
Packaging Technology and Sustainability

Packaging Technology and Sustainability



Packaging Technology and Sustainability

Packaging Technology and Sustainability ist das erste berufsbegleitende Masterstudium in der DACH-Region, das sich mit der Querschnittsmaterie Verpackungstechnologie befasst. Dieses naturwissenschaftlich-technische Studium mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Elementen wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt. Die Studierenden vertiefen Ihre Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Packaging Technology, Sustainability, Management sowie Science and Research. Mit erweiterten Kompetenzen im Bereich Kommunikation, Forschung und Projektmanagement bereiten sie sich auf eine Führungsposition in der Verpackungsindustrie vor.

Applied Life Sciences


  • Auf den Lebenszyklus der wichtigsten Packmittel Papier und Karton, Kunststoff, Metall sowie Glas zugeschnitten

  • Fokus auf nachhaltige Produktgestaltung

  • Kooperation mit der Verpackungsindustrie garantiert Praxisnähe

  • Vermittlung der englischen Fachsprache

  • Vorbereitung auf eine leitende Rolle in der Verpackungsbranche




    Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

    4 Semester

    Studienbeitrag pro Semester

    € 363,361

    + ÖH Beitrag + Kostenbeitrag2

    120 ECTS

    Bewerbung Wintersemester 2025/26

    01. November 2024 - 31. Mai 2025



    1 Studienbeitrag für Studierende aus Drittstaaten € 727,- pro Semester. Alle Details zum Studienbeitrag in der allgemeinen Beitragsordnung.
    2 für zusätzliche Aufwendungen rund ums Studium (derzeit bis zu € 83,- je nach Studiengang bzw. Jahrgang)


    Alle Videos

    Der internationale Aspekt ist für Katharina das Coolste

    "Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch, dadurch werden wir sehr gut für eine internationale Karriere ausgebildet. Deshalb sind nicht nur österreichische Studierende im Kurs, sondern international Studierende und man lernt wahnsinnig viel kennen", erzählt Katharina Pavlovic, Studierende des Masterstudiengangs Packaging Technology and Sustainability an der FH Campus Wien.


    Wege in eine lebenswerte Zukunft

    Kunststoff im Meer, Erderwärmung und Lebensmittelverschwendung: Wie können wir uns diesen globalen Herausforderungen stellen? Mehr dazu im Video.


    Zukunft nachhaltig gestalten

    Dieses Video gibt einen Einblick in die Bachelorstudiengänge Nachhaltige Verpackungstechnologie und Nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement sowie das Masterstudium Packaging Technology and Sustainability. Studierende sprechen über Inhalte und Schwerpunkte sowie ihre Zukunftsaussichten.


    Whatchado mit Stephanie Bartokos

    „Das Studium zielt darauf ab, nachhaltiges Produktdesign besser zu verstehen, Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsthemen in Bezug auf Verpackungen zu vermitteln.“


    Studierende der Verpackungstechnologie im Interview

    Warum haben Sie sich für dieses Studium entschieden? Was ist das Besondere an Ihrem Studium? Und welchen Berufswunsch möchten Sie sich damit erfüllen? - Unsere Studierenden beantworten diese Fragen und geben Einblick in ihr Studium.


    Im Gespräch mit Studiengangsleiterin Silvia Apprich

    Silvia Apprich ist Studiengangsleiterin des Bachelors Nachhaltige Verpackungstechnologie sowie des Masters Packaging Technology and Sustainability. Im Interview spricht sie über die Besonderheit der berufsbegleitenden Studienorganisation, den Inhalt des Bachelorstudiums sowie Praxisbezug und Jobaussichten


    Mal schnell die Welt retten – wie sich Rohstoffe im Kreis bewegen

    Team Verpackungs- und Ressourcenmanagement beim Science Slam 2018: Wie bewegen sich Rohstoffe im Kreis? Und können eigentlich alle Verpackungen so einfach wiederverwertet werden? Ulla Gürlich, ihre Kolleg*innen und eine Maschine zeigen, was möglich ist und woran sie noch forschen müssen.


    Vor dem Studium

    Sie möchten in einem Bereich tätig sein, der sich mit zentralen Zukunftsfragen wie der Vermeidung von Lebensmittelabfall oder der Schonung unserer Ressourcen beschäftigt. Sie besitzen einen technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Hintergrund und interessieren sich für die interdisziplinäre Materie der Verpackungstechnologie. Sie möchten Ihre Kenntnisse für Herstellungs- und Verarbeitungsverfahren von Verpackungsmaterialien vertiefen. Darüber hinaus zeigen Sie starkes Interesse an der Optimierung von Produktionsprozessen in Hinblick auf ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Aspekte. Sie sind in der Lage, vernetzt zu denken und gehen gut strukturiert und organisiert an Fragestellungen heran. Sie streben eine Führungsposition in Unternehmen der einschlägigen Branchen an.
    Berufserfahrung und Berufstätigkeit sind vorteilhaft, aber keine Voraussetzung für das Studium.

    Das spricht für Ihr Studium bei uns

    Studienplatz = Laborplatz

    Teilen ist gut, aber bitte nicht den Laborplatz. Bei uns haben Sie garantiert Ihren eigenen.

    Gefragtes Wissen

    Was Sie hier lernen ist ausschlaggebend, um globale Probleme lösen zu können.

    International vernetzt

    Für ein Praktikum oder einen Job ins Ausland: auch darauf bereitet Sie Studium gut vor.

    Fachliche Zugangsvoraussetzung

    Die fachliche Zugangsvoraussetzung ist

    • ein abgeschlossenes facheinschlägiges Bachelorstudium oder
    • ein gleichwertiger Studienabschluss einer anerkannten inländischen oder ausländischen postsekundären Bildungseinrichtung.

    In Summe 180 ECTS-Credits und davon zumindest

    • 15 ECTS-Credits aus Naturwissenschaften,
    • 15 ECTS-Credits aus der Verpackungstechnologie,
    • 6 ECTS-Credits aus dem Qualitätsmanagement,
    • 15 ECTS-Credits aus dem Bereich Wirtschaft und Management.

    In Ausnahmefällen entscheidet das FH-Kollegium gemeinsam mit der Studiengangsleitung. Mit den an der FH Campus Wien angebotenen Bachelorstudiengängen Nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement bzw. Nachhaltige Verpackungstechnologie ist die fachliche Zugangsvoraussetzung erfüllt.

    Sprachliche Zugangsvoraussetzung

    Das Studium wird zur Gänze in englischer Sprache durchgeführt. Das erforderliche Sprachniveau gemäß dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER) beträgt mindestens

    • Englisch - Niveau B2.

    Beglaubigung ausländischer Dokumente

    Bewerber*innen, deren erforderliche Urkunden zur Bewerbung nicht aus Österreich stammen, benötigen je nach Staat gegebenenfalls eine Beglaubigung, damit sie die Beweiskraft inländischer öffentlicher Urkunden haben. Informationen zu den jeweils vorgeschriebenen Beglaubigungen finden Sie hier im PDF.

    Übersetzung Ihrer Dokumente

    Für Dokumente, die weder auf Deutsch noch auf Englisch verfasst sind, ist eine Übersetzung durch eine*n allgemein beeidigte*n und gerichtlich zertifizierte*n Dolmetscher*in erforderlich. Ihre Originaldokumente sollten vor der Übersetzung alle erforderlichen Beglaubigungsstempel aufweisen, damit die Stempel ebenfalls übersetzt werden. Die Übersetzung muss mit dem Originaldokument oder einer beglaubigten Kopie fest verbunden sein.

    Online-Bewerbung – Dokumente hochladen

    Laden Sie im Zuge Ihrer Online-Bewerbung Scans Ihrer Originaldokumente inklusive aller erforderlichen Beglaubigungsvermerke hoch. Bei nicht deutsch- oder englischsprachig ausgestellten Dokumenten müssen zudem Scans von den dazugehörigen Übersetzungen hochgeladen werden. Über die Gleichwertigkeit internationaler (Hoch-)Schulabschlüsse entscheidet die Studiengangs- bzw. Studienprogrammleitung. Die Prüfung Ihrer Dokumente ist daher ausschließlich im Zuge des laufenden Bewerbungsverfahrens möglich.

    Ihr Weg zum Studium an der FH Campus Wien beginnt mit der Registrierung auf unserer Bewerbungsplattform. In Ihrem Online-Account können Sie direkt mit der Bewerbung starten oder einen Reminder aktivieren, wenn die Bewerbungsphase noch nicht begonnen hat.

    Dokumente für Ihre Online-Bewerbung

    1. Identitätsnachweis
      • Reisepass oder
      • Personalausweis oder
      • österreichischer Führerschein (Staatsbürgerschaftsnachweis erforderlich) oder
      • Aufenthaltstitel (Staatsbürgerschaftsnachweis erforderlich)
    2. Nachweis über eine Namensänderung, falls zutreffend (z. B. Heiratsurkunde)
    3. Nachweis über die Erfüllung der fachlichen Zugangsvoraussetzung
      • Studienabschlussurkunde und
      • Transcript of Records oder Diploma Supplement
      • Wenn Sie Ihr Studium noch nicht abgeschlossen haben, laden Sie bitte einen Nachweis über alle bisher im Zuge des facheinschlägigen Studiums absolvierten Lehrveranstaltungen inkl. ECTS-Credits hoch.
    4. Sprachnachweis Englisch Niveau B2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER). Als Nachweis gilt:
      • Reifezeugnis mit erfolgreich abgelegter Reifeprüfung im Schulfach Englisch (Niveau B2 muss ersichtlich sein)
      • Reifezeugnis einer englischsprachigen Schule
      • Studienberechtigungszeugnis einer österreichischen Hochschule mit erfolgreich abgelegter Prüfung im Fach Englisch
      • Transcript of Records/Diploma Supplement einer anerkannten postsekundären Bildungseinrichtung mit Nachweis von erfolgreich absolvierten englischsprachigen Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß von mindestens 6 ECTS-Credits bzw. 150 Stunden
      • IB Diploma nach den Bestimmungen der International Baccalaureate Organization mit Schulfach Englisch
      • Ergänzungsprüfung Vorstudienlehrgang - Englisch B2
      • Englisch-Zertifikat (nicht älter als 3 Jahre), z. B.:
        • FH Campus Wien: Oxford Test of English Level B2 (score range = 111-140)
        • TOEFL: 72-94 Punkte
        • IELTS Academic: Overall Band Score = 5,5-6,5
        • Cambridge: Ergebnis Level B2 (minimum scale score = 160 bei B2 First (FCE) oder C1 Advanced (Certificate in Advanced English CAE))
        • Sprachkompetenznachweis eines universitären Sprachenzentrums auf Niveau B2
        • Nachweise über ein höheres Sprachniveau gelten ebenfalls.
    5. Tabellarischer Lebenslauf auf Englisch
    6. Motivationsschreiben auf Englisch
    7. Beglaubigungen und Übersetzungen, falls zutreffend (Details im Reiter "Ausländische Dokumente und Abschlüsse")

    Ihre Bewerbung ist gültig, wenn Sie die erforderlichen Unterlagen vollständig hochgeladen haben. Sollten Sie zum Zeitpunkt Ihrer Online-Bewerbung noch nicht über alle Dokumente verfügen, reichen Sie diese bitte umgehend nach Erhalt per E-Mail an das Sekretariat nach.

