nutrition in world religions, with a link between Austria/Vienna and specific nutritional requirements in communal catering and individual care.


    Special food science - analyzing staple foods, recipes, spices from different regions (Africa, Asia (Nepal)...), shedding light on eating habits in the social context and discussing them in the context of domestic food, eating habits and culture.

    Excursions to different migration centers.


    Teaching method

    Researching, presenting, visualizing, documenting

    Collaborative and participatory teaching/learning methods.


    Continuous assessment


    Kaltenstadler, W. Ernährung im medizinischen Werk des Moses Maimonides. Medikamente im Asthmawerk von Maimonides (Jerusalemer Texte, Bd. 14). Nordhausen: Verl. Traugott Bautz. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Klotter, C. Fragmente einer Sprache des Essens. Ein Rundgang durch eine essgestörte Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Klotter, C. Identitätsbildung über Essen. Ein Essay über „normale“ und alternative Esser (essentials). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden; Springer. [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Prevention Project | UE

    Prevention Project | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Planning and independent implementation of a prevention project including reflection, evaluation and documentation
    Holding a project controlling session
    Presentation of the project incl. Lessons learned

    Teaching method

    Project method, coaching of the independent conception (incl. elaboration of project plans in small groups), implementation and completion of the project


    Continuous assessment


    Patzak, G., Rattay, G.: Projektmanagement. Linde Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Reichert, T.: Projektmanagement. Freiburg; Haufe Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Skripten der Lehrveranstaltung Projektmanagement

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Sports Food | ILV

    Sports Food | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction to sports nutrition taking into account different sports;

    Alternative diets and trend diets

    Teaching method

    Talks,  lecture, group work


    Continuous assessment: Partial performance reviews



    Konopka, P.: Sporternährung. Grundlagen - Ernährungsstrategien - Leistungsförderung. München: BLV Buchverl. (Sportwissen). [akutellste Auflage].
    Lamprecht, M.; Holasek, S., Konrad, M.: Lehrbuch der Sporternährung. Das wissenschaftlich fundierte Kompendium zur Ernährung im Sport. [aktuellste Auflage].

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. Beratungs-Standards (aktuellste Auflage). Bonn: DGE.

    Kasper, H. & Burghardt, W. Ernährungsmedizin und Diätetik. (aktuelle Aufl.). Urban Fischer Verlag - Lehrbücher.

    Leitzmann, C. & Keller, M. (2020). Vegetarische und vegane Ernährung (UTB Ernährungswissenschaften, Medizin, Ökotrophologie, Gesundheitsfachberufe, Bd. 1868, 4., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage). Stuttgart: Verlag Eugen Ulmer.

    Schlieper, C. A. Grundfragen der Ernährung (aktuelle Auflage). Hamburg: Büchner.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Module Applied Dietetics
    2.5 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Applied Clinical Dietetics 1 | UE

    Applied Clinical Dietetics 1 | UE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Designing recipes and menu plans, energy and nutritional value calculation of selected clinical pictures as well as practical implementation

    Teaching method

    Exercise in the practice kitchen


    Continuous assessment: Practical final examination with reflective discussion


    aktuelle Koch- und Fachbücher zu entsprechenden Krankheitsbildern

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Clinical Internship 1 | PL

    Clinical Internship 1 | PL

    0 SWS   4 ECTS


    Implementation of the acquired theoretical knowledge in the fields of endocrinology, metabolism, rheumatic forms, gastroenterology, hepatology and enteral/parenteral nutrition in practice.

    Collecting dietetically relevant patient data for writing the dietetic processes.

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment



    Teaching language


    4 ECTS
    Reflection on Dietetic Practice 1 | SE

    Reflection on Dietetic Practice 1 | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Instruction Clinical Internship 1 and data protection information; model of subjective relevance; reflection of Clinical Internship 1; dietetic processes; training protocol

    Teaching method

    lecture, elearning on Moodle

    individual work - writing a training protocol

    group work - reflection in accordance with the model of subjective relevance


    Continuous assessment


    Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Spann, H. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht. Unterrichtsentwicklung und Unterrichtsevaluation durch Aktionsforschung (5. grundlegend überarbeitete Auflage). Bad Heilbrunn: UTB; Julius Klinkhardt [aktuellste Auflage].
    Heyse, V., Giger, M. & Abele-Brehm, A. E. Erfolgreich in die Zukunft. Schlüsselkompetenzen in Gesundheitsberufen ; Konzepte und Praxismodelle für die Aus, - Fort- und Weiterbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (Gesundheitsmarkt in der Praxis). Heidelberg: medhochzwei-Verl. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Hüttner, B. Handlungskompetenzsteigerung durch das Modell der subjektiven Relevanz. Evaluationsstudie im Rahmen von Praxisreflexionen mit Studierenden des Fachhochschul-Bakkalaureatsstudiengangs Diätologie (1. Aufl.). Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Seyfried, C. (2002). Das Modell der Subjektiven Relevanz für reflexive Arbeit in der Schule. Schulpraktische Studien, 39–52.
    Seyfried, C. & Seel, A. (2005). Subjektive Bedeutungszuschreibungen als Ausgangspunkt schulpraktischer Reflexion. journal für lerhrerInnenbildung, 5. (1), 17–24. Lernprozesse in Praktika.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Specialized Medical Basics 2
    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Basics of Laboratory Diagnostics and Interpretation of Diagnostic Results | ILV

    Basics of Laboratory Diagnostics and Interpretation of Diagnostic Results | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basic terms in the context of analytical methods, blood count, blood groups, hemostasis, enzymes in general and their diagnostic significance using selected liver enzymes as examples, parameters of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, parameters for testing organic functions, e.g. pancreatic function (amylase, lipase, chymotrypsin), renal function parameters (Crea, BU), cardiac function parameters (CK-MB, troponin T, LDH and isoenzymes, ASAT, myoglobin), Fe metabolism, uric acid as the purine metabolism end product, urinary strips and sediment.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, presentations - depending on level of knowledge and interest of students; working with case examples


    Final exam: Final examination


    Graf, N.A., Gürkov, R.: BASICS klinische Chemie - Laborwerte in der klinischen Praxis. Urban & Fischer in Elsevier. [aktuelleste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Clinical Physiology | VO

    Clinical Physiology | VO

    3 SWS   3 ECTS


    Basics of pathogenesis and diagnostics of diseases: gastroenterology, hepatology, pancreatology, immunology, diabetes mellitus, nephrology, cardiology and oncology, thyroid gland (endocrinology), lung, and rheumatism

    Teaching method



    Final exam: Final examination


    Siegenthaler, W., Blum, H. E.: Klinische Pathophysiologie. Thieme Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage] LV-Titel: Grundlagen der Labordiagnostik und Befundung LV Code: 551.039

    Teaching language


    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Module Specialized Scientific Work
    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Applied Qualitative Research Project | SE

    Applied Qualitative Research Project | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    planning, implementing and describing the results of an exemplary qualitative research project

    Teaching method

    lecture, exercise


    Final exam: Continuous assessment with seminar paper


    Baur, N. & Blasius, J. (Hrsg.). (2014). Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Helfferich, C. (2014). Leitfaden- und Experteninterviews. In N. Baur & J. Blasius (Hrsg.), Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung (S. 559–574). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Mayring, P.: Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken, Beltz Verlagsgruppe [aktuellste Auflage].
    Strauss, A. L. & Corbin, J. M.: Grounded theory. Grundlagen qualitativer Sozialforschung. Weinheim: Beltz [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Applied Quantitative Research Project | SE

    Applied Quantitative Research Project | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Planning, implementing and describing the results of a basic quantitative research project. 

