Bachelor's Degree Program

Occupational Therapy

extended part-time

Occupational therapy helps people with physical, cognitive, psychological and social limitations, so that they can cope with everyday life as independently as possible. It concerns developing, maintaining, improving or restoring the individual's ability to act at home, at work, in school or in their free time. In occupational therapy you will train the impaired functions, compensate them with tools or adjust the spatial environment to the individual needs of the clients. The practically oriented degree program combines therapeutic, social science and medical subjects.

Health Sciences
Quality of life

Please note that you can only apply for one type of organizational form (full-time or extended part-time) per academic year.
It is not possible to change after submitting your application.



  • Highly student-centered

  • Individual support in further developing your personal and professional skills

  • Extensive practical learning phases, mainly in the 7th and 8th semester

  • International activities



    Final degree

    Bachelor of Science in Health Studies (BSc) incl. professional qualifications

    Duration of course
    8 Semesters
    Organisational form
    extended part-time

    Tuition fee per semester

    € 363,361

    + ÖH premium + contribution2

    180 ECTS
    Language of instruction

    Application winter semester 2025/26

    16. February 2025 - 16. March 2025

    Study places


    1 Tuition fees for students from third countries € 727,- per semester. Details on tuition fees can be found in the general fee regulations.

    2 for additional study expenses (currently up to € 83,- depending on degree program and year)

    Before the studies

    You are looking for a degree program in which you can combine your interests in medicine and social sciences. You display great empathy in your interaction with people of all ages and act based on the client's wishes. Your practical skills, your technical understanding and your spatial imagination will help you to implement the suitable tools or make the appropriate adjustments to the environment. You have the ability for careful consideration and think analytically when observing movement processes and take the limits of movement into consideration. You enjoy working independently with people in their social environment and in an interdisciplinary intersection.

    Why you should study with us

    Practical training on campus

    Thanks to the state-of-the-art infrastructure, you will gain valuable practical experience during your classes.

    Let's go international!

    A practical learning phase abroad offers the opportunity to broaden your horizons and gain new impressions.

    Active exchange

    Numerous disciplines at one location: participate in research projects and learn from others.

    Take advantage of the "FIT for a health profession?!" self-assessment test to see what a profession in health care requires and if you have the right qualities.

    FIT for a health profession?! (in German only)

    Relevant admission requirement

    You need a general university entrance qualification, proven by

    • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
    • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
    • equivalent foreign certificate or
    • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution,

    or a relevant professional qualification with additional examinations.

    Further details

    Limited higher education entrance qualification

    Limited higher education entrance qualifications for all higher education subjects are recognized (no specific compulsory subject). If the limited higher education entrance qualification does not include proof of English B2 or higher, English language proficiency must be proven by an examination at a recognized educational institution at the latest at the start of your studies.

    Further information on the limited higher education entrance qualification can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

    Relevant professional qualification with additional examination

    The following qualifications are defined as relevant professional qualifications

    • healthcare professions
      • diploma in health care and nursing
      • diploma in medical-technical specialist service
    • additional exam: English B2
    • apprenticeship
      • orthopedic technician
    • additional exams: Biology and Environmental Studies, English B2
    • schools for intermediate vocational education with additional examinations
      • Qualifications from the area of schools for intermediate vocational education (duration of training at least 3 years) are recognized on a case-by-case basis by the head of the degree programme if a focus on health, human or social issues is given.
    • additional examinations: The required additional examinations are determined by the head of degree program.

    Language requirements for admission

    The required language level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is at least

    • German - level C2 and
    • English - level B2.

    Other admission requirements

    Once you have been offered a place, additional proof of suitability is required:

    • first aid course (at least 16 hours, within the last year)
    • proof of no crimina record
    • proof of medical suitability
    Vaccination recommendations
    pdf, 78 KB

    Legalization of foreign documents

    Applicants may require legalization of documents from countries other than Austria in order for them to have the evidential value of domestic public documents. Information on the required legalizations can be found here in PDF format.

    Translation of your documents

    For documents that are neither in German nor English, a translation by a sworn and court-certified interpreter is required. Your original documents should have all the necessary legalization stamps before translation so that the stamps are also translated. The translation must be firmly attached to the original document or a legalized copy.

