Bachelor's Degree Program

Health Care and Nursing



Health Care and Nursing

Since 2008, FH Campus Wien has offered the first Austrian Bachelor's degree program in health care and nursing as a generalist degree program and combines nursing science with the professional qualification for the higher service of health care and nursing. The degree program lays the foundation for evidence-based nursing: What you plan and decide in nursing is not based solely on proven tradition, but is scientifically proven.  You will complete extensive internships in hospitals and nursing homes of the Vienna Healthcare Group, Vinzentinum Wien and Barmherzige Brüder Wien.

As a training and education initiative FH Campus Wien, Fonds Soziales Wien and Wiener Gesundheitsverbund are part of the "Pflege Zukunft Wien" process , which is coordinated by Dachverband Wiener Sozialeinrichtungen and bundles all efforts of the City of Vienna in the field of health care and nursing.

Applied Nursing Science
Quality of life


  • Nursing science in combination with authorization for the higher service of health care and nursing (gehobener Dienst der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege)

  • Nursing based on scientific knowledge

  • Nursing training premium per month and other attractive funding opportunities



    Final degree

    Bachelor of Science in Health Studies (BSc) incl. professional qualifications

    Duration of course
    6 Semesters
    Organisational form

    Tuition fee per semester

    € 363,362

    + ÖH premium

    180 ECTS
    Language of instruction

    Application winter semester 2025/26

    07. January 2025 - 20. July 2025

    Study places


    1 Of which 617 in the winter semester at all locations and 234 in the summer semester at selected cooperation locations. 
    2 Tuition fees for students from third countries € 727,- per semester. Details on tuition fees can be found in the general fee regulations.


    To enable captions in english, start the video and select 'english language' under settings.


    Health Care and Nursing of the Future – A Profession reinvents itself

    Since 2008, it has been possible to study Health Care and Nursing in a Bachelor's degree program at FH Campus Wien. Topics such as medical diagnostics and therapy, emergency management, health promotion and prevention, counseling, case and care management are now more strongly emphasized by the academic education. After graduation about 97% of the Bachelor graduates are already fully employed.


    You are interested in nursing science, applied nursing methods, medicine and health science. For you, health care and nursing mean taking on responsibility, acting according to basic humanistic ethics values and treating patients with empathy and respect. You seek practical training provided in a process-oriented manner that focuses on working with nursing diagnoses, nursing objectives and health care methods. You want to be able to justify your decisions scientifically. You have a professional picture of health care and nursing that is not only rooted in tradition, but you are aware that the profession is evolving rapidly towards evidence-based care, and health promotion and prevention.

    Why you should study with us

    360° practical training

    You will be learning in real-life situations right from the start: either with our cooperation partners or in our well-equipped functional rooms.

    Research in applied nursing

    You will gain experience and learn from others in interdisciplinary research projects.

    Study with a future

    Continue your basic education with unique continuing education opportunities for new career fields.

      Relevant admission requirement

      You need a general university entrance qualification, proven by

      • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
      • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
      • equivalent foreign certificate or
      • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution,

      or a relevant professional qualification with additional examinations.

      Further details

      Relevant professional qualification with additional examinations

      The following qualifications are defined as relevant professional qualifications:

      • apprenticeship groups
        • optician
        • bandage maker (discontinued)
        • druggist
        • chiropodist
        • hearing aid acoustician
        • laboratory technology - biochemistry
        • masseur
        • medical device salesperson
        • orthopedic shoemaker
        • orthopaedic technician - focus on orthosis technology, prosthesis technology or rehabilitation technology
        • pharmaceutical commercial assistant
        • dental assistant
      • additional examinations: essay on a general topic (German), English 2 (secondary school leaving level), biology and environmental studies
      • selected healthcare professions
        • therapeutic masseur
        • medical masseur
      • additional examinations: essay on a general topic (German), English 2 (secondary school leaving level), biology and environmental studies
      • schools for intermediate vocational education
        • vocational school for social work (3 years)
        • vocational school for social work with nursing preparation (3 years)
        • vocational school for human services professions (3 years)
      • additional examinations: English 2 (secondary school leaving level), biology and environmental studies
      • intermediate health and social professions
        • nursing assistant intermediate level 
        • qualified social care worker (3 years, including nursing assistance)
        • specialist social care worker (2 years, including nursing assistance)
        • qualified surgical assistant (3 years)
      • additional examinations: English 2 (secondary school leaving level)
      • other qualifications
        • nursing assistent (1 year)
        • specialist social care worker (2 years, without nursing assistance)
        • medical assistant (2 years)
      • proof of the combination of 3 areas of: disinfection assistant, plaster assistant, laboratory assistant, autopsy assistant, surgical assistant, doctor's surgery assistant, radiology assistant
      • including final assignment and final examination
      • apprenticeship in nursing with a qualification as
        • nursing assistent or
        • nursing assistant intermediate level
      • additional examinations: essay on a general topic (German), English 2 (secondary school leaving level)

      In individual cases, the head of degree program decides.

      Language requirements for admission

      The required language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is at least

      • German - level B2.

      Legalization of foreign documents

      Applicants may require legalization of documents from countries other than Austria in order for them to have the evidential value of domestic public documents. Information on the required legalizations can be found here in PDF format.

      Translation of your documents

      For documents that are neither in German nor English, a translation by a sworn and court-certified interpreter is required. Your original documents should have all the necessary legalization stamps before translation so that the stamps are also translated. The translation must be firmly attached to the original document or a legalized copy.

      Online application - uploading documents

      As part of your online application, upload scans of your original documents including all required legalization stamps. For documents not issued in German or English, scans of the corresponding translations must also be uploaded. The head of the study program decides on the equivalence of international (higher) education qualifications. Therefore, your documents can only be checked as part of the ongoing application process.

      Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the application phase has not yet started.

      There are 851 places available each year on the Bachelor's degree program in Healthcare and Nursing, of which 617 are available in the winter semester at all locations and 234 in the summer semester at selected (cooperation) locations. The ratio of study places to applicants is currently approx. 1:2.

      Documents for your online application

      1. Proof of identity
        • passport or
        • identity card or
        • Austrian driving license (proof of citizenship required) or
        • residence permit (proof of citizenship required)
      2. Proof of change of name, if applicable (e.g. marriage certificate)
      3. Proof of fulfillment of the relevant admission requirement
        • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
        • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
        • equivalent foreign certificate or
        • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution or
        • proof of relevant professional qualification
        • If you do not currently have a certificate, please upload your complete certificate from the last completed school level.
      4. Proof of German level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following apply as proof:
        • secondary school leaving certificate from a German-language school
        • completion of at least three years of studies in German
        • supplementary examination pre-study course - German B2
        • German certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g.:
          • Austrian German Language Diploma: ÖSD Certificate B2
          • Goethe Institute: Goethe Certificate B2
          • telc: German B2
          • German language test for university admission for foreign applicants: DSH-2
          • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany: DSD II
          • Test of German as a foreign language (Test DaF): Level TDN 4 in all parts
          • Language Center of the University of Vienna: Course and successfully passed exam at level B2
          • Proof of a higher language level is also valid.
      5. Curriculum vitae in tabular form in German
      6. Additional qualifications, specific additional trainings, if applicable
      7. Legalizations and translations, if applicable (see tab “Foreign documents and degrees”)

      Your application is valid once you have completely uploaded the required documents. If you do not have all the documents at the time of your online application, please submit them to the secretary's office by email as soon as you receive them.

      After completing your online application, you will receive an email confirmation with information on the next steps.

      The admission procedure includes an IT-based test and an interview.

      • Aim
        The aim is to ensure places are offered to those persons who complete the multi-level admission procedure with the best results. The tests are designed to assess the skills needed for an applicant's chosen profession.
      • Procedure
        The written entrance test includes a series of test requirements and checks whether you meet basic intellectual performance requirements. Applicants then have an interview. The interview provides a first impression of personal aptitude. This includes professional motivation, understanding of the profession, performance behavior, problem solving, ability to reflect and verbal expression. Each part of the test is awarded points. The admissions committee, which also includes the head of degree program and the lecturer representatives, allocates places based on the ranking series.
      • Criteria
        The criteria that lead to admission are exclusively performance-related. The geographical origin of the applicant has no influence on the admission decision. The admission requirements must be met in all cases. The final ranking of applicants is based on the following weighting:
        Written test (30%)
        Admission interview (70%)

      The computer-aided admission tests (Part 1) will take place on an ongoing basis starting 20st January 2025. You will be informed separately.
      The interviews (part 2) will be held starting 3rd February 2025. Applicants will be informed about the individual interview date by email.

      All individuals who complete their studies in Health Care and Nursing in Vienna will be entitled to a monthly nursing training premium (Wiener Pflegeausbildungsprämie) for the entire duration of their studies as of 1st September 2022. The place of residence is not relevant.

      The application can be submitted retroactively online to waff - Wiener Arbeitnehmer*innen Förderungsfonds. Online application, information for the application as well as contact details for open questions can be found here (in German)

      The Vienna Employment Promotion Fund (waff - Wiener Arbeitnehmer*innen Förderungsfonds) also offers further funding options. The support offered by the "Job PLUS Training" program provides free studies at a university of applied sciences, financial support and insurance during the studies, as well as a permanent job after graduation. Detailed information and requirements can be found here: waff - Wiener Arbeitnehmer*innen Förderungsfonds - Jobs PLUS Ausbildung für das Bachelorstudium Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege (in German).

      Unemployed Viennese persons under 25 years of age can receive monthly financial support from the foundation "Jugend und Zukunftsberufe" (Youth and Future Professions) for their free bachelor studies in Health Care and Nursing. Details can be found here (in German). For further consultation on the funding options available for your specific case and the amount of the monthly support, we recommend contacting the waff customer center 01 217 48 777.


      Do you still have questions about the study program?

      Make an appointment with our secretary's office and you will receive a personal consultation via Zoom with one of the FH Campus Wien site study programme directors Johanna Binder, Theresa Maria Binder, Hans Peter Köllner or Daniela Vitek.

      Info dates at FH Campus Wien

      Lecturers from FH Campus Wien provide insight and answer your questions in monthly online info sessions. You can also find out about funding opportunities that may be of interest to you.

      Please note: Zoom links differ for each session.

      To attend, please use the Zoom link at the given day and time.

      Info dates cooperation locations


      Online-Infosessions for nursing assistants "Pflegefachassistent*innen (PFA)"

      Applicants who have completed training as a Pflegefachassistent*innen (nursing assistant) can be granted access to the 3rd semester of study due to recognition regulations.

      The prerequisite for this is the completion of webinar exams.

      You will receive further details about entering the 3rd semester of study at the information events, which are specially set up for this purpose.

      Please note: Zoom links differ for each session!

      To attend the info session, please use the corresponding Zoom link from the list above.

      Online Info sessions for qualified health and nursing staff - higher-level service

      Due to the possibility of the bachelor’s programm, applicants who have completed their training for higher-level service („certified health and nursing assistants“) will be able to enter directly into the 5th semester of the „Health and Nursing“ study every winter semester (in form of a full-time study, subject to availability).

      The general admission requirements apply. In order to meet the admission requirements by means of „relevant professional qualifications with additional examinations“, an additional examination must be taken in English language (at high-school diploma niveau, B2).

      Online-Infosession specificly for certified health and nursing assistants ("Diplomierte Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegepersonen")

      Lecturers in the Department of Applied Nursing Science will answer your questions:

      FH Campus Wien is now the largest university of applied sciences for health in Austria. Since being the first university of applied arts in Austria to establish a bachelor's degree program in nursing already in 2008, we now possess extensive expertise and a large network of partners. This includes the University of Vienna. We developed the bachelor's degree program with them as part of a teaching cooperation. Important partners from the industry include the Vienna Healthcare Group, with whom we work closely to organize our extensive internships, and the Vinzentinum Wien. The near future holds great potential for multi-site research projects. We also pay close consideration to science and research as we continually develop the content of the degree program. Practical relevance is also guaranteed at our Campus Lecture evenings, which are open to all and feature contributions from prominent experts.

      The degree program combines science with extensive practical experience, which makes it possible for you to earn the legally recognized professional qualification for upper grade services in health care and nursing by completing the program. Nursing based on scientific knowledge, that is the difference between the degree program and a certificate from a traditional vocational school system. Evidence-based care is the foundation that allows you to offer people the best care possible while at the same time conserving resources. Thus, as a graduate you will be able to follow scientific developments, critically question them and, in individual cases, implement them in your professional life. However, this alone is not enough to implement evidence-based measures in nursing. It is important to recognize what is feasible for the patients and their personal environment, and what the organization allows. You will be able to take all of this into consideration with your nursing experience in order to make the best decision for the patient in the end.

      Your degree program is oriented towards international standards, is practically relevant and scientifically based. Besides technical-methodical scientific skills, you will also acquire social skills, communication skills and self-competence. In its methodical approach the degree program promotes project, problem and action-oriented learning.

      • You will learn about nursing theories and the nursing process as well as about health care and nursing for special target groups and in different settings. This includes providing care for people with chronic illnesses as well as providing support for family members and other relations. A major part of the education includes general and special medical basics as well as nursing science. Knowledge of social and human sciences, such as psychology and sociology, as well as education and health care sciences provide a holistic understanding of health and illness.
      • The social and personal human background of the people is important, particularly in counseling and communication. Counseling techniques are taught as well as conversational skills, conflict resolution and crisis communication.
      • Furthermore, you will learn about organization, ethics and law. Management in the health sector, structures and mechanisms of the health service as well as quality and project management and informatics are among the organization-related contents.
      • Theoretical and practical courses are well-balanced during your studies. In the fifth semester, you will complete an internship semester.


      Module Nursing care- introduction of nursing care
      7 SWS
      7 ECTS
      Basics of nursing care and nursing care | ILV

      Basics of nursing care and nursing care | ILV

      5 SWS   5 ECTS


      The nursing process

      • Definition of the nursing process, historical aspects or history of development of the nursing process.
      • Nursing process as a relationship and problem solving process
      • Characterization of the individual steps of the nursing process
      • Aspects of conversation and documentation of the nursing process including nursing report (focus: nursing assessment)
      • Nursing diagnostic process with support of a nursing classification (NANDA I)
      • Nursing goals, nursing measures and evaluation with the support of a nursing classification (NIC, NOC)
      • Legal basics (focus: nursing documentation)
      • Practical implementation of the nursing process based on individual case sequences
      • Reflection of the nursing process with regard to benefits, sense and weaknesses
      • Basics of Advanced Nursing Process

      Basics of health care and nursing

      • Image of the human being in nursing care
      • Framing of the course content on the basis of a needs model (e.g.: Roper, Logan Tierney). Individual aspects from concepts of health promotion as well as diversity-competent health and nursing care and aroma nursing are taken into account in the context of the respective life activity.
      • Linking the content of the life activities with studies in nursing science
      • The individual life activities (LA) "Providing a safe environment", "Communicating", "Breathing", "Eating and drinking", "Eliminating", "Keeping clean and dressing", "Regulating body temperature", "Moving", "Working and playing", "Living one's sexuality" and "Sleeping" are processed by the following systematics:

      a. Meaning aspect:

      • Norms and values - meaning for the person and his frame of reference.
      • Self-reflection of preferences, habits and behaviors
      • Factors influencing the respective life activity and their interactions

      b. Observation aspect:

      • Characteristics of the respective life activity (LA)
      • Effects of deviations on health, well-being and developmental status
      • Perception and description of changes across the age span.
      • Nursing-relevant professional observations of criteria such as skin and skin appendages, gestures, facial expressions, body posture and movement, cognition, orientation, recognizing, evaluating, documenting observation criteria and forwarding deviations
      • Recognize and assess risk of the following: exsiccosis, contracture, pneumonia & atelectasis, thrombosis/thromboembolism, pressure ulcers, falls, aspiration, thrush parotitis, intertrigo, deprivation

        c. Select and apply nursing interventions:
      • Assess resources and needs.
      • Maintain privacy and intimacy, taking into account phenomena such as shame, fear, etc.
      • Assess nursing needs, evaluate and derive goal-oriented nursing interventions in all settings and age levels, taking into account health promotion and prevention, lifeworlds and nursing research findings
      • Diversity-competent prophylactic measure setting over the entire life span
      • Aspects of aroma care

      Example of topic processing based on the following LA:

      LA "Moving":

      • Meaning Aspect:
      • Importance of movement for humans across the lifespan.
      • Preferences, habits, behaviors
      • Understanding and tolerance of the unfamiliar
      • Impact of influencing factors on LA "Moving" and their interactions.


      • Observation aspect:
      • Movement patterns and sequences, taking into account the respective position in space
      • Effects of deviations on health and level of self-care competence
      • Assess changes (e.g.: Body image, plegias/paresis, movement disorders, sensitivity disorders, reflex disorders, etc.).
      • Assess risk factors using assessment tools (e.g., pressure ulcers, falls, contractures, thrombosis, etc.)