    Nach Abschluss Ihrer Online-Bewerbung erhalten Sie eine E-Mail-Bestätigung mit Informationen zum weiteren Ablauf.

    Das Aufnahmeverfahren umfasst einen schriftlichen Test und ein persönliches Gespräch. Das Auswahlverfahren findet von März 2025 bis Ende Juni 2025 statt.

    • Ziel   
      Ziel des Aufnahmeverfahrens ist es, jenen Personen einen Studienplatz anzubieten, die das mehrstufige Aufnahmeverfahren mit den besten Ergebnissen abschließen. Die Testverfahren orientieren sich an den Fähigkeiten, die für den angestrebten Beruf erforderlich sind. 
    • Ablauf
      In einem schriftlichen Test wird das logische Denkvermögen und das Verständnis für naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Vorgänge analysiert und dokumentiert. Dieser Test lässt Ihre Eignung für eine naturwissenschaftlich-technische Ausbildung erkennen und dient nicht dazu, Ihr Wissen zu überprüfen. In der zweiten Phase des Aufnahmeverfahrens nehmen Sie an einem Bewerbungsgespräch teil, das dabei hilft, Lernfähigkeit und -bereitschaft auszuloten. Im Fokus stehen Motivation, Reflexionsfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit und Ausdauer sowie die Fähigkeit, sich mündlich auszudrücken. Das Bewerbungsgespräch wird mittels Punktevergabe bewertet. 
    • Kriterien
      Die Kriterien, die zur Aufnahme führen, sind ausschließlich leistungsbezogen. Geographische Zuordnungen der Bewerber*innen haben keinen Einfluss auf die Aufnahme. Die Zugangsvoraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein. Die abschließende Reihung der Bewerber*innen erfolgt nach der Gewichtung der Ergebnisse des Aufnahmetests (60%) und des Aufnahmegesprächs (40%).

    Die Aufnahmekommission, zu der unter anderem die Studiengangsleitung und die Lehrendenvertretung gehören, vergibt Studienplätze anhand der Rankingreihe. Der Gesamtprozess sowie alle Testergebnisse und Bewertungen des Aufnahmeverfahrens werden transparent und nachvollziehbar dokumentiert.

    Berufsbegleitend studieren mit dem waff-Stipendium für Frauen

    Der waff – Wiener Arbeitnehmer*innen Förderungsfonds unterstützt Frauen, die berufsbegleitend in den Bereichen Digitalisierung, Technik und Ökologie studieren wollen. Unter anderem wartet ein Stipendium in Höhe von 12.000 Euro für ein Bachelor- und 9.000 Euro für ein Masterstudium auf Sie. Detaillierte Informationen und Voraussetzungen finden Sie auf der Website des waff: waff – Frauen, Beruf und Studium

    Für weitere Förderungsmöglichkeiten besuchen Sie unsere Seite Förderungen und Stipendien.

    Im Studium

    Das Masterstudium wurde gemeinsam mit namhaften Unternehmen der Verpackungsbranche und mit Fachverbänden der Wirtschaftskammer entwickelt.

    In Lehre und Forschung arbeiten wir u.a. mit der Hochschule München, der Technischen Universität Wien, dem Österreichischen Forschungsinstitut für Chemie und Technik sowie zahlreichen namhaften Unternehmen der Verpackungsindustrie zusammen. Aus diesem Netzwerk, das stetig erweitert wird, gewinnen wir hervorragende Lektor*innen, entwickeln F&E-Projekte und können industrielle Anlagen im Rahmen von Exkursionen vorstellen. Das gibt Ihnen schon während des Studiums die Chance, wertvolle Kontakte für Ihre berufliche Zukunft zu knüpfen. Der Studiengang ist in einem neuen Gebäude in der Favoritenstraße angesiedelt – es stehen moderne Hörsäle und hochwertig ausgestattete Laborflächen für Sie bereit.

    Berufsbegleitend: Das Studium ist berufsbegleitend organisiert und weist einen hohen Anteil an E-Learning auf. So kann es sowohl mit Wohnort in Österreich als auch außerhalb von Österreich absolviert werden. „Berufsbegleitend“ bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass Sie während des Studiums berufstätig sein müssen.

    Die Hochschule, die mehr kann: Sie profitieren von der FH Campus Wien als multidisziplinäre Hochschule. Beispielsweise forschen die Studiengänge der Molekularen Biotechnologie auf dem Gebiet zellbasierter Testsysteme. Hier knüpft der Studiengang Verpackungstechnologie an, um Verpackungen auf Hormonaktivität und Genotoxizität zu testen. Im Rahmen der offenen Lehrveranstaltungen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Lehrveranstaltungen zu Department-übergreifenden Themen zu besuchen. Aktuelle und vielfältige Themen greifen auch die Campus Lectures auf – zu diesen frei zugänglichen Vortragsabenden mit hochkarätigen Expert*innen aus der Praxis lädt die FH Campus Wien regelmäßig ein.

    Dieses Masterstudium bereitet Sie optimal auf eine Tätigkeit in der Entwicklung und Produktion von Verpackungen, in der Industrie, im verpackungsaffinen Ein- und Verkauf, im Consultingbereich oder im Handel vor. Sie lernen, Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalysen und Optimierungen im Unternehmen durchzuführen sowie Lebenszyklusanalysen selbständig zu planen und durchzuführen. Aufgrund dieser maßgeschneiderten Ausbildung, in der Sie sich auch die englische Fachsprache aneignen, sind Sie in der Lage, in der internationalen Verpackungsbranche eine leitende Rolle zu übernehmen.

    Das Studium ist in vier Schwerpunkte gegliedert: Packaging Technology, Sustainability, Management sowie Science and Research. Sie lernen die neuesten Technologien zur packstoffübergreifenden Verpackungsproduktion und -prüfung sowie im Abfüll- und Abpackprozess kennen. Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit hat große Bedeutung für die Verpackungstechnologie und begleitet Sie konsequent durch das Studium. Präsentationstechnik, Moderations- und Konflikttechnik, Leadership sowie wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Forschungsmanagement runden Ihre Ausbildung ab und bereiten Sie auf eine Führungsposition vor. Im Rahmen Ihrer Masterarbeit bearbeiten Sie auf wissenschaftlicher Basis ein im Berufsfeld relevantes Thema.


    Stimmen von Studierenden

    Portrait Miguel Di Gennaro

    "Das erste Semester führt uns in die Welt der nachhaltigen Verpackungen ein und gibt einen guten Überblick über aktuelle Trends in der Verpackungsentwicklung."

    Miguel Di Gennaro studiert Packaging Technology and Sustainability.

    Portrait Katharina Pavlovic

    "Die Kombination aus Verpackungstechnologie, Nachhaltigkeit, Management, Wissenschaft und Forschung bereitet mich gut auf zukunftsträchtige Positionen in der Branche vor."

    Katharina Pavlovic studiert Packaging Technology and Sustainability.



    Modul Communication


    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Students are able to present their tasks and knowledge in a convincing way using different presentation styles at meetings, conferences and other professional settings. [3, 5]

    • Students are able to identify conflicts in their work environment and to react in a reliable and solution-oriented way [3, 5]

    • Students are able to lead a team successfully [3, 5]

    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Presentation Techniques | SE

    Presentation Techniques | SE

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    • definition of presentation goals
    • selection of information,
    • choice of media and message,
    • designing a compelling presentation structure,
    • dealing with stress,
    • handling questions from the audience.



    • Graduates are able to define presentation goals.

    • Graduates are able to prepare and structure convincing presentations.

    • Graduates are able to create effective slides or other media.

    • Graduates are able to handle media professionally.

    • Graduates are able to meet the information needs of the audience.


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1 SWS / 2 ECTS (= 50 TU workload students) =

      8 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    42 TU distance learning (=workload students)

    Presentational methods:

    • lecturer presentations

    Participatory methods:

    • practical exercises
    • reflections
    • ffedback
    • presentations
    • simulation


    Endprüfung: The seminar is evaluated based on the active participation of the students. (100% mandatory attendance!)

    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

    > participated (teilgenommen)

    > not participated (nicht teilgenommen)


    On Public Speaking and Presenting, Harvard Business Review Press 2020. ISBN: 978-1633698833



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Modul Life Cycle Assessment

    Life Cycle Assessment

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Students are able to assess and improve the environmental sustainability of packaging [2]

    • Students are able to interpret LCA results and to improve the environmental performance of packaging [2]

    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Life Cylce Assessment I | ILV

    Life Cylce Assessment I | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Life Cycle Assessment,
    • environmental Impact Categories,
    • processes,
    • flows,
    • functional unit,
    • system boundary,
    • ISO 14040/44,
    • comparative LCA,
    • product Environmental Footprint,
    • management of LCA projects,
    • historical background of LCA


    • Graduates are able to understand the fundamentals of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

    • Graduates know the most important assessment methods and tools.


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

    1,5 SWS / 3 ECTS (= 75 TU workload students) =

    11 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

    63 TU distance learning (=workload students)

    Presentational methods:

    • Frontal ppt Presentation with participative excercies (e. g. quizzes and discussions)
    • Presentation of an example of calculation of environmental impacts as well as normalization and weighting
    • Presentation of an example of calculation allocation

    Participatory methods:

    • Creating of a functional unit for chosen examples
    • Calculating the environmental impact (working with characterization factors)
    • Calculation of the normalization and weighting of impact factors as well as allocation calculations
    • Research about LCA Papers and studys -> comparison of those in a written essay


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

    performance evaluations:


    1. Midterm exam 1 (15 points)

    2. Midterm exam 2 (15 points)

    3. Individual work (30 points)

    4. Written final examination (= 40 points | min. 2 groups)


    The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

    communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

    for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

    grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the


    > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

    > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

    > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

    > from 80 points => good (2)

    > from 90 points => excellent (1)


    • Klöpffer, W., & Grahl, B. (2014). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): A Guide to Best Practice, Wiley-VCH, ISBN: 978-3-527-32986-1
    • International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (2006). Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework (ISO 14040:2006). Geneva: ISO.
    • International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (2006). Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines (ISO 14044:2006). Geneva: ISO.
    • International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (2018). Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals (ISO 14064-1:2018). Geneva: ISO.
    • International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (2018). Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and guidelines for quantification (ISO 14067:2018). Geneva: ISO.



    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Modul Packaging Technology

    Packaging Technology

    3 SWS   6 ECTS


    • Students have a comprehensive overview of packaging technologies and are able to apply their knowledge in the optimisation and development of products and processes [1]

    • Students are able to select and apply the appropriate testing methods and to evaluate test results in order to optimise products and processes [1]

    3 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Advanced Packaging Technology | ILV

    Advanced Packaging Technology | ILV

    3 SWS   6 ECTS


    • Conventional as well as novel technologies and concepts,
    • selected topics in packaging technology,
    • digitalisation and linking of all partners in the supply chain,
    • materials, production and filling,
    • hygienic design and decontamination.


    • Graduates intensify their knowledge in conventional packaging technology and extend their knowledge into novel packaging technologies.

    • Graduates are capable of analysing and assessing areas of application for specific packaging technologies regarding different product requirements.

    • Graduates are able to assess the potential of certain packaging technologies in the packaging sector.