    Online application - uploading documents

    As part of your online application, upload scans of your original documents including all required legalization stamps. For documents not issued in German or English, scans of the corresponding translations must also be uploaded. The head of the study program decides on the equivalence of international (higher) education qualifications. Therefore, your documents can only be checked as part of the ongoing application process.

    Your path to studying at FH Campus Wien begins with your registration on our application platform. In your online account, you can start your application directly or activate a reminder if the application phase has not yet started.

    There are 24 places available each year in the extended part-time Bachelor's degree program in Occupational Therapy.

    Documents for your online application

    1. Proof of identity
      • passport or
      • identity card or
      • Austrian driving license (proof of citizenship required) or
      • residence permit (proof of citizenship required)
    2. Proof of change of name, if applicable (e.g. marriage certificate)
    3. Proof of fulfillment of the relevant admission requirement
      • Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (AHS, BHS, vocational higher education entrance qualification) or
      • Austrian certificate of a limited higher education entrance qualification for the respective group of studies or
      • equivalent foreign certificate or
      • certificate of completion of at least three years of study with 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution or
      • proof of relevant professional qualification
      • If you do not currently have a certificate, please upload your complete certificate from the last completed school level.
    4. Proof of German level C2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following apply as proof:
      • secondary school leaving certificate from a German-speaking school
      • completion of at least three years of study in German
      • supplementary examination pre-study course - German C2
      • German certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g.:
        • Austrian German Language Diploma: ÖSD Certificate C2
        • Goethe Institute: Goethe Certificate C2 (Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom GDS)
        • telc: German C2
        • German language test for university admission for foreign applicants: DSH-3
        • Test of German as a foreign language (Test DaF): Level TDN 5 in all parts
    5. Proof of English level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following apply as proof:
      • secondary school leaving certificate with successfully passed secondary school leaving examination in English (level B2 must be evident)
      • secondary school leaving certificate from an English-speaking school
      • university entrance qualification certificate from an Austrian university with a successfully passed examination in the subject English
      • Transcript of Records/Diploma Supplement from a recognized post-secondary educational institution with proof of successfully completed English-language courses amounting to at least 6 ECTS credits or 150 hours
      • IB Diploma according to the regulations of the International Baccalaureate Organization with English as a school subject
      • supplementary examination pre-study course - English B2
      • English certificate (not older than 3 years), e.g.:
        • FH Campus Wien: Oxford Test of English level B2 (score range = 111-140)
        • TOEFL: 72-94 points
        • IELTS Academic: Overall Band Score = 5,5-6,5
        • Overall score level B2 (minimum scale score = 160 in B2 First (FCE) or C1 Advanced (Certificate in Advanced English CAE))
        • proof of language competence from a university language center at level B2
        • Proof of a higher language level is also valid.
    6. Curriculum vitae in tabular form in German
    7. Letter of motivation in German
    8. Optional: Proof of internship(s) or voluntary activity(ies)
    9. Legalizations and translations, if applicable (see tab “Foreign documents and degrees”)

    Your application is valid once you have completely uploaded the required documents. If you do not have all the documents at the time of your online application, please submit them to the secretary's office by email as soon as you receive them.

    After completing your online application, you will receive an email confirmation with information on the next steps.

    Documents for the start of your studies

    Once you have been offered a place, additional proof of suitability is required:

    1. first aid course (at least 16 hours, within the last year)
    2. proof of no criminal record
    3. proof of medical suitability (not older that 3 months at the beginning of the study program)

    The admission procedure begins with a written test. After the passing the test, you will undergo a personal interview procedure consisting of a practical task and an interview.