      Select and apply nursing interventions:

      • Promote health through exercise concepts
      • Back-friendly working methods
      • Movement exercises and position changes using aids

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-concluding oral/practical or written examination


      • Ackley, B. J., Ladwig, G. B., Makic, M. B. F., Martinez-Kratz, M. (2022). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care. (13th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Inc.
      • Bulechek, G.M., Butcher H. K., Georg, J, Joanne M. Dochterman, J.M, Wagner C. M. (2023). Pflegeinterventionsklassifikation (NIC). (2nd ed.).  Hogrefe Verlag
      • Georg, J., Fischer J. (Ed.), Wilkinson J.M. (2022), Das Pflegeprozess-Lehrbuch (2th ed.). Bern: Huber Verlag.
      • Gordon, M. (2013). Pflegeassessment Notes. Wien: Huber Verlag
      • Herdman, T. H., Kamitsuru, S., & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA International, Inc. Pflegediagnosen: Definitionen und Klassifikation 2021-2023. Kassel: RECOM GmbH
      • Hojdelewicz, B. M. (2018). Der Pflegeprozess: Prozesshafte Beziehungspflege. (2nd ed.) Wien: Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG
      • Lauber, A., & Schmalstieg, P. (Ed.) (2018). Pflegerische Interventionen: Verstehen & pflegen 3. (4th ed.). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
      • Menche, N., Keller, C., & Teigeler, B. (Ed.) (2023). Pflege Heute: Lehrbuch für Pflegeberufe (8th ed.). München: Urban & Fischer.
      • Schewior-Popp, S., Sitzmann, F., & Ullrich, L. (Ed.) (2021). Thiemes Pflege: Das Lehrbuch für Pflegende in Ausbildung (15th ed.). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
      • Deutsches Netzwerk für Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege (DNQP). Expertenstandards und Auditinstrumente. Hochschule Osnabrück. 

      Teaching language


      5 SWS
      5 ECTS
      Nursing care in context with diagnostics and therapy 1 | UE

      Nursing care in context with diagnostics and therapy 1 | UE

      1 SWS   1 ECTS




      • Competences according to §15 GuKG as amended.
      • Delegation and subdelegation
      • Standards/SOP, guidelines, directives
      • Hygiene guidelines and compliance with ergonomic postures

      Determination of vital parameters:

      • Clinical monitoring/non-invasive monitoring: manual and/or mechanical determination of: Pulse, blood pressure, temperature, consciousness, vigilance, respiratory function Basics.
      • Apparative monitoring on the monitor (non-invasive)
      • Documenting and interpreting the determined values
      • Documentation systems (analog/digital)


      • Determine and interpret peripheral oxygen saturation.
      • Oxygen cylinder (handling, safety measures, calculation of O² supply)
      • Patient monitoring
      • Application systems (mask, goggles, probe)


      • Urinary catheterization (types of catheterization in terms of duration and function, instillations and flushes)
      • Action scheme: preparation, execution and post-processing
      • Nursing measures with the lying bladder indwelling catheter, collection systems
      • Suprapubic bladder catheter (types, advantages and disadvantages, complications, preparation and follow-up and change)
      • Residual urine determination using disposable catheters and non-invasive sonographic methods

      Bowel enemas and enemas:

      • Definition, effect, indications and contraindications, complications.
      • Types and forms (disposable enemas, bowel cleansing, colonic irrigation)
      • Scheme of action: preparation, execution and follow-up
      • Stool management systems (open and closed), fecal collector

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final exam.


      • Al-Abtah, J., Ammann, A., Bensch, S., Dörr, B., Elbert-Maschke, D., Ernstmann, N., Ewering, A., Fölsch, D., Häberlein, Y., Hagenberger, S. et al. (Ed.) (2020). I care Pflege (2nd ed.,). Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.
      • Schewior-Popp, S., Sitzmann, F., & Ullrich, L. (Ed.) (2021). Thiemes Pflege: Das Lehrbuch für Pflegende in Ausbildung (15th ed.). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
      • Menche, N., Keller, C., & Teigeler, B. (Ed.) (2023). Pflege Heute: Lehrbuch für Pflegeberufe (8th ed.). München: Urban & Fischer.
      • Lauber, A. & Schmalsteg, P. (Ed.), (2018), Pflegerische Interventionen - verstehen & pflegen (4th ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.
      • Lauber, A., Schmalstieg, P. (Ed.). (2018) Wahrnehmungen und Beobachtungen: Verstehen und pflegen 2. (4th ed.). Stuttgart: ThiemeVerlag.


      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Pregnancy, Birth, Confinement and Newborn Care | ILV

      Pregnancy, Birth, Confinement and Newborn Care | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Female sexuality: gynecological examination methods, contraception - family planning; female sexual response cycle, libido and orgasm disorders; involuntary sterility - the sterile couple; transgender - deviations from assigned social gender role, HPV - vaccination.
      • Embryonic development
      • Pregnancy: placenta and umbilical cord, sure and uncertain signs of pregnancy, calculation of delivery date, ultrasound examinations, CTG, lifestyle counseling of pregnant women (nutrition, stimulants, sports, travel, sexuality)
      • Disorders in pregnancy: extrauterine grav. (= tub.), miscarriage (abortus), disorders of the placenta/ umbilical cord, premature rupture of membranes, diseases of the mother - gestosis, diabetes mel., blood group incompatibility, premature birth
      • Birth: types of labor, birth process (the "normal" birth).
      • Transfer of the newborn: Observation focus, screening, prophylaxis, APGAR (initial assessment of the newborn).
      • Changes in the family constellation after the birth of a child
      • Phases of pregnancy, prenatal care, physical/mental adjustment process, life-world/psychosocial influences on the course of pregnancy, sexuality in pregnancy
      • Possibilities of shaping physiological birth
      • Postpartum process/postpartum period
      • Care and support of the woman in childbed
      • Instruction of parents in newborn care (e.g. prevention of SIDS)
      • Nursing interventions in the care of healthy newborns
      • Basics of breastfeeding theory and practice
      • Theoretical approaches to nursing interventions in relation to postpartum and newborn care

      Teaching method

      Course with activating methods, practical exercises


      Final exam: LV-final written or oral final examination


      • Chalupka-Ho, C. (2021): Wochenbett und Neugeborenenpflege für Gesundheitsberufe. (2., überarbeitete Aufl.). Wien: Facultas.
      • Harder, U. (2015) (Hg.): Wochenbettbetreuung in der Klinik und zu Hause (4., aktualisierte Aufl.). Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag.
      • Heller, A. (2015): Nach der Geburt: Wochenbett und Rückbildung. (2. Auflage). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
      • Schneider, H; Husslein, P.; Schneider, K.T. (2016) (Hg.): Die Geburtshilfe (5. Aufl.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
      • WHO (2009): Infant and young child feeding. Model chapter for textbooks for medical students and allied health professionals. Genf: World Health Organization.
      • WHO (2016): WHO recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience. Genf: World Health Organization.
      • WHO (2018): WHO recommendations: Intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience. Genf: World Health Organization.
      • WHO (2022): WHO recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal experience. Genf: World Health Organization.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Module Medical Basics
      9 SWS
      10 ECTS
      Biology, anatomy, physiology | VO

      Biology, anatomy, physiology | VO

      3 SWS   4 ECTS


      Medical terminology:

      • Positional and directional designations, numbers, colors.
      • Declensions
      • Clinical terminology and vocabulary


      • Basic biology, chemistry and biochemistry.
      • Basics of biophysics
      • Biology of the cell
      • Genetics and Evolution
      • Tissues

      Anatomy Physiology:

      • The healthy human being
      • Body structure and musculoskeletal system (active+passive)
      • Cardiovascular system
      • Respiratory tract
      • Blood, immune system, lymphatic organs
      • Digestive tract
      • Kidneys and urinary tract
      • Genital organs
      • Endocrine system
      • Nervous system
      • Sensory organs (eyes, ears, skin)


      • Qualitative and quantitative composition of food
      • Metabolism and nutrition
      • Exemplary diets
      • Basics of infant nutrition

      Teaching method

      Predominantly performing methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final exam.


      • Haider-Strutz, I. (2023). Anatomie, Biologie, Physiologie für Gesundheitsberufe. Wien: Facultas.
      • Schwegeler J.S., Lucius R. (2021). Der Mensch – Anatomie und Physiologie (7. Ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme
      • Faller, A. & Schünke, M. (2020). Der Körper des Menschen. Einführung in Bau und Funktion (18th ed). Stuttgart: Thieme

      Teaching language


      3 SWS
      4 ECTS
      General pathology | VO

      General pathology | VO

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Definitions in pathology - statistical parameters
      • tasks of the pathologist - intravital and postmortem diagnostics
      • Causes of disease, course and consequences
      • Pathology of heredity
      • Disturbances of cell growth and cell proliferation
      • Cell and tissue damage
      • Regeneration and repair of tissues
      • Inflammatory pathology
      • Tumor pathology
      • Disorders of the circulatory system
      • Imaging diagnostic procedures and laboratory parameters

      Teaching method

      Predominantly performing methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Haider-Strutz, I. (2022) Allgemeine Pathologie: Ein Lehrbuch für Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufe (3. Überarbeitete Auflage). Wien: Facultas.
      • Nennstiel, S. (2019) BASICS: Allgemeine Pathologie (3. Ed.). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Zechmann, C. M. et al (2019) BASICS: Bildgebende Verfahren (4. Ed.). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag in Elsevier.
      • Fangerau, H., Schulz, S., Noack, T., Müller, I. (2017) (Hrsg.): Medizinische Terminologie: Ein Kompaktkurs (6. Ed.). Köln: Lehmanns Media.
      • Georg Thieme Verlag (Ed.) (2020) I Care: Krankheitslehre. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
      • Schmetzer, O. (2021). Klinische Chemie und Labormedizin (4.Ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Applied hygiene, infectiology | ILV

      Applied hygiene, infectiology | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      Infectious Diseases:

      • Basics of infection theory
      • The immune system
      • Protective vaccinations/vaccination plan, reactions/defence mechanisms
      • Methods of pathogen detection
      • Notifiable diseases
      • Signs of infection

      Microbiology and parasitology:

      • Bacteria
      • Viruses
      • Prions
      • Fungi
      • Parasites/Multicellular parasites

      Hygiene in health care facilities and extramural settings:

      • Organization of hospital hygiene (hygiene standards).
      • Nosocomial infections
      • General hygiene and hygiene measures
      • Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
      • Hand hygiene
      • Hygiene in special care settings
      • Protective clothing - isolation
      • Infection prevention for staff
      • Infection prevention with multi-resistant germs
      • Food and environmental hygiene
      • Examination material

      Teaching method

      Predominantly performing methods


      Final exam: LV-final written or oral examination


      • Haider, I. (2022) Mikrobiologie für Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe (2. Ed.). Wien: Facultas.
      • Kramer, A. et al. (2016) Krankenhaus- und Praxishygiene: Hygienemanagement und Infektionsprävention in medizinischen und sozialen Einrichtungen (3. Ed.). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag, Elsevier.
      • Klischies, R. et al. (2008) Hygiene und medizinische Mikrobiologie: Lehrbuch für Pflegeberufe (5. Ed.). Stuttgart:S chattauer
      • Handl, G. (2021) Angewandte Hygiene, Infektionslehre und Mikrobiologie (4. Ed.). Wien: Facultas.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Psychology, Paedagogics, Sociology | ILV

      Psychology, Paedagogics, Sociology | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Psychological functions from the point of view of different scientific directions and
        views of man, depth psychological, cognitive-behavioristic and humanistic concepts,
        psychological requirements of the human lifespan with relevance for the
        neonatological to geriatric care.
      • Basics of psychosomatics and psychogenic dysfunctions
      • Social-psychologically and socio-culturally oriented concepts of action in nursing-specific
        conflict and stress situations as well as towards low-adherence patients
      • Preventive, salutogenetically oriented health-psychological as well as clinical-psychological
        forms of intervention and related research approaches
      • Developmental psychology of children and adolescents (personality, cognitive, motor
        and language development, developmental milestones)
      • Health and disease concepts of children in their respective developmental stages
      • Teaching the current theoretical findings of cognitive developmental psychology
      • Fear - basic forms, age-related fears
      • Attachment theory and attachment disorders
      • Basic features of clinical psychology (psychosocial crisis, post-traumatic stress, reference to the discharge discussion)
      • Basic psychotherapeutic and supervisory methods (context
        disease management)
      • Psychohygienic methods for maintaining professional standards and for burn-out
      • Nursing professional self-exploration, group and individual counselling as well as professional
        supervision, intervision and coaching

      Teaching method

      Predominantly performing methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      • Butcher, J.N., Mineka, S., Hooley, J.M. (2008) Klinische Psychologie. München: Pearson.
      • Döpfner, M., Petermann, F. (2008) Diagnostik psychischer Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter (2. Ed.). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
      • Hausmann, C., Koller, M. (2017) Psychologie, Soziologie und Pädagogik: Lehrbuch für Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe (3. Ed.). Wien: Facultas.
      • Kulbe, A. (Hrsg.) (2009) Grundwissen Psychologie, Soziologie und Pädagogik: Lehrbuch für Krankenpflegeberufe (2. Ed.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
      • Reinecker, H., Kanfer, F.H., Schmelzer, D. (2012) Selbstmanagement-Therapie (5. Ed.). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
      • Wittchen, H. U., & Hoyer, J. (2011). Klinische Psychologie & Psychotherapie (Vol. 1131). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
      • Hurrelmann, K. (2010) Gesundheitssoziologie: Eine Einführung in sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien von Krankheitsprävention und Gesundheitsförderung (7. Ed.). Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa.
      • Schroeter, K. R., & Rosenthal, T. (Eds.). (2005). Soziologie der Pflege: Grundlagen, Wissensbestände und Perspektiven. Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Module Internship 1
      4 SWS
      13 ECTS
      Skills training "Concepts of Motion" | UE

      Skills training "Concepts of Motion" | UE

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      Students will deepen practical handling through hands-on exercises on the following
      key topics:

      • Central contents: Self-awareness and interaction
      • Concept system of Kinaesthetics®.
      • Among others: (1) basics of movement and weight progression in gravity, (2)
        movement patterns, (3) positions for the respective movement activities, (4) external
        factors to promote movement.
      • Positioning techniques: VATI positioning, back, side, abdominal positioning and
        seated positioning types, handling positioning aids.

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      • ABZ Verbund Pflege HF (Hrsg.). (2020). Mobilisation: Training und Transfer Pflege (4th ed.). Bern: Hep.
      • Assmussen, M. (2009). Praxisbuch Kinaesthetics: Erfahrungen zur individuellen Bewegungsunterstützung auf Basis der Kinästhetik (2nd ed.). München: Urban & Fischer.
      • European Kinaesthetics Association (Hrsg.). (2020). Kinaesthetics:Konzeptsystem. Linz: Verlag European Kinaesthetics Association.
      • European Kinaesthetics Association (Hrsg.). (2023) Themenbroschüre Kinästhetik und Frühmobilisation. Linz: Verlag European Kinaesthetics Association.
      • Hatch, F., & Maietta, L. (2002). Kinästhetik Gesundheitsentwicklung und menschliche Aktivitäten. (2nd ed.). München: Urban & Fischer.
      • Klein-Tarolli, E., & Knobel, S. (2021). «Sich positionieren». Grundlagenhandbuch. Siebnen: Verlag Lebensqualität.
      • Landau, K. (2020). Pflege gestalten. Griesheim: Ergonomia.
      • Peters, M., Tanner, J., & Niezgoda-Hadjidemetri E. (2019). Die neue Rückenschule: Die effektivsten Übungen. München: Dorling Kindersley.
      • Steigele, W. (2021). Bewegung, Mobilisation und Lagerung in der Pflege: Praxistipps für Bewegungsübungen und Positionswechsel (3rd ed.). Berlin: Springer.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Skills training "Emergency Management, Basic Life Support" | UE

      Skills training "Emergency Management, Basic Life Support" | UE

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Legal basis of first aid
      • Danger areas
      • Rescue chain
      • Life threatening situations
      • Immediate measures
      • Crisis intervention
      • Emergency management in hospitals
      • Disaster Management

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: LV-final written or oral examination


      • Beichler, H. (2019). Erste Hilfe für Gesundheitsberufe. (2nd ed.). Wien: Facultas.
      • Guidelines European Resuscitation Council (2021). (2023, May 10).

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Clinical Internship 1 | PL

      Clinical Internship 1 | PL

      0 SWS   9 ECTS


      The students are guided to:

      • Implementation of the theoretical course contents (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence according to FH GUK AV:

      (1) acute care such as inpatient care in the (a) operative department
      (general surgery and special surgical departments such as
      gynaecology, urology, ear, nose and throat department) and inpatient care in the (b)
      conservative department (general/internal medicine and special internal medicine
      departments such as cardiology, oncology, hepatology),
      (2) nursing care in the long-term care sector (e. g. e.g. geriatric centres, inpatient and day-care
      (3) outpatient/mobile care (e.g. home care, outpatient clinics), as well as areas of
      (4) prevention and rehabilitation.
      Optionally and complementarily also in areas such as freelance nursing,
      in the public health service, in ordinations and communities of practice and other
      care facilities related to health care and nursing.

      • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and taking accident/illness prevention measures.
      • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide to all placement training.
      • Encouraging personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas as well as reflecting on experiences from the relevant professional field.
      • Reflection on a case history in the course of the 5th semester together with a teacher.
      • Implementation of study tasks (see practice reflection) in the context of the respective clinical field.

      Teaching method

      Practical learning phase


      Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character and assessment of the practical learning phase


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020). Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG

      Teaching language


      9 ECTS
      Internship 1 - Introduction and reflection, incl. resilience training | ILV

      Internship 1 - Introduction and reflection, incl. resilience training | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • In the introduction, the upcoming internship process is discussed: Design and process of the internship, data protection regulations and confidentiality obligation, internship goals, internship documentation, status discussions with self-assessment and assessment by others, internship assessment, learning support.
      • In the practice reflection and supervision, practice-related stressful situations are dealt with as well as group discussions for the development of personal resources and coping strategies.

      Study Assignments:
      Study Assignment 1: Clinical Practicum 1
      - Taking a Medical History
      - Presenting an ATL
      - Reflecting on the topic of disgust and the influence of the medical history form on the
      nursing process
      Study Assignment 2 : Clinical Practicum 2
      - Preparation of a medical history and individually relevant nursing diagnoses according to NANDA
      - Presentation of an elaborated nursing diagnosis
      - Reflection and processing of the topic incontinence in professional
      health care and nursing
      Study Task 3: Clinical Practicum 3
      - Preparation of a medical history, individually relevant nursing diagnoses and
      nursing interventions according to NANDA
      - Presentation of the evaluation process and research of a suitable study that meets the
      scientific criteria
      - Processing of questions on the topic of wound management based on a
      wound situation from practice
      Study Task 4: Clinical Practicum 5 + 6
      - Preparation of a case history and description of evidence-based nursing interventions that are individually
      suitable on this basis
      - Research of two to three topic-related evidence-based studies
      - Presentation of the elaborated nursing interventions

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020). Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS

      Module Special nursing care 1
      10 SWS
      10 ECTS
      Nursing care in context with diagnostics and therapy 2 | UE

      Nursing care in context with diagnostics and therapy 2 | UE

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Administration of medicines: forms of medicines, legal regulations regarding the ordering and administration of medicines (incl. narcotics management), incl. delegation (quality assurance: tasks of the senior health care and nursing staff regarding the ordering, storage, preparation and administration of medicines, observation of the effect/side effects of the medicines administered and documentation), design of medicine packaging and package inserts, instructions for use and storage, calculation of medicines, error management in the event of incorrect administration of medicines.
      • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): principles, exemplary implementation in diabetes mellitus.
      • Punctures: Vein, capillary, artery, preparation (e.g., Emla patch), performance and follow-up for venous and capillary blood draws
      • Peripheral vascular catheter: Principle of operation, peripheral vascular catheter, preparation, performance and follow-up for peripheral vascular catheter placement.
      • Central vascular catheter: Principle of operation, preparation, assistance, follow-up, placement and handling.
      • Partially and fully implantable catheter systems: Principle of operation, preparation, assistance, follow-up, placement and handling.
      • Injections: s.c., i.m., i.v., preparation, execution and follow-up of injections
      • Infusions: Infusion types, infusion accessories, drip rate calculation, drip counter, Infusomat, motor syringe, infusion preparation, starting and finishing infusions with recumbent vascular access.
      • Probes: Placement of gastric tube, change of PEG tube, assistance with Sengstaken- Blakemore, positional control and nursing interventions for recumbent tubes.


      • Transfusions and bedside testing, performing patient-specific blood typing -> see skills training "Monitoring".
      • Basics of invasive monitoring: arterial blood pressure measurement, CVD measurement, temperature -> see skills training "Monitoring

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Georg Thieme Verlag (Hrsg.).2020. I care: Krankheitslehre (2. überarbeitete Auflage). Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  
      • Schewior-Popp S, Sitzmann F, Ullrich L, (Hrsg.). (2020). Thiemes Pflege. (15. Auflage) Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  
      • Menche, N. (Hrsg). (2019). Pflege Heute. (7. Auflage). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag, Elsevier.
      • Kirschnick O, (Hrsg.) (2016). Pflegetechniken von A – Z. (5. Auflage.) Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Health Care in Special Situations 1 | ILV

      Health Care in Special Situations 1 | ILV

      3 SWS   3 ECTS


      All teaching contents are special nursing measures for certain
      clinical pictures, which are listed as examples. Current medical findings and
      further developments are to be taken into account accordingly. Special care presupposes
      fundamental care understanding and knowledge over the disease picture and focuses on
      supplementing, special observation, preventive measures, production of care plans,
      advisory function and authority of the co-operation with medical diagnostic and
      therapeutic measures.
      All the nursing focal points mentioned below are to be linked to (evidence-based) nursing science
      study results.

      Nursing focal points related to diagnostics, conservative and surgical therapy of
      patients with diseases of the immune system using the example of:

      • HIV and AIDS

      Nursing foci in connection with diagnostics, conservative and surgical therapy of
      patients with metabolic diseases using the example:

      • Diabetes mellitus type I and II
      • Obesity

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy of
      patients with cardiovascular and vascular diseases using the example:

      • Coronary heart disease
      • Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction (incl. heart failure)
      • Peripheral arterial occlusive disease
      • Coronary bypass surgery, peripheral bypass surgery and amputation,

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy of
      patients with diseases of the endocrinological system using the example of:

      • Thyroid gland: hyper- and hypofunction as well as special care and monitoring after
      • thyroid operations

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy of
      patients with diseases of the digestive system using the example:

      • Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases e.g.: Ulcer disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis
      • gastrointestinal carcinoma
      • Pancreatic carcinoma
      • Liver cirrhosis
      • Acute emergencies e.g.: Ileus, peritonitis
      • Enterostoma care

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy of
      patients with diseases of the respiratory system using the example of:

      • COPD
      • bronchial asthma
      • Special care and monitoring during lung surgery incl. pleural effusion, pneumothorax, thoracic drains

      The general peri- (pre-, intra- and post-) surgical nursing situation of all ages:

      • Clarification of terms (peri-, pre-, intra- and postoperative care, nursing educational interview, consent to surgery and anesthesia, etc.).
      • General perioperative (incl. pre- and postoperative) nursing measures
      • Intraoperative care in the OP and anaesthesia area
      • Postoperative care in the recovery room/IMC/intensive care unit and in the inpatient area
      • Drains
      • Postoperative complications e.g. thrombosis, pulmonary embolism

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Georg Thieme Verlag (Hrsg.).2020. I care: Krankheitslehre (2. überarbeitete Auflage). Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  
      • Paetz B (Hrsg.) (2021). Chirurgie für die Pflege. (24. Auflage). Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.
      • Schewior-Popp S, Sitzmann F, Ullrich L, (Hrsg.). (2020). Thiemes Pflege. (15. Auflage) Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  

      Teaching language


      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Ethics and Transcultural Nursing | ILV

      Ethics and Transcultural Nursing | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      General ethics:

      • Explanation of terms: ethics, morals, ethos, values (professional and cultural values, conflicts of values), norms, rules, virtues.
      • Tasks of ethics, basic questions of ethics, aims and limits of ethics
      • Models of descriptive ethics (exemplary): e.g. phenomenological approach, language-analytical approach
      • Classical theories of normative ethics (by way of example): deontology, teleology or consequentialist ethics, virtue ethics, communitarian ethics, ethics of justice, ethics of ethics
      • Contemporary Asnätze: Care ethics, responsibility ethics

      Ethics in care:

      • Ethical problems in health care institutions, the special situation of nurses.
      • Code of ethics: function of a professional code, ICN code
      • Selected basic questions and areas of tension in nursing practice (exemplary): autonomy of the patient (informed consent, right not to know), the relationship between patient, nurse and relatives, refusal of food, brain death and coma vigil, organ transplantation, limitation of therapy - discontinuation of therapy, aggression and violence, patient's will, rationing in the health care system, etc.
      • Organizational ethics and ethics committees: models, tasks, goals
      • Models of decision making e.g. Rabe, Nimwegener

      Transcultural care:

      • Relationship between culture and religion
      • Concepts of transcultural competence
      • Models of transcultural nursing (e.g. M. Leininger)
      • Transcultural interaction in the nursing setting

      Teaching method

      predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Lay, R. (2022). Ethik in der Pflege: das Lehrbuch für alle Bereiche der Pflege. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft.
      • Hiemetzberger, M. (2020). Ethik in der Pflege. (3. Ed.). Wien: Facultas.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Palliative Care | ILV

      Palliative Care | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • History of the Hospice and Palliative Care Movement: Historical and current developments of hospice and palliative care.
      • Selected definitions of palliative care: WHO, EAPC, Caring, Spiritual Caring
      • The dying process and the stages of dying (e.g. Kübler-Ross, Renz, Jonen-Thielemann)
      • Models of mourning phases and mourning tasks (e.g. Kast, Worden)
      • Palliative care in different care contexts: End-of-life care in different institutions, at home and in emergency situations, from dealing with the deceased in a dignified manner and his or her care system
      • Selected symptoms in palliative care including assessment tools: "total pain" and pain therapy, fatigue, nutrition and loss of appetite, cachexia, nausea and vomiting, constipation and diarrhoea, dyspnoea, agitation, pruritis, stomatitis and xerostomia, anxiety and depression, dehydration in the last phase of life
      • Needs of the dying: physical, psychological, religious-cultural needs, and spiritual guidance
      • Psychosocial aspects: Communication with the dying and seriously ill, "Breaking Bad News", understanding and accompanying mourning processes, caring handling of farewells and grief of health care personnel
      • Ethics in palliative care: ethical decision-making cultures, dying with dignity,
        euthanasia debate, patients' advance directives and health care proxies

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Zegelin, A., Arndt, M. B., Baer, D., & Müller-Mundt, G. (2017). Lehrbuch Palliative Care. Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Kränzle, S., Schmid, U., & Seeger, C. (Eds.). (2018). Palliative Care: Praxis, Weiterbildung, Studium. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
      • Schnell, M. W., & Schulz, C. (2019). Basiswissen Palliativmedizin. (3. Auflage). Berlin: Springer Verlag.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Gerontology and Geriatric Care | ILV

      Gerontology and Geriatric Care | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Definitions of gerontology, geriatrics, long-term care and gerontological ageing research, theories of ageing and being old as a condition of life
      • Structural changes in ageing (demographic development, sociological perspective)
      • Needs of old and ageing people (closeness, sexuality, education etc.)
      • Quality of life in old age
      • Facilities/offers for the elderly in Austria and in international comparison
      • Care concepts in gerontological care (biography work, validation, etc.)
      • Nursing interventions in geriatric depression, delirium, dementia, deprivation, aggression and regression
      • Selected assessment instruments in gerontological care
      • Cooperation with the reference system and counselling in the setting of gerontological care
      • Quality management and quality characteristics in the setting of gerontological care
      • Ethics in gerontological care using the example of malnutrition
      • Violence and aggression in gerontological care

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Vitek, D. (2020). Gerontologische und gerontopsychiatrische Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege: Lehrbuch für Pflegeberufe. Wien: Facultas.
      • Köther, I. (Ed.). (2016). Thiemes Altenpflege. (4. Ed.) Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Module Special medical and legal basics
      6 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Nutrition | ILV

      Nutrition | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      National and international reference values

      Macro- and micronutrients, secondary plant compounds

      Food Based Dietary Guidelines

      Basic nutritional principles

      Exemplary diets

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Final exam


      • Elmadfa, I., Leitzmann, C. (2023). Ernährung des Menschen. Stuttgart: Verlag Ullmer.
      • Biesalski, H.-K., Grimm, P. & Nowitzki-Grimm, S. (2018). Taschenatlas Ernährung. Stuttgart: Thieme.
      • Schlieper, C. A. (2018) Grundfragen der Ernährung: Lehrbuch. Hamburg: Verlag Handwerk und Technik.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Geriatrics and Gerontopsychiatry | VO

      Geriatrics and Gerontopsychiatry | VO

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Introduction/definition of geriatrics, gerontopsychiatry
      • Biological aspects of aging


      • Spectrum of geriatrics
        • Prevention
        • Acute geriatrics
        • Geriatric Rehabilitation
        • Palliative Geriatrics
      • Geriatric assessment
      • Age-specific phenomena
        • Multimorbidity (e.g. cardiovascular system, urogenital tract, digestive tract, sensory organs, musculoskeletal system, infectious diseases, nervous system, etc.)
        • Chronicity
        • Immobilisation
      • Sleep disorders
      • Vaccinations in old age
      • Medication in old age (polypharmacy)
      • The geriatric team


      • Delir
      • Dementias
      • Depression in old age
      • Suicidality

      Teaching method

      predominantly performing methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Steidl, S., Nigg, B. (2014) Gerontologie, Geriatrie und Gerontopsychiatrie: Ein Lehrbuch für Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe (4. Ed.) Wien: Facultas.
      • Modreker, M.K. (2023). Geriatrie Basics. Ein kurzlehrbuch für den Stationsalltag mit geriatrischen Patienten. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      General and Occupation-specific Legal Aspects | ILV

      General and Occupation-specific Legal Aspects | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      Overview of the legal areas and legal regulations relevant to the profession

      Special features of the health care professions from a legal perspective

      Case-specific solution of legally relevant issues of nursing in different settings

      Professional competences according to GuKG (amendment 2016)

      Professional authorization, professional practice, professional title, professional duties and rights

      Presentation of the relationship of the individual legal areas, professional rights, organisational rights (e.g. Hospital Act, Nursing Home Residence Act), patients' rights, labour and employment law, civil and criminal law in general to each other.

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Weiss, S., Lust, A., (Eds.) (2021). GuKG: Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegegesetz. (9. Ed.). Wien: Manz
      • Sladecek, E., Marzi, L.-M.,Schmiedbauer, T. (2021). Recht für Gesundheitsberufe.(10. Ed.). Wien: LexisNexis Verlag

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Selected Illnesses including diagnostics and therapy 1 | VO

      Selected Illnesses including diagnostics and therapy 1 | VO

      3 SWS   3 ECTS


      Diseases and disorders (causes, symptomatology, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis) with emphasis on internal medicine (reference to all age groups)

      • of the cardiovascular system, hematopoietic system and immune system:
        • Blood pressure regulation disorders
        • Diseases of the vascular system
        • Coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction
        • Heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias
        • Inflammatory heart diseases; heart (valve) defects
        • Blood cell disorders (red, white), coagulopathies
        • Malignant lymphomas
        • HIV infection and AIDS
        • Allergies and autoimmune diseases
      • of the respiratory system:
        • Infectious respiratory diseases
        • Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, fibrosis
        • Bronchial and lung tumors
        • Diseases of the pulmonary circulation
        • Pleural diseases
        • Aspiration and aspiration pneumonia
      • of the digestive tract:
        • Esophageal and gastric diseases
        • Intestinal diseases, peritoneal diseases
        • liver, biliary tract and pancreatic diseases
      • of the metabolism and endocrine system:
        • Diabetes Mellitus Type I and II
        • Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal cortex
        • Fat and purine metabolism
        • Nutrition-related diseases
      • of the musculoskeletal system:
        • Degenerative/inflammatory/rheumatic diseases.
        • Traumatic impairments
        • Congenital malformations

      >Of the nephrological system:

      Inflammatory diseases (glomerulonephritis)

      Chronic renal insufficiency

      Diseases and disorders (causes, symptomatology, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis) with emphasis on neurology (reference to all age groups)

      • of the central and peripheral nervous system:
        • Cerebral seizures, infectious, inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the CNS, Intracranial pressure elevations, headache.
        • Tumors of the CNS, muscular diseases
        • Cerebral insult
        • Cerebral damage/impact of hypoxia

      Diseases and disorders (causes, symptomatology, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis) with emphasis on psychiatry (reference to all age groups)

      • Psychopathology: disorders
        • of consciousness and orientation
        • of memory and thinking
        • Affectivity and drive
        • needs and perception
        • ego experience and delusions


      Teaching method

      predominantly performing methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Girndt, M. (2022). Innere Medizin hoch2. München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Gerlach, U. et al (2015). Innere Medizin für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege (8th ed). Stuttgart: Thieme.
      • Pinto, M. (2023). BASICS Neurologie (7th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Bonse, M. (2017). Neurologie und neurologische Pflege. Lehrbuch für Pflegeberufe (9th ed). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
      • Volz, A. (2019). BASICS Psychiatrie (4th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.