    Teaching method

    lecture, exercise


    Final exam: Continuous assessment with seminar paper


    Field, A.: Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics. And sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Los Angeles, Calif.: SAGE. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Janssen, J. & Laatz, W. (2013). Statistische Datenanalyse mit SPSS. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung in das Basissystem und das Modul Exakte Tests (8. Aufl. 2013). Berlin: Springer.
    Ritschl, V., Weigl, R. & Stamm, T. A. (Hrsg.). (2016). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Verstehen, Anwenden, Nutzen für die Praxis (Studium Pflege, Therapie, Gesundheit). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Welch, R. W., Antoine, J.-M., Berta, J.-L., Bub, A., Vries, J. de, Guarner, F. et al. (2011). Guidelines for the design, conduct and reporting of human intervention studies to evaluate the health benefits of foods. The British journal of nutrition, 106 Suppl 2, S3-15.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Diaetological process and terminology Diaetology | ILV

    Diaetological process and terminology Diaetology | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Students will be able to practically apply the individual process steps of the DP. Students will be able to apply the Bio-Psycho-Social Model of ICF /ICF Dietetics in the context of the corresponding process steps. Students will be able to apply Clinical Reasoning in the context of the Diateological Process Model. Students will be able to apply Evidence Based Practice in the context of the Dietetic Process Model.


    Teaching method

    Self-organized learning, lecture, group work, discussion.


    Continuous assessment


    Austrian_ICF-Diätetik Ausgabe 2.0; 2018. Deutschsprachige Übersetzung der WHO- ICF (DIMDI); 2005. Gäbler G., Hofbauer A (Hrsg.). Der Diaetologische Prozess. Qualitätsstandard für die diaetolgoische Praxis. 1. Auflage. Wien. Verband der Diaetologen Österreichs; 2020.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Discussion Strategies. Counseling and Training in Different Settings
    6 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Consultation Techniques 1 | UE

    Consultation Techniques 1 | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Development of nutritional counseling. Familiarization with theoretical consulting concepts. Client-centered consultation. Solution-oriented short-term therapy. Anamnesis, question techniques, goal setting according to SMARTE criteria, practical exercises, distance learning: research and reflection of topic-related specialist literature, creation of an anamnesis questionnaire.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, individual work, distance learning, role play


    Continuous assessment


    Keller, Georg, Thiele, Michael: Kommunikationspraxis für Ernährungsfachkräfte, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2004
    Pudel, Volker, Westenhöfer, Joachim: Ernährungsspychologie, Hogrefe, 2003
    Frick, Katrin M., Brueck Rigo: Kurzinterventionen mit Motivierender Gesprächsführung, Deutscher Ärzte Verlag, 2010

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Consultation Techniques 2 | UE

    Consultation Techniques 2 | UE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Working with groups, creating a group training concept, revision of counseling structure, preparation and documentation of nutrition counseling, evaluation of nutrition protocols, follow-up counseling, dealing with special situations (interpreting counseling, seriously ill persons). Independent nutrition counseling, observation and reflection of counseling interviews.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, individual work, role play, video analysis


    Continuous assessment


    Keller, Georg, Thiele, Michael: Kommunikationspraxis für Ernährungsfachkräfte, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2004
    Pudel, Volker, Westenhöfer, Joachim: Ernährungspsychologie, Hogrefe, 2003

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Basics | ILV

    Basics | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Theoretical basics of communication and conversation management
    Introduction to nutrition-specific counseling documents, counseling preparation, group training programs



    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, presentation


    Continuous assessment


    Keller, Georg, Thiele, Michael: Kommunikationspraxis für Ernährungsfachkräfte, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2004
    Pudel, Volker, Westenhöfer, Joachim: Ernährungsspychologie, Hogrefe, 2003
    Frick, Katrin M., Brueck Rigo: Kurzinterventionen mit Motivierender Gesprächsführung, Deutscher Ärzte Verlag, 2010

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Clinical Psychology | ILV

    Clinical Psychology | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Areas and tasks of clinical psychology; classification systems of mental disorders: DSM IV and ICD 10; detailed discussion of the most common mental disorders (anxiety disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, addictions, personality disorders): origin, appearance, therapy and case studies as well as dealing with mentally ill people in the dietary counseling situation.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion


    Continuous assessment


    Comer, R. J. (2008). Klinische Psychologie. Heidelberg: Spektrum.
    Beiglböck, W., Feselmayer, S., Honemann, E.: Handbuch der klinisch-psychologischen Behandlung. Wien:Springer Verlag [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Behavior Modification | ILV

    Behavior Modification | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Development of behavior patterns in nutrition through socialization, culture and biology; modification of behavior patterns in nutrition in children (imprinting in the womb, behavioral control through logic and emotion, categorical prohibitions, knowledge transfer, exemplary effect); behavioral control through internal and external stimuli (strength of effect of needs and social rhythmization; behavioral development and risks in eating disorders; external intervention and modification of behavior in eating disorders).

    Teaching method

    Lecture, practical exercises, role plays


    Continuous assessment


    Hilbert, A., Tuschen-Caffier, B.: Essanfälle und Adipositas: Ein Manual zur kognitiv-behavioralen Therapie der Binge-Eating-Störung (Therapeutische Praxis), Hogrefe Verlag [aktuellste Auflage]
    Donald W. Meichenbaum: Kognitive Verhaltensmodifikation. BeltzPVU [aktuellste Auflage]
    Cooper, Z., Fairburn, C., Hawker, D.: Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie bei Adipositas. Ein Manual in neun Behandlungsmodulen, Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Clinical Dietetics and Dietetic Process 1
    8.5 SWS
    9 ECTS
    Introduction to Enteral and Parenteral Feeding | ILV

    Introduction to Enteral and Parenteral Feeding | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Identification of various forms of malnutrition, oral therapy options, enteral and parenteral nutrition therapy (technique and access routes in medical nutrition therapy, types of nutrient solutions/composition, energy, nutrient and micronutrient requirements, mode of administration, monitoring and interpretation of findings, possible complications and dietetic procedures, implementation of dietetic processes on the basis of the acquired knowledge