    • Aim
      The aim is to ensure places are offered to those persons who complete the multi-level admission procedure with the best results. The tests are designed to assess the skills needed for an applicant's chosen profession.
    • Procedure
      The written admission test includes a series of test requirements to assess if you fulfill the basic intellectual and social-emotional performance requirements. If you meet the minimum criteria you will then undergo a practical aptitude test and an admission interview.
      The practical aptitude test assesses your job-specific skills and other skills such as social behavior, empathy and a capacity for careful consideration. The admission interview provides a first impression of the applicant's personal suitability. This includes professional motivation, professional understanding, performance, problem-solving skills and a capacity for careful consideration.
      Points are assigned to each section of the test.
    • Criteria
      The criteria for acceptance are based solely on performance.
      The geographical origin of the applicant has no influence on the admission decision.
      The admission requirements must be met in all cases. Applicants are evaluated according to the following weighting system:
      • Admission test (1/3)
      • Practical aptitude test and interview (2/3)
      The admission committee (which comprises, among others, the head of the academic section and representatives of the teaching staff and student body) awards places to the applicants who score highest in the tests. The process as a whole and all test and assessment results from the admission procedure are documented in a transparent and verifiable manner.

    The written entrance test will be held on Saturday, 29th March 2025.

    During the studies

    The FH Campus Wien is characterised by extensive expertise and a large network. FH Campus Wien is the only university of applied sciences in Austria to train all seven legally regulated upper-level medical-therapeutic-diagnostic professions as well as midwifery. An important partner in the areas of education, research and development is the Vienna Healthcare Association. There is also a close cooperation with the Professional Association Ergotherapy Austria. At our attractive main location, you benefit from our modern infrastructure, which also includes functional rooms in which living situations such as kitchen, bathroom or dining area are simulated and variety of aids help you to practise in role plays. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to join a professional community across disciplines. There is great potential in research projects at the interface between health and technology and practical relevance is guaranteed when we organise one of our freely accessible lecture evenings with top-class experts as part of the Campus Lectures.

    The practice-oriented degree program is situated at the intersection of health and social services. During your studies, you will learn to combine the social framework in which everyday activities are carried out at home, at work and during leisure time with the health component. To cope with everyday life, you will try out a variety of possible aids in the course of your education. You will learn hands-on about the effects of adjusting a living area or workplace to meet the physical needs of the person using it. Particularly important is the social aspect, when people’s actions and quality of life are limited by life situations such as unemployment, homelessness or living as a refugee. 

    Health promotion, public health, community practice and the creation of innovation are future topics in health care. In this context, 21st century skills such as creative thinking, intercultural and interprofessional work are more in demand than ever. We meet these requirements with our curriculum. A possible joint semester “FAB” at the University of Applied Sciences Metropolia (Helsinki), FH Campus Wien and the University of Artevelde (Ghent) will prepare you for these challenges.

    You will become acquainted with the complexity of human behavior as a result of the interaction between people, environmental and activity.

    • You will deal with models and theories of occupational therapy.
    • You will learn about therapeutic applications and processes in various disciplines and professions.
    • You will acquire fundamentals of medicine and social science.
    • You will select between different specializations:
      • Case management
      • Community-based rehabilitation
      • Health promotion
    • Furthermore, you will acquire practical experience in 28 weeks of internships
    • If you take part in the FAB program (Finland, Austria, Belgium) in the 6th semester, you will complete a total of three specially compiled modules at the three universities of Gent-Artevelde, Helsiniki-Metropolia and FH Campus Wien linked with internships and your bachelor’s thesis (total of 30 ECTS).


    A maximum of two block weeks and a maximum of ten short blocks as well as a maximum of 3 online evening appointments (in addition to the block weeks/short blocks) per semester.

    Teaching times of the block weeks: 

    • Mon to Sat, 8.00-19.00 

    Teaching time of the short blocks:

    • Thu, 14.45-20.00 
    • Fri, 8.00-19.00
    • Sat, 8.00-17.15

    Teaching time of the max. 3 online evening sessions per semester:

    • Mon-Thu 16:45 - 20:00

    Some short blocks will probably take place online. Information on this will be communicated at the start of the program.

    Please note that individual work on course content and exam preparation must be scheduled in the time between the teaching blocks. The allocation and announcement of the specific timetables will take place in the preceding semester.
    The fourth year of study (7th and 8th semesters) is primarily used to complete the practical training and write the Bachelor's thesis. A weekly workload of 30 to 40 hours is to be expected. We recommend that employed students take a sabatical or educational leave (depending on regulatory possibilities) for these two semesters.