      Teaching language


      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Module Nursing science 1
      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Introduction to Nursing Science and Health Care Research | ILV

      Introduction to Nursing Science and Health Care Research | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Introduction to the subject area of nursing science and nursing research: sources of knowledge, scientific theories
      • Nursing science/research: definition and subject area
      • Application areas of nursing research
      • Overview of research approaches: Characteristics, basic principles
      • Phases of the research process
      • Ethical aspects of nursing research
      • Basics of EBN: definition, components of a nursing decision, external and internal evidence, steps in the EBN process

      Teaching method

      predominantly activating methods


      Final exam: LV final oral or written final examination


      • Behrens, J., & Langer, G. (2022). Evidence based Nursing and Caring: Methoden und Ethik der Pflegepraxis und Versorgungsforschung (5th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Brandenburg, H., & Dorschner, S. (2021). Pflegewissenschaft 1. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch zur Einführung in Pflegetheorien und das wissenschaftliche Denken in der Pflege (4th ed.) Bern: Hogrefe Verlag.
      • Latteck, Ä.-D., & Seidl, N. (2022). Evidence-basiertes Pflegehandeln. Entwicklung professioneller Handlungskompetenzen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
      • Mayer, H.(2022). Pflegeforschung anwenden. Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (6th ed). Wien: Facultas WUV.
      • Schnell, M., & Dunger, Ch. (2018). Forschungsethik. Informieren – reflektieren – anwenden (2nd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe Verlag.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Module Internship 2
      3 SWS
      13 ECTS
      Skills Training: Concepts of motion and conception | UE

      Skills Training: Concepts of motion and conception | UE

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      The students deepen their practical handling of the following
      main topics through practical exercises:
      Basal Stimulation®:

      • Components (attitude, competence, technique) of Basal Stimulation®.
      • Experiences and basal stimulating offers in the somatic, vibratory, vestibular, auditory, audiorhythmic, oral/olfactory, tactile-haptic, visual area Basic principles and aspects of quality touch, constancy of touch, contact intensity
      • Soothing and invigorating whole body care
      • Unfolding and retreat accompanying offer
      • Boundary positioning

      Bobath Concept:

      • Principles of the Bobath Concept
      • Process of active movement learning
      • Handling of movement in bed, positioning, movement of the pelvis and upper body, sitting, transfer and mobilisation for partially active and severely affected patients

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      • Resch-Kröll, U. & Madleitner, B. (2022). Kinaesthetics in der Pflege. Effektive Bewegung zur Gesundheitsentwicklung (2th ed). Wien: Facultas.
      • Bienstein, C.; Fröhlich, A. (2021). Basale Stimulation in der Pflege: Die Grundlagen (9. Ed.). Bern: Hans Huber Verlag, Hogrefe.
      • Friedhoff, M.; Schieberle, D. (2014). Praxis des Bobath-Konzepts: Grundlagen – Handling – Fallbeispiele (3. Ed.). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Clinical Internship 2 | PL

      Clinical Internship 2 | PL

      0 SWS   10 ECTS


      The students are guided to:

      • Implementation of the theoretical course contents (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence according to FH GUK AV:

      (1) acute care such as inpatient care in the (a) operative department
      (general surgery and special surgical departments such as
      gynaecology, urology, ear, nose and throat department) and inpatient care in the (b)
      conservative department (general/internal medicine and special internal medicine
      departments such as cardiology, oncology, hepatology),
      (2) nursing care in the long-term care sector (e. g. e.g. geriatric centres, inpatient and day-care
      (3) outpatient/mobile care (e.g. home care, outpatient clinics), as well as areas of
      (4) prevention and rehabilitation.
      Optionally and complementarily also in areas such as freelance nursing,
      in the public health service, in ordinations and communities of practice and other
      care facilities related to health care and nursing.

      • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and taking accident/illness prevention measures.
      • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide to all placement training.
      • Encouraging personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas as well as reflecting on experiences from the relevant professional field.
      • Reflection on a case history in the course of the 5th semester together with a teacher.
      • Implementation of study tasks (see practice reflection) in the context of the respective clinical field.

      Teaching method

      Practical learning phase


      Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character and assessment of the practical learning phase


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG

      Teaching language


      10 ECTS
      Internship 2 - Introduction and overview | ILV

      Internship 2 - Introduction and overview | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • In the introduction, the upcoming internship process is discussed: Design and procedure of the internship, data protection regulations and confidentiality obligation, internship goals, internship documentation, status discussions with self-assessment and assessment by others, internship assessment, learning support.
      • In the practice reflection and supervision, practice-related stressful situations are dealt with as well as group discussions for the development of personal resources and coping strategies.

      Study Assignments:
      Study Assignment 1: Clinical Practicum 1
      - Taking a Medical History
      - Presenting an ATL
      - Reflecting on the topic of disgust and the influence of the medical history form on the
      nursing process
      Study Assignment 2 : Clinical Practicum 2
      - Preparation of a medical history and individually relevant nursing diagnoses according to NANDA
      - Presentation of an elaborated nursing diagnosis
      - Reflection and processing of the topic incontinence in professional
      health care and nursing
      Study Task 3: Clinical Practicum 3
      - Preparation of a medical history, individually relevant nursing diagnoses and
      nursing interventions according to NANDA
      - Presentation of the evaluation process and research of a suitable study that meets the
      scientific criteria
      - Processing of questions on the topic of wound management based on a
      wound situation from practice
      Study Task 4: Clinical Practicum 5 + 6
      - Preparation of a case history and description of evidence-based nursing interventions that are individually
      suitable on this basis
      - Research of two to three topic-related evidence-based studies
      - Presentation of the elaborated nursing interventions

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS

      Module Special nursing care 2
      9 SWS
      9 ECTS
      Pediatric Nursing | ILV

      Pediatric Nursing | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      All teaching contents are special nursing measures for selected clinical pictures which are listed as examples. Current medical findings and further developments and local peculiarities are to be taken into account accordingly. The care of special target groups requires a basic family-oriented understanding of care and knowledge of the clinical picture and focuses on supplementary, special observations, preventive measures, preparation of care diagnoses, care plans, advisory function and competencies of cooperation in medical diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

      All nursing focal points mentioned below are to be linked to (evidence-based) nursing science study results.


      Fundamentals in pediatric health and nursing care

      • Child and family in society
      • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, EACH Charter
      • Child in hospital (admissions, separation trauma/hospitalism, safety, duty of supervision, duty of protection).
      • Family in the children's hospital - possibilities of co-admission, financial aspects, KIB
      • Basis of nursing action in pediatric and adolescent health care and nursing (consider developmental stage, parent support, parent integration, etc.)
      • Theoretical basic position family centering/family orientation in the pediatric setting
      • Dealing with developmental anxiety
      • Nutrition in life ages 0-18 years old


      The acutely ill child using the example of a young child with exsiccosis in infancy with the main problem areas

      Assigned content:

      • Physiological nutritional status and deviations (documentation with percentiles)
      • Water and electrolyte balance incl. observation and assessment
      • Observation - skin, excretion, nutritional status, vital signs, vigilance, general condition, abdomen
      • Nursing intervention adapted to the stage of development
      • Support of the reference system in case of "life-threatening" disease


      The chronically ill child using the example of a child with congenital malformations from infancy to young adulthood with the main problem areas

      Assigned contents:

      • Special communication
      • Developmental and perceptual support (hearing, speech, vision, motor skills) in the pediatric hospital setting and in the early intervention setting
      • Nursing focus on congenital vitias
      • Dealing with resistance to medical nursing interventions (e.g. assistance during examinations: aggravated "violent" blood sampling)
      • Pain management
      • Support possibility of the reference system

      The prematurely born child using the example of a child born in the 32 SSW with hyperbilirubinemia with the main problems

      Assigned contents:

      • Individual care of the premature infant: NIDCAP® (Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program), concepts such as Kinaesthetics®, Infant Handling® and Basal Stimulation®,
      • Patient observation versus monitoring
      • Neonatology setting - handling of medical devices and their significance and effects on the child and its care system
      • Stress of premature infants, signals of the premature infant
      • Positioning
      • Phototherapy - possibilities, effects, selection of suitable nursing interventions
      • Feeding of the premature infant and administration
      • Principles and principles of interdisciplinary cooperation and parent information and integration
      • Support possibilities of the reference system

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Friedemann, M.-L., & Köhlen, C. (2018). Familien- und umweltbezogene Pflege. Die Theorie des systemischen Gleichgewichtes (4th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Hoehl, M. & Kullick, P.: Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflege. (5th ed.)., Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart/New York: 2012.
      • Menche, N., Koller, C. & Teigeler, B. (2023). Pflege Heute (8th ed.). München: Urban & Fischer.
      • Salzer-Muhar, U., Marx, M. & Greber-Platzer, S. (2020). Säugling, Kindheit und Jugend: Fächerübergreifendes Basiswissen Pädiatrie (MCW 16). Wien: Facultas.
      • Tönsfeuerborn, H., Krause, N. & Teising, D.: Neonatologische und pädiatrische Intensiv- und Anästhesiepflege (7th ed.). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020). Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.


      • JuKiP - Ihr Fachmagazin für Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflege. Georg Thieme Verlag.
      • Pflege - Die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe. Hogrefe AG.

      Kinderkrankenschwester. Fachzeitschrift der Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflege für alle Bereiche der stationären und ambulanten Pflege. Max Schmidt-Römhild GmbH & Co. KG. 

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Health Care in Special Situations 2 | ILV

      Health Care in Special Situations 2 | ILV

      3 SWS   3 ECTS


      All teaching contents are special conservative and operative nursing measures for specific clinical pictures, which are listed as examples. Current medical findings and further developments are to be taken into account accordingly. Special nursing requires basic nursing understanding and knowledge of the clinical picture and focuses on supplementary, special observation, preventive measures, preparation of nursing care plans, advisory function and competences of cooperation in medical diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

      All of the nursing focal points mentioned below are to be linked to (evidence-based) nursing science study results.

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics, conservative and surgical therapy of patients with diseases of the immune system:

      • HIV and AIDS

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy of patients with diseases of the digestive system, using the example of:

      • Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, e.g. ulcer disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis
      • gastric and intestinal carcinoma
      • Pancreatic carcinoma
      • Hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
      • Acute emergencies such as ileus or peritonitis
      • Enterostoma care, as well as materials and changing of the stoma care system.

      The general peri- (pre-, intra-, and post-) operative nursing needs and requirements at all ages:

      • Definition of terms (peri-, pre-, intra-, and post-operative nursing care, nursing informed consent, consent for surgery and anesthesia, etc.)
      • General perioperative (including pre- and postoperative) nursing care.
      • Intraoperative nursing care in the operating room and anesthesia area
      • Postoperative care in recovery room/IMC/intensive care unit and inpatient area
      • Different drainage care
      • Postoperative complications such as thrombosis, pulmonary embolism

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics and therapy of patients with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, using the example of:

      • Ischemic insult, intracranial hemorrhage, paraplegia, multiple sclerosis.
      • Rehabilitative nursing focuses in selected clinical pictures: Insult, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, paraplegia

      Nursing foci related to diagnosis and treatment of those with oncologic diseases (Part 1, Part 2 see Health Care and Nursing in Special Settings 3):

      • Clarification of terms (TMN, grading), basic features of psychooncology; selected nursing assessment instruments in oncological support, symptom clusters and symptom management (complications, side effects and diagnostics).

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy of patients* with gynecological diseases using the example:

      • Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs
      • Surgical interventions in the gynecological area (e.g. cervical carcinoma)
      • Oncological diseases in the gynecological field: e.g.: Breast carcinoma

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Gerlach, U., Wagner, H. & Wirth, W. (2015). Innere Medizin für Pflegeberufe (8th ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme.
      • Menche, N., Koller, C. & Teigeler, B. (2023). Pflege Heute (8th ed.). München: Urban & Fischer.
      • Paetz, B. (2021). Chirurgie für die Pflege. (24th ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme.
      • Pflege. (2020). I care. (2nd. ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme.
      • Jahn, P., Gaisser, A., Bana, M., Renner, C. (2023). Onkologische Krankenpflege (7th ed.), Berlin: Springer Verlag.


      • Pflege - Die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe. Hogrefe AG.

      Teaching language


      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Psychiatric Nursing | ILV

      Psychiatric Nursing | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      Basics of psychiatric health and nursing care: holistic care with the bio-psycho-social model of illness (multidimensionality of mental illnesses).

      All of the nursing foci mentioned below are to be linked to (evidence-based) nursing science study results.

      Psychiatric care structures

      • Inpatient facilities,
      • Extramural care options: psychosocial outpatient clinics, day centers, assisted living,
      • Self-help groups,
      • Visiting services
      • and newer therapy options such as home treatment

      Meeting people with mental illnesses with reference back to all ages:

      • Continuum of health/illness,
      • Concept of normality in relation to mental illness,
      • Proximity/distance relationship in the care-therapeutic context,
      • power/powerlessness in professional care,
      • hierarchical relationships in a care system,
      • Tension between nursing responsibility vs. self-responsibility of the cared-for,
      • Mental illness in different stages of life (e.g. depression, bipolar illness, schizophrenia, addiction or personality disorder).

      Professional interaction and nursing interventions related to specific psychiatric symptoms with reference back to all ages:

      • Suicidality,
      • anxiety,
      • acute psychosocial crisis,
      • Thinking and perceptual disorders
      • Cognitive impairment
      • Self-aggression and aggression towards others

      Accompaniment of people in psychosocial problem situations and support potentials in different life situations:

      • Social isolation and loneliness,
      • Communication difficulties,
      • Work and employment,
      • Poverty
      • Creativity

      Cooperation with the reference system: information, support, education, relatives as a secondary patient group, children of people with mental illnesses.

      Nursing process in the psychiatric context with recourse to nursing theoretical positions of the theory of the interpersonal relationship according to Peplau or the Person-Centred Practice Framework according to McCormack and McCance (2021) and with special consideration of reference nursing.

      Nursing conceptual approaches such as adherence, concept of shared responsibility - the tidal model, recovery approach as a nursing strategy, sociotherapy

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Barker, P., Buchanan-Barker, P. & Herrmann, M. (2020). Das Gezeiten-Modell. Der Kompass für eine recovery-orientierte, psychiatrische Pflege (2nd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Karwautz, A. & Paulitsch, K. (2019). Grundlagen der Psychiatrie (2nd ed.). Wien: Utb-Facultas Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: WileyBlackwell.
      • Menche, N., Koller, C. & Teigeler, B. (2023). Pflege Heute (8th ed.). München: Urban & Fischer.
      • Peplau, H. (1988). Interpersonal Relations in Nursing: A Conceptual Frame of Reference for Psychodynamic Nursing. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
      • Sauter, D., Needham, I. & Abderhalden, C. (2023). LehrbuchPsychiatrische Pflege: Kurzlehrbuch und Leitfaden für Weiterbildung, Praxis und Studium (4th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020). Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.


      • PPH – Zeitschrift für Psychiatrische Pflege heute. Georg Thieme Verlag.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Family and Community Care | ILV

      Family and Community Care | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • The family as a system - expectations, existing resources, life or relationship worlds and motivations from the network of relatives and friends.
      • Role of the caregiver in community health and nursing care in the field of tension between expectations and requirements
      • Quality assurance systems in family and community-based care
      • Family and environment centered care - theory of systemic balance and its implementation.
      • Theory of family-centered nursing - family assessment and interventions.
      • Nursing approaches and concepts of family and community centered nursing (WHO concept/Family Health Nurse, Family Nursing).
      • Legal framework, organization, cooperation and financing options (nursing allowance and nursing reports)
      • Care assessments (dealing with personal data of the clients and their system of attachment and affiliation, external anamnesis; consultation of care documentation; interpretation of findings and the social environment; overall assessment including care status and care diagnoses, role of the nursing consultation; opinions on care allowance classifications; problem area and challenges in the preparation of care assessments)
      • Family caregivers with special support needs in family and community care (e.g., family hospice leave)
      • Stress and relief factors for the caregiving reference system (e.g., young carer phenomenon or loneliness due to the role as a family caregiver)
      • Current research results, model projects and the state of implementation in Austria and Germany

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      • Friedemann, M.-L., & Köhlen, C. (2018). Familien- und umweltbezogene Pflege. Die Theorie des systemischen Gleichgewichtes (4th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Diegmann-Hornig, K., & Jurgschat-Geer, H. (2023). Pflegegutachten: Lehrbuch für Sachverständige und Gutachter in der Pflege. (2nd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Schnepp, W., & Wagner, F.: Familiengesundheitspflege in Deutschland. Bestandsaufnahme und Beiträge zur Weiterbildung und Praxis. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020). Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Module Special medical basics
      5 SWS
      5 ECTS
      Selected Illnesses including diagnostics and therapy 2 | VO

      Selected Illnesses including diagnostics and therapy 2 | VO

      3 SWS   3 ECTS


      Diseases and disorders, including their causes, symptomatology, diagnostics, therapy, prognosis with emphasis on surgery, pediatrics and gynecology

      Surgical interventions in diseases

      • of the cardiovascular system:

      - Congenital heart defects/acquired valvular heart defects
      - Pericardial diseases
      - Diseases of the arteries and veins
      - Surgical procedures

      • of the respiratory system

      - Malformations
      - Non-tumorous diseases (aspiration, atelectasis)
      - Tumors
      - Thoracic injuries
      - Surgical procedures of the digestive tract

      • of the digestive tract

      - Congenital malformations
      - Oesophageal and gastric diseases
      - Intestinal diseases, peritoneal diseases
      - Liver, bile duct and pancreatic diseases
      - Surgical procedures
      - Bariatric surgery

      • of the metabolism and endocrine system

      - Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal cortex
      - Surgical procedures on the thyroid gland

      • of the musculoskeletal system:

      - Traumatic impairments
      - Congenital malformations
      - Surgical procedures

      Surgical interventions for diseases

      • of the female reproductive organs:

      - Tubes and ovaries, Uterus, Vulva and vagina, Mammae,
      - Surgical procedures

      Pediatric Interventions in Diseases:
      Pediatrics and Child Health - Introduction:

      • Therapeutic team, talking to parents, common problems in pediatrics - The.

      writing baby, sleep problems, feeding problems, unwanted behaviors.