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercise, case studies


    Final exam


    DRUML W. et al.: Empfehlungen für die parenterale und enterale Ernährungstherapie des Erwachsenen. AKE, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Hartl W et al: S3-Leitlinie der DGEM in Zusammenarbeit mit der GESKES und der AKE.
    Besonderheiten der Überwachung bei künstlicher Ernährung. Aktuel Ernahrungsmed 2013; 38(05): e90-e100
    Kreymann G et al.: DGEM-Leitlinien Enterale und Parenterale Ernährung, Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Oehmichen F et al. Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM) – Ethische und rechtliche Gesichtspunkte der Künstlichen Ernährung. Aktuel Ernahrungsmed 2013; 38: 112–117
    Stein J, Jauch KW : Praxishandbuch Klinische Ernährung und Infusionstherapie. Berlin – Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    KD/DP-Endocrinology, Metabolism, Rheumatism | ILV

    KD/DP-Endocrinology, Metabolism, Rheumatism | ILV

    4 SWS   4 ECTS


    With reference to the dietetically relevant main topics of the course Clinical Dietetics and Dietetic Process within the ranges of endocrinology, metabolism, and rheumatism, nutritional status, nutrition principles nutrition-therapeutic goal parameters are provided, the effects of dietetic measures on the total supply are judged critically and scientifically founded; also, recipes of daily and weekly meal plans are calculated and optimized.

    Teaching method

    Lecture and discussion, small group work, literature studies, presentation of results (justifying, assessing, optimizing)


    Continuous assessment: final examination


    Wirth, A. & Hauner, H.: Adipositas. Ätiologie, Folgekrankheiten, Diagnose, Therapie ; mit 66 Tabellen. Berlin Springer [aktuellste Auflage]
    Freedhoff, Y., Sharma, A.M.: Best weight. Ein Leitfaden für das Adipositas-Mangement in der Praxis. Lengerich, Westf: Pabst Science Publishers, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Österreichische Diabetes Gesellschaft. Diabetes mellitus – Anleitungen für die Praxis. Springer Verlag, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung. Evidenzbasierte Leitlinie. Fettzufuhr und Prävention ausgewählter ernährungsmitbedingter Krankheiten. [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    4 SWS
    4 ECTS
    KD/DP-Gastroenterology and Hepatology | ILV

    KD/DP-Gastroenterology and Hepatology | ILV

    3.5 SWS   4 ECTS


    With reference to the dietetically relevant main topics of the course Clinical Dietetics and Dietetic Process within the ranges of gastroenterology and hepatology, nutritional status, nutrition principles, nutrition-therapeutic goal parameters are created, the effects of dietetic measures on the total supply are judged critically and scientifically founded; also, recipes of daily and weekly meal plans are calculated and optimized.

    Teaching method

    Lecture and discussion, small group work, literature studies, presentation of results (justifying, assessing, optimizing)


    Continuous assessment: final examination


    Felber, J. S2k-Leitlinie Zöliakie Stand 17.05.14. Verfügbar unter
    Reese I et al. : Diätetik in der Allergologie – Diätvorschläge, Positionspapiere und Leitlinien zu Nahrungsmittelallergie und anderen Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten. Dustri Verlag München, [aktuellste Auflage]
    Forbes, A et al : ESPEN Guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clinical Nutrition 2017; 36: 321-347
    Bischoff, SC et al: DGEM/AKE/GESKES/DGV Leitlinie Klinische Ernährung in der Gastroenterologie (Teil 4) – Chronisch-entzündliche Darmerkrankungen. Aktuelle Ernahrungsmed 2014; 39: e72–e98
    Forbes A et al : ESPEN Guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clinical Nutrition 2017; 36: 321-347

    Teaching language


    3.5 SWS
    4 ECTS

    Module Applied Dietetics
    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Applied Clinical Dietetics 2 | UE

    Applied Clinical Dietetics 2 | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Recipe and food plan design, energy and nutritional value calculation of selected clinical pictures as well as their practical implementation

    Teaching method

    Exercise in training kitchen


    Continuous assessment


    Frühwirth, J., Schöllbauer, C. & Schramm, H. Ernährung bei Adipositas. Zur Gewichtsreduktion. Wien: Facultas /
    Maudrich. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Koller, F., Kreuter, M., Janac, C. & Tomic, M. Ernährung bei Schluckstörungen. Wien: Facultas / Maudrich. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Lötsch, B., Russold, E. & Ludvik, B. Ernährung bei Adipositas-Operationen. Magenbypass - Omega-Loop-Bypass
    Schlauchmagen. Wien: Facultas / Maudrich. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Bundesministerium für Frauenangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz: Verordnung der Bundesministerin
    für Frauenangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz über Lebensmittel für kalorienarme Ernährung zur
    Gewichtsverringerung. BGBl. II Nr. 324/2007. i.d.g.F.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Specialized Medical Basics 2
    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Clinical Basics of Pediatrics | VO

    Clinical Basics of Pediatrics | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Congenital metabolic diseases with manifestation in childhood:; metabolic diseases in general; metabolic diseases of the intoxication type; metabolic diseases with disorders of energy metabolism; metabolic diseases with storage of macromolecules, diabetes, obesity, monogenic lipid metabolic disorders; diarrhea, constipation, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis; oncology in childhood

    Teaching method

    lecture, film


    Final exam: Final examination


    Hoffmann, G. F., Lentze, M. J., Spranger, J. W. & Zepp, F. (Hrsg.) Pädiatrie. Grundlagen und Praxis (Springer Reference Medizin). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. [akutellste Auflage].
    Speer, C. & Gahr, M. Pädiatrie. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Zschocke, J., Bachmann, C. & Hoffmann, G. F: Vademecum metabolicum. Diagnose und Therapie erbliche Stoffwechselerkrankungen (Friedrichsdorf: Milupa; Schattauer). [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Pharmacology and Toxicology | VO

    Pharmacology and Toxicology | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    General pharmacology

    Definition of terms, pharmaceutical law, development and approval of drugs, dosage forms, pharmacokinetics (administration, absorption, distribution, metabolization, excretion), pharmacodynamics (effects of drugs, side effects, interactions)


    Special pharmacology

    Nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, blood, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, water and electrolyte balance, immune system and cancers

    Teaching method



    Final exam: Final examination


    Mutschler, E.: Arzneimittelwirkungen. Lehrbuch der Pharmakologie und Toxikologie. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart [aktuelle Ausgabe]
    Klaus Aktories, K., Förstermann, U.: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie. Elsevier, [aktuelle Ausgabe]
    Smollich, M., Podlogar, J.: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Arzneimitteln und Lebensmitteln. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart. [aktuelle Ausgabe]
    Weitschies, W., Mehnert, W.: Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen mit der Nahrung. Einnahme vor, mit oder nach der Mahlzeit. Govi Verlag [aktuellste Ausgabe]
    Aktuelle Fachliteratur, Internetartikel, Fachzeitschriften,

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Specialized Scientific Work
    2.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Development and Design of Dietetic Studies and Literature Survey 1 | ILV

