
Mit Sicherheit auf der Nebenbahn

Stillgelegte Nebenbahnen durch den Einsatz automatisiert fahrender „People Mover“ wirtschaftlich sinnvoll revitalisieren – das ist die Idee des Vienna Institute for Safety and Systems Engineering  

20 years of innovation

It started in 1999 with a single degree program. 20 years of academic training and research activities later, the balance sheet in the Department Engineering looks like this: approximately 1,000  

Sustainably smart in construction

Martin Aichholzer, Head of Master’s Degree Program Architecture - Green Building, equips the next generation of architects with extensive specialist expertise. In addition, in the research project  

"Qualified for the digital transformation"

As a result of digitization, our society is facing profound changes. At an unprecedented rate, new technologies are entering and defining our areas of life. Thus, transformation processes have come