      • Pediatric consultation (history, internal exams, developmental status,

      milestones, etc.)

      • The path in prepartum diagnostics - exemplary presentation of the treatment pathway
      • The child with congenital malformations - overview of the most important congenital malformations; treatment path exemplified by a congenital heart defect
      • The premature child with hyperbilirubinemia
      • The suddenly critically ill newborn in hospital and at home e.g. sepsis
      • The child with
        - respiratory disease - acute laryngitis, cystic fibrosis incl. tranistion;
        - acute abdominal pain
        - with acute intestinal infection - risk of dehydration - nutritional management
        (nutritional and fluid requirements NG to schoolchild)
        - Down's syndrome - overview of the most common genetic disorders;
        treatment path exemplary
        - seizures - using the example of epilepsy and febrile seizure
      • The oncologically ill child - overview of the most important childhood tumours;
        treatment path exemplary using the example of leukaemia
      • Child welfare endangerment - causes, effects using the example of neglect,
        maltreatment, abuse; overweight; teenage pregnancy

      Teaching method

      Predominantly performing methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Weber, H. (2020). BASICS Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (7th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Löseke, A. & Skribbe, X. (2021). Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe für Pflegeberufe (4th ed). Stuttgart: Thieme.
      • Paetz, B. (2021). Chirurgie für die Pflege (24th ed). Stuttgart: Thieme.
      • Schiergens, T. (2023). BASICS Chirurgie (5th ed) München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Förg, T. (2023). BASICS Pädiatrie (5th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Muntau, A.C. (2018). Pädiatrie hoch2. München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.

      Teaching language


      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Pharmacology, Toxicology | VO

      Pharmacology, Toxicology | VO

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Pharmacology
      • Pharmacokinetics
      • Dosage forms and administration options
      • Dose, effects, side effects
      • Labelling, storage and preservation of medicinal products
      • Active substance groups: Selected drugs for pain conditions, sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases, blood diseases, infectious diseases, diseases of the digestive organs, disorders of hormonal balance, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic diseases, tumor diseases, disorders of water and electrolyte balance.
      • Introduction to toxicology

      Teaching method

      Predominantly performing methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Jelinek, A., & Schmal, J. (2022). Aufbauwissen Pflege: Arzneimittellehre. Elsevier Health Sciences.
      • Strehl E., Speckner W. (2020). Arzneimittel in der Pflege: Ein Lehrbuch für Krankenpflegekräfte und medizinische Assistenzberufe. (9. Ed.) Eschborn: Govi.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Module Nursing science 1
      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Introducion to Scientific Study and Scientific writing | PL

      Introducion to Scientific Study and Scientific writing | PL

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Determination of the object of investigation on the basis of a topic identification and topic delimitation relevant to nursing science
      • Selection and differentiation of search aids
      • Steps in the overall research process (e.g., determining the topic of inquiry, searching for literature, documenting, securing, and exporting literature, selecting and obtaining literature, evaluating literature, summarizing/synthesizing and presenting literature)
      • Introducing the topic and describing the problem
      • Content of an exposé
      • Application of literature management programs (e.g. Citavi, Zotero, EndNote)
      • Application of the guide for writing seminar papers and bachelor theses
      • Writing exercises

      Teaching method

      predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character


      • Karmasin, M., & Ribing, R. (2019). Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Ein Leitfaden für Facharbeit/VWA, Seminararbeiten, Bachelor-, Master-, Magister und Diplomarbeiten sowie Dissertationen (10th ed.). UTB GmbH.
      • Mayer, H., Raphaelis, S., & Kobleder, A. (2023). Literaturreviews für Gesundheitsberufe: Recherchieren – Bewerten – Erstellen (2nd ed.). Wien: Facultas.
      • Panfil, E.-M. (2022). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Pflege: Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Pflegende (4th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Scheuermann, U. (2016). Schreibdenken: Schreiben als Denk- und Lernwerkzeug nutzen und vermitteln (3th ed.). UTB GmbH.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Nursing process, theories, models and concepts | ILV

      Nursing process, theories, models and concepts | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Clarification of terms: nursing theory, nursing model, nursing concept
      • Central contents of selected nursing theories and nursing models
      • Current significance of classical and modern nursing theories and nursing models
      • Level of abstraction and typologies of nursing theories and nursing models
      • Fields of action of nursing theories and nursing models in nursing practice
      • Use of nursing theories and nursing models
      • Criticism of nursing theories and nursing models

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Benner, P. (2017). Stufen zur Pflegekompetenz From Novice to Expert (3th ed.). (Staudacher, D., Hrsg., & Staudacher, D., Übers.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Friedemann, M.-L., & Köhlen , C. (2018). Familien- und umweltbezogene Pflege. Die Theorie des systemischen Gleichgewichts. Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Krohwinkel, M. (2013). Fördernde Prozesspflege mit integrierten ABEDLs Forschung, Theorie und Praxis. Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Madleitner, B. M., Köllner , H. P. (2023). Middle Range Theories: Effektive Rahmen für die professionelle Pflegepraxis. Wien : Facultas.
      • Meleis, A. I. (2017). Theoretical Nursing: Development an Progress (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
      • Neumann-Ponesch, S. (2021). Modelle und Theorien in der Pflege (5th ed.). Wien: Facultas.
      • Sobczak, A., & Radinger, O. (2022). Leben mit chronischer Krankheit. Ein Lehrbuch für Gesundheitsberufe (2nd ed.). Wien: Facultas.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Module Internship 3
      2 SWS
      13 ECTS
      Skills Training: Wound Management | UE

      Skills Training: Wound Management | UE

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      Students will reinforce hands-on handling through practical exercises on the following
      key topics:

      • General dressing techniques: Bandage dressings, tubular gauze dressings, mesh dressings.
      • Basics of wound management: wound types, wound healing phases, wound assessment,
        Principles of wound treatment, wound documentation
      • Factors influencing wound healing
      • Dressing materials
      • Chronic wounds
      • Stoma care

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment


      • Leitlinie Wundversorgung, WIGEW (2022)
      • Panfil, E., & Schröder, G. (Hrsg.) (2015). Pflege von Menschen mit chronische Wunden: Lehrbuch für Pflegende und Wundexperten (3th ed.). Bern: Hans Huber Verlag.
      • Protz, K., (2022) Moderne Wundversorgung. (10th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Clinical Internship 3 | PL

      Clinical Internship 3 | PL

      0 SWS   11 ECTS


      The students are guided to:

      • Implementation of the theoretical course contents (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence according to FH GUK AV:

      (1) acute care such as inpatient care in the (a) operative department
      (general surgery and special surgical departments such as
      gynaecology, urology, ear, nose and throat department) and inpatient care in the (b)
      conservative department (general/internal medicine and special internal medicine
      departments such as cardiology, oncology, hepatology),
      (2) nursing care in the long-term care sector (e. g. e.g. geriatric centres, inpatient and day-care
      (3) outpatient/mobile care (e.g. home care, outpatient clinics), as well as areas of
      (4) prevention and rehabilitation.
      Optionally and complementarily also in areas such as freelance nursing,
      in the public health service, in ordinations and communities of practice and other
      care facilities related to health care and nursing.

      • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and taking accident/illness prevention measures.
      • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide to all placement training.
      • Encouraging personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas as well as reflecting on experiences from the relevant professional field.
      • Reflection on a case history in the course of the 5th semester together with a teacher.
      • Implementation of study tasks (see practice reflection) in the context of the respective clinical field.

      Teaching method

      Practical learning phase


      Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character and assessment of the practical learning phase


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG

      Teaching language


      11 ECTS
      Internship 3 - Introduction and overview | ILV

      Internship 3 - Introduction and overview | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • In the introduction, the upcoming internship process is discussed: Design and process of the internship, data protection regulations and confidentiality obligation, internship goals, internship documentation, status discussions with self-assessment and assessment by others, internship assessment, learning support.
      • In the practice reflection and supervision, practice-related stressful situations are dealt with as well as group discussions for the development of personal resources and coping strategies.

      Study Assignments:
      Study Assignment 1: Clinical Practicum 1
      - Taking a Medical History
      - Presenting an ATL
      - Reflecting on the topic of disgust and the influence of the medical history form on the
      nursing process
      Study Assignment 2 : Clinical Practicum 2
      - Preparation of a medical history and individually relevant nursing diagnoses according to NANDA
      - Presentation of an elaborated nursing diagnosis
      - Reflection and processing of the topic incontinence in professional
      health care and nursing
      Study Task 3: Clinical Practicum 3
      - Preparation of a medical history, individually relevant nursing diagnoses and
      nursing interventions according to NANDA
      - Presentation of the evaluation process and research of a suitable study that meets the
      scientific criteria
      - Processing of questions on the topic of wound management based on a
      wound situation from practice
      Study Task 4: Clinical Practicum 5 + 6
      - Preparation of a case history and description of evidence-based nursing interventions that are individually
      suitable on this basis
      - Research of two to three topic-related evidence-based studies
      - Presentation of the elaborated nursing interventions

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS

      Module Special nursing care 3
      7 SWS
      7 ECTS
      a | UE

      a | UE

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Standard operating procedures (SOP): principles, exemplary implementation in diabetes mellitus.
      • Central Vascular Catheter: Principles of operation, preparation, assistance, follow-up, placement and handling.
      • Partially and fully implantable catheter systems: Principles of operation, preparation, assistance, follow-up, placement, and handling.
      • Probes: Nursing interventions with lying PEG probe, (position control and nursing interventions with lying probes).
      • Transfusions and bedside testing, performing patient-specific blood group testing.

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final exam.


      • Menche, N. (Hrsg) (2019). Pflege Heute (7th Ed.). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag, Elsevier.
      • Kirschnick O, (Hrsg.)(2016). Pflegetechniken von A – Z (5th Ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.
      • Schewior-Popp S, Sitzmann F, Ullrich L, (Hrsg.). (2020). Thiemes Pflege. (15. Auflage) Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  
      • Thieme Verlag (Hrsg.) (2020) I care Krankheitslehre. (2., überarbeitete Auflage) Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      a | ILV

      a | ILV

      3 SWS   3 ECTS


      All teaching contents are special nursing measures for specific clinical pictures, which are listed as examples. Current medical findings and further developments are to be taken into account accordingly. Special health care and nursing presupposes a basic understanding of nursing and knowledge of the clinical picture and focuses on supplementary, special observation, preventive measures, drawing up nursing care plans, advisory function and competences of cooperation in medical diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

      All of the nursing focal points mentioned below are to be linked to (evidence-based) nursing science study results.

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics and therapy of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system using the example of:

      • rheumatic forms (e.g. chronic polyartritis), total endoprosthesis, trauma surgery - SHT incl. intracranial pressure measurement, bone fractures, osteosynthesis.

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics and therapy of patients with oncological diseases (part 2, part 1 see health care and nursing in special settings 2):

      • Psycho-oncological diagnosis, symptom management (complications and side effects), bone marrow puncture, bone marrow transplantation, stem cell transplantation, specific models and theories in the oncological setting (e.g.: Uncertainty in Illness, Caring)

      Nursing focus in connection with diagnostics and therapy of patients with ear, nose and throat diseases, diseases of the eye as well as diseases of the skin

      • Visual impairment
      • Hearing impairment
      • Laryngeal carcinoma
      • Allergies and psychosomatic skin disorders

      Nursing focal points in connection with diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy of patients* with diseases of the urogenital system using the example of:

      • Diseases of the prostate, bladder and kidney, urothelial carcinoma, acute and chronic renal failure (renal replacement therapy).

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Final exam


      • Paetz B, (Hrsg.) (2021). Chirurgie für die Pflege. (24. Auflage). Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  
      • Schewior-Popp S, Sitzmann F, Ullrich L, (Hrsg.). (2020). Thiemes Pflege. (15. Auflage) Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  
      • Thieme Verlag (Hrsg.) (2020) I care Krankheitslehre. (2., überarbeitete Auflage) Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag.  
      • Jahn, P., Gaisser, A., Bana, M., Renner, C. (2023). Onkologische Krankenpflege (7th ed.), Berlin: Springer Verlag.

      Teaching language


      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Case based care process, Health Care Classification Systems, Clinical Assessment | ILV

      Case based care process, Health Care Classification Systems, Clinical Assessment | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Historical review of the developments of classifications
      • Clarification of terms and construction principles of classification systems and nursing classifications as well as their requirements and objectives
      • Conceptual systems in nursing and tangential classification systems (e.g. NANDA, NIC, NOC, ICNP®, ENP, LEP, ICD, ICF, SNOMED)
      • National and international developments
      • Definition of nursing informatics
      • Data protection and data security in health care
      • Forms and applications of e-health: information, communication, interaction, transaction, integration Possibilities of evaluating nursing data (MNDS) by means of EDP

      Teaching method

      Predominantly performing methods


      Continuous assessment: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Mahler, C. & Reuschenbach, B. (Hrsg.) (2020). Pflegebezogene Assessmentinstrumente: Internationales Handbuch für Pflegeforschung und -praxis. Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Müller-Staub, M., Schalek, K. & könig, P. (Hrsg.) (2016). Pflegeklassifikationen: Anwendung in Praxis, Bildung und elektronischer Pflegedokumentation. Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Schrems, B.(2021). Der Prozess des Diagnostizierens in der Pflege. Wien: Facultas.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Living with Chronic Illness | ILV

      Living with Chronic Illness | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Definitions and characteristics of chronic diseases in all age groups
      • Theories and models of chronic diseases
      • Significance of chronic diseases for individuals and different target groups and family/care system from a psychosocial and economic perspective using a theoretical model
      • Tasks of the health care professions
      • Demands on the health care system
      • Selected phenomena in the course of a chronic disease using the example of stigmatisation, changes in body image, adherence and transition
      • Coping mechanisms of chronic diseases for the individual and his or her reference system in different stages of life or development using selected examples: AIDS, asthma, dementia, chronic pain, cystic fibrosis, congenital malformations, etc..., possibilities of nursing support.

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: LV-final oral or written examination


      > Chang, E., & Johnson, A. (2021). Living with chronic illness and disability: Principles for nursing practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

      > Larsen, P. D. (2021). Lubkin's chronic illness: impact and intervention. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

      > Grypdonck, M. (2005). Ein Modell zur Pflege chronisch Kranker. In: Seidl, E./Walter, I, 15-60. Wien: Wilhelm Maudrich.

      > Corbin, J. M., Strauss, A. L., & Hildenbrand, A. (2010). Weiterleben lernen: Verlauf und Bewältigung chronischer Krankheit. (3., vollst. überarb. u. erw. Aufl.) Bern ua: Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG.

      > Schaeffer, D., & Haslbeck, J. (2016). Bewältigung chronischer Krankheit. Soziologie von Gesundheit und Krankheit, 243-256. Wiesbaden: Springer

      > Lubkin, I. M. (2006). Chronisch Kranksein: Implikationen und Interventionen für Pflege und Gesundheitsberufe. Bern: Hogrefe AG.