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

     3 SWS / 6 ECTS (= 150 TU workload students) =

     23 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

       1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

    126 TU distance learning (=workload students)

    Presentational methods:

    • presentation with ongoing discussion
    • guest lecture

    Participatory methods:

    • group exercises
    • reading and discussing scientific literature
    • student presentations with discussions


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:


    1. Assignment 1 – short paper (10 points)

    2. Intermediate exam 1 (20 points)

    3. Assignment 2 – short paper (10 points)

    4. Intermediate exam 2 (20 points)

    5. Written final examination (= 40 points | min. 2 groups)


    The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points. (105 with bonus points)


    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

    > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

    > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

    > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

    > from 80 points => good (2)

    > from 90 points => excellent (1)


    • Systemiq (2022): ReShaping Plastics Pathways to a Circular, Climate Neutral Plastics System in Europe
    • Forcino (62022): Fundamentals of Packaging Technology
    • Selke et al. (42021): Plastics Packaging: Properties, Processing, Applications and Regulations. München




    3 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Modul Principles in Sustainability

    Principles in Sustainability

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    • Students have a broad knowledge of the fundamentals of sustainability and resource management and are able to assess products and processes regarding sustainability aspects [2]

    • Students know the current state of European environmental law and apply this knowledge for the adaption and optimisation of products and processes in the packaging industry [2, 3]

    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Methods in Resource Management | ILV

    Methods in Resource Management | ILV

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    • Overview on selected methods in resource management:
    • Waste management systems, resource saving and waste prevention
    • Material flow analysis (MFA)
    • Environmental management systems (EMS)
    • Ecodesign


    • Graduates have an overview of the position of waste management within resource management, different waste types and levels of waste management, as well as the treatment and recycling of municipal solid waste.

    • Graduates know about Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

    • Graduates have an overview of terms and definitions in Material Flow Analysis (MFA) as well as of material balances including examples of material flows and stocks.

    • Graduates have an overview of material flow systems and are able to setup such a system and fill it with data.

    • Graduates have an overview about all elements of an environmental management system according to ISO 14001 or EMAS regulation and know the significant differences of ISO 14001 and EMAS.

    • Graduates know practical methods and tools for an efficient implementation of environmental management systems (EMS).

    • Graduates have an overview of basic principles & requirements of eco-design and are able to apply them resp. to assess products and processes based on those principles.

    • Graduates know different eco-design web tools and are able to use them.


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

    2 SWS / 4 ECTS (= 100 TU workload students) =

    15 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

    84 TU distance learning (=workload students)

    Presentational methods:

    - Blended Learning

    - Presentation of lecturers as well as group exercises of students

    Participatory methods:

    - Elaboration of various exercises

    - Active participation in the lectures


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

    Exercise 1: Resource saving and waste prevention, homework (10


    - Exercise 2: Material Flow Analysis, homework & presentation (25


    - Exercise 3: EMS, presentation (10 points)

    - Exercise 4: Ecodesign, homework & presentation (15 points)

    - Active participation in the lectures (5 bonus points)

    - ONLINE / Written final examination (40 points | min. 2 groups)


    The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points (105 points including bonus points).


    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

    > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

    > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

    > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

    > from 80 points => good (2)

    > from 90 points => excellent (1)


    Waste management systems, resource saving and waste prevention:

    Material flow analysis

    • Brunner, P. H.; Rechberger, H. (2004) "Practical Handbook of Material Flow Analysis", CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida. ISBN 1-5667-0604-1
    • Baccini, P.; Brunner, P.H. (2012) "Metabolism of the Anthroposphere: Analysis, Evaluation, Design", 2nd ed., MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. ISBN-13: 978-0262016650

    Brunner, P. H.; Rechberger, H. (2016) "Handbook of Material Flow Analysis: For Environmental, Resource, and Waste Engineers, Second Edition", CRC Press. ISBN 9781498721349

    Environmental management systems:

    • ISO 14001:2015
    • Umweltmanagementsysteme ISO 14001:2015: Das Praxishandbuch zur Umweltmanagementnorm, Quality Austria
    • EMAS IV Regulation - Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/2026 of 19 December 2018 amending Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)


    • Thompson, Rob (2013): Sustainable materials, processes and production, KNV Besorgung. ISBN 978-0-500-29071-2
    • Paech, Niko (2012): Liberation from excess, Oekom Verlag GmbH. ISBN: 3865813240



    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Modul Science and Research

    Science and Research

    6 SWS   12 ECTS


    • Absolventinnen und Absolventen haben eine solide Basis im wissenschaftlichen Denken und Arbeiten, die sie als Lehrende in höheren berufsbildenden Lehranstalten, Fachhochschulen und Universitäten qualifiziert.

    • Sie können F&E Projekte initiieren, managen, relevante Finanzierungskriterien erstellen und die Ergebnisse in die Praxis umsetzen.

    • Absolventinnen und Absolventen überblicken den aktuellen Stand der fachspezifischen Forschung und sind in der Lage, Forschungsfragen zu identifizieren und Forschungsstrategien zu entwickeln.

    6 SWS
    12 ECTS
    Research and Project Management | ILV

    Research and Project Management | ILV

    2.5 SWS   5 ECTS


    • Project Management Basics
    • Project Management Tools
    • EU funded projects
    • Evaluation of research proposals
    • Joint development of full research proposal (applicable for international and national funding)


    • Graduates are familiar with basics of Standard Project Management Terminology and Techniques and basics about EU funded projects.

    • Graduates know how to structure a proposal.

    • Graduates know and are able to perform o Evaluation of a research project proposal o Screening of a call for a research proposal

    • Graduates know how to structure a research proposal according to the requirements of a horizon Europe project proposal including: o Describing Research methodology o Developing a basic workplan o Developing basic work package and task descriptions o Developing basic time plans


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

    2,5 SWS / 5 ECTS (= 125 TU workload students) =

    20 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    105 TU distance learning (=workload students)

    Presentational methods:

    Powerpoint presentations and verbal explanations and examples

    Participatory methods:

    • Group work on proposal evaluation
    • Group presentation of joint evaluation decision (ESR)
    • Group wok on individual project proposals
    • Presentation of developed projects


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

    1. Asignment 1: Proposal evaluation (20 points)

    2. Asignment 2: Submission of proposals (70 points)

    3. Asignment 3: Impact section (10 points)

    The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

    > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

    > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

    > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

    > from 80 points => good (2)

    > from 90 points => excellent (1)



    • ICB - IPMA Competence Baseline, Version 4.0
    • Happy Projects!: Project and programme management (Englisch) 1. November 2005
    • European Commission Centre of Excellence in Project Management (CoEPM²) PM² Project Management Methodology Guide 3.0
    • Peric, Marko. (2011). EU Project Management Knowledge Transfer–Case Study UNIRI (Croatia)
    • Spichtinger (2018) Alive and well? The new Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation as a test case for the EU's ability to act. ÖGfE Policy Brief



    2.5 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Scientific Working | ILV

    Scientific Working | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Literature survey databases
    • How to prepare a scientific text
    • Citation of scienitific literature
    • Avoiding plagiarism
    • Presentation techniques
    • Basics in design of experiment (DoE)


    • Students are able to conduct a scientific literature survey.

    • Students are able to plan a scientific experiment.

    • Students are able to apply their knowledge in statistics to evaluate results of an experiment.

    • Students are able to write a scientific publication.


    Blended learning (including learning methods such as frontal teaching, distance learning, exercises, work tasks, students´ presentations, etc.)


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Continuous assessment (including assessment methods such as preliminary test, intermediate test, homework, students´ collaboration, and final exam)


    • Skern, T. (2011): Writing Scientific English: A Workbook, UTB GmbH. ISBN-13: 978-3825236199
    • Peralta, M. (2013): Design of Experiments, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. ISBN-13: 978-1494378585
    • Montgomery, D. C. (2013): Design and analysis of experiments. International student version, eighth edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Statistics in Scientific Working | ILV

    Statistics in Scientific Working | ILV

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    How to measure the subject?

    • Data World overview
    • The „Attribute“ Data World
    • The „Count“ Data World
    • The „Continuous“ Data World
    • Comparing the Data Worlds
    • Data World summary

    Does the data represent what you think it does?

    • Data collection overview
    • How much data (minimum sample size)?
    • How often (sampling frequency)?
    • How good is the quality of data (MSA)?

    What does the data say?

    • Data description overview
    • Describing data numerically
    • Describing data graphically
    • Normal distribution
    • Confidence intervals
    • From graphical result to statistical significance

    How does the change effect the output?

    • Hypothesis Testing Overview
      •       Hypothesis Test Averages
      •       Hypothesis Test Medians
      •       Hypothesis Test Standard deviation
      •       Hypothesis Test Proportions
    • Correlation and regression
    • Design of experiments (DOE)
    • Use of statistical software (minitab)


    • Graduates are able to recognize the importance of data collection, identify limitations in data collection methods and other sources of statistical bias, and determine their implications and how they affect the scope of inference.

    • Graduates are able to use statistical software (minitab) to summarize data numerically and visually, and to perform data analysis.

    • Graduates have a conceptual understanding of the unified nature of statistical inference.

    • Students are able to apply estimation and testing methods to analyze single variables or the relationship between two variables in order to understand natural phenomena and make data-based decisions.

    • -


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

    2 SWS / 4 ECTS (= 100 TU workload students) =

    16 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    84 TU distance learning (=workload students)

    Presentational methods:

    Presentation of lecturers

    Participatory methods:

    Work in groups to solve examples

    Work with statistical software minitab


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

    1. Activity: results as a file (14 points)

    2. Test: about content of first day (18 points)

    3. Activity: work as a file (14 points)

    4. Homework: examples to be solved with minitab (22 points)

    5. Test: about content of second day (18 points)

    6. Activity: work in groups results as a file (14 points)


    The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

    > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

    > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

    > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

    > from 80 points => good (2)

    > from 90 points => excellent (1)


    • Lean Six Sigma & Minitab, Q.Brook, ISBN 978-995789951
    • Additional: Statistic for people who (think they) hate statistics, N.J. Salkind & B. Frey, ISBN 978-1071803882



    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Modul Scientific English

    Scientific English

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Students are able to present and discuss subject related research questions and to prepare project proposals in English [4, 5]

    • Students have a good command of technical English which qualifies them for working in international teams [4, 5]

    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Scientific English in Packaging Technology I | ILV

    Scientific English in Packaging Technology I | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    The SEiPT I course is all about communicating: communicating science and technology, communicating in English... which means we will be discussing, presenting and reflecting upon current topics relevant for packaging technologists. Topics will be chosen which align with the aims of the degree programme and by working closely with other lecturers will complement the content of courses running in parallel.


    • Upon successful completion of the course students are able to communicate scientific/technological topics relevant to their field of studies clearly using the appropriate supporting media, and deal with arising questions (individually and in teams).

    • Upon successful completion of the course students are able to design and present scientific posters.

    • Students are able to discuss scientific/technological/ethical issues and justify their standpoint, and on occasion take the lead by presiding over these discussions in an international/ multicultural groups.

    • Students are able to judge their own and their peers’ presentation performance (video self-assessment and -reflection) and provide feedback (written and spoken) taking professional etiquette into account.

    • Students are able to assess their English language levels (listening, reading, speaking and writing) according to the ‘Common European Framework for Reference of Languages’ , set goals for their personal language acquisition and reflect on their progress.

    • Students are able to introduce themselves including their skills and experiences, prepare a CV and a Letter of Motivation in English.


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

    1.5 SWS / 3 ECTS (= 75 TU workload students) =

    16.5 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    58.5 TU distance learning (=workload students)

    Presentational methods: Brief inputs

    Face-2-face / Moodle resources, relevant to each session.

