
High Tech Manufacturing

Do you still have questions about the study? Make an appointment with the Secretary's office for a a personal consultation via Zoom. The admissions process in  

Clinical Engineering

In our online infosessions  Head of Degree Program, Andrea Mizelli-Ojdanic will inform you on the Bachelor program and answer your questions. January23, 2025, 04.00pm - 04.45pm Februa  

Computer Science and Digital Communications

Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the applic  

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies & Management

Do you still have questions about the study? Make an appointment with our Secretary's office for a personal consultation via Zoom. The admission interviews for o  

Green Mobility

Do you still have questions about the study? Make an appointment with our Secretary's office and you will receive a personal consultation with the Head of the degr  

Software Design and Engineering

The admission procedure includes a written test and an interview with the admission committee. You will receive the date for the admission procedure from the secretary's office. Goal The goal i  

Multilingual Technologies*

Admission procedure: the admission procedure includes an interview with members of the admission committee (representatives of the University of Vienna and FH Campus Wien). This interview will take p  


Written test and interview Between April and June, details will be available when the application is open. Planned start of the first semester Mid of August The admission procedure consists of  

Molecular Biotechnology

Das naturwissenschaftliche Studium bietet eine breite praxisnahe Ausbildung in der medizinischen Biotechnologie. Dort wird mit Hilfe molekularbiologischer Techniken an Ursachen, Diagnose und Therapie