      > von Hagen, C., & Schwarz, H. P. (Eds.). (2010). Selbstmanagement bei chronischen Erkrankungen im Kindes-und Jugendalter. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Module Public health
      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Communication and Conflict Resolution | ILV

      Communication and Conflict Resolution | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Clarification of terms: communication, interaction, conversation, language
      • Basic process of verbal and non-verbal communication: communication model according to F.
        Schulz von Thun (2004) and P. Watzlawick (2003), message square
      • Basic examples of non-verbal communication, facial expressions, gestures, posture, focused
        attention and touch
      • Axioms of communication according to P. Watzlawick (2003): content and relationship aspect,
        impossibility not to communicate, punctuation of event sequences, digital and analogue communication, symmetrical and complementary interactions
      • Basic attitudes of conversation according to Rogers: empathy, authenticity, appreciation,
      • Basics of reframing and mediation
      • Communication disorders using examples
      • Basics of conversation management - conversation techniques: Active listening, verbalizing,
        paraphrasing, asking questions, concretizing, giving feedback, evaluating, etc.
      • Conversation situation: planning, preparation, structure and control; closeness-distance
      • Conversation types: Informational talk, problem talk, argument talk, advisory
        talk, relieving talk, motivating talk, etc.
      • Elements of non-violent communication according to M. Rosenberg
      • Conflict stages (e.g. according to F. Glasl), strategies for conflict resolution
      • Basics of mentalisation, importance of emotions in interaction and
      • Basics of motivational interviewing for behavioural change, possibilities of
        implementation in nursing actions

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      • Hausmann, C. (2020). Kommunikation in der Pflege (2 th ed). Wien: Facultas.
      • Kremer, G., Schulz, M. (2020): Motivierende Gesprächsführung in der Psychiatrie. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.
      • Miller, W. R., Rollnick, S. (2020). Motivierende Gesprächsführung in den Heilberufen. Core-Skills für Heilberufe. Heidelberg: Probst G.P. Verlag.
      • Rosenberg, M. B. (2016). Gewaltfreie Kommunikation. Eine Sprache des Lebens. Paderborn: Junfermann.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Module Special medical basics
      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Selected Illnesses including diagnostics and therapy 3 | VO

      Selected Illnesses including diagnostics and therapy 3 | VO

      3 SWS   3 ECTS


      Diseases and disorders (causes, symptoms, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis) with
      emphasis on urology, psychiatry, psychosomatics and sensory organs (ENT,
      ophthalmology, dermatology)

      Urology: Diseases

      • of the urinary system:

      - Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra
      - Surgical procedures
      - Water and electrolyte balance, acid and alkaline balance

      • Male reproductive organs:

      - Prostate, testis and epididymis, penis
      - Sexual dysfunction, intersexuality


      • Psychopathology: disorders

      - of consciousness and orientation
      - of memory and thinking
      - of affectivity and drive
      - of needs and perception
      - of ego experience and delusion

      • Psychosomatic aspects:

      - on the example of pain, depression, eating disorder etc.

      Sensory organs: diseases

      • of the skin:

      - Efflorescences, bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal infections, allergies, eczema,
      psoriasis vulgaris, ulcus cruris, skin tumors, physical damage

      • of the eyes:

      - Eyelids, lacrimal ducts, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, iris, lens, optic nerve, pupil,
      glaucomas, traumat. Ocular lesions

      • ENT:

      - Disease patterns of the oral cavity, salivary glands, larynx, trachea, nose,
      sinuses and ear.

      Teaching method

      Predominantly performing methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Dahlmann, C. (2020). BASICS Augenheilkunde (5th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Davis-Glurich, S. (2020). BASICS Psychosomatik & Psychotherapie (4th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Hammes, C. & Heinrich, E. (2022). BASICS Urologie (5th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.
      • Terhorst-Molawi, D. (2019). BASICS Dermatologie (5th ed). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag in Elsevier.
      • Gürkov, R. (2022). BASICS Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde (6th ed). München: Urban & Fischer in Elsevier.

      Teaching language


      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Module Nursing science 2
      5 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Qualitative and quantitative Research, statistics | ILV

      Qualitative and quantitative Research, statistics | ILV

      3 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Basic orientation and reference to scientific theory
      • Research approaches and their features/characteristics
      • Phases of the research process
      • Directions of qualitative research e.g. phenomenology, grounded theory
      • Research designs of quantitative research e.g. experimental, quasi-experimental designs
      • Methods and techniques of data collection and analysis in qualitative and quantitative research
      • Quality criteria of qualitative and quantitative research
      • Descriptive statistics e.g. basic concepts, population/samples/representativeness, data types/scale levels, statistical ratios incl. epidemiological measures, causes of measurement error
      • Introduction to inferential (inductive) statistics e.g. hypothesis formation/testing, probability distribution, statistical ratios
      • Statistical programs e.g. SPSS®, presentation and interpretation of statistical key figures

      Teaching method

      predominantly activating methods


      Final exam: Written or oral individual examination


      Behrens, J., & Langer, G. (2022). Evidence based Nursing and Caring: Methoden und Ethik der Pflegepraxis und Versorgungsforschung (5th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.

      Brandenburg, H., Panfil, E.M., Mayer, H., & Schrems B. (2023). Pflegewissenschaft 2. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch zur Einführung in die Methoden der Pflegeforschung (4th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.

      Koller, M.M. (2022). Statistik für Pflege- und andere Gesundheitsberufe (3th ed.). Wien: Facultas MUV.

      Mayer, H. (2022). Pflegeforschung anwenden: Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (6th ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.

      Müller, M. (2019). Statistik für die Pflege: Handbuch für Pflegeforschung undPflegewissenschaft (2th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.

      Teaching language


      3 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Research Application (EBN) | SE

      Research Application (EBN) | SE

      2 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Deepening of the steps of the EBN process with linking of external and internal evidence (clarification of mission; posing of questions based on schemes for operationalization; literature search incl. critical appraisal/6S method/EBHC pyramid/level of evidence; implementation and adaptation; evaluation)
      • Guideline databases
      • Methodical procedure for the development of EBN guidelines e.g. GRADE

      Seminar paper/literature work following EMED format with a selected phase/step model in the method.

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: Seminar paper


      Behrens, J., & Langer, G. (2022). Evidence based Nursing and Caring: Methoden und Ethik der Pflegepraxis und Versorgungsforschung (5th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.

      Latteck, Ä.-D. & Seidl, N. (2022). Evidence-basiertes Pflegehandeln. Entwicklung professioneller Handlungskompetenzen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

      Mayer, H. (2022). Pflegeforschung anwenden: Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (6th ed.). Wien: Facultas WUV.

      Mayer, H., Raphaelis, S. & Kobleder, A. (2023). Literaturreviews für Gesundheitsberufe: Recherchieren – Bewerten – Erstellen (2th ed.). Wien: Facultas.

      Sobczak, Astrid & Tscherne, Ulrike (2024). Evidence Based Nursing. Ein Lehrbuch für Pflegeberufe. 1. Auflage. Wien: Facultas

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Module Internship 4
      2 SWS
      12 ECTS
      Skills Training: De-escalation | UE

      Skills Training: De-escalation | UE

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      Students will acquire the knowledge of the following topics:

      • Personal safety management
      • Assessment and recording instruments in the case of aggressive events.
      • Aftercare following aggressive acts and violent events.

      The students deepen the practical handling of the following main topics through practical exercises:

      • De-escalation in special situations
      • Dealing with patients who are in a crisis situation that can lead to
        internalised or externalised aggression
      • Recognizing one's own parts in the interaction
      • Recognizing one's own emotionality in the interaction

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: immanent performance assessment/reflective report/active participation in the practical exercises


      Haller, R. (2019): Das Wunder der Wertschätzung:Wie wir andere starkmachen und dabeiselbst stärker werden. München: Gräfe und Unzer Verlag.


      Nau, J., Walter, G., & Oud, N. (2019). Aggression, Gewalt und Aggressionsmanagement-Lehr- und Praxishandbuch zur Gewaltprävention für Pflege-, Gesundheits- und Sozialberufe (2nd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.


      Stein, C., (2020): Spannungsfelder der Krisenintervention: Ein Handbuch für die psychologische Praxis, (2nd ed.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.


      Vollmann, J. (Hg.), Gather J., & Gieselmann, A., (2017): Ethik in der Psychiatrie: Ein Praxisbuch. Psychiatrie Verlag, Köln.


      Sämtliche Ausgaben fachspezifischer Zeitschriften.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Clinical Internship 4 | PL

      Clinical Internship 4 | PL

      0 SWS   10 ECTS


      Students are guided to:

      • Implementation of the theoretical course content (theory-practice transfer) in all areas of clinical practice defined for the achievement of competence according to FH GUK AV:
      • The specific practice learning phases are selected each semester on one of the following practice areas:

      (1) Acute care such as inpatient nursing in the (a) surgical specialty (general surgery and special surgical specialties such as gynecology and obstetrics, urology, ear, nose and throat department) and inpatient nursing in the (b) conservative specialty (general/internal medicine and special internal medicine specialties such as cardiology, oncology, hepatology, psychiatry, pediatrics),

      (2) Long-term care nursing (e.g., geriatric centers, inpatient and partial hospitalization),

      (3) Outpatient/mobile care (e.g., home health care, outpatient clinics), and areas of

      (4) Prevention and rehabilitation.

      Optionally and complementarily also in areas such as freelance nursing, public health service, ordinaries and communities of practice and other care facilities related to health care and nursing.

      • Implementing and recognizing health risks and resources and setting accident/illness prevention measures.
      • Maintaining a training log within the practice APP.
      • Promoting personal learning engagement and ensuring learning progress in the above areas, as well as reflecting on experiences from each professional field.
      • Reflection on a case history during the 5th semester together with a teacher.
      • Implementation of study tasks (see practice reflection) in the context of the respective clinical specialty.

      Teaching method

      Practical learning phase


      Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character and assessment of the practical learning phase


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG

      Teaching language


      10 ECTS
      Internship 4 - Introduction and overview | ILV

      Internship 4 - Introduction and overview | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • In the introduction, the upcoming internship process is discussed: Design and process of the internship, data protection regulations and confidentiality obligation, internship goals, internship documentation, status discussions with self-assessment and assessment by others, internship assessment, learning support.
      • In the practice reflection and supervision, practice-related stressful situations are dealt with as well as group discussions for the development of personal resources and coping strategies.

      Study Assignments:
      Study Assignment 1: Clinical Practicum 1
      - Taking a Medical History
      - Presenting an ATL
      - Reflecting on the topic of disgust and the influence of the medical history form on the
      nursing process
      Study Assignment 2 : Clinical Practicum 2
      - Preparation of a medical history and individually relevant nursing diagnoses according to NANDA
      - Presentation of an elaborated nursing diagnosis
      - Reflection and processing of the topic incontinence in professional
      health care and nursing
      Study Task 3: Clinical Practicum 3
      - Preparation of a medical history, individually relevant nursing diagnoses and
      nursing interventions according to NANDA
      - Presentation of the evaluation process and research of a suitable study that meets the
      scientific criteria
      - Processing of questions on the topic of wound management based on a
      wound situation from practice
      Study Task 4: Clinical Practicum 5 + 6
      - Preparation of a case history and description of evidence-based nursing interventions that are individually
      suitable on this basis
      - Research of two to three topic-related evidence-based studies
      - Presentation of the elaborated nursing interventions

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS

      Module Public health
      4 SWS
      4 ECTS
      Health Promotion, Illness Prevention; Health Care Epidemiology | ILV

      Health Promotion, Illness Prevention; Health Care Epidemiology | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Health concepts and different perspectives in the understanding of health
      • Dimensions of health
      • Factors influencing health: health resources and risks, personal health factors
      • Health theories and concepts
      • Prevention: classification of preventive measures according to time (primary, secondary and tertiary prevention), goal (behavioural and situational prevention) and methods
      • Implementation of prevention measures in the target groups of care (all age groups)
      • Health promotion: core elements and approaches of health promotion according to WHO
        (World Health Organization), concrete projects of health promotion (national and
      • Implementation of health promotion in the target groups of nursing care.
      • The health of the population (surveys) - Framework health objectives
      • Health literacy
      • Setting-specific tasks of nursing in health promotion, prevention and
        Public Health
      • Occupational medicine: tasks, goals, employee protection law, occupational safety

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Steinbach, A. (2022). Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention für Pflege- und andere Gesundheitsberufe (6th ed). Wien: Facultas.
      • Bonse-Rohmann, M. et al (2023): Gesundheitsförderung im Studium. Konzepte und Kompetenzen für Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufe. Stuttgart: UTB.
      • Hurrelmann, K. et al (2018). Referenzwerk Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. Grundlagen, Konzepte und Umsetzungstrategien (5th ed). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Bonita, R.& Beaglehole, R.& Kjellström, T. (2013). Einführung in die Epidemiologie (3th ed). Bern: Huber.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Basics and Methods of Counseling | ILV

      Basics and Methods of Counseling | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Definitions of terms: Information, training, guidance and counseling.
      • Central terms of counseling and their distinction: psychological, social, psychosocial, pedagogical and care-related counseling
      • Counseling theories of social and human science disciplines: Counseling based on person-centered interviewing; solution-focused counseling; counseling vs. therapy.
      • The concept of counseling in nursing, consulting vs. counseling, areas of counseling in nursing
      • Consulting concepts relevant to nursing: resource-oriented, solution-oriented, prevention-oriented and health-promoting concepts
      • Counseling framework in nursing: according to GuKG, significance of counseling in the context of national and international health goals
      • Initial conditions of a counseling situation in nursing, social constellations: Individual and group counseling
      • Application of selected counseling methods and types in nursing (e.g. informative, recommending, competence-oriented, solution-finding and complex counseling), cooperative counseling
      • Conversational techniques in counseling: paraphrasing, verbalizing, concretizing, asking questions etc.
      • Selected examples of counseling in nursing (breast cancer, stroke, Parkinson's disease, dementia, etc.)
      • Aspects of collegial counseling

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Final exam: Final written or oral exam


      • Engel, R. (2020). Gesundheitsberatung in der professionellen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege. Einführende Elemente, Methoden und Beispiele (2thed). Wien:  Facultas.
      • Hacker, M. Slobodenka, S. & Titzer, H. (2021). Education in der Pflege (2th ed). Wien: Facultas.
      • Schmid, B. Veith, T. & Weidner, I. (2023). Einführung in die kollegiale Beratung. Heidelberg: C. Auer.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Module Internship 5
      3 SWS
      26 ECTS
      Skills Training: Advanced Life Support, Monitoring | UE

      Skills Training: Advanced Life Support, Monitoring | UE

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      The students deepen their practical handling of the following
      topics through practical exercises:

      • Handling of monitors
      • Monitoring of cardiovascular function: ECG monitoring, CVD measurement, indirect
        (apparative) and direct (intrartial) blood pressure measurement, arterial puncture of the radial artery,
        extended haemodynamic monitoring (e.g. CVP, SV, EF, SvO2, etc.), administration of
        whole blood/blood components and near-patient blood group testing by means of the bedsite test.
      • Monitoring of respiratory function: instrumental monitoring (e.g. pulse oximetry, respiration,
        CO2 monitoring), blood gas analysis, suctioning (endotracheal - tube, tracheal cannula, oro-,
        nasotracheal; open/closed suction system), basics of mechanical ventilation

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      • Schewior-Popp, S., Sitzmann, F., & Ullrich, L. (Ed.) (2017). Thiemes Pflege: Das Lehrbuch für Pflegende in Ausbildung. (13rd ed.). Stuttgart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag
      • Rall, M., Langewand, S., Schmid, K., & OpHey, F. (2020). Crew Resource Management (CRM) für die Notaufnahme: Strategien zur Fehlervermeidung und Optimierung der Teamarbeit. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Clinical Internship 5 | PL

      Clinical Internship 5 | PL

      0 SWS   23 ECTS


      The students are guided to:

      • Implementation of the theoretical course contents (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence according to FH GUK AV:

      (1) acute care such as inpatient care in the (a) operative department
      (general surgery and special surgical departments such as
      gynaecology, urology, ear, nose and throat department) and inpatient care in the (b)
      conservative department (general/internal medicine and special internal medicine
      departments such as cardiology, oncology, hepatology),
      (2) nursing care in the long-term care sector (e. g. e.g. geriatric centres, inpatient and day-care
      (3) outpatient/mobile care (e.g. home care, outpatient clinics), as well as areas of
      (4) prevention and rehabilitation.
      Optionally and complementarily also in areas such as freelance nursing,
      in the public health service, in ordinations and communities of practice and other
      care facilities related to health care and nursing.

      • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and taking accident/illness prevention measures.
      • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide to all placement training.
      • Promoting personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas as well as reflecting on experiences from the relevant professional field.
      • Reflection on a case history in the course of the 5th semester together with a teacher.
      • Implementation of study tasks (see practice reflection) in the context of the respective clinical field.

      Teaching method

      Practical learning phase


      Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character and assessment of the practical learning phase


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG

      Teaching language


      23 ECTS
      Internship 5 - Introduction and reflection | ILV

      Internship 5 - Introduction and reflection | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • In the introduction, the upcoming internship process is discussed: Design and process of the internship, data protection regulations and confidentiality obligation, internship goals, internship documentation, status discussions with self-assessment and assessment by others, internship assessment, learning support.
      • In the practice reflection and supervision, practice-related stressful situations are dealt with as well as group discussions for the development of personal resources and coping strategies.