    Participatory methods: Group tasks, discussions and poster presentations (in collaboration with the Methods in Resource Management course)

    The students work at their own speed to acquire scientific knowledge depending on previous experience and expertise, and also depending on personal interest. In addition to deepening knowledge of specific topics, through group work students acquire additional competences such as social, linguistic, discussions and presentations skills. Additionally, they gain experience of working in international and interdisciplinary groups.


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung:

    In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

    1. Introductory Poster Upload (5 points)

    2. Contribution to session 1 (individual & group work, 5 points)

    3. Experience & Expertise Task (5 points)

    4. Proposed Discussion Article (individual, 15 points)

    5. Contribution to session 2 (individual, 5 points)

    6. Contribution to session 2 (group work, 5 points)

    7. Contribution to session 3 (discussion, 10 points)

    8. Reflection of Discussion (individual, 5 points)

    9. Poster: first draft (group, 10 points)

    10. Peer review of Posters (individual, 5 points)

    11. Poster: final version (group work, 5 points)

    12. Presentation of Poster (in pairs, 10 points)

    13. Contribution to session 4 (individual, 5 points)

    14. Course Reflection (individual, 10 points)


    The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students’ portal.

    > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

    > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

    > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

    > from 80 points => good (2)

    > from 90 points => excellent (1)



    • McCarthy & O'Dell (2016) Academic Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 978-1-107-59166-0
    • Manchester Academic Phrasebank (2020)
    • Skern (2011) Scientific Writing: A Workbook, Facultas WUV UTB, ISBN- 13: 978-3-8252-3619-9
    • Additionally, online resources are provided in Moodle.



    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS

    Modul Communication


    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    • Students are able to present their tasks and knowledge in a convincing way using different presentation styles at meetings, conferences and other professional settings. [3, 5]

    • Students are able to identify conflicts in their work environment and to react in a reliable and solution-oriented way [3, 5]

    • Students are able to lead a team successfully [3, 5]

    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Conflict and Moderation Techniques | SE

    Conflict and Moderation Techniques | SE

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Identify traps in communication and situations prone to conflict
    • Conflict Escalation and De-Escalation
    • How to criticise: constructive vs. destructive criticism. Non-violent criticism. Rules for feedback
    • The potential within the conflict: learning constructive cooperation through solving the conflict
    • Conflict resolution methods

    This programme is designed to develop your capabilities in interpersonal communication: avoiding unnecessary conflicts as well as conflict management and helping to settle conflicts.


    • Students are able to recognize conflicts and classify them.

    • Students are able to apply methods of conflict resolution.

    • Students are able to understand principles, phases and techniques of mediation.

    • Students have developed techniques for managing conflict situations with peers and within a team.


    Concise presentation of the theoretical background. “As much theory as necessary as little as possible”.

    Topic-centred group work. Peer consultation, peer coaching.

    Feedback from lecturer and peers. Simulations of challenging situations.


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Continuous assessment (including assessment methods such as preliminary test, intermediate test, homework, students´ collaboration, and final exam)


    • Kilmann, Ralph H.: Kilmann Organizational Conflict Instrument, Kilmann Diagnostics. 2020. ISBN 978-0989571319
    • Rosenberg, Marshall B.: Nonviolent Communication 3rd Edition. Puddledancer Press. 2015. ISBN: 978-1892005281



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Leadership | ILV

    Leadership | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Graduates are able to understand

    • the principles and systems of personal leadership profiles,
    • methods of self-perception and perception of others (feedback),
    • leadership styles and their application,
    • communication styles,
    • team work
    • systems of handling diversity


    • Graduates are able to present their tasks and knowledge in a convincing way using different presentation styles.

    • Graduates are able to identify conflicts in their work environment and to react in a reliable and solution-oriented way.

    • Graduates are able to understand the system of leadership.


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

    1 SWS / 2 ECTS (= 50 TU workload students) =

    7 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

    42 TU distance learning (=workload students)


    Presentational methods:

    Work assignments: Students develop sets of questions, the contents of which are examined in interim exams and subsequently discussed in case of uncertainties. Individual work: Students work on a topic of their choice. This serves both for deepening knowledge in a specific area and for learning how to write a scholarly paper. Creating a power point presentation: Students present the results of their work with the help of a power point presentation.


    Participatory methods:

    Group work: In addition to elaborating on a specific topic and applying learned concepts, students acquire interdisciplinary skills such as social skills, media didactics competence and language proficiency when working in groups.


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: The integrated course is assessed through formative assessment. By

    awarding points during the integrated course (ongoing performance

    evaluation + 80% mandatory attendance) and not just at the end

    through a final examination, several advantages arise:

    - The workload is distributed evenly throughout the semester.

    - The assessment does not represent a snapshot.

    - Teaching methods can be modified and adjusted as needed.

    - Students take active responsibility for the learning process and receive

    individual courses for action.

    In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

    performance evaluations:

    1. Group assignment (paper and presentation) (= 30 points | min. 3


    2. Active participation during discussions (20 points)

    3. Homework on Milgram experiment (10 points)

    4. Written final examination (= 40 points | min. 2 groups)

    The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

    communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

    for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

    grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the

    students portal.

    > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

    > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

    > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

    > from 80 points => good (2)

    > from 90 points => excellent (1)


    • Principles of Effective Management (Die Malik Management Systeme) (English Edition), Campus Verlag; 1. Edition (14. November 2011)



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Modul Life Cycle Assessment

    Life Cycle Assessment

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Students are able to assess and improve the environmental sustainability of packaging [2]

    • Students are able to interpret LCA results and to improve the environmental performance of packaging [2]

    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Life Cycle Assessment II | ILV

    Life Cycle Assessment II | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Investigation of existing LCA studies on packaging
    • Operating OpenLCA and Ecoinvent
    • Realization of an LCA study





    • Students are able to independently conduct an LCA study (in a simplified manner)

    • Students are able to identify the environmental hotspots of a product’s life cycle.

    • Students are able to understand the relevance of packaging in the context of product sustainability.


    Blended learning (including learning methods such as frontal teaching, distance learning, exercises, work tasks, students´ presentations, etc.)


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Continuous assessment (including assessment methods such as homework and a final group report)


    ISO 14040/14044, Product Environmental Footprint Guidance



    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Modul Management


    3 SWS   6 ECTS


    • Students are able to interpret and analyse economic concepts and business data in the packaging industry [3]

    • Students are able to apply economic analysis and theory to solve management problems in the context of packaging technology and sustainability [3]

    • Students are able to understand the innovation process and to develop, present and defend business models and business plans in the packaging industry [3]

    • Students are able to implements business plans and manage and run a small business in the packaging industry and/or with a sustainability focus [3]

    3 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategy | ILV

    Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategy | ILV

    3 SWS   6 ECTS


    • Sources of innovation,
    • business model innovation,
    • new business development,
    • entrepreneurial selling,
    • managing a start-up or small business, private equity & venture capital


    • Graduates are able to develop innovative business models.

    • Graduates are able to manage innovation processes successfully.

    • Graduates are able to apply methods of entrepreneurial leadership.


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

    3 SWS / 6 ECTS (= 150 TU workload students) =

    23 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

    126 TU distance learning (=workload students)


    Presentational methods:

    Topics of innovation, entrepreneurship & strategy will be elaborated based on a PowerPoint presentation prepared specifically for the purposes of the course, whereby basic prior knowledge (as economic topics are taught as part of the Bachelor's degree programme) is expected, and the willingness to engage in economic and innovative thinking is a key requirement.


    Participatory methods:

    The students independently prepare sub-areas of the innovation processes and methods of entrepreneurial leadership and present their knowledge in class and answer questions from the participants as experts. In addition, students are required to develop an entrepreneurial venture step by step in group work and work out concrete concepts for founding a start-up.


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: The integrated course is assessed through formative assessment. By

    awarding points during the integrated course (ongoing performance

    evaluation + 80% mandatory attendance) and not just at the end

    through a final examination, several advantages arise:

    - The workload is distributed evenly throughout the semester.

    - The assessment does not represent a snapshot.

    - Teaching methods can be modified and adjusted as needed.

    - Students take active responsibility for the learning process and receive

    individual courses for action.

    In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

    performance evaluations:

    1. active participation in class (= 15 points)

    2. literature test (= 10 points)

    3. individual work and presentation in class (= 30 points)

    4. group start-up concept and presentation in class (= 30 points)

    5. written final examination (= 15 points | min. 2 groups)

    The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

    communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

    for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

    The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

    grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the

    students portal.

    > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

    > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

    > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

    > from 80 points => good (2)

    > from 90 points => excellent (1)


    • Barringer, B. R., Ireland, D. (2018): Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures. Pearson , 6th edition, ISBN: 978-0-13472953-4
    • Pott, O., Pott A. (2015): Entrepreneurship.Springer Gabler, 2. Auflage, ISBN: 978-3-662-46412-0
    • Hisrich, R. D., Peters, M. P., Shepherd, D. A. (2019): Entrepreneurship.McGraw-Hill Education, 11th edition, ISBN: 978-9-39011330-9



    3 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Modul Packaging Technology

    Packaging Technology

    3 SWS   6 ECTS


    • Students have a comprehensive overview of packaging technologies and are able to apply their knowledge in the optimisation and development of products and processes [1]

    • Students are able to select and apply the appropriate testing methods and to evaluate test results in order to optimise products and processes [1]

    3 SWS
    6 ECTS
    Packaging Testing Systems and Technology | ILV

    Packaging Testing Systems and Technology | ILV

    3 SWS   6 ECTS


    • Conventional and novel testing systems and technology,
    • chemical, physical and microbial tests,
    • non-destructive testing systems and technology,
    • specific material testing procedures for packaging made of paper, board or plastic test programs and parameters,
    • interpretation of test results


    • Graduates deepen their understanding of conventional packaging testing and technology and gain a comprehensive overview of novel and non-destructive packaging testing and technology.

    • Graduates are able to select appropriate tests necessary for development of new as well as examination of existing packaging systems and, further, to prepare, analyse and evaluate material and packaging specifications.


    Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

    3 SWS / 6 ECTS (= 150 TU workload students) =

    23 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

    1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

    126 TU distance learning (=workload students)


    Presentational methods:

    The main content of the lectures will be presented by several guest lecturers in the classroom via powerpoint presentation.


    Participatory methods:

    Students will participate with a standard blended learning approach. This include online exercises and teaching material, practical laboratory exercises and a team exercise in form of writing laboratory protocols together.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: The integrated course is assessed through formative assessment. By

      awarding points during the integrated course (ongoing performance

      evaluation + 80% mandatory attendance) and not just at the end

      through a final examination, several advantages arise:

      - The workload is distributed evenly throughout the semester.

      - The assessment does not represent a snapshot.

      - Teaching methods can be modified and adjusted as needed.

      - Students take active responsibility for the learning process and receive

      individual courses for action.