    Development and Design of Dietetic Studies and Literature Survey 1 | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Formulating a research question; assessing the state of the art of research; ethical aspects in human studies

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercise


    Continuous assessment


    Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine. (March 2009). Levels of Evidence. Verfügbar unter
    Ritschl, V., Weigl, R. & Stamm, T. A. (Hrsg.). (2016). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Verstehen, Anwenden, Nutzen für die Praxis (Studium Pflege, Therapie, Gesundheit). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Welch, R. W., Antoine, J.-M., Berta, J.-L., Bub, A., Vries, J. de, Guarner, F. et al. (2011). Guidelines for the design, conduct and reporting of human intervention studies to evaluate the health benefits of foods. The British journal of nutrition, 106 Suppl 2, S3-15.
    World Medical Association. WMA Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical principles of medical research involving human subjects. Verfügbar unter

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Research, Interpretation and Application of Evidence-based Epidemiological Nutrition | ILV

    Research, Interpretation and Application of Evidence-based Epidemiological Nutrition | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Research of best available evidence; differentiation of study types; classification of evidence

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercise


    Continuous assessment


    Cochrane Collaboration. Cochrane Library. Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health. Verfügbar unter
    Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine. (March 2009). Levels of Evidence. Verfügbar unter
    Riley, R. D., Higgins, J. P. T. & Deeks, J. J. (2011). Interpretation of random effects meta-analyses. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 342, d549.
    Schulz, K. F., Altman, D. G. & Moher, D. (2010). CONSORT 2010 statement: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 340, c332.
    Vandenbroucke, J. P., Elm, E. von, Altman, D. G., Gøtzsche, P. C., Mulrow, C. D., Pocock, S. J. et al. (2014). Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. International journal of surgery (London, England), 12 (12), 1500–1524.

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Discussion Strategies. Counseling and Training in Different Settings
    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Consultation Techniques 3 | UE

    Consultation Techniques 3 | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Conducting nutritional consultations independently on simulation patients. Preparation for counseling (select or create documents with regard to the clinical picture of the patient); independently formulating learning objectives, counseling reflection, creation of aids for counseling

    Teaching method

    Exercise with simulation patients


    Continuous assessment: Partial performance


    Keller, Georg, Thiele, Michael: Kommunikationspraxis für Ernährungsfachkräfte, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [aktuellste Auflage] Pudel, Volker, Westenhöfer, Joachim: Ernährungspsychologie, Hogrefe, 2003

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Skills in Palliative Settings | UE

    Skills in Palliative Settings | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Definition of palliative medicine; possibilities and limits, objectives and measures of palliative medicine; getting to know the hospice movement; methods and application of validation; ethical principles within the framework of hospice and palliative care;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, exercise, reflection


    Continuous assessment


    Fercher, P., Sramek, G.: Brücken in die Welt der Demenz - Validation im Alltag. Mit einem Geleitwort von Naomi Feil. Reinhardt Verlag München [aktuellste Auflage]
    Kränzle, S., Schmid, U., Seeger, Ch.: Palliative Care, Handbuch für Pflege und Begleitung. Springer Verlag [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Clinical Dietetics and Dietetic Process 2
    12.5 SWS
    22 ECTS
    CD/DP-Allergology | ILV

    CD/DP-Allergology | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Fundamentals, definition, diagnosis and clinic of food allergies from a medical and dietetic point of view

    Nutrition therapy concepts for the most frequent food allergies; emergency therapy

    Allergen Labeling Regulation

    Teaching method

    Lecture, self-study, research in medical databases and internet search engines


    Final exam


    Leitlinie zum Management IgE-vermittelter Nahrungsmittelallergien. AWMF-Leitlinien-Register-Nummer 061-031 [aktuellste Auflage]
    Nahrungsmittelallergie infolge immunologischer Kreuzreaktivitäten mit Inhalationsallergenen. AWMF-Leitlinien-Register-Nummer 061/019 [aktuellste Auflage]
    Reese I et al. : Diätetik in der Allergologie – Diätvorschläge, Positionspapiere und Leitlinien zu Nahrungsmittelallergie und anderen Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten. Dustri Verlag München, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    CD-DP Surgery, Bariatric Surgery | ILV

    CD-DP Surgery, Bariatric Surgery | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Introduction to the basics of surgical diagnostics, postoperative motility disorders and ERAS, surgical diet building, immunonutrition, perioperative nutrition management with clinical practice.

    Explanation of currently relevant surgical methods of gastrointestinal surgery and bariatric surgery. The following surgical methods are discussed: esophagus resections, various gastrectomy methods, Hartmann surgery, enterostomata, extensive intestinal resections including short bowel syndrome including nutritional treatment. Bariatric surgery - explanation of sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-Y gastric bypass and Omega Loop gastric bypass and nutritional intervention.

    Teaching method

    Lecture and discussion, small group work, literature study, presentation of results (justify, assess, optimize)


    Continuous assessment: Final examination


    Weimann A. et al.: S3-Leitlinie Klinische Ernährung in der Chirurgie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM) in Zusammenarbeit mit der GEKES, der AKE, der DGCH, der DGAI, und der DGAV. Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 2013; 38:e155-e197
    Lamprecht et al: S3 Leitlinie der deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit der AKE, GESKES & DGVS. Klinische Ernährung in der Gastroenterologie (Teil3) - chronisches Darmversagen. Aktuelle Ernährungsmed 2014; 39:e57-e71
    Siewert, R.: Basiswissen Chirurgie. Springer Medizinverlag, Heidelberg [aktuellste Auflage]
    Kraft, M. et al.: Zustand nach Magenresektion/Dumpingsyndrom, IN Koula-Jenik, H. et. al.: Leitfaden Ernährungsmedizin, München, 2006.
    Willcuts et al: A Collaborative Approach. Nutrition Issues in Gastroenterology, Series Nr. 33. Practical Gastroenterology, November 2005
    ASMBS Allied Health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgical Weight Loss Patient Allied Health Sciences Section Ad Hoc Nutrition Committee: L. Aills et al;Surgery for Obesity and Related Deseases 4 (2008) S73-S108 – plus UPDATE 2013

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    CD/DP-Geriatrics and Gerontology | ILV

    CD/DP-Geriatrics and Gerontology | ILV

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Introduction to geriatrics and gerontology, medical basics, pathological changes in old age; defined clinical pictures of old age; malnutrition, sarcopenia, frailty; aspects of palliative geriatrics
    Nutritional therapy measures for wound healing disorders, nutritional therapy recommendations for dementia and how to apply them. Geriatric screening and assessment tools;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, small and very small group work, self-organized learning


    Continuous assessment


    Arbeitsgemeinschaft Klinische Ernährung (Hrsg.): Konsensus-Statement Geriatrie. Ergebnisse einer Konsensuskonferenz der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Ernährung (AKE), der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie und Gerontolgie (ÖGGG) und des Verbandes der Diätologen Österreichs. 2010 Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (Hrsg.): Wissenschaftliche Aufbereitung für Empfehlungen "Ernährung im Alter in verschiedenen Lebenssituationen". 2013

    Teaching language


    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    CD/DP-Nephrology, Hypertensiology , Cardiology | ILV

    CD/DP-Nephrology, Hypertensiology , Cardiology | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Nutritional status, nutritional principles, nutritional therapeutic target parameters are created for dietetically relevant main topics, the effects of dietetic measures on the overall supply are critically and scientifically assessed, and recipes of daily and weekly meal plans are calculated and optimized.