      Study Assignments:
      Study Assignment 1: Clinical Practicum 1
      - Taking a Medical History
      - Presenting an ATL
      - Reflecting on the topic of disgust and the influence of the medical history form on the
      nursing process
      Study Assignment 2 : Clinical Practicum 2
      - Preparation of a medical history and individually relevant nursing diagnoses according to NANDA
      - Presentation of an elaborated nursing diagnosis
      - Reflection and processing of the topic incontinence in professional
      health care and nursing
      Study Task 3: Clinical Practicum 3
      - Preparation of a medical history, individually relevant nursing diagnoses and
      nursing interventions according to NANDA
      - Presentation of the evaluation process and research of a suitable study that meets the
      scientific criteria
      - Processing of questions on the topic of wound management based on a
      wound situation from practice
      Study Task 4: Clinical Practicum 5 + 6
      - Preparation of a case history and description of evidence-based nursing interventions that are individually
      suitable on this basis
      - Research of two to three topic-related evidence-based studies
      - Presentation of the elaborated nursing interventions

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment


      • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
      • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
      • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS

      Module Nursing care expertise
      4 SWS
      11 ECTS
      Applied Nursing Science (Bachelor Thesis) | SE

      Applied Nursing Science (Bachelor Thesis) | SE

      1 SWS   4 ECTS


      Writing a bachelor thesis as a systematic literature work

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: Writing the bachelor thesis


      > Leitfaden zum Verfassen der Bachelorarbeit und der Masterarbeit. 6. Aktualisierte Version vom 07.09.2020

      > Mayer, H. (2022). Pflegeforschung anwenden. Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (6th ed.) Wien: Facultas Verlag.

      > Mayer. H.; Raphaelis, S.; Kobleder, A. (2021). Literaturreviews für Gesundheitsberufe. Recherchieren – Bewerten – Erstellen. Wien: Facultas Verlag.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      4 ECTS
      Workshop | ILV

      Workshop | ILV

      1 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Recognize complex situations as such using exemplary examples, analyze and describe them based on constitutive characteristics, and outline the planning as well as implementation of the nursing diagnostic process (including selection of appropriate evidence-based nursing and health promotion interventions).
      • Describe complex situations:
        • The phenomena and occasions that give rise to the need for nursing care;
        • The subjective experience of illness of patients, residents and relatives*, the experienced need for care, which at the same time justifies the need for care and its effects.
        • Link the disciplines of medicine, psychology and sociology as reference sciences with professional health and nursing care;
        • To bring the nursing diagnostic process to exemplary application by means of case studies;
        • Identify the environmental factors that have a direct and indirect impact on patients, residents and relatives (caregivers, living conditions, etc.);
        • Reflect on multi-professional collaboration in professional situations;
        • Analyze and reflect on health literacy, health promotion and prevention.
        • Linking (evidence-based) nursing literature with professional literature in health care and nursing;
      • Selecting patient*s and resident*s groups from general health and nursing, pediatric and adolescent health and nursing and psychiatric health and nursing according to current n and relevant positions (life situations, phenomena & disease patterns)e.g.. B.:
        • Metabolic syndrome
        • Multimorbidity
        • Chronic pain
        • Oncological clinical pictures
        • Neurological disease patterns (apoplexy, paraplegia, Parkinson's disease, etc.)
        • Cardiological clinical pictures (myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, heart failure, etc.)
        • Metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, etc.)
        • Gastroenterological clinical pictures (intestinal diseases - stomas, reflux, cholecystolithiasis, etc.)
        • Psychiatric clinical pictures (depression, etc.)

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment


      > Gerlach, U.; Wagner, H.; Wirth, W. (Hrsg.)(2019): Innere Medizin für Pflegeberufe (8th ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme. 

      > Hojdelewicz, B.M. (2021). Der Pflegeprozess. Prozesshafte Pflegebeziehung. Wien:  Facultas Verlag.

      > Köllner, H.P.; Madleitner, B.M. (2023). Pflegetheorien mittlerer Reichweite. Effektive Rahmen für die professionelle Pflege. Wien:  Facultas Verlag.

      > Lauber, A.; Schmalstieg, P. (2017): Prävention und Rehabilitation (4th ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme.

      > Lauber, A. (2018). Grundlagen beruflicher Pflege. Verstehen und Pflegen Band 1 (4th ed.) Stuttgart: Thieme.

      > Lauber, A.; Schmalstieg, P. (2018). Wahrnehmen und Beobachten. Verstehen und Pflegen (4th ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme.

      > Lauber, A.; Schmalstieg, P. (2018): Pflegerische Interventionen. Verstehen und Pflegen Band 3 (4th ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme.
      > Paetz, B. (2021). Chirurgie für die Pflege. Stuttgart: Thieme.

      > Schewior-Popp, S.; Sitzmann, F.; Ullrich, L. (2020): Thiemes Pflege. Stuttgart: Thieme.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Final Exam | AP

      Final Exam | AP

      0 SWS   2 ECTS


      • The final bachelor's examination is an oral examination before a board of examiners and is designed to test scientific competence and professional qualifications:
      • Presentation of the BA thesis and examination interview to demonstrate in-depth knowledge.
      • Proof of in-depth knowledge in a core subject of "health care and nursing".


      Final exam


      > Mayer, H. (2022). Pflegeforschung anwenden. Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (6th ed.) Wien: Facultas Verlag.

      Teaching language


      2 ECTS
      (3 ECTS of your choice)
      Care of Pediatric Patients - Immersion | ILV

      Care of Pediatric Patients - Immersion | ILV

      2 SWS   3 ECTS


      All teaching contents are special nursing measures for selected clinical pictures which are listed as examples. Current medical findings and further developments and the local particularities are to be taken into account accordingly. The care of special target groups presupposes basic family-oriented
      care understanding and knowledge about the clinical picture and focuses on supplementary,
      special observations, preventive measures, preparation of care diagnoses,
      care plans, counselling function and competences of cooperation in medical
      diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      • Friedemann, M.-L., & Köhlen, C. (2018). Familien- und umweltbezogene Pflege. Die Theorie des systemischen Gleichgewichtes (4th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.
      • Grigull, L. & Wronski, B. (2016). Huckepack durch die Kinderonkologie: Einsteigerbuch für die Kitteltasche (2nd ed.). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
      • Hoehl, M. & Kullick, P.(2012): Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflege. (5th ed.)., Stuttgart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag.
      • Imbach, P., Kühne, T. & Arceci, R. J. (2014). Kompendium Kinderonkologie (3rd ed.). Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer.
      • Menche, N., Koller, C. & Teigeler, B. (2023). Pflege Heute (8th ed.). München: Urban & Fischer.
      • Messall, A, & Stein, U. (2021). Fachpflege Neonatologische und Pädiatrische Intensivpflege (4th ed.). München: Urban & Fischer Verlag.
      • Salzer-Muhar, U., Marx, M. & Greber-Platzer, S. (2020). Säugling, Kindheit und Jugend: Fächerübergreifendes Basiswissen Pädiatrie (MCW 16). Wien: Facultas.
      • Tönsfeuerborn, H., Krause, N. & Teising, D. (2021). Neonatologische und pädiatrische Intensiv- und Anästhesiepflege (7th ed.). Berlin: Springer Verlag.
      • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020). Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Care of Psychiatric Patients - Immersion | ILV

      Care of Psychiatric Patients - Immersion | ILV

      2 SWS   3 ECTS


      Nursing tasks are identified and defined based on the content of the module: "Psychiatric Health Care and Nursing".

      • Communication
      • Relationship building
      • Accompaniment, care, support


      Nursing process in psychiatry

      Nursing handling of patients in special psychosocial situations, related to nursing and medical diagnostics:

      • Crisis
        • Life crises, living with crisis
        • Possible reactions to a crisis
        • Nursing crisis intervention
      • Suicidality
        • Suicidal development and assessment of suicide risk
        • Nursing measures in different phases of suicidal development
        • Measures after successful suicide: aftercare of staff members, support of the reference system
      • People with obsessive-compulsive disorder
        • Nursing therapeutic measures in the care of people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder
      • People with anxiety disorder

      - Care therapeutic measures in the care of people suffering from an anxiety disorder

      • People with a dependency disorder
        • Living conditions of people with a dependency disorder
        • Nursing therapeutic interventions in different phases of addiction
        • Aftercare options
        • Personal exchange/workshop with people with a dependency disorder
      • Children and adolescents
        • Psychosocial distress and behavioral problems: Aggression, violence, maltreatment, abuse incl. incest
        • Coping strategies of children and adolescents
        • Special medical conditions that may arise in childhood and adolescence: Eating disorders, ADHD, autism, substance abuse
        • Nursing interventions for self-aggressive and aggressive behavior toward others
      • Forensics
        • Legal framework
        • Dangerousness
        • Problems of forensic care and the role of the nurse in the concept of care

      Assessment instruments

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      > Dörner, K., Plog, U., Teller, C., Wendt, F. (2017). Irren ist menschlich. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.

      > Fastner, M. (2021): Krisenintervention im pflegerischen Setting. Bern: Hogrefe Verlag.

      > Höwler, E. (2016). Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie für Gesundheitsberufe, Erzieher und Pädagogen. Berlin – Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

      > Kremer, G., Schulz, M. (2020). Motivierende Gesprächsführung in der Psychiatrie. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag.

      > Psota, G., Horowitz, M. (2022). Sucht. Erkennen Verstehen Überwinden. Salzburg – Wien: Residenz Verlag GmbH.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Family and Community Care - Immersion | ILV

      Family and Community Care - Immersion | ILV

      2 SWS   3 ECTS


      > Nursing science approaches and concepts of family and community-based nursing (WHO concept/Family Health Nurse, Family Nursing).

      > Calgary Assessment and Calgary Intervention Model

      > Factors and components (structure, development, function) of assessment

      > Apply specific techniques and tools such as genograms, ecograms, ecomap, 15-minute interview

      > Circular questioning, appreciation in the context of the 15 minute family interview.

      Independently conduct a 15-minute family conversation, drawing on practical training, with final reflection with a teacher

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      > Friedemann, M.-L., & Köhlen, C. (2018). Familien- und umweltbezogene Pflege. Die Theorie des systemischen Gleichgewichtes (4th ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.

      > Diegmann-Hornig, K., & Jurgschat-Geer, H. (2023). Pflegegutachten: Lehrbuch für Sachverständige und Gutachter in der Pflege. (2nd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe.

      > Ihle, J. (2008). Pflegerische Krisenintervention – Unterrichtskonzept – Beratung von Fallbeispielen. Wien: Facultas.

      > Schnepp, W., & Wagner, F.: Familiengesundheitspflege in Deutschland. Bestandsaufnahme und Beiträge zur Weiterbildung und Praxis. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.

      > Preusse-Bleuler, B. (2012): Das familienzentrierte Erstgespräch ermöglicht präventives Handeln. NOVAcura 4/2012, 48–51. Retrieved from

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Living with Chronic Illness - Immersion | ILV

      Living with Chronic Illness - Immersion | ILV

      2 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Deepening of theories and models of living with chronic illness for different target groups.
      • Application-related use of concepts on the topic of living with chronic illness
      • Recognition of characteristics, phenomena and disease processes in people with chronic illness (practical examples)
      • Education and counseling of people with chronic illness and their relatives and friends
      • Care structures and care gaps in the health care system with a focus on chronic diseases

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      > Bernhard-Kessler, C. (2023): Übergangspflege – Transitional Care. Pflegetheoretische Begründungen und pflegepraktische Umsetzungen. Bern: Hogrefe Verlag.

      > Chang, E.; Johnson, A. (2021): Living with chronic illness and disability. Principles for nursing practice. New York: Elsevier.

      > Hax-Schoppenhorst, T.; Georg, J. (2022). Ungewissheit und Unsicherheit durchleben. Wie mit Menschen in unvorhersehbaren Lebens- und Gesundheitssituationen umgehen? Bern: Hogrefe Verlag.

      > Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz (Hrsg.). (2022). Prävention von chronischen Krankheiten. Strategien und Beispiele aus der Schweiz. Bern: Hogrefe Verlag.

      > Reuner, G.; Gräßer, M. (2023). Chronische körperliche Erkrankungen. Bern: Hogrefe Verlag.

      > Sobczak,,A.; Radinger, O. (2022). Leben mit chronischer Krankheit (2nd ed.). Facultas: Wien.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Gerontology and Geriatric Care- Immersion | ILV

      Gerontology and Geriatric Care- Immersion | ILV

      2 SWS   3 ECTS


      > Global Aging, Healthy Aging

      > ANP in gerontological nursing care

      > Digitalization in the setting of gerontological health and nursing care

      > Age-sensitive care and support for older people and their relatives and dependents

      > clinical assessment, assessments and screenings to identify needs and health limitations

      > Health monitoring in older people

      > Nursing interventions for older people and common somatic and gerontopsychiatric conditions

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      > Boggatz, T.; Brandenburg, H.; Schnabel, M. (2022). Demenz. Ein kritischer Blick auf Deutungen, Pflegekonzepte und Settings. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

      > Brathwaite, B. (2023). Diversity and cultural awareness in nursing practice. London: Sage publications.
      > Harley, D.A.; Teaser, P.B. (2016). Handbook of LGBT Elders. An Interdisciplinary approach to principles, practices and policies. Berlin – Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

      > Klöppel, J. (2022). Praxishandbuch Gerontopsychiatrie und -psychotheraoie. Deutschland: Elsevier.

      > Savaskan, E.; Laimbacher, S. (2021). Abhängigkeitserkrankungen im Alter. Empfehlungen zur Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie. Bern: Hogrefe Verlag.

      > Westwood, S. (2019). Ageing, Diversity and Equality: social justice perspectives. New York: Routledge.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Applied Care Research | ILV

      Applied Care Research | ILV

      2 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Identification of nursing-relevant (clinical) problems
      • Steps of the research process
      • Development of a research project
      • Preparation of a project proposal
      • Ethical discourse and the role of ethics committee in the context of clinical research
      • Presentation techniques
      • Presentation of the research project
      • Writing of a project report

      Teaching method

      Predominantly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      > Braunecker, C. (2021). How to do empirische Sozialforschung. Eine Gebrauchsanleitung. Wien: UTB.

      > Döring, N.; Bortz, J. (2015). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften (5th ed.). Berlin – Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

      > Froschauer, U.; Lueger, M. (2020). Das qualitative Interview (2nd ed.). Wien: UTB.

      > Mayer, H. (2022). Pflegeforschung anwenden. Elemente und Basiswissen für Studium und Weiterbildung (6th ed.) Wien: Facultas Verlag.

      > Steiner, E.; Benesch, M. (2021). Der Fragebogen. Von der Forschungsidee zur SPSS-Auswertung (6th ed.) Wien: UTB.

      Teaching language


      2 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Module Health Management
      6 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Health Care Systems, Management and Organisation | ILV

      Health Care Systems, Management and Organisation | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Objectives, structures and facilities of the Austrian health care system (legal basis, health care system on federal, provincial and district level, inpatient, day-care and outpatient facilities)
      • Financing of health care services in Austria (3-pillar model; social insurance, hospital financing)
      • Organizational forms in nursing (requirements in different nursing settings, nursing systems, supply structures in nursing (intramural, extramural), personnel controlling - skill and grade mix, personnel planning (nurse to patient ratio)
      • Leadership in nursing (leadership structures, leadership styles, motivation and staff retention, error culture)

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Final exam: LV-final oral or written final examination


      • Bachner, F., Bobek, J., Habimana, K., Ladurner, J., Lepuschutz, L., Ostermann, H., Rainer, L., Schmidt, A. E., Zuba, M., Quentin, W. & Winkelmann, J. (2019). Das österreichische Gesundheitssystem – Akteure, Daten, Analysen, 20(3): 1 – 288. Print ISSN 1817-6119 Vol. 20 No. 3
      • Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundhit und Konsumentenschutz (Ed) (2019). Das österreichische Gesundheitssystem. Zahlen – Daten – Fakten. (3rd ed.). 
      • Freund, J., & Overlander, G. (Ed) (2020). Pflegemanagement Heute - für Führungspersonen im Pflege- und Gesundheitsmanagement (3rd ed.). München: Elsevier.
      • Lausch, A. P. (2018). Organisation und Betriebsführung im Gesundheitswesen für Pflege- Gesundheits- und Sozialberufe. (8th ed.). Wien: Facultas
      • Stierle, J., Glasmachers, K. & Siller, H. (Ed) (2017). Praxiswissen Personalcontrolling / Erfolgreiche Strategien und interdisziplinäre Ansätze für die Ressource Mensch. Wiesbaden: Springer.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      History of Health Care | ILV

      History of Health Care | ILV

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      • Development of nursing, medicine and hospitals from antiquity to modern times
      • Nursing at the time of National Socialism
      • The professional image of professional nursing in the 20th/21st century;
      • The development of education and training in the 21st century;
      • The position of nursing within the Austrian health care system and current developments in professional policy

      Teaching method

      Mainly activating methods


      Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


      • Geschichte der Pflege (2012). Das Journal für historische Forschung der Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe. Hungen: hpsmedia GmbH.
      • Hiemetzberger, M., Messner, I., & Dorfmeister, M. (2019). Berufsethik und Berufskunde. Ein Lehrbuch für Pflegeberufe. (5th ed.). Wien: Facultas.
      • Messner, I. (2017). Geschichte der Pflege. Wien: Facultas.
      • Steppe, H. (2020). Krankenpflege im Nationalsozialismus (11th ed.). Frankfurt: Mabuse.