    Teaching times
    The four-year part-time degree program is designed to enable students to combine their studies with part-time employment, caring responsibilities, etc. This is supported by the location of the teaching times (max. two block weeks per semester and short blocks from Thursday to Saturday) and the use of online formats. In order to complete the required ECTS credits for a Bachelor's degree and the time-intensive practical learning phases, educational leave is recommended for the fourth year of study.

    Options in the curriculum
    Offer and participation according to available places. 

    Selection and participation according to available places. There may be separate selection procedures.

    After graduation

    As a graduate of this program, a wide range of occupational fields and career opportunities are open to you. Find out here where your path can take you.

    Only with this degree program is it possible to practice the profession of occupational therapist. The MTD Act is the basis for this degree program. Occupational therapy is applied in all areas of health and social services. As part of the therapy you will analyze everyday actions and modify processes individually according to the existing functions and impairments. You will train the skills that are required to execute the actions. In addition, it may be necessary to use tools and adjust the environment to the client's needs. Many occupational therapists also work in prevention. A classic example is the ergonomically designed workplace. In rehabilitation, you will play a significant role in helping clients, who for example have had an accident or stroke, to cope with life as well as possible on their own. Health promotion begins in kindergarten: You will work with development screenings and offer appropriate therapy measures, you will work with offers for healthy behavior in daily life or you will already be involved in the spatial planning to help design child-friendly kindergartens and schools that promote development. In health promotion you will also speak to senior citizens to raise awareness for example of fall and barrier-free living in old age. Outpatient activities are becoming more and more important in occupational therapy. The degree program provides a strong foundation together with practical work experience and continuing training to manage teams or work independently. You can also choose to pursue a career in research.

    • Hospitals and specialist clinics

    • Rehabilitation and therapy centers

    • Nursing homes, outpatient clinics, convalescent homes

    • Information centers

    • Foster homes and retirement homes

    • Day centers for the elderly and mentally impaired

    • Educational facilities

    • Disabled facilities

      • Forensic facilities

      • Facilities for the preparation to enter the employment world

      • Work training centers

      • Businesses/workplaces of clients

      • Medical practices

      • Mobile care facilities

      • Research institutions

        Master's degree programs


        Health Assisting Engineering


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        Bücher mit Geld
        Funding & Scholarships

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        Hände zeigen auf Weltkarte
        Time abroad

        Expertise, language skills, broadening horizons

        Fish jumps out of fishbowl into another fishbowl
        Open Lectures

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        Center for academic writing
        Intensive German course
        queer @ FH Campus Wien

        Networking with graduates and organizations

        We work closely with the Vienna Healthcare Group, universities like the Medical University of Vienna, the professional association Ergotherapie Austria and other health care facilities. This guarantees you strong contacts for internships, employment or participation in research and development activities. You will complete the extensive internships at, among others, the hospitals of the Vienna Healthcare Group. You can find information about our cooperation activities and much more at Campusnetzwerk. It's well worth visiting the site as it may direct you to a new job or interesting event held by our cooperation partners!


        Head of Degree Program


        +43 1 606 68 77-4300
        +43 1 606 68 77-4309

        Nergiz Yilmaz-Khan
        Favoritenstraße 232, G.3.02
        1100 Wien

        Yvonne Salvatore
        Favoritenstraße 232,G.3.02
        1100 Wien

        Veronika Traunfellner-Ambrosch
        Favoritenstraße 232, G.3.02
        1100 Wien

        Sophie Fekete
        Favoritenstraße 232, I.3.22
        1100 Wien

        Peter Hromek

        Main Campus Favoriten (Google Maps)

        Office hours during the semester: 
        Mon to Fri, 7.30 a.m.-13.00 a.m. and Thur. 7.30 a.m- 15.00 Uhr

        Teaching staff and Research staff

        Susanne Mulzheim, MSc

        Occupational Therapist; Academic Staff; Team Leader Workplace Health Management Campus Vital

        Petra Schwab, MSc

        Deputy Head of Degree Program Occupational Therapy; Occupational Therapist


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