    Teaching method

    Lecture and discussion, small group work, literature study, presentation of results (justify, assess, optimize)


    Continuous assessment: Final examination


    Adam, O., Ollenschläger, G. & Schauder, P. Ernährungsmedizin. Prävention und Therapie. München [u.a.]: Elsevier, Urban & Fischer [aktuellste Auflage].
    Biesalski, H.-K. & Adolph, M. Ernährungsmedizin. Nach dem neuen Curriculum Ernährungsmedizin der Bundesärztekammer. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme [aktuellste Auflage].
    Derler, E. (Hrsg.). Nierenerkrankungen und Harnsteine. Ernährung, Diätetik, diätologische Behandlung. Wien: Verband der Diaetologen Österreichs [aktuellste Auflage].
    Hoyer, J. & Kuhlmann, U. Nephrologie. Pathophysiologie, Klinik, Nierenersatzverfahren. Stuttgart [u.a.]: Thieme [aktuellste Auflage].
    Ledochowski, M. (Hrsg.). Klinische Ernährungsmedizin. Wien: Springer [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    CD/DP-Neurology and Psychiatry | ILV

    CD/DP-Neurology and Psychiatry | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Medical Basics of Neurology and Psychiatry

    Definition of "nutritional psychiatry"; effects of psychopharmaceuticals on energy metabolism; nutritional therapy options for reducing side effects of medication; knowledge of nutrients in connection with affective disorders and critical questioning of the current data situation; special features of counseling for patients with mental illnesses.

    Eating disorders and dietetic interventions; swallowing disorders and dietetic interventions.

    Teaching method

    lecture, tasting, case examples


    Final exam


    Bartolome, G., Schluckstörungen. Diagnostik und Rehabilitation, Elsevier Urban & Fischer. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Nißle, D., et al. Ernährung bei Schluckstörungen. Eine Sammlung von Rezepten, die das Schlucken erleichtern. Kohlhammer Verlag (Rat und Hilfe), [aktuellste Auflage]
    Volkert, D., et al. Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM) in Zusammenarbeit mit der GESKES, der AKE und der DGG. [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    CD/DP-Oncology, Intensive-Care Medicine | ILV

    CD/DP-Oncology, Intensive-Care Medicine | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Nutrition for cancer prevention

    Nutrition of oncological patients with malnutrition

    Accompanying symptoms depending on the tumor disease and therapy

    General facts about cancer (statistics, TNM staging,...) and tumor metabolism

    Dietary process in oncological patients

    Intensive Care Nutrition Therapy

    Teaching method

    Lecture and discussion, small group work, literature study, presentation of results (justify, assess, optimize)


    Continuous assessment: Final examination


    Arends et al.: DGEM-Leitlinie Parenterale Ernährung: nichtchirurgische Onkologie, 2007
    Arends et al.: ESPEN-Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: Non-surgical oncology, 2006
    Bozzetti et al.: ESPEN-Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: Non-surgical oncology, 2009
    Löser, Christian (Hrsg.): Unter- und Mangelernährung: Klinik – moderne Therapiestrategien – Budgetrelevanz, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart/New York, 2011
    WHO: Ernährung, körperliche Aktivität und Krebsprävention: eine globale Perspektive
    Österreichische Krebshilfe:
    Statistik Austria:
    Schweizer Krebsliga: Ernährungsprobleme bei Krebs
    Champ et al.: Targeting metabolism with a ketogenic diet during the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme; in: J Neurooncol, published online: 19th Jan 2014
    Hübner et al.: Wie sinnvoll sind „Krebsdiäten“? Eine kritische Analyse als Grundlage für die ärztliche Beratung; in: Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2012; 137, S. 2417-2422
    Holzhauer/Gröber (Hrsg.): Checkliste komplementäre Onkologie, Hippokrates, Stuttgart, 2010

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    CD/DP-Pediatrics | ILV

    CD/DP-Pediatrics | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Rare congenital metabolic diseases, such as phenylketonuria, glycogenosis, disorders of beta-oxidation of fatty acids

    Familial hypercholesterolemia and other rare congenital lipid metabolic disorders (such as chylomicronemia)

    Treatment of childhood obesity (AGA guidelines)

    Ketogenic diet

    Cystic fibrosis

    Teaching method


    Learning with case studies

    Practical exercises for calculating within the scope of case examples


    Final exam


    AWMF Leitlinie zur Ketogenen Diät (S1 Leitlinie): Online im WWW unter:, [aktuellste Auflage].
    Reinehr T., Kersting M., Van Teeffelen-Heithoff A., Widhalm K.: Pädiatrische Ernährungsmedizin. Grundlagen und praktische Anwendung. Schattauer. Stuttgart . [akutellste Auflage].
    Mönch E., Link R.. Diagnostik und Therapie bei angeborenen Stoffwechselstörungen. SPS Verlagsgesellschaft. Heilbronn. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Zschocke J., Hoffmann G.. Vademecum Metabolicum. Diagnose und Therapie erblicher Stoffwechselkrankheiten. Schattauer. Friedrichsdorf. [akutellste Auflage].
    Wabitsch, M., Kunze, D.. Konsensbasierte (S2) Leitlinie zur Diagnostik, Therapie und Prävention von Übergewicht und Adipositas im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Online im WWW unter: [aktuellste Fassung].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Clinical Internship 2 | PL

    Clinical Internship 2 | PL

    0 SWS   7 ECTS


    Implementation of the acquired theoretical knowledge in the fields of nephrology, hypertensiology, cardiology, oncology, intensive care medicine, surgery/bariatric surgery, allergology, geriatrics and gerontology, neurology and psychiatry as well as pediatrics.

    Collecting dietetically relevant patient data for writing dietetic processes.