      In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

      performance evaluations:

      1. Laboratory entry exam 1 (20 points)

      2. Laboratory protocol 1 (30 points)

      3. Laboratory entry exam 2 (20 points)

      4. Laboratory protocol 2 (30 points)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

      communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

      for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

      grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the

      students portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • Sing, P., Wani, A. A., Langowski, H.-C. (eds) (2017). Food Packaging Materials: Testing & Quality Assurance, CRC Press
      • Rui Y., (2018). Analytical Methods for Polymer Characterization, CRC Press
      • Hunt, B. J. and James, M. I. (1997). Polymer Characterization, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
      • Wypych, G. (2017). Handbook of Plasticizers, ChemTec Publishing
      • Others: Relevant standards, rules, new scientific publications and regulations regarding packaging design and testing



      3 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Modul Principles in Sustainability

      Principles in Sustainability

      4 SWS   8 ECTS


      • Students have a broad knowledge of the fundamentals of sustainability and resource management and are able to assess products and processes regarding sustainability aspects [2]

      • Students know the current state of European environmental law and apply this knowledge for the adaption and optimisation of products and processes in the packaging industry [2, 3]

      4 SWS
      8 ECTS
      Legal Aspects in Sustainability | ILV

      Legal Aspects in Sustainability | ILV

      2 SWS   4 ECTS


      • Sustainable development and the law
      • Environmental values and principles
      • Climate Change
      • Environmental regulations and policies in the European Union
      • Waste regulations
      • Circular Economy
      • Extended Producer Responsibility
      • Packaging waste, plastic waste


      • Graduates understand the concept of sustainable development and know how it links to legal principles and international and European law.

      • Graduates are able to identify and assess the relevant environmental legislation in the European context for the packaging sector.

      • Graduates know the relevant trends in environmental legislation and apply this knowledge for developing sustainable solutions for packaging. Graduates know the European waste and recycling industry and understand markets and technologies and can assess their importance for the management of packaging waste. Graduates know about the increasing environmental pollution caused by plastic packaging waste Graduates are aware about measures and methods to recycle this packaging waste in the sense of the circular economy


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      2 SWS / 4 ECTS (= 100 TU workload students) =

      15 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      84 TU distance learning (=workload students)


      Presentational methods:

      - Classroom teaching along PPT presentation

      - Presentation of websites, online documents and videos as appropriate


      Participatory methods:

      - Participation and discussion in class

      - Group Homework


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: The integrated course is assessed through formative assessment. By awarding points during the integrated course (ongoing performance evaluation + 80% mandatory attendance) and not just at the end through a final examination, several advantages arise:

      - The workload is distributed evenly throughout the semester.

      - The assessment does not represent a snapshot.

      - Teaching methods can be modified and adjusted as needed.

      - Students take active responsibility for the learning process and receive individual courses for action.


      In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

      1. Participation and active discussion in class (5 points/teaching unit = 20 points)

      2. Group homework (40 points)

      3. Written final examination (= 40 points | min. 2 groups)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • Barral, V. (2012): Sustainable Development I international Law. European Journal of International Law (2012), Vol. 23 No. 2, 377–400
      • Anita M. Halvorssen, International Law and Sustainable Development - Tools for Addressing Climate Change, 39 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 397 (2011)
      • Stijn, van E. (2023): An Introduction to Waste Management and Circular Economy. University College London (UCL). London
      • Brown, A. (2023): New Aspects of EPR: Extending producer responsibility to additional product groups and challenges throughout the product lifecycle; OECD Environment Working Papers No. 225. Paris
      • European Commission Directorate-General for Environment (2022): Proposal for a revision of EU legislation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. Brussels



      2 SWS
      4 ECTS
      Sustainability and Resource Management | ILV

      Sustainability and Resource Management | ILV

      2 SWS   4 ECTS


      • Definition and principles of sustainability
      • Integration of environmental, social and economic acting
      • Strategies in sustainability
      • Waste management
      • Climate change
      • Land use



      • Graduates are able to understand the principles of sustainability (ecology, economy and social aspects)

      • Graduates are able to apply their knowledge in resource management

      • Graduates are able to assess product and process developments


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      2 SWS / 4 ECTS (= 100 TU workload students) =

      15 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      84 TU distance learning (=workload students)


      Presentational methods:

      - Presentations

      - In-course discussions


      Participatory methods:

      - Active participation in discussions

      - Presentation of seminar paper as poster

      - Submission of seminar paper

      - Experimental game & reflexion on selected papers


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: The integrated course is assessed through formative assessment. By

      awarding points during the integrated course (ongoing performance

      evaluation + 80% mandatory attendance) and not just at the end

      through a final examination, several advantages arise:

      - The workload is distributed evenly throughout the semester.

      - The assessment does not represent a snapshot.

      - Teaching methods can be modified and adjusted as needed.

      - Students take active responsibility for the learning process and receive

      individual courses for action.

      In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

      performance evaluations:

      1. Seminar paper (= 40 points)

      2. Poster presentation 5 minutes (10 points)

      Schedule_2. SEM_844.010_Sustainability and Resource Management IC

      3. Experimental game & paper reflection (10 points)

      4. Written final examination (= 40 points | min. 2 groups)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

      communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

      for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

      grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the

      students portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • Robertson, M. (2014): Sustainability-Principles and Practice. Earthscan, London, ISBN 978-0-415-84018-7
      • Dresner, S. (2008) The Principles of Sustainability, Earthscan, London (2nd edition)



      2 SWS
      4 ECTS
      Modul Scientific English

      Scientific English

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Students are able to present and discuss subject related research questions and to prepare project proposals in English [4, 5]

      • Students have a good command of technical English which qualifies them for working in international teams [4, 5]

      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Scientific English in Packaging Technology II | ILV

      Scientific English in Packaging Technology II | ILV

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      • The SEiPT II course consolidates and extends the knowledge and skills relevant for packaging technologists from the previous SEiPT I course.
      • Topics will be chosen which align with the aims of the degree programme and by working closely with other lecturers will complement the content of courses running in parallel.


      • Upon successful completion of the course graduates are able to consolidate and build on their knowledge and skills from the previous SEiPT I course

      • Upon successful completion of the course graduates are able to analyse and understand the scientific literature (scientifically and linguistically)

      • Upon successful completion of the course graduates are able to write using good scientific style

      • Upon successful completion of the course graduates are able to discuss/debate/negotiate using the appropriate language and techniques

      • Upon successful completion of the course graduates are able to use appropriate language for ‘pitching’ ideas

      • Upon successful completion of the course graduates are able to judge their own and their peers’ performance and provide feedback taking professional etiquette into account

      • Upon successful completion of the course graduates are able to source national/international funding for their professional development

      • Upon successful completion of the course graduates are able to navigate and productively contribute to an international/interdisciplinary working environment with the appropriate skills and mindset.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1.5 SWS / 3 ECTS (= 75 TU workload students) =

      11 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      64 TU distance learning (=workload students)

      Presentational methods:

      face-2-face content input supported by further Moodle resources, relevant to each session.

      Participatory methods:

      student-centered individual and group tasks: problem-solving scientific tasks, debates, pitch presentations and career development tasks.

      Depending on previous experience, expertise, and also personal interest, students work at their own speed to acquire scientific/technical knowledge and develop their personal career.

      In addition to deepening knowledge of specific topics, through group work students acquire additional competences such as social, linguistic, discussion and presentations skills.

      Additionally, they gain experience of working in international and interdisciplinary groups.

      Note that some tasks are in collaboration with the courses SARM and IES.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: The integrated course is assessed through formative assessment. By

      awarding points during the integrated course (ongoing performance

      evaluation + 80% mandatory attendance) and not just at the end

      through a final examination, several advantages arise:

      - The workload is distributed evenly throughout the semester.

      - The assessment does not represent a snapshot.

      - Teaching methods can be modified and adjusted as needed.

      - Students take active responsibility for the learning process and receive

      individual courses for action.

      In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

      performance evaluations:

      1. Introductory questionnaire (5 points)

      2. Scientific literature (group work, 10 points)

      3. Scientific literature (individual work, 15 points)

      4. Debate (individual preparation & participation, 20 points)

      5. Pitch (group work & presentation, 25 points)

      6. Career development (individual work, 20 points)

      7. Course reflection (5 points)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

      communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

      for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

      grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the

      students portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • McCarthy & O'Dell (2016) Academic Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 978-1-107-59166-0
      • Manchester Academic Phrasebank (2020)
      • Skern (2011) Scientific Writing: A Workbook, Facultas WUV UTB, ISBN-13: 978-3-8252-3619-9 
      • Additionally, online resources are provided in Moodle.



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS

      Modul Management


      6 SWS   12 ECTS


      • Students are able to interpret and analyse economic concepts and business data in the packaging industry [3]

      • Students are able to apply economic analysis and theory to solve management problems in the context of packaging technology and sustainability [3]

      • Students are able to understand the innovation process and to develop, present and defend business models and business plans in the packaging industry [3]

      • Students are able to implements business plans and manage and run a small business in the packaging industry and/or with a sustainability focus [3]

      6 SWS
      12 ECTS
      Financial Management | ILV

      Financial Management | ILV

      3 SWS   6 ECTS


      This course provides a broad introduction of the major theories and models of financial management, which are offered as aids for the understanding, evaluation and resolution of financial managers’ problems. The course contents will cover the following subjects:

      • Financial reporting
      • Working capital
      • Financial statement and cash flow analysis
      • Capital structure
      • Sources of capital
      • Investment and project evaluation
      • NPV and IRR
      • Financial planning
      • Risk management


      • Students are able to interpret financial figures and results.

      • Students are able to develop and execute financial plans.

      • Students are able to write investment applications.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      • 3 SWS / 6 ECTS (= 150 TU workload students) =
      • 23 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)
      • 1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)
      • 126 TU distance learning (=workload students)


      Presentational methods:

      • In class lectures conveying the fundamental basics of the IC content.


      Participatory methods:

      • Class participations: Students are encouraged to participate in class discussions on relevant IC topics.
      • Group presentations (students’ presentations): Students present a specific, chosen topic in front of the class. This allows the topics to made accessible to the entire classroom and encourage discussions.
      • Group work (case studies): Students work on specific topics in their respective groups. On the one hand, students strengthen their knowledge by applying what they have learned in class, and on the other hand, working in a group develops interdisciplinary skills such as social skills, media didactics and linguistic competence.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung:

      In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

      1. class participation (10 points)

      2. students´ presentations (10 points)

      3. case studies (40 points)

      4. Written final examination (= 40 points | min. 2 groups)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)



      • Drake, P.P., Fabozzi, F. (2010): The Basics of Finance, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-0-470-87743-2 (required)
      • Desai, M. (2019): How Finance Works, Ingram Publisher Services, ISBN: 978-1633696709 (optional)



      3 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Managerial Economics | ILV

      Managerial Economics | ILV

      3 SWS   6 ECTS


      Managerial economics refers to the application of economic theory and the analytical tools of decision science to examine how an organisation can achieve its aims and objectives most efficiently. The course, aimed at business students as well as practitioners, will teach you a comprehensive and strategic approach to management of a firm or organisation, from the perspective of optimisation.

      The topics covered in the course are:

      • demand and supply,
      • elasticity of demand and supply,
      • competitive markets and economic efficiency,
      • cost, including opportunity cost and sunk cost,
      • market power, monopoly, oligopoly,
      • pricing policy, strategic thinking,
      • externalities, asymmetric information, incentives and organization.


      • Graduates acquire the basics of economic analysis and theory and learn to apply it to practical decision making and solving of management problems.

      • Graduates are able to understand the influence of economic institutions on business.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      3 SWS / 6 ECTS (= 150 TU workload students) =

      • 23 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)
      • 1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)
      • 126 TU distance learning (=workload students)

      Presentational methods: The core content of the course is presented by the lecturer. Students are expected to prepare for the lectures by reading the presentation slides in advance.