      Teaching language


      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Digital Health, Quality Management | ILV

      Digital Health, Quality Management | ILV

      2 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Dimensions of information processing in nursing
      • Facility-internal information systems in nursing care
        • Information systems and information logistics
        • Use of digital tools in nursing
        • Information processing and interface management in nursing
      • Inter-facility information systems in nursing care
        • Importance of networking of health care facilities
        • Use of eHealth application areas as well as telemedicine based on examples
        • Interoperability in cross-facility networking
        • Electronic health record, examples and possibilities
        • mHealth application areas
      • Assistive technologies to support nursing work processes
        • Assistive technologies to support those in need of care and nursing work processes
        • Support possibilities for knowledge transfer through digital systems
      • IT project and process management in nursing
        • Management of IT projects
        • Process analysis in health care facilities
      • Perspectives of information processing in nursing care
        • Secondary data use
        • Artificial intelligence
        • Data protection and information security
      • Basics of quality management
        • Introduction to the concept of quality
        • Overview of quality management systems
        • Explanation of quality management on the basis of a selected QMS (e.g.: KTQ, e-Qualine, ISO) esp. structural, process and result quality in the care setting; CIP; process management incl. interface management
      • Methods for quality assurance in nursing care
        • e.g. nursing rounds, error management, hygiene management etc.

        Teaching method

        Mainly activating methods


        Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


        • Büscher, A., & Krebs, M. (2022). Qualität in der Pflege: Pflege studieren. München: Ernst Reinhardt.
        • Hübner, U., Ammenwerth, B., & Sellemann, B. (2023). Informationsverarbeitung in der Pflege: Digitalisierung verstehen Versorgungskontinuität sichern.  Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

        Teaching language


        2 SWS
        2 ECTS
        Case and Caremanagement | ILV

        Case and Caremanagement | ILV

        2 SWS   2 ECTS


        • Basics of case and care management (basics of the concept and its development; clarification of terms; structure and target groups of CM; dimensions of CM, professional profile of CM; areas of application of CM; definition of disease management)
        • Roles and tasks of the community health nurse in the context of case and care management in national and international comparison
        • Theory and practice of nursing discharge management (federal quality guideline for admission and discharge management, legal basis, transition concepts, job description of the discharge manager, role of the patients and their reference systems as well as joint decision-making, interface management with external structures)
        • Individual discharge planning
        • Delegation (delegation, subdelegation, task assignment, responsibility for implementation, criteria)

        Teaching method

        Mainly activating methods


        Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


        • Drebes J. (2019). Case Management: Angehörige einbeziehen. Pflege Praxis 11(72), 33-34.
        • Ewers, M., & Schaeffer, D. (Ed) (2005). Case Management in Theorie und Praxis (2nd ed.). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG.
        • Fruth, L.W. (2014). Case Management in der Palliativpflege: Theorie und Praxis. Hamburg: Bachelor und Master Publishing Verlag.
        • Kelly-Heidenthal, P., & Marthaler, M. T. (2008). Pflege delegieren. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber
        • Riedel, M., Kraus, M., Institut für Höhere Studien (2021) Die Nahtstelle zwischen
        • hausärztlicher Versorgung und häuslicher Pflege. Health System Watch III, 146-155. Retrieved from
        • Rümmele, M. & Sprenger M. (Ed) (2020). Wir denken Gesundheit neu. Corona als Chance für eine Zeitenwende im Gesundheitswesen. Finkenstein: Am Puls Verlag.
        • Schmidt, S., & Kollak, I. (2019). Fallübungen Care und Case Management (2nd ed). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
        • Wendt, W.R. (2019). Case Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen: Eine Einführung (7thed). Freiburg: Lambertus Verlag.
        • Wendt W.R., & Löcherbach, P. (Ed) (2017). Case Management in der Entwicklung. Stand und Perspektiven in der Praxis (3rd ed). Heidelberg: medhochzwei Verlag GmbH.
        • Wiedenhöfer, D., Eckl, B., Heller, R., & Frick, U. (Ed) (2010). Entlassungsmanagement: Versorgungsbrüche vermeiden, Schnittstellen optimieren. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG.n

        Teaching language


        2 SWS
        2 ECTS
        Module Internship 6
        2 SWS
        13 ECTS
        Skills Training: Complementary Care | UE

        Skills Training: Complementary Care | UE

        1 SWS   1 ECTS


        • Basics of complementary nursing methods at a glance
        • Definitions of aroma care and aromatherapy terms
        • Safety in the use of aroma care products
        • Aroma care and quality standards in health and nursing care
        • Basics of essential oils, fatty plant oils and hydrolates
        • Aroma nursing in the context of Evidence Based Practice


        • Clarification of the term Therapeutic Touch
        • Nursing theory according to Martha Rogers
        • Therapeutic Touch in the context of Evidence Based Practice

        The students deepen their practical handling of the following topics through practical exercises:

        • Nursing intervention Therapeutic Touch - Systematic structure and sequence of Therapeutic Touch
        • Forms of application of aroma nursing in the professional setting
        • Independent implementation of aromatherapy care within the framework of core nursing competencies

        Teaching method

        Mainly activating methods


        Continuous assessment: Performance is assessed by at least two partial performances, e.g. presentation, active participation, homework, intermediate examinations, which have to be completed in the course of the course.


        Wiederkehr, G. (2021). Berührende Pflege – Therapeutic Touch. Wien: Springer

        Deutsch-Grasl, E., Buchmayr, B. & Fink, M. (2018). Aromapflege Handbuch. (4th ed.). Lechaschau: Aromapflege-Verlag.

        Zimmermann, E. (2018). Aromatherapie für Pflege- und Heilberufe. Heidelberg: Haug Verlag.

        Teaching language


        1 SWS
        1 ECTS
        Clinical Internship 6 | PL

        Clinical Internship 6 | PL

        0 SWS   11 ECTS


        The students are guided to:

        • Implementation of the theoretical course contents (theory-practice transfer) in all internship areas defined for the achievement of competence according to FH GUK AV:

        (1) acute care such as inpatient care in the (a) operative department
        (general surgery and special surgical departments such as
        gynaecology, urology, ear, nose and throat department) and inpatient care in the (b)
        conservative department (general/internal medicine and special internal medicine
        departments such as cardiology, oncology, hepatology),
        (2) care in the long-term care sector (e. g. geriatric centres, inpatient and outpatient care). e.g. geriatric centres, inpatient and day-care
        (3) outpatient/mobile care (e.g. home care, outpatient clinics), as well as areas of
        (4) prevention and rehabilitation.
        Optionally and complementarily also in areas such as freelance nursing,
        in the public health service, in ordinations and communities of practice and other
        care facilities related to health care and nursing.

        • Implementing and identifying health risks and resources and taking accident/illness prevention measures.
        • Maintaining a training log in the form of a placement handbook which provides a guide to all placement training.
        • Encouraging personal commitment to learning and ensuring learning progress in the above areas as well as reflecting on experiences from the relevant professional field.
        • Reflection on a case history in the course of the 5th semester together with a teacher.
        • Implementation of study tasks (see practice reflection) in the context of the respective clinical field.

        Teaching method

        Practical learning phase


        Continuous assessment: Immanent examination character and assessment of the practical learning phase


        • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
        • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
        • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
        • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG

        Teaching language


        11 ECTS
        Internship 6 - Introduction and reflection | ILV

        Internship 6 - Introduction and reflection | ILV

        1 SWS   1 ECTS


        • In the introduction, the upcoming practicum process is discussed: Design and process of the practicum, privacy regulations and confidentiality obligations, practicum goals, practicum documentation, site interviews with self- and peer-assessment, practicum assessment, learning support.
        • In the practice reflection and supervision, practice-related stressful situations are dealt with as well as group discussions for the development of personal resources and coping strategies.

        Study tasks:
        Study task 1: Clinical practical course 1
        - Preparation of a case history
        - Presentation of an ATL
        - Reflection on the topic of disgust and the influence of the case history form on the
        nursing process
        Study task 2 : Clinical Practicum 2
        - Preparation of a medical history and individually relevant nursing diagnoses according to NANDA
        - Presentation of an elaborated nursing diagnosis
        - Reflection and processing of the topic incontinence in professional
        health care and nursing
        Study Task 3: Clinical Practicum 3
        - Preparation of a medical history, individually relevant nursing diagnoses and
        nursing interventions according to NANDA
        - Presentation of the evaluation process and research of a suitable study that meets the
        scientific criteria
        - Processing of questions on the topic of wound management based on a
        wound situation from practice
        Study Task 4: Clinical Practicum 5 + 6
        - Preparation of a case history and description of the individual
        appropriate evidence-based nursing interventions based on it
        - Research of two to three topic-related evidence-based studies
        - Presentation of the elaborated nursing interventions

        Teaching method

        Predominantly activating methods


        Continuous assessment


        • Gordon, M. & Georg, J. (2020). Handbuch Pflegediagnosen (6th ed.). Bern Hogrefe AG.
        • Herman, H. T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2022). NANDA-I-Pflegediagnosen: Definition und Klassifikation 2021-2023 (3rd ed.). Kassel: Recom Verlag.
        • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2021). Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice: A Guide for Healthcare Students. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
        • Wright, L. M., Leahey, M., Shajani, Z., & Snell, D. (2020)Familienzentrierte Pflege. Lehrbuch für Familien-Assessment und Interventionen (3rd ed.). Bern: Hogrefe AG.

        Teaching language


        1 SWS
        1 ECTS

        Semester dates
        Winter semester 2024/25: 26th August 2024 to 6th January 2025
        Summer semester 2025: 10th February 2025 bis 9th February 2025

        Number of teaching weeks
        18 per semester, including 46 weeks clinical internship

        Mon to Fri, 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (latest)

        Degree Program in Cooperation with Vienna Healthcare Group, Barmherzige Brüder Wien and Vinzentinum Wien

        Main location FH Campus Wien

        A total of 345 study places are available, 275 of which start in the winter semester and 70 in the summer semester. 

        Cooperation Wiener Gesundheitsverbund (located at FH Campus Wien - building section G H I)

        A total of 416 places for beginners are available at Wiener Gesundheitsverbund. 252 of which start in the winter semester and 164 in the summer semester.  From the winter semester 2024/25, the bachelor's programme of Wiener Gesundheitsverbund takes place directly at the FH Campus Wien, 1100 Vienna, Favoritenstraße 232.

        Cooperation with the Barmherzigen Brüder Wien

        At the Nursing Academy of the Barmherzigen Brüder Wien, 30 places are available for first-year students.

        Cooperation Vinzentinum Wien

        There are 60 places for beginners at the Vinzentinum Wien.

        The Vienna Healthcare Group, Barmherzige Brüder and Vinzentinum Wien campuses will adopt the curriculum of FH Campus Wien. FH Campus Wien is responsible for the quality assurance and coordination of the training at all campuses.

        Teachers from the Vienna Healthcare Group, Barmherzige Brüder and Vinzentinum Wien campuses, all of whom are qualified in accordance with the AQ Austria standard, will provide most of the on-site training.
        Students will complete their internships at the hospitals and health care facilities of the Vienna Healthcare Group, Barmherzige Brüder Wien and Vinzentinum Wien. Approximately eight percent of the degree program courses will be held at the main campus of FH Campus Wien in order to promote the sharing and development of a professional community. Cross-site research projects are also planned.

        Cooperation Fonds Soziales Wien

        Since the 2021/22 academic year, FH Campus Wien has also been offering study places at its main location in Favoritenstraße in cooperation with Fonds Soziales Wien.
        As a training and education initiative FH Campus Wien, Fonds Soziales Wien and Wiener Gesundheitsverbund are part of the "Pflege Zukunft Wien" process , which is coordinated by Dachverband Wiener Sozialeinrichtungen and bundles all efforts of the City of Vienna in the field of health care and nursing.

        Main campus FH Campus Wien275
        Wiener Gesundheitsverbund (Vienna Healthcare Group)252
        Campus Vinzentinum Wien60WiSe
        Campus Barmherzige Brüder Wien30WiSe

        You will work with healthy and sick people and assist them in regaining or maintaining their abilities to engage in physical, mental and social activities. Your field of activity will therefore include the care and support of people of all ages suffering from physical and mental illnesses. You will counsel healthy and sick people and their families and work in health preservation, promotion or prevention. You have many options in general health care and nursing: in the inpatient sector for internal medicine or surgery, which includes hospital wards from various fields such as gynecology, oncology, urology, orthopedics, accident surgery. You also work in outpatient and day-patient sectors such as day wards or in the outpatient sector. These are general occupations. If you want to specialize, with additional qualifications you can also follow a career in the intensive care, anesthesia or OR sectors.

        As an expert in health care and nursing, you will perform individual-, organization- and society related tasks. You will work directly with patients/clients and relatives in different care settings, make evaluations, ensure care organization and quality management and work in counseling, prevention and health promotion. A wide variety of opportunities will be open to you:

        • hospitals

        • nursing homes and centers

        • rehabilitation centers

        • hospices

        • day centers

        • mobile nursing and care services

        • health and social centers

        • supervised communities

          • national and private social insurance bodies

          • public medical services

          • In training, teaching and further education institutions for nursing and health professions, kindergartens and schools as well as adult education institutions

          • Pharmaceutical industry

          • IT documentation of the public health system

            Master's degree programs

            Master’s Program (CE)

            Advanced Nursing Counseling


            Master’s Program (CE)

            Advanced Nursing Education


            Master’s Program (CE)

            Advanced Nursing Practice



            Health Assisting Engineering


            Networking with graduates and organizations

            We closely cooperate with the Vienna Healthcare Group, the Vinzentinum Wien, the Barmherzige Brüder Vienna, the University of Vienna, the Professional Association and other health care institutions. Our cooperations ensure that you have points of contact for your career or your participation in research and development activities. You will find many of our cooperations in the Campusnetzwerk. A look at them is always worthwhile and may lead you to a new job or to an interesting event of our cooperation partners!


            Head of Degree Program

            Information & application management

            +43 1 606 6877-4000

            Deputy Heads

            Secretary's office

            Mag. Martina Benikova
            Jennifer Horniak
            Carola Karner, MSc
            Claudia Meyer
            Sarah Priemer
            Songül Sevim-Ucar, BA
            Tamara Zimmermann, BA

            Favoritenstraße 222, F.1.06., F.1.22., F.1.29. und F.1.32.
            1100 Wien
            +43 1 606 68 77-4000
            +43 1 606 68 77-4009

            Main location FH Campus Wien on Google Maps

            Opening hours
            Monday: 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
            Tuesday: 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
            Wednesday: closed
            Thursday: 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
            Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

            Contact Campus Vienna Healthcare Group

            Mag.Angelika Obermayr
            Coordinator of the cooperative degree programs of the Vienna Healthcare Group Campus

            Vienna Healthcare Group, Directorate-General
            Thomas-Klestil-Platz 7/1
            1030 Viena

            Mag.a Susanne Fesl, MSc
            Head of Study area 5


            Secretary's office

            Jennifer Millner
            +43 1 606 68 77-5026

            Favoritenstraße 232, Raum: G.5.34
            1100 Wien



            Mag.a Martina Rosenberger, EMBA
            Head of Study area 6

            Secretary's office

            Ivana Dabic
            +43 1 606 68 77-5052

            Favoritenstraße 232, Raum: G.5.18
            1100 Wien

            Mag.a Michaela Bilir
            Head of Study area 7


            Secretary's office

            Karina Klucsarits
            +43 1 606 68 77-4257

            Christina Hag
            +43 1 606 68 77-4256

            Manuela Bacher
            +43 1 606 68 77-4243

            Favoritenstraße 232, Raum: I.5.18
            1100 Wien


            Contact Campus Barmherziger Brüder Wien

            Contact Campus Vinzentinum Wien

            Mag.a Petra Hallermaier-Sterer
            Deputy Head of Bachelor’s Degree Program Healthcare and Nursing at Campus Barmherziger Brüder Wien


            Secretary's office

            Marija Petrovic
            Snezana Jovanovic

            Johannes von Gott Platz 1
            1020 Vienna
            +43 1 21121-1314
            +43 1 21121-1324

            +43 1 21121-1315

            Mag.a Esther Matolycz
            Deputy Head of Bachelor’s Degree Program Healthcare and Nursing at Campus Vinzentinum Wien


            Secretary's office

            Barbara Janisch
            Eva Pilgerstorfer
            Claudia Ulmer

            Kundmanngasse 21
            1030 Wien
            +43 1 710888-0


            You want to know more? We will help you.