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment



    Teaching language


    7 ECTS
    Reflection on Dietetic Practice 2 | SE

    Reflection on Dietetic Practice 2 | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Instruction clinical internship 2 and data protection information; model of subjective relevance; reflection of clinical internship 2; dietetic processes; training protocol

    Teaching method

    Lecture, elearning on Moodle

    Individual work - writing a training protocol

    Group work - reflection according to the model of subjective relevance


    Continuous assessment


    Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Spann, H. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht. Unterrichtsentwicklung und Unterrichtsevaluation durch Aktionsforschung (5. grundlegend überarbeitete Auflage). Bad Heilbrunn: UTB; Julius Klinkhardt [aktuellste Auflage].
    Heyse, V., Giger, M. & Abele-Brehm, A. E. Erfolgreich in die Zukunft. Schlüsselkompetenzen in Gesundheitsberufen ; Konzepte und Praxismodelle für die Aus, - Fort- und Weiterbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (Gesundheitsmarkt in der Praxis). Heidelberg: medhochzwei-Verl. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Hüttner, B. Handlungskompetenzsteigerung durch das Modell der subjektiven Relevanz. Evaluationsstudie im Rahmen von Praxisreflexionen mit Studierenden des Fachhochschul-Bakkalaureatsstudiengangs Diätologie (1. Aufl.). Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Seyfried, C. (2002). Das Modell der Subjektiven Relevanz für reflexive Arbeit in der Schule. Schulpraktische Studien, 39–52.
    Seyfried, C. & Seel, A. (2005). Subjektive Bedeutungszuschreibungen als Ausgangspunkt schulpraktischer Reflexion. journal für lerhrerInnenbildung, 5. (1), 17–24. Lernprozesse in Praktika.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Special Diets | ILV

    Special Diets | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Nutritional therapy for COPD, nutritionally relevant dermatological diseases, HIV, dietetics in palliative care, dietetics in neonatology, nutrition and thyroid gland;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, case examples, literature assessment


    Final exam


    Vonbank, K., Zwick, R. H., Strauss, M., Lichtenschopf, A., Puelacher, C., Budnowski, A. et al. (2015). Richtlinien für die ambulante pneumologische Rehabilitation in Österreich. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 127 (13-14), 503–513.
    Reinehr, T. Pädiatrische Ernährungsmedizin. Grundlagen und praktische Anwendung ; mit 52 Tabellen. Stuttgart: Schattauer, [aktuellste Auflage].
    Genzel-Boroviczény, O. & Roos, R. Checkliste Neonatologie (Checklisten der aktuellen Medizin. Stuttgart u.a.: Thieme, [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Module Dietetic Research
    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Development and Design of Dietetic Studies and Literature Survey 2 | ILV

    Development and Design of Dietetic Studies and Literature Survey 2 | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Formulating a research question; assessment of the state of research; ethical aspects in human studies

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercise


    Continuous assessment


    Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine. (March 2009). Levels of Evidence. Verfügbar unter
    Ritschl, V., Weigl, R. & Stamm, T. A. (Hrsg.). (2016). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Verstehen, Anwenden, Nutzen für die Praxis (Studium Pflege, Therapie, Gesundheit). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Welch, R. W., Antoine, J.-M., Berta, J.-L., Bub, A., Vries, J. de, Guarner, F. et al. (2011). Guidelines for the design, conduct and reporting of human intervention studies to evaluate the health benefits of foods. The British journal of nutrition, 106 Suppl 2, S3-15.
    World Medical Association. WMA Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical principles of medical research involving human subjects. Verfügbar unter

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Intercultural Discussion Strategies, Counseling and Training
    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Intercultural Management in Dietetics | ILV

    Intercultural Management in Dietetics | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Presentation of selected best practice models (e.g. diabetes training, gestational diabetes counseling)
    Consulting situation with interpreter

    Teaching method

    Lecture, exercise


    Continuous assessment


    Wurzbacher, Ch.: Ernährungsberatung bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund, Teil 1: Gesundheit und Krankheit aus der Sicht anderer Kulturen und Religionen, In: Ernährung & Medizin 2011; 26(3): 124-130, Georg Thieme Verlag.
    Wurzbacher, Ch.: Ernährungsberatung bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund, Teil 2: Erfahrungen zur Ernährungstherapie, In: Ernährung & Medizin 2012; 27(1):29-33, Georg Thieme Verlag
    Domenig, D.: Transkulturelle Kompetenz. Lehrbuchbuch für Pflege-, Gesundheits- und Sozialberufe, Verlag Hans Huber [aktuellste Auflage].

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Internship
    0.5 SWS
    25 ECTS
    Internship | PL

    Internship | PL

    0 SWS   24 ECTS


    Theoretical knowledge acquired is put into practice in all areas. Collecting dietetically relevant patient data for writing the dietetic processes.

    Teaching method



    Module exam



    Teaching language


    24 ECTS
    Reflection on Dietetic Practice - Internship | SE

    Reflection on Dietetic Practice - Internship | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Instruction of professional internship and data protection information; model of subjective relevance; reflection of the professional internship; dietological processes; training protocol

    Teaching method

    Lecture, elearning on Moodle

    Individual work - writing a training protocol

    Group work - reflection according to the model of subjective relevance


    Module exam


    Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Spann, H. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht. Unterrichtsentwicklung und Unterrichtsevaluation durch Aktionsforschung (5. grundlegend überarbeitete Auflage). Bad Heilbrunn: UTB; Julius Klinkhardt [aktuellste Auflage].
    Heyse, V., Giger, M. & Abele-Brehm, A. E. Erfolgreich in die Zukunft. Schlüsselkompetenzen in Gesundheitsberufen ; Konzepte und Praxismodelle für die Aus, - Fort- und Weiterbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (Gesundheitsmarkt in der Praxis). Heidelberg: medhochzwei-Verl. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Hüttner, B. Handlungskompetenzsteigerung durch das Modell der subjektiven Relevanz. Evaluationsstudie im Rahmen von Praxisreflexionen mit Studierenden des Fachhochschul-Bakkalaureatsstudiengangs Diätologie (1. Aufl.). Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Seyfried, C. (2002). Das Modell der Subjektiven Relevanz für reflexive Arbeit in der Schule. Schulpraktische Studien, 39–52.
    Seyfried, C. & Seel, A. (2005). Subjektive Bedeutungszuschreibungen als Ausgangspunkt schulpraktischer Reflexion. journal für lerhrerInnenbildung, 5. (1), 17–24. Lernprozesse in Praktika.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Professionalism in the Field of Dietetics
    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Professional and Medical Ethics | ILV

    Professional and Medical Ethics | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Overview of the concepts of morality and ethics; intention, norms and their relationship to each other, man and human image and general criteria; dealing with ethical, occupation-specific aspects and experience and decision-making in everyday work;

    Special professional ethics

    Teaching method

    Lecture, creative learning, working on professional topics and presentation; discussion


    Continuous assessment


    Alternative Handlungsmöglichkeiten und moralische Verantwortung (2001). In H. G. Frankfurt, M. Betzler & B. Guckes (Hrsg.), Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER.
    Bretschneider, C. Montaignes exemplarische Ethik. Auf dem Weg zur Konzeption des souveränen Individuums. Paderborn: Fink. [aktuellste Auflage].
    Fischer, J. M. & Tognazzini, N. A. (2009). The Truth about Tracing. Noûs, 43 (3), 531–556.
    Frankfurt, H. G., Betzler, M. & Guckes, B. (Hrsg.). (2001). Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER.
    Knauer, P. Handlungsnetze. Über das Grundprinzip der Ethik. Frankfurt am Main: Books on demand Knauer. [aktuellste Auflage]. ETHIK DES ESSENS, Einfüghrung in die Gastrosophie; 2016 transcript Verlag, Bielefeld

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    International/professional Synapse Week | SE

    International/professional Synapse Week | SE

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    The focus of the International Synapse Week (ISW) is on promoting international exchange and interprofessional collaboration in a global context. Through direct contact with international lecturers and experts, students learn about global perspectives and develop their cultural sensitivity. The ISW teaches interprofessional skills that are required for teamwork in an internationally networked healthcare sector. Particular emphasis is placed on dealing with global health problems, international healthcare systems and the application of innovative technologies in order to prepare students for a globalized working world in the healthcare sector.