      Participatory methods: Lecture contents are discussed and repeated in the class. The homework exercises are solved together in class, with ample opportunity to discuss meaning and applicability of lecture contents. More detailed topics of managerial economics and/or case studies are the subject of student presentations (appr. 10 minutes/4-5 presentation slides each), which serve to better see connections between different topics of managerial economics but also to prepare additional learning material for the class (thus, the quality of the presentation slides to serve also as learning material for the class is a stated goal and supervised by the lecturer). Also, the answers to the quiz are discussed in the following course unit.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

      1. Homework 1, 2, and 3 (each 5 points)

      2. Quiz (10 points)

      3. Presentation (20 points)

      4. Participation (15 points)

      5. Written final examination (= 40 points | min. 2 groups)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • No particular textbook is required, the lecture scripts are sufficient as course material. However, for a more in-depth learning we recommend:
      • Png, I., 2016, „Managerial Economics“ (5th ed.), or Png, I. 2022, „Managerial Economics“ 6th ed.),
      • Froeb, L. M. et al, 2014, „Managerial Economics – A Problem Solving Approach“ (4th ed.),
      • Salvatore D., 2015, „Managerial Economics in a Global Economy“ (intern. 8th ed.).



      3 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Modul Packaging Development

      Packaging Development

      3 SWS   6 ECTS


      • Students know the latest technologies and trends in the packaging industry and apply this knowledge in sustainable product development [1, 2]

      • Students make decisions based on their awareness of global aspects in packaging industry, in particular international markets and regional developments [1, 3]

      3 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Trends and Future Markets in Packaging | ILV

      Trends and Future Markets in Packaging | ILV

      3 SWS   6 ECTS


      Insights about current packaging trends and potentials for innovations and future markets from key note speakers along the value-added chain (packaging producers, manufacturer of branded goods, service providers, science, etc.)



      • Graduates understand the global supply chain and markets as well as international developments and trends.

      • Graduates can conduct trend scouting and market research and are able to derive and evaluate information on positive and negative impact factors.

      • Graduates are capable of developing packaging with regards to trends and future markets.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      3 SWS / 6 ECTS (= 150 TU workload students) =

      23 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      126 TU distance learning (=workload students)


      Presentational methods:

      Face-to face teaching with discussion of important points in small groups

      Participatory methods:

      Participation in discussion, Input from own experience and industry experience

      Exercise: Students research a trend in their field of work or interest and learn about trend scouting and get a chance to connect with co-students and colleges at work

      Questionnaires: Students research the guest speakers and there companies, the are prepared for the presentations and can ask open questions from there research. Learning about the industry and connecting with the guest speaker

      Online exam: students read compulsory literature and prepare for an exam all by them self to become capable of independent work.

      Term paper: students write a term paper to a self chosen topic. They have to follow all instructions for a master thesis and have the chance to prepare for this task. The present their work as a pitch presentation and read and grade on colleges work to get an insight on one more topic and understand the grading process better.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:


      1. Online exam compulsory literature (10 points)

      2. Questionnaires (10 points)

      3. Trend Paper (10 points)

      4. Term Paper (40 points)

      5. Peer-Feedback (10 points)

      6. Presentation Pitch (20 points)

      7. Bonus Points (10 points)


      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points. (110 with bonus points)


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      Literature is provided via Moodle and updated every semester as needed.



      3 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Modul Toxicology


      3 SWS   6 ECTS


      • Students are able to assess the toxicology of packaging materials and additives as well as to evaluate test results and toxicological studies [4]

      • Students are able to assess and optimise products and processes in Packaging Technology from a toxicological point of view taking legal requirements into account [3, 4]

      3 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Regulatory Affairs | VO

      Regulatory Affairs | VO

      1 SWS   2 ECTS


      • Update of the legal situation – EU Commission Guidelines
      • Short introduction on Packaging Materials for Pharmaceutical Products function and contribution to the product
      • Reasons for increasing Quality Focus on packaging materials for Pharmaceuticals
      • Describing the Procedures to get marketing authorization focusing on packaging material EC and USA
      • The involved Authorities
      • The Legal Framework, sources, documents and guidelines (overview)
      • The Quality Issues behind the procedure
      • Sources of Quality Specifications for selected packaging materials
      • Short abstract on Foodstuffs and Cosmetics regulatory procedures


      • Graduates will have a better understanding of the specific needs of legal requirements of packaging components and materials for Medicinal Products (Food Stuffs and Cosmetic Products) regarding use, function, quality requirements and standards. The reasons for the increasing contribution of packaging material and components to safety quality and efficacy to Medicinal Products will become evident.

      • Graduates understand the legal requirements during the Application Process of a Medicinal Product to reach a Market Authorization, and within this process the role of packaging materials and components, the involved Authorities, and the role of the application format (CTD) both in Europe and the US. Besides the Market Authorization some additional legal requirements of the Regulatory Process will be discussed (GxP, Pharmacopeias). The same learning outcome will be reached for the Regulatory Process for Food Products and Cosmetic Products but in a shortened way.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1 SWS / 2 ECTS (= 50 TU workload students) =

      • 7 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)
      • 1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)
      • 42 TU distance learning (=workload students)

      Presentational methods:

      Pesentation Electronic Handouts

      Participatory methods:

      Questions and answers possibiliy of e mail advise


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: This lecture will be evaluated through a written final exam covering the entire content of the lecture at the end of the course. Attendance of more than 80% is a requirement during the lecture. The maximum achievable score for the written exam is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • Baughan, J.S. (2015): Global Legislation for FCM, Cambridge. Woodhead Publishing.
      • Severin, I. (2016): Use of bioassays to assess hazard of food contact material extracts. Food and Chemical Toxicology 93:51-57.
      • Homepage of EU Commission
      • Homepage of EMA
      • Homepage of FDA



      1 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Toxicology  | ILV

      Toxicology  | ILV

      2 SWS   4 ECTS


      • Basic principles in toxicology
      • Toxicological test methods (in-vivo & in-vitro)
      • Regulatory requirements - Environmental toxicology
      • Toxicological risk assessment
      • Extractables/Leachables from packaging material
      • Toxicological hazard of plastic material


      • Graduates are able to overview the basic principles of toxicology and test methods applied in toxicology.

      • Graduates are able to assess toxicological hazards of chemical compounds to the environment.

      • Graduates know the principles of toxicological risk assessment, and extractables/leachables from packaging materials.

      • Graduates know the toxicological hazards from chemical compounds in plastic packaging materials.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      2 SWS / 4 ECTS (= 100 TU workload students) =

      18 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      84 TU distance learning (=workload students)

      Presentational methods: Scientific lecture

      Participatory methods: Active listening and contribution


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

      performance evaluations:


      1. Active contribution (15 points)

      2. Group work (15 points)

      3. Homework (20 points)

      4. Comprehending scientific literature (10 points)

      5. Written final examination (40 points)


      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

      communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

      for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

      grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the


      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      Ritter, L. Reichl, F.X (2010): Illustrated Handbook of Toxicology, Georg Thieme Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-13-126921-8



      2 SWS
      4 ECTS
      Electives (6 ECTS nach Wahl)
      Modul Electives


      7.5 SWS   15 ECTS


      • Students deepen their knowledge and skills in subjects related to packaging technology and/or sustainability [1, 2]

      • Students will get a specialisation in the area of interest within the field of packaging technology and/or sustainability

      • Students are prepared for conceptualizing and conducting their Master thesis on a topic of their choice by acquiring specific knowledge within their specialisation

      7.5 SWS
      15 ECTS
      Digital Transformation in the Packaging Industry | SE

      Digital Transformation in the Packaging Industry | SE

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Digitization, digitalization, digital transformation
      • basic knowledge, distinction, historical development
      • specific concepts, possibilities, and practical use
      • case studies from the industry


      • Graduates - have a broad knowledge about various topics of digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation and - are able to use corresponding concepts in their everyday business.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1.5 SWS / 3 ECTS (= 75 TU workload students) =

      11 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      63 TU distance learning (=workload students)

      Presentational methods:

      Topics of digitization, digitalization, digital transformation will be elaborated based on a PowerPoint presentation prepared specifically for the purposes of the course, whereby no specific prior knowledge is expected, but everyday knowledge in dealing with electronic media is advantageous. A particular focus is on the topic of artificial intelligence.

      In addition, experts from the field - preferably from the packaging industry - will be invited to explain approaches to digital transformation in their respective companies.

      Participatory methods:

      The students prepare for the respective units in class through homework, research background information and work out concrete questions that can be dealt with in the classroom units.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

      1. homework / lesson preparation (30 points)

      2. active participation in class (30 points)

      3. final exam (40 points)


      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students’ portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • Digital Transformation: A Model to Master Digital Disruption
        • by Jo Caudron, Dado Van Peteghem
        • BookBaby; 3. Edition (2018), ASIN: B079Y86JQ2
      • Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation
        • by George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, Andrew McAfee
        • Harvard Business Review Press, 2014, ISBN: 978-1625272478
      • AI Basics for Managers: A Comprehensive Guide for Managers to Implement, Measure, and Optimize AI in Business Operations Within the AI Revolution (AI Fundamentals)
        • by Andrew Hinton
        • Book Bound Studios, 2023, ISBN: 978-1923045804



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Ethics | ILV

      Ethics | ILV

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Basic ethical concepts
      • Ethical decision-making, self-responsibility, reflecting on consequences of actions (e.g. code of conduct)
      • Ethical issues related to the professional field (e.g. CSR, SDG, scientific integrity …)
      • Current ethical issues relevant to packaging technology and sustainability


      • Graduates are able to reflect independently and critically about key relevant ethical issues related to packaging technology and sustainability, and are aware of national/international dimensions of these issues.

      • Graduates are able to understand the ecological, economical and societal principles of sustainability, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and are able to apply them to their professional field.

      • Graduates are able to understand the dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and can assess entrepreneurial actions according to ethical criteria and can apply them to their professional field.

      • Graduates are able to present and take active part in discussions/negotiations on ethical issues relating to the field of packaging technology and sustainability.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1.5 SWS / 3 ECTS (= 75 TU workload students) =

      12 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      63 TU distance learning (=workload students)


      Presentational methods: Brief inputs

      Face-2-face or Moodle resources, relevant to each session.

      Participatory methods:

      Presentations, discussions and negotiations

      The students work at their own speed to acquire ethical knowledge depending on previous experience and expertise, and also depending on their personal interests.

      In addition to deepening knowledge of self- determined and agreed current and relevant specific topics, through group work students acquire additional competences such as social skills, linguistic and negotiation competence.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:


      1. Contribution to session 1 discussion [individual, 10 points]

      2. Self-study tasks [individual, 10 points]

      3. CSR presentation [individual, 15 points]

      3. Information & Agenda for OWN Negotiation [group, 10 points]

      4. Positions, Outcomes, Roles for EACH Negotiation [group, 20 points]

      5. Contribution to negotiations [individual, 20 points]

      6. Final Report of Negotiated Outcomes [group, 5 points]

      7. Course reflection [individual, 10 points]


      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students’ portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      Extensive course resources are provided in Moodle.