    Teaching method

    Interactive lectures, group work, case studies, simulations, workshops.


    Continuous assessment


    Die Auswahl der Literatur erfolgt durch die jeweiligen Studiengänge, um sicherzustellen, dass die verwendeten Quellen und Materialien die spezifischen Bedürfnisse und Schwerpunkte der einzelnen Disziplinen im interdisziplinären Kontext widerspiegeln. Die Literatur soll aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Fallstudien und relevante Publikationen umfassen, die die internationalen und interprofessionellen Aspekte der Lehrveranstaltung unterstützen.

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Module Dietetic Research
    3 SWS
    11 ECTS
    Bachelorworkshop | ILV

    Bachelorworkshop | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Apply the appropriate research method(s)/research design to answer the research question(s) of the bachelor thesis.


    Teaching method

    Self-organized learning, research work, group work, small groups

    Discussion, reflection, presentation



    Continuous assessment


    Bachelorarbeit spezifisch Literatur, entsprechend der gewählten Forschungsmethode(n) / Forschungsdesign

    Bachelor thesis specific literature, according to the chosen research method(s)/research design.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    In-depth diaetological process and ICF Dietetics | VO

    In-depth diaetological process and ICF Dietetics | VO

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Students learn the need for a standardized terminology of dietetics. The students get to know the basis of ICF/ICF dietetics. Students will be able to apply the classification of ICF/ICF dietetics in the context of the dietetic process.

    Teaching method

    Self-organized learning, lecture, group work, discussion. Prerequisites


    Continuous assessment


    Austrian_ICF Dietetics Edition 2.0; 2018. Deutschsprachige Übersetzung der WHO- ICF (DIMDI); 2005.DRAFT – LV Diateologischer Prozess und Fachsprache Diaetologie für 2., 3., 6. Semester deutsch/englisch Visontai, MSc April 2021 Gäbler G., Hofbauer A (Hrsg.). Der Diaetologische Prozess. Qualitätsstandard für die diaetolgoische Praxis. 1. Auflage. Wien. Verband der Diaetologen Österreichs; 2020.

    Austrian_ICF Dietetics Edition 2.0, 2018. Gäbler G, Hofbauer A (eds). The Diaetological Process. Quality standard for diaetolgoic practice. 1st ed. Vienna. Association of Diaetologists of Austria; 2020.

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Consolidation of Scientific Work Bachelor | SE

    Consolidation of Scientific Work Bachelor | SE

    1 SWS   9 ECTS


    Working on a research question of the action field of nutrition and dietetics.

    Teaching method

    Individual work


    Final exam


    Themenspezfische Literatur Bachelorarbeit

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    9 ECTS
    Module Specialist Internship
    0.5 SWS
    9 ECTS
    Clinical Internship 3 | PL

    Clinical Internship 3 | PL

    0 SWS   8 ECTS


    Implementation of the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in all areas into practice. Collecting dietetically relevant patient data for writing the dietetic processes.

    Teaching method



    Module exam



    Teaching language


    8 ECTS
    Reflection on Dietetic Practice 3 | SE

    Reflection on Dietetic Practice 3 | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Instruction clinical internship 3 and data protection information; model of subjective relevance; reflection on Clinical Internship 3; dietetic processes; training protocol; review and quality assessment of the entire practical training; evaluation sheet "Model of subjective relevance in the context of practice reflections" for statistical evaluation.

    Teaching method

    lecture, elearning on Moodle

    Individual work - keeping a training protocol

    Group work - reflection according to the model of subjective relevance


    Module exam


    Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Spann, H. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht. Unterrichtsentwicklung und Unterrichtsevaluation durch Aktionsforschung (5. grundlegend überarbeitete Auflage). Bad Heilbrunn: UTB; Julius Klinkhardt [aktuellste Auflage].
    Heyse, V., Giger, M. & Abele-Brehm, A. E. Erfolgreich in die Zukunft. Schlüsselkompetenzen in Gesundheitsberufen ; Konzepte und Praxismodelle für die Aus, - Fort- und Weiterbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (Gesundheitsmarkt in der Praxis). Heidelberg: medhochzwei-Verl. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Hüttner, B. Handlungskompetenzsteigerung durch das Modell der subjektiven Relevanz. Evaluationsstudie im Rahmen von Praxisreflexionen mit Studierenden des Fachhochschul-Bakkalaureatsstudiengangs Diätologie (1. Aufl.). Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag [aktuellste Auflage].
    Seyfried, C. (2002). Das Modell der Subjektiven Relevanz für reflexive Arbeit in der Schule. Schulpraktische Studien, 39–52.
    Seyfried, C. & Seel, A. (2005). Subjektive Bedeutungszuschreibungen als Ausgangspunkt schulpraktischer Reflexion. journal für lerhrerInnenbildung, 5. (1), 17–24. Lernprozesse in Praktika.

    Teaching language


    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Module Intercultural Discussion Strategies, Counseling and Training
    3 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Dietetic Counseling | UE

    Dietetic Counseling | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Nutrition assessment, goal setting, client-centered counseling, empathetic communication
    Skills: communications skills such as active listening, empathizing, asking closed and open-ended questions, using effective education language and strategies, giving non-judgemental feedback, evoking change talk, exploring importance of change, offering professional advice, promoting motivation

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment


    Beto, J., Holli, B.: Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals, Lippincott Raven [aktuellste Auflage]
    Snetselaar, L.: Nutrition Counseling Skills for the Nutrition Care Process, Jones & Bartlett Publ Inc. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Bauer, K.D., Liou D., Sokolik, C.: Nutrition Counseling and Education Skill Development, CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing [aktuellste Auflage]
    Rollnick, S,, Miller, W.R.: Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior (Applications of Motivational Interviewing), Applications of Motivational Interviewing, [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Elective | ILV

    Elective | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Electives in a dietetic context / interprofessional context

    Teaching method



    Continuous assessment: Completion of electives; confirmation of participation


    laut Angabe

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Module Professionalism in the Field of Dietetics
    7 SWS
    7 ECTS
    Working in an Interdisciplinary Team | ILV

    Working in an Interdisciplinary Team | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Definitions of terms for cooperation in health care professions; presentation of multidisciplinary/interprofessional teams and nutrition teams;.

    Teaching method

    Lecture, excursions, presentations


    Continuous assessment: Excursion reports; Presentations


    Bundsgesetz über die Regelung der gehobenen medizinisch-technischen Dienste (MTD-Gesetz), BGBl. Nr. 460/1992 idgF
    Valentini, L. Ernährungsteams – eine interprofessionelle Herausforderung. Journal für Ernährungsmedizin 2000; 2 (1) Ausgabe für Österreich, 20-21. Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
    Valentini, L., Jadrna, K. Zehn Jahre Ernährungsteams in Österreich: Definitionen, Aufgaben und Perspektiven. In: Journal für Ernährungsmedizin 2004; 6 (2), 17-23, Krause & Pachernegg GmbH

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Business Administration for the Dietological Practice | ILV

    Business Administration for the Dietological Practice | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Fundamentals of Business Administration

    Foundation of a dietetic practice

    The way to freelance work: tax, social security, insurance; fee guidelines

    Teaching method

    Lecture, group work, presentations, independent case study


    Continuous assessment: Creation of a business plan


    Huber, B. So starten Sie Ihre Unternehmen erfolgreich. Praxishandbuch, Manz Verlag. [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Introduction to Medical Profession and Health Policies  | ILV

    Introduction to Medical Profession and Health Policies  | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Basics of the political system, in particular the health and social system; basics of lobbying; political work in national/international professional associations; 

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, group work, presentations


    Continuous assessment


    Bilgeri, A. : Das Phänomen Lobbyismus. [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Health and Profession-specific Marketing  | ILV

    Health and Profession-specific Marketing  | ILV

    2 SWS   2 ECTS


    Fundamentals of marketing / health marketing. Marketing tools, marketing plan; the health market; profession-specific marketing - the brand of dietitian; brand development; basics of online media; quality journalism

    Teaching method

    Group work, presentations, discussions


    Continuous assessment: Creation of a marketing concept; writing journalistic articles


    Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., Saunders, J. Grundlagen des Marketing, Pearson Studium, . [aktuellste Auflage]
    Hurrelmann, K., Leppin, A. Moderne Gesundheitskommunikation. Vom Aufklärungsgespräch zur E-Health, Verlag Hans Huber, Programmbereich Gesundheit. [aktuellste Auflage]
    Meffert, H., Rohn, F. Healthcare Marketing – Eine kritische Reflexion. In: Marketing Review St.Gallen, 6/2011
    Berger R. Zukunftsmarkt Gesundheit. Trends & Handlungsempfehlungen für Ihr Unternehmen. Schriftenreihe des Wirtschaftsförderungsinstituts Nr. 338, Hrsg. Wirtschafskammer Österreich, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend. 2011

    Teaching language


    2 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Quality Management in Dietetics | ILV

    Quality Management in Dietetics | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Legal foundations of quality in health care; structural, process and result quality in dietetic practice; presentation and discussion of case studies from practice;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, presentations, group work


    Continuous assessment


    Donabedian, A. The Quality of Care. How Can It Be Assessed? Reprinted with permission from JAMA 23/30, 1988; 260(12):1743-1748. 1988 American Medical Association
    Van Schaik, R., Niewold, T.A. Quality improvement and cost savings by dietitians through follow-up of patients with total parenteral nutrition during hospital admission. E-SPEN Journal 9 (2014) e59-e62, Europeand Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 2014

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Statutory Basis for Health Care Professions | ILV

    Statutory Basis for Health Care Professions | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Discussion of the laws relevant to the profession; possibilities and limits in the profession; profession-specific legal questions from clinic and freelance work;

    Teaching method

    Lecture, discussion, case examples


    Continuous assessment


    Sladecek, E. et al.: Recht für Gesundheitsberufe, Verlag LexisNexis [aktuellste Auflage]

    Teaching language


    1 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Mon to Fri, all day (in exceptional cases also on Saturdays)

    Semester dates
    Winter semester: calendar week 35 to caldender week 4
    Summer semester: caldender week 7 to caldender week 28

    In order to enable all students to gain the necessary practical experience and thus to complete their studies within the regular period of study, there may be practical learning phases during the summer months if required. Four vacation weeks in July or August are planned in any case. 

    Selection and participation according to available places. There may be separate selection procedures.

    After graduation

    As a graduate of this program, a wide range of occupational fields and career opportunities are open to you. Find out here where your path can take you.

    In addition to being awarded the academic title of "Bachelor of Science in Health Studies", after completing the degree program you will also receive a legally recognized professional qualification. Besides doctors, dieticians are the only occupational group active in the field of nutrition that is allowed to work with sick people. Only with this degree program is it possible to practice the profession of dietician. The MTD Act is the basis for this degree program. The practically oriented degree program means that you will be ready to work immediately. In addition to therapy, the profession is moving more and more towards prevention and health promotion. In every area where you work you apply your know-how of counseling concepts and techniques as a tool to actually reach people. You work with people of all ages, for example in kindergartens, companies, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, your own dietician practice or at home. As a dietician you will work in interdisciplinary teams or in one-on-one counseling. You will work in this profession either as a staff member or self-employed and will plan and implement nutrition therapies and evaluate their results. In food service management for hospitals and other facilities you will calculate various types of diets, train staff or supervise the preparation of the food. At hospitals, and especially in research, you will be engaged in interdisciplinary work. In addition, you can also apply your knowledge in the industry or in the media. Other areas include prevention and health promotion, for example in schools, businesses, restaurants and hotels as well as in communities.

    Nutrition counseling begins with children and plays an important role even into old age. Prevention and therapy will be the core tasks of your future professional life. As a dietician, you can work either as a staff member or self-employed. The following occupations will be open to you:

    • Hospitals, special outpatient clinics, medical practices

    • Rehabilitation centers and convalescent homes

    • Nursing homes and retirement facilities

    • Public health authorities

    • Community facilities

    • Insurance companies

      • Health insurance companies

      • Community food facilities

      • Company health promotion

      • Medical practices for nutrition therapy

      • Pharmacies

      • Food and pharmaceutical industries

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        Networking with graduates and organizations

        We work closely with the Vienna Healthcare Group, universities like the Medical University of Vienna, the Austrian Association of Dietitians and other health care facilities. This guarantees you strong contacts for internships, employment or participation in research and development activities. You will complete the extensive internships at, among others, the hospitals of the Vienna Healthcare Group. You can find information about our cooperation activities and much more at Campusnetzwerk. It's well worth visiting the site as it may direct you to a new job or interesting event held by our cooperation partners!


        Head of Degree Program

        Secretary's office

        Mag. (FH) Daniela Kanai
        Viola Karner
        Monika Kickmaier

        Favoritenstraße 226, D.3.08
        1100 Vienna
        +43 1 606 68 77-4200
        +43 1 606 68 77-4209

        Map main campus Favoriten (Google Maps)

        Office hours during the semester
        Mon to Fri, 8.00 a.m.-12.00 p.m.

        Teaching staff and Research Staff


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