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Packaging Safety Assessment with in Vitro Bioassays | ILV

      Packaging Safety Assessment with in Vitro Bioassays | ILV

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      Performing migration simulation tests according to EU regulation 10/2011.
      Genetic toxicology and interactions of chemical substances with the DNA
      Performing the Ames MPF Assay in the laboratory
      Scoring, evaluation and interpretation of the test results.


      • Students understand the basic principles of migration testing and packaging safety assessment.

      • Students are able to perform migration simulation and in vitro tests in a laboratory.

      • Students are able to evaluate bioassay data and make decisions about the safety of the packaging materials.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1,5 SWS / 3 ECTS (= 75 TU workload students) =

      11 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      63 TU distance learning (=workload students)

      Presentational methods:

      • Presentation to provide theoretical background

      Participatory methods:

      • Moodle test: Knowledge acquired during introductory lectures is tested
      • Lab sessions: Under supervisions students carry out all steps of an Ames MPFTM bioassay
      • Lab protocol: Students describe their lab work and evaluate and discuss their results.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

      - Online test (20 points)

      - Lab protocol about the test results (60 points)

      - Participation in the lab (20 points)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)



      • Verordnung (EU) Nr. 10/2011 der Kommisson vom 14. Januar 2011 über Materialien und Gegenstände aus Kunststoff, die dazu bestimmt sind, mit Lebensmitteln in Berührung zu kommen
      • Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1935/2004 des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. Oktober 2004 über Materialien und Gegenstände, die dazu bestimmt sind, mit Lebensmitteln in Berührung zu kommen
      • Genetic Toxicology Testing, A Laboratory Manual, Edited by Ray Proudlock, MPhil, BSc and Boone, North Carolina, USA, 2016 Elsevir
      • Schilter B, Burnett K, Eskes C, Geurts L, Jacquet M, Kirchnawy C, Oldring P, Pieper G, Pinter E, Tacker M, Traussnig H, Van Herwijnen P, Boobis A. Value and limitation of in vitro bioassays to support the application of the threshold of toxicological concern to prioritise unidentified chemicals in food contact materials. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. 2019 Dec;36(12):1903-1936.



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Seaming and Sealing Technology | ILV

      Seaming and Sealing Technology | ILV

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      Seaming and Sealing as main criteria for packaging integrity. The most important measurement parameters of both closing technologies will be discussed and linked to the adjustment of machine parts. in the practical part seam and seal measurements are done with real examples and a final decision with adjustment recommendations - based on the lecture - done by the students.


      • Graduates understand the most important parameters for seaming and sealing. and the correlation to the adjustment of the machine.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1,5 SWS / 3 ECTS (= 75 TU workload students) =

      • 8 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)
      • 4 TU lab exercises (practical studies)
      • 1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)
      • 62 TU distance learning (=workload students)

      Presentational methods: Classroom presentation

      Participatory methods: practical exercises in the lab


      Endprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:

      1. Active Participation and lab exercises (20 points)

      2. Final assessment (80 points)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)



      • Handouts
      • Lecture notes



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Waste Prevention and Preservation of Resources in Packaging | ILV

      Waste Prevention and Preservation of Resources in Packaging | ILV

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Methods and instruments for waste prevention
      • Dimensions of sustainability
      • What is holistic sustainability (in packaging) and what does it entail?
      • Assessment methods for holistic sustainability in packaging
      • Recyclability assessment of packaging
      • EU recycling package
      • Collection systems, current collection, collection types, recycling quotas


      • Graduates are able to support the sustainability of products and packaging through waste prevention measures.

      • Graduates are able to apply qualitative and quantitative assessment approaches of holistic sustainability on different types of packaging.

      • Graduates are able to evaluate holistic sustainability of packaging based on packaging specifications.

      • Graduates are able to develop/design sustainable packaging for different applications.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1,5 SWS / 3 ECTS (= 75 TU workload students) =

      11 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      63 TU distance learning (=workload students)


      Presentational methods:

      • Presentation of relevant information
      • Use of interactive digital tools for integration into the lecture (mentimeter, etc.)
      • Workshop for evaluation of packaging
      • Introduction to packaging assessment in the lab (material type, size, weight,..)
      • Introduction to a packaging sustainability evaluation software (Packaging Cockpit)

      Participatory methods:

      • Workshop: Students will work together in groups to evaluate potential problems and solutions associated with sustainability of a provided product packaging with given specifications (in class)
      • Homework: examples for calculating the recyclability should be worked on individually at home (without the Packaging Cockpit). Homework exercises allow students to consolidate and reinforce what they have learned in class. By repeating what they have learned in their own words or applying it through practical exercises, they can improve their understanding.
      • Group work: Evaluation of specifications of a packaging example, including analysis of the material, size, weight; With the found specifications, the packaging will be evaluated according to several sustainability factors supported by the use of the Packaging Cockpit software (in class and distance).In addition students acquire interdisciplinary skills when working in a group, such as social skills, media didactics skills and language skills.
      • Project report: The results of the group work will be summarized and discussed in a project report (distance)
      • Presentation: The findings of the group work will be presented and discussed (in class). To prepare a presentation, students need to understand the topic thoroughly. This often requires additional research and analysis, which deepens their understanding.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial performance evaluations:


      1. Presentation (25 points)

      2. Project Report (50 points)

      3. Participation (10 points)

      4. Homework (15 points)


      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.


      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the students´portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • Circular Packaging Design Guideline - FH Campus Wien
      • Verification and examination of recyclability - Institute cyclos-HTP
      • Packaging Design For Recycling – ECR Austria
      • EU Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC
      • EU Single Use Plastic Directive 2019/904



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS

      Modul Master thesis

      Master thesis

      1 SWS   21 ECTS


      • Students are able to conduct research on a selected scientific topic in the field of packaging technology and sustainability in a reliable and autonomous way [1, 2, 4, 5]

      • Students are able to plan, carry out and complete a research project in the field of packaging technology and sustainability [1, 2, 4, 5]

      • Students are able to present and defend the results of their research to a relevant audience [1, 2, 4, 5]

      1 SWS
      21 ECTS
      Master Seminar | SE

      Master Seminar | SE

      1 SWS   1 ECTS


      Students have to conduct a Master thesis (16 ECTS) in English, present the topic and results within the Master seminar (3 ECTS) and pass a final Master’s exam (2 ECTS).

      For the Master seminar, students have to prepare a presentation of their Master thesis and to present it to a scientific audience.


      • Students are able to prepare a structured and clear presentation in a reliable and autonomous way.

      • Students are able to present and defend the results of their research to a relevant audience.

      • Students are able to reflect feedback and implement it in a scientific way.

      • Students are prepared for their final Master defensio.


      Research-guided learning


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Mandatory participation


      • Lindsay, D. R. (2020): Scientific writing. Thinking in words. Clayton South, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.



      1 SWS
      1 ECTS
      Master Thesis | MT

      Master Thesis | MT

      0 SWS   18 ECTS


      Students have to conduct a Master thesis (16 ECTS) in English, present the topic and results within the Master seminar (3 ECTS) and pass a final Master’s exam (2 ECTS).

      The Master thesis serves the evidence that the student is able to work on a scientific topic independently. The selected topic has to be related to packaging technology and/or sustainability.


      • Students are able to conduct research on a selected scientific topic in the field of packaging technology and sustainability in a reliable and autonomous way.

      • Students are able to plan, carry out and complete a research project in the field of packaging technology and sustainability.


      Research-guided leraning


      Endprüfung: Modulprüfung


      • Lindsay, D. R. (2020): Scientific writing. Thinking in words. Clayton South, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.



      18 ECTS
      Master‘s Exam | AP

      Master‘s Exam | AP

      0 SWS   2 ECTS


      Students have to conduct a Master thesis (16 ECTS) in English, present the topic and results within the Master seminar (3 ECTS) and pass a final Master’s exam (2 ECTS).

      The Master thesis serves the evidence that the student is able to work on a scientific topic independently. The selected topic has to be related to packaging technology and/or sustainability.


      • Students are able to present and defend the results of their research to a relevant audience.


      Research-guided leraning


      Endprüfung: Module exam


      Lindsay, D. R. (2020): Scientific writing. Thinking in words. Clayton South, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.



      2 ECTS
      Modul Packaging Development

      Packaging Development

      3 SWS   6 ECTS


      • Students know the latest technologies and trends in the packaging industry and apply this knowledge in sustainable product development [1, 2]

      • Students make decisions based on their awareness of global aspects in packaging industry, in particular international markets and regional developments [1, 3]

      3 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Packaging Development and Design | ILV

      Packaging Development and Design | ILV

      3 SWS   6 ECTS


      • Introduction to packaging development and design,
      • Introduction to Strategy and Implementation design principles
      • Design Thinking / Client centricity (practical unit)
      • Understanding and reproducing briefing information (The value of information)
      • Transfer of briefing information into project tasks
      • Holistic approach to Packaging (practical unit)
      • Introduction to aligned working principles (Packaging Wheel)




      • Graduates will broaden their knowledge in packaging technology and implementation.

      • Graduates will learn fundamentals of packaging strategy and packaging design.

      • Graduates are able synthesize relevant information via brief and debrief and will understand how to transfer information into tasks.

      • Graduates will learn the importance of understanding consumer needs and to structure their own tasks according to this.

      • Graduates will deepen their experience in presentation skills and in working under restrains in terms of time or ressources and in working as a team.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      3 SWS / 6 ECTS (= 150 TU workload students) =

      23 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      126 TU distance learning (=workload students)


      Presentational methods:

      • Lectures on Packaging principles (partly w/ media support)


      Participatory methods:

      • Preparation of presentations

      • Presentation of work

      • Individual and team work

      • 20-10-10-5 System

      • Group and panel discussion

      • Analysis on information and elaboration of questionnaire

      • Practical session on Design Thinking

      • Consumer surveys


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: The integrated course is assessed through formative assessment. By

      awarding points during the integrated course (ongoing performance

      evaluation + 80% mandatory attendance) and not just at the end

      through a final examination, several advantages arise:

      - The workload is distributed evenly throughout the semester.

      - The assessment does not represent a snapshot.

      - Teaching methods can be modified and adjusted as needed.

      - Students take active responsibility for the learning process and receive

      individual courses for action.

      In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

      performance evaluations:

      1. Assignment 01: Pick-A-Pack (20 Pts)

      Introduction into the topic

      First evaluation of a packaging

      1. Assignment 02: The Debrief (30 Pts)

      The relevance of information transfer

      Create the perfect (De)Brief

      2. Assignment 03: alternating topic (50 Pts)

      Assignment is based on the topic of Day 04

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

      communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

      for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

      grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the

      students portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • Dark Horse Innovation (2017): Digital Innovation Playbook; Murmann Publishers GmbH, Hamburg
      • Prof. Dr. Axel Buether (2014): Colour: Design Principles, Planning Strategies, Visual Communication
      • Leatrice Eiseman (2000): Pantone's Guide to Communicating with Color; HOW books, USA
      • Alan Moore (2016): Do Design/Why Beauty Is Key to Everything; The Do Book Company, UK
      • Sun Tsu (2500 b.c.): The Art Of War; various publications



      3 SWS
      6 ECTS
      Electives (3 ECTS nach Wahl)
      Modul Electives


      5.5 SWS   11 ECTS


      • Students deepen their knowledge and skills in subjects related to packaging technology and/or sustainability [1, 2]

      • Students will get a specialisation in the area of interest within the field of packaging technology and/or sustainability

      • Students are prepared for conceptualizing and conducting their Master thesis on a topic of their choice by acquiring specific knowledge within their specialisation

      5.5 SWS
      11 ECTS
      Design Thinking | ILV

      Design Thinking | ILV

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Introduction on agile development methods

      • Design Thinking: mindset, process, phases, tools

      • A cooperation of Florida Gulf Coast University and FH Campus Wien where students run through a Design Thinking project in int. teams


      • Graduates of this course know and understand the mindset, process and selected tools of Design Thinking.

      • Graduates of this course try out and experience human-centered design by running through a virtual (mini) Design Thinking project.

      • Graduates of this course learn to analyse, reflect, visualize, generate ideas, build prototypes and give feedback in an international team setting!


      Interactive workshop setting with synchronous and asynchronous phases.


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Immanent lecture


      • Assignments (40%)

      • Peer assessment (30%)

      • Active participation in the online lectures (20%)


      Insgesamt sind 100 Punkte zu erreichen. Ab 60 Punkten ist die ILV positiv absolviert.



      - Markus Blatt / Emmanuel Sauvonnet (Hrsg.): Mit Design Thinking Innovationen entwickeln und umsetzen. 2. Auflage. Vahlen 2017



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Industrial Packaging | ILV

      Industrial Packaging | ILV

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      The course provides a transition from theoretical concepts to practical application in the market. This elective subject is structured around packaging materials and packaging types. Initially, the focus is on secondary packaging made of materials such as paper, including fillers, corrugated components, as well as plastics like films or injection-molded parts such as corrugated sheets. A brief overview is also given on wood packaging or metals as auxiliary materials. In addition, active packaging for protection against corrosion and electrostatics is introduced. Basic packaging materials like adhesive tapes or stretch films are also discussed, along with their specifications. Finally, the discussed materials are combined in terms of packaging development, with a focus on selecting the appropriate packaging for specific application scenarios.


      • Graduates are able to apply the theoretically acquired knowledge of packaging materials in an industrial environment.

      • Graduates -have an overview of industrial solutions in the packaging industry. - are capable of recognizing packaging material properties and using them effectively, as well as combining them in a meaningful way.


      Didactic setting – in class (face-to-face) and online teaching:

      1,5 SWS / 3 ECTS (?) (= 75 TU workload students) =

      11 TU in class teaching (face-to-face)

      1 TU exam (examination supervision by the lecturer)

      63 TU distance learning (=workload students)


      Presentational methods:

      Face-to face teaching with discussion of important points in small groups


      Participatory methods:

      Students work independently on three tasks. Some questions are discussed in class in small groups


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: The integrated course is assessed through formative assessment. By

      awarding points during the integrated course (ongoing performance

      evaluation + 80% mandatory attendance) and not just at the end

      through a final examination, several advantages arise:

      - The workload is distributed evenly throughout the semester.

      - The assessment does not represent a snapshot.

      - Teaching methods can be modified and adjusted as needed.

      - Students take active responsibility for the learning process and receive

      Schedule_4. SEM_844.031_Elective_Industrial Packaging IC

      individual courses for action.

      In detail, the course is assessed through the following partial

      performance evaluations:

      1.Task 1 (30 points)

      2.Task 2 (30 points)

      3.In-class group task (40 points)

      The overall assessment of all partial performances will be

      communicated by the lecturer in Moodle. The maximum achievable score

      for the overall assessment of all partial performances is 100 points.

      The overall assessment will be carried out according to the following

      grading scale and will be communicated by the course instructor in the

      students portal.

      > 0 to 59 points => insufficient (5)

      > from 60 points => sufficient (4)

      > from 70 points => satisfactory (3)

      > from 80 points => good (2)

      > from 90 points => excellent (1)


      • Fundamentals of packaging technology, Walter Soroka, 6 th Editon
      • Cartons, Crates and Corrugates Board, Handbook of Paper and Wood Packaging Technology, DEStech Publications,, Inc. 2nd Edition



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS
      Research Project Management - Implementation | ILV

      Research Project Management - Implementation | ILV

      1 SWS   2 ECTS


      Simulation of project implementation on basis of real life publicly funded project including

      • Project Kick-off
      • Development of RACI Matrix and to do lists
      • Resource planning
      • Management board meeting
      • Planning for project deviations and amendment
      • Decision making
      • Project close down


      • Students are familiar with: • Structuring a Kick-off meeting • Detailing project plans for project implementation • Approaches for decision making • Processes for project deviation management • Structuring a project close down meeting

      • Students know and have actively performed: • Development and use of a RACI Matrix as well as project to do lists • Project Resource planning • Planning of project amendment according to given deviation • Decision making


      Blended learning (including learning methods such as frontal teaching, distance learning, exercises, work tasks, students´ presentations, etc)


      Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Continuous assessment (including assessment methods such as preliminary test, intermediate test, homework, students´ collaboration, and final exam)


      • ICB - IPMA Competence Baseline, Version 4.0
      • Happy Projects!: Project and programme management (Englisch) 1. November 2005
      • European Commission Centre of Excellence in Project Management (CoEPM²) PM² Project Management Methodology Guide 3.0



      1 SWS
      2 ECTS
      Summer Academy - Varying Topics in the Field of Sustainability | ILV

      Summer Academy - Varying Topics in the Field of Sustainability | ILV

      1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


      • Introduction into Biomimicry design process
      • Design challenge for region Lake Neusiedl
      • Outdoor and indoor research and design within Biomimicry process
      • Presentation of results to relevant stakeholders


      • Students have a basic knowledge of the design process of Biomimicry.

      • The participants are able to identify the relevant steps of the design process and have achieved a basic understanding of its direct application.

      • Students are aware of the challenges involved in the individual process steps and have actively contributed to the result of a design challenge.


      online preparation

      outdoor workshop


      Endprüfung: attendance min. 80 %, active work in all of the design challenge’s steps, presentation of the results


      As provided in the course’s preliminary data and specific literature throughout the week.



      1.5 SWS
      3 ECTS

      15-16 Tage auf 4-5 Terminblöcke aufgeteilt pro Semester; ganztägig

      Wahlmöglichkeiten im Curriculum
      Angebot und Teilnahme nach Maßgabe zur Verfügung stehender Plätze. 

      Vernetzen mit Absolvent*innen und Organisationen

      In Lehre und Forschung arbeiten wir mit der Hochschule München - Fakultät für Papier und Verpackung, der Technischen Universität Wien - Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Umwelttechnologien und Technische Biowissenschaften, dem Österreichischen Forschungsinstitut für Chemie und Technik (ofi), dem Schulungsverein des Fachverbands der Papierverarbeitenden Industrie Österreichs und dem Umweltbundesamt zusammen. Wir pflegen Kooperationen mit Unternehmen wie ALPLA, Altstoff Recycling Austria (ARA)*, Cardbox Packaging, Greiner Packaging, Mondi, Smurfit Kappa und Vetropack Austria, die den Studiengang unterstützen. Dieses starke Netzwerk sichert Ihnen Anknüpfungspunkte für Ihr Praktikum, ein Auslandssemester, Ihre Mitarbeit bei Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten oder Ihre Jobsuche. Viele unserer Kooperationen sind auf der Website abgebildet. Ein Blick darauf lohnt sich immer und führt sie vielleicht zu einem neuen Job oder auf eine interessante Veranstaltung unserer Kooperationspartner*innen!

      *Finanziert durch die Abfallvermeidungs-Förderung der Sammel- und Verwertungssysteme für Verpackungen mit Unterstützung der ARA AG

      Nach dem Studium

      Als Absolvent*in dieses Studiums stehen Ihnen vielfältige Berufsfelder und Karrierechancen offen, auch auf globaler Ebene.

      Die österreichische Verpackungsindustrie stellt mit mehr als 10 Milliarden Euro Jahresumsatz und über 35.000 Beschäftigten einen wichtigen Faktor der österreichischen Wirtschaft dar. Langfristig betrachtet befindet sich die Verpackungsindustrie im Wachstum und wird – insbesondere international – künftig noch mehr qualifiziertes Personal benötigen. Als Absolvent*in dieses Masters sind Sie mit Ihrem wirtschaftlichen und technischen Background der*die geeignete Spezialist*in für die Verpackungsmitteltechnologie. Ihre Tätigkeitsfelder liegen hauptsächlich in der Herstellung von Verpackungen, der Sachgütererzeugung, dem Handel mit intensivem Verpackungsaufkommen und dem zuliefernden Umfeld der Verpackungswirtschaft.

      • Hersteller*innen von Verpackungen und Packmitteln (Papier, Karton, Kunststoff, Metall, Glas, Holz)

      • Anwender*nnen von Verpackungen bzw. Packmitteln (Lebens- und Genussmittelindustrie, Chemische Industrie, Pharmaindustrie, Baustoffhersteller, Elektroindustrie)

      • Lehre und Forschung

      • Handel

      • Hersteller von Packstoffen (z.B. Karton, Papier, Kunststoff, Metall, Glas)

        • Maschinenbau (z. B. Abfüllanlagen, Flaschenglasmaschinen, Druckmaschinenhersteller)

        • Öffentlicher Dienst

        • Abfallwirtschaft

        • Dienstleistungsunternehmen (z. B. Werbeagenturen, Druckereien, Untersuchungslabors)

          Mann im Anzug spricht an einem Tisch

          Im Gespräch

          Manfred Tacker im Wordrap

          Zu Themen wie umweltfreundliche und intelligente Verpackung, die Notwendigkeit von Verpackung oder Verpackungsinnovation nimmt Manfred Tacker im Wordrap Stellung und erzählt auch, was ihm persönlich wichtig ist.


          Studieren einfach gemacht

          Bücher mit Geld
          Förderungen & Stipendien
          Hände zeigen auf Weltkarte

          Fachwissen, Sprachkenntnisse, Horizont erweitern.

          Fisch springt in einen Wassertank mit anderen Fischen
          Offene Lehrveranstaltungen
          Bücher und Laptop
          Wissenschaftliches Schreiben
          Barrierefrei studieren
          queer @ FH Campus Wien

          Die Teilnehmer*innen des zweiten internationalen Verpackungssymposiums.
          23. Januar 2025

          Hochkarätiges Symposium zur Sicherheitsbewertung von Verpackungsmaterialien

          Die Sicherheitsbewertung von Verpackungsmaterialien stellt eine ständige Herausforderung für die Industrie dar. Am 22. Jänner veranstaltete der Fachbereich Verpackungs- und Ressourcenmanagement der FH Campus Wien das Symposium „Advances in Safety Assessment of Packaging Materials“, um mit einem internationalen Panel die neuesten Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im Verpackungsbereich zu diskutieren.

          • Applied Life Sciences
          • Networking
          • FH Highlights


          Alle Events

          Aktivitäten in Forschung & Entwicklung

          Nachhaltigkeit bei Verpackungen und bei der Herstellung von Organismen, oder etwa Allergieforschung auf der Zellebene – hier passiert zukunftsfähige Forschung.

          Downloads und Links

          Themenfolder Applied Life Sciences
          pdf, 1 MB
          Ergebnisbericht AQ Austria
          pdf, 194 KB



          Öffnungszeiten während des Semesters
          Mo bis Mi, 9.00-12.00 und 13.00-15.00 Uhr, sowie zu den jeweiligen Blockterminen

          Lehrende und Forschende


          Sie möchten mehr wissen? Wir helfen Ihnen.


          Haben Sie alle gewünschten Informationen gefunden?

          • Ja
          • Nein